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Everything posted by DarK_RaideR

  1. Happy New Year everyone! I've disappeared for a while due to life getting in the way in monumental fashion: broke up after 8 years in a relationship while at the same time finally landing a job after 4+ years of de facto unemployment (should explain how I was able to run multiple diaries at such a rapid pace lol) then the holidays brought the pace down. Debated whether I should pick up where I left or start a new diary, but for now I'm playing it safe and sticking to minimum effort (especially since I'd already ran this show) instead of investing in an entire new save/diary. We'll see how things go and work from there.
  2. Buckets of Blood Thursday, Week 2, April 2021 Sendai, Tohoku Region, 799 fans in attendance (4.757 viewers on All Japan TV) Idol Queens vs The Bloody Hand Idol Queens didn't even get a chance to do their song and dance act at the top of the show as their opponents skipped the entrance theatrics and ran down to the ring for an immediate beatdown. Chaos ensued, from brawling, weapons and high flying spots to quick cameo interferences from the other members of the Bloody Hand, all in all an overbooked mess meant to hide the weaknesses of everyone who wasn't Konoe or Yumaniac. Fans seemed to appreciate the mayhem though and as far as opening contests go, this one still did the job of getting the crowd pumped at the top of the hour, while Iha did the job lying down for Dr. Yumaniac after she took the full force of her Purgatorium finisher. Rating: 50 Individual performances: Konoe 58, Morisue 48, Yumaniac 46, Mizucore 34, Iha 29, Forsberg 37 Winning got the spotlight on Dr. Yumaniac and she made the best of it, keeping focus on her as she grabbed a mic after the bout to hype up the upcoming tour of Gasp, her progressive neoclassical jazz-infused black metal band. Get your tickets now! Rating: 38 Cannibal Crew vs HEARTS of GLORY This could have been a squash, but Kawashima and Koiso displayed a great combination of skill and fighting spirit, keeping things way more even than expected. The story of the match, of course, was whether it would devolve into a deathmatch style brawl that fit the former champions or if the rookies could keep it clean between the ropes. Cannibal Crew were kept mostly out of their waters, though they did have their moments to shine and hit several big power moves, with Etelka ultimately flattening Kawashima for the pin with a Hungarian Death Drop. Rating: 41 Individual performances: Maneater 38, Etelka 45, Kawashima 48, Koiso 41 Singles Deathmatch Onryo vs Piper Hale This was supposed to be Onryo's big return to action after a few months off, but she botched way more spots than she would have liked and as a result didn't come across as strong as she would have wanted. Hale looked to spoil things even further for WQ2020's resident undead grappler and she once again showcased great improvement in her skills, but wasn't able to finish the job on a couple of occasions, until she eventually ran out of gas and suffered the Final Judgement. Rating: 46 Individual performances: Onryo 35, Hale 50 Junior Division singles match Emiko Miyoshi vs Romi Yamato As the night's showcase junior division match, this one delivered on all the crisp technical grappling and high flying action you'd expect, providing a different sort of intensity when compared to the hardcore bouts that preceded it. Unfortunately, it didn't come across as great as it could have, due to Miyoshi's sloppiness, something she paid for dearly when she slipped from the top rope and landed on her arm at an awkward angle. Despite the obvious injury, Miyoshi pulled through and finished the match to give Yamato the win, her grittiness and professionalism earning her points with the audience despite the outcome of the match. Rating: 35 Individual performances: Miyoshi 34, Yamato 52 Speaking of injuries, Kitsune Danger had something to say on the subject as she led her Death Triangle teammates to the ring. As Danger pointed out, she felt terrible for letting the fans down and not providing the originally scheduled title match alongside Mushashibo, but the doctor hadn't cleared her to wrestle just yet, so Majima had to step up and fill in for her, making this a non title bout. Rating: 44 Tag Team Deathmatch Death Triangle vs Unstoppable Monsters Even without the belts on the line, this was still a very good match held between four of WQ2020's more popular wrestlers. Ishimura especially is surprisingly over, given her limited abilities inside the ring, but hardcore audiences can be unpredictable like that on most nights. That said, the powerhouse champions controlled most of the match with Death Triangle playing defence as the sympathetic babyfaces who tried to survive the beating, only to outsmart their opponents and mount a comeback that saw them win in the end as Mushashibo hit the Fujiko Valentine on Ishimura for the three count. Somewhat odd to see Mushashibo and Majima play it safe, but apparently they were saving the big stunts for the upcoming title match while also ensuring they wouldn't outshine the night's main event. In that sense, limiting Death Triangle's offence in this match served the purpose of narratively justifying their approach. Rating: 48 Individual performances: Majima 54, Mushashibo 51, Tai 42, Ishimura 33 WQ2020 Queens Heart title match Pinky Perez © vs Lady San Juan A dream match several months in the making, but also a rare title match for Perez who last defended her belt half a year ago, back in October. Fittingly enough, the two competitors went all out straight from the opening bell, making this a classic lucha libre contest and shaking things up from the usual format of long winding bouts that most Japanese audiences are used to in such cases. To call this spectacular would be an understatement and on the following day, TEW.com would declare it the promotion's second best to date, behind only the Konoe-Danger cage match on July 2020. The action was there, the momentum swings and dramatic spots executed to perfection, the storytelling enhanced by the long term build-up, everything worked out great and Lady San Juan ended things with a bang as she finally captured the WQ2020 Queens Heart title with a San Juan Slam that took every ounce of energy she had left in her by that point. Despite the loss, Perez looked great even in defeat and there is no doubt that this match will be remembered for a long time. Rating: 61 Individual performances: Perez 62, LSJ 44 Show rating: 50
  3. He'd also make one hell of an authority figure, no one would mess with him. Though with Marat having retired to a monastery, I always entertain the idea of him running a "morality wrestling" company funded by the monks... In other news, if we could get an alternative "Russian Power Fighting" logo that I could use with WMMA, that'd be great.
  4. LSJ started off on a losing streak as he built up some popularity, now she's slowly getting her push. Perez was her opponent, which sooooort of explains the lack of help? I hope? The reality is, Perez showed up exhausted as she had an OLLIE show the night prior, so I whipped up the angle to give her a break and not risk injury, while LSJ got another win to build momentum. It also takes me from a double title main event on that show into a single one, with the Perez-LSJ title match available to headline next month's show.
  5. Too Hot For TV Wednesday, Week 2, March 2021 Sendai, Tohoku Region, 782 fans in attendance (3.720 viewers on All Japan TV) Tag Team Deathmatch The Bloody Hand (Morisue & Makioka) vs Róisín Gross & Piper Hale Barely his second match in WQ2020 and Hiroshi Morisue seems to be motivated by this run as despite his age and presumably his career winding down, he showed up in much better shape than before, having dropped some of the unhealthy weight he had been carrying around. Hale took a beating here from the WEXXV veterans and won over fans with her sheer resilience, while Gross tried to bring the fight to her opponents with some stunt dives but there was no stopping Morisue or Makioka on this night. Rating: 54 Individual performances: Makioka 58, Morisue 46, Hale 47, Gross 39 Three Way Junior match Emiko Miyoshi vs Nami Genda vs Rika Tsujimura Nami Genda made her return after an absence of a few months, while Miyoshi sought to move on after her loss at the hands of Lady San Juan while Tsujimura wanted to keep her winning streak after her win over WARRIOR Koiso. A solid match from start to finish, the only problem here was having to follow up the hard hitting opener that also featured more popular competitors. All three women put in a good effort and Miyoshi managed to cradle Tsujimura for the win. Rating: 46 Individual performances: Miyoshi 39, Genda 49, Tsujimura 51 Junior Division singles match Petra Forsberg vs Romi Yamato Another face that hasn't been seen for a while in WQ2020, Romi Yamato carried her opponent to a more than passable match an got the win over her with a Yamatotal. Somewhat predictable, but well executed and Forsberg is clearly learning fast how to work a match. If she keeps it up like that, she may well turn out to be the breakout star of her Idol Queens trio. Rating: 46 Individual performances: Forsberg 35, Yamato 57 Four Corners Elimination Tag Team Deathmatch Cannibal Crew vs The Hooligan Sisters vs Death Triangle (Mushashibo & Danger) vs Unstoppable Monsters This was pretty much a showcase of Warrior Queen's tag team division, but with the champions in it and no titles on the line, also a chance to perhaps gauge who would be the next team to challenge for the gold. As one might have expected, the Hooligan Sisters were the first to get eliminated, but got in a good performance before that as they continue to develop. Ishimura and Tai would later hit Etelka with a double chokeslam for a memorable moment and the elimination, leaving the champions in the ring with Mushashibo and a struggling Kitsune Danger who seeemed to be pushing through an injury likely sustained earlier in the match. Unstoppable Monsters tried to zone in on the weaker of their two opponents, but that overconfidence came back to haunt them due to Danger's resilience and a well timed tag from Mushashibo who managed to hit a quick series of moves on the disoriented Tai, bringher down for her finishing strike and the pinfall win. Rating: 43 Individual performances: Maneater 45, Etelka 49, Helena 42, Hannah 46, Tai 46, Ishimura 33, Danger 65, Mushashibo 49 Pinky Perez made her entrance next for her scheduled title defence, but Taheiji Konoe and Edo Phoenix IV attacked her from behind as she was walking down the ramp. There was much confusion, but it all became clear when Phoenix entered the ring and bullied the referee to ring the bell. Lady San Juan was all too happy to oblige, as if she thought she'd lose her title shot if she backed down from the challenge, thus the bout was changed on the fly. Rating: 45 Edo Phoenix IV vs Lady San Juan There is no question this match was planned to be a spotfest, every exchange eventually leading to an excuse for someone to pull a flashy offensive maneuver and excite the live crowd. It was also an interesting clash of the japanese junior style of Phoenix against the more lucha libre inspired approach of Lady San Juan. It all came down to integrity though and when Phoenix opted to try cheating instead of another big aerial move, his opponent caught him off guard and hit him with a San Juan Slam to score the pin. Rating: 45 Individual performances: Phoenix 41, LSJ 45 WQ2020 Queen of the Deathmatch title match Naoko Majima © vs Dr. Yumaniac Dr. Yumaniac got her shot thanks to Makioka's win last month and this match turned out to be just what one would expect from its two participants, a frantic brawl filled with violence, bloodshed and weapons galore. Dr. Yumaniac took a bump through two tables stacked on top of each other and almost as if she wanted to top her opponent's stunt, Majima ended up diving from the top of the entrance ramp onto her opponent, driving them both to the hard floor below, no matresses or protection involved. It was wild, it was entertaining for the fans who were there and it was Majima's second defence of the belt as she managed to catch her challenger with a Coiling Strike right on the fifteen minute mark. Rating: 54 Individual performances: Majima 58, Yumaniac 53 Show rating: 48
  6. This could prove to be the one thing to bring Marat Khoklov out of retirement.
  7. Rumbles and matches with so many participants are always tough to write and long, so don't sweat it. I liked the swerve of Orgulloso being in it with something to win and him ultimately winning it, curious to see if he picks an easy challenger or of he'd consider such an act beneath him.
