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Posts posted by Remianen

  1. - Bret Hart looks horrible. The guy is reduced to being held by Batista and no fight back what so ever? After seeing this I really hope he doesn't wrestle at Mania. I hope it is Batista vs Cena with McMahon and Hart in their corners. Maybe a spot where Hart puts Vince in the sharpshooter and thats that.


    This is hilarious.


    You really expect a 50+ year old survivor of a stroke to be some awesome physical specimen? Especially given the fact that he wasn't one in his prime? The man is blessed to even still have full motor function.


    I don't have a problem calling it WWE NXT their not exactly brilliant when it comes to naming their television shows. RAW is a good name but I still have no idea why they took the Rock's catchphrase and made an entire television show and video game series around it. Sure it was a great catchphrase but it was his catchphrase not the WWE's.


    You cannot be serious. Do you not know how this all works?


    And ECW wasn't brilliant because if it was, it wouldn't have financially destructed in 2001.


    Yeah! I mean it's not like WWE took most of ECW's concept and used it as the basis for the most popular era in its history. :rolleyes:


    Honestly, people amaze me with how they can't seem to separate a concept from its execution. Paul Heyman was a creative/artistic type. Anyone who has worked with or employed people like that will tell you that you must keep them on a leash or they'll burn through money/budgets without a second thought. Ever hear the term 'starving artist'? Now, ever hear the term 'starving banker' or 'starving hedge fund manager'? Why?


    Maybe that statement should read 'ECW wasn't brilliant because WWE didn't think of it first'. Would probably be more honest that way.

  2. Actually, I heard Helms struck an unknown male, but did not strike the unknown female. Hardy was also supposedly in the taxi cab with them, and when Helms ran out of the taxi, Hardy ran after him to supposedly convince to go back to the scene. However, Hardy himself did not return to the scene.


    That must be a big or crowded cab though, full of people that might have been drunk.


    Let's see...


    Taxi Cab Driver

    Chris Jericho

    Gregory Helms

    Matt Hardy

    Unknown Male

    Unknown Female


    Um, you do realize that many cities have minivans and SUVs operating as taxis, yes? None of those men (besides the two unknowns and the the driver) are particularly large, after all.

  3. Putting this here just in case....


    Heh, I'm Haitian myself. Just that I've always expected people here and there to not care and I was even surprised to an extent so many people are willing to come together and actually look at the situation. Got me grateful to say the least. In some parts at this point, some medias try to make a quick buck by putting disheartening clips and photos on the front page, but either way that I guess that gets people helpin out.


    The simple thing is, if you're not gonna care, don't proclaim it at... this time. I thought that was common sense, and he should expect any beatdown to come his way lol. The problem about people who like to speak their mind is they don't put no consideration into the aftermath, what may come out of it and how people can react. There's even tact ways of saying you wouldn't wanna help the country. I've read such through other forums and I've come to acceptance.


    Voodoo? lol...


    I saw this exact same thing for Katrina. In fact, I SAID some borderline offensive things to family members, once they got up here. This one is no different. I was born & raised in Brooklyn, NY. I've got tons of Haitian friends. It's one thing to say something to friends or in the company of people who know you're helping and not just trying to stir up stuff. A Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck can say something because only their audience or fanbases actually care what they think (so most folks don't even hear it). But Bubba's in a bad position in that he's on national television now and has to work with people outside of his little bubble. Thus when he says something offensive (to some), he has to be willing to face the music (or guard his grill, as the case may be :p).


    Kia's a big sweetie but everyone has their limits. *shrug*

  4. Good points.


    They are very much struggling to produce any new stars for the past 6 years.


    The Main Event scene over from 5-6 years ago is alarmingly similar. I cant really put a finger on why it is like this.


    Is it that Undertaker, Triple H, HBK are blocking their way? Is it that the booking is that bad? Is it that the younger workers cant run with the push they have given them? Is it that the IWC is somehow getting in the way of the natural evolution of a wrestler?


    Something with the E has just stalled.


    lazorbeak is right. You can't take too many chances when you're in the 'E's position. Their industry is already seen as less legitimate than many (if not most) corporate sectors. So their money is made off the stars they already have (who are largely the stars of the late 90s, with a few exceptions).


    triple threat for mania? HH/hbk/taker for title????


    HBK wins rumble, then with tensions high in DX......


    HHH wins a match to win a shot to face raw champ but decides to push the issue that his title shot be against taker, setting up the triple threat.


    yay or nay.


