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Everything posted by FellaLibby

  1. Nomad. Just... Nomad. I don't know, theres just something with his old render's and custom ones that just draw me to him in the hopes he could be a big time sleeper hit. But he is the embodiment of disappointment. I mean with me, he can have the look. But he never shows up.
  2. Well, in my game I basically used the editor to try to make myself AEW, with taking J.K. Stallings billions, making him a Mysterious Owner figure, and sign my favorite people as their contracts come to an end, and others who haven't signed exclusive deals. One of these signings was The Crippler, who I renamed to his real name Chris Morrisette, and tried to use him in the same look as Chris Benoit. I knew he was in decline but he was still a huge name and helped my company get started. I paired him up with Ernest Youngman, while also having him feud with also sign up Rick Law, who I renamed "The Law". During a routine tag match against Ace Youngblood and Roger Monterio, with All Out style going, Crippler suffered a broken neck. No one caused the injury but I'm really torn by this. I wanted to have The Crippler train up The Assassin, to be the heir. Now I'm moving to the next event and I need to figure out who to have face Law now.
  3. <p>Hey there, I just want to say that this is a great dynasty and I'm sorta jealous that you kinda sorta beat me to it because I wanted to do something similar to this but I'm very happy to see this happen. Keep at it! And I'll be following from here on. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Wolf Hawkins and Joshua Taylor ©</strong> vs Doc Hammond and Lenny Brown</p><p> Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus vs <strong>The New Syndicate</strong></p><p> Total Stone vs High Flying Hawaiian and Flying Jimmy Foxx vs <strong>Shockura vs Chris Flynn and Nick Booth</strong></p><p> <strong>El Hijo Del Neutron </strong>vs Troy Tornado</p><p> Steven Parker vs <strong>Matthew Keith</strong></p><p> T-Bone Bright vs <strong>Spencer Spade</strong></p><p> <strong>Aaron Andrews</strong> vs Killer Shark in a No Hold Barred match</p><p> <strong>Enygma</strong> vs Findlay O'Farraday</p><p> Freddy Huggins © vs <strong>Jay Chord </strong></p>
  4. Thank you GDS Before the demo is released I just wanna say thank you Adam and thank you all Grey Dog Software staff and testers who helped bring a bit of peace in these dark times for us all.
  5. Color me shocked. Most of the show was great and awesome and exceeded my expectations for sure. But the main event is the one that truly blew my mind. I recall a long while ago you released Luis because he wasn't as big as a star as Gino was at the time, and then I read about Luis Montero passing and I instantly thought it was Luis Jr! Not the father. So baring this in mind I was convinced El Fuego wasn't Luis Jr. To see this blew my mind out of the sea. Also off topic, im impressed I got the rating right lol.
  6. <p>NOTBPW Television Title Match:</p><p> <strong>'The Amazing' Jacob Jett</strong> [vs] 'Notorious' Sayeed Ali © [vs] Seeker</p><p> Comments: This is a great opening match with the C2C being there for Ali and making it possible 2 on 1 for both Jett and Seeker. Though if I'm honest with myself I see Jett getting this and having one more war with Seeker in the future.</p><p> </p><p> Grudge Match:</p><p> Dan DaLay, Robin DaLay & Sonny Wildside [vs] <strong>Logan DeColt & The CanAm Blondes</strong></p><p> Comments: I so much wish Sonny wasn't in this match, I wish he was off getting gold. But after he lost the TV title hes been lost completely and that saddens me. The DaLay's as I've made it known, are my least favorite workers and even though Robin needs something, he needs to get off his dad's back and be his own man. Logan and CanAm have been on a great upswing and I'd hate to see them lose now.</p><p> </p><p> All Action Title Match:</p><p> <strong>'Country Strong' KC Glenn</strong> © [vs] 'Supreme' Spencer Spade w/ Faith</p><p> Comments: It maybe me, but I don't find Spade nearly as exciting as his promos maybe. His matches have been subpar at best and mostly just beating local's and I honestly wonder if the segments hes in are good just as him but not with Faith. Glenn meanwhile is good as a All Action champ, though he has nothing going forward. I can see him win here and face El Fugero later and then a triple threat/handicap between these three. That would be fun.</p><p> </p><p> Grudge Match:</p><p> 'The Icon' Dan Stone Jr. [vs] <strong>'The Ace' Aaron Andrews</strong></p><p> Comments: Cool to see Danny back but no way hes beating Triple A. Either by clean or dirty interference by Edd *I can see this happening* Triple A's going forward.