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Everything posted by DarK_RaideR

  1. Savage Slam Thursday, Week 2, September 2022 Sendai, Tohoku Region, 1.445 fans in attendance (21.895 viewers on WrestleWorld Japan) Special Tag Team match Cannibal Crew vs Lady Lotus & Shion Ayasato Tag team action to get things started this month, with former champions Cannibal Crew bringing the violence against the power-and-grace coupling of Lady Lotus and Ayasato. Although hard hitting, the match was more akin to a hardcore bout than an all out deathmatch and it ended with Ayasato paying her dues after she made a rookie mistake to lose control and allow Maneater to hit her with a Chop Top Drop for the pin. Rating: 49 Individual performances: Maneater 37, Etelka 47, Lotus 63, Ayasato 39 Special Singles match "Punisher" Piper Hale vs Yu Hashimoto This was every bit the hard hitting brawl you'd expect from these two, fast paced with no rest holds or stalling but still contained within the ropes more or less, as opposed to Hashimoto's arena-wide brawl against Perez last month. Bit of an odd moment when Hashimoto seemed to take a sloppy atomic drop, but she pulled through and put Hale through a table, before pulling her up for he End Game spinning back fist to win the bout. Rating: 38 Individual performances: Hale 49, Hashimoto 51 WQ2020 Blood Sisters titles match Hooligan Sisters vs Ai Kon & Petra Forsberg Following up on last month's challenge, Ai Kon and Forsberg stepped in the ring for what turned out to be a pretty decent match. The two of them seem like they've got the whole "cute pop star wrestler" act much better than Iha and Mizucore ever did thanks to posessing some actual in-ring talent, but it wasn't enough to see them through as a Penalty Kick flattened Ai Kon after ten or so minutes into the match. Hooligan Sisters retain and this time it was a clean win to boot. Rating: 51 Individual performances: Helena 60, Hannah 52, Forsberg 40, Ai Kon 58 WQ2020 Internet title match Ramona Diaz vs Monster Ishimura You'd never expect to see these two leviathians go at it in a spotfest, but WQ2020 is all about breaking boundaries and innovating. Diaz had it much better thanks to the ease with which she moves around the ring for a woman of her size, but with 5SSW going all out in advertising her as a big signing, the writing was on the wall here and predictably enough, she took the loss to pass the title on her way out, ending her short tenure with WQ2020 before moving on to what's now officially considered "the competition". Rating: 44 Individual performances: Diaz 45, Ishimura 34 Dr. Yumaniac made her entrance next and took some time on the mic to cut a promo on the woman that attacked her last month. Skuletta is an old familiar face but Dr. Yumaniac didn't hold back, as she mentioned how she was the one responsible for every success Skuletta has had in the business, before saying she's now in WQ2020 to steal her spotlight but she's gonna put her in her place. Rating: 55 Singles Deathmatch Dr. Yumaniac vs Skuletta Violence picked up with this match and both women ended up sporting the crimson mask over their painted faces for an impressive visual. Not much technique on display, this was all about big weapon shots or crazy dives, which all built up to Dr. Yumaniac receiving the Skull Crushing Finale onto a chair for the pin. Skuletta wins her debut match in the company and most likely stakes her claim for a shot at Dr. Yumaniac's title in the near future! Rating: 52 Individual performances: Yumaniac 65, Skuletta 45 Mask vs Mask Barbed Wire Deathmatch w/ Annibelle the Cannabelle vs Kitsune Danger (with Fujiko Mushashibo) Really an all-or-nothing situation in the main event as Annibelle put her mask on the line for one last shot at Kitsune Danger, after the latter made a habit of ripping her mask to slap on the Kajahara Claw. Replacing the ring ropes with barbed wire made things even crazier and both women sold the stipulation well, initially barely avoiding the wires to build up anticipation but gradually crashing onto it. Annibelle had a particularly scary moment when she seemed to get all tangled in the wires, but she survived and kept fighting, eventually even managing to put her opponent through a door wrapped in barb wire that she'd also set on fire for good measure. There was no going back from there and after a dramatic execution of her Receive Death finisher, Annibelle scored the pinfall to win the match. Rating: 56 Individual performances: Annibelle 38, Danger 75 In the aftermath, Mushashibo rushed in to assist her fallen friend, but Kitsune Danger struggled back to her feet and did the honourable thing, removing her own mask which she surrendered to Annibelle the Cannabelle. How is she even creepier without the mask on? Show rating: 51
  2. Bloodied yet Unbowed Sunday, Week 2, August 2022 Sendai, Tohoku Region, 1.351 fans in attendance (25.324 viewers on WrestleWorld Japan) Tag Team Deathmatch Gaijin Wrecking Crew vs INSANITY Just seeing the matchup card here prepared you for what would follow and indeed, chaos ensued. INSANITY seemed to perform better now in a lower pressure spot on the card, on top of getting comfortable with the WQ2020 style so it was a pretty even match with tons of violence. No crazy spots to hunt for a big crowd pop, yet there still seemed to be some minor legit injuries happening that thankfully didn't affect the final outcome that much. The finish saw Gross hit the Battery Driver on Boone for the pin. Rating: 33 Individual performances: Stabby 44, Boone 46, Gross 49, Morgan 38 Ai Kon and Petra Forsberg hit the ring next to perform their little idol song/dance routine. What's interesting though is the lyrics were actually a promo, meant to challenge for the tag team titles. By the end of it, the Hooligan Sisters came out looking a bit confused, but still accepted the challlenge. Rating: 51 Singles Showcase match Pinky Perez vs Yu Hashimoto Wait, what? Yu Hashimoto? Right, it's been some two and a half years since she quit 5SSW, so it's not a case of invasion by the rival company but rather her return to action. What was even more surprising was the fact that Perez went toe to toe with the infamous bruiser in a crazy arena-wide brawl. Seeing the otherwise high flying luchadora get down and dirty was a sight to behold, but Hashimoto wasn't there to lose on her debut night and return to the ring after so long. It may have taken three of her spinning back fists she calls "The End