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ECW - The New Breed Unleashed

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[B][U]ECW - The New Breed?![/U][/B] Only one can hope that the Bold issue released by Vince McMahon on WWE.COM is true, is he going to release ECW to Paul Heyman? And will ECW finally be allowed to Progress?? Elijah Burke, Matt Striker, Kevin Thorne, Marcus Cor Von, and now CM Punk are the future of wrestling, and perhaps, just perhaps Vince McMahon couldnt control their ability as a unit.... Are Vince McMahons powers waining? Or is this gift of an Indipendant ECW a Dream Come True? Is Paul Heyman really at the helm? Is there no McMahon involvement at all?! Well with ECW Still on Sci-Fi, we have a chance to find out.... New Extremists like Champion Bobby Lashley, Punk, Cor Von, RVD & Burke unleashed....anything can happen in ECW!!!!
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[CENTER] [B][U]ECW on Sci Fi UNLEASHED SET TO DEBUT TOMORROW NIGHT![/U][/B] [B][I][U]From Various Sources[/U][/I][/B] [I]Tomorrow Night on the Sci-FI Channel, The newly independant Extreme Championship Wrestling unviels its new show on its same timeslot, Unleashed! Expect some sort of announcement to the future of ECW with or without the WWE, Will Paul Heyman be in attendance? The New Breed will want to continue their reign of dominance in ECW when they unveil their new member to the crowd... Will their be all new exclusive ECW PPVs scheduled for the year ahead? A New Set, A New Theme, A New Attitude....ECW has been Unleashed![/I] [B][U]On The Card....[/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"][I]ECW Championship Match Extreme Rules[/I] Bobby Lashley (C) vs CM Punk w/ Elijah Burke[/COLOR] [I]6 Man Tag Team Match Barbed Wire Match[/I] "The Originals" Sandman, "Big" Stevie Cool & Balls Mahoney vs "The New Breed" Matt Striker, Kevin Thorn & A New Member w/ Ariel. [COLOR="red"][I]Extreme Rules Match[/I] "Mr Extreme" Rob Van Dam vs Marcus Cor Von[/COLOR] One vs One Match Sabu vs "The Divine" Rene Dupree [B][I]Tune in to watch the ECW New Breed, UNLEASHED!!![/I][/B][/CENTER]
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[B][U]Monday Week1, May 2007 From PWTORCH.COM ECW Rumoured Signings[/U][/B] The unleashing of ECW by Vince McMahon this week has set many people talking among the wrestling world, and many former ECW superstars are coming out of the wood work reportedly saying they've been offered deals to return to the promotion. Of course we are all in anticipation for new show "Unleashed" Tomorrow night where its expected that Paul Heyman will be unveiled as the new head of the promotion, all part of the "McMahon Act of Generousity" to the Wrestling World. Once Heyman unveils himself expect even more rumours to unfold, One Rumour doing the rounds which is getting stronger by the day, especially now that the UNLEASHED preview has "The New Breed" debuting a new member in the 6man tag team match, is that we will see the New Breed grow from strength to strength and Heyman bring in several former ECW Alumi Stars to try to restore Heymans view of peace once again in ECW. Now we do know that guys like Lesnar, Jericho, Hogan, They aren't interested in this project, and neither is Heyman interested in them. This ECW is about the new stars that have been Bread in ECW having a chance to be UNLEASHED! That said, they are gonna need some competition!!!
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Ego, this is going to be golden, that's all I have to say. Maybe some predicitions too: ECW Championship Match Extreme Rules [B]Bobby Lashley (C)[/B] vs CM Punk w/ Elijah Burke CM Punk is good for a title eventually, but a title change needs a little buildup. 6 Man Tag Team Match Barbed Wire Match "The Originals" Sandman, "Big" Stevie Cool & Balls Mahoney vs [B]"The New Breed" Matt Striker, Kevin Thorn & A New Member w/ Ariel.[/B] Excited to see who the new member is, and this pairing of the New Breed has to go over that combination of Originals. Extreme Rules Match [B]"Mr Extreme" Rob Van Dam[/B] vs Marcus Cor Von Monty Bro......eh.....Marcus Cor Von deserves a push eventually, but I don't know if he's ready to go over RVD just yet. One vs One Match [B]Sabu[/B] vs "The Divine" Rene Dupree Same as RVD-Cor Von match.
