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Posts posted by bhalbur

  1. I let Dump pretty much run through the roster, winning match after match, pretty much every show we have. Having a big number of these be title matches helped as well. I've never gotten a women's wrestler this popular before, so it's a bit of a surprise to me.


    Another thing I do is I do an 8 man modern opening. I use 6 of the spots for my top main event/upper mid card feuds, but I also give the women the final 2 spots. I mostly use Dump, Richter, and Kai because they are my top three, and the others never perform well in these spots.

  2. Your main event scene is heel heavy, so I'd suggest a Taker/Von Erich feud to get Kerry elevated and give you another face main eventer. And if promos are an issue for Von Erich, get him a manager.


    On the women's side, I'm playing the same mod and have had crazy success with Dump Matsumoto. I'm only up to August '87, and she's at an A pop pretty much across the board in the US. Works well as a dominant heel.


    If they are available, I've had success with Stan Hansen and Bruiser Brody as well. With them being big, nasty wrestlers they might make a good stable with Taker.

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