Game" but in the end Perez fell and Hashimoto made her statement of arrival. Rating: 52 Individual performances: Perez 52, Hashimoto 45 Singles Deathmatch Monster Ishimura vs "Punisher" Piper Hale New look and moniker for Piper Hale, who showed up with a new attitude for this fight. Not much else changed in terms of in-ring action for Hale, though she's still turning into a great worker with every match and it showed here, leaving Ishimura somewhat exposed in comparison. Unfortunately for the two women, they had to take it easy and not burn out the crowd after the two crazy matches that came before, which means this bout didn't turn out as good as it could have been. Still, a great showing for Hale who went the distance against the former champion and a much needed win for Ishimura after a Running Butt Avalanche. Rating: 48 Individual performances: Hale 53, Ishimura 38 I Quit Deathmatch w/ Annibelle the Cannabelle vs Kitsune Danger (with Fujiko Mushashibo) As if a Deathmatch wasn't enough of a crazy stipulation to put Annibelle and Danger in, this had the added caveat of only ending via one of the competitors giving up. Ultraviolence aside, this was a great example of storytelling, as the match was built around both competitors wearing a mask; with facial expressions out of the question, the two women had to use their body to showcase their struggle, the pain but also their fighting spirit as they tried to go above and beyond to win the match. Furthermore, there was a fair bit of mask pulling involved, with Annibelle seeking revenge for what happened to her last month while Danger attempted a repeat as she tried to tear her opponent's mask and slap on the Kajahara Claw. This all built to the big finish of Danger doing her signature spot of applying the Claw to herself in order to get the adrenaline going, before her burst made her rip Annibelle's mask to put her in the Kajahara Claw, forcing a panicked tap out as she couldn't speak on the mic to verbally give up. Rating: 58 Individual performances: Danger 70, Annibelle 34 The whole emphasis on the masks wasn't just paid off in the finish of the match. Just as Mushashibo was helping her victorious friend back to the locker room, Annibelle grabbed a mic and roared her challenge for one last match. Well aware that Danger had no reason to accept, she used the ace up her sleeve to make it happen by putting her mask on the line: Annibelle the Cannibelle versus Kitsune Danger, mask versus mask! Rating: 35 Special Tag Team match Ramona Diaz & Nami Genda vs Lady Lotus & Shion Ayasato This was a rather creative take on how to pull off a high spots match when one member of each team is basically a brickhouse. Diaz and Ayasato started the match with some power stuff to pop fans with their strength as they threw each other around, then the smaller members of each team took over to pick up the pace with some athletic offence. What's interesting is how the big powerhouses got involved gradually, whether it was in some Tower of Doom superplex scenarios, Genda using the shoulders of Diaz as a launching pad for some aerial move or Ayasato trying to toss Genda out of the ring, only to essentially swing her into a suicide dive to the outside. A fun and exciting contest, especially considering how the two teams were just randomly thrown together, and a big win for the babyfaces when Nami Genda outsmarted Ayasato and caught her in a cradle for the quick three count. Rating: 44 Individual performances: Ayasato 20, Lotus 60, Genda 58, Diaz 43 Dog Collar Deathmatch for the WQ2020 Queen of the Deathmatch title Dr. Yumaniac vs Naoko Majima In the main event, Dr. Yumaniac was set for her first defence since winning the WQ2020 Queen of the Deathmatch title, but the stipulations seemed to favor her challenger. Not only was this going to be Majima's signature Dog Collar Deathmatch, but members of The Bloody Hand as well as Kitsune Danger and Fujiko Mushashibo were banned from ringside. Again, creativity was the name of the game here, with the collar chain used as a whip, wrapped around arms for strikes or used to choke the opponent, whether in standard wrap-around-neck fashion or the old hangman spot with the victim outside the ropes and the victor pulling from inside the ring. Majima seemed to be in control of the situation for most of the match, but it all turned around when she climbed up to the top turnbuckle and Dr. Yumaniac yanked the chain to send her flying to the outside and through a barb wire table that had been set up earlier. From that point on, the champion was able to hit some of her big moves and get the momentum going, until a Purgatorium sealed the deal to keep the belt around her waist. Rating: 57 Individual performances: Yumaniac 53, Majima 57 The show ended in shocking fashion when a skull-facepainted woman ran to the ring and smacked the winner around several times with what seemed to be a stuffed platypus. Fans in the know popped to see Skulletta in a WQ2020 ring, while the announcers had to do a quick review of the infamous "Five Woman Love Hotel Deathmatch" as INSANITY hit the ring for the rescue. Rating: 41 Show rating: 53
  3. Counterculture Saturday, Week 2, July 2022 Sendai, Tohoku Region, 1.432 fans in attendance (25.244 viewers on WrestleWorld Japan) Fans may have wondered why July's show was re-branded "Counterculture" but their question was answered right out the gates, when Kitsune Danger and Fujiko Mushashibo came out to cut a fiery promo and declare open war on 5 Star Supreme Wrestling. A gutsy move, especially since WQ2020 are the underdog in this fight, but ravenous hardcore fans ate it up and it's only gonna get hotter from her on! Rating: 49 Tag Team Blades of Death match Cannibal Crew vs INSANITY We now have a name for Jessica Boone and Stabby the Clowin representing The Bloody Hand in this match, INSANITY. The Blades of Death stipulation basically meant various bladed objects were scattered around the ring for participants to use, with Etelka bringing her signature scissors to the ring and Stabby justifying the name. It was overbooked as hell and it sure sold the whole 'hardcore counterculture' vibe that WQ2020 apparently want to stress even more going forward. INSANITY put on a good showing despite their relative inexperience (something the chaos of the bout helped draw attention away from) but they did get a boost for seemingly being a perfect match for each other as a team. Still, all it took was a Hungarian Death Drop on Stabby for