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Everything posted by eayragt

  1. That seems about right - the number one reason for getting Sky always used to be Sports. Since they started doing broadband deals as well I expect the gap between customers and Sports Subscribers has widened - when I first got Sky it was because with broadband included in the package it was cheaper for me than takig out different deals. Although the natural progression for any sports fan with Sky is then to subscribe to Sky Sports - took me about two years. There are subscriptions that just give you access to Sky Sports 1, and just having a look through the schedules this week this doesn't get you RAW (although I may have seen this on SS1 before), Smackdown or Fatal Four Way (one of the few PPV's not on Sky PPV this year). A subscription to Sky Sports 1 does get you most of the Premiership Football matches (again, the main reason to have Sky), so I have no idea how many people only get this channel.
  2. Just on that, WWE don't care if they mess with their Internet fans. Although a large and vocal group, they're remarkably loyal. Of far more interest to them is the "casual" fan, who are far more numerous, and couldn't care less what happened to this Daniel Bryan guy.
  3. Yeah, sorry, I should have said "if he's been fired, do you really think..." If he isn't fired it's a non-issue. If he was fired for something he was told to do... the wrong person's been fired. So I have to believe either a) he's not fired (which I've gone from being 99% sure of to 60% sure of), or b) be overstepped the instructions given. I think c) he was told to realistically strangle Roberts / spit in Cena's face and then he got sacked for realistically strangling Roberts / spitting in Cena's face just isn't possible. And you can probably cut out the spit. I'd be hugely suprised if Danielson spat in Cena's face without actually clearing it was Cena or someone else first.
  4. Really? I mean, did WWE really tell Danielson to strangle someone realistically? Or spit in someone's face? Maybe they did, but I find that extremely unlikely. I'm sure WWE could get a court order find out. Not that that's going to happen.
  5. That was my favourite bit - Cena suddenly fights back and the crowd majorly pops (you know - despite the fact how everyone hates him). It screamed of Superman comeback... which didn't happen. He didn't even go through four rookies before being taken out - he hit two people and then got stopped. Awesome.
  6. Wow. Only just seen RAW so I'm way behind, but... wow. Consider how down people were when NXT debuted, and then you go to this. Fantastic. They need to keep this developing real slow... which will happen due to NXT2. No quick join of 2 or 3 vets. Giving (at least some of) the rookies a chance to develop bew, heel personalities. This really could be a huge plus for NXT1 "rookies", NXT2 rookies and the WWE in general. Really impressed. Best angle I've seen in years.
  7. I have no problem with how they're using Danielson. He comes as the much hyped prospect - but they're making him work for it. And why not? If he is so good he doesn't need an uber push, he can do it himself. I know people we don't want pushed do get uber-pushed, but that's wrestling. Batista draws money. That's more important to the WWE than us. And rightly so. So, what have they done with Danielson? They've put him against some top talent, and given him decent offense. They've given him a storyline. They've given him promo time. They've given him an excuse to stay around after being cut, while others are going to have to slink onto Smackdown sometime with no explanation. They're currently letting the crowd decide whether to back him or not. And if they back him as a face while not clean cut, that's a major result. If not, heel's are probably easier to build up. He's got several feuds he can go down (Cole (or a representive), Miz, the NXT winner). If not he can still make people look good, before forming a tag team (which would almost guarantee a tag title reign). We all moan like hell when they uber-push an untalented giant. How can we justify uber-pushing Danielson. Suer, I know, no-one's asking for an uber-push. But despite all the defeats, he's not being buried.
  8. Well, if I was in the US with a Nielsen box, I'd be making sure I tuned into TNA this week after that interview.
  9. No way - surely TNA's ultimate ambition is to have KO's graduating from The Beautiful People to become seen as legitimate wrestlers? Love going back would be a huge kick in the teeth, and it's not as if there isn't a large list of people who can take a BP role.
