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Everything posted by eayragt

  1. <p>[quote=BHK1978;231</p><p> <strong>Eayragt</strong> I thought you were fond of D1 lynches (at least I think it was you, it has been a few years and all). Odd to not see you trying to push for anything.</p><p> </p><p> I'm a fan of doing something Day One, and the best way to stoke conversation is normally to vote. When someone's not talking like machine you can either wait or pile on the votes. As there's plenty of conversation outside the push and time left, there's no need to push an actual lynch at this stage. The decision people need to think about now is if machine doesn't come on in the next 12 hours, would you add your vote? I think mine would go on.</p>
  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Arrows" data-cite="Arrows" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46026" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Surely not.<img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> *nods appreciatively*</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rayelek" data-cite="Rayelek" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46026" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Wow votes for lynching already? There be shenanigans afoot!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> *notes a scummy non profile picture*</p>
  3. Careful, once he clears himself I'm going for a new tactic of lynching anyone with no profile picture. Forewarning for you and The Archer to come up with something pretty.
  4. At least at the moment I have no reason to think you're scum. Which,after last game means... more likely you ARE scum! Time to stop the joke votes and get serious. change vote: Crychon
  5. For mafia Virgins, this is how Day One goes down: vote: Destiny Had to be done for old times sake. Brb in a couple of days
  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm kind of glad Strowman didn't finally win in Saudi Arabia of all places but it does feel like a pre-Roman reset. I expect Brock to go into his next UFC match as Champion. Strowman wins the Royal Rumble and beats Lesnar at Wrestlemania.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yes, a Saudi win would be tainted, the build up to Wrestlemania would work much better.</p>
  7. <p>WWE have had to change plans and they've shoe horned in new stories. I've read that Braun was buried. No he wasn't, he was screwed. Build him back up for a WrestleMania rematch and revenge... would be sensible, but not necessarily going to happen. Ziggler screwed? No, he won 2 matches and then lost to someone... just the wrong someone. He wasn't screwed, but the tournament was. Will the payoff be worth it for that? No.</p><p> </p><p> It's frustrating to look at the results, but this wasn't a their 1 PPV - it was a glorified house show with titles / cups on the line. Yes it had a load of oldies, but it would have been an awesome house show. However hype it up as a huge show, you're going to get judged but that standard.</p><p> </p><p> Not defending the current product - it's at a low. I just don't think this lowered it as mu h as has been suggested.</p>
  8. Yes. That's exactly it. Lots of people wanted something different. Trump said he would be different. The Democrats made a big thing of how Trump was different. Trump is different. So people voted for Trump. Will he deliver? Like many world leaders before, not on a lot of his promises. But the time to judge is not now.
  9. That match... that night, goodness it was awesome. I've always like him, but never thought he would make it in WWE. And then he won an awesome match and the crowd went bananas. That was emotional enough, but nothing compared to this. Sure, he barely won a match in the next 6 months, but once he cashed in he built a momentum not even the company could stop. Try as they might.
  10. The sad indictment of WWE is there was only two possible Main Events to sell Wrestlemania (which is still their no. 1 priority despite the network): Triple H vs Roman Reigns Brock Lesnar vs Ambrose / Wyatt / Owens In other words, they can't sell a Main Event between full time wrestlers. I know they've got a lot in injuries, but with Raw and Smackdown each week they've got plenty of time to build new stars. Yet Owens is the only person built up to anywhere near Main Event level recently (Wyatt and Ambrose have been in the bubble for a while, without getting over the line). This is very sad. So I have no problem with the Rumble, it's the whole product that's failing. NXT can build Main Eventers, why can't WWE?
  11. Wow, what's with all the conspiracy theories? When sidewall become so cynical? If you want to think those last two Main Events were fixed, good for you. If you want to try and convince us, fine. By the way, it won't work.
