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Infamous Horse

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Everything posted by Infamous Horse

  1. Venue Name: Punk Won't Die Open Date: 7/18/1996 Location: Los Angeles, South West Venue Size: 1,000 Description: Built by famous punk singer JJ Kellin after being banned by several local clubs in the area Kellin bought a broken down convenience store down the street from his house. Building it up to fit a 1,000 people. Playing exclusively there as he opened up to the punk & hardcore movement in pro wrestling. Playing shows live while matches took place. Growing in notoriety as the place to be in down town LA due to the no rules mentality of the venue.
  2. Loved Risky Business in TEW16 and stoked to see it revived for TEW20 by Jaysin
  3. My friends and I are interested in seeing how this plays out in a multiplayer save. Can't wait to see it drop.
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