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tonights Impact?(Spoilers)


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Whats everyones thoughts on the show? My thoughts -Why have a cage match as your opening bout, has a cage match actually lost that much value in todays wrestling fans eyes? -Christy hemme Has a new team in store for VKM, who could it be? Oh please let it be techno team 2000!!!! -Is Lance Hoyt an official member of VKM??? If so when did this happen? -Abyss is slowly turning into a good guy, why then is he turning from a monster to crybaby Eugene character? -Tomko should really go into Team Angle. Add somemore heat to the match up at lockdown.
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[QUOTE=lovestruck420;217878]-Why have a cage match as your opening bout, has a cage match actually lost that much value in todays wrestling fans eyes? [/QUOTE] TNA runs an entire PPV in a cage. Hell, last time they even had arm wrestling INA CAGE!!!!!11!1111ROXORZWOOT! So if the match is devalued, its TNAs fault.
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;217903]TNA runs an entire PPV in a cage. Hell, last time they even had arm wrestling INA CAGE!!!!!11!1111ROXORZWOOT! So if the match is devalued, its TNAs fault.[/QUOTE] Not really, the cage match was devalued long before TNA came along. I'd say it was in the WWE Attitude Era when what used to be the ultimate feud ender became just another match, rarely ending feuds or even preventing interference.
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[QUOTE=MightyDavidson;217926]Not really, the cage match was devalued long before TNA came along. I'd say it was in the WWE Attitude Era when what used to be the ultimate feud ender became just another match, rarely ending feuds or even preventing interference.[/QUOTE] /nod. I think the "I Quit" match's have taken the place of the feud enders. As well as Last Man Standing, or even the Hell in a cage at times. The regular cage match has lost it's luster, more for a big Tag team ending now, then anything really. 'Course, I think TLC match's have pretty much taken over for the tag team's feud endings as well... Last feud I seen end was Batista and Rey vs. MNM In a steel cage match, where they lost the championship to MnM.
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[QUOTE=MightyDavidson;217926]Not really, the cage match was devalued long before TNA came along. I'd say it was in the WWE Attitude Era when what used to be the ultimate feud ender became just another match, rarely ending feuds or even preventing interference.[/QUOTE] I'm being promotion specific. TNA has a history of having big feuds end in the Six Side of Steel!!!! They had an opportunity to bring back the big match feel to the cage. But they drove their own gimmick into the ground and have used so many gimmicks over the last few PPVs that they're basically worthless within the company. As for tonight's show: it was pretty good. It was focused and the storylines made sense. Rhe matches were even pretty good for the time allotted. Having ten big names in the one "feud" headed to the PPV definitely helps the show not feel so cluttered, but still a more than decent show.
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;217936]It was focused and the storylines made sense. [/QUOTE] It made sense?! Follow me here... Tomko comes out telling Cage that he won't join his team unless he gets his title shot here tonight. Angle comes out and tries to convince Tomko to join his team. Cornette says scrap all that, Tomko will be on whichever team representative wins a match later that night (which would be Angle vs. Abyss). SO, Tomko agrees to that stipulation, seemingly forgetting about the title match that he wanted that night and was all angry about. Angle wins so Tomko is on Angle's team, that's what the match stipulation was. But no, Tomko turn on Angle and signs Cage's contract, even though since Angle won the match, Tomko should be on his team. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
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[QUOTE=KevBone;218107]It made sense?! Follow me here... Tomko comes out telling Cage that he won't join his team unless he gets his title shot here tonight. Angle comes out and tries to convince Tomko to join his team. Cornette says scrap all that, Tomko will be on whichever team representative wins a match later that night (which would be Angle vs. Abyss). SO, Tomko agrees to that stipulation, seemingly forgetting about the title match that he wanted that night and was all angry about. Angle wins so Tomko is on Angle's team, that's what the match stipulation was. But no, Tomko turn on Angle and signs Cage's contract, even though since Angle won the match, Tomko should be on his team. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.[/QUOTE] It actually was a very easy storyline to follow, if you look at it from cage's perspective. Tomko and Cage act like their are problems between the two (tomko wanting the title shot and cage not giving it) this in turn makes it seem like the team is falling apart. Team Angle thinking that comes out to try and take advantage of this (angle telling tomko to come to his team, tomko smiles and looks happy furthering the so called "problems" between tomko and cage. Cornette makes the stipulation thinking that this will make the "problem" between Cage and tomko worse. (cornette dislikes cage with the gold, much like he did jarrett). Come to the match cage wants abyss to win because he is scared of losing tomko, while tomko smiles to "sell" the problems between him and cage because he "wants" to go to angle's team. At the end of the match when angle wins, cage is scared because he "lost" tomko. Everyone thinking that tomko "wants" to be on angle's team is happy because he gets to beat up cage" then tomko attacks angle. cage and tomko put one over on both angle and cornette in the process making team angle look weak because they got fooled thinking that cage and tomko had problems. now I have not read any spoilers but the monkey wrench would be cornette actually enforcing the stipulation for lockdown and adding that if a member of team angle wins "which tomko would be apart of then" cage must defend the title against a member of the winning team. all I hope is that if cage and tomko do wrestle for the title we don't get the fingerpoke of doom.
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Yeah I was thinking Cornette could force Tomko to be with Angle and since its obvious that Sting will be the 5th member. The faces would come in first so it was always 2 on 1, 3 on 2, etc. Then Tomko would come in last making it a 5 on 4 for the heels since he didn't want to be on the face team. Then Cage would come in last and the heels would dominate 6 on 4. Until the end when Tomko turns and hits his finisher on Cage or Styles picking up the victory and getting the title shot. I didn't hear about the title shot but I did miss some of the show.
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I don't think a title shot has not be offered yet, (as far as the winning team at lockdown) but using that stip would add another layer to the match and give a reason to be the #1 contender for who ever the next challenger is. tomko had/has one offered by cornette
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