  12. And there's the difference. Do it in public, deserve a slap. Do it at work, and then get physically assaulted (which is what a slap is) at work, and your employers are duty bound to do something about it. Now if this was a wrestler then maybe WWE could have done something else, but if a wrester slaps effectively an office member of staff, they had no choice. Doesn't matter what the guy did to get slapped. Doesn't matter what disciplinary route he's currrently going down. WWE have a duty of care to their employees, which is sorted out through an HR process (which the social media guy is probably going through right now, so that's the duty of care to ADR). They may have will skimped on this process previously, but they really don't need a public employee tribunal right now. It made it easier for them it was ADR - it's an easy loss. But they've set the bar now - if Orton did the same (at least to a non-wrestler), bye bye.
  13. One thinks that would have worked better if Batista was a surprise entrant as originally planned...
  14. So, does this mean that WWE were intelligent by first naming Curtis Axel Michael McGillywhatshisface? According to rag sheets (I know, great source), Vince told Hennig family members when he got given the Mcwhatever gimmick that that there were plans to use him in a different capacity in the future which would link him to the family. When he got a gimmick change, no-one chanted his old gimmick name because... no-one could. Planned or luck?
  15. So I didn't see Wrestlemania, or RAW, but I did get to see this compilation of RAW best bits. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wd-MMVEaW5M Or in reality, the crowd's best bits. They were awesome. But I'll have to admit, Cena was awesome to. What were the reactions to the crowd? Sheamus laughed, Orton got pissed, Big Show and Mark Henry ignored them, Jericho didn't do a Lionsault and... Cena ballroom danced. Awesome. If only Henry had done the same... although given his monstrous heel gimmick perhaps it wouldn't have been the best idea. I'm hoping that they run with Ryback as a bad ass who just beats people who annoy him up, and then let the crowd decide whether or not to turn him, rather than force a trn that clearly didn't happen on Monday!
  16. A rare chance to watch a WWE PPV! ADR vs Show - watched most of on 6x FF. Not interested, botch ending didn't exactly make Show look that clever, still think Ricardo Rodriguez was the mostover person out there Cesano vs The Miz - 2x FF. Interesting in Cesano, not The Miz. Diabolical ending, and although I get it's a feud continuation, that's another 7 weeks until Wrestlemania Elimination Chamber - solid. Would have prefered Kane and Bryan to work together for a little longer, and for participants to not break up so many submission moves. And that Swagger vs ADR should have been a post Mania feud not for the title. Faces vs Shield - the logical result. That I was 50/50 on WWE booking, thanks to Cena's presence, but thankfully they did. Decent rather than spectacular, but put The Shield, especially Reigns, over. Ziggler match - FF - I don't normallly watch RAW, so no need to watch a RAW match here. Women's match - FF Rock vs Punk - I'll admit, after the first five minutes I FF through the next 5 or so. I have heard someone said that Punk was once again buried. No way. If there had been a concious ref at all times Punk would have had the win. Still "overbooked" after that, could have done with less of that unless its a reason for Punk to be included in the title match at Mania. Not convinced it will though. Decent, nowhere near as good as last years event, but that was a great event. So, where does that leave Mania? Rock © vs Cena ADR © vs Swagger Are booked. Punk could be added to the Main Event, but as I already said, I don't think so. Ziggler to cash in MITB Triple H vs Lesnar Is almost guaranteed. ??? vs Punk Who is "???"? Hopefully, we'll find out tonight. I'll be annoyed if we get Lesnar and Triple H interaction with no hint at where Punk's going. There is another option which is Lesnar and Punk vs Triple H and ???, which would show the seeds for Lesnar vs Punk somewhere down the line. But still, who's "???"? in this scenario? There is no-one who is Vince's "go to" wrestler to step up to the plate to face Punk for him. In the tag scenario we could go with Sheamus tagging with Triple H, which would give him something to do. Else Punk whines to Vince about having done everything tonight leading to Undertaker's return, and him giving Punk the chance to do something no-one has done before - pin him at Wrestlemania. Not convinced 'Taker will be back though. Kane and Bryan © vs The Shield I don't think there's time for the Tag Champions to completely fall apart, but they could pass the title over to The Shield here before feuding all summer long. Who would The Shield be? I'd say Rollins and Ambrose, which would allow us to book: Ryback vs Roman Reigns And you know what? I wouldn't mind if Reigns lost (as long as his partners won the Tag Team Titles). However, post Rock leaving, assuming Cena has the title he needs challengers, and I'm finding it difficult to look past The Shield. Cesaro © vs The Miz Barrett © vs three other names who aren't doing anything Kaitlyn © vs AJ Orton vs Mark Henry Huh, really need to find something for Big Show, Jericho, Ziggler (if you give him a match that they then have to be a Championship defence), and possibly Sheamus to do...