</p><p> </p><p> NOTBPW Tag Team Title Match:</p><p> <strong>Primed For Progress ©</strong> [vs] Iron and Stone [vs] POISON & Prometheus [vs] Mayhem</p><p> Comments: Honestly kinda sad to not see The Ring Generals here. My personal preference being Mayhem has really slunk after Mutant's loss to Prometheus and I don't think that tag gold is ready for P&P... Yet. P4P holds on for now.</p><p> </p><p> Grudge Match:</p><p> 'The Outsider' Steve DeColt [vs] <strong>'The Monster' Gargantuan w/ Floyd Goldworthy</strong></p><p> Comments: The Monster is back and ready to destroy! Feed him all and none shall be spared!!</p><p> </p><p> Grudge Match:</p><p> 'Angry' Tom Gilmore [vs] <strong>'Wild Man' Jack DeColt</strong></p><p> Comments: A wildcard for me but I'd rather see Gino vs Jack. That will be a classic. Gilmore has for all intents and purposes seems lost. He shows up every now and then but rarely do I find his wins mean much. And soon hes gonna fight John Maverick so losing here won't hurt him.</p><p> </p><p> NOTBPW Canadian Title Match:</p><p> 'Magnificent' Gino Montero © <strong>[vs]</strong> 'Mainstream' James Hernandez</p><p> Comments: These two have been red hot. But they forget the man who lost the title. Gargantuan will interfere and wreck both of these men so neither lose the match. A downer of a ending to a fantastic match but neither man can really afford to lose here.</p><p> </p><p> Bonus:</p><p> 1). Which Match will be the Match of the Night?: Gino/Hernandez</p><p> 2). What will the Overall Rating of the show be?:94</p><p> 3). Who will interfere in the Gino Montero/James Hernandez Title Match?: Gargantuan take! Gargantuan destroy! Gargantuan all the way!</p>
  7. 'The Iron Fist' Dan DaLay [vs] 'The Barbadian Barbarian' Donte Dunn Comment: As much as DaLay's aren't my favorite, he's in a upswing all of a sudden. The Ring Generals (Dean Waldorf & Marv Statler) [vs] The Coast To Coast Connection (Lenny Brown & Ross Henry) Comment: Its been awhile since we've seen the Generals and I'd be hard pressed to imagine them beating a hot act like the CTC. 'The Silent Threat' John Maverick [vs] 'The Maverick' Julian Watson Comment: Since the Silent Threat is retiring I do think the best way to go out is on his back, to his partner, The Maverick. Ernest Youngman & Wade Orson [vs] Aaron Andrews & James Hernandez Comment: Youngman and Orson are on on the hunt for the Shooting Star belt whereas Andrews and Hernandez are chasing Canadian gold. I kinda hope to see more Gargantuan in here making absolute carnage. Local Enhancement Talent [vs] 'Supreme' Spencer Spade w/ Faith Comment: Spade with Faith are becoming more and more detistible which is good and this will help establish why hes a pure heel and good at what he does. 'Magnificent' Gino Montero [vs] 'Cut Throat' Trent Shaffer Comment: Montero has been on the hottest of hot streaks and as the game would say, "he can do no wrong". If I'm correct, this is the 10th consecutive match Gino's had since before and becoming champion. BONUS: Who will be revealed as the STAR of the new Marvel Movie: Tom Gilmore
  8. Layout's pretty great Lloyd. Awesome show btw. 'The Young Gun' Ricky DeColt [vs] 'Wild Man' Jack DeColt Jack's always had a edge over Ricky, and I'm assuming its because of his star quality. Ricky in my mind just doesn't have what it takes to beat his brother on TV. Dan & Robin DaLay [vs] Lord James King & Erik Strong 'Though' My personal no hope for Robin DaLay continues. Hes been a guy who still needs to be carried and honestly thats not a bad thing. Erik Strong and The Good Lord are solid workers who Strong himself is going up whilst Dan DaLay is going down. 'The Assassin' Ernest Youngman [vs] 'Awesome' Wade Orson [vs] 'Cut Throat' Trent Shaffer A lot of things I see with this match. One, Orson just got back and looks great, could even go heel if he really wanted to. Two, Youngman's road to the top really struggled after he finally beat The Shooter and seems lost without the Ring Generals. And Three, Shaffer's on his way down but he never seems to be going fast enough down. I'm kinda hoping this will help establish that Orson's back and better than ever. Donte Dunn & Akima Brave [vs] POISON & Prometheus Dunn and Brave are fun but I don't think Brave will work with Dunn. As much as I'd love a face Akima Brave, hes been more established as a heel and Prometheus and POISON need the win more. Sonny Wildside & Solomon Gold [vs] The CanAm Blondes Quite an interesting match here. The CanAm Blondes coming off a loss from the World champion and Ricky DeColt, I kinda believe their on the way down or breaking up. Sonny has been MIA since he lost his TV title and Gold's heat with The Natural may be a upswing here. But I really think my main man Sonny will be the reason why the CanAm blondes lose. 'Magnificent' Gino Montero [vs] 'The Ace' Aaron Andrews This is going to be a barnburner on live TV. These two have had great matches in the past. And if I'm mistaken, Triple A beat Gino after he went singles. This'll be a huge match for Gino to win, getting one up on the Ace as the World champion.