Etelka to secure the pin. Rating: 48 Individual performances: Maneater 47, Etelka 51, Stabby 39, Boone 42 Singles match Ai Takami vs Piper Hale Hale had her moment in the sun here and she wrestled a pretty straightforward, brawl-heavy style against the more technically oriented crisp striker that is Takami. Able to match the veteran from bell to bell, Hale was rather impressive here and even got the win, courtesy of her Danger Drop finisher. Rating: 45 Individual performances: Takami 45, Hale 41 Tag Team match Gaijin Wrecking Crew vs WARRIORS Of GLORY The rookie sensation team of Koiso and Kawashima were back in action once more, but with 5SSW already announcing they've signed Koiso to an exclusive deal, this felt more like the team's farewell match. That said, they did put the gaijins over on their way out and got a big ovation from the fans to send them off once the bout was over. Rating: 50 Individual performances: Gross 39, Morgan 35, Koiso 55, Kawashima 50 Tag Team Falls Count Anywhere Deathmatch Deadly Alliance vs The Bloody Hand Things picked up with more hardcore insanity here, the focus being less on chaotic action and more on focused ultraviolence. Both teams made full use of the Falls Count Anywhere stipulation to take the fight into the stands, but a poorly executed flapjack from Annibelle sent Mushashibo to land awkwardly on the stairs and apparently hurt her back for real. Being the trooper that she is, Mushashibo pushed through the pain to finish the match without the legit injury seeming to affect her much, though neither woman took any spectacularly insane bumps like you'd expect them to. Kitsune Danger was able to exact revenge for her best friend and in a shocking spot for the finish, tore off a chunk of Annibelle's mask to sink in the Kajahara Claw for the submisson. Rating: 49 Individual performances: Annibelle 38, Yumaniac 58, Danger 72, Mushashibo 55 WQ2020 Internet title match Rika Tsujimura vs Ramona Diaz First of the night's three title matches, almost a back-to-back show with Queen's Quest where all the belts are on the line (the Queen of the Deathmatch wasn't defended on this night). After a great main event showing last month, Ramona Diaz found herself in contendership again and her toughness proved hard for Tsujimura to punch through and inflict some serious damage. This was all Diaz from start to finish, whether she was absorbing damage or dishing it out with her high impact offence. This led the match to its natural conclusion and a big Monster Mash 2.0 for the pin, making Diaz the brand new Internet champion! Rating: 60 Individual performances: Tsujimura 56, Diaz 55 WQ2020 Blood Sisters titles match Hooligan Sisters vs Carribean Angels The Hooligan Sisters requested and were granted their title rematch, after losing the belts to a flash pinfall from Miss Havana at Queen's Quest. The former champions looked hellbent on punishing the woman who beat them and Miss Havana spent a good chunk of the match being cut off her teammate as she sold the beatdown. Fans were hot for the Lady San Juan hot tag and when it did happen, LSJ did her classic house on fire routine, but the Sisters had her scouted out. A quick dropkick knocked Miss Havana off the apron to prevent the tag or a pin break, then the two sisters focused their attention on bringing down LSJ. All it took was a distraction from Hannah so Helena could sweep the knee with a chop block and from there, the humbling began, all the way to a Red Card and the pin over LSJ as the Sisters reclaimed the belts to become the first ever two time champions. Rating: 58 Individual performances: LSJ 60, Havana 41, Hannah 54, Helena 56 WQ2020 Queen’s Heart title match w/ Emiko Miyoshi vs Lady Lotus (with Shion Ayasato) A solid main event that also served as the night's spotfest, taking full advantage of both participants' flashy aerial offence. Miyoshi did good showing fire but also the brains to avoid Ayasato at ringside, which had fans cheering for her. Still, Lady Lotus used her bodyguard as a distraction for a sneak attack that put her back in the driver's seat and allowed her to catch some good air with a Senton Bomb before scoring the pin to retain, her sixth defence of the WQ2020 Queens Heart title. Rating: 63 Individual performances: Lotus 60, Miyoshi 57 Show rating: 58
  4. Sendai, Japan. First days of August 2022 "I got some news you won't like. We need to talk" I raised my head from the jumbled mess of papers and notes to see a rather unusual group standing in front of the table I was using as my desk. For the life of me, I couldn't even begin to imagine what they all had in common for them to show up with that statement. To make matters worse, Fujiko was in a playful mood and wanted to give me three guesses as to what the matter was. Probably her way of lightening the mood before dropping the bomb. The delay and fooling around was only messing me up, I'd rather have it blunt and straightforward, but I knew her well enough to understand her good intentions. "Well, let me think what you three have in common..." I began, trying to assemble my thoughts. "You're not all in the same division, so it's not about that. One has a title, one just lost it and the other one isn't involved in the title picture, so you're not here to complain either... I dunno, you want a raise or something?" Mushashibo lowered one of the three fingers she was holding up. "Uhm... don't think Lady Lotus has ever been injured working for us and she's not doing deathmatches, so it's not about safety... D'you get new boyfriends? I know Ishi's still dating Makioka, but I'm not bringing men back in, I struggled hard to write them out and it was only out of necessity..." my voice trailed off as Mushashibo lowered another finger. "We're your new Holy Trinity. Or Four Pillars of Heaven if you want to include yourself, I suppose" Lady Lotus finally got to the damn point. So this was about their push after all? Weird, I knew she was a bit self-centered, but she'd held onto that title forever and all three of them were heavily featured already... "There's talk in the locker room" Ishimura chipped in. "Some of the girls have already received calls from Karube or Ogiwara. Written contracts, exclusive. Pay per month, not per show, guaranteed." Suddenly, the pieces all fell into place. All three of them had walked out of 5SSW and they knew as much as I did, we wouldn't stand a chance if we were to start a bidding war. But we could just start a plain old fashioned war...
