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About bubbajr_

  • Birthday 05/26/1999

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  1. I would venture to guess that since she has wrestled 3 matches since 2016, they have chosen to exclude her to save on DB size by leaving out inactive wrestlers. If you include every inactive wrestler since 2010, the mod would run insanely slow
  2. Just to throw the idea out there, if you are really looking to get the companies to start the shows, you can take over them for a day and setup the TV show, get broadcasting deals, and cancel any other ones (Usually if I do this and if they lose money from cancelling the deals, I just take note of where the money was at and go back into the editor and give them the money back)
  3. I'm excited for this to release. This alt version of the CVerse mod is the only one I have ever really been able to get into
  4. How are you booking the Shooting Star title? I plan to use it to basically have it as a launching pad to shoot younger guys up North American Championship. And from there you obviously go up to the World title scene
  5. I am going to give this mod a go and try to get into a C-Verse save as SWF. First big match I will be booking? Bruce vs Parker for Bruce giving him the awful Parker the LARPer gimmick lol
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