  9. This isn't one of my usual tangents but, hey Lloyd, whatever happened to The Ice Man? I noticed hes not injured nor on the roster. I'm also failing to see any point of mention of if he was let go or not.
  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Munit" data-cite="Munit" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45312" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Loving the dynasty. Just curious do you have that x division title cut with the default background by any chance?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Satyr24" data-cite="Satyr24" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45312" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Gargantuan works for CGC in the default database as Gargantuan</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> He also is the being, that haunts your nightmares and dreams as he is the one and only unbeatable one.</p>
  11. <p>'Magnificent' Gino Montero [vs] <strong>'The Man Without Fear' Sonny Wildside</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p> Reason: HEY I'm back to questions and predictions! I've always liked Sonny and I fully believe he is a bigger and better future.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Robin DaLay</strong> [vs] El Fuego</p><p> Reason: As much as I don't like Robin DaLay, I think this is his one victory to get him out of the rut hes been on for months now.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>'Country Strong' KC Glenn</strong> [vs] 'Gentleman' Lord James King</p><p> Reason: Finally coming to grace the Canadian ring KC Glenn against one of my favs. Glenn walks away from this being strong and great.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>'The Barbadian Barbarian' Donte Dunn</strong> [vs] 'The Man Beast' Akima Brave</p><p> Reason: From what I've read, Dunn's still on a roll. Even though this new look for Brave is cool and all, Dunn's on the way up.</p><p> </p><p> NOTBPW Tag Team Title Match: </p><p> World's Most Wanted (Jacob Jett & Thrill Seeker) [vs] <strong>Mayhem (Aldous Blackfriar & Mutant) ©</strong></p><p> Reason: I see and wish for nothing less than eternal darkness for the tag division with Mayhem forever leading the charge of evil! Mayhem forever!!!</p><p> </p><p> 'The Young Gun' Ricky DeColt [vs] <strong>'Wild Man' Jack DeColt</strong> [vs] 'Mainstream' James Hernandez</p><p> Reason: Its been awhile since Jack's been in the Main event. We're getting close to a year. I do hope this is a return to form.</p>
  12. Did ya miss me Lloyd?! Well done with your PPV, and a incredible debut of Prometheus. Lets get back into character. Jim Rockafella here coming back with a load of questions to the one, the only TheLloyd. Good sir, its good to be back giving you questions again. 1) One of the best talks of the town is going to be Prometheus. Could you give us viewers what Prometheus was able to achieve in the developmental while he was there? 2) What happened with Wade Orson? How bad was the extent of his injury taken at the Clash Classic? 3) Can you share what plans are to come of the also soon to debut KC Glenn? 4) Gargantuan has cleaned out the entire main event scene, save for himself. With that said, how can anyone defeat the unbeatable? And whom can it be? 5) Would you ever consider giving two brands for NOTBPW? Final Question: Whom are your personal top 5 workers that you want in NOTBPW on this day?
