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About Ishmaster123

  • Birthday 11/22/1995

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  1. Looking to start playing this game again, would definitely be interested in some rules for a good ol TCW save in the Cornellverse in 2020. I've played all the way up to the finale, the "wrestlemania" and want to start fresh with some rules. I would greatly appreciate it! Aaron Andrews defeated Wolf Hawkins in a cell match for the title to end the feud. Devine Fortune took the titles from The Behemoths(Killer Shark & Titan) Mighty Mo beat Eddie Peak in a ambulance match It was Team Jay Chord with, Freddy Huggins and his stable vs Team Sammy Back and some of the other older faces(dazzling dave, Danny fonz) for the Total Mayhem match. Team Jay ended up barely wining Greg Gauge beat Joshua Taylor and a God like graduate named Angelo Hall(really good)to keep the TV title Tana & T-Bone beat the Elite Masked Cougar beat Chris Flynn Actually had the syndicate lose almost every match with only Doc beating Benny Benson Then I had Davis Wayne Newton beating Edd Stone and Will Beaumont(God pickup) to open the show Pre show had a battle royal that Troy tornado won with his stable helping him I bought in a number of other guys(the usual suspects Logan Wolfsbaine etc.) and some gals(future womens division) for my developmental as well as signed a few from SWF and USPW, like Valiant, Marshall Dillon, Zimmy Bumfhole and Joss Thompson. The roster is pretty much the same at this point with only additions being made lol nevermind dead game for cornellverse huh
  2. Looking to start playing this game again, would definitely be interested in some rules for a good ol TCW save in the Cornellverse
  3. As a huge boxing fan and former amateur boxer, I am very interested in a game like this!
  4. Yeah it's tough. 2000 fans, mostly low 70s on shows (I did get an 81 once). But yeah it's a different TCW, good top of the card and potential, but really old workers and a lack of midcard/tag division(really bad) make it a nice challenge. Had to sign a lot of people to start the rebirth
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