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Everything posted by Bluestillidie00

  1. So, an update on this. I looked at Phil Vibert, however he didn't want to end his hiatus (or accept any of the roles I was going to give him, so I used the in game editor to add his role as a personality, sometimes.) Kurt Laramee isn't fond of Phil, as Kurt walked out on them, so I'm planning on using the Locker Room controls to see if I can ease the conflict between the two, fingers crossed. I also offered Dharma Gregg an offer to become an Authority Figure, in case Vibert doesn't want to join us. Dharma Gregg has better entertainment skills then Vibert, but Vibert looks like a knob, and looks like a good heel authority figure, where Dharma doesn't. Not sure yet. I also sorted out the Mikey Lau issue. As opposed to having the KOTR winner receive a World Title Shot, they will be crowned the first ever SWF Television Champion, the next week on SWF Supreme!
  2. Thanks I was thinking of having a Heel Authority Figure come in and screw him over (not give him his title shot etc,) but I'm not too sure.
  3. So, I've never touched SWF before (Or the C-Verse for that matter) and while I'm waiting on Fleisch's RWC mod to release, I figured why not have a dabble at SWF. Like I mentioned, I'm so new to the C-Verse, that the only workers that I recognize are Tommy Cornell and Jack Bruce. The first thing that I did was get rid of the first Pay-Per-View (I can't remember what it's called ) and replace it with King of the Ring. I changed the date to give me a longer time to book the build up and learn about SWF. I typically use the King of the Ring to strap a rocket on someone, with the winner getting a World Title shot, and the winner will become... Mikey Lau! He's young-ish, new to the SWF roster (as far as his bio goes) and is solid in the ring. I've also decided that all his matches will be stopped via Referee Stoppage, I've gave him a new finisher called 'The Crucifixion' which is essentially a Body Lock followed by repeated MMA Elbows to the head. Akin to Bryan Danielson. I also have big plans for Spencer Spade and he was my first choice to win the KOTR, but I didn't want to strap the rocket on someone I wasn't sure about. Here is my card. I'm planning on having Joey Morgan retain the strap against a younger wrestler, not to sure who yet. The Amazing Bumfholes vs The Awesomeness will be a 'Rubber match,' and Jack Bruce vs The Crippler will end with The Crippler intentionally DQing himself, leading to a rematch, where The Crippler will walk out, and the finale will end in a Steel Cage Match. Once again, I've barely ever touched the C-Verse, but thus far I'm enjoying it!
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