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[QUOTE=SHaynes23;223449]Ego, this is going to be golden, that's all I have to say. Maybe some predicitions too: ECW Championship Match Extreme Rules [B]Bobby Lashley (C)[/B] vs CM Punk w/ Elijah Burke CM Punk is good for a title eventually, but a title change needs a little buildup. 6 Man Tag Team Match Barbed Wire Match "The Originals" Sandman, "Big" Stevie Cool & Balls Mahoney vs [B]"The New Breed" Matt Striker, Kevin Thorn & A New Member w/ Ariel.[/B] Excited to see who the new member is, and this pairing of the New Breed has to go over that combination of Originals. Extreme Rules Match [B]"Mr Extreme" Rob Van Dam[/B] vs Marcus Cor Von Monty Bro......eh.....Marcus Cor Von deserves a push eventually, but I don't know if he's ready to go over RVD just yet. One vs One Match [B]Sabu[/B] vs "The Divine" Rene Dupree Same as RVD-Cor Von match.[/QUOTE] Thanks SHaynes Dude, Ive got lots of visions for this ECW, its gonna be done right, and done realistically...as it can be.... Lashley-Punk is gonna be a classic to kick off UNLEASHED! And the new Member is a real New Breed-esque type of guy!
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[B][U]Tuesday Week1, May 2007 From PWTORCH.COM Rumoured "Goals" Given to ECW Production Staff?![/U][/B] ECW Production staff & Booking Staff are rumoured to have been given 2 "Goals" to them, reportedly by "Incoming" new Owner Paul Heyman, From what PWTORCH can gather is that Heyman has told staff that any below par wrestler is no longer wanted by ECW, That counter acts alot of previous ECW talent who werent the best technically gifted athletes. Also Heyman has reportedly said that as ECW has been Unleashed, if you're old, ya sold. No wrestlers over 42...yep he's that damn picky!! Internet Smarks will love it, Finally are we gonna see a Peoples Federation, The NEW breed are the future of wrestling, and Heyman is gonna push on that...his way! Remember, ECW UNLEASHED Debuts tonight on Sci Fi, in place of the old WWE Ran show, Expect Punk/Lashley to be a classic. Still no word on who the new member of the New Breed is set to be....
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[B][U]Tuesday Week1, May 2007 From PWTORCH.COM WWE/TNA Reports & Releases, NJPW News[/U][/B] WWE Raw Last Night had a Bumper Main Event, in which Shawn Michaels, John Cena & Ric Flair get beaten by Randy Orton, Edge & The Great Khali. Its that time of year again, and WWE.COM has broken news of a cleanout of talent, Vickie Guerrero, Torrie Wilson, Little Bast*rd, Kristal Marshall, Josh Matthews, Jack Doan, Chad Patton, Jim Korderas, Lillian Garcia, Sgt Slaughter, Gerald Briscoe & Much to every ones suprise, the news that former RAW GM & WCW Icon, Eric Bischoff has left the company WWE Wished them well in their future endevours. TNA Impact Tapings took place last night, A Main Event NWA Title Match between AJ Styles & Christian Cage ended in a draw after the time limit expired....this one is far from over..... TNA also made small changes to their roster today with the releasing of Elix Skipper, A1 & David Young. In a final tidbit, New Japan Pro Wrestling have announced the end to their brand split.
