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The Next Era: WWF 1993

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Virtually every plausible scenario in the world seems to have been taken before I got to one on these boards, so I figured I'd jump in with the new 1993 mod being developed, in it's early stages, and start the first WWF 1993 diary. Hopefully it's a goody. [FONT="Courier New"][SIZE="6"][b]Under New Management, WWF Enters self-proclaimed "New Era"[/b][/SIZE][/FONT] Not a huge backstory about me as booker, just that I am, and that WWF is turning the page from the Golden Era to it's next generation, having recently lost the Golden Era's "golden boy", Hulk Hogan, a star that my boss, Vince McMahon, now refuses to allow me to re-hire. WCW is under the new management of Eric Bischoff, and so if they can scoop up Hulk Hogan, they may have the beginnings of a huge undertaking on their hand. This is also the time when Vince began to make crucial mistakes in his operations of WWF, we hope to point those out and correct those so that the titanic that was the WWF from 1993-1997 doesn't return in our universe. ------------------------------------------ We start in Week 1, October, 1993 with the following roster: [u]Main Event[/u] [quote] [b]Bob Backlund[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - After a nearly ten-year WWF hiatus, Backlund returned in early 1993 as sort of a cult phenomenon, portraying himself as a legitimate submissions specialist and 'true athlete'. [b]Bret Hart[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - The first big babyface in the post Hogan Era, Hart lost the World Title Belt at WM 9 against Yokozuna, can he regain his glory and the top spot in the company? [b]Lex Luger[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - First entering the WWF the year previous with a deadly 'metal elbow of death!", Luger is as over as he could possibly be, and has turned into another premiere face, battling Hart for that top role in the company. [b]Mr. Perfect[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - On the heels of his biggest main-event push in history, Perfect did the job to Luger at WM 9 when Luger was still a heel. Can Perfect carry his main-event momentum in 1994? [b]Razor Ramon[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - The persona that made Scott Hall famous, the current Intercontinental Champion is the "Bad Guy" Razor Ramon. [b]Rick Steiner[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - One half of one of the Early 90's best tag teams - The Steiner Brothers! [b]Scott Steiner[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - One half of one of the Early 90's best tag teams - The Steiner Brothers! [b]Tatanka[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - Tremendously over with the fans, Tatanka is a good ring-worker with a bonafide Native American gimmick. [b]The Undertaker[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - Unique in that The Undertaker has never necessarily needed a World Title involved to be in some of the federation's best feuds, he has turned into a cult icon over the years. [b]Yokozuna[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - 505 of fake Japanese Sumo Wrestler dominance. The current WWF Champion. [/quote] [u]Upper Mid-Card[/u] [quote] [b]Bam Bam Bigelow[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - A true professional, a rising heel in the WWF business, will he make the jump to Main Eventer? [b]Crush[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - A huge, legitimately sized power-lifter, recently got over a feud with Doink. [b]Doink the Clown[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - A bad-ass evil clown gimmick as a heel. [b]Irwin R. Schyster[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - The tax man! Made a recent appearance at WM 23, at this time he is one half of Money Inc.! [b]Jacques[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - Formerly The Mountie, has reinvented himself as one half of the Quebeccers, currently a tag-team champion. [b]Jim Neidhart[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - No longer the tag team partner of Owen Hart, Jim is the first 'Hart' to become a heel of the bunch. [b]Ludvig Borga[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - Another champion weightlifter, gets over majorly with the anti-American act. [b]Mabel[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - The huge Mabel! Woo! Yeah! One half of the tag team, "Men on a Mission". [b]Shawn Michaels[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - Currently building 'The Clique', Michaels is one of the WWF's rising new stars. [b]Rick 'The Model' Martel[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - Perhaps the last run for the snotty, good-looking dude who used to carry blinding perfume around. [/quote] Midcard [quote] [b]Adam Bomb[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - Another huge dude, Adam Bomb lacks microphone charisma but has a hell of a name and a gimmick as a rising absolute destroyer in the business. [b]Bart Gunn[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - One half of the tag team, "The Smoking Gunns". [b]Billy Gunn[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - One half of the tag team, "The Smoking Gunns". [b]Diesel[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - The role that made Kevin Nash famous, a rising star in the business at this time, with the major connection in friend Shawn Michaels. [b]Fatu[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - The most relied upon gimmick in all WWF history: A crazy samoan! [b]Giant Gonzales[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - Yes, he still existed after his loss by Disqualification to the hands of The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 9. I just! Don't remember what for! [b]Jeff Jarrett[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - Another up-and-coming heel, has yet to debut with WWF. [b]Jimm Del Ray[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - One half of the tag team the Heavenly Bodies. [b]Marty Janetty[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - Has been left with little to do after his feud with Shawn Michaels ended in utter defeat. Will this universe's version of the WWF allow him to have an alternative fate?! [b]Mo[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - The other half of the tag team Men on a Mission. [b]Pierre[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - Jacques