    Um, no. That puts three of the limited number of workers who can main event Wrestlemania into ONE match. Too many eggs in that one basket. I'm probably remembering wrong but I think the 'E uses triple threats and four ways as a way of covering for a worker who perhaps can't draw necessary interest (WMXX for example). Putting three workers who can/have drawn in the same match seems off.


    They can turn show, as I read somewhere he prefers to play a face.


    Everyone prefers being a face. That's where the money is (generally speaking). But Show's in a bad place since he's one of the few 'monster' type heels they have who can actually work a match.


    They could have had Sheamus vs Kofi and had Sheamus destroy Kofi so Sheamus would have victory over someone who gave Orton A TON of trouble.


    So you completely extinguish Kofi's heat and momentum that you've spent the last 6 months building?


    Hell "trade" Henry over to smackdown so MVP can become an uppermidcarder without either men doing a heel change. Maybe get Khali to have a UMC Face Jobber.


    So how do you rebuild Khali to make him credible again if he's jobbing? He's a monster with limited to no in-ring skills and almost no charisma. He needs to be seen as a threat at all times. That doesn't happen if he's jobbing constantly.


    Turn Ted

    And do what with Cody? I don't think Cody has his father's gifts so he and Ted are a package deal.


    Find a way to push Santino as a UMC level "fun babyface" let him use his cage fighting skills in matches.


    I think Santino's in a perfect position, personally. Sure, he could be booked stronger but he bounces back from losses and still remains relevant to E fans.


    They have options they just REFUSE to use them


    Well, while good, the options you suggest answer some questions but create other problems that would need to be addressed. I thought for sure that they would've turned Ted leading up to the release of The Marine 2 and maybe turn him back with a swerve at the Rumble but that didn't happen.

  5. By the way, Tara carrying a tarantula to the ring is really stupid.


    Yeah, just like Jake Roberts! And the British Bulldogs! And Koko B. Ware. And....


    He's probably fine, but I just don't see how he got this much hype coming in. He hasn't ever been much of anything.


    Good for TNA if people watch because of Anderson, but I really thought he sucked. He's just so generic and I've always felt that way about him. All he has is a good voice.


    Much of what Ken is known for, there are people who would give anything for. He's not an Elijah Burke level person (but few people that young are) but having that one hook can often make you employable.


    Aside from Angle/AJ, the guys that stood out to me were Kendrick and Pope. Those two guys have a lot they do in the ring that I'm a fan of. I know Wolfe is the bigger guy right now, but I think Pope could easily be TNA's Booker T long term. I hope Kendrick sticks around long term as I really really liked what I saw out of him.


    Different strokes. Personally, I've never been too high on Booker. I don't think he's nearly as charismatic as Burke is (or at least, it's not as obvious) and Booker T on the mic is like Hattie McDaniels for all intents and purposes. Good caricature though, if that counts for anything.


    what is a solarium, do you mean a tanning bed as that would of been better to say


    No, he means a solarium. Just because you don't understand what a word means, doesn't mean it's not the correct thing to say.


    That's kinda harsh. :p chris is close. Sunrooms are similar to solariums, except for their purpose. If I remember right, solariums are built for sun exposure (and usually out of glass) whereas with sunrooms, the 'sun' part is a bit of a misnomer since they're usually built for casual viewing (not sun exposure). A sunroom is often shaded (you see them a lot in Florida dwellings) whereas a solarium by design is there to invite the sun.





    Sunroom is covered on three sides (roof and both sides) with the front in glass. You can tan in a solarium much easier than a sunroom (since the room's exposure to the sun is much longer and larger).



    ANYWAY, I liked the show a lot. They found the perfect capacity for Ric Flair and the one person on the entire roster who can profit (the company and his own stock) most from Flair. I wouldn't be mad if they build a stable around these two (get some more folks learning at the feet of one of the masters).

  6. Dude, do you have any idea how bad a question that is? What's happening with the TNA reboot and how I'd handle a promotion in TEW is completely apples and oranges. I'm not one of these guys who feels I gotta change three quarters of the gimmicks and fire everyone who isn't a potential Cornell Day 1.


    So HAVE to? No. Not in the least.


    TEND to? Pretty much. I may push the guys I feel like pushing and eliminate the dead weight as I see it. But as much as possible, I prefer to play the junk off the scene rather than just flat out firing them.