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[CENTER][B][U]Tuesday Week1, May 2007 ECW UNLEASHED DEBUT! Live on The Sci Fi Channel[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]"ECW!" "ECW!" "ECW!" The music, "UNLEASHED" by Timbaland & Jay Z fills the arena as ECW is back, its indipendant, and Live on the SCI-FI Channel! We see shots of the packed out crowd here in LA, and already an "ECW!" "ECW" "ECW!" Chant begins!! We see shots of the announce team Tazz & Joey Styles! The fans are wild here tonight!!! [I]Styles - "Tazz, welcome back to freedom, ECW, The New Breed have been UNLEASHED!" Tazz - "Thats right Joey Styles, the toughest new kids on the block are prooving to the world that they are the very best pro wrestling has to offer, that ECW is deemed fit, the only place that can contain them!"[/I] [I]Styles - "Buckle in fans....."[/I][/COLOR] [B]****[/B] Backstage, We see Paul Heyman sitting behind a desk, with name plate reading... 'PAUL HEYMAN - ECW BOSS MAN' - and the fans erupt, he is wearing is usual psychotic grin and tonight is under way..... [I]Heyman - "Yes, finally my child has come back into my arms, and tonight its time to end 8 years of heartache....well ok maybe a little more, and unleash to you the New Breed, who must be controlled by my ECW Originals....a...."[/I] As Heyman begins to carry on talking, The New Breed burst into the door!! The fans boo!! CM Punk, Elijah Burke & Marcus Cor Von look at Heyman wildly! [I]Burke - "Paul-E, you cant control The New Breed....now we have been Unleashed, theres nothing you can do to stop us....Hell even Vince "Fu*king" McMahon couldnt control us, so i doubt ECWs "FINEST" will be able to...." Punk - "Sorry man, ECW is ours, you are just mearly keeping that seat warm for us to take...."[/I] [I]Cor Von - "Easy as falling out a tree....."[/I] The 3 New Breed Members leave the office to lous boos as Heyman looks MAD!!! [B]B ****[/B] We cut to the parking lot.... The fans erupt at the sight of ECW Champion, Bobby Lashley stepping out of his truck!! [B]B **** [COLOR="red"]"The Homicidal, Genocidal Mad Man" Sabu vs "The Divine" Rene Dupree[/COLOR][/B] [I]Styles - "Oh my, SABU!!! Sabu is here on SCI FI, and that "Divine" snob is in trouble in Sabu's backyard here!"[/I] Dupree & Sabu kick off UNLEASHED, but Sabu was too experienced for Dupree here.... [B]Sabu defeated 'Divine' Rene Dupree in 5:43 by pinfall with an Arabian Facebuster.[/B] [B]C ****[/B] Kelly Kelly comes out to the ring to a nice pop, she steps into the ring and proceeds to strip!! The fans cheer, and just about as she is ready to get the puppies out...she stops.....! She grabs a mic to boos... [I]Kelly - "Oh, Sorry i got carried away....What i meant to say is that Next Week, Mr. Paul Heyman has told me to say that right here in this very ring, we will see a ECW TV Title Match!!!"[/I] The fans erupt!! [I]Kelly - "Thats right, it meant sumthing "Back in the day" and now its back....aparently....Mr. Heyman said you'd all be pleased!!!"[/I] The fans cheer Kelly's announcement...then proceed with "GET YOUR T*TS OUT!!" - "GET YOUR T*TS OUT!!" [B]C ****[/B] At ringside..... Joey Styles & Tazz are shown.... [I]Styles - "Tazzmaniac, The ECW TV Title is a Belt with monsterous Credibility...i mean RVD held that thing for like forever!!!" Tazz - "Joey, if RVD isnt in that match, ill eat my....in fact ill eat you!!"[/I] [B]C **** [COLOR="red"][U]6 Man Tag Team Match[/U] - 'The New Breed' - Matt Striker, Kevin Thorn w/Arial and ??? vs - 'ECW Originals' - Balls Mahoney, The Sandman & Stevie Richards[/B][/COLOR] The New Breed come out to huge heel heat! Striker grabs the mic...as usual.... [I]Striker - "Wrestling fans, your inspirational speaker of the New Breed would like to unveil to you, a very special guy, in fact he's like a new member of the New Breed Family....Hell, hes tough...Hell. he's big....I give to you...... ....PAUL BURCHILL!!!!"[/I] The fans pop and then proceed with the usual hated heel heat for the former WWEer Pirate!!! Burchill is in plain clothes and looks solid, He slaps the palms of Striker & Thorn, and sets his sights on our Originals... Sandman makes the most of his entrance, partying into the crowd, so much so, that he misses the start of the match!! Burchill was the difference maker, Richards was beaten down by Kevin Thorn, Balls was destroyed by Striker to get the pinfall. [B]Matt Striker, Kevin Thorn and Paul Burchill defeated Sandman, Balls Mahoney and Stevie Richards in 9:54 when Matt Striker defeated Balls Mahoney by pinfall with a Golden Rule.