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Everything posted by jesterx7769

  1. I'm thinking he was just being an idiot and forgot the camera was there or wasn't thinking they would be posting the video. If he meant to leak it on purpose he would have just said RVD's name so IMO its obvious he just slipped up like an idiot.
  2. It's a sad day for TNA http://pwinsider.com/article/45615/tna-knockout-released.html?p=1
  3. This week was a let down to me after last week. Otunga/Young rematch was odd. Instead of pushing Otunga it appears they are going to try to keep all the rookies on an even level so you dont know who they will vote for. But if theyre doing that I dont see why you have Young get squashed in thirty seconds last week then wrestle for 10 minutes this week. The voting, what is up with that? Sounds pretty important. I guess thats why WWE isn't explaining it to us...stupid. Wade Barrett- Stupid gimmicky character. The man his huge, there has to be something better. Overall not as entertaining, def. came off as a car crash again, either cut down the workers or get Syfy to give 2 hours (what else is on SyFy Tuesday/Wedneday from 8-11?) I would also like to see some tag teams/alliances formed in the upcoming weeks.
  4. I agree Cheechand Chong were very, very odd choices but I think we all would agree on that. I would imagine either USA or WWE business people are friends or are involved in their comedy tour which is why. The lucky charms bit as actually a good way of getting high I think as stupid as it was but you know they werent going to have them doing real drugs and the cereal reference probably satisfied little kids without asking too many questions. The guest hosts are really dwindling down and I'm wondering how long it will go on. Cris Angel will hopfully be good if they give him tv time since well, he's a performer, and while im not big on magic ive watched his shows and he isnt bad. I expect them to have more kid figures though so im surprised they havent, I mean do little kids really know Jewel and Cris Angel?
  5. I thought Batista's promo was good and its good since its based on real stuff instead of just "I'm a bad ass" however I didnt like the title change at the EC and it still makes no sense which is why I dont like WWE's writing. - Vince can do anything he wants. Sweet. He likes Batista for helping him beat up Bret Hart and hates Cena for defending him. -Instead of just having Cena be beatdown or strip the title, or have Batista in the EC or anything he has Batista beat him after the match since well he's VKM damm*t. -Then he gives Cena another shot the next night knowing he will lose just for Batista to get DQ'd - Then since he hates Cena so much and wants Batista to be champion he has Cena main event WM getting the title shot...eventhough he doesnt want Cena to be champion. which according to their history, logically Batista should just get DQ'd to keep the title then beat down Cena, but that wont happen b/c its WM of course It just hasn't been put together very well and hate when they pull out the VKM card. I would have liked them see Cena work his way back more, like taking out Batista's opponent, or winning some #1 contender match. Or maybe have him beat Batista in a non title match then out of rage Batista gives Cena the shot against VKM's wishes, I think this would have been the best route. its just...blah. Its obvious they dont care if it makes sense and ticks me off. RAW- Overall was decent. There some pros and cons like every show. Pros: -Liked the opening despite going on a bit long. Still think the HBK storyline is best thing going right now. -Liked Orton/Dibiase match and the beatdown. I like how its been going on so long and actually has heat to it. -Batista promo goes under the pros. His mic work was good, acting wasn't perfect so it gets a B which is much improved for him so good job. -DIVA pillowfight. Now, I skipped this on the DVR but its the first thing they've done like this with the Divas in a long time, so I have to give them props for at least trying. Cons: -MITB matches: seriously, whats the point? why not just announce who the competitors are? SD's matches were much, much better and I think having stupid matches lowers the MITB prestige and the workers involved that qualify, like yeah youre in but you beat Santino. - Hart/McMahon segment. I dont care about its just w/e to me. - The Miz: I'm not going to hate on HIM personally b/c we've already argued about that but he is WAY over used and get WAY to much push. He has now main evented SD and RAW this week, is the US champ and has the tag titles, and pinned HBK! seroiusly? I would expect Morrison or someone better to get this treatment. -On the same note, that tag match didnt come off as well to me. OMG Undertaker is on the screen! Lets stare at it! Is it one of those if I stare at it something else shows? Stupid. Now I'm gonna be all pissy b/c I cant look away from the screen. Apparentley being distracted by a screen weakens you enough to get pinned and not kick out. Would have much rather had Shamus cost them the match and then beat down Triple H instead of after.
  6. From what brashleyholland said if there is a title clause Fedor doesnt want the title b/c then he will have to stay in Strikeforce until he loses it.
