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About VonCurry

  • Birthday 07/24/1986

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  1. <p>I only play the game as WCW or TNA...</p><p> </p><p> World title - Guys with 80-100 popularity or if I'm starting off TNA from scratch... Main eventers with 60+ popularity.</p><p> </p><p> United States (wcw) - Main eventers who either have never been World champs or are not popular enough to be a world champion.</p><p> </p><p> NWA National / TNA Television - Same as above but willing to go into Upper Mid Card territory.</p>
  2. I only play one mod with several variations I made of it. (converted WCW Lives with my own fixes/adjustments) WCW - Scott Steiner as he deserved multiple title runs I also use an "alternate history" of WCW Lives where TNA exists in 2001 with WCW and WWF also running... (I use it as more of a hard mode, since talent is harder to come by). In that mod I usually book Ken Anderson well, as hes a rookie with high upside and isn't signed by anyone. I suppose I should add in TEW 2016 that would've been Monty Brown, but in TEW 2020 the AI is much more aggressive and I can't sign him without putting the company in a giant deficit (half the fun of this TNA 2001 version, is that I have to be very mindful of my roster and the money).
  3. When he's considering and then not considering, you're in a bidding war with the other company. So you make your offer, which he sees as the front running offer, then they counter with theirs. It's just like Free Agency in sports. The "Considering offer" aspect just tells you where your offer is at currently.
  4. One of my gripes with TEW 2016 was that the AI tended to use old school length title reigns (half year to a year title reigns vs modern day generally being monthly to 3 month reigns, with the occasional lengthy world title reign). Does TEW 2020 have more variety in that?
  5. Long time lurker here, got a dilemma that I couldn't find an answer to (usually you can find them on here, great posts and info). So I'm playing a slightly modded WCW Lives mod, in which I started TNA in 2001 (it's kinda fun and a bit more challenging trying to make a #3 company in the USA with WCW and WWE still around). Anyways as a background to the question, (paint the picture so to speak). I've been running weekly PPVs as I used the WCW lives popularity start settings for TNA, 14% (except for Hawaii and Puerto Rico 8% and South East at 34%, I started the game and gave myself 500,000 since TNA didn't start out of some dudes bar. Now I had some luck and bought WXW in Germany and Battlearts in Japan over the course of this last year, and have TV options in Europe and Japan...frankly I'm more popular in Japan now than USA lol. Now the question is, should I keep running Weekly PPVs in the USA or switch to the one commercial tv option I have, Urban America (which has 6 areas coverage in the USA), or keep grinding till I unlock a bigger commercial option that covers all of mainland USA? If I've done my homework properly, unless I have a TV deal in the USA my Weekly PPVs count as a "tiny" in size. I'm wondering if I'd make more cash and still grow the company into cult status with a 6 region commercial TV deal and a monthly PPV vs Weekly PPV with full mainland coverage..
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