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FPW: Bringing Repect Back To The McMahon Name

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March 2001 Was when the Monday Night Wars ended. Vincent Kennedy McMahon bought out his rivals, WCW. This would have probably been the biggest impact in recent wrestling history until one month later. April 2001 Vince McMahon was sent a 300 million dollar fine for having a partnership with Jamie Kellner to intentionally lower the price of WCW. Stockbrokers left WWE, fans enraged in fury, and wrestlers refused to wrestle. The WWF was in ruins, the giant brought down with its rival. But the WWE closing was not the worst of it. Fans started to regret wrestling and without the mainstream press fans lost interest in it and almost forgot about it entirely. This led to the closing of more promotions in America, no promotion was left standing. Wrestling was completely destroyed in America. If this wasn’t enough for you then read, [U]The Fall of Wrestling[/U], by Mick Foley.
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PWinsider.com June 7,2001 [QUOTE]PWinsider reports rumors that Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan are coming together to create a new promotion. Also, the NWA will be holding a big meeting sometime between late June or early July.Will this be the beginning of wrestling back in America, only time will tell.[/QUOTE]
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PWinsider.om July 2001 [quote] The rumors of Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan are true. They are creating a new promotion called American Wrestling Federation in Hollywood. Already signing top wrestlers like The Rock and Chris Jericho and with their Hollywood connections it won’t be long before they get a television contract. After the meeting last thursday the NWA has announced that it will no longer be an association of small promotions, as there are no promotions left but they will come together as one. Leading this organization is Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes. Bret Hart has also, announced the reopening of STAMPEDE, will Canada become the new major league of wrestling? This is big in North American wrestling. Will wrestling pick up again in America or will it still be rejected? [/quote]
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In a Office building in Dallas. [COLOR=blue]Shawn Micheals[/COLOR] is holding a private meeting with [COLOR=sienna]Steve Austin[/COLOR], the [COLOR=darkgreen]Undertaker[/COLOR] and [COLOR=red]Shane McMahon[/COLOR]. [COLOR=blue]"Hello, my friends. You’re probably wondering why you all are here."[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]"No not really, but I will listen anyway."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Why isn’t Vince here?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"He has left the business forever and he knew that you would talk about wrestling, so I came instead."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Well that is the reason I called you all here. I have been thinking and it has been way to long to have wrestling dead like this and we need to bring it back."[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]"Why don’t you just go work for Bischoff and Hogan"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Do you really think Bischoff is going to change wrestling and bring it back, or screw with wrestling some more. We all know what happened to WCW. And do you think he will treat us well after being apart of WWF. He would just job us out to [I]show that WCW was better[/I]. Unlike what Vince would have done."[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]"That’s true. I have also been feeling the same thing as you have about coming back to wrestling but there is always NWA or Stampede."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"You know how Hart feels about me and the NWA, no matter what it says, it will never be strong again. While coming back as one not many, seems to me a little fishy."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"Do you seriously think that I can come back after what my father did. It would be completely ridiculous. I would be ridiculed, and not in the way I would want it to be. The fans would literally enter the ring and attack me."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Well we will have to do something about that. Plus you will bring a lot of heat along, that might be able to get good ratings."[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]" Shawn, you got me in, but only if everyone else joins. Two people can’t just do this only."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Thanks Taker."[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]"The rattlesnake is also in. It’s about time to get back to wrestling."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Thanks also. Now come on Shane, the McMahons have always been in wrestling. Don’t change that now."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"Fine, but only if I get the leading this and the keys to the company plane."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"I’ll see what I can do."[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][/COLOR]
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PWinsider.com July 24, 2001 [quote] Fusion Pro Wrestling will be opening doors soon. Headed by Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, Undertaker and [B][I]Shane McMahon. [/I][/B]Will this be the start of something great to come or will another McMahon screw with wrestling again. [/quote]