partner and the half of the Quebeccers who wasn't a former WWF Intercontinental champion. [b]Samu[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - See, Fatu! [b]The 1-2-3 Kid[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - Given the name the 1-2-3 kid after his victory over Razor Ramon, the Kid is the ultimate upset athlete. But will that limit his rise to the top? [b]"The Rocket" Owen Hart[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - Owen Hart, on the verge his first big push. I have to say, it's amazing what Stu Hart and Stampede were able to churn out in the 80's -- a main event role of Dynamite Kid, Davey Boy Smith, Owen Hart, Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart would sell in any major market in any era. If only they had a TV contract. [b]Tom Pritchard[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - The other half of the tag team, the Heavenly Bodies. [/quote] Lower Midcard [quote] [b]Bastian Booger[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - He grosed people out by eating raw chickens. [b]Bushwacker Butch[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - One half of the best job-squad face tag team of all time! [b]Damien Demento[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - Tried to get over on his name alone, not sure it worked out so well. [b]"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - The big, charismatic American returns for another decade in the WWF! [b]Koko B. Ware[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - A certifiable Golden Era leftover. [b]Skinner[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - Used to spit in people's faces with the disgusting wad of chew. An interesting character indeed. [b]Virgil[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - Still struggling to get over as a face after his one feud with Ted DiBiase. [/quote] Opener [quote] [b]Beau Beverly[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - One half of the Beverly Brothers. [b]Blake Beverly[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - One half of the Beverly Brothers. [b]Bushwhacker Luke[/b] - [i]Face[/i] - One half of the best job-squad face tag team of all time! [b]Steven Dunn[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - Utterly no memory of this dude. [b]Timothy Well[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] - Utterly no memory of this dude. [/quote] Enhancement Talent [quote] [b]Barry Horowitz[/b] - [i]Heel[/i] [b]Jim Powers[/b] - [i]Face[/i] [b]PJ Walker[/b] - [i]Face[/i] [/quote] So wow. What can I say? The first problem that we since Vince has made for us to correct is the absolute over abundance of talent, some of it no good. We have a huge tag division, but it's mostly filled with undercard guys and jobbers, as the best tag team in the business, The Steiner Brothers, are not even aimed for the titles. Too many jobbers, too many unnecessary roster members, another thing I've noticed is that we're kind of caught in a whirlwind, where there are too many big-time faces and not enough Heels, and those guys that are rising as heels are constantly being squashed by the faces. (See, Bigelow, Bam Bam. IRS.) So expect some exciting turn of events as we go forward. -------------------------- [b]Current Champions[/b] WWF World Title: Yokozuna WWF Intercontinental Title: Razor Ramon WWF Tag Titles: The Quebeccers * It should be noted I have vacated and retired the women's division, as I find it completely and utterly useless.
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[CENTER][FONT="Courier New"][SIZE="4"][B]The New Era Proudly Presents[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/reptilia1996/raw2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] WWF Press and Titan Sports released their intended car for tonight's Monday Night Raw! Program, the first program for the WWF since their management exchange. The card is said to be a good one, as two title's will be on the line, both the World Tag Team Titles and the World Wrestling Federation Champion. Plus! A special main event as young up-and-comer Diesel takes on former WWF champion, Bret "The Hitman Hart". All that and more, tonight! Tonight's card: The Bushwhackers vs. The Beverly Brothers Jeff Jarrett vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan [b]Tag Team Title Match:[/b] The Quebeccers (c) vs. The Steiner Brothers [b]World Championship Match:[/b] Yokozuna (c) vs. Barry Horowitz Ludvig Borga vs. The 1-2-3 Kind [b]MAIN EVENT:[/B] Diesel vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart --- Predictions welcome, results posted tonight! :)
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The Bushwhackers vs. [B]The Beverly Brothers[/B] [B]Jeff Jarrett [/B]vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan Tag Team Title Match: [B]The Quebeccers (c) [/B]vs. The Steiner Brothers flip the titles already??? World Championship Match: [B]Yokozuna (c) [/B]vs. Barry Horowitz would have been my happiest night alive if Barry won [B]Ludvig Borga [/B]vs. The 1-2-3 Kind hes a monster MAIN EVENT: Diesel vs. [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B]
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[B]The Bushwhackers[/B] vs. The Beverly Brothers [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan Tag Team Title Match: The Quebeccers (c) vs. [B]The Steiner Brothers [/B] World Championship Match: [B]Yokozuna[/B] (c) vs. Barry Horowitz like seriously dude, if Horowitz wins your on drugs [B]Ludvig Borga[/B] vs. The 1-2-3 Kind MAIN EVENT: Diesel vs. [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B] Not normally a fan of this era but I'll give this diary a try as it's well written up and I like the fact that the main event is so loaded with faces - means that things are gonna have to be shaken up a bit which should be interesting
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[B]The Bushwhackers[/B] vs. The Beverly Brothers [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan Tag Team Title Match: [B]The Quebeccers (c)[/B] vs. The Steiner Brothers World Championship Match: [B]Yokozuna (c) [/B]vs. Barry Horowitz This brings a whole new meaning to the word Squash match Ludvig Borga vs. [B]The 1-2-3 Kid[/B] I was always a 123 kid mark MAIN EVENT: Diesel vs. [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B] I never thought Diesel had any real talent he was just marketed well. Here's a question, why isn't your WWF Championship match the main event. I realize it's a bogus match but still it's your top title.