  13. <p>Jim Rockafella here, bringing you the questions that I love to ask, to the man who loves to answer them, the one, the only, TheLloyd. Lloyd sir, well done on ending a trumendous year for NOTBPW sir! You certainly ended the year on a high note! Lets jump into some questions!</p><p> </p><p> 1) With Winter War Is Coming being the final Pay Per View for NOTBPW, do you see your company being able to ever compete with those in North America? SOTBPW? SWF? Or even USPW? Or what about the resurgence of TCW back to the prime time?</p><p> </p><p> 2) With the recent wins of Akima Brave, do you believe to solidify him as a true player, would you bring in his brother Rhino Umaga to help with your tag division?</p><p> </p><p> 3) If POISON is your Riddler, who would be his Batman? (This writer doesn't believe Steve DeColt is! Haha) And this could be anybody in the world.</p><p> </p><p> 4) Is the fate of Luis Montero true? Is he indeed gone from NOTBPW and has returned to Mexico? OR Does Luis have a role in your developmental promotion?</p><p> </p><p> 5) Gargantuan. Easily, NOTBPW's prime stars and biggest upstart. However, if his contract were to come to a end, what would you give him to ensure he never leaves?</p><p> </p><p> Fun Question) While you currently have a working agreement with another company at the moment, what other company do you wish to have a working agreement with to have a brand warfare type Pay Per View? No restrictions on whatever that company is sir.</p><p> </p><p> Final Question) Sonny Wildside, Logan DeColt and Donte Dunn all had great years. From this set of three, what do you see in them that you think would be big stars for NOTBPW?</p>
  14. <p>'The Young Gun' Ricky DeColt [vs] <strong>'The Animal' Edd Stone w/ Tim Westybrook</strong></p><p> You offered Stone a contract, you're trying to keep him happy so he doesn't leave. NOTBPW needs a active stone dang it!!</p><p> </p><p> 'The Hillbilly Heartthrob' Solomon Gold w/ The Natural [vs] <strong>'Rapid' Ross Henry w/ The CTC</strong></p><p> Im eager to see how good Henry goes alone. I was personally hoping Ali's singles would've been better. I'm thinking Henry will be.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>'The Shooting Star' Erik Strong</strong> [vs] 'The Man Beast' Akima Brave</p><p> Im thinking this is to show Strong can at least win. It would be great if Brave had a better role imo, but he fits what he's needed for. </p><p> </p><p> Loser Leaves NOTBPW: </p><p> Gino Montero [<strong>vs</strong>] Luis Montero Jr.</p><p> Im hoping this is the real result, we know of the love for Gino, but they belong together. And if this turns this turns that one must go, I truly hope is so Luis is going to the developmental. He has more uses!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>'The Assassin of the Squared Circle' Ernest Youngman</strong> [vs] 'The Living Legend' Bryan Vessey w/ Tim Westybrook</p><p> The "Youngman" beats the "legend". Maybe Ernie becomes the... Legend Killer?</p><p> </p><p> NOTBPW Television Title Match: </p><p> <strong>'The Man Without Fear' Sonny Wildside</strong> © [vs] 'Shooter' Sean Deeley</p><p> The Shooter is leaving doing the right thing by putting Wildside over, but I can imagine Deeley can NOT be happy losing to Sonny. I only hope he doesn't make Wildside look bad.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Steve DeColt & Angry Gilmore</strong> [vs] POISON & James Hernandez</p><p> The only hope I see Main Event Hernandez winning here, is seeing POISON controlling Steve DeColt some more, but... this is two main eventers vs two Upper mids.</p>
  15. <p><strong>'The Barbadian Barbarian' Donte Dunn</strong> [vs] 'The Man Beast' Akima Brave</p><p> <em>Im loving me some Dunn. I'm only wondering how long it will take before Strong betrays my boy. </em></p><p> </p><p> Local Enhancement Talents [vs] <strong>Mayhem (Aldous Blackfriar & Mutant)</strong></p><p> <em> live for the day, Mayhem rule over the Tag division. </em></p><p> </p><p> The Natural w/ Solomon Gold [vs] <strong>'The East Side Assassin' Sayeed Ali w/ The CTC</strong></p><p> <em>CTC have come and are setting some big things. I cannot wait to see who the other two are! </em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Gino Montero</strong> [vs] Logan DeColt</p><p> <em>If the Monteros hadn't been losing so much, I would've picked the Black Sheep here. But they are dying for a win