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Everything posted by eayragt

  1. I disagree on part. All the recaps and social networking is annoying to me, but I can see why its there - its not for me, its for the casual or new fan. I can fast forward through the recaps and tout videos, and ignore Twitter comments. Sure, I'd like another midcard match in there instead, but that's a minor change. And as for booking to a formula, wrestling has always been booked to a formula, but it doesn't mean that there aren't surprises on there. I was talking about more fundamental era change. Turning Cena heel doesn't do that on its own. Giving the McMahon Helmsley's less air time is a minor step. Showing less recaps and ignoring Twitter doesn't do that. This was my point. Without an era change, I think we're 90% as good as we're ever going to get (largely due to the successful elevation of Punk and Bryan). I want to see what's beyond the next 10%.
  2. That's true - they'll stick with Cena until he can't perform anymore. But that's actually no different to the rest of the era defining people you've listed. They were all top stars until the moment they left, be it injured, to film movies, or to WCW. And they were the focus of attention until that moment (or at least a focus of attention during the era's when they had more than one top, top star). At the end of the day Cena is easily WWE's most bankable star, who defines the current era. The risk of trying to move onto another era is huge. However, if Cena leaves or picks up a long term injury suddenly the risk is much reduced. Let the new stars define the era, or define a era and let that dictate who is likely to become new stars. The only other way to move to a new era with Cena still around is for WWE to develop a bankable star as Cena, but I can't see it happening. They had the chance with Punk, but despite having the 14th longest reign as WWE Champion it still hasn't pushed him into that bracket (largely due to not being treated as the major attraction, but also due to feuding with wrestlers barely in the Main Event (such as ADR)). I don't think turning Cena heel would start a new era, we would get a show focussed on a heel Cena, and when momentum begins to slip he'd be turned face again. Really, I think the only way a new era starts is for Cena to go on hiatus, or off with a long term injury. And realistically he'll only go on hiatus without an injury. It's a shame, as it isn't Cena himself. We could have a new era with Cena involved, but WWE won't let it develop. I wouldn't like to wish injury on anyone, but for my enjoyment the best thing to happen would be for Cena to retire, WWE to have to do something radical, John Cena to come out of retirement and slip into the new era without defining the era. And the best way for that to happen would be for him to come back as a heel, with other Main Eventers fully established. But, credit to him, Cena is a hardy soul with great powers of recovery. So this won't happen.
  3. Ah yes, Tony Cascarino and his Irish grandmother, that he revealed after retirement wasn't Irish and he actually had no rights to play for Ireland at all. I'd add one to the list of eligibility, and that's if you hold a passport of that nation. Thing is, most of these "plastic Brits" (as the rags would say, but it applies to other countries) do have a passport. And quite frankly anyone with a British passport has the right to call themselves British as much as I do.
  4. It's not really about whether Santino could be World Champion in my eyes, it's the fact one minute has was so close, then next, nothing. Jobbing in seconds to Bryan the next night, rarely being in a serious match since, apart from his very brief programme with Swagger. The guy had momentum, and at the very least seemed a legitimate World Championship contender... although admittedly not at Wrestlemania, which was the next ppv. However, what harm has it done Santino? Given that he's currently more popular than he was in January, none. He serves his purpose, he gets a pop, sells merchandise, and is good relief on a 3 hour show. And if he ever does get close again he has form, and it begins to look less flukey. The ahem may actually be to the US Title. Santino has had a handful of good defences. Swagger had none. Ryder had a couple. And that's half a years history of a top title... Anyway, tonight: Sheamus Bryan Jericho Rhodes Layla Goldberg... Er, Ryback Okay, two of those don't have matches last I looked, but I'm sure they will.
  5. That wasn't really universe acknowledgement, it was a comment that most people forgot a minute after it was made as it was crammed in with everything else. The standard kid has no idea that Cena has a wife.
  6. Yeah, I agree with that. She's been one of the top diva's at various points, but as you said she's done just about everything. Would be happy to see her back in a couple of years.
  7. So which of the following is true: A) Jeff Jarrett will soon be coming back to try and take back control of TNA or B) TNA heavily insulted the Jarrett's by not having them on last nights PPV I suppose there's the third option that they were invited but turned it down. But that's my least likely option. See, I don't mind A. Although its been done a million times before, Jeff using his exclusion from the ten year anniversary show as his motivation would actually make sense. But if that doesn't happen, then surely B applies? Even if they wanted Jeff to sell his storyline (which considering the short term booking mindset all wrestling companies have allowing them to ignore any event more than 3 months old sounds unlikely), what would have been wrong with Jerry being around? Actually really interested in Hyde's view on this, as I might just be missing something and it would have been completely inappropriate. I'll openly admit to rarely watching TNA nowadays.
