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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TNASPikead3copy.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"]Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE] Last week Sting and Kurt Angle made AJ Styles tap simultaneously making them both the number 1 contender to Christian Cage. TNA Managment has informed us that at Sacrifice Sting and Kurt Angle will go head to head with the winner fighting Christian Cage later in the night for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. What will Impact be like when all 3 of these men are under the same roof? Announced Matches Sting vs. Scott Steiner The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Sonjay Dutt and "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal Tomko vs. Hernandez vs. Brother Ray Samoa Joe, Rhino, Kurt Angle, and Chris Harris vs. Christian Cage, Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles, and James Storm All this and more this week on Impact![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TNASPikead3copy.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]LIVE! From The Impact Zone 1,000 In Attendance[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE]- Impact opens up and Christopher Daniels is assaulting Rhino with a bat in the backstage area - Taz thinks it’s great - Tenay thins it’s deplorable - Don West thinks….IT’S UNBELIEVABLE!!!![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2minutes Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]-The Impact opening video plays featuring Christian Cage, Sting, Kurt Angle, Rhino, Samoa Joe, and AJ Styles[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B-[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]The Motor City Machine Guns (Shelley and Sabin) vs. Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- 4 of the best X wrestlers in the world - Sonjay comes out strong becoming the dominant force in the match - After a couple of minutes Sonjay falls prey to the double teaming of The MCMG’s - Sonjay is whipped into the ropes by Shelley and they catch each other with a double body splash - Both wrestlers tag out and Lethal cleans house - Lethal dives onto Shelley on the outside - Inside the ring Sabin throws salt in Dutt’s eyes - Cradle Shock and this one is over![/QUOTE] [U]Winners: The Motor City Machine Guns Time: 8:35 Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- Lethal gets back in the ring and helps Dutt up - Dutt pushes him away - Dutt begins berating Lethal - Lethal tries to apologize, but Dutt will have nothing of it - Dutt storms out of the ring - Dissension between the two X friends heading into their X Title 3-Way on Sunday[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: D-[/U] [QUOTE]- VKM are backstage - BG addresses Christy Hemme and the challenges that she has laid before them the last couple of months - BG: You know what Christy the last couple of months have been pathetic; first of all you bring us some stupid male stripper rejects, followed by people who are just freaks. Christy let’s finish this once and for all! You go get you another team for Sacrifice this Sunday, if we beat them then you are gone from TNA for forever. - Kip: And if they beat us then we’ll leave forever………. - BG:……………you stupid jackass - Kip: See ya at Sacrifice![/QUOTE] Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C+ [QUOTE]- Sting is standing at the back entrance - A Car pulls up and Kurt Angle gets out - The two have a long stare down - They shake hands - Sting: At Sacrifice may the best man win! - Angle: You know it! - Sting: It’s Showtime! - Angle: It’s Real…It’s Damn Real![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Tomko vs. Hernandez vs. Brother Ray[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- A preview of the tag title match this Sunday - An all out brawl that has no order to it at all - Homicide comes from the back and attacks Brother Ray - D-Von comes out and attacks Tomko - Steiner is out and he attacks Hernandez - The ref throws the match out[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Triple DQ Time: 5:00 Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- Everything continues to be a crazy brawl - LAX team up to put Brother Ray through a table - Steiner and Tomko beat the mess out of D-Von with steel chairs - The two teams left standing stare each other down - Things aren’t looking good for 3-D at Sacrifice[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- The cameras cut backstage where Jeff Jarrett and Eric Young are talking - EY: Uncle Jeff! - JJ: What is it Eric - EY: Thank you so much for accepting the challenge that Robert Roode layed down…I didn’t want to get fired! - Crowd: Don’t Fire Eric! Don’t Fire Eric, Don’t Fire Eric - JJ: You don’t have to worry about that Eric… - EY: I know Uncle Jeff…this one is guaranteed! - JJ: What do you mean Eric? - EY: You’ll see Uncle Jeff![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D[/U] [QUOTE]- Jim Cornette is in the ring! - JC: Christian Cage, I’m not gonna have you cheating to get a win at sacrifice! That’s why I went out and got myself and insurance policy…someone who is gonna keep you from messing everything up at Sacrifice…a special referee….Ladies and Gentleman…I give you the newest member of the TNA roster……………………….MICK FOLEY!!! - Taz: Oh My God…my old friend Mick Foley is a member of the TNA roster - Tenay: TNA continues to pull out all the stops to get the best talent in the wrestling world today to TNA - Foley comes out to a huge pop from the crown in the Impact Zone![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]- Foley has a mic - MF: It’s good to be right here in TNA (cheap pop)! I’ve been watching over the last 5 years and let me tell you…TNA is where it’s at! I’d like to thank everyone within TNA for giving me this opportunity after my previous employer (boo) fired me after over 10 years of loyal service! That’s ok though because TNA is the place to be! Now at Sacrifice Corny here has asked me to be the special guest referee…I’m honored! I’ve wrestled all 3 of these guys and they are three of the best alive today. Christian let me tell you something…if any of your Christian Coalition buddies come to ringside you will immediately be disqualified and the belt will go to your opponent be it Sting or Angle. So Cage…keep it clean! I’ll see you at Sacrifice - Tenay: There you have it Mick Foley is the special guest referee at