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PWinsider.com August 12, 2001 [quote] NWA has made some big signings over the past week with the Dudley boys, Jeff Jarrett, Raven, Sting and [B][I]Sean Morley,[/I][/B] who apparantly will not have the porn star gimmick anymore and is this the start of something new or will it flop. And the biggest signing of all, Jim Ross, who will not be working with [B][I]Stone Cold, Stone Cold, Stone Cold.[/I][/B] AWF has also made some big signing along with Rock and Jericho. They signed Undertakers brother Kane, Edge, Scott Steiner and The biggest man in wrestling The Giant.All of these are big picks for the new Hollywood Fed. After announcing the new FPW, they have managed to sign Bradsaw, the loyal Al Snow, the 5 time, 5 time, 5 time, 5 time, 5 time WCW Champion Booker T and maybe a shock [I]Joey Styles[/I]. Wrestling seems to be coming back in America, and in a three way to the top. [/quote]
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PWinsider.com September 9, 2001 [quote] Big news over the past week. AWF has just settled a tv deal with F/X for 1 and a half hours at midnight on Monday. AWF Mayhem(tv show name) will start the first week of October. NWA has also seemed to score a television deal with Fox Sports Net for also 1 ½ hours at midnight on Wednesday. NWA Showdown (name of show again) will also start(again) first week of October. [/quote]
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PWinsider.com September 14, 2001 [quote] After lagging behind the NWA and AWF, FPW has just scored a television deal with ESPN. FPW Warfare(onca again name of show) will be 1 ½ hours, held on Thursday at midnight. [/quote]
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PWinsider.com September 24, 2001 [quote] FPW has signed more big names, such as Tazz, Scotty 2 Hotty, Steve Regal and Bill Goldberg. [/quote] OOC: Sorry for those who i have been reading. I have had some school work to do, writers block, T-Zone was released, emotional problems. But I have persevered through that and I will be updating more on this.
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OOC: Here are a couple terribly worded perspectives( these are not my views at all so no hating please) on the [I]new[/I] [I]age? [/I]of wrestling, I guess;going into the first week of the [I]new age[/I] of wrestling. IC: Pwinsider.com September 28, 2001 [quote] Potato Soup for the Soul Welcome back to Potato Soup for the Soul. I am Chef Boyadee and today Im going to talk about the [I]new[/I] wrestling promotions. Wrestling people is dead and always will be dead. NWA is now together as one promotion. Ok, who is the NWA, they have been dead since WCW left them behind, they will never make it big or be the big thing. It’s going to fall like it always does, without a big promotion to leech off of. AWF, Eric Bischoff? Give me a break, this won’t last 6 months. Look at what Eric Bischoff did in WCW, he would run them down to the ground. Plus their in hollywood, so all their wrestlers will be in movies missing tapings and shows. Look for this one to fail within the first month. Now we have FPW. We already had one McMahon screw with wrestling, do we need another. Nuff Said. Wrestling is dead, and with this, wrestling would; I don’t know if this is possibly; but wrestling would be deadier. And there is your Potato Soup for the day. Standing On the Corner Watching.... Welcome to standing on the corner, I’m Martin Dean. This is exciting, wrestling is back. It has been so long since any of us have seen some wrestling. I mean you have the AWF, with big stars like Hogan and the Rock. Now that is going to be entertaining, and you can’t go wrong with Bischoff. There is the NWA, now there some good old fashion fighting right there. There should be some classic matches with Flair and Sting. Also they have the best announcer in the business JR. Man I want some barbeque at this time. Finally, you have FPW. There is the Undertaker and Stone Cold, but also [I]Shane McMahon[/I]. Now I know he isn’t Vince, but will he be the same or will we see a new light in the McMahon family. This is Martin Dean, and you have been standing on the corner. [/quote]
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This is the roster chart. Some of these are subject to change in level, color or fired. [COLOR=blue]Blue=babyface/good[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Red=heel/bad[/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE=3]Main Event[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=#0000ff]Steve Austin[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Bill Goldberg[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]The Undertaker[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Tazz[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Booker T[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3]Upper Midcarder[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=#0000ff]Scotty 2 Hotty[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Al Snow[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Jeff Hardy[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Bradshaw[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Brian Lawler[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3]Midcarder[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=#0000ff]Marty Jannetty[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Ken Shamrock[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Tajiri[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Steven Regal[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Juventud Guerrera[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Chavo Guerrero Jr.