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WKC - The Ayatollah Returns

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BREAKING NEWS: Chris Jericho return teaser explained!!! [IMG]http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/7233/internetam5.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="6"]BREAKING NEWS: CHRIS JERICHO RETURN TEASER EXPLAINED[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]May 3rd 2007[/SIZE][/B] For the past few days, those visiting Chris Jericho’s website have seen that the usual site header has been replaced with a new one, which shows a Canada flag and a picture of Chris Jericho alongside the text ‘The Ayatollah Returns…’ After millions of fans questioning what this will mean for the wrestling world, all questions were answered earlier today as Chris Jericho appeared at a press conference in his hometown of Tampa, Florida. [I]“It’s been nearly two years since I was last involved in the wrestling business and since then I have been working on my music and acting careers. It’s been great to just take a break from the business, regroup and focus on other things, but I feel that it’s time that I return to where it began. All of my projects from over the past few months have been cleared and, after long discussions about it with my wife, Lance Storm and a number of other close friends, the decision that I have made is set in stone. I have been in talks with both WWE and TNA over the past months, and I bet the question that you’re all dieing to ask me is, which will it be? Well the answer is… neither. While I’m a watcher of both promotions and would like the opportunity to once again wrestle for the WWE again, at the moment being on the road is just way too much for me to cope with, especially with a wife and three children. While the schedule would be a lot easier if I were to sign with TNA, I’m not sure that I can do that to Vince McMahon and everybody else in WWE that helped ‘Chris Jericho’ become a household name. So now, I bet you’re wondering, what will I be doing? Well, here’s the even more shocking part. Last month, myself and Lance Storm came to a huge decision, which I will be investing a lot of time and money in. Wrestling Kings of Canada, or WKC. It will be a Canada based promotion that will officially open within the next few months. I will be working on it with Lance who will act as the head booker of the promotion – which trust me, will do wonders for us. And don’t be fooled by the name of the promotion – if you’re expecting to see only Canada’s talent showcased, then you’re expecting wrong. Don’t get me wrong, while me and Lance hope WKC to feature some great Canadian wrestlers, we will be bringing in great wrestler from all over North America and in some cases, even from other parts of the World. Me and Lance have already contacted some great Canadian and American wrestlers from the indy scene. What kind of product should you expect? Well, I won’t reveal too much just yet, but we’ll have a little bit of everything – traditional wrestling, entertainment, pure wrestling, and a lot more. In other words, expect the unexpected!”[/I] Jericho also revealed the opening of the new site, [url]www.kingsofcanada.com[/url], which is where you’ll find all of the latest updates on WKC. Currently, it is expected that close friend Christian Cage will play a part in the federation, though no contract has been signed yet. More on this groundbreaking story as it comes.
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I've started myself off with $500,000 (even though I'll be trying to focus on this dynasty as more of a reporter point of view, rather than as a character, which won't so much involve the money point of view) and am Regional size (with 40% popularity in Ontario, where the fed is based, 30% everywhere else in Canada, 10% throughout US, and between 5% and 2% everywhere else). I didn't want to start too small because, let's face it, a name like Chris Jericho opening a fed would attract alot of attention and popularity in itself. However, I didn't want to start it too high because I enjoy working my way up and it's supposed to be less of a mainstream fed. I set the Prestige to E+, again simply because I feel that prestige would be given a boost due to the big name opening it.
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[IMG]http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/7233/internetam5.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Wrestling Kings of Canada Update, Three Workers Revealed![/SIZE] May 27th 2007[/B] Nearly a month after Chris Jericho’s bombshell announcement regarding his new wrestling federation, Wrestling Kings of Canada, Chris Jericho appeared on a local Canadian wrestling show yesterday and revealed a number of things on how his future promotion is going. Chris Jericho first responded to a question on how other promotions that had been seeking his work have responded to his big news. Jericho stated, “TNA have actually responded very well. They told me that I had no need to explain myself, and even that they’d be happy to work together with WKC in the future.” Jericho went on to explain that Lance Storm has also contacted authorities at Ring of Honor and Canadian federation Blood, Sweat and Ears, securing working agreements with them. WWE were not mentioned. Another interesting question posed to Chris Jericho was whether he had signed any contracts with wrestlers yet. “Yeah, a lot actually”, responded Jericho. “We nearly already have a full roster of workers, which pretty much speaks for itself! Myself and Lance have talked to workers from all over North America and are happy to have workers such as Andrew Martin (Test), TNA’s Robert Roode and the talented Teddy Hart on board.” Towards the end of the interview, Chris Jericho also mentioned that you can expect to see Wrestling Kings of Canada in action possibly towards the end of June or July.