Sacrifice[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 minutes Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage and Sting turns from watching a monitor and begins walking to the ring[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B] Sting v. Scott Steiner[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- These two men have a long storied past from WCW - This Sunday Sting could challenge for the NWA Heavyweight Title while Steiner is challenging for the NWA Tag Titles - Steiner jumps Sting before the bell - Steiner dominates the first 4:30 of the match - Sting begins to get his adrenaline pumping and nothing that Steiner is doing is hurting him - Sting whips Steiner to the corner - Stinger Splash - Scorpion Death Drop - Sting locks in the Scorpion Death Lock…..Steiner holds on for a minute…..Steiner taps[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Sting Time: 7:01 Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- JB is backstage with Kurt Angle - JB: Kurt a big 8 man tag match for you tonight - KA: This is big…tonight I make Christian tap…then at Sacrifice I make Sting tap…then I break Christian’s ankle and become the new NWA Heavyweight Champ…It’s Real…It’s Damn Real![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B[/U] [COLOR="red"][B][U] Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Rhino, and Chris Harris vs. Christian Cage, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, and James Storm[/U][/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Huge 8 Man Tag Match - 4 Sacrifice previews in this one - Team Christian gets the early advantage and isolates Chris Harris working his leg - Harris makes a tag to Joe…but the ref didn’t see it - Storm is in the ring taunting Harris - Harris catches Storm with a power slam - Storm tags Christian - Harris tags Angle - All hell breaks loose - In the pandemonium Angle locks the Ankle Lock on Christian - AJ tries to make the save but gets locked in the Clutch by Joe - Rhino gores Daniels - Harris hits the Catatonic on Storm - Christian has been in the hold for a minute - This is sure to even the playing field for Sacrifice - Christian TAPS OUT! - A huge win for Angle heading into the PPV[/QUOTE]! [U]Winners: Angle, Joe, Rhino, Harris Time: 7:49 Rating: C+[/U] [U]Final Rating: D+ Road Agent Notes: The crowd wasn’t happy as they had expected more interviews and angles…this show should have increased our popularity[/U]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TNASacrifice-2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER]FINAL CARD: NWA World Heavyweight Title Match Christian Cage (c) vs. winner of Kurt Angle vs. Sting Special Ref: Mick Foley NWA World Tag Team Title Match Team 3D (c) vs. Scott Steiner and Tomko vs. LAX TNA X Division Title Match Chris Sabin vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. "The Black Machismo" Jay Lethal I Quit Match - For Eric Young's Contract Jeff Jarrett vs. Robert Roode Texas Death Match Chris Harris vs. James Storm Rhino v. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels Samoa Joe v. AJ Styles Loser Leaves TNA VKM vs. Christy Hemme's Mystery Team 4 Way X Division Match @LX Shelley vs. Senshi vs. The Austin Starr vs. Martyr Winner Gets A Title Shot In The Main Event Sting v. Kurt Angle[/CENTER][/SIZE] Whoever predicts the most correct gets to pick an Impact Main Event!
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NWA World Heavyweight Title Match [b]Christian Cage (c)[/b] vs. winner of Kurt Angle vs. Sting Special Ref: Mick Foley NWA World Tag Team Title Match [b]Team 3D (c)[/b] vs. Scott Steiner and Tomko vs. LAX TNA X Division Title Match [b]Chris Sabin[/b] vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. "The Black Machismo" Jay Lethal I Quit Match - For Eric Young's Contract [b]Jeff Jarrett[/b] vs. Robert Roode Texas Death Match Chris Harris vs. [b]James Storm[/b] Rhino v. [b]"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels[/b] Samoa Joe v. [b]AJ Styles[/b] Loser Leaves TNA VKM vs. [b]Christy Hemme's Mystery Team[/b] 4 Way X Division Match @LX Shelley vs. [b]Senshi[/b] vs. The Austin Starr vs. Martyr Winner Gets A Title Shot In The Main Event Sting v. [b]Kurt Angle[/b]
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Looks good so far man, keep up the good work. One request I have though is don't "overload" your diary with to many pictures. I find it to be just a hassle when im reading...but I'm just one guy =) One more suggestion if you will, trynot to post an overwhelming number of things in one day. Alot of people will feel overwhelmed and quit reading.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TNASacrifice-2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]LIVE! From The Impact Zone with 1,000 fans in attendance[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE]The Show opens with a video featuring Sting, Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, and Mick Foley[/QUOTE] [U]2 Minutes B+[/U] [QUOTE]- Christian pulls up in a limo - CC: Tonight I show the world why I’m The Instant Classic[/QUOTE] [U]1 Minute B+[/U] [B][U][COLOR="red"]Kurt Angle vs. Sting[/COLOR][/U][/B] [QUOTE]- Kurt Angle and Sting both make their way to the ring - Mike Tenay: What a way to start off Sacrifice! The winner of this match will get a shot at the NWA World Title in the main event! - Taz: This match is gonna be way better than anything my previous employer can put on - Don West: UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!! - A good match with back and forth offense - Angle goes for the Ankle Lock early but Sting slips out - Sting also goes for the Scorpion Death Lock but Angle reverses and rolls out of the ring - Angle establishes dominance 4:00 into the match - At the 7:00 minute mark Sting turns things around with a huge clothesline - Sting hits a flurry of offensive maneuvers - Angle is whipped into the corner - Here comes the Stinger Splash - But Wait…Christopher Daniels just came out from underneath the ring with a bat - Sting runs off the ropes and Daniels nails him in the back with the bat! - Angle recovers and Sting stumbles backwards toward Angle - ANGLE SLAM!!! - 1…….2……….3! - Kurt Angle against Christian Cage in the main event![/QUOTE] [U]Winner Kurt Angle Time: 8:57 Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut to the back where Christian is watching Angle celebrate on the monitor[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]- Backstage Kevin Nash walks up