  10. Here's a big pinch of salt. Looks like someone's taken a run in story and blown it way out of proportion.
  11. George Lucas makes kids films that he hopes adults will enjoy too. That's not an insult - it's a good way of making money. Still, that reminds me of a moment that I'd almost forgotten. When Episode 3 came out UCI Empire Square showed the 6 films back to back (4-6, 1-3) on Premiere Night, which I was fortunate enough (?) to work. George Lucas popped over from the official Premiere to introduce the film, and part way through someone shouted out "We'll never forgive you for Jar-Jar!" That brought a chuckle from the crowd, and George didn't respond to it at all, that makes me think (especially considering how much Jar Jar got phased out) that even he knew he'd made a mistake there. Oh well, at least he made it so that we could blame Jar Jar for the creation of the Empire.
  12. Amen. This from someone who worked in a cinema where on occassions had to ask for kids to be quiet, only to be confronted by their parents. Well, if you were doing your job I wouldn't have to tell them off!
  13. That was really it for me. I get RAW being by far away the Number One show, and needing some Star Power with some exits, I get Jericho being a top draw, but really this was the time to seperate Edge and Jericho. Now granted, with a pretty deep Main Event pool they can be seperated... but I'm not sure how logical that is, considering the intensity of their feud. Oh well. As a minaly Smackdown man, however, it's not looking too bad. Swagger, Punk, Mysterio, Show, Kofi and Christian works fine for me - frankly, adding someone like Orton into that mix wouldn't do anything for me. However, if that's the Main Event, it's the Upper midcard that's looking weak. Mercury and Gallows could be promoted. Mr Ziggles will be there. Drew, of course. I almost forgot a about Kane - one more Main Event run for him? I'd expect to see a few NXT wrestlers end up trying to make it on Smackdown once the show's over.
  14. First PPV I've watched for literally years. My thoughts: Tag Team Gauntlet: Well, the result of this was obvious from the moment the match begun. Not bad for what it was, but how embarassed must the ref have been from having to DQ someone at Extreme Rules. Embarrassed enough to not DQ ShowMiz for the next fall, despite watching the interference. Hart Dynasty to win tomorrow (and it had better be clean, as they've already got a tainted victory) Hair vs ... er, nothing: Extreme Rules, where every match is extreme. Except this one. And the one before. Is was looking forward to this match, but it didn't quite live up to expectations. Mercury doesn't exactly bring someone with too much legitmacy to the SES. Mysterio needs a heel run. Strap match: My one wrong predo - and the match most helped by the Special Rules, with the crowd only popping when the strap was used. I'm sure Shad will get a rematch win in theh next couple of weeks - wouldn't be too surprised to see it tonight before a move to RAW. JTG to be gone (again) in a year. Swagger vs Orton: Was this really the slowest, dullest match ever (okay, not ever, I exaggerate)? Either the feed or my satellite started cutting out on this one, so I fast forwarded over a couple of minutes. Didn't miss anything. Street Fight: Predicting against Triple H is always dangerous, but the opening segment gave him an excuse to lose. Whenever he's back he'll defeat Sheamus, and then probably get a Title run (assuming he doesn't just win it off Sheamus). Perfectly good Street Fight. Women's match: With Mickie gone Beth makes the obvious champion. Highlight of the match - ironing board jokes. Until Cole took it too far when Michelle tried to use the iron. And why the hell did Vickie hand onto the plug? Steel Cage: They let Jericho have too many near escapes, that seemed to slow down the momentum of the match. I see Edge moving over to RAW after this one. Last Man Standing: Well, there was hate for Cena, but he by far and away got the biggest pop of the night - and Batista got the loudest heel heat. Sorry, for anyone thinking these two shouldn't be in the Main Event, they're wrong. The industry's about money, not talent. Slow at the beginning (what was with testing the ten count early in situations they would have never even tried a pin in a normal match?), but it actually got going well towards the end. The finish made more sense than handcuffs, although Cena's ability to tear to duct tape slowed the end down a little too much. Overall, not bad - but considering there were four WrestleMania rematches, perhaps "average" was not the result that WWE should have been aiming for. Although maybe that was the overuse of gimmick matches, something I've never liked. And I didn't realise how good a colour commentator Matt Striker was, but he was form last night. And it's nice to see that WWE's tag team division is as strong as ever. So, draft predicitons - some women to move around. Edge and Shad to RAW, Swagger to Smackdown, along with one of Legacy. Perhaps Kofi too - he's hit a glass ceiling on RAW.