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Nice name dropping, I like the way the promotion seems to be setting up so far. Test can be a really strong presence as a semi-monster or franchise heel, seeing as he's got the vitals and is pretty competent in the ring. Robert Roode should fit nicely in the midcard, whereas Teddy Hart is a hothead and problematic, but again can get it done in the ring. I'll be interested to see who else Jericho has sounded out. Good start, I'll be reading.
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WKC.com: Canadian Wrestling Announced! [CENTER][IMG]http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/1371/wkcdotcomdg1.png[/IMG] [SIZE="7"][B]WKC CANADIAN WRESTLING[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]TWO CONTENDERS ARE DECIDED![/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/5932/blackdragondv4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Vs.[/B] [IMG]http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/8290/andrewmartinek7.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR=WHITE]-[/COLOR]Black Dragon Vs. Andrew Martin[/B] [IMG]http://img520.imageshack.us/img520/975/orlandojordanik2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Vs.[/B] [IMG]http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/7806/questionmarkox5.png[/IMG] [B]Orlando Jordan Vs. ???[/B][COLOR=WHITE]------------[/COLOR] Only two people can battle to be WKC's first Heavyweight Champion, and those two competitors will be decided at Canadian Wrestling as Andrew Martin wrestles fellow Canadian wrestler Black Dragon and the former American amateur boxer and WWE superstar Orlando Jordan takes on an unnamed opponent. The two winners will face off for the WKC Heavyweight Championship in August. [B][SIZE="4"]ALSO SIGNED![/SIZE] Eric Young Vs. Robert Roode[/B] The two TNA rivals will face off in a grudge match here at Wrestling Kings of Canada! With two of Canada's finest wrestlers in the ring, this is sure to give you your money's worth! [SIZE="5"][B]PLUS AN APPEARANCE FROM THE WKC OWNER, CHRIS JERICHO![/B][/SIZE] All of this and much more will take place on Thursday July 5th, when the Wrestling Kings of Canada arrive at Ontario![/CENTER]
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WKC Canadian Wrestling [CENTER][IMG]http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/8467/wkcdg7.png[/IMG] [B]WKC CANADIAN WRESTLING[/B] [I]Thursday July 5th 2007 Held at The Serbian Hall in Ontario, in front of 1,942 people[/I][/CENTER] [B]Pre Show: Teddy Hart defeated Greg Pawluk[/B] This match had a lot of potential with the amount of talent contained in it, but Teddy Hart and Greg Pawluk didn’t seem to click whatsoever which clearly bought the quality down. Hart was pretty much all over Pawluk, but Pawluk was allowed a fair amount of offence. Teddy Hart won the match at the 7:01 mark with the Hart Attack. [B]D-[/B] [I]Teddy Hart demands that former WWE referee Jim Korderas fetch him a microphone. “Ontario, listen up! You just witnessed a future legend in action! You just witnessed a third generation member of the Hart family in action! And you just witnessed the most naturally gifted person in this entire promotion! My name is Teddy Hart, and I’m here to act as the rebirth of the legacy of the Hart family!”[/I] [B]E-[/B] [B]Pre Show: Thrill Seekers (Paul Cloud & Adam Cameron) defeated Xtreemer Than U (Ash & Xtreemo)[/B] Thrill Seekers (aka Cheech & Cloudy) are a talented American tag team that have appeared on the US and Canadian indy scene before, and had a good showing in their WKC debut albeit not as a part of the main show). Cloud got the victory over Xtreemo when he rolled him up at the 4:22 mark, using the ropes for leverage. The fans really didn’t seem happy with the ending of the match, and booed Thrill Seekers until they had gone back through the curtain. [B]D-[/B] [I]The show opens up with ‘Enemy’ by Fozzy alongside a small display featuring strobe lights and white and red spotlights representing the Canadian flag. The crowd explodes as Chris Jericho makes his way down to the ring holding the brand new WKC Heavyweight Championship. “Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for the Wrestling Kings of Canada!?!?!” Jericho smiles as the fans go crazy for him, implying that they certainly are ready. “Well I hope you are, because there’s a whole roster of wrestling superstars back there waiting to showcase their talent and blow the roof off! Which brings me to what I’ve got in my hand here... This is the Wrestling Kings of Canada Heavyweight championship, which is waiting to warm up somebody’s waist. Tonight, we will see two matches take place which will decide the two people that will battle it out for this prize right here… Andrew Martin, Black Dragon, Orlando Jordan and… well, the fourth competitor? That’s for you guys to find out, haha. Have a great night, everybody!” Chris Jericho leaves the ring and replaces Lance Storm at the announce table, sitting alongside Mike Rotch.