to Jay Lethal - KN: Black Machismo! - JL: DIG IT! - KN: My favorite protégé! Are you ready for your match tonight? - JL: Let me tell you it’s going to be Madness! - KN: Good! Make sure you do that 960 I taught you - JL: oooooohhhhhhhh YEAH! - KN: Just don’t let Sonjay win……Don’t tell him…..I think he’s still on the juice - JL: Oh no….The Juice Head won’t win! - KN: Good! You go get em’ Black Machismo - JL: oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yyyyeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh![/QUOTE] [U]Time:2 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [B][COLOR="red"][U]The Austin Starr vs. Senshi v. Alex Shelley vs. Martyr[/U][/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE]- Next up an X-Division Showcase Match - 2 former X Division Champs…and two that will probably be champ one day - Your normal X-Division multi-man spotfest - The end comes when Shelley and Starr are fighting on the outside allowing Senshi to hit The Warriors Way on Martyr for the pinfall[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Senshi Time: 7:41 Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- After the match the music of Raven hits - Raven, Kaz, and Havok all make their way to the ring - Raven point for Martyr to get on his knees - He refuses - Raven tells Havok and Kaz to get him - They refuse - Raven grabs a mic - Raven: I’m going to help you…whether you want it….or not - Raven then viciously canes all 3 of them until they are all busted open[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: E+[/U] [QUOTE]- Raven picks the mic back up - Raven: Tonight the beginning stage of training is complete…I have molded these men into vessels of violence! Tonight the reign of terror of Serotonin begins! We will rule TNA! But one piece is missing…there’s one more piece to this puzzle…and I’m going to take that piece and put it in its place this Thursday on Impact - MT: What is he talking about? - Taz: I think it’s you Tenay! - MT: What? - Taz: I think Raven is gonna take you…cane you…and make you dress like a girl-pants like Martyr - MT: God I hope not! - DW: UNBELIEVABLE!!!![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 minutes Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- Backstage JB is with Sting - JB: Sting I know that you are disappointed that you wont’ be getting a title shot tonight. What are you thinking right now? - Sting: DANIELS…WATCH YOUR BACK…CAUSE YOU ARE GOING TO GET STUNG! - Sting walks off - JB: Strong words from Sting![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]A Video plays hyping the history between VKM and Christy Hemme[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C-[/U] [B][U][COLOR="red"]VKM vs. Christy Hemme's Mystery Team[/COLOR][/U][/B] [QUOTE]- VKM come out first - Unfamiliar music hits and out comes Christy Hemme with her new team….BASHAM AND DAMAJA - VKM look on confused - Basham and Damaja storm the ring - Basham and Damaja squash VKM and pin them in under 3 minutes - VKM are gone from TNA forever…YAY!!![/QUOTE] [U]Winners: Basham and Damaja Time: 2:42 Rating: D+[/U] [QUOTE]- After the match Basham and Damaja continue to beat down on VKM - They are screaming how they are and embarresment to TNA…and to wrestling - They bloody both men - They drag them into the crowd and let fans take turns hitting them - Basham grabs BG and Damaja grabs Kip - They take them to the back and throw them out the door - Basham and Damaja lock the door behind them - MT: Well that is the last time that we will ever see VKM in a TNA arena - Taz: Thank God! Those guys were annoying…I bet you got something they can suck Tenay - MT: What? - Taz: Nothing - DW: THAT CAME FROM NOWHERE!!!! - Taz: Does he ever say anything that isn’t random?[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 5 Minutes Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]A Video plays hyping X Title 3-Way[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 minutes Rating: E[/U] [U][B][COLOR="red"]TNA X Division Title Match Chris Sabin (c) vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal[/COLOR][/B][/U] [QUOTE]- All 3 Competitors make their way to the ring - Sonjay and Lethal begin by teaming up to try to take Sabin out of the match - Everything is going good until they beging to argue because both of them are trying to get the pin - Dutt attacks Lethal and the two begin fighting on the outside - In the meantime Sabin recovers and hits a Suicide Dive to the outside onto both men - After several big 3 person spots the match is beginning to wind down - Sabin goes for a Cradle Shock on Lethal but he slips out - Sonjay hits a Backflip 3/4 Facelock into Seated Inverted DDT and hurts himself in the process - Lethal takes advantage and makes the pin - 1……….2…………3! - “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal is the new X-Division Champion[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: NEW X DIVISON CHAMPION Jay Lethal Time: 15:10 Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- Dutt grabs a mic - SD: Jay…..you stole that win from me! Ever since you’ve became buddies with Kevin Nash you just think that you are the ****! - MT: Strong words from Sonjay Dutt! - SD: Since you stole that belt from me…that was my pin…you need to give me a title shot! And Jay…if you refuse…I’ll make you accept! - Taz: What does that mean? - MT: I’m not sure but I don’t think Jay Lethal wants to find out![/QUOTE] [U]Time:2 Minutes Rating: D-[/U] [QUOTE]- Jeremy Borash is backstage with Kurt Angle - JB: Kurt tonight you get a shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Title - KA: That’s right JB! Everything is going down just like I said…I made Christian tap at Impact…I defeated Sting tonight…the only thing left to do, is to break Christian’s ankle and become the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion! It’s Real…It’s Damn Real! -JB: Kurt Angle…Christian Cage…tonight at Sacrifice[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage and Mick Foley is arriving - He begins walking towards the arena and halfway their he goes back to the car - MF: Crap! I can’t forget…… - Foley reaches in the car - MF: MR. SOCKO! - The crowd erupts - MF: Tonight is gonna be awesome…here in The Impact Zone (cheap pop)[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]A Video package shows us the history between James Storm and Chris Harris[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D-[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Texas