  8. Marks have more fun watching wrestling. Nothing to pity or mock there.
  9. But they didn't have tons of tshirts made, they reacted to Bryan's reactions and then made a shirt, which is hard to get held of because they weren't anticipating making any. And the anti Cena tshirts... well, that came about 4 years after he started getting booed.
  10. Yes, but they tend to wrap up nicely on the bench. If you're waiting to tag into a match you're not going to be in a hoody and big coat.
  11. Wrestlers in the ring will be fine. Tag partners desperately waiting on the outside to tag in for their first action to warm themselves up? Not so much. Gives us an opportunity to see if anyone is tagging with someone they don't like or want to rib, as they could be left hanging on the outside in their undies for some time...
  12. Actually, thinking about that if Henry if fit enough he could always win the title back (and face Sheamus) and we could get a Bryan / Orton match at Mania (for some reason - haven't worked out why). As much of a Bryan fan as I am, after the year Henry has had I think he could deserve going into Mania with the title. Bryan has more time on his side... although if he'll ever get the opportunity again on the greatest stage of them all is debatable. I think the reason this years Rumble was slightly underwhelming is fairly simple. Off the top of my head, here are the competitors in the Rumble who have Main Evented a PPV in singles action before: Big Show Randy Orton Sheamus Chris Jericho Wade Barrett The Miz Jim Duggan Booker T Mick Foley Jack Swagger (I think - not 100% sure he ever Main Evented) So that's 3 legends and 7 current stars (someone will shout if I've forgotten someone). Of those 7 one wrestler was out in the first half of the match, and 4 were in the last 5 entrants. One of the others holds a midcard title. There was just never the chance of someone fighting through the odds to last ages before getting the win - The Miz has been treated so badly that although he was having a run to re-establich himself, he was never going to win. That made the first half an hour or so... kind of pointless. That's why I'm so suprised Kane wasn't part of the event. I guess Henry may have been a planned entrant but wasn't fit enough, which would have helped. And anyone "WWE superstar is eligible to enter!". But Camacho decided to ride his bike in. Ted DiBiase forgot what day the Rumble was on. Stupid tagline.
  13. Actually, forgot that bit to. That was entertaining and ended just before it stopped being funny. One more thing - after continuing the Sheamus / Jindar feud for seemingly forever, why wasn't Sheamus around to eliminate Jindar? It wasn't bad, but take out the announcers and put in Kane, Clay and Regal and you've got a better match.
  14. I agree. Before Sheamus came out you knew nno-one in the ring had a chance of winning. Don't understand at the very least why Kane wasn't in the match. And few stand out moments. Kharma (which sadly only worked so well due to Cole being in the ring), Kofi's handstand, Duggan... not bothered about Road Dogg's appearance. Not sure why Brodus wasn't in as well. Glad Miz got the expected good showing. But my question is if Sheamus goes after Bryan and we still get Punk vs Jericho at Mania, what the hell does Orton do? And I don't see Sheamus / Punk at Mania... Not that I mind, not the biggest Orton fan, but he is one of the WWE's top names. He needs a big match and surely isn't going to string out the Barrett feud that long. And the Rumble is the perfect time to start a new feud but... he didn't. That just leaves Orton vs Undertaker... which is marginally better than Taker facing Triple H again, but again has been done before. Money in the Bank would be a waste so... they're going to string his feud out with Barrett to Mania, aren't they?
  15. Well, what happened here? Something that no-one expected. WWE hates people successfully guessing what was going to happen. If anyone had predicted how the return would happen it would have been crapped on. They come up with a new way - it's crapped on. Truth is it's partly the IWC's fault - WWE think they can't do the most logical return as it would be seen as too predictable by the IWC. Or the second most. Or third... My thoughts? Uncomfortable viewing. Pissed off fans. However, has already done a good job of defining Jericho's character. Sets up WrestleMania as the guy who hates the IWC vs the guy the IWC wet themselves over. Could be good if built on over the next few weeks. The Summer of Punk proved that the WWE aren't to good at that, but I'm not going to judge on one night. I did that with Christian's short title run, and I was wrong.