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[QUOTE=mad5226;220883][B]The Bushwhackers[/B] vs. The Beverly Brothers [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan Tag Team Title Match: [B]The Quebeccers (c)[/B] vs. The Steiner Brothers World Championship Match: [B]Yokozuna (c) [/B]vs. Barry Horowitz This brings a whole new meaning to the word Squash match Ludvig Borga vs. [B]The 1-2-3 Kid[/B] I was always a 123 kid mark MAIN EVENT: Diesel vs. [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B] I never thought Diesel had any real talent he was just marketed well. Here's a question, why isn't your WWF Championship match the main event. I realize it's a bogus match but still it's your top title.[/QUOTE] To answer your question, I'm setting it up for an angle, you'll see as we progress. :)
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[CENTER][FONT="Courier New"][SIZE="4"]The New Era Proudly Presents:[/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/reptilia1996/raw2.jpg[/IMG] Live! From the Civic Center in Peiora, Illinois. Week 1, October, 1993 [/CENTER] [quote] [LIST] [*]The show opens to Vince McMahon, Bobby Heenan and Jim Ross at the booth as McMahon welcomes everyone to Monday Night Raw [*]He thanks everyone for joining and says it's a historic night as the World Title will be defended for the first time on Raw! [/LIST] [/quote] [b]The Bushwhackers vs. The Beverly Brothers[/b] [quote][LIST] [*]The brothers from down under whack their way to the ring! What an ovation! [*]The Beverly Brothers are out now, but no cheesy poem. Lanny Poffo is no longer under contract. We miss the genius. :( [*]The Beverly Brother's work Bushwhacker Luke over in their corner, but Butch doesn't seem concerned [*]He's trying to coax the crowd into getting a "sissy" chant going, insinuating that the Beverly Brothers are gay. [*]Luke finally breaks free and gets the tag to Butch, who goes hog-wild! The Bushwhackers clear the ring and do their dance around the ring again! [*]Blake Beverly goes for a clothesline on the distracted Butch, but Butch ducks and rolls him up...1...2...3! [/LIST] [/quote] [i] Time: 8:03 Winner: The Bushwhackers Grade: E-, this match brought the crowd's mood down. [/i] [b]The Million Dollar Offer[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Backstage, IRS and Ted DiBiase are seen in the Steiner's dressing room, attempting to make them an offer. [*]Ted DiBiase: "Now I know it's a different idea for you guys, but if you can guarantee us a title shot, we can leave this briefcase here full of Benjamin Franklins for you, and assure that you win the titles. Tonight!" [*]The Steiners look at each other and think it over for a minute, then politely decline and ask Money Inc. to leave. [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade: D[/i] [b]Jeff Jarrett vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]All-American music sounds off through the arena as The Hacksaw marches down to the ring with his 2x4 [*]He riles up the crowd, running around the ring, yelling "HOOOOOOOOOO!" and throwing his 2x4 into the air [*]As the celebration continues, Jeff Jarrett, a newcomer's music plays and the young wrestler struts out from the back with a cowboy hat and some goofy glasses on [*]He gets to the ring and grabs the microphone....asking everyone to purchase his debut album as he holds it up high [*]Just then, Hacksaw baseball swings his 2x4 and knocks the CD case out of Jarrett's hands and into the crowd, giving off another defiant, "HOOOOOOOOOO!" [*]Jarrett takes the opportunity to deliver some blows, working Duggan into the corner [*]A back and forth match, the two apply a lot of rest holds, but the younger Jarrett eventually wears Duggan down [*]Jarrett lands "The Stroke" and gets the 1...2...3! [/LIST] [/quote] [i] Time: 9:31 Winner: Jeff Jarrett Grade: E, this match brought the crowd's mood down. [/i] [b]Hart vs. Diesel, later![/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Vince McMahon does the voice-over for a graphic, announcing tonight's Main Event: Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. Diesel [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade: D-[/i] [b]Hey, Yo, Chico[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]A vignette hits the scream of WWF IC Champ Razor Ramon, walking on a Miami beach with his belt. [*]"Hey, yo. Chico. Let me tell you. Every since I've been introduced to the World Wrestling Federation, it's been easy. This belt, here, is just the beginning. In just a year, everybody in the World Wrestling Federation is already afraid of the Bad Guy." [*]Ramon flicks his toothpick at the camera, as it fades back to live coverage. [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade: D[/i] [b]WWF Tag Team Title Match: The Quebeccers (c) vs. The Steiner Brothers[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]The two team's make their way out to the ring, wow, the Champs are actually the underdogs in this one. [*]The Steiner Brothers take it to the Quebecers at the outset! Rick Steiner is taking care of business [*]What a back and forth battle, the Quebecers, Raymond and Pierre are really proving their worth as champions here [*]This has been a wild one here, as Rick has been in most of the time for the Steiners, and is finally showing wear and tear! [*]Raymond has Rick Steiner in the Boston Crab! But he won't submit, he powers out of it and crawls over to his brother Scott for the tag! [*]Scott comes in and clears house, taking back control of the match [*]The Quebecers are in danger of losing their titles, they're in trouble now! [*]They try to two-on-one Scott, but Rick has enough energy left to come in and even the odds. The Ref is trying to clear Rick and Pierre out of the ring as Scott and Raymond are the legal men... [*]And Scott drops Raymond and puts him in the Steiner Recliner, in the dead center of the ring! This is surely it! [*]The referee is asking Raymond if he wants to quit, and what's this?! Here comes the Million Dollar Man and IRS! [*]The Million Dollar Man gets right in the ring and removes the Million Dollar Belt, plowing Scott in the back of the head with it, right in front of