[/I] [B]D+[/B] [B]Brent Albright defeated Nicholas Sinn[/B] These two talented guys really proved their position in WKC here. They put on an enjoyable match which was won by Brent Albright on the 8:58 mark with the One Night Stand. [B]C-[/B] [B]Rocky Romero defeated Samson[/B] It was only a matter of time before a second bad pairing was found, really, and it was found here. The match didn’t flow well due to the absolute lack of chemistry between Romero and Samson. Rocky Romero completely dominated the short match and came out on top with the Jujigatame after 4:03. [B]D-[/B] [I]Rocky Romero grabs a microphone and, in a short promo, dubs himself ‘The American Nightmare’.[/I] [B]E[/B] [B]Eric Young defeated Robert Roode via Disqualification[/B] These two TNA wrestlers put on a good showing, which was unfortunately ruined with a finish that the fans didn’t like as A-1 interfered and hit a Royal Flush Neckbreaker on the beloved Eric Young, getting Robert Roode disqualified at the 12:52 point. [B]D[/B] [I]For a second it looks as if Robert Roode is annoyed at former Team Canada teammate A-1, as if he wants an explanation as to what just transpired. Suddenly, a smile begins to crease the face of Roode and the two Canadians begin to chuckle, extended their hands to each other and sharing a handshake.[/I] [B]D-[/B] [B]Andrew Martin defeated Black Dragon; Andrew Martin earns a spot in the WKC Championship match[/B] This match seemed to last a little bit too long for what Martin could handle, but was pretty impressive nonetheless. The finish was a nice spot where Black Dragon attempted a Diving Moonsault Splash, but Andrew Martin ran out of the way and as Dragon landed on his feet, Martin responded with a devastating Big Boot on the 16:17 mark for the victory. [B]D+[/B] [I]After a short interval the fans’ attention is turned to the small screen where Andrew Martin is standing, happy about his victory over Black Dragon moments ago. “That… That was the work of a real Canadian king. That was the work of a warrior, and that was the work of a future Heavyweight Champion!”[/I] [B]C-[/B] [I]Orlando Jordan waits in the middle of the ring for his opponent, as Chris Jericho gets to his feet at the broadcasting table. “Orlando, I bet you’re wondering who your opponent for tonight is gonna be, huh? Well it’s time to find out. Ontario, without further ado, I welcome to you…” Suddenly, all of the lights in The Serbian Hall go out, and a familiar theme song hits the sound system, and the fans explode in cheers. “CHRISTIAN CAGE, IT’S CHRISTIAN CAGE!!!” screams commentator, Mike Rotch, as Captain Charisma himself walks through the curtain. Orlando Jordan has a shocked expression on his face, whereas Chris Jericho as a huge grin across his…[/I] [B]C+[/B] [B]Christian Cage defeated Orlando Jordan; Christian Cage earns a spot in the WKC Championship match[/B] Another match that seemed to last a little too long for one of it’s participants, showed by Orlando Jordan’s slowness towards the end of the match. The fans really got into the arrogent face played by Christian Cage however, and Cage got the victory at 18:08 with an Unprettier. [B]D[/B] [B]Overall Thoughts:[/B] While it was a solid show to start with, the general feeling was that many fans were expecting something of a phenomenon, which wasn’t exactly delivered. However, with a World Kings of Canada Heavyweight Champion being decided in August’s show, the fans should be able to get into WKC quickly. [B]D[/B] [QUOTE][B]Out of Character thoughts:[/B] To be honest, I was somewhat disappointed with this. I was expecting a really good match from two superstars like Christian Cage and Orlando Jordan, but I guess this is a sign telling me to make matches a little bit shorter (which I certainly will). I’m also aware that the product settings brought down the