    Which is your right. However, typically the reason why a booker is replaced is because....what s/he was doing wasn't working (or wasn't working well enough). Most people look to immediately correct that while at the same time putting their own stamp on things. This is no different to Allen & Shanahan in Washington (if you think that team is returning intact, I've got oceanfront property in Nevada you might like to see) or any coach/GM taking over a team.


    Trust me, I am not a fan of Hogan (though Bischoff has his moments) but I totally understand TNA's choice to basically turn away from old characterizations. If you're trying to sell 'NEW', you don't begin by continuing the OLD. (Yes, I realize the irony in that statement :p) It's like promising someone a new car and giving them a Dodge Dart. Yes, technically it's new (to them, because they didn't own it previously) but it doesn't fit the image of the statement.

  7. Couldn't disagree me more. This was a a WWE type moment here for me. This was so bizarre and so far out in left field it shook me right out of the illusion and had me asking what the hell they thought they were doing. If the company's so bereft of talent, then why in God's name did he spend so much time fighting with the Main Event Mafia? Why didn't he just join them? He wouldn't have been the first guy to have suddenly gone from blood feuding with a guy to teaming up with him. And why did he endure (with all due respect) the mercurial nutburger that is Mick Foley? At least with the MEM, he'd have known from week to week whether they were going to shake his hand or kick him in the nuts. Jarrett's spent an awful lot of time defending the roster and fighting for them to suddenly find them unworthy.


    cappyboy, did you really expect for a new regime to "take over" and be held to the old regime's characterizations? Honestly. As PeterHilton said, this is a reboot. When you take over a promotion in TEW, do you have to keep with everything the previous booker did?


    To me, that line made the promo because it's so absurd. That's like 'Susan Boyle is gorgeous' or 'Kevin Nash is easily the best technician on the planet'. Everything else was 'meh' about it with Bischoff as the only person who seemed to hit his lines properly.

  8. I don't get why girls think tooth pick skinny makes them looks hot.


    You have got to be kidding me. You can't possibly be serious. You really don't know why? :confused:


    I used to laugh at the Beautiful People's entrance, when they straddled the ring ropes and Velvet would point the cameraman at her postage stamp booty. :p


    I'm hoping this pointless booking has...a point. I'm also praying to every diety on Earth (as well as Faerun) that Beer Money doesn't lay down for Hall & Nash. I did like Jarrett's heel turn though ("There aint enough talent in this company to fill a coffee cup").

  9. Come on! Welcome to Nastyville!!! You didn't enjoy that? :)


    No. And if the Nasty Boys show up on Genesis, it's a guaranteed 'pass' for me. Nasty Boys-3D is bound to be as awful as Angle-Styles is good (probably moreso). It's like saying in order to get with the hot girl, you have to do the grenade first. Ugh.


    Those two probably look as bad as Jim Neidhart did.

  10. Mr. Johnson stands to make a fair amount of money off any such project, especially since I believe he still owns the name The Rock.


    He does not. I don't think he ever has. There's a reason he phased it out of his billing name. If you look at his movie credits, in every movie he's done with 'The Rock' moniker, there's a little blurb in the opening credits that says, "In Association with WWE Films". That means WWE was getting a cut (however small) for licensing the name for the use of the movie. By dropping it altogether, WWE gets nothing for 'Tooth Fairy' or 'Spy Hunter' or 'Get Smart' or 'Doom'. Think about it. The Rock name has value. Why would he stop using it altogether if he owned it?


    It makes sense to me. By switching jobs to the competition, you could potentially take a lot of valuable and damaging information with you. Depending on what area of the company you worked for, that could cause a ton of problems for your former employer.


    *shrug* It's not universal though. When I worked for American Express, I was on the team that developed the 'Blue' card (with the gimmick microchip in the center?) from conception to launch. I signed an NDA but there was no non-compete clause in it. To this day I can tell you how the Centurion card (aka "the black card") was developed since it was based largely on Blue and the Platinum card (which Blue took a lot of internal elements from). In fact, three members of that team went to Visa and helped them develop their Black card. Now, maybe I'm not seeing something here but I'm guessing internal details on credit card programs might be considered a bit more sensitive than a wireless salesperson's knowledge. Could definitely be wrong though and the two industries might have very different priorities.


    Non competes are often a fact of corporate life though. A friend of mine is a litigator with a top firm here and if she leaves her job (or is fired for incompetence or something), she has to cool her heels for 3 months before she can get back on the horse, with a few stated exceptions (lobbying or non-legal fields).

  11. It means that the WWE has consistently produced a product that more people across a wider variety of audience types are interested in spending their money on for a longer period of time than any other promotion in history.