here, and I think beating beating the newest addition to the DeColt family is the start. </em></p><p> </p><p> 'Cut Throat' Trent Shaffer [vs] <strong> 'Mainstream' James Hernandez</strong></p><p> <em>Main Event Hernandez is going up, while Shaffer is heading down. Its amazing to me how much Shaffer has lost recently and is still a Main Eventer. Not a bad thing though. </em></p><p> </p><p> 'No Fear' Sonny Wildside [vs] <strong> 'Wild Man' Jack DeColt</strong></p><p> <em>I suspect Logan will be why Sonny loses here. Sonny will be looking so fricken strong that he looks like he could've beaten Jack, but Logan interferes and Jack wins. Setting up a great Sonny vs Logan TV title match! </em></p>
  16. <p>Jim Rockafella here bringing in my post Pay Per View questions out to the one the only, TheLloyd! First off sir, congratulations on putting out your strongest show yet! </p><p> </p><p> First question, with Wade Orson looking to battle Primed For Progress, who would be his best friend in this battle? This writer believes the Thrill Seeker would mesh well. </p><p> </p><p> Second Question, with the departure of Mighty Cavanugh, is there anything you wish you could've played out before he left? Feuds? Potential dream matxhes? </p><p> </p><p> Third question Logan DeColt has a great ring to it, where do you see him in the future of the company? </p><p> </p><p> Fun question, if you took one person from your roster and had them team with another person whose not in NOTBPW, and they had to battle the best teams in the world, who would that person be and what would you name the team?</p><p> </p><p> Final question, would you ever introduce a new championship for any other purpose that your current titles, don't do?</p><p> </p><p> Thanks again for a amazing Nirvana In November Lloyd! I look forward to another amazing month!</p>
  17. <p>Jim Rockafella here bringing you the latest and hard questions to the one and only TheLloyd.</p><p> </p><p> 1) With the upcoming exits of Harrison Hash, Hugh Ancrie and Sean Deeley, your roster was almost down three stars, but now with the CTC Connection, do you think these new faces will not only take those previously vacant spots but send them to new heights?</p><p> </p><p> 2) If you can have any Tag Team in NOTBPW at this point, what team would it be?</p><p> </p><p> 3) With Sean Deeley leaving, is the stable name "The Shooters" still appropriate? Perhaps they could be called "The Ring Assassins"?</p><p> </p><p> 4) With Logan firmly in the DeColt family, where does this leave Robin DaLay without a partner to enhance his abilities with?</p><p> </p><p> 5) What would it take for POISON to be on the level he could've been had he never been injured a year ago?</p><p> </p><p> Final Question, Ricky DeColt, the one DeColt not to hold the Canadian title this year, what is he missing? He's got youth, he's got the family name, but he's lacking in what?</p><p> </p><p> That's all I got for you this month Lloyd looking forward to your amazing shows for the next Pay-Per-View!</p>
  18. <p>Grudge Match: </p><p> 'The Assassin of the Squared Circle' Ernest Youngman [vs] <strong>'Shooter' Sean Deeley</strong></p><p> Comments: Deeley is dying for a win. In some way or another. And I think he will get it. It just takes one German Suplex to sneak one out</p><p> </p><p> NOTBPW Television Title Match: </p><p> <strong>'No Fear' Sonny Wildside</strong> © [vs] 'Cut Throat' Trent Shaffer</p><p> Comments: You've said in the past you want to get Shaffer down the card and with everything that's happened he certainly has. Plus I think Wildside has definetly moved up on the card.</p><p> </p><p> Grudge Match: </p><p> Bad Reputation w/ Robin DaLay [vs] <strong>Logan DeColt & Jack DeColt</strong></p><p> Comments: I think this is a legitimate testament to how much I think Logan will go in this. I think HE will win over his Uncle or Frost. The Wildman and the Black Sheep will go be a great adventure.</p><p> </p><p> Luis Montero Jr. is banned from ringside: </p><p> <strong>Gino Montero </strong>[vs] 'Mainstream' James Hernandez</p><p> Comments: This win for Gino will not be clean. I invision him winning by DQ Thanks to the debut of the CTC and they will join Main Event Hernandez and that will help Hernandez move up on the card.