  16. Well, if Triple H can compete just over 2 months after "fracturing his back" ...
  17. As I want it to be Y2J but don't want him to face Punk until WrestleMania this is how I would play it out: During Punk vs Ziggler both men go down. The Titantron fires up with a new promo, then then date Monday 2nd January, Jericho comes out, swagger down to ringside, grabs a mic a rips into Punk saying that he has no right to call himself the best in the world when he's clearly inferior to him and has been easily distracted during a match. Ziggler hits the ZigZag but Punk kicks out, they go back and forth until eventually Jericho interferes hitting the Codebreaker for Ziggler to win the title. Punk / Ziggler have a rematch at the Rumble which Punk loses because of Vicky. He then manages to get himself into the Rumble, where he and Y2J are the last two, and Y2J gets the win. Fast forward to Elimination Chamber and we get Ziggler vs Cena (trying to make his match with Rock a title match) vs Punk vs The Miz vs R-Truth vs Kane. Punk picks up the win. Move onto WrestleMania and we finally get a proper Punk vs Y2J match. Now, my actual first thoughts was for Punk to win the Rumble match, but I can't think of three faces from RAW for the Elimination Chamber, so I feel Punk has to be involved. Not quite sure who Y2J would end up facing at EC, but as long as his first match with Punk doesn't happen until Mania I'm happy. Which means Punk could just retain his title, win the EC (with Y2J) before a first singles match at Mania, but running a 60 minute + Battle Royale without CM Punk or Daniel Bryan makes little sense - you may as well have at least one of them involved for 30mins+ to hold the match together.
  18. Cena being a face makes his matches with RVD, Punk and The Rock sooo much better. Sure, I get as bored as the next guy week in week out and would prefer a heel turn, but Cena / Punk would haven't meant half as much if Cena was a heel. Sure, it's one payoff a year, but it's a massive payoff. And WWE work it well, as generally they know which arenas he will be a booed in and put him with someone (Punk / Rock) which helps get them over. Rock Cena works better with Cena as a hated face rather than a heel.
  19. So, will Bryan cash in tomorrow? He's got the reason to now - he was going to wait till 'Mania but wants revenge on Henry. And because I've got too much time to think about Fantasy Booking, here's how I would do it: Have Show / Henry early. Henry gets a hard fought win, after using a weapon after a ref bump. Bryan cashes in - tries to lock in the LeBell Lock but Henry gets to the ropes. Bryan unleashes a flurry of kicks and goes for the pin... but Henry kicks out. Then we get the Henry domination, Bryan comeback and he just gets the pin. Give them 4 or 5 minutes. After that match you need a cool down match, so bring on the Divas. After that Bryan can cut a promo explaining why he cashed in. He gets jumped by Henry. In two weeks time Henry gets his rematch. Loses by DQ. At TLC we get Show, Henry and Bryan. Bryan wins (could he be Edge's replacement as master of ladders) as Show and Henry concentrate on one another. Between TLC and the Rumble Show gets his feud ending victory over Henry. At Rumble Henry dominates to get back momentum, until Kane comes back (rehashing the Big Show feud will work better if it's not for the title this time). Meanwhile, Bryan has a match that would never sell a PPV. Because the Rumble sells the PPV. He could face Barrett (if he somehow manages to win his feud with Orton), Rhodes, Miz (to play on their history, but I don't know how it would happen) or Christian. Out of them I'd like to see the Christian match. Then it's to the Elmination Chamber, where Bryan drops the title (I'd personally want to see a face Sheamus vs a heel Orton for the title at Mania). A three month reign for Bryan. He looks no worse than Punk or Mysterio did in their first reigns (which to be fair is no high bar to work with). /end fantasy booking Beats another option which is him cashing in and just losing.
  20. That's not something I was implying. In my opinion TNA and RAW are both rotten right now. But neither company give two hoots about my opinion, and they have no reason to care about it at all
  21. Ah yes, the clueless masses who contribute far more money to the wrestling industry than those who know the score. Wait, hang on...
  22. Can't see it - why not give Storm a couple of wins between the PPV's? Or even at the PPV? Answer - they had no idea at that point he was going to be champion.
  23. You know what, I honestly believe Bischoff read Saturday spoilers for RAW, realised it was going to be the 2nd poor show in a row and changed plans. Think about it - Impact ratings will spike. RAW ratings could have been awful. Queue lots of promotion about closing the gap, even if it was for only one week and unsubstainable. Clearly these weren't the plans even two weeks earlier, because, you know, they could have at least given a certain someone a couple of singles win to give him a little momentum?
  24. They don't normally pump in anything on RAW as its broadcast live - of course, last night was the exception. So consider it a one off through being in a foreign country. Unless you're watching Smackdown, where they dub in the crowd every damned week.
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