    If that doesn't mean 'better' to you ..so be it.


    But they are the most successful at doing the most important thing in their industry.


    Everything else is totally subjective.


    Generally speaking, this might be correct. But there are problems that come with this. Just ask General Motors and Ford. When you're that big, it's hard to be nimble and responsiveness is extremely important in the entertainment field.


    But jwt does have a point (even if he doesn't explain it properly). There is a lot of value in reaching 'institution' level. Embodying a product or industry and/or defining an industry or function has definite value. From 'Kleenex' to 'Kotex' to 'Google', it's clear that's true. That's where the whole 'brand management' side of marketing comes in and earns its keep. When people think 'pro wrestling', they think of ONE company and when the tide is high, that can drive your bottom line. (Conversely, when the tide is low, it can have a negative impact as we see every time some wrestler or personality associated with the industry dies).


    Isn't making money the primary goal of almost every industry?


    I just cannot equate most popular to best. Sometimes it does, but there are so many factors. Look at the film industry - what are generally seen as the "best" films each year - the ones that do the most bank at the box office or the ones who earn the accolades and awards?


    Good point. I think most people can see that. Is Windows the best operating system? Only if you don't know any better (and let's face it, most people don't). It's the most popular and has become the OS equivalent of an institution, so the point becomes moot (you don't have much of a choice in the matter, for the most part). Same can be said for Internet Explorer vs Firefox.


    From a corporate standpoint, WWE is better (though I wish their P&E was better). From a consumer standpoint (which is the very definition of personal opinion), nah. I think I've given away or turned down more tickets to WWE events than most people ever see (even traded Royal Rumble tickets for Gospelfest :p). I'm not really a fan of them (more of a casual observer, given their institutional position) but then, I'm not a fan of Kim Kardashian either but there are obviously folks out there who are. Fast food chains don't pay people a couple million to feature in their commercials if no one cares about them. How many people here are avid 'Jersey Shore' viewers? Must be a few fans somewhere if their cast members are being offered a hundred grand to hang out at a club for one night. :)

  12. What was with Hogans promos tonight?


    He was in back all day yet being shown coming in his limo???


    Telling JJ that workers can no longer rest on their name alone and have to earn their spot. An interesting choice to deliver that promo I thought.


    Yeah, that was funny to me.


    I guess Im just trying to piece together what all of these additions(Hogan, Flair, Hall) that cant wrestle are going to do when TNA has a few workers already doing that exact same thing.


    Flair can still wrestle the kind of match he always did. He never was a particularly high impact sort but he can still do a traditional style match better than 96% of TNA's current roster.


    Hall and Pac basically bring some name value. They will be gone within a few months I guarantee it. There is no way either one is motivated enough to do anything but screw up. Flair is a waste. He is the definition of a guy that can just not let it go. He should have a great thing gonig as a manager or GM in WWE but he refuses to let it go. Your 60! Your going to die in the ring...quit getting married and divorced...save some money and let you body have a rest.


    Gonna throw out some names here: Lou Thesz, Karl Gotch, Mil Mascaras. All of them able to do what they did, better than many (if not most) of their contemporaries, despite (or perhaps because of) their age. I'd put the Legends belt on Flair and let him teach the younger guys how to feed off a crowd, how to work a match on the fly, how to structure a match that makes sense, and for TNA, good God I'd let him teach them how to cut a promo. Sure he doesn't look as good physically but Flair has never been known for his physique. Hogan looks like he might be ready for a C cup, after all.


    Flair can still wrestle. Can he work TNA's spot-heavy style? Probably not. But someone needs to school the spot monkeys on how to be cruiserweights/juniors and if one match per night has to run at a different pace to accomplish that, I wouldn't mind it.


    X-Pac is far from worthless. Next to Shawn, he is easily the best worker of the Kliq.


    You must be freebasing Drano. While I'm not a fan, saying Sean Waltman is better than Triple H isn't even opinion. It's a transparent fallacy. Can you explain to me what 'Triple H heat' is and whether it's a universal term synonymous with 'awful crowd reaction'? Because I know that 'X-Pac Heat' is.


    My favourite thing about last nights TNA was "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero.


    Yeah, he's nothing if not entertaining ("Wolfie"). I really wish they'd put the X title on him rather than have Mr I Couldn't Entertain a Church Full of Relatives without help but I can do the flippity floppity dance all day.