  5. Queen’s Quest Sunday, Week 2, June 2022 Sendai, Tohoku Region, 1.277 fans in attendance (24.755 viewers on WrestleWorld Japan) Ai Kon & Petra Forsberg vs Mizucore & Hiroko Iha There is no two ways about it, this match was bad. Might have flown in the early days of WQ2020, but given the standard of performance set up to this point, it did not sit right. Kudos to Forsberg for effort and improvement, as well as Ai Kon for a surprisingly good performance, but Mizucore and Iha were just terrible. Yes this match had to happen to establish Forsberg leaving the Idol Queens, but hopefully that bit ends here and won't turn into a full blown storyline. Ideally, Mizu and Iha's defeat could be a great way to write them off, if not permanently, at least until they can hold their on between the ropes. Rating: 43 Individual performances: Forsberg 35, Ai Kon 52, Mizucore 31, Iha 20 Ladder match for the WQ2020 Internet title Rika Tsujimura vs Pinky Perez A Ladder match always signals the bout will be full of spots and perhaps some nasty violence if the ladder itself is used as a weapon. This was just the case here and things were elevated further by the stellar chemistry these two competitors displayed in their match. Yes there were the usual Tsujimura shenanigans of her cheating or antagonizing the fans, there were the athletic high flying moves of Perez but perhaps the moment that truly encapsulates these two was when Tsujimura hit a high knee kitchen sink and the running Perez took it with such grace, she used her momentum to flip inside out, something wrestlers usually do to sell a clothesline. The two ended up fighting on top of the ladder from opposing sides and in another showcase of her nasty character, Tsujimura messed with her opponent's mask to blind her, then pulled her hair to knock her off and clear the way to capture the belt hanging just above to retain. Rating: 58 Individual performances: Tsujimura 52, Perez 62 WQ2020 Blood Sisters titles match Hooligan Sisters vs Carribean Angels After the spectacular ladder match, fans needed a moment to catch their breath and these two teams caught wind of it, making sure to start slow. Lady San Juan started for her team, playing up her power as the unmovable object who absorbed the blows, while Hannah and Helena took their cautious potshots trying to find a crack in the armor. They even tried some proper wrestling moves, showcasing their technique and development, but of course that's not what the fans expected to see from these teams. Once things had simmered down a bit, the Hooligan Sisters kicked things into next gear, returning to her usual hardcore antics and dirty tricks to take down Miss Havana. This of course built up to the LSJ hot tag and a false finish, a comeback from the sisters leading to a new hot tag, this time for Miss Havana and the big finish of the match: just as Helena managed to rescue Hannah from a Cuban Crab submission, she was setting up for the Penalty Kick but Miss Havana caught the leg and rolled into a small package for the three count. New champions! Rating: 53 Individual performances: Helena 56, Hannah 55, LSJ 57, Havana 38 Light Tube Deathmatch w/ Naoko Majima vs Fujiko Mushashibo (with Kitsune Danger) An early candidate for match of the night, given the popularity of those involved, the story between them and their absolute willingness to sacrifice their bodies in the most suicidal of ways. The drama was amped up by Kitsune Danger seconding her BFF, all taped up after the hit she took in last month's main event when she dove to get in the way and save Mushashibo from a light tube swing. Between that reminder and making this too a light tube deathmatch, all the pieces were in place. Furthermore, Majima and Mushashibo are cut from the same cloth and just gel as opponents, which made the match even greater, on top of the huge bumps they both took to pop the fans. Mirroring Etelka the Hun's infamous scissor board spot, Majima pulled out a board with broken light tubes set up like spikes -a visual that would have sparked them "You sick f**k" chants in the West- and superplexed Mushashibo onto it, yet couldn't crawl for the cover afterwards as her back also took part of the blow. As if that wasn't insane enough, Danger began setting up some contraption at ringside, when she set up a table, then started laying out light tubes slightly on top of it, trying to balance them between the ring apron and the barricade she'd pulled forward. Majima, firmly in control of the match at that point, felt safe enough to leave the ring and attack Danger adding insult to injury, but that was the cue for the big reveal, as Kitsune Danger fought back, whether because she wasn't as badly hurt as she appeared to be, because of her fighting spirit or a combination of both. Majima had to retreat to the ring, barely escaping a Kajahara Claw that Danger teased to pop the fans but never got to deliver, only for Mushashibo to catch her with a Fujiko Valentine for the three count, then put her on top of Danger's contraption for good measure and hit a Frog Splash to the outside, driving both women through a cloud of dust, glass and wood splinters. Rating: 59 Individual performances: Mushashibo 56, Majima 64 WQ2020 Queen of the Deathmatch title bout Monster Ishimura vs Dr. Yumaniac There was no topping the previous match, still Ishimura and Yumaniac did their best to rise to the occasion of a title contest. However, this was never meant to be a straightforward bout. All four of Dr. Yumaniac's lackeys marched out to the ring and they used their numbers advantage to have one of them distract the ref while the others would run interference. It didn't exactly make for great wrestling, but it did provide the challenger with an advantage to counterbalance the champion's sheer size and power. Furthermore, all this interference messed with the flow of the match, which impacted the in-ring action but at the same time really generated fan hatred for the Bloody Hand, a reaction that's never truly been achieved in the past as audience members still had respect for the WEXXV veterans. In that sense, the match achieved its purpose and the booking went all the way with it, with Dr. Yumaniac eventually slaying the monster to become the new WQ2020 Queen Of The Deathmatch. Rating: 47 Individual performances: Ishimura 42, Yumaniac 57 WQ2020 Queen’s Heart title match w/ Ramona Diaz vs Lady Lotus (with Shion Ayasato) There is no question Ramona Diaz came into the company with much fanfare and her spectacular (main show) WQ2020 debut showed she's both way more talented, skilled and popular than her age and experience would suggest. That said, she found herself main eventing a show in a title match already and as if that wasn't enough, the two women wrestled it at a frantic pace. At first, it seemed as though Lady Lotus was taking advantage of her speed and agility, maybe even trying to burn up her opponent's stamina early, but as soon as Diaz caught her mid-air to roll back into a german suplex, then launched a barrage of big moves, it was clear this was going to be the tempo of the match, from start to finish. This also achieved two very important goals, on one hand showcasing newcomer Diaz as a big league star that could legitimately beat the champion, on the other giving Ayasato reason to interfere and even the odds whenever she was able. This frustrated Diaz just enough to throw her off her game and although Ayasato was not involved in the finish, she'd done her part to create an opening for Lady Lotus to build up some offence, leading to a high flying Senton Bomb for the three count. Rating: 64 Individual performances: Lotus 60, Diaz 60 Show rating: 58