  17. Daniel Bryan gets sacked (with a we'll see you soon deal) for using a tie as a weapon during election campaigns. Measure that,against hitting a fan, albeit in self defense. Pretty stupid of WWE to let it get in that position by not having security close while Punk was in the crowd.
  18. /resists inappropriate religious joke...
  19. No, it's not. That's years ago, before Linda went into politics. Since then the rules have changed (due to Linda being in politics) However, that's a good defense for not being fired, if the rules haven't been made clear to you. But given that TMZ quote a WWE source saying "Unfortunately, Brian Jossie, playing the character of A.W. was terminated because he continued to exhibit poor judgment by making offensive and inappropriate comments on live television and on social media" and the fact he was still given a live mic after the comments, it looks like AW was fired for comments made after the Bryant comments. So he was warned, set boundaries, and broke them. I hope someone warned Vince after his JRimpression in June... And no-one here yet has (thankfully) mentioned Tensai's comments to Sakamoto. These were clearly scripted, as the whole point of the Tout video was to get to these comments. WWE are quite entitled to script offensive comments that they can vet as part of a storyline - it doesn't give others free reign to make offensive comments if they've been warned not to.
  20. AW didn't get fired for one thing he said, he got fired for more stuff he said after he had been warned. I don't know what he said, as it looks like it was both at a live show and on twitter. But once you've been warned and presumably given boundaries, if you don't stick to them you're making trouble for yourself. Anyway, why can't Linda quit politics? That's the main cause of this. Don't get me wrong, it's the McMahon's company and they can set whatever rules they want, but if Linda wasn't in politics it would increase the chances of the rules being a little more lax.
  21. I think the point is do the same thing now,as in the 80's, the 80's would always be considered edgier, just due to what was considered edgy then compared to now.
  22. I completely agree. As I said, era's are defined by people, and WWE doesn't voluntarily stop using Austin or Hogan or Cena as the main, they have to for one reason or another. Then the next man comes along, and you have to make sure your product and booking style works primarily for the main man. Why not? This is the default era. Booking 101 wrestling superman style. Just because it's been done before doesn't make it not an era. Unless if we're not in an era we're eraless. Is it that much different to the Hogan era? Nope. Is WWE always like this? Nope, just most of the time. Don't get me wrong, I think for business reasons WWE are fundamentally doing the right thing, booking the show around their biggest draw, superman Cena. Sure, I'd like other people to be booked with more importance (and a whole lot of other minor stuff like less 1 minute squashes of Santino), but I can see why they're doing it. However, I would prefer something else. I don't matter to the WWE as I bring in almost no income to them (I do subscribe to Sky Sports in England, so I give them a very, very small amount of money each year). Lots of us would prefer something else, but again, we don't bring in enough money to the WWE compared to their core demographic. The only way I think we will get this is for Cena to leave for a long period of time, as I don't think there's anyone to fit into the Superman role, so my opinion it would be worth trying something different, to make best use of the talent available. I'm not a Cena hater - he's fantastic for the WWE. I don't think what's happening now is any different from wrestling to the 80's. If my use of the word "era" offends you replace it with something else. I would just like WWE to fundamentally book differently. I would call that a different era, you might call it something else. That's fine.
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