Death Match James Storm w/Jacquie Moore vs. Chris Harris w/Gail Kim[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Harris and Storm both make their way to the ring with weapons in hand - This one goes all over the Impact Zone - Everything from Chairs, Bottles, Tables, Barb Wire, Trash Cans, and the Kitchen Sink is used in this match - The hatred between these two is intense - The finish comes when James Storm goes for a superplex through a table but Gail Kim hands Harris a bottle which he smashes over Storm’s head. - Harris picks Storm up and hits the Catatonic from the top rope through a table - He makes the pin gets a 3 and Storm was unable to beat the 10 count![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Chris Harris Time: 8:57 Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- After the match Harris grabs a mic - CH: The way I see it James, we’re tied now! You’ve won a match, and I’ve won a match! This week on Impact let’s finish this…I challenge you to a Six Sides of Steel Cage Match! The match that we made famous as a team…let’s finish this inside those confines…oh and Cowboy…Sorry About Your Damn Luck! - MT: My God! Six Sides of Steel this Thursday on Impact! - Taz: I can’t wait to see this![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage and EY and JJ are walking towards the ring[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: D-[/U] [QUOTE]- A video is shown hyping the history between Roode Inc., EY, and JJ[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: E+[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]For The Contract Of Eric Young Robert Roode w/Ms. Brooks vs. Jeff Jarrett[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]-EY’s contract is on the line - JJ comes out with a furious offense - Ms. Brooks tries to get involved but JJ stops her - The distraction was enough for Roode to get the upper hand - Roode methodically begins to wear JJ down - Roode locks in a sleeper but JJ gets out at the last moment - JJ begins to come back on the offensive - JJ hits his signature move The Stroke - 1………..2…………..3! - MT: EY is Free! - Taz: Yeah now the little moron can appease all of his little friends[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Jeff Jarrett Time: 7:10 Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- Ms. Brooks comes in the ring and hits JJ with a low blow - JJ is down and Roode and Brooks are assaulting JJ - HERE COMES EY WITH A CHAIR - He cleans house! - Roode and Brooks are on the outside and look scared - EY helps JJ up - HE HIT JJ WITH IT - Roode smiles on the outside - Roode, Brooks, and EY continue attacking JJ as the fans boo - MT: My God! Eric Young has sold his soul to the devil! - Taz: That’s a bit extreme there isn’t it Tenay…I love Eric Young…he’s awesome! - MT: That’s not what you were saying a minute ago! - Taz; SO![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: E+[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut to the back where JB is standing by with Team 3D - They cut the normal bland 3D promo talking about how they’re the best - Bubba makes another racial slur towards Hispanics…same ole…same ole[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C+[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]NWA Tag Team Title Match Team 3D (c) vs. The LAX vs. Scott Steiner and Tomko[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Huge Tag Team Title Match - This is being contested under tornado rules - All the men immediately begin to brawl - Cide and Bubba become the focus of the match - Bubba is working Homicide stiff - Steiner takes Hernandez into the corner and executes THE FRANKENSTEINER! - 3D hit the What’s UP on Tomko - Steiner and Tomko are arguing on the outside…they begin fighting…they fight to the back - 3D and LAX are left - Konnan trips the ref - PSYCHOSIS COMES FROM THE BACK - He hits Bubba and he hits D-Von with a chair - Hernandez hits the Border Toss and makes the cover - 1………..2………….KICKOUT - Homicide comes off the top with and elbow drop - 1………..2……………KICKOUT - What must they do to put these guys away - Konnan distracts the ref - Psychosis is back in the ring - He climbs to the top and hits a Leg Drop from the top - Konnan tells the ref to look and Cide has made the pin - 1…………2…………..3! - NEW TAG CHAMPS!!! - MT: My God…3D have been robbed of the belts[/QUOTE] [U]Winners: NEW NWA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS LAX Time: 10:32 Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]After the match all four members of LAX celebrate[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- JB is in the back with Christopher Daniels - JB: Earlier tonight “Fallen Angel” you attacked Sting…why? - CD: Rhino…tonight you are the first victim on my road to vengeance! - JB: What about Sting? - CD: ……………………………………………. - Daniels walks away - JB: It appears tonight we won’t be getting any answers from Christopher Daniels[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C-[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Rhino vs. Christopher Daniels[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- A total contrast of styles in this one - Rhino starts off strong using his power to his advantage - Rhino works the legs of Daniels to attempt to ground him - Every time Daniels begins to mount an offense Rhino puts him in his place - Rhino goes to pick Daniels up off the mat…and Daniels hits a low blow - Daniels is now in control and is hitting Rhino with everything he has - Daniels attempts to pin Rhino while using the ropes for leverage - 1………2………..KICKOUT - Daniels is frustrated - Daniels sends Rhino off the ropes and Rhino hits a Huge CLOTHESLINE! - Rhino is a house of fire - Rhino is in the corner getting Daniels set up for the Gore - Daniels stands - Rhino charges - Daniels moves and Rhino hits the ring post - Daniels turns Rhino around….LAST RITES - Followed by a BME! - 1……….2………….3! - Daniels wins…a huge win for him[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Daniels Time: 11:50 Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- Daniels is celebrating - Here comes Sting! - MT: Oh Yeah! Now we can talk about vengeance! - Sting and Daniels begin to brawl - Security tries to break it up - Sting punches out all of the members of security - These two are brawling all over the arena - They are now backstage and they are fighting in the parking lot - Sting goes to pick Daniels up - Daniels pokes him in the eye - Christopher