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Posts posted by codey_v2

  1. ...and now I'm in the midst of a stroke of booking genius.


    I was looking for positive backstage influences to hire and came across a 100% heel, free spirit personality having young brawler, and I gave him the gimmick of a Vietnam War protesting hippie heel deep in the heart of Texas. Camden Sines is a heat machine, and the perfect heel foil for my #1 face, Gorgeous Glenn Chenoweth.


    On a side note, I love the names in this mod. They're all suitably old fashioned. Like, in a normal TEW database game I rename Ernest Youngman to just Youngman everytime I hire him because Ernest is waaaaaay too old school for me, but not anymore!

  2. I simmed up to 1970 and then started an insignificant promotion in my hometown of Austin, Texas.


    Japanese wrestling is running the world right now, but the game pretty started with Mexico being king for a good 30 years. I think American and Canadian wrestling is about to take a leap, though, as just about every promotion has leveraged easily accessible television networks into huge popularity growths. Hell, I qualified for the mid south's public access network as soon as my 10 popularity company was founded, and in a year I got my popularity up to 16 with only one show a month.

  3. I guess from a simulation standpoint you could consider that when he was hired and brought in for a medical eval something problematic was discovered. I can't remember it happening in real life with retirements, but WWE has released people directly following their signings because of things their medical team found. Willie Mack is a recent example, as he was released due to health-related issues right after showing up to the PC.
  4. I'm a massive hoarder of talent. I can't let people go and I always want who I don't have already.


    I'm actually working on it in my current game. The first thing I did was a brand split to force me work with smaller rosters. Then I made a rule that anyone that wasn't a midcarder or I planned on pushing as a future main eventer like Cornell Jr. would only get signed for a year, two tops. If I haven't pushed them outside of random throw together tag teams, they're gone.


    I've also tried to focus more on specific talents. Not even just guys that I want in the main event, but my midcard as well. I used to have a big problem with just using midcard guys interchangeably (like WWE...) and I found that when I did the brand split, I only had a couple of guys that were over to carry my midcard and a massive amount of complete unknowns. So I just picked a few of them, and they're the guys that I'm pushing hard into my midcard for the next year. They get matches against main event and lose, but for the most part they beat everyone they come up against. I'm done with flavor of the month booking (for now lol).

  5. Not to disagree with everything you've said, but I recently hired Zap Powerson, put him in three matches with the dominate note over workers at ~20 pop, and he went from 30 to 33 pop in a month. If you've had Goldberg dominating for a year and he hasn't gained anything there might be something wrong with your version of the game. Or there could be be other factors. Is he already pretty over or is he starting fresh at the bottom of the ladder? There might be a point where you start getting diminishing returns from squashing people with no overness.
  6. Sorry to double post, but I had another thought. I became the #1 promotion in the world as MAW, had endless cash flow, and the game was easy to just crank out ratings because my top end was super over. To add a challenge to the game, I did two things.


    First, I initiated a brand split, and it really opened my eyes. My top guys were great, all over, talented, but my midcard was weak. I had a few guys to push up the card, but a bunch of really unpopular guys that I now had to figure out a way to get over fast so that my booking at the top of the card didn't get as repetitive as WWE's, where you just see the same main event matches for years on end.


    Second, I turned on young lions for the company and started booking them like New Japan does. They're characterless jobbers that are learning to work until they hit the 20-25 exp range, and then I send them out on excursion. When they come back, I make it a goal to push them up the card. Instead of just hiring the usual suspects like David Stone (who's destiny roll is kind of crap in my game...) I force myself to work with guys that began from nothing, and it's been satisfying watching some turn into legitimate workers.

  7. If you don't want to create a new world title, I'd say your best bet is to make a unique show totally unlike Nitro. Since you're running WCW, the cruiserweights are a good idea. Make it a 205 Live type show, or since this is presumably the late 90s/early 2000s go full in on an ECW type brand on a more mature network with lots of hardcore action. Call it WCW After Hours or something of the sort.
  8. I'm a couple of years into my idea of starting a dojo and activating young lions, and it's made the game terrificly fun. I've got excursion deals going with WLW and APW, and I typically send my young lions away once they reach the 22 exp range. One of the wrestlers from my first class is inching toward the world title on one of my brands, and I'm about t get back two guys that WLW paired up and are looking like my future tag stars (over The LA Stars, who are my current...stars).