  7. I didnt mean why he's fighting Rogers in a non title fight, more so why hes not fighting a contender for the title? It just kinda seems like a lose-lose, cuz youre hoping he beats Rogers or your title and champ go to crap I can see if Fedor doesnt want the title though, that part makes sense.
  8. Agreed. I never thought Michelle was anything great. Sure she looks hot but they all do, their job is to work out and get lots of make up on. but if she was an average person in the grocery store i wouldnt be impressed where i think Layla is prettier and can pull of sexy where Michelle's just never been sexy to me. Keibler and Stratus 4 Life.
  9. I'm assuming you guys saw Impact gets 3 hours later this month? SHould be interesting to see if they use that time for more Bischoff on tv or to show other talent that hasnt been getting time as of late
  10. Barnett missing his hearing wasn't totally his fault. He is not legally required to be there as his represenation said, however the CSAC said in the letter they sent to Barnett they asked him to be there. Whats the reasoning on Overeem/Rogers non title? I havent read anything on that yet.
  11. I'm not really holding out hope for the womens division right now anyway. And kinda how they let Bubba go, if Kong and Bubba's legal thing goes forward they dont want to be associated with Kong either
  12. Yeah it was the name, I dont know about knock someone out but I thought it looked like it could actually crack a rib compared to a normal spear, youre coming off the ropes, hes coming off the ropes, when a normal spear is just someone running from 10 feet away from a standing start. Also loved how Abyss got to use both his finshers more back then as he seemed to always do it into tacks (seems like theyre just not bringing the black hole slam back as devastating) of course the canadian destroyer, and AJ did a lot more of his flash moves back then, like Sabans finisher as well and this may just be b/c I zone out during MCMG but i havent seen him do it in awhile.
  13. Pretty sure he retired, thats why he left WWE. But I loved him, he was one of the people that made TNA different, he was super charismatic and The poooounce was a cool finisher, it was like an uber spear. Alot of what made TNA is gone which makes me sad From TEW terms, they came off as DAVE compared to SWF, now they are a Sports entertainment TCW that gets the people SWF doesnt want to negotiate with. edit after Hyde: I mean retired as in doesnt do it full time.
  14. The problem I have with him is he likes to talk as much as possible and all of his answers are right (when talking about that time) but of course his answers are right, its all in hind sight! As an example from today when asked about if WCW would have bought WWE he says how he would have kept them going for feuds and business, of course he is going to say that b/c it is the popular answer! He probably would have buried people to smite Vince.
  15. I asked about Sting and Monty Brown, we'll see if any response is made.
  16. Dont like Dolph, hopefully Morrison doesnt get let off WM, i understand if truth is left off as I dont view him as big a star but Morrison seems to be rising fast as of late (in my eyes at least) putting on some good matches. HBK storylines is the best WWE has done in awhile by far. Off the top of my head I cant think of something being actually good in recent years but this reminds of Jack Bruce and SWF
  17. I dont think WWE would do it anyway, they have seem to have made the move to total PG over the past year.
  18. Helms and Burchill aren't surprising to me. Maria though? There has to me problems behind the scenes. She has her CD coming out and is going to be on the Apprentice so I bet it was part her wanting to leave and the WWE. Edit: http://pwinsider.com/article/45454/wwe-diva-comments-on-her-release-when-she-found-out-and-says-she-is-excited-about-her-future.html?p=1
  19. She's actually one of the most positve things about TNA. She's been very cool and personable to fans. I got to meet her real briefly before the PPV in Detroit (Plymouth) Michigan as she was walking around the seating area before the show shaking hands and answering questions from fans.