    Hamada tweaked leg but still toughened it out good on her. I got two words for ya Divas.... Suck It!


    That's not fair. The divas (by and large) aren't wrestlers. You can't compare even Mickie to someone like Sarah Stock not even mentioning Kong (who worked/was champion in the most prominent women's promotion to date) or Hamada (who's done it since she was like 16, in both Japan and Mexico). It's like comparing high school football teams to say the Detroit Lions. Even the best high school team isn't as good as the worst NFL team. I bet even Fuuka could wrestle circles around the divas.

  13. Forgot about these two...


    CWWF All Canada Championship (What was supposed to have been done earlier.)



    CWWF All Action Championship



    Even though, Remi didn't request the All Action title, since I screwed up and named it wrong, here's a better one. (At least I think so)




    Using 'em ALL. They rock!

  14. Working on Remi's titles for the TEW '10 freebie. :D


    Here's one for early consumption...


    WINNOW Trueheart Championship






    WINNOW Dynamic Duo Tag Team Championship



    And maybe the last titles for awhile.


    The last of the WINNOW titles.


    WINNOW Shooting Star Championship



    WTF, those are freakin' AWESOME! I honestly didn't expect them this quickly! WOW! Thanks tons!

  15. RAW is very much easier to watch without your smark lenses on. Most wrestling is. If you watch with your heart and not your head, it's always easier to get emotionally invested in the action.


    Cop out. Given your particular inclination though, I'll give you a pass. The same crap line is used by bad writers and directors to justify their....well, badness. "Watch with your heart", "Don't judge", "It wasn't made for you" (so who was it made for? Lobotomized mongoloids?). Uwe Boll says the same kind of thing. Repeatedly. The same (or similar) was said about Ishtar and Water World and the first Hulk movie (apparently, fans of the character made the movie suck :rolleyes: ). But you're a screenwriter so I'm guessing you might be too close to the situation. Keep this in mind though: everything is easier to watch/consume...when you turn your brain off (since it's usually your brain that tells you "Wait, this doesn't make sense!" while air raid sirens go off in your mind). You could do 100 shots of Jaegermeister or Everclear....if you just don't think about it.


    Anyway, I noticed something while they were setting up for the 'MVP jobs to Sheamus' match. The WWE title belt.....doesn't have a name plate on it. I mean, previously when someone won the title, the very next night on Raw, the new champ came out with his name on the belt...but not this time. It's especially apparent during the tight shot of him in the ring with the belt draped over his left shoulder. The part where the nameplate should be....is blank, a black void, has no plate there at all. Hmmm........

  16. To me... I use the Title's as a prop when playing TEW. I do this, because I believe that is the realistic thing to do, especially if I base it off TNA/WWE type promotions, but I really don't know of any I wouldn't say the same thing about.


    Yeah, that's why Triple H/Cena/Taker keep carrying the props.


    Putting the title on someone that I expect to be main event at some point, even if they are not, is something I would do.


    Doesn't make it good business in the short term. Sure it can pay off in the long term sense but that's not guaranteed money. Bird in the hand and all that.


    We talked about Shaumus right off the bat, and just about everytime he did "anything" we thought meant something (at least most did).


    Actually, if I remember right, I "talked about Sheamus" in fear that they'd misuse him.


    Swagger has everything this guy has, and probably better in ring skills as well...


    Absolutely not. Seriously, do people not exist prior to signing with WWE?


    Merchandise, although a huge part when it comes down to pushes, screen time, etc.. is not the BE all END all to the Belts.


    Umm, are you serious? The belt is the central point of most money drawing programs. The only time it's not is when workers are bigger than the title (see: DX, Taker-Michaels, JeriShow). This whole thing is a setup to a 'babyface chases the title' storyline. Now, without the title, what's the babyface gonna chase? Why does he want to beat this guy? What's his motivation? Props are infinitely interchangeable and replaceable. A gun in a fight scene is easily replaced with a knife or a spatula or a pair of panties. That gun doesn't define the fight. A title in this kind of program defines the program. It represents the goal. It's a finish line of sorts. Without a finish line, where and when does a race end?


    I think you're oversimplifying things, but that's your right. I always treat titles as a symbol. My top title is always an anointment of sorts. It's me telling the fanbase that this is my top worker (or this is what my top worker is striving for). You think the Vince Lombardi trophy or the Stanley Cup is a prop? I know many who would disagree with that assertion.