  8. 24/7 2015 Saturday, Week 3 of October 2015, Tri State, 2.300 fans in attendance Johnny Chase opened the show and said he wanted to be the first to challenge the new ESW Heavyweight champion, Levi Tundra. Lee Harrison came out instead and he said he hasn't forgotten how Chase attacked him after his match at Broadway Beatdown two months ago; Harrison thought their beef was over after he beat a bloody Chase inside the cage, but Chase clearly couldn't move on so now, Harrison had to deal with him again and pay him back for his sneak attack. Chase gave him a Cheshire grin and said he had an idea how to deal with this. In tonight's main event, Harrrison would team up with Tundra against Chase and Destruction; if Chase's team wins, he gets a title shot but if Harrison's team wins, he gets that one last match he wants against Chase. Too good a deal to pass up, Harrison agreed and just like that, the main event was set! The 1% vs The Ordinary Guys Harley Steele showed up for this match with significant muscle mass added to his frame since the last time he was around, now clearly too buff to be called just a Middleweight. Perhaps Steele aspires to be more than just a generic jobber and if so, working on his appearance is a way to achieve it. The booking team certainly seemed to think he was worth a reward for his efforts and so Steele ended up catching Creighton Fall in his Test Your Steele submission finisher for the tap out. Yet again, Fall cost his team a match and it seemed that Logan Prince is quickly losing patience with the in-ring performance of his legal representative. ESW Tag Team titles match w/ Heritage vs Team USA (with Colt Magnum) A long awaited and buit up contest between two young and exciting tag teams, the match probably didn't live up to the expectations and while part of it might have to do with the inexperience of its participants, certainly a bigger part has to do with the lack of selling on display. Independence Day was the only one who remembered to sell a bit of his opponents' offence, Cornbread Grits Jr at times too, while Strongwolf and Mr. America were all about the offence. Not bad, but not as great as it should have been either. Shocking finish though, with Grits taking out Magnum at ringside to keep Independence Day distracted while Strongwolf Jr. hit Mr. America with a Sacred Gound for the pin. Winners AND NEW ESW Tag Team champions, Heritage! Kenta Shiozumi vs Titus Flint Very much a grudge match after Flint's betrayal, this bout was personal between the two former teammates and it showed in the intensity of their strikes. It was also evident how well they know each other by the way they countered, dodged and reversed each other's moves. Shiozumi also tapped into his fighting spirit and pulled off a temporary invincibility no-sell spot that really popped the fans and it won't be a shock if he slowly incorporates it as a regular part of his matches' psychology. For now, he had his moment to push back and Flint cemented his heel turn when he used the timekeeper's hammer to smash his opponent and set up the finishing sequence in his favour. After winning the match, Titus Flint got on the mic and talked down Shiozumi, saying this is the reason he turned his back on him: Kenta isn't willing to go all the way, to do what it takes to win. Flint said he's tired of always hitting a glass ceiling and that he finally decided to ditch Shiozumi in order to ascend to new heights on his own. Dirk Ivers came out next and he cut a scathing promo on Absolutely Stunning. Ivers said he was offered a tag team match against Ruthless and Delorme if he could find a partner, but despite not having one, he's still present and ready to fight. Absolutely Stunning made their entrance and said the reason he's all alone is because nobody backstage likes him. Ivers smiled and said he's not here to be liked, he's here for a fight. Last month he gave chase and Absolutely Stunning ran away like the cowards they are, two men running off from one guy. Why should he need someone else on his side to take them on? Absolutely Stunning vs Dirk Ivers Ivers may have bitten off more than he could chew when he got himself involved in this handicap match. He is no monster bulldozing over smaller men, so he had his work cut out for him against his opponents, especially Delorme who seemed to be having a great night in terms of in-ring performance. As good as Ivers was, the numbers don't lie and he could only go on for so long before exhaustion and piled-up damage took their toll on him, setting him up for a French Connection and the pin from Delorme. w/ Johnny Chase & Destruction vs Levi Tundra & Lee Harrison (with Janet Murrin) A much anticipated match with high stakes on both sides, this didn't disappoint and it ended the show on a high note as the best bout of the night, just like every main event should be. The Chase and Harrison feud has been well documented, as has their chemistry in the ring, and Harrison also had some exchanges with Destruction, which made the action carry weight whenever he was in the ring. Tundra had no history with any of the other men in this match, but as the fresh champion and exciting babyface, he didn't need much more past that either. A great back and forth contest with some nice tag team moves and fluid teamwork, the match saw Harrison get the win with an Integrity Tamer on Chase, thus setting up their future encounter and giving Harrison the early advantage in terms of momentum and psychology. Overall
  9. Interesting mix of modern underground graphics with the 80s pastel neon. Well done, as always.
  10. DUMMA 5: Lundie vs da Cunha Sunday, Week 4 of May 2002, Southern Australia, Australia Preliminary matches - Ryan ‘The Gold Standard’ Fenniman beat ‘The Bruiser from Belfast’ Liam O’Donnell via Unanimous Decision [Good] - Toni Dietrich beat Carina Costa via TKO (Strikes) [Good] - Bart ‘Throwdown’ Diggs beat Craig Hulme via Split Decision [Average] - Nate Dawes beat Ramin Rostami via Unanimous Decision [Poor} - Titi Stringer beat Owen Williams via TKO (Strikes) [Good] - ‘Mighty’ Mort Slingsby beat Norman ‘Conquest’ MacAskill via Unanimous Decision [Average] Welterweight ‘The Unbreakable’ Gideon Navarro (#14 CR, 0-0, 7-0) vs ‘Cannonball” Bruno Epps (#21, 0-1, 11-8) Round one begins and Epps appeared to be going to try and get in close, but Navarro took the initiative first. He can't connect with a jab, but then catches Epps with a right hook to the body, a jab and then he hits a nice straight right that lands hard. That last shot may have done some damage, Epps is backing off and looks totally dazed! Epps regains his senses just in time to dodge a vicious overhand right. Navarro closes the distance, obviously looking to strike. He lands a left jab, but Epps dodges the leg kick that follows. Another jab misses, but Navarro then catches Epps with a crunching right hook. More set-up strikes go wide, but Navarro then hits a nice straight right that lands hard. He’s taken his opponent by storm and after a straight right, he shoots on Epps and has the takedown! Epps pulls guard and Navarro begins working to pass to side control, making it to half guard before the timer runs out. Navarro looks very happy with that first round. He is certainly living up to position as being the heavy favourite to win this fight. It's going to be a real uphill struggle for Epps from this point onward. And here we go, round two! Epps aggressively moves in and grapples with Navarro. He tries to muscle Navarro up against the cage and after some struggling, manages to control Epps up against the cage. They exchange short punches to the body for about a minute, leaving one more for the end of the round. Navarro then drops down and wraps his arms around his opponent's legs, looking to try and take them down but Epps blocks the takedown by grabbing the cage! He gets given a verbal warning from the referee for that piece of cheating, while Navarro goes for it again and executes a great inside leg trip. Navarro keeps Epps guessing with a few quick strikes but can’t cause any serious damage before time runs out on round two. There's the bell for the start of the final round and Navarro immediately comes in, looking for a takedown. It is successful and gets side control from it, working to get a mount. Navarro takes the back instead, Epps rolled over rather than get mounted but it backfires, Navarro starts unloading with massive rights and Epps is getting pasted! The referee is forced to jump in and stop the fight! Official Result: 'The Unbreakable' Gideon Navarro defeats 'Cannonball' Bruno Epps via TKO (Strikes) [Good] Women’s Flyweight Tatjana Vinnick (#13 CR, 0-0, 7-0) vs Shannon ‘The Rash’ Palmer (#16 CR, 0-0, 7-2) Round one begins and Vinick rather obviously ignores the offer to touch gloves to begin. She comes forward, willing to take a few shots as long as she can get close enough to wrestle. She is met by Palmer with a jab that goes wide and a good right hook. Vinick gets hold of Palmer without taking too much damage though and tries to muscle her up against the cage. Palmer ends up backed against the cage, trapped against the cage and Vinick hits her with a quick elbow, a knee strike to the ribs from the clinch and a glancing elbow strike. A knee to the thigh is avoided when Palmer uses wrestling to prevent it, allowing her to land a few quick punches to the side of the head. With one minute remaining in the round, Vinick smothers Palmer against the cage. She hits her with a knee strike to the ribs, but there's otherwise no progress made and the referee separates the two fighters. The two combatants meet in the center and start to strike. Vinick hits a left hand. Palmer misses a jab but scores with a right hook. Breathing hard, Vinick clinches to try and buy some recovery time as she tries to push Palmer up against the cage but can't do it, Palmer gets a more dominant position in the grapple instead and tries to sweep the leg for a takedown. The trip doesn't work, Vinick blocks it and then takes control of the grapple but the bell rings and time is out. Round two begins and the two fighters trade blows for a bit. Palmer misses a big right hand, putting her off balance and allowing Vinick to attack with a left jab and a right cross. Nothing else gets through for about a minute, until Vinick scores a right hook and Palmer lands a one-two in response, then dodges a right hand and counter-attacks with a left jab and a right hand that narrowly fails to connect right at the halfway point of the round.It’s Vinick this time who loses balance when she misses a big right hand and Palmer sees a chance for a jab but the follow up right hook is ducked. With one minute of the round remaining, Vinick counters a right hand with a quick left jab and a right hook, then decides to shoot, but Palmer simply took the initiative first. Her jab goes wide, but then she catches Vinick with a right hook and time runs out. We go into the final round