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Everything posted by eayragt

  1. I used to love watching Veolcity - I remember getting home from work, slapping on the TV and seeing Kendrick & London (before they ever spent any real time on the main roster) vs Bryan Danielson and... someone else. Must have been... 6 or 7 years ago? You were always guaranteed one relly good wreslting match on the show, which was more than you were guaranteed sitting through 2 hours of one of their flagship shows back then. Now, granted most WWE viewers, like it or not, would rather watch Cena vs Orton than London vs Akio (who had a storming match). but I don't fall in that group, and Velocity really ticked the boxes for me. Or at least that 1 match in the three did.
  2. Drove past a sign today for Wooton Fitzbaine in Dorset... but found it difficult to explain to everyone else in the car why I found that interesting. Given the amount of _____ Langton's around the place, I don't think it'd be a giant leap to say that somewhere there may just be a Thimbleby Langton too.
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