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Everything posted by jesterx7769

  1. could you elaborate please? I'm not initially found of them getting rid of SS b/c I feel the gimmicky PPV in place will probably be dumb and unnecessary like the recent ones they have changed. More than anything I would love for them to bring back the King of the Ring concept and make it important again, bracket tournaments were one of the options in their online survey so im hoping its at least in the running
  2. Please let the dudleys vs the nasty boyz fight each other at the Destination X PPV
  3. The problem with Mark Henry for me is he just looks fat now, maybe its just because he's been on tv so long but when i see him I no longer think world strongest man, I see someone who should be on the biggest loser, hes just so slower and hes just...there, and has just been...there, for years.
  4. I actually liked Carl Edwards as the guest host and liked that they actually involved him unlike when Schatner (sp?) was on.
  5. http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss39/Kamchatka863/APWbackground.jpg
  6. When I first read about the "reality" thing today my first thought was that it was WWE's way of trying to get a "legit" feeling back especially with how the UFC has been cashing in and over the years WWE has been getting away from the super gimmicky (notice how long the vampire angle lasted) as most of the wrestlers now are just either c*cky or crowd pleasures with very little to them. It also may make them more family friendly since they wouldnt have as controversial characters and can sell merchandise based on catch phrases or just the persons name.
  7. Seems like we agree on most of it Cappy, I said I like the women's storyline, I just dont like Angelina and never really cared for womens wrestling (sorry movement people) so its hard for me to enjoy the matches and sit through the same catty promos they all do (although Tara's wasn't bad despite its lack of charisma but at least she wasnt b*tchy)
  8. Just watched last nights impace (DVR) and I was pretty dissapointed. Didn't understand the AJ/Pope match at all, I get that it hypes up Pope but is it worth the cost of making your CHAMPION look bad? Pope wasn't even on last week! Nice to see Joe back though (way to keep him off the air the past two weeks) I've said it before and I'll say it again, Waltman & Hall= big waste of time and money. Even if people recognize them they'll just say "wow scott hall looks like my fat drunk uncle" Tag Match= meh. Womens match= good storyline but dont really care about it and Angelina's t*ts look awful (sorry, I know Im supposed to like the bigger is better idea but come on they are bigger than her head and look realy really really fake, at least Velvets look alot better) Abyss= totally hate how they are using him and it pains him. I want Abyss f'in sh*t up, run down the ring and black hole slam Bischoff onto a pile of tacks come on!!! After such a big deal about Double J last week, why was he not on this week? Same with Lashley. Mr. Anderson= seems to be alright so far, he gets alot of heat and isn't an old timer so thumbs up. Nash/Foley= I liked the concept but the match came off awful, the spots looked really slow and bad (the hockey stick and picture just to name two) I like the idea of Nash being on tv more than Foley and I know its been said over and over but should two guys over 50 really be main eventing? I get they bring name value but was anyone actually excited for that main event match? So all in all nothing special but maybe they wanted this to be a dull week before they pick it up for the PPV. Whole show just comes off as a car crash, way to many people, too little time, and it seems their segway for EVERY segment is something with either Hogan or Bischoff oh and p.s. why no Wolfe? He could have atleast had a 30 second promo talking about how he qualified.
  9. I will probably tune in at first, cant say i will or wont watch long term (since ive got dvr ive gone back to watching wrestling) since that will depend on the talent but all in all i like the concept since I can see why SyFy was upset with the ECW product
  10. Yeah i wasn't really happy with that one, it was the last one I did since I couldnt come up with anything cool but wanted to get them posted, so I might redo sometime today/tomorrow
  11. I read an article on the whole NXT thing and its going to be Next Generation b/c they will be bringing up all new never before seen workers that people can watch and grow with ONLY on SyFy. This was at least the TV pitch to SyFy b/c they are unhappy with the ECW ratings as they have dropped from 2.8 down to 1.0 now. So they are changing the name and product as a whole since right now the current product is people that basically used to be part of RAW/SD! but are now shunned to ECW and they kept taking growing ECW stars and moving them to RAW/SD
  12. Pretty sure Bret can't take any bumps cuz of his stroke and any damage to his head could be serious. He must be pretty broke btw.
  13. Pretty sure that was one of the least climatic endings on Raw ever...
  14. How about this, who cares about the WWE HoF since it represents NOTHING? After all this is a storylined form of entertainment so its basically a "Who we gave the right gimmick to and pushed to moon" hall of fame if you want to try judge peoples criteria. I dont care who they put in, its just nice when they put in some big stars that you get to see on tv that you haven't in awhile
  15. Has anyone been to their shows in Orlando? now that I live in Florida I am thiking of going so was hoping to hear from some1 first hand
  16. While Takers big he's not a dangerous larger than life monster though, I'm talking about the guys who they push as indestructible monsters who should legitimately win, Big Show, Kane, Khali, Mark Henry,
  17. I think HBK will win the way they have been building up the SD storyline since he has beef with both Mysterio and Taker, so if WWE goes the obvious no twist route I think it has to be HBK but maybe they will throw a wrench in there and Punk or something win since he is gaining momentum with this cult (as much as i dont like it) The only thing that I dislike about the Rumble is how every year they make such a big deal about the big guys "oh my god how is Kane not going to win, hes so big!" and every year people just team up and throw the big guys over, so i kinda wish one of the big guys would win for once even though none of them are really being pushed right now
  18. Interesting read, the probably I have with interviews like that is you dont know whats worked and whats real
  19. Agreed, it was much better than I thought it would be and could have been a PPV match
  20. Is it bad that the most interesting part of Smackdown to me last night was the clip showing the statistics on the Royal Rumble?
  21. Totally agree with you on your first post but didnt say anything since I figured the generaly response would be "dont think too much its wrestling" even though it makes absolutley no sense. Also don't understand Abyss at ALL, why is he so afraid of getting fired? Just black hole slam Bischoff and get it over with, all of a sudden he went from being a monster to a borderline feminine retard?
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