with everything still to fight for! Lots of back and forth striking, Palmer hits a left hand while Vinick finds a way past her opponent's guard to land a sharp one-two. She then slips past a right hook and counters with a left hook of her own. Palmer throws two quick punches wide and Vinick exploits that to grab her. Using her wrestling skills, Vinick pushes Palmer up against the cage and in control, passes an elbow to the face from the clinch. Things are heating up with just a minute left to go as Palmer takes a knee strike just above the hip. Exhaustion sets in though and the rest of the fight sees the two women grinding it out with some smothering and sharp short punches until the bell rings. Official Result: Tatjana Vinick defeats Shannon 'The Rash' Palmer via Unanimous Decision [Decent] Post-fight interview: “This was a tough challenge for me and I enjoy these kinds of fights that let me test myself. I think Toshie Nishina would present a tough enough challenge for a future fight, it’s certainly one I’m interested in trying.” Middleweight ‘The King of Memphis’ Wesley Sneep (#11 CR, 0-0, 7-0) vs Chaz Babish (#13 CR, 0-1, 12-6) Betting odds favour Sneep in this fight, but Babish doesn’t have the pressure of a debut and will want to bounce back from his loss last time he was in a DUMMA cage. We are underway, Babish lands a left jab but doesn't connect with a right hand. Sneep lands a one-two to get in range and he gets a single leg takedown! Babish pulls guard off it. Time slips away as Sneep successfully keeps Babish stuck against the ground and smothering him. Around the minute mark, Sneep gets past the guard with a certain degree of ease and gains side control but can he make something of it before time runs out? He fires away with punches, but Babish doesn't take any undue damage. He can’t move to guard though either, Sneep doesn't allow it. Bit more ground and pound, another failed attempt to get to guard and round one ends. And here we go, round two! Sneep lands a left hook, Babish finds a good angle and lands a nice one-two and more strikes are exchanged. No rush for a takedown this time, the blows continue flying both ways but no one lands a decisive one, nor does one man seem to have a distinct advantage over his opponent. Final round, the exchange of strikes continues for its first half, then Sneep shouts at his opponent, telling them to bring it on. Might be frustration on his part, might be playing head games with Babish. They engage in the center, Sneep misses a right cross that leaves him open to the counter. Babish attacks with a jab and a right hook that is avoided at the last second as we enter the final minute of the round. More strikes back and forth, Sneep misses with a big right hand, allowing Babish to counter with a jab and a right cross that just misses as the timer runs out. Official Result: 'The King Of Memphis' Wesley Sneep defeats Chaz Babish via Split Decision [Decent] Post-fight interview: “Shout out to my crew at the Bear Pit, represent! I started my DUMMA run with a win, but that’s what I do baby, winning! 8-0 career record now, still undefeated, forever undefeated. Better find someone to face me ‘cause people be dodging me!” Lightweight Goncalves Cassaro (#11 CR, 0-0, 6-1) vs ‘The Player’ Doug Minnelli (#12 CR, 0-0, 6-1) We are underway, Minnelli can't connect with his set-up strikes, but then hits Cassaro with a body kick. More strikes are countered with a tentative jab from Cassaro, Minnelli lands a left jab but finds nothing but air with an ambitious big right. His confidence boosted, Minnelli moves in closer, looking to throw some strikes. He can't connect with his set-up strikes, but then scores with a right cross and then a right hand. Cassaro has been pressured into defence and even his attempted counter jab can’t land home. The Brazilian takes the hits, misses a right hook and gets countered with a right cross. We could be seeing a KO finish if this continues, especially if Minnelli has the power behind his punches or if Cassaro turns out to have a glass jaw. A vicious right hand goes wide though, Minnelli keeps the pressure while Cassaro can’t even land a counter, then eats a right hook before he’s saved by the bell. What a dominant performance from Minnelli, too bad he couldn’t get a quick decisive finish out of it. Round two begins, Cassaro knows he needs to make up for lost ground so he dodges a right hand and counter-attacks with a clean right of his own. Minnelli is wobbly from that and Cassaro and comes in for the kill! Minnelli just covers up, too dazed to do anything but try and survive the next few seconds! Cassaro hits a straight right hand! Dazed, Minnelli continues to cover up. Minnelli steps back, wobbily, and is left semi-slumped against the cage. Somehow, he dodges a vicious overhand right. He looks badly dazed, that must have been pure instinct. Very good response on Minnelli’s part there, he could have lost the fight in an instant. Just goes to show what power Cassaro is packing behind his punches, especially the right. All he needs is a single opportunity to land that big killing blow. Minnelli circles back to the center, having gotten the time he needed to regain his wits somewhat and moves in closer, ready to attack. A jab hits home for him and then he lands a low kick to the legs. There's an exchange of strikes, Minnelli again pressuring Cassaro as we reach the halfway point of the round. Minnelli steps into the pocket, showing little fear of Cassaro. He’s keeping the pressure on, but he’s risking taking that one big hit! Neither man can land a decent hit though and Minnelli shows his great head movement skills as he dodges his opponent’s blows but is also starting to slow down a touch, perhaps conserving a little energy. The two fighters continue to trade blows, Cassaro misses a right cross that leaves him open to the counter. Minnelli attacks with a left hook and the bell rings. Could have all ended in an instant there, but in terms of scoring it looks like Minnelli maintained the upper hand for this round as well. Cassaro needs a finish. Can he get that headshot? It's the final round and we are back underway! They stand and trade, but all the shots are either off target or are safely dealt with. With Minnelli tired, he can’t keep pressuring Cassaro. Cassaro tries his luck but misses with a big right hand, allowing Minnelli to counter with a brace of jabs that are followed by a quick kick. Final sixty seconds of this round, Cassaro hits a left hand and Minnelli throws one of his own, then scores with a left kick to the body. Cassaro blocks a right cross and comes back with a left jab, but has a right hand taken on the gloves. Cassaro throws two quick punches but Minnelli has good movement despite his stamina failing him and avoids them as the fight comes to an end. Official Result: Goncalves Cassaro defeats 'The Player' Doug Minnelli via Unanimous Decision [Good] Light Heavyweight Gustavo Spagnol (#13 CR, 0-0, 6-1) vs Ranieri ‘Martelo’ Fernanda (#14 CR, 0-0, 9-2) Fernanda starts aggressively, looking for a takedown. Spagnol almost stops it but he’s left hopping on one leg while Fernanda holds the other. Unable to complete the takedown, Fernanda instead pushes Spagnol up against the cage and traps him there for a minute or so of dirty boxing. It soon becomes a stalemate as neither fighter risks leaving a crucial opening that the other can exploit and we move into the final sixty seconds of this round. With the fight having been stuck against the cage for a lengthy period of time, referee Brent Keith restarts them back in the center. Fernanda comes forward looking to force a striking exchange but eats two counter left hands. His own one-two goes wide and Spagnol again hits two counter lefts. Spagnol attempts to create an opening, but his big right hand misses as time expires on the opening round. We are back underway, Spagnol can't hit a set-up left jab, but then catches Fernanda with a right hook. He throws two more lefts, but sees the following low kick get caught! Seizing his chance, Fernanda attempts a takedown; Spagnol can’t stop it and has to pull guard. Fernanda smothers Spagnol for the rest of the round, occasionally throwing a few quick strikes to keep his opponent guessing and that’s how it ends in round two, an unexciting one that draws a fair share of boos from the audience. It's the final round, the fighters go toe-to-toe with strikes but the flurry ends without any really damaging shots landing. Fernanda seems like he has a takedown in mind, but Spagnol took the initiative first. He connects with a jab, but doesn't hit the leg kick follow-up. Spagnol misses with a big right hand, allowing Fernanda to counter with a right hook but neither man seems particularly shaken by the blow. Halfway point of round three and Spagnol hits Fernanda with a straight right. Fernanda responds with two quick jabs, but they had no power at all behind them. Spagnol connects with two left hands and then scores with a right cross that landed hard. He can't connect with a jab, but then hits a nice straight right. He’s probably not getting a knockout, but is content scoring clean points. Fernanda senses this isn’t a game that favours him and comes forward, willing to risk a few shots to close the distance. He seizes the chance and grabs Spagnol into a clinch, but he has less than ten seconds to go so it’s only pinning against the cage and the fight is over. Official Result: Ranieri 'Martelo' Fernanda defeats Gustavo Spagnol via Unanimous Decision [Average] Post-fight interview: “I had to work real hard for this win, Spagnol is one tough S.O.B. and I respect him for it.” Featherweight Tyler ‘Black Ops’ Aidi (#6 CR, 0-0, 8-0) vs Taizoh Chung Man (#7 CR, 0-1, 20-10) Chung Man comes into this match with an 8” reach advantage and all the betting odds in his favour, despite having lost his first DUMMA fight thus far. The two fighters touch gloves and Chung Man wants to grapple but is clearly wary of his opponent's striking. A jab lands from Aidi, but Chung Man evades a big right punch. Aidi smiles and moves in closer, looking to throw some strikes. He can't connect with his set-up strikes, but then lands a big right hand. If it works, don’t change it; the next big right goes wide, Chung Man lands a weak jab to keep distance and Aidi hits him with a fantastic right cross! He's down! Chung Man falls to the floor! Aidi moves in quickly, kneeling beside Chung Man and starting to hammer down with punches! Aidi pounds away, Chung Man is taking heavy shot after heavy shot! The referee pulls Aidi away, stopping the fight! Official Result: Tyler 'Black Ops' Aidi defeats Taizoh Chung Man via TKO (Strikes) in 1:37 of round 1 [Good] Fight of the Night DUMMA Heavyweight title match Collins Lundie (#2, 0-0, 14-5) vs Waly da Cunha (#5 CR, 0-0, 16-8) Lundie is the big favourite to win the title, but Aidi just defied all odds in the previous fight so anything is possible in the night’s main event! The fight begins and both fighters warily step in to strike. Lundie nails a right cross. da Cunha doesn't connect with a right hand. They’re both very cautious at the start, testing each other with feints and light jabs. da Cunha scores with a right hook. Lundie scores with a left hand but doesn't connect with a right hand. da Cunha appeared to be going to try and get in close, but Lundie took the initiative first; he can't connect with his set-up strikes, but he forces da Cunha to turtle up in defence, giving him space to hit a stunning right hook! da Cunha is out! It's all over! Official Result: Collins Lundie defeats Waly da Cunha via Knock Out (Punch) in 0:49 of round 1 [Good] KO of the Night