the referee, who calls for the bell! [*]The Steiners win, but by DQ, they don't win the titles! [/LIST] [/quote] [i] Time: 21:45 Winner: The Steiner Brothers, by DQ Grade: C- [/i] [b]Diesel Warms[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Backstage, Shawn Michaels sikes up Diesel as he warms up for his big bout against "The Hitman"! [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade: D+[/i] [b]WWF World Title Match: Yokozuna (c) vs. Barry Horowitz[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]The Champ comes out as Horowitz is already in the ring. Mr. Fuji waves the Japanese flag around defiantly to a chorus of boos. [*]Horowitz tries his best, hitting Yokozuna with a flurry of lefts and rights, but the 505 pounder simply shrugs it off, tossing Horowitz at will. [*]Oh no, Horowitz is caught in the corner and a big splash sends him to the ground. [*]'Zuna gets up on the 2nd rope, crashing all his weight down on his opponent for a quick, decivise 1-2-3. [/LIST] [/quote] [i] Time: 2:44 Winner: Yokozuna Grade: E, this match brought the crowd's mood down, though there was a lot of heat for Yokozuna. [/i] [b]Nobody Can beat This Man[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]As Yokozuna stands over his fallen competitor, with the WWF Championship around his shoulder, Mr. Fuji grabs a microphone. [*]Mr. Fuji is saying that nobody can beat Yokozuna, and that the two of them are becoming bored with the World Wrestling Federation. That Yokozuna needs a challenge! [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade: C- [/i] [b]A Perfect Opportunity[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Just as Yokozuna is about to leave, Mr. Perfect's music blasts through the arena to a huge ovation [*]Mr. Perfect comes out and calls this the Perfect opportunity for Yokozuna to see the best superstar in the WWF and accepts Yokozuna's challenge for a match at The Survivor Series! [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade: C[/i] [b]Ludvig Borga vs. The 1-2-3 Kid[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Power vs. Aerial here, folks [*]The 1-2-3 Kid throwing everything he has into the match, trying to outsmart the big power-lifter with an aerial assault. [*]For a while, The 1-2-3 Kid looks to have Borga stunned, and he's going for his finisher, a Moonsault! [*]But no, Borga catches 1-2-3 Kid in mid-air?!? He reverses it in a huge powerslam, and holds onto the youngster, picking him up and delivering another. [*]He goes for the cover, 1...2...3...Borga wins! [/LIST] [/quote] [i] Time: 9:32 Winner: Ludvig Borga Grade: D-, this match brought the crowd's mood down. [/i] [b]Revenge is Often Sweet[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Out of nowhere, as The 1-2-3 Kid struggles to get his bearings and Ludvig Borga has long left, Bam Bam Bigelow shows up at ringside. [*]He grabs a microphone, and accuses The Kid of gloating over his $10,000 win over Razor Ramon earlier in the year. Then he blasts The 1-2-3 Kid in the kisser with the Microphone. [*]He continues to beat on The Kid, and this doesn't look good. A few officials come down to help, but to no avail, suddenly here comes the All-American Lex Luger to the rescue! [*]Luger and Bam Bam square each other off and take a football style run at one another, but Luger lands a huge clothesline and ducks Bam Bam's return effort. [*]He grabs Bam Bam by the tights and tosses him out of the ring, aiding his fallen comrade as we cut to break. [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade: E+, this segment brought the crowd's mood down.[/i] [b]Main Event: Diesel vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Diesel is accompanied to the ring by The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels. [*]What a matchup this is, technical vs. power! [*]The two are having a hell of a match, Bret is really carrying Diesel to a good showing here. The two battle back and forth as Shawn stays mostly uninvolved on the outside [*]Diesel goes for a huge powerbomb, but Bret squirms out of it, and goes on a barrage with submission maneuvers. [*]Shawn jumps in the ring to help, he goes for the SuperKick, but Bret ducks and Diesel grabs his foot, saving himself as well. As Shawn turns around Bret grounds him and pounds him, then throws him out of the ring. [*]Diesel tries for the roll-up, but it fails, and Bret takes advantage of them both being on the mat to apply the Sharpshooter! [*]Diesel is screaming in pain but refuses to give, and suddenly the lights go out?!!? [*]As they come back on, The Undertaker is in the ring!! He clocks Bret Hart in the kisser, knocking Diesel free of the move! The referee immediately calls for the bell. [*]But what's this, The Undertaker grabs Diesel now, and choke slams him!! [*]Michael, seeing this, darts in the ring and delivers a few punches, but they don't even effect the dead guy! The Undertaker kicks Michaels in the abdomen and lifts him up for the Tombstone! [*]Does he hit it? Yes!! [*]The Undertaker has gone nuts folks! What is going on!? [/LIST] [/quote] [i] Time: 28:55 Winner: Bret Hart, by DQ. Grade: B- [/i] [b]Now Wait Just a Minute![/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]There's no Paul Bearer to be seen. What is the meaning of this? The Undertaker leaves a carnage of downed superstars in the ring as he makes his methodic walk back to the dressing room. [*]Bret Hart is dazed and gets up to realize what is going on. He spots the Undertaker at the end of the ramp and chases after him. [*]He catches up to Taker near the curtain and two immediately exchange blows as they fight to the back and the show goes off the air! Oh my! [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade: C+ [/i] -------- [i]Final Grade: C-[/i], the show might have hurt our popularity overall. [b]Analysis[/b]: Hmmph. A lot of matches here the crowd didn't seem to like, it looks like I'll need to get more of the upper-carders into action in bouts for the time being, as some of the guys really aren't getting over. The Bushwhackers particularly, but they are gimmicky jobbers to begin with. It's good to see Yokozuna get so much heat, we can use that later on.