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Brian Adams[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3]Lower Midcarder[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=#0000ff]Scorpio[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Funaki[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Shannon Moore[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Bryan Clark[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3]Opener[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=#0000ff]Blitzkrieg[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Little Guido[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3]Enhancement Talent[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Chris Corbin[/COLOR] [COLOR=black](Me, not really me, but my character)[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3]Occasional Wrestler[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Vader[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Meng[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3]Manager[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]James Mitchell[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Paul Bearer[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3]Announcer[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=#0000ff]Joey Styles[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3]Colour Commentator[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Bobby Heenan[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3]Authority Figure[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=#0000ff]Shane McMahon[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Debra Williams[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3]Referee[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=#0000ff]Tim White[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Earl Hebner[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3]Road Agent[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=#0000ff]Pat Patterson[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000]Dave Finlay[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3]Personality[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=#0000ff]Stevie Ray[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Stacy Keibler[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Dean Malenko[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3]Not Assigned Yet[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=#0000ff]Shawn Michaels [/COLOR] (stupid injury, why? Eight months. Noooooo!)[/CENTER] [LEFT]If anyone has any suggestions for this diary or any of that stuff, please say. Also, I did not watch wrestling at this time, so some of the wrestlers may seem different or out of place(I started in 2003 possibly. When Evolution was alive). Also, some stuff from the future(now) may end up in here somehow.[/LEFT]
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PWinsider.com Septermber 29, 2001 [quote] As the first week of wrestling after Black April(That's what Im calling it. Sorry if it offends you tommy) begins, who will win the war in America, between FPW, AWF, and the new united NWA. [/quote]
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[quote=jerlito;233308]nice roster there hey so can we see vince later in this just kinda wondering.[/quote] Ah. Vince left the business after the whole scandel thing. So, very unlikely. Also, I forgot the tag teams Roster Chart Part 2 [LEFT][COLOR=black]Same rules apply[/COLOR][/LEFT] [CENTER][COLOR=blue]Too Cool[/COLOR] [COLOR=black](Scotty 2 Hotty and Brian Lawler)[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Chavo and Juvi[/COLOR] [COLOR=black](Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Juvented Guerrera)[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]KroniK[/COLOR] [COLOR=black](Brain Adams and Bryan Clark)[/COLOR][/CENTER] And Titles before I forget [CENTER]FPW World Heavyweight(main) FPW United States(mid) FPW World Tag Team(mid) FPW Junior Heavyweight(low, may make mid later) FPW Rising Star(mid, tourney in March)[/CENTER]
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You might want to find a new role to your personalities, specially if they're on a PPA. They get paid each show with this push and in my opinion, it's a waste of money. Same with road agents, you don't need two, so if one of them accepts another role, go for it. Other than that, I'd say use your imagination, you don't really need to know what happened at that time, you're in a different timeline anyway. For sure, you might not want to go over the board with shocking angles. The industry is slowly coming out of a very difficult time, it would not be in their advantage to create another scandal.