  11. City Never Sleeps 2015 Saturday, Week 3 of September 2015, Tri State, 2.400 fans in attendance Jayson Disaster vs Zero Jayson Disaster seems to be perpetually in a bad mood, but his big loss in last month's main event made him even more bitter and he took his frustrations out on Zero. The masked high flyer only got a couple of chances to put in a bit of offence and none of it really paid off; Disaster kept things one sided and got an easy win via his Filthy Bomb finisher. Of course, Disaster had more bubbling inside him and after the match, he took the mic to air his grievances. Maybe it was the adrenaline still pumping, but he seemed to stumble a bit and it clashed with what he was saying and the intensity of its deliverance. Still got the fans to boo him though, so mission accomplished. TW3 vs Seventh Street Saints This was TW3's first match together after losing the tag team titles. Between that and their very different results in their respective singles matches, the team seemed to have a few issues working together, which in turn allowed the Saints to gain control of the match. It looked as if the situation was leaning in favour of the babyfaces, then all of a sudden Titus Flint spun around and floored his teammate with a spinning back elbow! Fans were shocked, but Deep Freeze was there to hit the Ring Pop and score the pin. In the aftermatch, Flint celebrated with TW3 and left the ring with them, thus cementing his shock heel turn and leaving an explanation to be desired next time he's around. Dirk Ivers came out and said he had a few things to talk about after his time limit draw against Destruction, but Absolutely Stunning interrupted him to make fun of his hairstyle, his facial hair, his posture, you name it. Ivers initially paid them no attention, but when it became clear they wouldn't stop, he left the ring to get them. Ruthless and Delorme ran backstage cackling and the three men disappeared out of view. ESW Tag Team titles match w/ The 1% vs Team USA (with Colt Magnum) Creighton Fall's lawsuit finally paid off and The1% were given their title match here. All a good chance for Mr. America to shout out stuff about "truth, justice and the American way" before hitting a big move. On paper, his character should be so over the top comedic and cartoony it would never work in ESW, but his sheer charisma and creativity in coming up with stuff about America and specifically New York have made him a surprise hit with the fans. What was also a surprise was the cradle that Independence Day got on Creighton Fall, while he was busy arguing with Logan Prince on the apron. Team USA retain and that put The 1% in a very, very bad mood. Heritage jumped at the opportunity to come out and make fun of The 1%, saying they finally got their chance with no other teams around and still failed; now it was finally time for the one team who's been consistently handing the champions their asses to get a shot at gold. When that happens, Heritage will be the new ESW Tag Team champions! Lee Harrison hit the ring and cut a promo on Johnny Chase. Harrison called Chase a sore loser who just won't move on; won't move on past his loss to Harrison, won't move past the fact that Janet Murrin left him. Still, Harrison said he'd be all too happy to teach Chase that lesson if he would come out to fight him. Instead, it was Destruction who walked out and just like that, the match was set. w/ Destruction vs Lee Harrison (with Janet Murrin) Harrison is no pushover and seeing Destruction go from squashes to competitive wins to time limit draws since his arrival had paved the way for fans to accept this back and forth match without it diminishing the big man's aura. Using smart wrestling and technical reversals, Harrison stayed in the game and even made some attempt to work his opponent's leg, but he just didn't get enough damage done in time and ended up taking the Total Destruction for an emphatic win by the big man. ESW Heavyweight title match Vince Borden vs Levi Tundra Main event time, one that ESW fans have been expecting all year to see given Tundra's trajectory. Borden didn't seem impressed though and he brought the pain, punishing his challenger early on in the match. It took a lot of perseverance on Tundra's part (and pulling the top rope down as Borden was charging for a lariat, to get him out of the ring) to turn things around. A springboard dive and a DDT to the floor later, Tundra was in control and he covered some lost ground but Borden's power gave him the advantage in the ringside brawl. With things back in the ring, Tundra surprised the champion with a sunset flip for a near fall and once again, used his own momentum against him when he dodged a charge to send Borden crashing to the corner. An enzuguiri dropped a reeling Borden and one Arctic Tundra later, the ref made the three count. Winner AND NEW ESW Heavyweight champion, Levi Tundra! Overall
  12. Real World Major League Wrestling: Styles Make Fights! by Blodyxe C-Verse/Fictional Touch the Skye - the story of how Remmy Skye took the OLLIE book and a winding road to Mexico in search of salvation. by DarEatWorld
  13. So good to see so many candidates. Congratulations to the winners.
  14. GNW Underground Wrestling Episode 2: Hijack Greed is right. Greed works…That's John Greed! John Greed is in GNW!... I'm here to make money. I'm here to take down your heroes and get handsomely paid for doing it….Tonight, in the main event, it's gonna be John Greed versus the heart and soul of GNW, the original OG, Busta Capp!... I sure ain't gonna let you step into MY house and disrespect me like that… There ain't no man to combine their size with the skill and charisma of BP Swoll… I've been the King of the Streets since day one. And I got my boys here with me now. We the East Coast Crew and we're here to take over!...They sold out! BB and Boneyard sold out!...All hail the Disciples of Greed! After the intro, we are transferred to the parking lot of The Club, where the East Coast Crew are hanging out. Knuckles is laid back on the recliner seat of his custom made chopper and enjoying a beer, while Kurt Laramee and Shady K are fooling about and playfully shadowboxing each other when a phone rings. Laramee whips it out of his pocket and answers it, while Shady K spins around and continues to shadowbox on his own. Laramee: I’m listening… uh huh… mhm… Yeah it’s good, my crew can take on them Mexican Killers. How bout me? Shady K stops and turns his attention towards Laramee. It is at this time that Knuckles finishes his beer, crushes the can in his hand and tosses it away, barely suppressing a belch. Laramee: Na uh, ain’t having none o’ that crap… Listen… I don’t care!... Yo, here’s what’s gonna go down. End of the show tonight, Kurt Laramee’s gonna be standing in the middle of that ring. Now you can bust your ass and get someone to wrestle me in the main event, or you can kick back and watch me tell the world about that little secret of yours. Don’t. Test me. Laramee ends the call, but neither of his men dares ask him what that was all about. Instead, Knuckles looks at Shady K, who shrugs and rolls his eyes. Caves: Hello and welcome, so glad you join us tonight on another episode of GNW Underground Wrestling! Motormouth: Hardest hitting action on yo screen, we got the hardcore, we got the extreme, we the real deal and I’m hype to see everyone’s favourite murder grandpa, Madman Boone, do his thing tonight. Caves: That’s right, we have the confirmed return of Madman Boone from injury but that’s just part of all the excitement packed in the next two hours. The GNW West Coast champion, Lug Phelan will be defending his title tonight against a familiar foe in Hustle Muvva, Death Row and Mexican Hardcore Killers collide in tag team action, there’s plenty more matches scheduled but what everyone’s been talking after our first episode was the surprise appearance of John Greed in GNW. Motormouth: Yeah it was unexpected, but goes to show anything’s possible in GNW. What upset me tho wasn’t him being around or the things he said, I’m pissed about BB Colossus and Boneyard bending the knee. Caves: He called them his Disciples of Greed and they will kick off our show tonight in a trios match so let’s go straight to the ring! Disciples of Greed vs Greg Black, Fro Sure & Omar Greed comes out flanked by his two massive teammates, who seem to be following him as if hypnotized. Their opponents seem to have common ground in their hairstyle aesthetics, but that’s just the visual part when there’s plenty of talent between the three of them as well. The announce team also point out that Black and Sure are the World and American champion respectively, which shows in the match as they immediately outwrestle Greed, who overconfidently chose to start for his team. Omar gets to hit a high flying frog splash for a near fall and Greed makes the tag to Boneyard. The big man enters the ring and cleans house, while Colossus tosses anything he can find inside the ring to be used as a weapon. The babyface (judging by fan support) team grab a few of the weapons and gang up to bring Boneyard down, to which BB and Greed respond by also rushing the ring to take shots. Any semblance of order is quickly lost and in the chaos… Wait, he’s not part of the security staff… Caves: Is that…? Motormouth: Charlie Thatcher! The big man blindsides Greg Black and shoves Fro Sure into a chokeslam by Boneyard. BB Colossus then holds Omar, while his teammates and the newcomer set up a table. Thatcher lifts Omar up and puts him through a table with a vicious spinebuster, then Greed places a foot on top of Omar’s chest with a smug smile on his face as the referee counts to three. Winners: Disciples of Greed, in 8:13 by pinfall after interference from Charlie Thatcher (Rating: 50) The winners are announced and John Greed motions for a microphone. Greed: I told you morons last week. Greed is good. Greed works. Money can buy you things and whoever said it can’t buy you happiness, I’m here to tell you they didn’t know where to go shopping. All hail the Disciples of Greed! All four men raise their hands above their heads, performing some sort of triangular gesture. Caves: What does that mean? Motormouth: It means Charlie Thatcher is