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[QUOTE=rjhabeeb;220860]The Bushwhackers vs. [B]The Beverly Brothers[/B] [B]Jeff Jarrett [/B]vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan Tag Team Title Match: [B]The Quebeccers (c) [/B]vs. The Steiner Brothers flip the titles already??? World Championship Match: [B]Yokozuna (c) [/B]vs. Barry Horowitz would have been my happiest night alive if Barry won [B]Ludvig Borga [/B]vs. The 1-2-3 Kind hes a monster MAIN EVENT: Diesel vs. [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B][/QUOTE] 4 for 6! Nice. Apparently you agree with my fake fans: Too many squash matches. [QUOTE=sheepy;220874][B]The Bushwhackers[/B] vs. The Beverly Brothers [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan Tag Team Title Match: The Quebeccers (c) vs. [B]The Steiner Brothers [/B] World Championship Match: [B]Yokozuna[/B] (c) vs. Barry Horowitz like seriously dude, if Horowitz wins your on drugs [B]Ludvig Borga[/B] vs. The 1-2-3 Kind MAIN EVENT: Diesel vs. [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B] Not normally a fan of this era but I'll give this diary a try as it's well written up and I like the fact that the main event is so loaded with faces - means that things are gonna have to be shaken up a bit which should be interesting[/QUOTE] 6 for 6 man. Not bad. I'm not on drugs, whoo! :) [QUOTE=mad5226;220883][B]The Bushwhackers[/B] vs. The Beverly Brothers [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan Tag Team Title Match: [B]The Quebeccers (c)[/B] vs. The Steiner Brothers World Championship Match: [B]Yokozuna (c) [/B]vs. Barry Horowitz This brings a whole new meaning to the word Squash match Ludvig Borga vs. [B]The 1-2-3 Kid[/B] I was always a 123 kid mark MAIN EVENT: Diesel vs. [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B] I never thought Diesel had any real talent he was just marketed well. Here's a question, why isn't your WWF Championship match the main event. I realize it's a bogus match but still it's your top title.[/QUOTE] 5 for 6, would have probably been perfect had you not been a 1-2-3 mark, eh? :) Looks like we need to make this a little more unpredictable.
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[FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"][B][COLOR="Red"]Wrestling Live! Presents: Monday Night Raw Post-Game Show![/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [B] Marty Jannetty no-shows [/B] -- Marty Jannetty no-showed tonight's Live Monday Night Raw event, which was not of considerable concern to the booking team as he was not in the show's plans. Jannetty is rumored to be primed for a possible push, however, so we'll see if this effects those plans. Jannetty will be let off with a warning, WWF officials are telling us at this hour. [B] WWF Executive Team Feels It Needs More Stars [/B] -- The WWF's new booker was contacted after the event tonight, as the WWF Executive team voiced concerns with the crowd's reaction, saying they felt the promotion lacked a good number of viable stars. The Executive team asked the new creative team to either find some stars on the market or work to create some new ones of their own. [B] Bret Hart squashed No-Contest? [/B] -- Rumor has it the Raw Main Event tonight was scheduled to end in a no contest to allow Diesel to gain a little momentum from the fans by getting a draw with Bret Hart, but Hart, one of the WWF's stars with a creative control clause squashed the idea and refused to wrestle unless he was the winner in some fashion or another. [B] McMahon not making life for TragicHero easy [/B] -- Life is not going to get any easier for new WWF Booker TragicHero, as just after the WWF executive team instructed him to go out looking for more big names, McMahon completed the goals he would required out of the new booker, the primary goal being that TragicHero is forbidden from signing any worker who is not unemployed for the next two years. This will make it considerably harder to find new, usable talent. --------- [quote] WCW World Wide! Taping Results: Kamala defeated Van Hammer, Grade: E The Shockmaster defeated Jean Paul Levesque, Grade: E+ Brian Knobbs, The Earl and Brian Pillman defeated Dustin, Simmons and Hawk, Grade: C- Masters of the Powerbomb defeated The Allied Powers, Grade: C Show Grade: D+ Attendance: 4,298. TV rating available later this week.[/quote] ------------- WWF Monday Night Raw Rating: 20.35 Prestige: A US Popularity: B-
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[QUOTE=sheepy;221239]What did I get wrong? :mad: lol, pretty decent show, especially liked the ending. Undertaker vs. Hart should be a good feud. You've got me interested enough to keep coming back for a while.[/QUOTE] i think he flipped our results
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[QUOTE=sheepy;221239]What did I get wrong? :mad: lol, pretty decent show, especially liked the ending. Undertaker vs. Hart should be a good feud. You've got me interested enough to keep coming back for a while.[/QUOTE] Whoops. :) I flipped your results, yeah. You were correct in all accounts 6 for 6! Sorry about that! And glad you're gonna keep reading.
