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[FONT="Arial"][B]2nd September 2006:[/B] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"]From [U]TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/U] [SIZE="3"][B]21CW Gets New Owner[/B][/SIZE] Tyler Baker called a press conference today to announce the sale of 21st Century Wrestling. All gathered were stunned upon the announcement that Jeff Nova, former UK's Strongest Man would be taking the reigns. Nova had this to say on the subject: [I]"My vision is to take the Sports Entertainment style that had made SWF a global power and give it a uniquely English twist"[/I] When asked about whether Baker would be taking a role backstage, Nova had this to say: [I]"Tyler has been running 21CW for 5 years on his own and has said that he doesn't want to be part of the rebuilding process here. He wants to take a well earned break and i cant blame him really"[/I] With the money and fame associated with Jeff Nova, it looks like the golden age of 21CW has just begun.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [B]15th September 2006:[/B] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"]From [U]TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/U] [SIZE="3"][B]The Exodus Begins[/B][/SIZE] 21CW is the place to be it seems and every wrestler in the UK knows it. Two weeks since the takeover and Jeff Nova has been extending exclusive places in his new regime. First to join him was Adam Matravers & his on-off girlfriend Phoebe Plumridge for Ring Of Fire, and DJ Reason & Joss Thompson from Men of Steel Combat. And with the rumor mill buzzing about other MoSC & ROF workers flying the coop, just who will be left once the dust settles.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [B]23rd September 2006:[/B] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"]From [U]TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/U] [SIZE="3"][B]21CW Gains More Members[/B][/SIZE] 21CW continues their raid upon upon ROF & MoSC with the exclusive signings of Stevie Stoat [I](ROF)[/I], Leo Price [I](ROF)[/I], Nightmare [I](MoSC)[/I], and The Steamroller [I](MoSC)[/I] leaving both companies without the stars they have been building for years. With 21CW's domination of the UK scene virtually secured, will ROF & MoSC ever be able to gain a foothold in the UK market again.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [B][SIZE="3"][I]To Be Continued....[/I][/SIZE][/B][/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"]O.o.c.. Yes yes i know.. Another diary. I kinda realised by the reaction to my first show that TCW just wasn't the place for me. It seems people have expectations on how people should be used and that just wasn't working for me.. So im going back to what i know.. UK wrestling. C-Verse Style. Im gonna miss the Hugmeister though and i think the gimmick may carry over into this game.[/FONT][/QUOTE]
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How many diaries are my up to now, are we in triple figures yet ? ;) I think you gave up too early on TCW, Ok the first show wasn't up to peoples idea's of TCW, but it was one show and the situation was recoverable, but you've made your decision now.... So good luck with this, and as you said you're back within your comfort zone the Cornellverse- British scene.
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[FONT="Arial"][B]6th November 2006:[/B] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"]From [U]TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/U] [B][SIZE="3"]MoSC: The Aftermath[/SIZE][/B] Its been a month since the last worker was stolen away from MoSC and tonight we got their first show from the Caledonian Club in Scotland. The initial Rylandian rating was a D- with the highlight of the show being The Highland Warrior defeating Danny Patterson for the MoSC UK Championship. The rest of the show was considered below average with a number of debuts falling upon bored fans However news on the grapevine is that The Highland Warrior is going to be offering the book to another very soon[/FONT][/QUOTE] [B]7th November 2006:[/B] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"]From [U]TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/U] [SIZE="3"][B]New Booker At MoSC[/SIZE][/B] Brilliant move or just losing the plot. Thats peoples opinions today at the news that Ali Bloxsome has been given the book. Bloxome is a veteran MoSC worker who has had UK Championships reigns way back in 1992 & 1997. Is this a move to return MoSC to its hardcore roots, or has The Highland Warrior cracked under the pressure.