in GNW and he’s joined the Disciples of Greed! Caves: No, I mean the hand sign Motormouth: Beats me. But I can tell you that ain’t no gang sign. Mexico’s Finest vs Papa Swoll Swoll is a charismatic, likable big man which makes for a stark contrast against the mean MF that is Mexico’s Finest. The two immediately get to slugging it out and with Swoll getting the best of the exchange, Finest retreats to the outside to catch a break. Swoll makes the mistake of playing to the crowd and waiting for his opponent to come back in, which gives Finest a chance to grab a chair and slide it in the ring. Seeing what’s in store, Swoll makes a desperate rush for an impressive dive to the outside, but he telegraphed it and Finest avoids it with a simple sidestep. Now at ringside, Finest quickly turns the brawl nasty, using the surroundings to inflict as much damage as possible. When Swoll slides back into the ring to escape, Finest follows and pauses to pick up the chair, but that provides Swoll with a window of opportunity to get on one knee, from which he explodes to tackle the chair into Finest with his Pounce finisher, falling on top of him for the three count. Winner: Papa Swoll, in 7:55 by pinfall (Rating: 44) Caves: Desperate charge and Papa Swoll wins the match! Motormouth: Uh oh, here comes the cavalry! Brown Pride run down to the ring with baseball bats in hand. Joining Mexico’s Finest, the three surround Papa Swoll and deliver a vicious beatdown on the winner, leaving him almost senseless on the mat. Caves: Some would call that disgusting, in GNW we call it another day at work. Motormouth: These guys may be sore losers, but they’re a unit and they got each other’s backs. Swoll won the match but with no friends around, he got no one to watch his back and that don’t take you far round here. E-Soteric vs Frantic Ali Frantic Ali got his alias due to his fast-paced brawling while E-Soteric is a former boxer, so it’s no surprise this starts out as another slugfest. It also spills outside the ring again, but this time there’s no weapons involved. Instead, the two duke it out past the barricade and into the crowd, with E-Soteric happy to take a shortcut or two whenever he’s able, which earns him the ire of the crowd. The two end up trading blows about two thirds up a set of stairs and after a solid haymaker, E-Soteric is sent tumbling down. Limping from the hits and exhaustion, Frantic Ali stumbles down as well and smacks his opponent’s head on the barricade. He then picks him up on his shoulders and climbs on the apron to deliver a Death Valley Driver. From there, he rolls E-Soteric between the ropes and makes the cover for the win. Winner: Frantic Ali, in 12:16 by pinfall (Rating: 57) GSW West Coast title match w/ Lug Phelan © vs Hustle Muvva (with Cindy) Hustle Muvva gets some flak entering, in light of his sneaky win over Fro Sure last week, but that’s not the only reason Lug Phelan gets some cheers when he’s out next; the tough brawler has proven himself time and time again to be more than a stereotype of the fighting Irish, he can take a ton of punishment and deliver just as much in a hardcore environment, which is a sure fire way to get you fans in The Club. Muvva tries to bait in the champion but Phelan doesn’t bite, so the match starts with a snappy exchange of quick strikes, before Phelan pops the fans with a spear variation where he essentially tackle-carries Muvva across the ring to smash him back first onto the corner. From there, Phelan stomps a mudhole on him and Cindy has to pull her man out to catch a break. Phelan leaves the ring to follow up his offensive, but attention is drawn towards the entrance where Fro Sure comes out with Big Magic and directs him to take action. There’s a bit of commotion with shoving and arguing between all parties involved, with the Commissioner of Violence about to send Cindy back to the locker room. She’s not one to take orders though, so when Magic yanks the purse out of her hands, Muvva brings Magic to the ground and mounts him to drop the bombs. Fro has to pull Muvva away and in the commotion, Phelan’s picked up the purse and uses it to smash his opponent’s head. Muvva drops and Phelan opens the purse with a smug smile, revealing a brick to the audience. From there, Phelan picks up Muvva and smashes him back first against the apron, then rolls him in to deliver the finishing Gutwrench Backbreaker and secure the win. Winner AND STILL GNW West Coast champion: Lug Phelan in 7:58 by pinfall after distraction from Big Magic (Rating: 38) Phelan is celebrating, while Cindy rushes to assist her man and Fro helps Big Magic back up. Muvva is livid and keeps shouting at the Commissioner about being “Fro’s bitch”, a “bottom” and yelling about “who’s running the show” Death Row vs Mexican Hardcore Killers Villano’s slickin’ and pimpin’ doesn’t seem to dazzle his opponents, who immediately get to work on him. As soon as he has the chance, Villano retreats to his corner and tags in E-Z, who kicks the match into the next gear with his athletic offence and daredevil stunts. There’s a reason it’s called high risk offence though, E-Z eventually crashes and burns, which leads to another nasty beatdown by Death Row. Villano is able to momentarily take out Shady K with his pimp stick but Knuckles just tosses E-Z onto his teammate to brute force his way out of a tough spot. It seems this moment together on the ground gives the Killers a chance to get on the same page and they return with some nice tandem offence, but it’s short lived and E-Z ends up taking the Death Sentence to wrap things up. Winners: Death Row, in 11:42 by pinfall (Rating: 52) Caves: This can only mean one thing…. Motormouth: You just can’t keep a Madman down, baybay! Boone comes out rocking to the music like it’s 1995, then the mood changes as Magwitch makes his own entrance. CJ Weston, now pulling ring announcer duty, proclaims this next match will end with one fall, but it’s gonna be a ten count instead of the usual three! Caves: These guys really want to kill themselves… Motormouth: Or each other. Either way, we all win Madman Boone vs Magwitch There’s no two ways about this, it’s just a bad match. What saves it a little bit is the excitement of having Boone return from injury and once that fades, copious amounts of violence. Absolute mayhem ensues and it’s a string of rapid-fire spots that happen before a brain can process what went down, then the pure shock value of both competitors bleeding to a point that raises legitimate concerns for them passing out due to blood loss. Magwitch takes a piledriver onto the concrete floor of the entrance ramp, but falls don’t count outside the ring and in the time Boone needs to drag him back, the psycho clown is able to muster enough strength and kick out before the count of ten. Caves: Oh for crying out loud… Motormouth: One clown is bad enough, but more clowns? Nah uh… Pierrot gets some impressive elevation in his dropkick and knocks Boone out of the ring. Meanwhile, Hellech slides out a table from underneath the ring, sets it up and Coulrophobia prepare to put Boone through it. Magwitch stops them though. He pulls out a satchel from inside his trunks and pours out its contents, hundreds of thumbtacks onto the table! Motormouth: D’he have those next to his balls all this time? But no, that’s not enough for the clowns. Lighter fluid, set the table ablaze and then Boone gets put through it! Fans burst into a chant, Magwitch makes the cover all the way to ten and the medics have to rush in and stretcher Boone out. Winner: Magwitch, in 9:34 by pinfall (Rating: 45) The feed cuts to backstage, where Big Magic is pacing around in his office. Cali Slick is comfortably seated on a nearby chair, laid back with his shades on and the title on his shoulder. Slick: Face it M. No one’s gonna show. Magic: Oh they will. Any minute now. Slick: I can hear Laramee’s music playing already. You’re running out of time and quite frankly, I don’t appreciate you disrespecting my man Aces like that. Magic: Alright, I’ll give him the main event spot but only out of necessity. I don’t like him, I wouldn’t pick him but I have no other choice. Slick gives a sly, satisfied smile. Slick: Damn straight you don’t. Kurt Laramee vs Aces High Aces knows the odds don’t favour him so he rushes in with a low dropkick aimed at Laramee’s left knee. With the big man down, he pulls off a bunch of quick moves, making good use of his athleticism to turn his body into a weapon and hit Laramee with some high impact moves. It gives him the advantage early on, but the King of the Streets won’t be held down for three just like that. Aces makes the mistake of going for the knee again, this time with a sweeping kick, but Laramee sees it coming and just pump kicks him in the face with the other leg. From there, Laramee executes a good looking fallaway slam and kicks Aces to roll out of the bottom rope. Now on the outside and in control, Laramee whips his opponent onto the barricade and slams his head on the apron; this leaves Aces reeling and he’s hit with some chair shots in the back that drop him. Laramee picks him up for a powerbomb but a quick reversal into a rana buys Aces some time. He rushes back into the ring, goes for a suicide dive between the ropes but Laramee shuts him down by grabbing his head and falling into a cutter to drop him throat first onto the rope. Aces is gasping for breath and that gives Laramee the time to get back in the ring for the Switchblade Powerslam. One, two, three. Winner: Kurt Laramee, in 12:01 by pinfall (Rating: 52) Caves: Absolute domination from Kurt Laramee! Motormouth: Not just in this match, but in how he got himself into it as well. Wonder what kind of pull he’s got over our Commissioner…