    I definitely recommend everyone running a game like this for MAW. Now that I'm the #1 promotion in the world, there's no where for wrestlers to graduate to like Rip Chord intended, so this is the thing that makes the most sense to me in keeping with that tradition.

  9. Ok, so I was wrong and that wasn't a fix. It only created around 15 workers for the one American company I left in the database, and nothing else. The handbook says that if there's no active company or training school in the area then it would create a pool of 25 workers so that an indy scene could be active, but it won't do that even years down the road. I have no training schools open right now so every area besides the US should theoretically have enough wrestlers to form an indy scene.


    Anyone have an idea of what I'm doing wrong?

  10. I started a new database that begins in 1930 so I can develop a game world organically, and I'm having an issue in that no workers are generating. The only worker in my database is The Grand Avatar so it will run, and five years in he's still the only one.


    I did add two eras to the game so I can set the early years as no broadcasting, then no PPV, so is there an option in the eras that I missed to make sure workers generate or not? Or is it somewhere else in the editor?


    I should also add that I do have the worker names still in the DB so they can generate.

  11. I'm running a pretty fun game idea right now. Basically, I started a tiny promotion that has a maxed out performance center, and I made a rule that I only hire graduates. It's pretty interesting so far. There's about a 50/50 positive/negative attitude ratio, so I actually get to contend with an interesting locker room. Plus, because I get Stars from other sports that are over (I've got two guys in the 50s and a few in the 30s) I have to figure out how to work with having untalented guys at the top of card while having the talented guys stuck in the undercard. I can't wait until I get on Wrestleworld and can build up the popularity of some of the truly talented guys I've had graduate.
  12. Who was in the original Syndicate in TCW and who was later added


    The originals were Tommy Cornell, Sam Keith, Wolf Hawkins, and The Machines (Brent Hill and John Anderson). Tommy was the leader, Hawkins was the next big thing, Keith was the #2 man, like a younger Ric Flair in evolution, and the machines held the tag division down.


    I'm pretty sure one or two guys got added, but I can't remember, sorry!

  13. It's July 2023, and Ernest Youngman is far and away the best worker in the world right now. I had him on my roster until August 2020 as MAW, but TCW snatched him up and he skyrocketed from there. #2 wrestler in the world in 2021 and #1 in 2022. Now, USPW just poached him when his short two year TCW contract came up, and I wonder if he'll be just as dominate there. I guess I should also say that he's the current TCW champ and I'm curious to see if the AI is smart enough to get the belt off of him now.
  14. I cannot find anyone in my quick look, but I didn't look at the tag divisions. Angry Gilmore would be able to do it, as would KC Glenn (Gilmore is a heavyweight now, Glenn can be bumped up).


    Why is Kid San Juan's mask self owned and not company owned?


    Kid San Juan just worked better as a gimmick for him, so he switched over to it permanently. Most indy promotions in real life don't own the gimmicks they give wrestlers much less than their names, and in the C-Verse it's rare for even the big companies to own gimmicks and names. I mean, the Enygma character is totally an SWF creation, to the point no one even knows his identity, and he's worked as Enygma in USPW for twice as long as he was did in SWF.

  15. One of my favorite additions to the game world this time around is the Wrestle World broadcasters. No longer do we have a bunch of indy promotions like NYCW, UEW, and VWA just stuck in the position forever and never growing outside of their home region because they can't get on a broadcaster. Now, you really get to see the game world evolve because companies are actually able to reach medium status, whereas before that was such a ridiculously low occurrence.


    And you've still got a large turnover of promotions at the bottom end because of it. The companies on Wrestle World end up driving up the contract demands for wrestlers, and they can put poor companies out of business pretty easily, so there's a fairly regular flow of new promotions coming into existence.

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