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Everything posted by raspymorten

  1. With all due respect, you can do that in ways other than basically going MY GOODNESS! HOW CAN IT BE THAT GREG VALENTINE ISN'T IN THE DATA?! And there aren't a lot of legends in the data, cause they generally don't wanna overbloat it, there's not a lot of reason to add a baker's dozen of 60+ year olds, who haven't done anything of note in wrestling since RAW was two hours long, when that same effort could be put towards adding young up and comers, or trying to make sure the shit that's already in is up to date. Which is the entire reason for me, Emily and Saiyan do the stuff we do, so that if you wanna have even more ontop of what's there, you can do that. (I even have a Legends+ pack that I haven't been doing much with for awhile, but maybe I'll get back to it at some point soon enough)
  2. Unless they're in a proper position in a major company (Like Allin and Riddle), most speaking out people have been removed.
  3. Yeah, some of it. But the importing's gonna be more than a little muddled when you're doing it in a save that's already started.
  4. Imma be real with you Bobby, been quite the two months for me, so I ended up forgetting to make any sort of list. But I know there's at most a couple of people added this go around. Guys like LaBron Kazone and James Ryan for DPW, that Michael Jackson impersonator dude Santana Jackson, and the new NTP LoneStar champ Tommy Becker. I think that's literally all that were added.
  5. Pretty sure that's an issue of gif packs not being updated, or just missing out on some indies+ people if you downloaded that.
  6. Heeeeello. Here's things, I hope you'll all still get some use out of this stuff. I'm not gonna bother creating new images because that'll make this take even longer, so I hope you guys are okay with this being a bit less asthetically pleasing than usual. Also, over the past couple months, I got time to help Devil expand the selection of matches in main RWC. But I did some further work regarding that on my own time with the Indies+ pack, adding stuff like the Crazy 8 match, 10,000 thumbtacks, and a lot of smaller stuff, that's essentially just match renames to better fit other companies. (Like Cage of Survival, instead of Cage of Death) I also took some of the goofier match types I could think of, and made another possible file to download, in the vein of the Titles+ Awards Edition stuff. It's just 15-20 matches like uhhh, i dunno. the Human Torch match from WCW, Doomsday Chamber of Blood from TNA, Cracker Barrel Clash from AEW. If that sounds up your alley, download it. Give me some more shouts for funny matches that actually happend, and I'll do my best to make a match as close as the TEW engine limitations'll let me. Okay. Here's things. Indies+ July 2022 JPG Edition Download GIF Edition Download Titles+ July 2022 Update Download ScandiGraps July 2022 JPG Edition Download GIF Edition Download Miscellaneous Database Packs Titles+ Awards Edition July 2022 Indies+ Matchpack July 2022
  7. Shit, did I never reply to this? It has definitely been in the cards before, but with the motivation issues I've come across over the past few months, Emily and Saiyan's IRL stuff, and just honestly the general irrelevance of UWN in the grander scheme of things, I doubt it. Anyhow. I'm gonna try and get all the files out tonight, since I'm home from vacation now. Sorry for the big delay again.
  8. I'm gonna be real everybody, the proper update thread'll likely have to be like, next saturday. I'm on summer vacation with my family, and while the summer house we're renting has a better internet connection than usual, it's still not great, so it'll take quite a bit longer to get through the multiple database uploads than usual. And honestly, I wanna focus on relaxing and having fun over slaving away at the laptop. Once the vacay is over, and I'm back at home. I'll vibe for awhile and then put out a more proper thread, with all the proper databases. I will post the Indies+ database file that I sent to Emily earlier in the week, so that people can import the most important stuff into RWC July. it basically has all the changes other than a few fixes I've done very recently, and missing some worker pictures temporarily. Sorry about this,
  9. We peer pressured him into using that logo, instead of just the big RWC letters. Anyhow, man's been carrying the mod singlehandily for many months now, due to outside circumstances. So hey, at least he'll be able to update all the pages now. You got this Devil.
  10. Wheeere'd you hear that? lol The update should be out soon enough. Likely within the next couple hours, but it'll be in a new thread, since Quest been way too busy IRL, and hasn't even been able to update the main page.
  11. Always hyped to see updates from you. Your stuff is always quality.
  12. I don't have it. I'm just parroting what Devil's been saying on the Fantasybookers discord. lol Hoping for the best with whatever's put you in the hospital though man.
  13. Early July. Preferably 1st of July, but things happen sometimes.
  14. Yeah, I had noticed that. I haven't the faintest ****ing clue how it happened, but somehow basically all the people in the BODYSLAM database had gotten exclusive contracts with BODYSLAM. Again, no ****ing clue how that happened. But I fixed it up, and replaced the link some time ago. I do that sometimes, just replace the link to fix minor, and sometimes major things, when not too many people had downloaded the file yet.
  15. I'll try and tackle the rest at some point! Things have been rather hectic the last while. Good to hear you're doing good, other than things being hectic, I've been doing rather good as well! See you later Bobert. Kindest Regards - Raspy
  16. Bit embarrassing, but somehow every single person in the ScandiGraps mod had been contracted to BODYSLAM. I have no ****ing idea how I messed that up. Anyway, it's been fixed. Hopefully no other blunders in this one, hit up the thread if you guys find anything wrong.
  17. There we go. Links should be corrected now. I'll repost them now, incase you don't wanna have to get back to the first post to redownload. Here's the JPG download link And the GIF download link.
  18. Knew I was gonna screw the pooch with all those links. lol (Thing today went well btw, despite not really getting great sleep) I would've had to repost the links anyhow, with the Rok-C blunder. So now you guys'll get a quick update, that has the DPW title pictures and all that good stuff.
  19. Ah, the critical one is my bad. Forgot to remove Rok-C from the New Texas Pro roster.
  20. GONNA RUN THROUGH THIS AS QUICKLY AS I CAN BECAUSE I GOT IMPORTANT STUFF TODAY, AND IT'S ALREADY 2AM! Indies+ May 2022 JPG Edition Download GIF Edition Download Titles+ May 2022 Update Download Titles+ Awards Edition May 2022 Update Download ScandiGraps May 2022 JPG Edition Download GIF Edition Download Like I said, I should already have been in bed about an hour ago. But I wanted to get this out in due time. So I powered through this, along with some last minute changes (mainly to schedules in Indies+ and all that.) If you notice and issues, then hit me up. Especially dupes, since 99.999% of the time, that's a result of me being a lazy bastard, and forgetting to switch worker names to match main RWC.
  21. Heya Bobby, sorry it took a bit, but here's the list of new worker additions for May. There'll also be a text file of them in the Indies+ download itself. Alpha-Zo Chris Carter D-Dre Fresh Diego De La Cruz Eli Knight Jonathan Vega Journey Fatu Kiah Dream Kid Valiant Malik Bosede Merrik Donovan Nick J. Holiday Robb Radke Sam Stackhouse Scoot Andrews
  22. How's it goin' Bobberino? Yes, a couple I believe! And I'll try to remember to knock one up in the morn.
  23. It has been for quite awhile. Quest has been very busy irl though, so it's only been posted in the thread here by Devil some pages back.
  24. That's 100% understandable. Besides, there's only about 60 or so workers without a pic when I use my favorite pic pack, which is a realistic number of pics for me to make myself. So i was just gonna try to use that one, lol.
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