  15. Attempted Murder Thursday, Week 2, February 2021 Sendai, Tohoku Region, 615 fans in attendance (3.830 viewers on All Japan TV) Tag Team Deathmatch Fujiko Mushashibo & Naoko Majima vs Onryo & Róisín Gross Two thirds of Death Triangle opened the show, hyped up to regain a bit of momentum after the group's big defeat at the end of last month's event. Majima and Mushashibo were simply unstoppable, although Gross had her moments with a few stunts and Onryo had a spot where she made a "supernatural" comeback. In the end, a miscalculated dive exposed Gross and Mushashibo rushed in to capitalize with a Fujiko Valentine and the pin. Rating: 53 Individual performances: Majima 54, Mushashibo 47, Gross 48, Onryo 43 The Bloody Hand came out next in full force and looking smug. Passing the mic between them, the men took turns gloating over their win in last month's main event, joking they should be getting a shot at the deathmatch title, if Warrior Queen wasn't "lacking the balls" to stop hiding behind the rules and only allowing women to wrestle for the belts. Fortunately, as Makioka pointed out, the group does have a woman in its ranks. Dr. Yumaniac took over from there and cut a promo to issue a challenge for later in the show: Since two thirds of Death Triangle had wrestled already, she challenged Kitsune Danger to take on the man who got the win last month, Zeshin Makioka, for a shot at the WQ Queen of the Deathmatch champion: if Makioka wins, and he will win, Danger's buddy Naoko Majima will allow the only member of the group eligible, Dr. Yumaniac, to fight her for the belt. Why would Death Triangle be taking such a bet? Because Dr. Yumaniac promised that if Makioka lost, the Bloody Hand would be dissolving... Too much of an enticing prospect for Death Triangle to pass by! Rating: 36 Junior Division match Rika Tsujimura vs WARRIOR Koiso Another test for Koiso, a chance for Tsujimura to get a win after her recent triple threat loss to Miyoshi. A rather safely played, by-the-numbers match, though certainly not one that felt as if the participants were simply going through the motions. Koiso showed a lot of fire and promise, but for now she's clearly still learning and once again ended up staring at the lights after Tsujimura's Running Knee Bomb. Rating: 39 Individual performances: Tsujimura 41, Koiso 29 Deathmatch Maneater vs Piper Hale A rare singles appearance for Maneater and a chance to shine, one she fully took and delivered unleashed brutality on her younger opponent. Hale showed a ton of heart and toughness, which is always something the WQ fans appreciate, but she hung in there and never missed a beat, answering her opponent's onslaught with her own brand of violence. An intense and hotly contested match that really felt like it could have gone either way, Maneater won it after twelve or so minutes with a Chop Top Drop. Rating: 41 Individual performances: Maneater 45, Hale 45 #1 Contender match Emiko Miyoshi vs Lady San Juan Another grand showcase of what Warrior Queen's junior division can do, this match was all about the big high flying moves and non stop, fast paced athletic action. It was well received and served as a welcome palette cleanser between all the hardcore deathmatches, but it also served a dramatic purpose as the winner would be wrestling Pinky Perez for the WQ Queen's Heart title. Furthermore, it was LSJ's recent series of wins after a long string of losses versus Miyoshi's undefeated streak in the company, the stakes and pride pushing both women to deliver bigtime. Eventually, it came down to keeping one's cool and Miyoshi overshot a dive, which allowed her opponent to pick her up for the San Juan Slam and pin. Judging from fan reaction to the result, Pinky Perez versus Lady San Juan from the belt is something they look forward to. Rating: 43 Individual performances: Miyoshi 38, LSJ 42 Title Shot vs Stable Disbanding Deathmatch Kitsune Danger vs Zeshin Makioka Another high stakes contest and as one would expect, the stipulation pushed both participants to new lengths of violence. What's interesting was their different approach to it though, since Makioka was the hard striking, weapon swinging brawler while Kitsune Danger opted for big moves and suicidal dives, showing no regard for her own well being. What really made the match was actually letting these two go out it, without any outside interference from their allies, something many expected but never came to pass. For all her crazy dives, Danger took a heavy toll on her own body and it would come back to haunt her when Makioka put her in a backbreaker submission that forced her to tap out. Rating: 55 Individual performances: Danger 64, Makioka 58 WQ 2020 Blood Sisters tag titles match Unstoppable Monsters © vs Hooligan Sisters Hannah and Helena have been on a roll as of recent, which led them to the main event and a match against the tag team champions. For all their momentum, skill and popularity though, they just couldn't follow up the match that came before them and more importantly, the fans were deflated after what they'd just witnessed before. On the bright side though, this was an unexpectedly competitive match and even though the Hooligan Sisters were unable to win, they certainly outperformed the champions and showed how much they've grown within the last year. Rating: 34 Individual performances: Tai 39, Ishimura 32, Helena 41, Hannah 45 Show rating: 44
  16. If I really wanted to torture you, friend, I'd request TCW 😛
  17. I am honoured to do your stuff justice. First time around had potential but it died way too soon. Funny, I always have the feeling I take forever to post the next show 😆 No need to apologize, thanks for your words of support. In other news, Fujiko Mushashibo quit 5SSW almost exactly one year after she was hired and now hates Sensational Ogiwara. I feel like I should write a piece about it, but can't quite think of a spicy enough narrative to spin...
  18. BCG when I'm feeling puro, GSW when I'm feeling hardcore. Also got a soft spot for QAW. Love EMLL but still haven't gotten around to give them a spin since they went full on with the multiverse stuff. Would want to give ZEN a try too, but I suck at booking/writing comedy.
  19. I think Shooting Star Perez would be the best fit from the GSW roster, but the AI usually keeps him and Top Dolla (who would be my second pick). Devyn Retribution tends to be let go, but he's not that good for lucha, or anything really. So I'm guessing one half of Brown Pride quit the company and are coming into MHW. Hopefully it's LatiNoFear who's a decent high flyer, but if it's MexiCain he can make up for his shortcomings by being solid on the mic.
  20. GNW Underground Wrestling Episode 1: Greed Fro Sure is here to award the King of California cup to the tournament winner, Cali Slick. These two are bound to clash sooner or later over Fro's American title... It's Kurt Laramee! The King of the Streets Kurt Laramee has come to GNW!... Madman Boone with the dive through the table, OH MY GOD!... You're a weak piece of sh*t, Ash, just like your daddy was and where did that get him in the end?... American title don't mean a thing to me, you better bust out a real world title worthy of a world champion like the King of the Streets... Savage Fury just demolished BB Colossus and Boneyard, is there anything that can stop their path of rampage?... THE WINNER OF THIS MATCH, AND NEW GRIMM NATIONAL WRESTLING WORLD CHAMPION, GREG BLACK!... State of Destruction are attacking the champion! They're attacking Greg Black! The episode begins with a montage of GNW's latest developments prior to the launch of this episodic series, introducing new fans to the main figures and recent past so they can keep up. The camera pans through the outside of The Club, the new venue that GNW has established as its home to replace Brother Grimm's Warehouse club, then we switch to the inside. Clifford Caves and MC Motormouth are barely audible over the noise of the rabid fans in the audience. Caves: Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, fans of hardcore wrestling around the world, welcome to GNW Underground Wrestling live from The Club in Los Angeles, California! I'm Clifford Caves, here to call the action alongside the one and only, MC Motormouth! Motormouth: Whaddup, fam? We here keepin' it real, bringing you the best hardcore wrestling action you can find in this damn country so kick back, light up a fat one and enjoy the action. Caves: You can't solicit drug use on air! Motormouth: Don't matter if I do or not, folks gonna do what folks gonna do regardless. Caves: Well I'm here to say don't do drugs and especially not the kind that brings you down because we have two action packed hours for you and you won't want to miss a second. Some of the wrestlers here in GNW are so fast, high flying, death defying, blink and you'll miss it! Motormouth: And those that ain't are some tough sons of b***es. No room for weak ass wrestlers up in this joint. Caves: It takes toughness to be a part of the GNW roster and it takes an even tougher man to keep them in line so without further ado, let's take it to the ring and GNW's Commissioner of Violence, the man himself, Big Magic! Big Magic is standing in the middle of the ring with a mic in hand Magic: Welcome to GNW Underground Wrestling! I'm the Commissioner of Violence, Big Magic and I'm here to make sure you fans get exactly what you came here to see, the absolute best hardcore wrestling! Tonight... Magic's words get cut out by some static on the speaker system. He pauses, checking the mic, but then the screen above the entrance flickers to life "Greed, for lack of a better word... is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through and captures the essence of evolutionary spirit." The short clip is followed by pompous, triumphant music and out comes... Caves: That's John Greed! John Greed is in GNW! What a way to make an entrance! Motormouth: Ain't he into that sports entertainment sh*t? What's he doing here? John Greed struts to the ring like he owns the place. Fan reaction is split between cheers and boos, but there's no denying they react to his presence. Greed: So you hoodlums have made it out of the ghetto and onto national airwaves, huh? This time, the boos are universal. Greed: Yeah, boo me all you want. I don't care what you think of me, it's not like you could recognize talent even if it hit you in the face. All you want is your blackitty black wrestlers punching each other till one of them bleeds to death. And you have the nerve to call that wrestling? But let's get one thing straight... I'm not here to defend my craft or any of that BS. I'm here to make money. I'm here to take down your heroes and get handsomely paid for doing it. Yeah, go ahead boo me, my paycheck for tonight alone is more than all of you will ever make in your miserable lives, combined. You are in the presence of a true star and as such, I demand to be featured in the main event tonight. Give me the best you've got GNW, I'll beat 'em with a smile on my face and then take the money you paid to come here tonight with an even bigger smile. Magic: Hold up... This ain't New England and I ain't some rich white sugar daddy handing you an allowance. This is Grimm National Wrestling and just like everyone else, you want something, you gotta fight for it. So if it's a fight you're looking for, I'mma give you a fight alright. Round here, you gotta earn your paycheck. So tonight, in the main event, it's gonna be John Greed... versus the heart and soul of GNW, the original OG, Busta Capp! The crowd pops at the announcement and Greed's music plays again, as he nods in agreement with a nasty shark smile. Caves: Talk about a huge match, Greed's gonna be taking on the man this company was built on from day one! Motormouth: He don't know what he's in for, Capp's as real as it gets and in GNW, every match is a hardcore match. No countouts, no disqualification, anything goes! Dunno bout you Cliff, I can't wait to see this punk ass bleed like a pig. Long Beach Crew (Aces High & Cali Slick) vs Lil Henry & PsychoMike The first ever match shown on GNW Underground Wrestling features the reigning