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Posts posted by MarkyGeorge

  1. What's everybody doing in terms of the SWF Network? Are you waiting until you have just enough to start it in the US and upgrade after that, or are you waiting until you have a ton of cash to start it as big sized?


    I want to go ahead and get it going as ASAP just so I can get RIPW some national coverage, but wasn't sure if that was the best option.


    I think I'm going to wait until I've got enough cash that the Network will be at least as big as the coverage available to me in each region already.


    In order to help development I might try to replicate NXT, in terms of creating a 'developmental brand' (but keeping RIPW open so that I can have the guys that are nowhere close to main roster down there and the guys that are much closer to the main roster on the other brand) but run it as a B show on whatever TV channel will give me a B show.

  2. If you click the ? button next to the match length slider it'll tell you. ;)


    Match lengths are very relaxed in 2016. As a rough guide: Lower card matches are under 10 minutes, midcard matches are 10-20 minutes and main events are 20+. There's a lot of leeway though, you only get penalised if you go ridiculously far away from the guidelines (20 minute openers, or 3 minute main events).


    Feel free to use whatever length matches you feel are appropriate.


    Regarding the openers, is that determined by match order or the participants? For example if I replicated Bryan/HHH at Wrestlemania 30 would that be penalised, or would the game recognise that the players involved are big deals and allow it?

  3. Welcome to the jungle has a battle royal listed though, held after the biggest event. Whats the canon function with this one?


    I've always moved it to two months before The Supreme Challenge and used it identically to the Royal Rumble.


    This year I'm going to do the same and replace the post-Supreme Challenge PPV with a Christian Faith Legacy Tournament, for midcarders/upper midcarders that I'm looking to transition into the main event.

  4. Turning Rogue isn't a bad idea. It'll also allow for him and Valiant to reform as a team (you'll have to add it to the database) and give you a main event tandem to feud with whatever team is on top.


    I'm thinking about doing this post-Supreme Challenge to set up a feud against The Crippler and a repacked Jungle Lord, with the angle being that Crippler (ahead of a title match) encourages Lord and Captain Atomic to drop their gimmicky personas and take their careers more seriously, with Lord taking his advice and betraying Atomic who turns into an avenger-type superhero.

  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rayelek" data-cite="Rayelek" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41191" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span>http://i.imgur.com/2vEO2Za.png</span><p> </p><p> My figurehead beat up my boss. There's no way this ends well for me, is there?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> This is my favourite so far. Let us know what you did and what the consequence was, please!</p>
  6. So let'd get this started. I have never seriously booked USPW for any long term game because it was too hard for me to get decent/good grades but with the new system I am doing decent enough (still a lot of room for improvement) that I am tossing around ideas for a long term game.


    So, how do you guys book Steve Frehley? I am thinking of approaching the storyline with Nicky Champion in a Bret Hart/Steve Austin way with a double turn at the end. With Champion growing stale and his "white meat babyface" character being obsessed with recovering the title, while Frehley just likes to kick-ass and hurt people. Frehley will keep kicking Champion's behind while Champion keeps coming back for more until finally he resorts to cheating to beat him for the belt.


    Is a "Stone Cold-lite" (minus the cursing, we are Family Friendly after all!) work as an approach for Frehley? How was he portrayed in past games? (I never played SWF).


    He used to start out as a babyface for SWF; I always thought of him as a similar type of babyface to how Sheamus was portrayed from 2011 through to 2014. A hard hitting, powerful brawler that did more fighting than talking.

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