</p><p> </p><p> NOTBPW Tag Team Title Match: </p><p> The Ring Generals [vs] <strong>Primed For Progress © w/ Bryan Vessey</strong></p><p> Comments: This will be a good match where the true team should go over. I only hope that nothing bad happens to either team. I can't imagine you putting Dean Waldorf in a singles push because his partners out.</p><p> </p><p> Grudge Match: </p><p> <strong>'The Outsider' Steve DeColt</strong><strong>[/b [vs]</strong><strong> POISON</strong></p><p><strong> Comments: I want Poison to win.... but he cannot beat The Real DeColt</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> NOTBPW Canadian Title Match: </strong></p><p><strong> Aaron Andrews [vs] Angry Gilmore [vs] </strong><strong><strong>Ricky DeColt</strong></strong><strong> [vs] Gargantuan © [vs] Danny Cavanagh [vs] Edd Stone</strong></p><p><strong> Comments: I REALLY want Gargantuan to win. I really do... BUT! Knowing what this dynasty is all about, family, and how Ricky has been booked as a legitimate outside, non factor threat AND he's the only DeColt to NOT hold the Canadian title this year... Gargantuan does his fin on Edd, Cavanagh stops The Monster from getting the win, Ricky steals it. That's what I think.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Bonus: </strong></p><p><strong> 1). Which match will be Match of the Night?: ____________6 man_______</strong></p><p><strong> 2). What will the final rating of the show be?: __________90_________ (within 5 gets a point. Spot on gets 2 points)</strong></p><p><strong> 3). Which match will be interrupted by new arrivals?: ________Gino vs Mainstream___________</strong></p><p><strong> 4). How many Titles will change hands?: _________1__________</strong></p>
  19. Well! I'm glad you like it!! I think it sets Logan right, considering he's literally the one to be a family of that hates the other. Lol. But I do have some other suggestions for the ones you're looking for: Robin DaLay - The Generation - While I may not like the DaLay's Robin is currently the future of them. I can imagine him, proudly carrying his family's name. Angry Gilmore - Bone Cold - To me this is obvious lol. Gilmore looks like Stone Cold Steve Austin and I went for something similar to Austin. If I had it my way, I'd name him - Happily Angry - The Natural - Pure - In my opinion for a nickname for The Natural, I'd just drop "The" and just call him "Pure Natural". Or maybe "The 'Pure' Natural". Gino Montero - Proud From The South - This is the most difficult for me, as I barely play any Mexican company. This is the best I can bring for Gino! Ernest Youngman - The Assassin - It honestly is the best for Youngman lol
  20. <p>Luis Montero Jr. [vs] <strong>'Mainstream' James Hernandez</strong></p><p> Comments: Main Event Hernandez coming up. And Luis is the fall guy for the Monteros. Still should be great. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Trent Shaffer & ???</strong> [vs] Sonny Wildside & ???</p><p> Comments: I imagine Shaffer and Seeker still being on good terms, which i think they will team. Either that or Seeker teams with Wildside. I do think Wildside wont have a partner. But if he is to have one, I imagine Seeker or Mark Griffin... Or Robin DeLay. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>'Awesome' Wade Orson</strong> [vs] 'All Business' Harrison Hash</p><p> Comments: Hash is getting more TV in 2 months than the entire diary. I think its good your getting his mileage out before hes released. Although interesting to see Face v Face here. Between two midcarders. Are you planning a Orson heel turn?? Tell us your secrets Lloyd!!! </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Logan DeColt</strong> [vs] Local Enhancement Talent</p><p> Comments: Time to see how the "Black Sheep" can handle being in the ring alone.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>'The Ace' Aaron Andrews</strong> [vs] 'The Enforcer' Tim Westybrook</p><p> Comments: Triple A wins via pin or DQ. I wanna say DQ to make Westybrook be viewed as dangerous as possible, and the Animals too. But I can see Triple A Walking away head up. </p><p> </p><p> 'The Outsider' Steve DeColt [vs] 'The Young Gun' Ricky DeColt [vs] <strong>'Wild Man' Jack DeColt</strong></p><p> Comments: Jack has something brewing I know it. It involves POISON. And i think Logan and Alex too. POISON will be why Steve won't win, but Ricky will take the fall. With that said, what does it gotta take to make Ricky DeColt a star damnit? Its like he never gained much from teaming with Steve, and his Star Quality like you said, is poor. Maybe facing his more popular brothers can help... </p><p> </p><p> Auto prize for the first person to guess POISON's mystery word... <strong>Anarchy</strong></p>