American champion Cali Slick and as things get underway, Caves and Motormouth take the time to talk about his King of California tournament victory and subsequent title win over Fro Sure. From there, they introduce his long time partner Aces High and their opponents, a duo of big men that joined the company after IPW's collapse. Meanwhile, Henry and Mike manage to isolate the smaller Aces High in their corner, cutting the ring in half to work him over. It's tag team wrestling 101, garnering heat for the team and sympathy for Aces as it builds up to the hot tag. Slick eventually gets it, the fans pop and he cleans house, leading to the LBC's tag team finisher, the High and Low, that takes out PsychoMike for the pin. Winners: Long Beach Crew in 11:52 by pinfall (Rating: 54) Fro Sure's upbeat music signals his arrival and fans give him a warm welcome. Fro: WASSUP GN-DUB? Aw man, feels good to be out here again with all of you, steppin' to my beat. And judging from the numbers on Spotify, you fam seem to like that beat too, nah? ???: YOU DONE SUCKING Y'OWN D**K YET? Hustle Muvva comes out of the entrance with a mic in hand, his wife and manager by his side Muvva: This some vanity project, dawg? You come out here and waste TV time to flex ya Spotify listeners or sumthin? Fro: It's called cross-promotion. No wonder you never heard of it, 'cause last time I checked you weren't droppin' bars anywhere near a mic. Muvva: I don't need to do any of that sh*t, Fro. This ain't about the rap game. This is wrestling. So unless you're here to wrestle... Fro: Bruh, I'm all about the wrestling and I sure ain't gonna let you step into MY house and disrespect me like that. Yo, get a ref out here, let's do this right here, right now! w/ Fro Sure vs Hustle Muvva (with Cindy) Soon as the bell rings, Fro charges but Muvva rolls out of the ring, finger on his temple as he tells the camera he's too smart to get caught up in all this. There's a fair bit of stalling on Muvva's part, which frustrates fans and his sparkplug brawler of an opponent, but once he gets backed into a corner, Fro gives a clean break and immediately rushes back to unload a ton of strikes at his cornered opponent, which gets cheered by the audience. Muvva creates some space with one of his signature headbutts and proceeds to fight back. This ups the pace and the brawl between the two keeps getting wilder, eventually spilling out of the ring. Just as Fro seems to be getting the upper hand, Cindy whacks him in the head from behind with her purse. The blow staggers Fro and it's beyond clear that it ain't lipstick inside that purse. Muvva drops Fro with a DDT to the floor and with the help of Cindy, rolls him back into the ring where he hits the Hustler's Headbutt for the dirty pin. Winner: Hustle Muvva in 7:48 by pinfall after Cindy interfered (Rating: 57) The camera feed cuts to a corridor backstage, where Papa Swoll's massive figure fills the frame. Swoll: Yo this is Big Papa Swoll right here, with a message for everyone watching. You seen some big bad dudes like Lil Henry and PsychoMike tonight, and there's more of them on the GNW roster, but there ain't no man to combine their size with the skill and charisma of BP Swoll. I'm the total package baby and if you don't believe it, just wait till next week's episode when you'll see me in action inside that ring. Deaf Touch vs Tavon Blake Jr The broadcast duo explains to viewers that these are two of the best pure technical wrestlers in GNW and the match sure showcases that: there's no crazy brawling or weapons spots, just good ol' fashioned lock ups and hold-for-hold chain wrestling to get this started. Once that foundation is established though, TBJ quickly saves things from getting boring with a sick release german suplex that sends Deaf Touch flying against the corner buckles. DT staggers back up and Blake switches into boxer mode with some slick jabs, only for Touch to forcibly create some space with a straight kick that uses the sole of his boot. Blake rushes to close the distance but Touch drops to the mat and trips him with a drop toe hold. DT then pulls his opponent back up and whips him to the ropes, catching the rebound with a Mafia Kick for a two count. Blake pulls out the big guns to deliver a bodyslam followed by a gutwrench powerbomb, but it's not enough to hold down The Unbreakable one. Frustrated, TBJ throws a few more flicked jabs and closes in for what seems like a rushed Death Valley Driver, but DT climbs off the shoulders in time, skitters down and explodes back up to lift his opponent on the shoulders for the electric chair drop. Blake ends up reeling on the corner and Deaf Touch signals it's time to end this. Up on the top rope, Crooked Moonsault, 1-2-3. Winner: Deaf Touch in 12:08 by pinfall (Rating: 66) We go back to The Club's parking lot. Knuckles is sitting on his impressive custom made chopper, Shady K is swinging at invisible baseballs with a 2x4 and Kurt Laramee addresses the camera. Laramee: People in here, they think they know gangsta. They think they know street. They think they know hardcore wrestling. Most o' them were still in diapers when me, Kurt mufuggin Laramee, was changing the game in Danger and Violence Extreme. Most of you marks didn't have a clue about hardcore wrestling until me and Death Row here brought some street knowledge to Supreme TV. These GNW wrestlers, they're original pranksters, but they ain't original gangsters. I've been the King of the Streets since day one. And I got my boys here with me now. We the East Coast Crew and we're here to take over! Knuckles dismounts as he and Shady K go back into the building. The feed switches back to the interior of The Club, where Hard-1 and Public Enemy#1 are making their entrance. Lone Star Crew vs Death Row Shady K has brought his 2x4 and Knuckles comes out swinging a chain, which sets the tone for the match. Weapons galore, frantic brawling and gratuitous bleeding from all participants. Hard-1 almost has it in the bag at one point when he covers Shady K, but Knuckles grabs the chain around his throat and pulls him away for the save. Public Enemy #1 rushes into the ring and unloads a ton of punches on Knuckles, but Shady K grabs him from behind, puts his head under his armpit and drops him with an inverted brainbuster. Death Row then proceed to pull off the Death Sentence, their tag finisher, on a reeling Hard-1 and secure the win. Winners: Death Row in 11:46 by pinfall (Rating: 43) Coulrophobia vs Savage Fury Coulrophobia, being the demented clowns they are, show absolutely no fear against their opponents. Hellech uses his speed and agility to tire out the veterans who are pushing 50, but whenever Java or Tribal Warrior manage to land a move, it's devastating. Pierrot his his signature dropkick with a huge amount of elevation, but it's only delaying the inevitable and once Tribal Warrior manages to connect with a Head Hunter Special on Hellech, it's all over. Winners: Savage Fury in 11:59 by pinfall (Rating: 46) Greg Black & Omar vs Mexican Hardcore Killers Greg Black comes to the ring with the GNW World title around his waist, but is nothing like the happy go lucky characters most fans have known him as. Tonight he's all business, he's flying around like he's still in his 20s and Omar proves more than able to keep up with his style. Long time fans from the GSW days might notice that the audience is no longer heckling Omar either. E-Z responds in kind with his own brand of high flying and when Sanchez Villano grounds things a bit, Greg Black sticks to the mat to outgrapple him. It looks like the high flying duo are on the fastlane to victory, but a sneaky shot on Greg Black with Villano's pimp stick turns the tables for the Killers. Omar complains to the referee only to be told that there's no DQs here and E-Z rolls him up from behind as Villano grabs his feet from the outside to ensure there won't be a kickout. Winners: Mexican Hardcore Killers in 11:44 by pinfall with some added leverage (Rating: 54) Busta Capp vs John Greed It is finally time for the main event and John Greed hasn't lost any of his swagger as he reappears. Fans pop when Busta Capp's music hits, it's clear they're firmly behind the Compton native tonight. Capp taunts his opponent, urging him to do his worst and bring it, to which Greed replies by knocking the taste out of his mouth with a resounding slap. The start of the match sees Greed dominate with basic locks, but he makes the most out of them by using the moment to antagonize the crowd and mock Busta. Capp fights back and gains enough control to safely leave the ring and set up a table at ringside, but Greed recovers and grabs him, using the ropes for a choke. He then leaves the ring and grabs some camera cables to further choke Capp, before reaching under the apron for a chair. Capp gets a burst of energy and hits a desperate Mafia Kick that sends the chair right into Greed's face, but he's exhausted from the chokes and can't make a cover on the ringside floor. Greed gets back up and whips Capp against the table, then recovers the chair for a few shots on his fallen opponent. For anyone who's known Greed through his SWF run, it's uncanny how he's taken to hardcore wrestling like a fish to water and he even shows that by lifting the table and tossing it onto a fallen Capp. Greed pulls his opponent up and whips him to the ring steps, then catches a groggy Capp to roll him back inside the ring. Greed recovers the chair and connects with a sickening unprotected chair shot to Busta's head, then follows it up with his Crash Diet finisher to score the pin. Winner: John Greed in 11:40 by pinfall (Rating: 56) John Greed's triumphant music hits the speaker system as the man demands to have his hand raised in victory Caves: This is disgusting... So disrespectful, he wants to add insult to injury Motormouth: Can't stand to see him gloat like that and neither can the fans, there's gonna be a riot in here! BB Colossus and Boneyard make their way to the ring Caves: It's State of Destruction! Motormouth: White boy bout to get an asswhoopin' State of Destruction enter the ring and flank John Greed with a gleam in their eye... ...then each grabs one of his hands and raises them in victory! Caves: What in the world? Motormouth: They sold out! BB and Boneyard sold out! John Greed's smile gets even wider, if that was ever possible Greed: Like I said... Greed is good. I am the messiah of Greed BB Colossus and Boneyard go down to a knee Caves: This is disgusting Greed: And these are my disciples... I am what this company so desperately needs. Soon enough, you too will see the truth. You will all worship me just like these men do. All hail the Disciples of Greed! [Fade to black]
  21. Happily surprised to see these guys reach the same conclusion I had in mind about Orgulloso while reading this. As a cocky dude with flowing hair, he can absolutely pull this off. My money's on Firebird unseating him as the next champion.