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[quote=MrOnu;233365]You might want to find a new role to your personalities, specially if they're on a PPA. They get paid each show with this push and in my opinion, it's a waste of money. Same with road agents, you don't need two, so if one of them accepts another role, go for it. Other than that, I'd say use your imagination, you don't really need to know what happened at that time, you're in a different timeline anyway. For sure, you might not want to go over the board with shocking angles. The industry is slowly coming out of a very difficult time, it would not be in their advantage to create another scandal.[/quote] OOC: I actually use personalities as interviewers and mangaers. I know this is a different timeline, but I don't know much before the fall. That's all. So some wrestlers will seem out of place to those whom watched and some might have new catch phases. Also, I would like to know some information on Bobby Heenan, I would like to use my announcers in the shows for the future. All I know is something with Ted Debiase(sp) on this forum. IC:PWinsider.com October 2, 2001 [quote] AWF Mayhem, was a good show after such a long break. With New Age Outlaws winning the Tag Title over Mikey and La Parka. And in the main event with Scott Steiner defeating The Rock. The PWRS (Pro Wrestling Ranking System) rated the show as a B-. A 4.72 TV Rating [/quote] October 3, 2001 [quote] STAMPEDE had an average C rated pay per view, nothing worth mentioning.[/quote] October 4, 2001 [quote] NWA Showdown was another good show after a long break. Helms and Crowbar won the tag titles over Ultimo and DeMott. Hector Garza defeated Elix Skipper for the X divsion title(bad match). Chris Kanyon beat Sean Morley for the North American Title. B- Show 3.24 TV Rating[/quote] OOC: Tomorrow I will have the first show posted. But I'm not exactly sure how it will be written, so it could possible be written different styles. Maybe not. Just a warning. IC: FPW Warfare Preview: [LEFT]Tajiri vs. Chavo Guerrero[/LEFT] [LEFT]Goldberg vs. Chris Corbin:( [/LEFT] [LEFT]Bradshaw vs. Al Snow[/LEFT] Funaki vs. Little Guido Undertaker vs. Booker T
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[CENTER]FPW Warfare October 4, 2001 Held at Ft Worth Convention Center in Texas Attendence: 9,125 [/CENTER] Joey Styles: [COLOR=red]Welcome to the first show of the new face in wrestling, Fusion Pro Wrestling. We are here at the Ft. Worth Convention Center in Texas. I’m Joey Styles and my partner Bobby Henan[/COLOR] Bobby Heenan: [COLOR=blue]This is an exciting event and it seems like we are going to kick off with some wrestling.[/COLOR]( As Tajiri’s music hits) Tajiri vs. Chavo Guerrero The first match of FPW was a good one. It started with Tajiri and Chavo matching each other move for move, until chavo uses a thumb to the eye to get the better hand. It ends when Chavo misses a frog splash off the top rope and Tajiri uses this time to set up and hit the Buzzsaw kick Winner: Tajiri 8 minutes B Bill Goldberg vs. Chris Corbin Corbin comes out quick with a couple of punches and dropkicks. Then Corbin hit a head scissors. Attempted it again, but Goldberg catches him turning it into a powerbomb. Goldberg basically destroys Corbin after that with a spear to end it. Winner: Goldberg 6 minutes C Goldberg is interviewed in the ring by Bobby Heenan. Goldberg talks about how great he is and that stuff. Also how no one can stop him, he is a beast. Also, he has a big surprise for us tonight (foreshadowing). 7 minutes B+ Bradshaw vs. Al Snow This was a fairly even match, until Bradshaw used the traditional heel tactics to take advantage of this match. It ends with a devastating Clothesline from Hell( because its more powerful then his other clotheslines) for the three. Winner: Bradshaw 9:57 C Bradshaw adds some salt to Snow with a steel chair added with a DDT and Powerbombs. It was a goos successful heel turn. 6 minutes B- A video of Austin and his accomplishments, and what not. The crowd goes crazy about this, until they realize that the lucky bastards next week get to see him wrestle and not them. 5 minutes B+ Funaki vs. Little Guido This was a good match between to lower/ openers. It was a fast pace match with Funaki getting a victory after a missile dropkick on Little Guido. Not much else to say. No one cares about openers. Winner: Funaki 6:53 C+ Booker T is intetviewed by Joey Styles. He talks about how he is the best and how he is going to defeat the Undertaker 1.2.3. or something like that. 8 minutes A Booker T vs. Undertaker This match stats off with Taker over powering Booker into the corner. When the ref pulled Taker back, Booker hit a thumb to the eye. Giving Booker control, until Taker hit some over powering rights. Take kept control in this match for a while, until he missed a shoulder tackle in the corner hitting the ring post (doesn’t this seem to happen in a lot of matches). Booker T takes control. Some other stuff happen. Now to the finish, cause it’s all that people remember. Taker gets momentum out the sleeper hold(very common heel move). Taker gets out of the hold when, Booker jumps up for a jumping heel kick, but Taker ducks, and the ref is hit instead. Booker looks shocked, giving Taker time to hit a couple of punches on Booker leading up to some Old School. Taker waits patiently for Booker to stand, picks him up and delivers the Last Ride. Taker covers but the ref is still down as the crowd counts to 3. Taker goes to check the ref but the ref is out. When Taker turns around Booker hits the low blow. [COLOR=red]Joey Styles: That was a blatant fowl.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Bobby Heenan: What, Bookers arm just slipped.[/COLOR] A ref is running to the ring( how convenient he comes now), Booker lands the scissor kick and the new ref counts the three. Winner: Booker T 14:57 A Out of nowhere Goldberg enters the ring and attacks Undertaker(this was the foreshadowment and a very successful heel turn).He keeps stomping at Taker. Then steps back and waits. When Taker stands, Gore, Gore, Gore; I mean spear, what’s the difference. More Stomping. Goldberg grabs a table from under the ring and sets it up in the middle of the ring. And delivers a Jackhammer on Undertaker through the table. The show ends with that and a [COLOR=red]Joey Styles: Oh My God![/COLOR] 10 min A* Show Rating: A TV 5.07 Rating
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