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [B]9th November 2006:[/B] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"]From [U]TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/U] [SIZE="3"][B]ROF Follow Trend[/SIZE][/B] Well it looks like Ring Of Fire are following MoSC's example as British Samurai decides to give up the book. In his place steps Arson Wells, a man formally at 21CW who may well have some insight into how to gain some ground on the new #1 promotion[/FONT][/QUOTE] [/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][B]21st November 2006:[/B] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"]From [U]TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/U] [B][SIZE="3"]ROF: The Aftermath[/SIZE][/B] Ring of Fires first show, post raid was held last night and did surprisingly well. The highlight of the show was UK Dragon defending his championship against British Samurai. Internet critics have already started comparing ROF's efforts to 21CW's and picking ROF as the winner. Could ROF be on the rise or is it a case of a bumpy start and then smooth sailing at 21CW[/FONT][/QUOTE] [B]November 2006 Review:[/B] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"]November has been quite a traumatic month for wrestling fans here in the UK, starting with 21CW's revamping and the roster movements that followed it. Then the remaining UK promotions have all changed bookers meaning that the UK scene is an entirely blank slate with each booker looking to stamp his mark on it. However news came in today that UK Broadcasting Digital has decided [U]NOT[/U] to renew the contract with 21CW for another series and is prosponing to see what the future brings for all 3 UK companies.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][B]December 2006 Review:[/B][/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"]December seems to have past without incident.. Each promotion has done its own thing and not hassled the rest. The shows have all been about average and all the major titles have been retained. However there was some shock involving Adam Matravers... This is the guy that jumped ship from Ring Of Fire to 21CW only a few short months ago who has now upped and left them.. His target this time.. INSPIRE Thats right.. He has signed up along side Merle O'Curle as part of the next tour. However thats not the biggest news this month.. If you have been to ANY UK wrestling event this month you would have seen the flyers plastered by the entrances and we have recieved many emails asking us about them but we have no imformation. They could be just a hoax but the amount and distribution kind of makes that seem less of an option.. We could be seeing something new in the works here. For those that didn't get to a show this month.. Heres a scan of what im talking about. Happy new year folks. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/PWA.png[/IMG][/CENTER][/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[B]Saturday 6th January 2007:[/B] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"]From [U]TotalExtremeWrestling.com[/FONT] [/U][SIZE="3"][FONT="Arial"][B]New Promotion PWA's Info[/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/ArsonWells.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Well you heard the rumors at the end of last year and it turns out they are true. Last night Arson Wells told the press that he was the man behind the new venture. [I]"For some reason PWA resonates in peoples minds. Like its been done before, and we are using that to our advantage. PWA is going to offer a SWF style show but with a MoSC type atmosphere. Its gonna be a blast"[/I] When asked, Arson Wells made no comment on just who would be joining PWA's roster or even when the first show was due, however he did have this to say upon just who would be booking. [I]"My reasons for this booker are purely my own, but rest assured the guy knows his stuff. Sometime over the next few days he will speak out but today all i can give you is this"[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/Avatar.png[/IMG][/CENTER] More news as we get it[/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Arial"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/PWA.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Debut Roster[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="3"]MAIN EVENTERS[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/2007%20Workers/KevinJones.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/2007%20Workers/PeteyBarnes.jpg[/IMG] Kevin Jones & Petey Barnes [B][SIZE="3"]UPPER MIDCARDERS[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/2007%20Workers/JamieAnderson2.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="white"]...[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/2007%20Workers/Menace.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="white"]...