  6. Did you just out-perform willr0ck in portraying a worker from his own mod? Mad props!
  7. Cry of War Saturday, Week 2, May 2022 Sendai, Tohoku Region, 1.341 fans in attendance (22.667 viewers on WrestleWorld Japan) Cannibal Crew & Unholy Demon Army vs The Hooligan Sisters & Gaijin Wrecking Crew Pretty typical Japanese undercard multi-woman match, what was strange here -given the promotion and participants- was the fact it mostly involved pure wrestling. Not even intentional chaos to mask any shortcomings of those involved, it was either a showcase bout meant to prove they can actually wrestle or a sink-or-swim situation to determine who'll end up on the chopping board. As the rookie in the mix, Oni ended up taking the fall after Morgan hit her with "Mouth of Madness" Electric Chair Facebuster, likely a forgettable match but one that'll certainly give the Internet Wrestling Community something to talk about for quite a while. Rating: 49 Individual performances: Gross 34, Morgan 34, Helena 52, Hannah 53, Oni 29, Onryo 48, Maneater 41, Etelka 48 The Bloody Hand was out next, minus Piper Hale, as this was all about Dr. Yumaniac introducing the three newcomers: 100% pure maniac Annibelle The Cannabelle, Madman Boone's only child Jessica (truly, the apple didn't fall far from the tree there) and Stabby The Clown, hailing from a long line of homicidal clowns, most notable being her brother Magwitch, who hardcore fans might know from PSW and GSW in the East and West coasts of America respectively. Rating: 33 Trios match w/ Pinky Perez & The Caribbean Angels vs The Bloody Hand (with Dr. Yumaniac) After the introductions, Dr. Yumaniac stuck around at ringside to see her three new recruits go up against the lucha team of Perez and the Carribean Angels. What could have been an extreme clash of styles ended up as a pretty basic wrestling match, if not for the hype and characters of the newcomers who were mostly limited to doing basic moves while playing up their respective characters. The finish was pretty entertaining though (or horrifying, depending on your point of view) because Annibelle pulled out an actual meat knife from her boot and threatened to stab anyone in range, thus clearing enough space for her to pin a nigh-unconscious Miss Havana without anyone breaking up the cover. Rating: 44 Individual performances: LSJ 60, Havana 41, Perez 62, Stabby 21, Boone 30, Annibelle 28 Lady Lotus & Shion Ayasato vs Ai Kon & Petra Forsberg In-ring debuts for both Ayasato and Ai Kon, who turned out to be pretty solid workers by the end of the match. Combined with Forsberg's improvement and consistency, there could be promise in this new team, while Ayasato did her part with basic power moves, letting her employer hit the more spectacular of aerial moves, as well as the Senton Bomb to score the pin over Forsberg. Rating: 55 Individual performances: Ayasato 33, Lotus 62, Ai Kon 55, Forsberg 41 WQ2020 Internet title match Rika Tsujimura vs Nami Genda Should come as no surprise these two worked an absolute spotfest. Genda perfectly played the role of the underdog both when selling her opponent's stiff offence as well as when she hit her high risk moves. Tsujimura on her part stuck to classic heel wrestling, switching it up between strikes, submissions and a good chunk of taunting, whether it was directed at the audience or her challenger. The turning point of the match was when Genda took a chance and Tsujimura reversed the move mid-air into a backbreaker on her knee. From there, she had full control to build up to her Running Knee Bomb for the pin, marking her second successful defence of the WQ2020 Internet title. Rating: 52 Individual performances: Tsujimura 48, Genda 49 Triple Threat match Ai Takami vs Emiko Miyoshi vs Ramona Diaz Plenty of new faces in WQ2020 lately, but this one got properly promoted prior to the show and fans were ecstatic to see the debut of a Diaz family member. A classic powerhouse, Ramona hit her big moves and her feet rarely ever left the mat, while Miyoshi perfectly played up their difference in styles every time she was involved in a sequence with the newcomer. Takami probably wasn't as hard pressed to put Diaz over, but somehow this vibe between them made for some super stiff shots, many of which seemed to be legit shooting instead of worked spots, even receipts. By the time Diaz put Takami in a Guillotine Choke for the tap, it almost felt like a shoot fight, or like she was trying to get her back in line. Might be the start of a storyline, might be legitimate heat between the two, the only thing sure is this match will be the source of much controversy in the near future. Rating: 56 Individual performances: Takami 42, Miyoshi 54, Diaz 58 WQ2020 Queen of the Deathmatch 1.000 Light Tubes title match w/ Monster Ishimura vs Kitsune Danger (with Fujiko Mushashibo) Despite Death Triangle imploding last month in that three way match, Mushashibo seconded Danger to the ring for the main event, proving their real life friendship is stronger than anything. Announcers also played up the fact that Mushashibo herself is a former holder of the title but still didn't seem to be envious, which in turn segwayed into the realization that both Mushashibo and Majima were former champions, but Kitsune Danger's never held a singles title, so this could be her big night. This more or less set up the tone of the match, which otherwise played out as a classic David vs Goliath story as Danger used every trick in her twisted mind to bring the fight to her much larger opponent. It was the presence of Majima however that proved to be the deciding factor in this contest. Majima marched out and burst into a tirade about Mushashibo's presence in this match and how the two friends always held her back, which of course started an argument that quickly got physical. For a brief moment, it looked like a tornado tag team match, with action in and outside the ring, but it all boiled down to a single decision when Danger found herself perched on the top rope: dive towards Ishimura and hopefully win the title match, or dive out to save Mushashibo from the onslaught. Danger chose the latter, which made for a spectacular spot as she literally threw her body in the way of a light tube swing, taking the blow meant for Mushashibo and crashing hard on the ground outside, which had already been littered with dust and broken glass. Mushashibo fell on top of her friend to check up on her, which gave Majima an opening for a Cradle DDT onto the ground. With the field cleared, Majima rolled Danger into the ring, essentially serving her on a silver platter to Ishimura, who delivered her finisher and scored the pin to retain. Rating: 59 Individual performances: Ishimura 38, Danger 75 Show rating: 54
  8. I have willr0ck (and the editor) to thank for more ladies willing to do Japanese deathmatches now. The WEXXV alumni invasion angle had run its course anyway, especially since the men weren't eligible to win any of the belts. As for Ayasato, I'm very much in a Jade Cargill situation with her, she's got all the tools but is still a young lion. Keeping her at ringside, in tag matches and the occasional squash should help build her up properly. Same with the Bloody Hand newcomers who are still green (and unsafe) as hell, so expect to see them in crowded matches for a while. The only thing I'm sad about is the Gaijin Wrecking Crew, poor Morgan's stuck with a lame gimmick trying to build her pop up and Gross just isn't getting over, no matter what. At least Onryo's saddled with a rookie that does have potential. Oh well, stay tuned to find out what happens.