Daniels grabs Sting and throws him headfirst through a car windshield - MT: My God! Daniels has gotten the upper hand over Sting! - Taz: That’s why Christopher Daniels is the best wrestler alive today…next to Christian Cage of course - MT: Of Course[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 5 Minutes Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage and JB is standing by with the NWA Heavyweight Champ - JB: Tonight, you Christian Cage will defend that belt against The Wrestling Machine Kurt Angle…you look a little worried there champ - CC: Shut Up JB! I’m not worried this a look of confidence! Kurt Angle the only reason you’re even here is because Christopher Daniels decided to give you a little help! You are nowhere near the athlete that I am… I’m The Instant Classic…I’m Captain Charisma…I’m…The NWA….World….Heavyweight….Champion….That’s How I Roll! - Christian walks off - JB: Christian Cage and Kurt Angle, 1 on 1 for the NWA World Heavyweight Title tonight here at Sacrifice[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Samoa Joe and AJ Styles make their way to the ring - These two have been a part of some of the biggest matches in the history of TNA - This one wasn’t as good as it should have been - The timing was all over the place - The finish came when Styles went for the Spiral Tap but Joe moved - Joe locked in the Clutch and Styles tapped almost immediately[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Samoa Joe Time: 14:31 Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]A Video is played hyping the Main Event[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match Christian Cage (c) vs. Kurt Angle Special Referee: Mick Foley[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Christian and Angle make their way to the ring along with Mick Foley - Angle starts off strong simply out wrestling The Instant Classic - Christian rolls to the outside frustrated - Christian grabs a chair and tries to bring it in but Foley tells him if he does he’ll lose the belt - Christian re-enters the ring and locks up with Angle - Christian pokes Angle in the eyes and takes control of the match - The Instant Classic begins working over the injured neck of Angle - Cage locks in a Camel Clutch trying to get Angle to tap - Angle reverses the move and stands up with Cage on his shoulders - ELECTRIC CHAIR DROP - Foley begins the 10 count as both men are down - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - Both men are up! - They are slugging it out toe to toe - Angle goes for the Angle slam but Christian slips out - UNPRETTIER - 1………..2…………….KICKOUT - Cage frustrated gets up and stomp Angle - Cage goes to the outside and grabs a chair and brings it into the ring - Foley tries to talk to Cage but he shoves him down - Christian waits for Angle to get up - Angle is up - Christian pulls the chair back - Foley grabs it - And FOLEY HITS ANGLE - Christian pins him - 1..2..3 - And a fast count - Christian is still Champ[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Still NWA Heavyweight Champion Christian Cage Time: 11:47 Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- Foley and Cage are celebrating in the ring together - MT: Dammit! Christian has outsmarted us again - Taz: The man’s a genius…you would have done it to Tenay - MT: I most certainly would not have…we’ll see you Thursday on Impact![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B[/U] [U]Final Show Rating: C+[/U]
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[QUOTE=OrangeTaco;230736]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match [b]Christian Cage (c)[/b] vs. winner of Kurt Angle vs. Sting Special Ref: Mick Foley NWA World Tag Team Title Match [b]Team 3D (c)[/b] vs. Scott Steiner and Tomko vs. LAX TNA X Division Title Match [b]Chris Sabin[/b] vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. "The Black Machismo" Jay Lethal I Quit Match - For Eric Young's Contract [b]Jeff Jarrett[/b] vs. Robert Roode Texas Death Match Chris Harris vs. [b]James Storm[/b] Rhino v. [b]"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels[/b] Samoa Joe v. [b]AJ Styles[/b] Loser Leaves TNA VKM vs. [b]Christy Hemme's Mystery Team[/b] 4 Way X Division Match @LX Shelley vs. [b]Senshi[/b] vs. The Austin Starr vs. Martyr Winner Gets A Title Shot In The Main Event Sting v. [b]Kurt Angle[/b][/QUOTE]Orange Taco wins the pick em's since he was the only one who made picks...he gets to pick the Main Event of a future Impact.
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TnaWeb2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]JIM CORNETTE FIRED![/COLOR][/SIZE] Word has been handed down from TNA management and Jim Cornette has been fired from his position as the new face of TNA management. Due to his lack of being able to keep the TNA roster in order he will be replaced. TNA management will unveil the new Director of Authority at TNA Slammiversary! [COLOR="red"][SIZE="4"]Impact Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR] This past Sunday at Sacrifice, Christian Cage retained the NWA World Heavyweight Title with help from special referee Mick Foley. Cage and Foley have promised us that they will speak this Thursday on Impact! What will Foley and Cage have to say??? Tune in to find out! At Sacrifice two championships changed hands! Jay Lethal is the new X Division Champion and The LAX are once again Tag Team Champions. This Thursday Jay Lethal will be in action against Chris Sabin as Sabin gets his return match. Also we will hear from The LAX including their newest member Psychosis. Christopher Daniels and Sting have bad blood! Daniels cost Sting a chance at the NWA World Heavyweight Title, and later Sting attacked Daniels. Daniels was able to gain the upper hand and send Sting flying face first through a window. Sting was injured as a result of this and we have no idea what sort of condition he is in. Will Sting be at Impact this week tune in to find out. Chris Harris and James Storm, the former tag team partners known as American's Most Wanted have split their first two matches against one another 1 to 1. This Thursday on Impact the feud will come to an end when the two square off in a Six Sides of Steel match. The match that AMW made famous is where this feud will end. Also in action Christy Hemme's new team, Damaja and Basham take on former NWA Tag Team Champions, The Naturals, and Rhino squares off against "The Genetic Freak" Scott Steiner. Watch Impact this Thursday on Spike TV!