[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/2007%20Workers/DonHenderson.jpg[/IMG] Jamie Anderson, Menace & Don Henderson [B][SIZE="3"]MIDCARDERS[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/2007%20Workers/ChuckFrisby.jpg[/IMG][COLOR="white"]...[/COLOR][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/2007%20Workers/InkyTheSquid.jpg[/IMG] Chuck Frisby & Inky The Squid Boy [B][SIZE="3"]LOWER MIDCARDER[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/2007%20Workers/CraigWalker.jpg[/IMG] Craig Walker[/CENTER][/FONT] [QUOTE][I][FONT="Arial"]Hee hee. I think Remianen is gonna kill me[/FONT][/I][/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Arial"][B][SIZE="3"][CENTER]Preview for PWA Debut Show[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"][CENTER]Kevin Jones takes on Petey Barnes for the vacant [COLOR="DarkRed"]PWA Championship[/COLOR] in a [I][COLOR="Navy"]Steel Cage Match[/COLOR][/I] Don Henderson, Jamie Andeson & Menace all meet in the ring in a [COLOR="Navy"][I]Triple Threat Hardcore Match[/I][/COLOR] for the [COLOR="darkred"]Energiser Championship[/COLOR] Chuck Frisby and Inky get it on in a battle of the lower carders[/CENTER][/FONT][/QUOTE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/PWA.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I]PWA's Debut Show[/I] Thursday Week 4 January 2007[/B] [B]From:[/B] The Paddington Club [B]Attendance:[/B] 5 People [B]Segment One:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/CraigWalker.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Craig Walker is stomping around backstage and confronts Adam. [B]Walker:[/B] [I]"Why am i the only worker today thats not actually WORKING! Im as good as Chuck.. Im FAR better than Inky and yet im sitting on my arse. Whats going on"[/I] Adam doesn't respond and only walks away. [B]Rating:[/B] F+ [B]Match One:[/B] Chuck Frisby Vs Inky The Squid Boy [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/ChuckFrisby.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/Vs.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/InkyTheSquid.png[/IMG] Inky The Squid Boy defeated Chuck Frisby in 4:59 by submission.[/CENTER] [B]Rating:[/B] F+ [B]Match Two:[/B] Don Henderson Vs Jamie Anderson Vs Menace W/ Randy Garcia [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/DonHenderson.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/Vs.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/JamieAnderson.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/Vs.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/Menace.png[/IMG] [COLOR="Navy"]Triple Threat Hardcore Match[/COLOR] for the [COLOR="DarkRed"]Energiser Championship[/COLOR] Jamie Anderson defeated Menace and Don Henderson in 4:31 when Jamie Anderson defeated Menace by submission to win the PWA Energiser Championship. [/CENTER] [B]Rating:[/B] E [B]Match Three:[/B] Kevin Jones Vs Petey Barnes W/ Emma Evans [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/KevinJones.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/Vs.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/PeteyBarnes.png[/IMG] [COLOR="Navy"]Steel Cage Match[/COLOR] for the [COLOR="DarkRed"]PWA Championship[/COLOR] Petey Barnes defeated Kevin Jones in 4:49 by pinfall to win the PWA Championship. [/CENTER] [B]Rating:[/B] E+ [B]Segment Two:[/B] The match is over, and Petey Barnes and Kevin Jones celebrate together in the ring for the fans. [B]Rating:[/B] E+ [B]Final Rating:[/B] [SIZE="4"]E[/SIZE] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"]From [U]totalextremewrestling.com[/U] Port-South Wrestling Alliance held their debut show last night in The Paddington Club. The feedback has been that it was better than you'd expect for a promotion that tiny. An area women, known simply as Ana, was quoted as saying 'I'm stunned' [/FONT][/QUOTE] [/FONT]
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Thats the challenge. Game started with PWA as a new promotion that opened January 07. When Arson Wells took it over i got $50,000 to play with but im not sure how long that will last. Im actually surprised you didn't cry foul when 'he' won his match.. I told all of them to work it out in the ring and he won i think just to spite you
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[QUOTE=Clarity;228949]Im actually surprised you didn't cry foul when 'he' won his match.. I told all of them to work it out in the ring and he won i think just to spite you[/QUOTE] No offense but who did he beat? :p I'd be impressed if Merle O'Curle or someone with at least some attractiveness outside of the UK (Merle does tours with the Japanese promotions, after all) was in the match. Almost all of the UK's decent to good workers are working for one promotion. Spite me? pffft! Tell Jamie to carry PWA on his back to Cult (not even National, just Cult) if he wants to spite me. Then I'll be impressed. :)