  9. Buckets of Blood Thursday, Week 2, April 2022 Iwata Hall, Tohoku Region, 1.000 fans in attendance [SOLD OUT] (24.736 viewers on WrestleWorld Japan) Tag Team Deathmatch Cannibal Crew vs Gaijin Wrecking Crew Róisín Gross has apparently found herself a teammate and it's none other than Mad Millie Morgan, who made her (main show) WQ2020 debut in this match. Bit of a backward situation here, as Morgan's punk look makes her a perfect fit for the company but apparently doesn't land that well with the fans, while her mostly crisp striking and technical game should feel out of place, yet she proved she's all too willing and able to also work a deathmatch. For all her efforts though, Morgan only got a good shine as she ended up taking a spike piledriver onto a chair, followed by the pin. Rating: 53 Individual performances: Maneater 55, Etelka 50, Gross 46, Morgan 39 Remember last month's trios match and how Dr. Yumaniac's series of betrayals, from turning on ex-boyfriend Kimi Kawano in favour of current boyfriend Edo Phoenix IV to usurping the group's leadership from Taheiji Konoe, sowed the seeds of doubt for her group's integrity? Well, according to her latest promo, those seeds already bore fruit and it was time for, as she called it, "The Final Purge". Three new faces, some already known to fans, crawled out of the ring and attacked the three men inside it. Phoenix got away heartbroken, but mostly intact as the female clown attempted to rip his mask and repeatedly smash the exposed flesh of his face underneath into the turnbuckle until it was busted open. Umehara and Morisue weren't that lucky, as the women piled up on them in a sequence that ended with assisted powerbombs off the apron and through the announcers' table. Umehara looked like he got hurt bad and Morisue's head hit the guardrail on the way down, were it anyone else it would have probably legit knocked them out. The new, all-female configuration of The Bloody Hand stood tall in the ring after the end of the segment, leaving both fans and commentators buzzing. Rating: 37 Junior Division Trios match Pinky Perez & The Caribbean Angels vs Rika Tsujimura, Nami Genda & Yayoi Kurmochi Might be the masks or the lucha-inspired style, but seeing Perez and the Angels together just made sense. The trio put on an exciting, flashy performance against their opponents and really got fans on their side, which of course the WQ2020 Internet champion wasn't very happy about. What Tsujimura might actually be more worried about though is Nami Genda outshining her between the ropes, but also with the audience who cheered the perennial underdog while voicing their disapproval for the much more egoistical Tsujimura. Kurmochi was the obvious weak link here of course, so it made no surprise she ended up being the one to take the pin, courtesy of a Pink Butterfly Bomb. Rating: 58 Individual performances: LSJ 60, Havana 41, Perez 68, Kurmochi 30, Genda 58, Tsujimura 50 WQ2020 Blood Sisters titles Deathmatch Hooligan Sisters vs WARRIORS Of GLORY Though neither of the teams were technically "true born" as they haven't been trained at the Queen's Court dojo, they did feel as such, given that they more or less began their career with WQ2020, in the promotion's early days, as young lions. Ever since, the Hooligan Sisters made it to championship gold, while WARRIORS Of GLORY were just now getting their first ever shot at a title, after paying their dues for years between the ropes. In that sense, it felt like they actually had a chance, as opposed to a scenario where they'd be going up against one of the more veteran teams. As for the in-ring action, the Sisters kept things hardcore by swinging weapons as often as possible (though Helena did also pull off some slick actual wrestling moves, to her credit) while Koiso and Kawashima stuck to traditional strong style puroresu, willing to do a deathmatch but not exactly fully proficient in such a setting. For all the excitement in the fifteen or so minutes this match went on for, Helena ended it with an eye rake and a handful of tights to pin Kawashima, bit anticlimactic but a finale that sure earned the champions plenty of heat with the fans. Rating: 56 Individual performances: Helena 60, Hannah 48, Kawashima 52, Koiso 52 Death Triangle hit the ring next and after some arguing back and forth on the mic, agreed to solve their differences inside the ring. Right before the bell though, Monster Ishimura's music hit and the champion came out to up the stakes, offering a title shot to the winner of the bout! Rating: 47 Triangle of Death match Fujiko Mushashibo vs Kitsune Danger vs Naoko Majima This one was as crazy as you'd expect given the participants, but the drama between them took things to the next level. As if that wasn't enough, the promise of a shot at the WQ2020 Queen of the Deathmatch title pushed all three women to pull out all the stops and really bring the violence. Mushashibo channeled her inner Jun Kasai to put on her goggles and pull off a crazy dive off a high ledge while her two opponents were slugging it out around the arena, Kitsune Danger got suplexed into a table that had been set on fire and Majima received a superplex onto the exposed wooden boards of the ring. By the end of the match, the ring looked like a warzone, making a fitting scenery for Kanger to apply the Kajahara Claw on Majima, who she slammed onto a roll of stray barb wire with the hold still applied to force the tap. Rating: 69 Individual performances: Mushashibo 56, Danger 74, Majima 59 WQ2020 Queen’s Heart title match w/ Emiko Miyoshi vs Lady Lotus (with Shion Ayasato) As both women made their entrances, the attention was on the new face, the champion's bodyguard who was revealed to be Shion Ayasato. To their credit though, Ayasato kept herself to simply being an intimidating presence at ringside without getting involved in the match, while Miyoshi and Lotus hit turbo boost to perform a frantic, fast paced contest that showcased the best elements of their graceful, athletic junior style. Fans were probably a bit burned out from the chaos of the semi-main event and reactions didn't quite match the in-ring action, but it still made for a solid main event that ended with loveable underdog Miyoshi falling to the champion's Senton Bomb finisher. Rating: 57 Individual performances: Lotus 54, Miyoshi 54 Show rating: 58
  10. Those three are too talented for their own good, staying together only held them all down. That said, I'm weighing the possibility of a Kitsune Danger unmasking. Since you've been on a re-rendering kick lately... *nudge nudge wink wink*