  15. Henry has obviously admitted a wrong, but this still doesn't mean the whole story has come out. He could have reacted badly to anything, lost his rag, and then accepted that he went too far. However, I know there are certain things that I would lose my rag with to the extent that I deserved a caution, and I'd probably stand by my actions. Not exactly cause to shout for Mark Henry's sacking.
  16. Did you read this post? Before we try and get this thread locked (and if any subject's going to do it, Religion is probably high up there), most posts are debates rather than "factual" pontifications. Lets concentrate on the debates, and keep the comments on the pontifications down to "I don't agree with this unproven Point fo View as fact". Debate is good.
  17. Yes, the bit that annoys me when I have people knocking on my door to "sell" religion is that they will always accept that there is just one true power - however, this power is exactly what they believe in, and every other religion is worshipping an incorrect interpretation of that God. And as proof they come up with "look around you, the proof's everywhere". Oh yes, you're right, Buddha's clearly just an interpretation of their God. Proven. I've got an open mind, but really? You expect me to be sold just like that?
  18. Said like it was fact. Don't get me wrong, I like a good debate, and find this thread fascinating (if perhaps for nothing more than realising how some people are simply unable to debate), but when you throw in lines like that it really makes me turn against you. And I like turning - I'll quite happily argue both sides of a debate. I have to do it sometimes when I want a decent debate but no-one can think of the counter-arguments to what I'm saying that I can see. This is true, and an argument I use. However, a name is just a name, why can't God=Buddha=Zeus? Maybe everyone (who worships a God) is worshipping the same God, just different representations. All have huge backgrounds and stories about them which have developed over the years - it doesn't take a genuis to see these have changed. But perhaps, thousands of years ago, they all started with the same message. I questions things, and God is completely unproven to me. But the absence of a God is also completely unproven. I have no reason not to believe in a higher power. I don't think it's silly to believe either side of the argument.
  19. The Christian one is purely down to his contract running out - once it ran out, WWE had no say on what he did. Most of the releases seem to happen while they're contract is still running, which is why WWE have a say in what happens. The Lesnar situation is abnormal, as it wasn't WWE releasing Lesnar, it was Lesnar asking for his release. This meant that WWE could (in their minds) ask for any additional clauses (i.e. 10 year no Wrestling / MMA compete clause) that they wanted.
  20. I think that'll be the case. It's effectively giving them there 90 day notice, paying them up front for the 90 days, telling them that they don't have to come to work for the next 90 days, but they can't compete for anyone else in the 90 days. I think Peter put it more eloquently than me.
  21. Sheamus might not be everyone's idea of a new champ, but surely now is the perfect time to try it out? At best he keeps it to The Royal Rumble, because that doesn't normally sell on the title matches, it sells on the Rumble. Even if Sheamus doesn't sell PPV's, they've got two other potential sells (Smackdown Title (I have no idea if it's the WWE Championship or World Heavyweight Championship) and Tag Title) for No Way Out.
  22. I used to love watching Veolcity - I remember getting home from work, slapping on the TV and seeing Kendrick & London (before they ever spent any real time on the main roster) vs Bryan Danielson and... someone else. Must have been... 6 or 7 years ago? You were always guaranteed one relly good wreslting match on the show, which was more than you were guaranteed sitting through 2 hours of one of their flagship shows back then. Now, granted most WWE viewers, like it or not, would rather watch Cena vs Orton than London vs Akio (who had a storming match). but I don't fall in that group, and Velocity really ticked the boxes for me. Or at least that 1 match in the three did.
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