  17. Shouldn't the WWE know that?


    Plus (IMHO) he isn't that funny, he just uses big words to make his average jokes appear smart. I prefer jokes that make you think about the idea or the more story teller style.


    *shrug* It's a personal thing. I like Dennis Miller (and Bill Maher and Ron White ("I was gonna!"), etc) and despise people like Dane Cook who are funnier to themselves than they are to anyone else. I mainly like Dennis Miller because he's an intelligence test (IMO). Half the references he makes requires people actually know stuff. But I would agree that WWE should've known better since he's not appealing to their audience. In fact, they would've been far better off with Dane Cook than Dennis Miller. I mean, he called Triple H "The Show". :p


    I liked a lot about this episode though. Masters and his schtick, Vicki & Santino, I loved how Randy Orton sold the chokeslam after he "beat" Taker though I didn't like how Punk got....well, punked. It fit but I didn't personally like it. King's joke about Mark Henry and computer dating was good too.

  18. Man I just started watching Raw on my DVR (so I am like 30 min behind), but damn is Dennis Miller bombing. I mean either no reaction or a few cheers with a few more boos thrown in. What a bad choice for a guest host.


    Well to be fair, WWE's audience isn't Dennis Miller's typical audience. I'll not say any more than that (to stay outta trouble :p).


    Match of the Year is Taker-Michaels or somebody needs a lobotomy.

  19. Did I just read through that and not see a Hogan promo?? If Hogan isn't winding up the crowd...yuck. It means I've got a couple of hours to sit through with the wife going "When's Hogan coming out?" "Where's Flair?" "Who's that guy?" "I don't know him, who's he?" "How old is that guy?", "Who's he?" and of course "Who's he?" intermitted with "When does this end?" and "Can we go home now?"


    God I hope you're kidding. I used to get pissed when I'd take a friend to SHIMMER shows and hear crap like that (til I just quit taking friends).


    In fairness... AJ had a brief run in WCW too when they enacted the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Division he tagged with Air Paris... A lot of those guys I would personally pay to see, probably with the massive exception of Sid Vicious... Their last Pay-Per-View was pretty good and featured Styles, Daniels and Samoa Joe in the main event and Kurt Angle and Desmond Wolfe in the semi main event (hardly a WCW love in)... Raven is pretty sweet no matter what he's doing and frankly I regard him more as a ECW megastar...


    You're a dyed in the wool WCW fan though, aren't you?


    Wrestling Observer is reporting they have signed Sweet Saraya Knight, don't know what they want with her seeing as she is 39 years old. She is British though so a WE knockout is a possibility but still. Anyone have more info on her and if she can still go?


    Sweet Saraya can still go. But you have to understand that the UK style is not the US style. If she's working the style she's most familiar with, she's easily one of the best workers the UK has. She's not a flippity floppity spot monkey (that's more Britani's style) but her strengths lie in her performance skills and charisma.


    I dunno if she can, hopefully she can still go, cause she has some talent for sure. Hope she brings her daughter with her. :)


    I dunno. Last I saw her a year ago, Britani was still really green. If she came to TNA, they'd have to restrict her to working only with the experienced hands (Hamada, Melissa, Sarah Stock, Tara, Kong) or doing color-by-numbers style matches with everyone else. Otherwise, somebody gon' get kilt! :p


    Maybe they signed Saraya to work with the Knockouts as a road agent (she'd be good at that).

  20. Maybe they are banking on the post-christmas rush and hoping that kids use up their gift cards on it.


    There are quite a few releases going that route btw. Jennifer's Body, Moon, and 9. In fact usually, the week after christmas has some unconventional dvd, and cd releases to try and capitalize on this. I'm not sure that is the case this year though.




    I know last season the post-christmas rush really helped out the holliday retail figures and the purchase of gift cards saw a significant increase. Could be they were hoping the trend would continue.


    Yeah but this holiday season is expected to be soft. There aren't nearly as many 'must have' items (ala Beanie Babies, Tickle Me Elmo, Sing & Snore Ernie, new consoles, etc) this year. So (some) retailers are kinda pissed about people banking on post-Christmas activity when that's traditionally the time they cut prices to the quick to get (leftover) stuff out the door. If they released during the official holiday shopping season, the stores could run promotions to help move units. Post-Christmas, aint nobody tryin' to hear anything but '75% off' or BOGO in this economy. At least that's the perspective of some larger retailers. "Spokesmen are like politicians. It's their job to bend the truth and outright lie because the truth is ugly as my mother-in-law" (direct quote from the manager of a Best Buy).

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