  21. <p>'<strong>Awesome' Wade Orson</strong> [vs] Julian Watson w/ John Maverick</p><p> Comments: Wade is going to be a huge star. I know it. He can use the win to rebound his loss.</p><p> </p><p> 'All Business' Harrison Hash [vs] <strong>Gino Montero</strong> w/ Luis Montero Jr.</p><p> Comments: Panda Mask will be missed but he will do the true honor of putting over a new tag superstar and potential Singles star.</p><p> </p><p> Number One Contenders Match </p><p> Bad Reputation [vs] The American Blondes [vs] <strong>Mayhem</strong> [vs] The Ring Generals</p><p> Comments: I will never stop till Mayhem rule the Tag division lol!!!</p><p> </p><p> Number One Contenders Match </p><p> 'Cut Throat' Trent Shaffer [vs] <strong>????</strong></p><p> Comments: Shaffer is slowly finding his way down the card and I'm interested to see who this mystery foe is. Whomever it is, will be eaten by The Monster</p><p> </p><p> <strong>'The Barbadian Barbarian' Donte Dunn</strong> [vs] 'Shooter' Sean Deeley</p><p> Comments: Normally, I would pick the Shooter in this who could use the win. But I fully suspect Youngman being the reason why Dunn would get the upset of his career. </p><p> </p><p> 'The Man Without Fear' Sonny Wildside [vs] '<strong>Wild Man' Jack DeColt</strong></p><p> Comments: Sonny maybe a man without fear but he will have too much to handle. I don't think he's done with Mainstream yet, who I think will help Sonny lose. Also Jack is a DeColt, he will have a tough handle but he will really make Sonny be a big future star.</p>
  22. <p>Great Show Lloyd. I have a couple questions for you, like I did before lol</p><p> 1) Awesome Wade shows in my mind, he can be a potential rival or best friend to the TV Champion. If they were not singles, what do you think they could add to your tag division? </p><p> </p><p> 2) If you had Rogue, would you want him to work with or be against his cousin POISON? </p><p> </p><p> 3) Who is in your mind the "Hidden Gem" or "Gems" to your roster? I.E, who do you see as the future of NOTBPW? </p><p> </p><p> 4) Fun question: Gargantuan, Mighty Cav and Tim Westybrook as a massive monster stable. Who or what can stop that in your save? </p><p> </p><p> 5) Final question, In a battle of companies, SWF, USPW, NOTBPW & SOTBPW, That was one match, who would you have represent NOTBPW? And would they win in your honest feeling? </p><p> </p><p> Keep up the great shows Lloyd. The diray is great and i don't want the fun to end.</p>
  23. <p>CAGE Match: </p><p> <strong>'The Ace' Aaron Andrews</strong> [vs] 'The Animal' Edd Stone w/ Tim Westybrook</p><p> Comments: What a way to open up the show. This is prime to be a show stealer. Triple A gets his first huge win beating the odds. </p><p> </p><p> CAGE Match: </p><p> <strong>'Awesome' Wade Orson</strong> [vs] POISON</p><p> Comments: I like POISON so much. I've always been a fan of Joey Poison. But his time has past sadly. Orson though, has turned me into a fan of his. I expect huge things from him. Hopefully he will never get hurt. </p><p> </p><p> Grudge Match: </p><p> 'The Iron Fist' Dan DaLay [vs] <strong>'Wild Man' Jack DeColt</strong></p><p> Comments: Clean or with help from Logan, in no existence is Dan DaLay ever going to one up Jack. He maybe able to swindle through Alex DeColt, but not the Wild Man. </p><p> </p><p> NOTBPW Tag Team Title Match: </p><p> Trent Shaffer & Thrill Seeker [vs] <strong>Cameron Vessey & Christian Price ©</strong> w/ Bryan Vessey</p><p> Comments: A great card, with this? This is the one match i do not like seeing. In no way do Shaffer and Seeker earn this match, and Storyline reasons don't do it justice I'm afraid. Its a great disservice to Mayhem, who deserve their tag reign. P4P also just won these belts. They in my book, deserve it more than these two. </p><p> </p><p> NOTBPW Television Title, 2 out of 3 Falls Match: </p><p> <strong>'No Fear' Sonny Wildside ©</strong> [vs] 'Mainstream' James Hernandez</p><p> Comments: Mainstream has to move on. I enjoy him in a Miz like role obsession for the TV title. But its time to go to the Wildside. I imagine this being, 2-1 Sonny winning with his amazing finisher.</p><p> </p><p> First Time Ever Match: </p><p> Steve DeColt & Ricky DeColt [vs] <strong>Gino Montero & Luis Montero Jr</strong>.