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[CENTER][FONT="Courier New"][SIZE="4"][B]The New Era Proudly Presents...[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR="Green"][SIZE="5"]WWF Sunday Superstars![/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] The WWF has released the following card for this Sunday's Superstars program: [quote] Adam Bomb vs. Mo, of Men on a Mission Four Corners Match: Bob Backlund vs. Doink the Clown vs. Ludvig Borga vs. Giant Gonzales Mr. Perfect vs. Bam Bam Bigelow MAIN EVENT: IC Title Match, Razor Ramon (c) vs. Tatanka [/quote] Overview: Tonight, Mr. Perfect starts his campaign toward his WWF title shot at Survivor Series with a match against Bam Bam Bigelow, who has recently gotten into some heated disputes backstage with both Lex Luger and the 1-2-3 Kid. Also on tap for tonight is a big four-corners match with some of the WWF's top superstars, and an IC Match between Razor Ramon, and the hot-streaking Tatanka. --- Another mix of names in here, hopefully this goes better, but it's a beta so this will be tougher. We'll see what happens. Predictions as always, welcome.
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[B]Adam Bomb[/B] vs. Mo, of Men on a Mission Four Corners Match: Bob Backlund vs. Doink the Clown vs. [B]Ludvig Borg[/B] vs. Giant Gonzales [B]Mr. Perfect[/B] vs. Bam Bam Bigelow MAIN EVENT: IC Title Match, Razor Ramon (c) vs. [B]Tatanka[/B] Gunning for another clean sweep. If Bret refuses to job again are we gonna get a screw job?
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[QUOTE=Mtm2k6;221397]Those match and angle grades are very low . . is it a beta?[/QUOTE] Also keep in mind this file is made in the tradition of DOTT and unlike many modern day mods you have to work a bit to get top level results. 1993 will not exactly a time period when wrestling ruled the world unlike later on in 1998, etc. This mod should prove a challenge for even the most talented TEW gamer and I am pleased to see how this diary is coming together. Please keep posting the angle/match grades so I can see how they are developing. Again great work!
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[B] Adam Bomb[/B] vs. Mo, of Men on a Mission Four Corners Match: Bob Backlund vs. Doink the Clown vs. [B]Ludvig Borga[/B] vs. Giant Gonzales [B]Mr. Perfect[/B] vs. Bam Bam Bigelow MAIN EVENT: IC Title Match, [B]Razor Ramon [/B](c) vs. Tatanka
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[CENTER][FONT="Courier New"][SIZE="4"][B]The New Era Proudly Presents...[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR="Green"][SIZE="5"]WWF Sunday Superstars![/SIZE][/COLOR] Live! From the Boone Varsity Gymnasium, Boone, North Carolina Sunday, Week 1, October 1993 [/CENTER] [b]Hello! North Carolina![/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]The WWF Crowd pops wildly as the cameras turn on and WWF Superstars hits the airwaves! [*]The show is opened by Bret "The Hitman" Hart's music playing as he comes down to the ring, and askes for a microphone! [*]Bret Hart: "Undertaker...Undertaker, I want to know why. You know, for the past few years I've busted my butt in this federation, in this ring for the fans, and at WrestleMania 9 I got screwed out of my WWF Championship. And now I'm working to get it back by putting on the best show I can. And nobody, not even YOU, are going to stop me. The bottom line, Undertaker, is that I AM undeniably The Best There Was, The Best There Is, and The Best There Ever Will Be. If you ever try and pull a stunt like you did on Monday Night Raw again, remember that first." [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade:C[/i] [b]The Lights Go Out?![/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Just then, the Lights in the arena go out for a moment as the audience dies to a hush in excitement. [*]As the house lights come back on, Bret Hart is laying in the ring, barely conscious and bloodied! [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade:C+[/i] [b]Adam Bomb vs. Mo, of Men on a Mission[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]A completely one-sided bout here, Adam Bomb looks absolutely dangerous. [*]What a huge individual. Mo doesn't stand a chance! [*]A huge power-bomb ends it, 1..2...3! [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Time: 4:03 Winner: Adam Bomb Grade: E, this match brought the crowd's mood down.[/i] [b]Does everybody have a price?[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Money Inc. comes to the ring. [*]Ted DiBiase grabs a microphone and talks about The Steiner Brothers, and how they could have had all the money in the world and the tag titles, but they weren't willing to give Money Inc. a title shot. [*]Ted DiBiase says everybody still has a price, and the cost of winning was a little too high for the Steiners. [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade: D[/i] [b]Four Corners Match: Bob Backlund vs. Ludvig Borga vs. Doink The Clown vs. Giant Gonzales[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]What an open match. Giant Gonzales is hearing it from the crowd for being such a terrible worker, though. [*]Action all over the ringside area. Ludvig Borga looks dominant as he pounds Doink on the outside. [*]Doink escapes his grasp and runs for cover for a moment, the referee seems to be letting a lot slide here! [*]Giant Gonzales goes for a clothesline on Backlund inside, but Backlund easily ducks, and Gonzales somehow ends up tied up in the ropes! [*]Borga gets back inside, and powerslams Backlund to the mat. Doink