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Everything posted by auto45

  1. Just a small thing, idk if its just for me or not, but a few workers don't have pictures assigned. WWE ones are: Bradshaw, Brock Lesnar, Bruce Pirchard, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Goldberg, John Cena, Kurt Angle, The Rock, & The Undertaker. I also noticed: AJ Styles, Bryan Danielson, Kevin Nash, Mike Bennett, & Scott Hall. I'm sure there are more, just didn't look through them all.
  2. IWA:MS doesn't usually run in Jeffersonville. They have the past 2 shows, but most of the year they have been running in Memphis, Indiana. They were doing 2 shows a week, but have slowed down recently.
  3. I don't expect you to add all the NWA titles ever because that would obviously be too much. Some of the ones I would like to see: NWA World Women's, NWA World Junior Heavyweight, NWA World Six Man, and NWA World Television. I know none of these are used anymore, but it would be nice to have the option to use them.
  4. I'm not sure if its solid enough to add, but WWE's working relationship with NOAH could probably be put into the mod. Edit: Also I would also suggest that you should update the NWA if you want to. A lot of titles are missing from the game (I know they are all vacant IRL) and it doesn't feel right to play as CWFH without the ability to use the NWA titles with their histories.
  5. I suggest looking through the team experience, a lot of teams had 0's (including all of NXT). The Revival is really low, they shouldn't have a lot, but at least more than they do.
  6. Hey. Just wanted to see if you could cut up some Southpaw Regional Wrestling stuff. I think it would be pretty fun to run it as a promotion. If you could do cuts of all the guys that would be great! Thanks. <div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/P4RFCRpp9P0?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Southpaw Regional Wrestling is finally unleashed: Southpaw Regional Wrestling - Episode 1"></iframe></div></div>
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