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Quick Pick Em's Rhino vs. Scott Steiner Six Sides of Steel Match Chris Harris vs. James Storm Damaja and Basham vs. The Naturals X Division Title Match "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal (c) vs. Chris Sabin [B]EDIT: [/B]Tie-Breaker - Who is Raven going to recruit to be the final member of Serotonin Winner of pick em's will get to select one person to be in the King Of The Mountain Match at Slammiversary!
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Rhino vs. [B]Scott Steiner[/B] Six Sides of Steel Match [B]Chris Harris[/B] vs. James Storm Damaja and Basham vs. [B]The Naturals[/B] X Division Title Match [B]"Black Machismo" Jay Lethal (c)[/B] vs. Chris Sabin ----------- By the way - I love the idea of giving incentive for people to be involved with the diary. I might steal this idea for my ROH diary once I finish the first two shows and determine where I'm actually going with that diary. Keep up the good work.
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Banner.jpg[/IMG] Despite being courted by TNA today Chavo Guerrero Jr. signed a long-term contract extension with the WWE. The planned anti-LAX latin stable is now said to not be happening as the previous TNA booking team had planned.
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Alright brother, Ive checked it out and this is what I think. I like where you are heading with this. Its got a good, REAL, TNA feel to it. However I think you need to go away from the name abriviations i.e. JJ for Jeff Jarrett and EY for Eric Young. Just put there names out, its better that way. I do like where the stories are headed and dont get frustrated by the lack of responses in the thread. Take a look at how many times youve been viewed. Heck, in my first diary, which was a 1993 WWF diary, I had barely any responses at all, and look where I am now. Just keep going and remember, nothing is impossible in the world of professional wrestling.
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Rhino vs. [B]Scott Steiner[/B] Six Sides of Steel Match [B]Chris Harris[/B] vs. James Storm [B]Damaja and Basham[/B] vs. The Naturals X Division Title Match [B]"Black Machismo" Jay Lethal (c)[/B] vs. Chris Sabin EDIT: Tie-Breaker - Who is Raven going to recruit to be the final member of Serotonin- Hmm...I'm gonna go with a X division wrestler. Maybe Sabin?
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[QUOTE=The Stallion;231423]Alright brother, Ive checked it out and this is what I think. I like where you are heading with this. Its got a good, REAL, TNA feel to it. However I think you need to go away from the name abriviations i.e. JJ for Jeff Jarrett and EY for Eric Young. Just put there names out, its better that way. I do like where the stories are headed and dont get frustrated by the lack of responses in the thread. Take a look at how many times youve been viewed. Heck, in my first diary, which was a 1993 WWF diary, I had barely any responses at all, and look where I am now. Just keep going and remember, nothing is impossible in the world of professional wrestling.[/QUOTE]Thanks I appreciate the feedback! I was definetly going for more of "real world" feel...I didn't want to have Austin Aries drop his gimmick, make Joe champ, and do all of the other things that the internet dreams of on my first show. I'll get away from the abbreviations...I thought people preferred that to make it shorter, but when I look at it I can see that you're right. I appreciate your input!
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[QUOTE=BIGJOSH;231430]Thanks I appreciate the feedback! I was definetly going for more of "real world" feel...I didn't want to have Austin Aries drop his gimmick, make Joe champ, and do all of the other things that the internet dreams of on my first show. I appreciate your input![/QUOTE] But you DID fire and humiliate VKM, just like all the internet-fans dream about someone doing :D
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[B]Rhino[/B] vs. Scott Steiner Six Sides of Steel Match [B]Chris Harris [/B]vs. James Storm [B]Damaja and Basham[/B] vs. The Naturals X Division Title Match [B]"Black Machismo" Jay Lethal (c)[/B] vs. Chris Sabin EDIT: Tie-Breaker - Who is Raven going to recruit to be the final member of Serotonin. Shark Boy Winner of pick em's will get to select one person to be in the King Of The Mountain Match at Slammiversary!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TNASPikead3copy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]LIVE! From The Impact Zone with 1,000 fans in attendance[/COLOR][/SIZE] [QUOTE][SIZE="3"]The Show opens with a video featuring what happened in the Main Event at Sacrifice[/QUOTE] [U]1 Minute B[/U] [QUOTE]- The Music of The Instant Classic hits the arena and out come Cage and Foley - Cage: Last night I showed the world why I am The Instant Classic! I defeated one of the best wrestlers in the world today…Kurt Angle - Tenay: With a lot of help from Mick Foley might I add! - Cage: I would like to thank my Christian Coalition for having my back…except for you Steiner! You ruined our chance at taking the NWA Tag Team Titles! So you’re out! I am issuing an open invitation for anyone in the arena to join The Christian Coalition…who wants in - Foley jumps up and down in the background - Christian sees him - Cage: You want in? - Foley: You bet I do! - Cage: Since you did such an awesome job as referee last night and called the match right down the middle - Taz: That’s true! - Cage: You can join! - Foley: Awesome! I’m a part of the cool kids - Cage: Everyone in TNA…everyone better watch your backs…because we are in control![/QUOTE] [U]2 Minutes B+[/U] [QUOTE]- Kurt Angle’s music hits the arena - He comes running to the ring - Angle clotheslines Cage - Foley has left the ring - Angle jumps out of the ring and begins chasing Foley up the ramp - They run into the backstage area and the chase continues - Tenay: I think Angle wants to get his hands on Foley for screwing him out of the NWA Title - Taz: You think so genius! Let me tell you…Foley isn’t someone to play around with.