[/B] After the bell, the Originals try to clear the ring of the New Breed, and the fans give them a nice pop! [B]C ****[/B] The fans erupt, as we see RVD & ECW Champion Bobby Lashley talking backstage, we cant hear what they are saying, but the bell rings for the next match..... [B]B **** [COLOR="red"][U]Hardcore Match[/U] "Mr ECW" Rob Van Dam vs "The Alpha Male" Marcus Cor Von[/B][/COLOR] The heel heat for Cor Von was good, but RVD was so over, the fans were immensely behind this guy.... [B]Rob Van Dam defeated Marcus Cor Von in 13:31 by pinfall with a Split Legged Moonsault.[/B] After the match, Cor Von attempted a chair shot, but RVD countered into a Van Terminator!! [B]C ****[/B] CM Punk is walking to the ring for the Main Event...UP NEXT!!! [B]B **** [COLOR="Red"][U]The Main Event ECW Championship Match Hardcore Match[/U] Bobby Lashley (C) vs CM Punk[/B][/COLOR] The heat here was immense, Punk recieves a good few cheers, but the fans are behind Lashley here in bulk! A stiff match which could have gone either way..... Elijah Burke tried to interfere when he ran down with a Stun Gun, Lashley grabbed the stun gun!! He stuns Burke....Burke is down.... He then turns on Punk, Partially Stuns Him...... [B]Bobby Lashley defeated CM Punk in 11:35 by pinfall with a Dominator.[/B] Bobby Lashley makes defence number 1 of his ECW World title. [B]B[/B] After the match, Punk & Burke are still down, But Lashley celebrates his win!! He holds his title belt up high for the appreciative crowd, and the ECW Originals, Sandman, RVD & Sabu join him in the ring!!! [I]Tazz - "My God, What has been Unleashed here?!?!"[/I] [B][I][COLOR="DimGray"]C - Final Rating, ECW Has got several hurdles ahead....[/COLOR][/I][/B][/CENTER]
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[B][U]Wednesday Week1, May 2007 From PWTORCH.COM ECW News & WWE News[/U][/B] ECW is coming off the back of a fairly decent opening rating for UNLEASHED which debuted last night, it drew 9.99 Highlights of the show saw Paul Heyman have the gauntlet laid down to HIM, by The New Breed, Kelly Kelly announce Heyman would be relaunching the ECW TV Title Next Week Paul Burchill debuted as the new member of The New Breed....without any silly gimmicks... Lashley beat CM Punk to retain his ECW Title. WWE has made more releases its been confirmed, on the cut are Ashley, Michelle McCool, Candice Michelle, Scott Armstong & Jillian Hall.... PW Torch senses a change in direction for the WWE.....
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[B][U]Thursday Week1, May 2007 From PWTORCH.COM WWE Signs Major INDY Star[/U][/B] WWE.COM has today announced the signing of former TNA & RoH Star, Homicide.... More as PWTORCH gets it! Also, WWE Smackdown Last Night saw The Undertaker beat Batista in the Main Event
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[QUOTE]Ego, this is going to be golden, that's all I have to say. Maybe some predicitions too: ECW Championship Match Extreme Rules Bobby Lashley (C) vs CM Punk w/ Elijah Burke CM Punk is good for a title eventually, but a title change needs a little buildup. 6 Man Tag Team Match Barbed Wire Match "The Originals" Sandman, "Big" Stevie Cool & Balls Mahoney vs "The New Breed" Matt Striker, Kevin Thorn & A New Member w/ Ariel. Excited to see who the new member is, and this pairing of the New Breed has to go over that combination of Originals. Extreme Rules Match "Mr Extreme" Rob Van Dam vs Marcus Cor Von Monty Bro......eh.....Marcus Cor Von deserves a push eventually, but I don't know if he's ready to go over RVD just yet. One vs One Match Sabu vs "The Divine" Rene Dupree Same as RVD-Cor Von match[/QUOTE] Shaynes, 100% Well Done!! Hopefully Burchill's Debut was nice and low key. [QUOTE]Dubya My predictions: Lashley over Punk The New Breed w/new member over The Originals Marcus Corvon over RVD Dupree over Sabu[/QUOTE] Dubya, 75% Aint bad, Thanks for Voting! What does the New Breed have in store for the originals Next Week on UNLEASHED?! [QUOTE]i liked the show can't wait for more but there is one thing i don't like and that is the age limit guess funker wont show in this ecw but i still like this one please update soon ego. - Jerlito[/QUOTE] Thanks pal, The age limit does suck in this case, but its a case of if you're good enough and young enough, then Heyman will make you a star! I Have HUGE plans for the New Breed, and of course, their challengers!!!