  20. <p>Almost forgot to do a brief rundown like Ive been doing as it helps me view the overall show.</p><p> </p><p> - Flair/AJ/Abyss/Hogan opening: Went on <strong>WAY</strong> too long, dont like how they are trying to prove people wrong by having AJ be "strong" on the mic, I originally liked him having a manager to protect his mic skills and let him shine in the ring but so much for that. As someone else mentioned Flair's promos are hard to sit through. Didnt like the end to it as Flair and AJ take off their jackets then leave, would have been better if Flair said lets fight, then hogan and Abyss took their jacks off first then Flair left, but w/e not a huge negative.</p><p> </p><p> -Nastys/Team 3: Thought we were done with this... seemed like it came out of nowhere also and as we find out later in the show neither the Nastys or Team 3D are considered a top tag team in the company</p><p> </p><p> - Foly/Bischoff storyline: Getting on the really dumb and boring line. This needs to be wrapped up within the next month seriously. I get it. Bischoff likes playing with Foley, last week it made sense, this week it didnt. Eventually Foley will probably take Bischoff out, I just hope it gets there soon.</p><p> </p><p> -Jarret/Bischoff: Decided to do this now instead of when it occured. This is the exact same thing as Foley, last week it made sense as I like the idea of JJ going through some type of gauntlet but this week was just stupid. JJ will probably get the better in the end but just like Foley, wrap it up.</p><p> </p><p> -ODB/Daffney: I wouldnt mind Daffney so much if it seemed the womens division mattered. The beautiful people storyline was so dominant (and i actually didnt mind it as the backbone of the division) and now it has been gone for the past two weeks. Negative isnt on the match as much as the division as a whole. While I hate to say it, they just need to get rid of the division and focus on quality shows for the head to head wars instead of trying to squeeze womens matches in.</p><p> </p><p> -Morgan/hernandez storyline: I like they are going to break them up and are planting the seeds but I dont like the direction of Morgan, I would rather have them swap roles. I thought Morgan was going to be king baby face, backbone of TNA, the bluepring and all that, and now hes a definant tweener at best. Beer Money has been left aside until now so I will wait and see where they go with them before commenting too much.</p><p> </p><p> -Kaz/Kendrick: Pretty short match but liked Kaz before and he came out good, hit the leg drop, dropkick, and his finisher which were all good moves. Kendrick just seems out of place.</p><p> </p><p> -Anderson/Kennedy: This was my favorite part of the show. I didnt know what they would do with the match when I first saw it as I could see Kennedy getting the belt so Terry/Brutus could feud, but could also see Angle costing kennedy the match and keep Kennedy as a main eventer. Well thats what they did and I think it did a great job of improving both storylines which was rare on this episode.</p><p> </p><p> -The band: I havent been interested in this since day one and this episode was a HUGE let down on this storyline. After letting us down last week I was expecting a brawl this week and it wasn't. Once again, this needs to be wrapped up soon either at the PPV or soon after Monday. I am really really hoping it doesnt become a full fledge nWo rip off (its about 80% of the way right now) as that might stop me from watching.</p><p> </p><p> -Wolfe/Abyss: Wow these matches are short. Dissapointed Wolfe lost after getting a push last month but atleast it was for a bigger cause.</p><p> </p><p> -Abyss/Hogan/Flair/AJ: In closing on this storyline, I dont get it and I really dont care about it. Hogan and Flair in the ring...dont care, they both look so old and I really, really, just dont care. Also, why is Abyss part of this? Like many have said the ring is dumb and I agree and disagree with the whole mentoring thing (NXT anyone?)</p><p> </p><p> -Closing thoughts: <strong>WHERE WAS THE POPE?</strong> whether you like him or not (i personally dont like him being the #1 contender) but seriously, where was he? they had a decent promo last week then gets shoved aside this week for the hour of Abyss and Hogan, shouldnt Hogan be helping Pope beat AJ and Flair since um, hes actually fighting him!?</p><p> </p><p> Samoa Joe anyone? Guess he's dead, oh well.</p><p> </p><p> I guess TNA stands for Total Nonstop <strong>Angles</strong> there must have been only 30-40 minutes of wrestling.</p><p> </p><p> Overall it was a filler show with not much positive and not much negative, alot of things to be picky about but right now nothing stands out as being better than WWE. Out of the two hours, pretty sure Eric Bischoff was on an hour and twenty of it.</p>
  21. Decent show overall, nothing I hated but nothing that made me jump for joy. It was what I expected being a segway to the PPV and March 8 event. Kind of getting bored with some of their storylines so hopefully the wrap them up soon.
  22. Just watched the DVR and I liked it. Danielson/Jericho was actually really good but like I've thought for awhile I think his size will keep him down long term. Liked Slater, he seems fun and broke typical cookie cutters of recent rookies I think he would fit right in as a midcarder right now even without a lot of pushing. I think if they actually gave him room and a push he could do really well (not hyping main event but def IC title for sure, maybe winning MITB) Didnt like Young getting squashed but hopefully means good things for Ortenga (sp) didnt like Wade Barrett either, seriously a bare knuckled brawler perfect english man with the accent? yeah, believable. Also didnt like the one guys MMA gloves but I liked his KO character so hopefully they lose the gloves. Overall I liked how most of the pairs had storylines and as of now think its a good way to bring in new talent since hopefully by the end of the first season the stand out(s) will have shaken the "rookie" tag. Only thing that worries me is the one hour show, I actually wanted it to go two hours which is something I havent said about ECW in...well i dont think i ever wanted that, so hopefully it doesnt turn into a car crash trying to fit everyone in or w/people getting left out the get lost for good.
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