  22. Unkillable Thursday, Week 2, January 2021 Sendai, Tohoku Region, 675 fans in attendance (3.821 viewers on All Japan TV) The first show of the new year began with The Bloody Hand coming out to the ring in full force, led by its newest addition in Hiroshi Morisue. It was Dr. Yumaniac who got on the mic and introduced the WEXXV veteran, saying the Bloody Hand have had a great 2020 since their formation. However, her tone slightly changing from celebratory to menacing, the group is a Five Finger Death Punch and as was displayed two months ago, it has zero tolerance for weaklings. With that, all of the men jumped Koichi Kajiwara, who they proceeded to beat to the ground. It's no secret the veteran has been taking pins since his arrival and costing his team some tag matches, which is probably why Makioka was the one most vicious in his offence. This moment was teased in November, when a curveball saw Kimi Kawano kicked out instead, but this month it was Kajiwara who officially got the boot from the group. Rating: 42 Akari Kawashima vs Romi Yamato Kawashima returned to Warrior Queen, this time for a singles match in the junior division. Despite still regarded as a rookie, Kawashima showed she's able to hang in the ring with the likes of Yamato, at times even matching her in terms of performance. Other than a good showing though, she was never meant to win this match and for all her valiant effort, a Yamatotal put her down for the count. Rating: 49 Individual performances: Kawashima 45, Yamato 50 Emiko Miyoshi vs WARRIOR Koiso Kawashima's friend and sporadic tag team partner was up next, in action against Warrior Queen's latest new hot addition in Miyoshi. This was a rather flashy bout, with Miyoshi bringing her usual lucha-inspired aerial offence and Koiso treating the Japanese crowd to some stiff strikes and slick suplexes. Perhaps too much of a spotfest, given how both ladies are still quite inexperience and tend to get carried away, another win for Miyoshi thanks to her rana cradle finisher. Rating: 35 Individual performances: Miyoshi 35, Koiso 28 After the match, Lady San Juan came out with a mic and praised Miyoshi for her undefeated streak since arrival. LSJ said this certainly puts her in contention for a shot at the Queen's Heart title, but there's one last roadblock Miyoshi has to go through: her. This statement brought out the champion and Perez confirmed that she will be giving the winner of that match a shot at her championship. A pretty standard angle to set up a #1 contenders and subsequent title match, what was actually impressive here was seeing both Lady San Juan and Pinky Perez cut a promo in fluent Japanese, evidence of how invested they are in sticking with WQ2020 and making a name for themselves in Japan. Rating: 35 Deathmatch Dr. Yumaniac vs Piper Hale Much like the Japanese young lions, Piper Hale has been constantly losing but still she keeps coming and that's starting to win her a few fans. Her grit and flair for violence is slowly getting appreciated, but unfortunately seeing her in the ring with Dr. Yumaniac felt a bit awkward in execution. Something just didn't click and the bout wasn't as good as it should have been, to the point where even overbooking or some spectacular stunt wouldn't be enough to distract from the issue. Dr. Yumaniac mercifully ended this around the ten minute mark with a Purgatorium. Rating: 44 Individual performances: Dr. Yumaniac 43, Hale 42 Tag Team Deathmatch Cannibal Crew vs Hooligan Sisters Fresh out of losing the tag titles, Cannibal Crew took out their frustration on their opponents here but they had to be cautious since the Sisters have started winning matches, proving they are not to be pushed around. This was indeed the story of the match, with Etelka and Maneater dominating on offence before they'd get carried away and make some mistake that allowed the Sisters to turn the tables. The finishing stretch took this to its natural climax and it was Etelka who got caught in a roll up when Helena reversed a powerbomb attempt. Rating: 36 Individual performances: Maneater 42, Etelka 41, Helena 38, Hannah 42 Trios Deathmatch Death Triangle vs The Bloody Hand The team of Kitsune Danger, Naoko Majima and Fujiko Mushashibo were announced as Death Triangle, which seems to be the name they'll be using for their group. This was their debut as a trio, after declaring they would unite to defend WQ2020 from the invading Bloody Hand. It was also Hiroshi Morisue's in-ring debut for the promotion and maybe part of it was the inevitable chaos of a deathmatch drawing attention away from his limitations, but he proved his critics wrong by putting on a solid performance that kept up with everyone else. Makioka seemed reinvigorated now that he's no longer burdened with Kajiwara, that is, until he was put through a table at ringside. Also, this was probably the least crazy of bumps in this match: Konoe attempted the Animalistic Gore and ended up charging against a stack of light tubes in a corner, Morisue got dropkicked off the apron to land spine first on the barricade, Kitsune Danger climbed to the top rope for a dive but was shoved off balance to crash on a stack of chairs at ringside, Majima had her back repeatedly assaulted with a cheese grater to the point where you'd think you could see bone and Mushashibo's previously broken leg received several blows with the timekeeper's hammer. It was this weak spot that cost Death Triangle the match, as The Bloody Hand went wild on her leg and eventually Makioka put her in a Figure Four to squeeze out a submission win. Rating: 49 Individual performances: Makioka 55, Konoe 46, Morisue 50, Danger 70, Mushashibo 48, Majima 55 Show rating: 43
  23. Roster, end of 2020 [Champions in bold] Aces High, BB Colossus, Boneyard, "The OG" Busta Capp, Cali Slick, "The Unbreakable" Deaf Touch, Eric Mir, "Golden Gloves" E-Soteric, E-Z, Frantic Ali Fro Sure, Gravedigga, Greg Black, "Texas Tough" Hard-1, Hellech, Hustle Muvva, "The Bulldozer" Java, "Sargeant of Arms" Knuckles, "King of the Streets" Kurt Laramee, LatiNoFear Lil Henry, "The Irish Warrior" Lug Phelan, "The Hardcore Legend" Madman Boone, Magwitch, Max Mayhem, MexiCain, Mexico's Finest, Mobstar, "Black Superman" Omar, "Big" Papa Swoll Pierrot, PsychoMike, Public Enemy #1, Raheem Stash, "Slick" Sanchez Villano, Shady K, Shooting Star Perez, Tavon Blake Jr, Top Dolla, "The Headhunter" Tribal Warrior Non Wrestling Staff Big Magic (Commissioner), Cindy (Manages Hustle Muvva), CJ Weston, Clifford Caves (Announcer), Dwight Kumas, Kandii (Manages Raheem Stash), MC Motormouth (Colour), Moore Vincent, R.K. Hayes, Rumble Roper
  24. And with that, welcome to 2021 and the debut of GNW's brand new episodic series on NetStream! Big thanks to @willr0ck for turning my crazy "what if GSW made it past the West Coast" scenario into a logo, banner and title belts, which in turn inspired me to really come up with a scenario of how this could take place and work it into a diary. I had a vague idea of "Gil Thomas gets gunned down, IPW close, Grimm turns suspicion into attention" when I pitched the idea to him, but in typing it out and working it through the game (with a bit of editor magic to simulate the online uproar) some really nice things happened to flesh out the story. Thanks go out as well to @Historian and @Sco xY2Jx. Our USPW/SWF/TCW multiplayer game fell victim to real life and the forum transfer, but it made me not hate SWF (I don't love it, I just no longer hate it) and I wanted to play once more as a large company instead of the small time indies I usually run. Upgrading GSW to that size played well into the whole GNW scenario, hopefully I'll soon be in the position to have a child company and dojo/Performance Center soon. As always, thanks to @Voeltzwagon for selling me on GSW back in the TEW16 days. I think there has been no shortage of Lucha Underground inspired diaries, but I'd be lying if I said GNW's episodic series won't be at all reminiscent of LU. I'm still not sure about posting a roster of who's currently with GNW at the start of the new year, let me know if you'd like that or if you prefer to figure that out as the series goes on air. Also, feel free to ask any questions.
  25. December 2020 Game of Death - Big Magic reveals the brand new GNW World title and announces Greg Black versus Kurt Laramee in the main event to crown the first champion. - In a battle of the veterans, Busta Capp defeats Mexico's Finest with a Mafia Kick. - Title rematch as Lug Phelan defeats E-Soteric, clean this time, to make defence number three of the GSW West Coast title. - Savage Fury defeat Brown Pride with a Head Hunter Special. -In a violent street fight, Dead Men Walking defeat Death Row with The Execution. - In the making since September, GNW King of California Cali Slick defeats Fro Sure to win the GNW American title. The Internet Wrestling Community hails this, praising Fro for sticking with the storyline he was handed and taking the title off himself. - Deaf Touch surprises the world when he once again proves he's the Unbreakable big time fighter of GNW, defeating Mr. Anderson. - Greg Black defeats Kurt Laramee by pinfall with a Fade To Black to become the first ever GNW World champion. - State of Destruction appear to beat down Greg Black.
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