  11. Too Hot for TV Saturday, Week 2, March 2022 Iwata Hall, Tohoku Region, 1.000 fans in attendance [SOLD OUT] (22.407 viewers on WrestleWorld Japan) Till Deathmatch Do Us Part (Losing Team Disbands) Death Triangle vs The Bloody Hand Exclusively built up on social media between shows, this match had the added stipulation of the losing side disbanding. Given the recent issues of Death Triangle, they were the obvious candidate to lose here, but the trio used social media to play up the untrustworthiness of Dr. Yumaniac, bringing up her many betrayals and her promo about men not being eligible to compete for titles. As Mushashibo and Danger mentioned (Majima's not that active online), Umehara has been pretty passive during recent developments and Hale has yet to prove her loyalty. Thus, the setup made things feel like they could swing either way and so did the in-ring action, with momentum swinging wildly and frequently between both sides. That said, despite the bountiful use of weapons, this match played out more like a hardcore match, given its participants' track record and penchant for ultraviolence. The big finish saw Hale and Umehara hold Mushashibo and Danger at bay, clearing the ring for Dr. Yumaniac to hit the Purgatorium on Majima and score the three count. Death Triangle are officially no more. Rating: 55 Individual performances: Majima 57, Danger 68, Majima 52, Hale 47, Umehara 55, Yumaniac 54 Switch to the backstage area and some "hidden camera" footage as Lady Lotus was talking to a massive, muscular woman with her back to the camera. The WQ Queen's Heart champion apparently got herself a bodyguard and was hammering out the last details of the deal. Rating: 30 WQ2020 Internet title match Rika Tsujimura vs Edo Phoenix IV The WQ2020 Internet title is the only championship in the company not explicitly meant for female competitors, so Edo Phoenix IV stepped up to challenge Tsujimura for it in a match loaded with big spots. Tsujimura has managed to make herself quite despised by the fans due to her attitude, so oddly enough Phoenix felt more like the babyface here, which in turn allowed him to utilize more of his high flying arsenal while the defending champion stuck to hard strikes and suplexes. A solid contest from bell to bell, the kind that'll really elevate the importance of the new title belt and Tsujimura's first successful defence of it thanks to her devastating Running Knee Bomb. Rating: 46 Individual performances: Tsujimura 46, Phoenix 41 Idol Queens came out next for a brief song/dance routine. Mizucore and Iha were on point, but Forsberg returned to her terribad singing act, meaning the performance fell apart quickly. This evolved into a brief back and forth argument, until Forsberg brought up how she's been doing better on her own anyway. Her two bandmates jokingly asked her if she's so over her head not that she's going solo. Forsberg responded she doesn't need them anymore, but no, she's not going solo, she just has someone better to roll with. Enter... Ai Kon! The flamboyant new face got a pretty decent reaction and some time on the mic to introduce herself, before she and Forsberg left the ring together. Not as dramatic as Death Triangle falling apart since fans don't care that much about Idol Queens, but Ai Kon's debut landed in the right spot and it'll be interesting to see how things will play out in the future. Rating: 39 The Hooligan Sisters made an entrance next and joined the broadcast team to provide commentary for the next match. What they also provided was a shot at their WQ2020 Blood Sisters titles to whoever was going to win said match! Rating: 46 #1 Contender Three Way Tag Team match Carribean Angels vs Unholy Demon Army vs WARRIORS Of GLORY Carribean Angels were off to a strong start thanks to Lady San Juan's power dominating the ring, but that wasn't enough for a quick easy win. Unholy Demon Army played up their supernatural-esque gimmicks for a zombie-like comeback, while Koiso and Kawashima were just too full of fighting spirit to give up this early. The two teams fought back to temporarily knock the Angles out of the match, clearing the ring for some classic tag team action between them, complete with the Army isolating Koiso for the double team, building up to a Kawashima hot tag. The pin attempt was barely broken up by a long range frog splash from a recovered Miss Havana, moving the match to its next part, a hard hitting exchange between the Angels and the Warriors. Miss Havana took another high risk but she came up empty, turning control over to the Warriors who delivered a double superkick on LSJ, knocking her off the apron. Oni thought she saw her opportunity and rushed in for a sneaky roll up on Koiso, but a stiff kick to the head from Kawashima interrupted the cover. Koiso picked Oni up for a skull crushing Brainbuster and floated over for the cover. Kawashima circled the scene to fend off any interference and thus, the three count was scored, WARRIORS Of GLORY are the new contenders for the tag titles! Rating: 50 Individual performances: LSJ 56, Havana 37, Oni 28, Onryo 41, Koiso 52, Kawashima 51 WQ2020 Queen of the Deathmatch Barbed Wire title match Monster Ishimura vs Hiroshi Morisue Ishimura's open challenge was answered by the one and only madman, Hiroshi Morisue, apparently not even caring he's not eligible for the belt even if he did win. As if that wasn't enough, the ring ropes were replaced with barbed wire, making this WQ2020's first ever barb wire match, the company clearly pushing the envelope now that they're no longer restricted by the likes of All Japan TV. Ishimura and Morisue smartly built up to the inevitable crash, given they're both quite large and slow: no running, no irish whips, just two hosses slugging it out in a push and shove contest that seemed a lot like a sumo match at first. The two would push each other, slow and hard, fighting for every inch as they closed in on the wires, but never really touching them at first. Eventually, of course, blood was drawn and Ishimura was able to deliver a suplex that was somewhat sloppy, but still enough to send her opponent back first onto the wires. Morisue being Morisue, he sold the bump like a champ, then smeared the blood all over his face to play up the adrenaline rush. Indeed, it seemed as though Morisue got a second wind once he'd been cut open, but Ishimura was able to put the breaks in an emphatic way when she gave him the Running Butt Avalanche, not in the corner like she usually does, but with him against the barbed wires. She then scooped him up for a powerslam and landed on top for the pin, a spectacular first defence of her WQ2020 Queen Of The Deathmatch title. Rating: 42 Individual performances: Ishimura 38, Morisue 46 Show rating: 47
  12. They've already been hired, proving/honing their skills and figuring out their gimmicks in dark matches. Probably gonna start cycling the roster soon, give some of the more established faces a break while fresh new faces show up to take up the spotlight. TL;DR: Keep those re-renders coming
  13. Clearly @willr0ck is too busy browsing the merch tables instead of watching the WQ2020 dark matches...
  14. Great, now I have to write off at least half of my WQ2020 roster and keep them off screen for a while so I can re-debut them with new gimmicks and portraits. I hope you're proud of yourself, willr0ck.