jumps back in with a chair! [*]But Borga spots it just in time and ducks, Doink follows through to hit the recovering Backlund, but he too ducks and flips Doink back over the top rope! [*]Doink lands on the mat outside and is a little dazed... Meanwhile, Gonzales remains tied up. Borga goes for a clothesline on Backlund! [*]But Backlund ducks again and gets Borga into the Cross-Face Chicken Wing dead center in the ring! Borga is struggling! [*]Will he tap! Will he?! [*]He has no choice!! Borga taps! [/LIST] [/quote] [i] Time: 5:57 Winner: Bob Backlund Grade: D [/i] [b]Unfair Revenge[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Backlund is celebrating after the match, proud of his impressive victory, but the three bad guys don't seem impressed. [*]They decide to join each other for a minute to beat down Backlund, oh what a savage beating. Borga and Doink are pummeling him in the corner as Giant Gonzales waits his turn. [*]Backlund is fighting back though, oh, but a big boot by Gonzales! [*]Backlund looks hurt, oh no! [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade: D-[/i] [b]Hitman Recovers[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Backstage, the Bret Hart is recovering in his locker room, wiping the blood off his face and trying to figure out what happened. [*]Suddenly smoke starts to fill the room from under the doorway. Hart looks alarmed and goes to open it... [*]But as he does, The Undertaker is waiting on the other side, and he grabs Hart by the neck. [*]Oh my goodness?! A chokeslam on the cement!! Hart is writhing in pain as The Undertaker walks off... [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade:C[/i] [b]Mr. Perfect vs. Bam Bam Bigelow[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]What a back and forth contest. Perfect looks good in his first warm-up for his World Title shot. [*]Bam Bam takes control after a brief while though, and Perfect looks to maybe have strained his back going for a Perfect Plex... [*]Bam Bam goes up to the top rope, what a huge individual to get up so high.. he goes for the flying headbutt and lands it! [*]That's it, 1..2...WHOA?! No!! Perfect finds it within himself to kick-out! [*]Meanwhile, Yokozuna and Mr. Fuji are watching backstage, studying Mr. Perfect intently. (Grade: C) [*]Perfect regains the offensive, wearing the Big tattooed guy down with some technical maneuvers, and finally Bam Bam gets out of the ring. [*]Now Bam Bam is back on the apron, but Perfect has caught him with a boot, and he's going for the Perfect Plex over the ropes?! [*]And he lands it... oh my! 1...2...3!! Mr. Perfect wins! [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Time: 10:46 Winner: Mr. Perfect Grade: D+[/i] [b]Baammmmm..Bam![/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Bam Bam is clearly upset about the loss, and as Perfect tries to leave, Bigelow pulls him back in and floors him. [*]This is the second week in a row these shenanigans have happened after the bell, something needs to be done here. [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade: D[/i] [b]To The Rescue?[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]And what's this? Luger is coming out again!! He's turning into a real help against this behemoth Bam Bam.. but this time Bam Bam sees him coming and oh, he catches him with a wicked spear. [*]Luger and Perfect are both hurt now as Bam Bam pounds on them, and the officials come out look scared to enter the ring. [*]But what's this, from the crowd?! It's the 1-2-3 Kid... he's up on the top rope.. Bigelow doesn't see him [*]Oh my! A flying bulldog! [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Grade: D[/i] [b]Main Event: Intercontinental Title Match: Razor Ramon (c) vs. Tatanka[/b] [quote] [LIST] [*]Here we go, what a bout this should be. [*]The two trade blows back and forth to start, two true brawlers in the ring. [*]Razor Ramon has the edge early, and taunts the crowd to a chorus of boos. He's pounding Tatanka on the inside with boots and punches. [*]Ramon hits a suplex, oh man. [*]Off the second rope, a rolling elbow drop and Tatanka looks hurt. [*]All Ramon in this one so far. He goes for the Razor's edge. But Tatanka squirms free, here's a roll-up pin chance!! 1...2..No! Razor escapes. [*]Tatanka on the offensive now, taking it to Ramon. He hits a bit flying Tornado DDT! Wow! [*]Ramon looks hurt. Tatanka is hurt. The Referee goes for the count...1....2......3.....4.....5....6......7...Tatanka rolls over to pin Razor! 1...2...No! Razor kicks again! [*]Razor gathers himself first, whipping Tatanka off the ropes, and, holy jesus, what a clothesline. [*]Now Razor for the pin!1..2...no! [*]Tatanka digs way down deep, and regains the offensive, but oh, a low blow from Razor. And here's another Razor's edge, but Tatanka finds a way out of it again! [*]He spins Razor around, oh man a snap suplex!!! and he hooks the leg!!! [*]Here's the pin, 1....2...it's over...NO!!!! Razor kicks out again!! [*]Tatanka can't believe it. He gets back up and waits for Ramon to stand, who finally does, Tatanka runs for him, but Razor darts out of the way and Tatanka hits the turnbuckle [*]He stumbles out of the corner and right into another big boot from Ramon, who puts him back into the Razor's Edge.. [*]Tatanka struggles, but this time he can't get out of it, and Razor lands the move... [*]He goes for the pin and, it looks like that's it....1...2...3! [/LIST] [/quote] [i]Time: 9:01 Winner: Razor Ramon Grade: C-[/i] [B]FINAL GRADE[/B]: D+, This show might have hurt our popularity overall. Analysis: Yeeeesh.
