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Everything posted by fatallylost

  1. While that does make sense, I may be able to speak to it. I am a huge fan of PWG, now. I've been into them for a little over a year now, since I first saw them. I had seen fliers here and there, never really gave it much thought. I saw Joey Ryan wrestle at my friends promotion, and was impressed. From there I moved onto EWF (which runs shows about 10 minutes from me, if even that far) From there, I looked at PWG, not thinking much. What made me get out there the first time? Paul London. From there, added pluses have been Brian Kendrick, and Colt Cabana's returns. Both of whom I knew more of from WWE than the indies, at that time.
  2. I don't recall OJ being there, Bubba was in a completely random, and lame ass spot. Young was on for a minute, Terry wasn't, but, Williams did commentary for the Kaz/Moore match. Just to warn ya. Yeah... when I mentioned Kelly, I was going to mention her "dead eyes" but, that seemed meaner than I wanted it to be.
  3. I was thinking more a Kelly Kelly without a blank slate look in her eyes. That could very well be it. I know most of them all weara hefty amount, but, that seems very logical, as the older pics I've seen of her aren't too shabby.
  4. I kind of mentioned that earlier in this thread, I think. Since I started cutting pics, she just looked a bit old, or, something went wrong. She ain't horrible, but, she ain't the best either.
  5. Sometimes beware what you ask. Not all girls are pretty. Some can be pretty scary.
  6. I would strongly debate the connection between Eric Draven/Crow and Sting. All that is similar is the face paint (or, it was similar, now it only has a color resemblance, as they've made it their own) and the coat. Draven talked. Draven was never betrayed (ala Hogan betraying Sting and the fans) and so on. Also, The Crow is one of my all time faves. So, I loved that they gave Sting the look, but, the character itself had less than, maybe 10% to do with the "gimmick" to the Crow character. But, that may be a side point to have made.
  7. I didn't say no women liked it, but, trust me, I worked in that industry, to an extent, for almost 3 years. I never saw, nor heard of one woman buying all male porn. Guys, yes, girls, no.
  8. Random... On the WWE Universe board, Ezekiel Jackson's default pic, is on KYKY.
  9. Since I passed up the Jordan discussion... Wasn't this gimmick thrown around, in idea, a few years ago? (I believe after his Cabinet run with JBL) Jordan is what he is, and we'll see what they do with it. I don't get it, yet, but, there hasn't been much to get. Also, yeah, gay is gay in the eyes of anti-homosexual areas. It's slightly more "acceptable" if you will, for two women, but, that's just cause there are probably many more males who'd like to see two women together, than two men, and, even on the women's side, there are probably more for the girl-girl stuff.
  10. Not at all. I can find ways where religion is wrong, and has wronged. I don't assume that, there is historical (and current history, if you will) proving that religion is not only fallible, but, utterly flawed. Once again, if someone gets what they need from it, that' s great. It's just once someone uses religion to tell someone else why they are wrong, is where I have issue. Trust me, it's used very often, and, always by the wrong people. Not all Christians are bad, but, the ones who tend to speak up are the ones that should be silenced, or, don't get it. I don't know how to put that last part so it doesn't sound like I mean kill them. Just, common sense needs to be used, and, common sense never seems to be. Also, just to be completely clear, I said (or tried to, I'm bad at making my points most times) that religions are what are incorrect. I can't fault the sheepish people who blindly follow. I just wish more people would educate themselves, and maybe, just maybe there would be less volatile relations between peoples, races, faiths, what have you.
  11. The complete opposite. I do not fault, or feel bad for people who need religion. It's given, or, gives them something they need. I grew up in a non-religious house. Over the many years I've done light studying (see, if I'm not gonna get paid, or a degree, I rarely delve too deep on purpose) But, just looking at the surface stuff, things known by anyone who has a connection to the world, you can see how bad it has become, or, has been in time. I really don't want this to begin any kind of religious debate, because there's no point. If "you" believe, you do, good for you. I don't, and I can't. Beyond a true miraculous act of God that proves something to me... even that can't. I have a spiritual side, but, I feel the majority of religions just bamboozle people, grow hatred for certain things (other religions, rituals, etc, whatever it may be) Also, the Bible is a book of stories from other peoples historical writings, stories, etc. I just dislike when people try to preach this, or that. My ex is a Catholic, which never got in the way. She had her beliefs, and she put up with my blasphemy. lol. Also, re-reading my post, I think the assuming others celebrations.. I think I actually meant assimilating, or something like that. Assuming works, but, maybe not as much as I meant it to.
  12. Stuff like that is why I wish he could still be the color guy somewhere. I wasn't the biggest WCW fan, but, he always made it much better in his time there. Not to mention Heenan and Gorilla.
  13. I don't want to get into it, but, religion also assumes a lot of things about everything. Like assuming other cultures celebrations.
  14. Isn't it the same, of, very close to same as the Wolfpac/nWo Red/Black theme though?
  15. Those are all pay. I'm talking regular wide spread television. I should have added those with the playboy types.
  16. That's what I was figuring on. You know how it is in America, if we see a boob, it'll be Armageddon... but, tonight we have footage of some guy getting his head severed with a credit card. Here's the slo-mo!
  17. Wait.. are you American, or overseas? if American, I must find those channels.
  18. Wait... I've never seen nudity on TV.. what channels do you have?! (I'm not counting random ass shots, nor playboy channels)
  19. I think we three agree. I'm still out on Otunga, cause I don't care who he's sleeping with. Is that what Cole means by the "it factor"? Cause, I swore that used to mean something else. I'm not sure how things will go.. I assumed they'd break Danielson down, and start building him up.. but, yeah, jobbing to Young didn't make sense. I had assumed he'd win (which he still may) then challenge The Miz for the US. But, the pros don't even seem to be involved now. So, we'll see. Also, maybe it would be smart to make a tag team, or two, from these shows. Kinda like how Morrison and Cappotelli teamed up for the one or two matches they had early on. Also, Barrett has potential. I like Gabriel, but, his 450 isn't that great. It looks clean, so that's a plus, but, Bourne is more exciting, and we see what that gets you. also, don't know if anyone knows, but, here's who my vote goes to.... http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs161.snc1/6040_1105726527120_1345484160_30250340_7409277_n.jpg
  20. So, with his lack or... well, everything, is Tarver trying to count on one of his lame ass shirts catching on?
  21. Oh no no, I misspoke, in a sense. I saw what TNA gave us. I'm talking about Daffney actually stripping down. I fear it just isn't meant to be. Also, even just the straps, that was one of the best non-nude teases I've ever seen. (Also, I'm not a fan of the bleach blond enormous implant looking ladies, so, that may clear some things up)
  22. I will say, speaking on my behalf, I didn't really watch the ladder match. Why? Cause it was their, what, 5th match in the last couple months? Same reason why I drifted off for Pope v. Wolfe. I'm just tired of seeing those. Daffney's tease, I've not seen... nor will I ever it seems!
  23. I would guess 24, but, I don't know if that would be a high rating for it or not. I've never really gotten the rating system anywho.
  24. Pfft... I thought Daffney's was way better. Lacey Lacey was already done a few years ago.
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