  15. Attempted Murder Thursday, Week 2, February 2022 Iwata Hall, Tohoku Region, 1.000 fans in attendance [SOLD OUT] (22.194 viewers on WrestleWorld Japan) WrestleWorld Japan viewers tuning in to watch a Warrior Queen 2020 show for the first time were introduced to the new Queen of the Deathmatch champion, Monster Ishimura, as she made her entrance and cut a promo to celebrate her victory and establish herself as the promotion's #1 wrestler. Not the most safe way to play things, but WQ2020 has never been about doing things the conventional way, plus Ishimura's size, charisma and popularity are undeniable, regardless of her physical appearance. The champion seemed to be trying to inject a bit more personality to herself and grow out of being just a big monster, but it'll be a while till she can show more. For now, she layed down the gauntlet and issued an open challenge to whoever thinks they can stand in the ring with her. Rating: 37 WQ2020 Internet title Five Way Ladder match Emiko Miyoshi vs Nami Genda vs Petra Forsberg vs Pinky Perez vs Rika Tsujimura Celebrating WQ2020's new online broadcast deal, the brand new Internet title was introduced and literally hung up for grabs in a Ladder match with five women competing for it. The focus was more on impressive flips and dives off ladders rather than using them as weapons for more hardcore spots, but there was still enough action packed in these fifteen or so minutes to keep things exciting. In the end, the match came down to Perez and Tsujimura trading blows on opposite sides of the ladder, with Perez going high risk as she flipped over the top and attempted to slam her opponent off of it. Tsujimura however held on tight and with a well-aimed kick to the top of Perez's head, knocked her off to clear the way and ascent, retrieving the belt to become the first ever WQ2020 Internet champion. Rating: 57 Individual performances: Miyoshi 54, Genda 53, Forsberg 41, Perez 67, Tsujimura 50 WQ2020 Blood Sisters titles Deathmatch Hooligan Sisters vs Cannibal Crew With the audience properly warmed up by this point, the first Deathmatch of the night was up next and it was nothing short of a showcase for new viewers tuning in. Defending champions Hannah and Helena went wild, swinging everything they could against the first ever WQ Blood Sisters title holders. Cannibal Crew brought the intensity to match their wild gimmicks and even gave their opponents a stereo table spot to the outside, meaning of course that they couldn't make the follow up pin. This saw the challengers ramp up the violence, as Etelka reached under the ring to pull out her infamous board of scissors. Fans went wild in anticipation of the spot, but it would be herself who would go through that board after a well timed double knee strike from the champions that knocked her off the apron and through the board. Without flinching, Maneater simply pulled one of the scissors out of the board and attempted to stab her opponents, meaning Helena ended up sporting the crimson mask. The striking visual was something to behold, but it also woke up Hannah who rushed to her sister's aid with a superkick that sent Maneater onto the broken scissor board just as Etelka was standing back up from it. Seeing her chance, Hannah pushed the advantage and rolled a wobbly Etelka into the ring for the cover, ensuring victory with a handful of the Hun's tights just to be sure. Rating: 56 Individual performances: Helena 49, Hannah 59, Maneater 57, Etelka 53 Iron Maiden trios Deathmatch Death Triangle vs The Bloody Hand Now this match was all about celebrating the freedom WQ2020 were given by their new broadcaster to show even crazier matches, something Kitsune Danger ran with like any true scion of the Kajahara bloodline would. What is an Iron Maiden Deathmatch, you might ask. Simply put, a casket match, only the casket itself also contains plenty of barbed wire attached to its inside. Shock value aside, the stipulation also helped make this matchup feel a bit fresh after countless clashes between the two groups, though this time it was also different due to the storylines of internal tension in both factions: Death Triangle had all lost their titles and seemed to struggle, while Dr. Yumaniac had just usurped Taheiji Konoe from leadership. It was all good and brutal, with every single participant having a chance to take some sort of insane bump, until it started raining down injuries. First it was Kitsune Danger with a weird landing on the barricade that probably messed up a rib or two, then Morisue miscalculated a powerslam on the casket, giving Mushashibo some sort of whiplash injury while almost breaking the casket itself into bits and splinters. Death Triangle were obviously struggling and Majima -no pun intended- put the nail on the coffin when an apparent miscommunication between herself and Mushashibo created an opening for Dr. Yumaniac to hit Mushashibo with the Purgatorium onto the open (remains of the) coffin, then slam the lid shut to win the match. Rating: 53 rformances: Majima 59, Danger 67, Mushashibo 57, Umehara 51, Morisue 40, Yumaniac 54 Reeling but victorious, The Bloody Hand stood tall as Edo Phoenix Iv ran down to the ring to celebrate with them. Dr. Yumaniac requested a microphone and cut straight to the chase, saying she wanted to address the elephant in the room, the question in everyone's minds, who will be the fifth member of the group. According to the new leader of The Bloody Hand, the group had failed to blitzkrieg its way into dominance of Warrior Queen 2020 when it first formed, then hit a glass ceiling due to all of its members beside her being ineligible to formally hold one of the title belts in this all female promotion. Therefore, she would be building for the future, by introducing one of the toughest, baddest prospects on the entire roster... ...Piper Hale! Fans initially seemed a bit confused, but as soon as Hale made her way out to shake Dr. Yumaniac's hand, the visual began to make sense. Hale then got on the mic to address them in fluent Japanese, though she quickly switched to English just to irritate them. It worked too, she got a pretty good reaction and if this was any indication, she might be getting more and more mic time pretty soon. The group ended up hugging and flipped off the crowd, before leaving the ring together to return backstage. Rating: 41 WQ2020 Queen’s Heart title match Lady Lotus vs Ai Takami The challenge laid out last month after Takami exorcised her demons by beating Pinky Perez, the main event saw her take on Lady Lotus in a pretty unorthodox -by WQ2020's standards- match. Indeed, this was a by the numbers classic puroresu slow fuse main event title contest and given the rest of the context, actually felt quite refreshing. It also felt as if WQ2020 were trying to make a point here, as if wanting to say they're not just about ultraviolence or high flying, but they can also put on rock solid, pure wrestling matches as well. A well executed and rather competitive match from bell to bell, this of course escalated as time went on and almost made it to the twenty minute mark (a rarity for WQ2020 contests) before the third Senton Bomb in the bout finally proved enough to hold Takami down for the count as Lady Lotus successfully defended her Queen's Heart title for the third time since winning it. Rating: 55 Individual performances: Lotus 59, Takami 45 Show rating: 53
  16. Noticed the same thing. Plus that imported character from the RockVerse doesn't automatically seem to match name with portrait, I had to set it manually. Not sure what's going on there.
  17. WQ has had a deal with All Japan TV for a while now, covering all of Japan. The difference now is on demand vs graveyard slot, a better profit split (60% instead of 30%) and waaaaaaaay less censorship. I'm hoping for better finances, but I can ensure you'll be seeing much crazier match stipulations from now on. Warrior Queen 2020 as it was meant to be.
  18. It's been two gruelling years since Warrior Queen 2020's first ever show, two years of blood, broken bones and bleeding finances, mainly due to Kitsune Danger's ambition of starting a new hardcore revolution in Japan and training the first generation of female deathmatch wrestlers at the company's dojo, known as The Queen's Court. It's been a wild ride, but at long last, after the Unkillable show on January 2022, the company finally began to turn in a profit. So of course it invested in even better production values, in order to land a broadcast deal with the brand new WrestleWorld Puroresu platform. Between rising popularity and profits, a new nation-wide broadcast deal and the release of willr0ck's brand new joshi/deathmatch expansion for the Women's Revolution mod, the future looks highly promising for Warrior Queen 2020...
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