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[QUOTE=sheepy;221452][B]Adam Bomb[/B] vs. Mo, of Men on a Mission Four Corners Match: Bob Backlund vs. Doink the Clown vs. [B]Ludvig Borga[/B] vs. Giant Gonzales [B]Mr. Perfect[/B] vs. Bam Bam Bigelow MAIN EVENT: IC Title Match, Razor Ramon (c) vs. [B]Tatanka[/B] Gunning for another clean sweep. If Bret refuses to job again are we gonna get a screw job?[/QUOTE] 2 for 4. Well not quite a second clean sweep, but I think you're onto something with Borga's push. :) [QUOTE=rjhabeeb;221489][B] Adam Bomb[/B] vs. Mo, of Men on a Mission Four Corners Match: Bob Backlund vs. Doink the Clown vs. [B]Ludvig Borga[/B] vs. Giant Gonzales [B]Mr. Perfect[/B] vs. Bam Bam Bigelow MAIN EVENT: IC Title Match, [B]Razor Ramon [/B](c) vs. Tatanka[/QUOTE] 3 for 4. Nice job. Apparently nobody saw me having Borga tap. :) ------ Thanks to both of you guys for your predictions, hopefully you'll keep them coming and hopefully as I progress the storylines and get this thing going it's interesting and we can get the grades up. The feedback definitely serves as extra motivation to play this sim. I'm having a lot of fun, and I hope as we develop some feuds here that you guys enjoy reading it too. [QUOTE=DocStevens;221476]Also keep in mind this file is made in the tradition of DOTT and unlike many modern day mods you have to work a bit to get top level results. 1993 will not exactly a time period when wrestling ruled the world unlike later on in 1998, etc. This mod should prove a challenge for even the most talented TEW gamer and I am pleased to see how this diary is coming together. Please keep posting the angle/match grades so I can see how they are developing. Again great work![/QUOTE] Thanks man, join in on the predictions or something if you want. Feedback is always welcome. :) And yes, you've certainly made it difficult to get any good grades, as the second show demonstrates. For what it's worth though, I am getting a B- heat for Perfect vs. Yokozuna at Survivor Series, even this early.
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[CENTER][FONT="Courier New"][SIZE="4"][B]The New Era Proudly Presents[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/reptilia1996/raw2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] WWF Press and Titan Sports released their intended car for tonight's Monday Night Raw! Program, the second program in new management's new run! ----- [quote] Shawn Michaels vs. Tatanka Lex Luger vs. Doink The Clown [b]WWF Tag Titles Match:[/b] The Quebecers(c) vs. "The Rocket" Owen Hart & Bret "The Hitman" Hart The Undertaker vs. Adam Bomb [b]WWF IC Title Match[/b]: Razor Ramon(c) vs. Marty Jannetty [b]WWF World Title Match:[/b] Yokozuna (c) vs. Virgil MAIN EVENT: Mr. Perfect vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage [/quote] Join us for Monday Night Raw! as the Hart Brothers go for the WWF Tag Team Titles -- as for the first time in history, all three WWF titles are up for grabs on the Raw program. Razor Ramon will also defend his WWF IC Title against Marty Jannetty, and Virgil will get his shot at the World Champ Yokozuna! Also in our Main Event, Mr. Perfect continues his pre-Survivor Series tour with a match against "The Macho Man" Randy Savage! -------- Predictions welcome, thanks for following guys and gals. :)
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[QUOTE=TragicHero;221914] [/b]Shawn Michaels[/b] vs. Tatanka [b]Lex Luger[/b] vs. Doink The Clown WWF Tag Titles Match: [b]The Quebecers(c)[/b] vs. "The Rocket" Owen Hart & Bret "The Hitman" Hart [i]Owen and Bret dissention possibly? or maybe Taker hurts Bret beforehand, turning it into a handicap match?[/i] [b]The Undertaker[/b] vs. Adam Bomb[/b] [i]I think Taker asserts his dominance with an impressive showing against Adam Bomb who dominated previous opponents[/i] WWF IC Title Match: Razor Ramon(c) vs. [b]Marty Jannetty[/b] [i]Call this one my upset special[/i] WWF World Title Match: [b]Yokozuna (c)[/b] vs. Virgil [i]The big man is too big to overcome[/i] MAIN EVENT: [b]Mr. Perfect[/b] vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage [i]Should be a good main event. Hennig continues his march to Yokozuna, unless he hits a little snag with Randy Savage having a few matches with him before Yoko.[/i] [/QUOTE] Keep it up, I'm reading :)
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[B]Shawn Michaels[/B] vs. Tatanka [B]Lex Luger[/B] vs. Doink The Clown WWF Tag Titles Match: [B]The Quebecers(c)[/B] vs. "The Rocket" Owen Hart & Bret "The Hitman" Hart [B]The Undertaker[/B] vs. Adam Bomb WWF IC Title Match: [B]Razor Ramon(c)[/B] vs. Marty Jannetty WWF World Title Match: [B]Yokozuna (c)[/B] vs. Virgil MAIN EVENT: [B]Mr. Perfect[/B] vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage
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