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About chase317

  • Birthday 01/01/1978

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  1. I'd love for the 1986 Mod from 2020 to be converted over and completed with the new IX features.
  2. Its not blurry at all. The default scaling on my display is 200%. This make the TEW window actually bigger than the screen. I play TEW at 2560x1600 on a Asus G14 laptop with a mini-led screen with 185% scaling. This makes it fill most of the screen. I fail to see any blurriness. I also use my 65" 4k television and there is no major blurriness that affects the enjoyment of the game. Are you using the windows scaling?
  3. I have a 2260 x 1600 display, and adjusting the scaling to 185% in Windows 11 makes TEW fill about 95% of the screen.
  4. Checking in to see if everything is going good?
  5. I truly anticipate and appreciate your work on this mod. I've known of, and messed around with TEW for a very long time, and always desired a mod from this year. I've tried to use the 1985 and 1987 games to get close, but I've never been satisfied with the results.
  6. If I could make a small request, please include Dick the Bruiser's WWA in Indianapolis.
  7. It looks to me that this was taken out of the oven a bit too soon. I wouldn't mind waiting another six months until its done.
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