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[FONT="Arial"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/PWA.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I]PWA's February Show[/I] Thursday Week 4 February 2007[/B] [B]From:[/B] The Paddington Club [B]Attendance:[/B] 7 People [B]Segment One:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/CraigWalker.png[/IMG][/CENTER] A video plays highlighting an earlier event. Adam is walking backstage, turns a corner, and bumps into Craig Walker. Craig Walker says something that Adam doesn't like, and they start arguing. After some heated words, Craig Walker challenges Adam to meet him in the ring for a match at the start of the show. [B]Rating:[/B] E After the video ends, we find Craig Walker waiting in the ring. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/BadNewsBruno.png[/IMG][/CENTER] What he doesn't see is Bad News Bruno coming up behind him and laying him out cold. [B]Rating:[/B] F [B]Match One:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/JeffAmazon.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/Vs.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/NormanGates.png[/IMG] [B]Hardcore Match[/B] Jeff Amazon defeated Norman Gates in 4:49 by pinfall.[/CENTER] [B]Rating:[/B] E- [B]Segment Two:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/JamieAnderson.png[/IMG][/CENTER] After a quick break Jamie Anderson attempts to cut an interview: [B]Anderson:[/B] [I]"After my amazing victory in winning the Energiser Championship last month, i decided to come out here and make sure you guys knew exactly how i was. Im 'Mr Popularity', and dont you be forgetting it."[/I] Im sure the 7 people who paid to see this shi....show forgot him the moment he got out the ring. [B]Rating:[/B] E- [B]Match Two:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/CarlEdwards.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/Vs.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/InkyTheSquid.png[/IMG] [B]Tables Match[/B] Inky The Squid Boy defeated Carl Edwards in 7:06 when Carl Edwards was put through a table.[/CENTER] [B]Rating:[/B] E [B]Match Three:[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/ChuckFrisby.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/Vs.png[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/PWA/PeteyBarnes.png[/IMG] [B]Hardcore Match for the PWA Championship[/B] Petey Barnes defeated Chuck Frisby in 4:41 by pinfall to mark defence number 1 of his PWA Championship title. [/CENTER] [B]Rating:[/B] E- [B]Segment Three:[/B] Having picked up the victory, Petey Barnes celebrates in the ring. [B]Rating:[/B] E- [B]Final Rating:[/B] [SIZE="4"]E-[/SIZE][/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Arial"]From [U]totalextremewrestling.com[/U] Port-South Wrestling Alliance held their February show last night at The Paddington Club, and drew 7 fans. The feedback has been that it was not bad, given that the promotion is so small. On our message boards, forum member 'infinitywpi' said 'I posted weeks ago that this would happen'. He was later slapped with a wet kipper for making silly remarks[/FONT][/QUOTE]
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[FONT="Arial"] From [U]totalextremewrestling.com[/U] [B][COLOR="Red"]21CW Into The Void Results[/COLOR][/B] Monday Week 1, March 2007 The Cobra Den [I](Northern UK)[/I] [B]Attendance:[/B] [I]1,000[/I] [COLOR="Red"](Sellout)[/COLOR] Ivanoff Brothers & Johnny Stones defeated Phillip Cooper, Trance & Davey Celtic [I][COLOR="Red"](E)[/COLOR][/I] Nightmare defeated Rave [COLOR="red"][I](E)[/I][/COLOR] Genocide Agent defeated Luke Cool [I][COLOR="red"](E+)[/COLOR][/I] Rod 'The God' Todd defeated Suicide Agent [I][COLOR="red"](E+)[/COLOR][/I] Red Dragon defeated Davey London [I][COLOR="red"](E+)[/COLOR][/I] Leo Price defeated Pit Bull Brown [I][COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR][/I] Stevie Stoat against DJ Reason ended in a no contest [I][COLOR="red"](D)[/COLOR][/I] Joss Thompson defeated Daniel Black Francis to retain the 21st Century World title [I][COLOR="red"](D+)[/COLOR][/I] 21st Century Wrestling held Into The Void last night in The Cobra Den, and drew 1,000 fans. The feedback has been that the show was pretty good all round. The star of the show was Joss Thompson. Stephanie, 28, a human resources worker, commented ' I have absolutely no interest in this'. Joss Thompson is reported to have been injured while wrestling last night. Initial reports are sketchy, but it is believed that he will not be taking time off, but will work through the pain of a broken nose.[/FONT]
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