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[CENTER] [COLOR="red"][B][U]Thursday Week1, May 2007 From ECW.COM[/U][/B] [B][U]ECW UNLEASHED Preview TUESDAY (Wk2)[/U][/B][/COLOR] [B][U]ECW TV Title Match[/U] CM Punk vs Rob Van Dam Paul Heyman Unleashes the ECW TV Title upon us once again, RVD Once dominated this title, and can he again? Punk is a New Breed Leader, and He wants gold![/B] [B][U]Tag Team Match[/U] 'The New Breed' Elijah Burke & Marcus Cor Von vs 'ECW Champion' Bobby Lashley & Sabu[/B] The New Breed leader Burke wants Lashley and Lashley wants Burke, throw in Cor Von & Sabu...and WOW! [B][COLOR="Red"]What will happen when the New Breed & the Originals battle over the TV Title and over control of Unleashed?? Will Heyman snap at the New Breed?[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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ECW TV Title Match [B]CM Punk[/B] vs Rob Van Dam [I]RVD gets screwed out of the gold and CM Punk gets his first ECW title as a springboard toward greatness.[/I] Tag Team Match [B]'The New Breed' Elijah Burke & Marcus Cor Von[/B] vs 'ECW Champion' Bobby Lashley & Sabu [I]Elijah pins Lashley with some cheap moves, building toward an ECW World Title defense by Lashley against Burke.[/I] Good diary so far! Enjoying it!
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[B][U]Friday Week1, May 2007 From PWTORCH.COM ECW Signings Announced today[/U][/B] The ECW Originals-New Breed Storyline that has dominated the promotion in 2007 is showing no signs of slowing down. Today its confirmed that ECW have signed a number of top ECW Originals.... Signing on Paul Heyman's dotted lines are "The King of Old School" Steve Corino, who returns to the promotion with high hopes for a decent run... In a sign that Paul Heyman will surely unviel a tag team division at some point, we have seen all 3 of the "Impact Players" resign with the promotion, Lance Storm, Justin Credible & Dawn Marie have all signed PPA Deals with Heyman. Reportedly, TNA Announcer/Manager/Personality, Larry Zybysko was approached by Paul Heyman to join the ECW announce team alongside Joey Styles & Tazz, but Heyman was told No, by The Living Legend. Also, interestingly ECW have been linked with a former Multi Time, World Tag Team Champion, and also an indy Hardcore Icon, We cant confirm any names as of yet, but the two rumoured men are said to be Sean O'Haire & Messiah of CZW fame. Paul Heyman has been reportedly very vocal towards ECW Production Staff that he wants to bulk his roster in preperation of WWE & TNA adding to their rosters to bring the attention back onto them.
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[B][U]Sunday Week1, May 2007 From PWTORCH.COM ECW Backstage News[/U][/B] In a slow day for news, Paul Heyman today confirmed to PWINSIDER, that former WWE/WCW Referee Charles Robinson has agreed to join his promotion as Heyman's cheif Referee. Also, Ted Dibiase has returned to wrestling as part of Heyman's Road Agent Crew alongside Dean Malenko & the injured Hardcore Holly.
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[B][U]Monday Week2, May 2007 From PWTORCH.COM WWE D-DAY 2007!! - MAJOR WWE NEWS! -[/U][/B] The World Wrestling Entertainment Brand Extension was a device first used in 2002 by the professional wrestling organization as a means of providing separate brands of wrestling through its two top shows, RAW and SmackDown!, and, in 2006, with the revival of Extreme Championship Wrestling, which later was Unleashed to what we are watching now..... Today the WWE has announced the end to the mega controversial Brand Split!! No More Raw or Smackdown Brands, and purey now, anything can happen again on any show. This is surely down to the releasing of the ECW Brand & trademarks to Paul Heyman, in Mr. McMahons gift last week to the wrestling world!! Today the WWE has announced the end to the mega controversial Brand Split!! No More Raw or Smackdown Brands, and purey now, anything can happen again on any show. This is surely down to the releasing of the ECW Brand & trademarks to Paul Heyman, in Mr. McMahons gift last week to the wrestling world!! Although the WWE has dropped the brands, to make the day even huger, WWE.COM has announced several Roster Coming & Goings.... Chris Kanyon has resigned with the promotion following a spell in the indys. Nora "Molly Holly" Greenwald has returned to the promotion and will aim to add Entertainment to the very flat Womans Division The Big Signing is that of former "Bad Guy" Razor Ramon, Scott Hall! He is assured to be clean and dry for the first time in a very long time! If Hall can stay focused, we may see Degeneration X finally see some proper Additions..... Also there was a day of releases.... Shannon Moore, Jamie Noble & Sensationally, but Bizarely, Homicide were all released today. No word if ECW or TNA are looking to pick either of these 3 guys up.
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[U][B]Tuesday Week2, May 2007 From PWTORCH.COM WWE & TNA Reports[/B][/U] In the first show since the end of the brand split, WWE Raw had The Undertaker beat Shawn Michaels in the Main Event, also we saw Batista beat Umaga Impact Tapings saw Aj Styles beat BG James in the Main Event
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