</p><p> Comments: The Monteros need this win, but it will NOT be clean i can see it. Ricky may betray Steve because he will feel like he is being used by Steve, just like Jack was using him to try to elevate his own, rather than for the both of them. </p><p> </p><p> NOTBPW Canadian Title, CAGE Match: </p><p> Angry Gilmore [vs] <strong>'The Monster' Gargantuan ©</strong></p><p> Comments: I really don't see how Gilmore can beat the Monster. He's a great wrestler, but the Monster already beat him. The Cage will be the surefire end to him. </p><p> </p><p> Bonus: </p><p> 1). Which match will be Match of the Night?: ___________________Wildside v Mainstream </p><p> 2). What will the overall show rating be?: ____86_______________ (within 5 gets a point. Spot on gets 2 points)</p><p> 3). How many Titles will change hands?: (out of three) ____________0_______</p>
  24. <p>I just get my two cents in the whole "secrets out" thing. Now personally, I never liked the story idea. I mean I understand it. I do, Bad Reputation using this whole secret and Logan against Alex DeColt to give them what they want. But to me, I always felt like the alignment of heel v face was, backwards. I never truly found Dan DaLay and Derek Frost likeable. Robin DaLay even less likeable in my book. And using a skeleton in a closet-like way to extort things to get what you want, just sounds heelish to me. But I get why they would use it against a rampant tyrant like Alex DeColt. The guy needs some screws. <strong>AND YET! Despite my dislike for the story and the parties involved, Romy changes everything. She is likeable and I can follow her with this. Maybe Logan has a better role to play in the future. We'll see won't we?! </strong><img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong> </strong></p><p> </p><p> NOTBPW Tag Team Title Match: </p><p> <strong>Bad Reputation (Dan DaLay & Derek Frost)</strong> © [vs] Primed For Progress (Cameron Vessey & Christian Price)</p><p> Comment: <em>I personally see PFP as the better team. They are youthful, hungry, and full of upside! But I just have this gut feeling that Bad Reputation will sneak out a win here with some help. Also to help give Mayhem a true tag match for the titles</em>.</p><p> </p><p> 'The Assassin of the Squared Circle' Ernest Youngman [vs] <strong>'Shooter' Sean Deeley</strong></p><p> Comment: <em>I was kinda hoping against hope that one of the Ring Generals would accept this match against Deeley. But even so, none of the Shooters are better than the REAL Shooter. He gets this one in a shockingly competitive contest.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Los Monteros (Gino & Luis Jr.)</strong> [vs] 'Gentleman' Lord James King & 'Mr. Impact' Hugh Ancrie</p><p> Comment: <em>Los Monteros, in my opinion, got lost in the shuffle so quickly. Their coming to NOTBPW has been Triple A's momentumlike. Not their fault but their promos don't give them justice as they should. I'm not sold on them. But true teams are needed more than ever and they can easily beat a team that isn't a team. I just wish the Gentleman didn't have to be in it. </em><img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> The American Blondes (Solmon Gold & The Natural) [vs] <strong>Mayhem (Aldous Blackfriar & Mutant)</strong></p><p> Comment: <em>I see nothing less than Darkness befalling NOTBPW when Mayhem get the Tag titles</em>!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>'Cut Throat' Trent Shaffer</strong> [vs] 'High Energy' Thrill Seeker</p><p> Comment: <em>An established main eventer vs a man who is desperate to stay relevant without his partner. Cut Throat could be s potential challenger in a multi man match against Gargantuan, and so can Seeker. But I cannot see Seeker breaking out. He's a talented performer. One of the best high flyers. But Cut Throat is the better man in terms of all round skills</em>.</p><p> </p><p> Angry Gilmore [<strong>vs</strong>] 'The Ace' Aaron Andrews</p><p> Comment: I'm calling a Double DQ. Neither man can truly lose this. Triple A needs to keep up momentum. Gilmore needs to rebuild some momentum after losing to The Monster. I can envision Stones group coming in and ruining this match but Gilmore being taken to the back against Tim Westybrook and Triple A being the last man standing after hitting his finisher on one of the PFP.</p>
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