[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B[/U] [B][COLOR="red"][U]Basham and Damaja w/Christy Hemme vs. The Naturals[/U][/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE]- The new tag team of Christy Hemme makes their way to the ring - They are on a mission and immediately begin taking it to the former NWA Tag Champs - The Naturals haven’t been the same since the death of their mentor Chris Candido - A glorified squash match with The Naturals getting in little offense[/QUOTE] [U]Winners: Basham and Damaja Time: 3:54 Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- Christy Hemme is in the ring and she has a mic - Hemme: My new tag team is the hottest thing in wrestling today! They got rid of those misogynistic morons VKM! - The crowd pops - Hemme: And they soon will be NWA Tag Team Champions…LAX you better watch your backs[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 minute Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- The music of LAX hits over the arena and all four members come out onto the entry stage - Konnan: Last night we beat four former big 3 boys to become the new NWA Tag Team Champions! What are 2 more North rejects going to do? Let me tell you something Christy if your boys think that they are ready then they have a match! At Slammiversary The LAX vs. Basham and Damaja for the NWA Tag Team Champions…we’re going to go 5150 all over your *** - The music of LAX hits - Tenay: Well we have our first match for Slammiversary! Christy Hemme’s team of Basham and Damaja square off against The LAX…what a huge match - Taz: You ain’t kidding Tenay![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- A video plays featuring James Mitchell - He lets everyone know that he has found his new protégé and he would be coming to TNA very soon![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D+[/U] [QUOTE]- Backstage Kevin Nash walks up to Jay Lethal - Nash: Black Machismo! - Lethal: DIG IT! - Nash: My favorite protégé! I’m so excited that you won at Sacrifice - Lethal: oooooohhhhhhhh YEAH! - Nash: Let me tell you this “Black Machismo” thing is gold - Lethal takes off the sunglasses and begins talking normal - Lethal: Yeah Kev…we accomplished what we were trying to do…don’t you think I can just go back to being me now? - Nash: If you want to put the audience to sleep! Trust me this thing is gold…we’re taking you all the way to the top - Nash walks off and Lethal looks upset[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]TNA X Division Title Match “Black Machismo Jay Lethal © vs. Chris Sabin[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- This is Chris Sabin’s return match for the X Division title - Lethal and Sabin have met one on one before but never for the X Title - A good back and forth match with lots of big moves and psychology - The finish comes when Lethal comes off the top with a double axe handle smash - Sabin is down and Lethal goes up for the Elbow Drop - He FLIES!!! - Sabin moves - Sabin has just turned this match around - Sabin goes off the ropes…but gets nailed by Sonjay Dutt with a chair - The ref didn’t see it - Lethal is up and sees Sabin down…he looks around and sees Sonjay holding a chair - Lethal makes the pin…1………..2………..3! - Lethal has successfully defended the title thanks to Sonjay Dutt - Tenay: Though I’m glad Lethal still has the title…I’m not happy with the way the match was won…and I don’t think Jay is happy either. - Taz: He should be happy he won…and I’m starting to think that Sonjay has a future in this business - Tenay: I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of these two and what’s going on between them.[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Still X Division Champion Jay Lethal Time: 9:33 Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- Christopher Daniels is backstage in a dark room - Daniels: Sting you’ve been wondering why did I attack you…why did I attack the nicest guy in wrestling? Well Sting I’m going to expose you…I’m going to expose you for what you truly are! Sting you are the worst of people…one who would stab a friend in the back to get ahead! One who has used other people to get yourself ahead! I’m going to expose you! Sting watch out…cause your days are numbered…and that’s The Gospel According To The Fallen Angel![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]- Sting sneaks up behind Daniels and nails him with a bat - Sting looks at Daniels laying on the ground and screams at him - Sting: Daniels!!! You want a war??? You got a war! - Sting walks off and the camera goes down to Daniels to see him smiling after being assaulted[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut to the back where Lance Hoyt is preparing to be interviewed by Jeremy Borash - Borash: Lance Hoyt you requested this time to make a special announcement - Hoyt: That’s right JB…I’m here to make a special request…TNA…I’ve been here a long time…I’m a former NWA Tag Team Champion, and I believe that I deserve a spot in a King of the Mountain qualifying match - Suddenly Kaz, Martyr, and Havok come around the corner and begin to beat down on Hoyt - Hoyt fights them off… - Raven comes from behind Hoyt and nails him with a Singapore Cane! - The three members of Serotonin begin to beat Hoyt down - Raven: Pick Him Up! - They pick Hoyt up - Raven: Lance…we’re here to help you…whether you want it or not! - The three members of Serotonin carry Hoyt off - Tenay: Oh My God…is this who Raven was talking about at Sacrifice? - Taz: I think so Tenay[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- The cameras cut to Scott Steiner in his locker room - Steiner: Christian you want to kick me out of your little group of morons! That’s fine with me! I’m the genetic freak! I’m the former World Heavyweight Champion! Tomko you better stay out of my way or you’ll get hurt! Rhino tonight you fall victim to The Big Bad Booty Daddy![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C+[/U] [B][U][COLOR="red"]Scott Steiner vs. Rhino[/COLOR][/U][/B] [QUOTE]- Two of the biggest men in TNA square off 1 on 1 - Rhino and Steiner begin the match by slugging it out - You didn’t expect wrestling holds did you? - Rhino sends Steiner into the ropes and hits him with the Lou Thesz press! - Rhino begins pounding on Steiner - Rhino celebrates - Steiner crawls up behind him and hits him with a low blow - Vicious power moves by Steiner on Rhino for the next minute - Tomko has just walked out onto the stage - It draws the attention of Scott Steiner - This gives Rhino time to recover - Tomko points for Steiner to turn around - Steiner turns around - GORE!!!!! - 1………2…………3! - Tenay: Rhino scores a huge win here over Scott Steiner - Taz: I don’t think Steiner is gonna be happy with the way he lost this one - Tenay: Tomko better be watching his back[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Rhino Time: 3:31 Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- Tenay: This year at Slammiversary the King of The Mountain match returns! - Taz: Oh I can’t wait Tenay! That match is going to be off the chain - Tenay: Next week qualifying begins…are you ready for this next week, right here on Impact, we have two qualifying matches. First off The newest member of The Lax Psychosis squares off against…”The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe! - Taz: Joe better be watching his back because I can guarantee you The rest of LAX will be watching this closely![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]-Tenay: And then in our Main Event 2 Time TNA Triple Crown Champion AJ Styles squares off with “The Icon” Sting! - Taz: Youth meets experience! What a Main Event! - Tenay: Folks you don’t want to miss Impact next week and you don’t want to miss what we have coming up next Six Sides of Steel Chris Harris vs. James Storm![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- Jeremy Borash is backstage with Christian Cage - Borash: Champ…where’s Mick Foley - Cage: How should I know…last I saw that lunatic Kurt Angle was chasing him out of the ring! - Borash: Christian it’s just been announced that you will be defending your belt at Slammiversary against four other men in The King of The Mountain Match…no other champion has left that match with the belt…what are your thoughts on that - Cage: I can tell you right now none of those other men were “The Instant Classic” plus when AJ beats Sting next week we’ll have an advantage…he can help me defend my belt. - Borash: You think he’ll do that? - Cage: Of course he will…if he knows what’s good for him. - Borash: You heard it here first folks…The Instant Classic doesn’t fear The King of The Mountain Match.[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/U] [COLOR="red"][B][U]Six Sides of Steel “Wildcat” Chris Harris w/Gail Kim vs. “The Tennessee Cowboy” James Storm w/ Jacquie Moore[/U][/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- These former tag team partners are set to square off in one of the most barbaric matches in wrestling…THE SIX SIDES OF STEEL! - This is going to be a fight - The men immediately begin to throw closed fist punches at each other - Harris sends Storm head first into the cage - And head first to the other side - James Storm has been busted open and he is bleeding like a stuck pig - Harris picks Storm up off the mat…he threw salt in his eyes - “The Pride of Tennessee” just tossed handcuffs in the ring to James Storm - Gail Kim saw it and she attacks Jacquie - They brawl to the back - Meanwhile Storm is twirling the handcuffs around - He puts the boots to Harris - Storm wraps the cuffs around his hand - And….BOOM….levels Harris with them - Wildcat is now busted open and bleeding - These two former partners are a bloody mess! - Storm continues to dominate for the next four minutes - Storm is finally looking to end it…he’s gonna hand cuff Wildcasts hands behind him - But wait Harris just nailed him with a low blow - Harris has the cuffs…and he just threw them out of the cage - Harris starts a flurry of offense - Here it comes…..Catatonic - 1…..2……….3! - Chris Harris has won the war - Tenay: What an amazing match! This one will go down in the record books! - Taz: An amazing match to end an amazing match - Tenay: We’ll see you next week when the King of the Mountain qualifying begins! - Impact goes off the air with Chris Harris celebrating in the ring[/QUOTE]. [U]Winner: Chris Harris Time: 10:31 Rating: C+[/U] [U]Final Rating: C+ TV Rating 17.53[/SIZE][/U]
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Please for the love of god tell me that Mitchell's new protege is Sean O'Haire! Good choice on putting Hoyt into the Seratonin... Hoyt play a very dark character named "Shadow" in Texas and you should change his name to Shadow if you ask me...
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Another very good TNA card. I like that you are following along with the current TNA storylines, but twisting them to make them your own. A lot of what you are doing mirrors what I had planned for when I start my own TNA game. I guess I will just have to rework some of my planned storylines. Good show and I cant wait for the PPV.
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TnaWeb2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"]Impact Preview[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]The qualifying matches for The King of the Mountain match begins this Thursday on Impact! In our first qualifier Samoa Joe takes on the newest member of LAX, Psychosis! Will Joe get another shot at the title or will The LAX take a step towards securing yet another belt in TNA. THen in our Main Event "The Icon" Sting steps into the ring with "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles! You can bet that Christian Cage wants AJ in The King of the Mountain match to watch his back. At Sacrifice Eric Young turned his back on his friends and Jeff Jarrett when he nailed JJ with a chair. We understand that "Showtime" Eric Young has renewed his contract with Roode Incorporated and we will hear from him this Thursday on Impact. The first match for Slammiversary has been signed it will be for the NWA Tag Team Titles when The LAX defend against Christy Hemme's team of Damaja and Basham! This Thursday we will get a preview when Damaja goes one on one with one half of the NWA Tag Team Champs Homicide. The number 1 contender to the X Division Title will be decided this Thursday in a 4 Way Elimination Match. The participants for this match will be Austin Starr, Senshi, Petey Williams, and Sonjay Dutt. You can bet "Black Machismo" will be scouting all of these men closely. Also we will hear from Kurt Angle for the first time since being screwed out of The NWA World Heavyweight Title. All this and more this Thursday on Impact on Spike TV![/SIZE]
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