overall rating, I was unaware that with the settings that I had fans would not like cheap finishes. I’ll definitely sort that about before my next show. I was very impressed with the opening bout between Brent Albright and Nicholas Sinn, though, and I see Albright as the one to watch. And by the way, Paul Cloud is Cloudy from CZW/IWS, Adam Cameron is Cheech from CHIKARA/IWS (I felt that a stoner-like gimmick wouldn’t’ do these lads much justice so repackaged them with new names and gimmicks) and Nicholas Sinn is Sinn, former TNA superstar. Oh, and thanks to shipshirt for lending me his show layout. [URL=http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=19454]Read his MAW dynasty.[/URL] :p[/QUOTE]
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Wrestling Observer: Various WKC notes [IMG]http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/7233/internetam5.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Various WKC notes[/SIZE] July 8th 2007[/B] - Chris Jericho was reportedly happy with most of the performances on Thursday night at WKC Canadian Wrestling. - WKC.com has confirmed their second event, Slammin’ in the Sun, which will be held on Thursday 16th August. Jericho will be trying out a one hour long show this time as apposed to the one and a half hour format used for Canadian Wrestling. We already know that Christian Cage will be wrestling Andrew Martin for the WKC Heavyweight Championship. - WKC has signed 3x NWA Tag Team Champions Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas from the Naturals to Pay Per Appearance contracts. It is currently unknown whether they’ll debut at Slammin’ in the Sun. - New Canada based promotion Maple Leaf Wrestling Association has talked to Lance Storm and Chris Jericho about starting up a working agreement. WKC star Nicholas Sinn has already signed a PPA deal with MLWA. - Apparently, Lance Storm disagreed with Jericho’s decision to contact Teddy Hart, and there was a bit of a dispute about it. Lance Storm didn’t want to be associated with Hart, but Jericho saw the talent and possible stardom in the name. This is possibly why Hart wrestled the pre-show at Canadian Wrestling and was not featured as a part of the actual show.
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WKC.com: Slammin' in the Sun! [CENTER][IMG]http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/1371/wkcdotcomdg1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/2474/slammininthesuncp3.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE][B]Out of Character note:[/B] Apologies for such rapid updates, since I have my exams from Tuesday-Friday, and I'm feeling a slight touch of excitment :p (about the dynasty, that is, not the exams) I'm trying to get at least the next show up by the end of tomorrow. If I'm posting updates too fast for you to keep up with, don't worry, since I doubt there will be any major updates from me after tomorrow until towards the end of next week. ;)[/QUOTE]
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WKC Slammin' in the Sun [CENTER][IMG]http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/8467/wkcdg7.png[/IMG] [B]WKC SLAMMIN’ IN THE SUN[/B] [I]Thursday 14th August 2007 Held at The Serbian Hall in Ontario, in front of 842 people[/I][/CENTER] [B]Pre Show: Teddy Hart defeated Ash[/B] Teddy wrestled the pre-show once again, this time dominating Ash and defeating him at the 5:58 mark with the Open Hart Surgery. Not much else to say about this one. [B]D-[/B] [I]Teddy Hart continues the beating after the match, mounting Ash and delivering blow after blow. Just as Teddy proceeds to climb to the top rope, Ash’s partner Xtreemo runs to the ring armed with a steel chair to save his partner from a further beatdown, causing Teddy Hart to exit the ring before he gets his brains smashed in.[/I] [B]E-[/B] [B]The Naturals (Andy Douglas & Chase Stevens) defeated Thrill Seekers (Adam Cameron & Paul Cloud)[/B] The main show was kicked off with the debut of The Naturals, who got most of the offence in this match. Andy Douglas got the pinfall over Adam Cameron after Cameron’s head was planted into the ground with a Tornado DDT at the 8:59 mark. [B]D-[/B] [I]Andy Douglas grabs a microphone immediately after the victory, and cuts a short promo hyping up himself and Chase Stevens. Towards the end of the speech, Douglas claims, “We’re gonna add another set of tag team titles to our collection!” which causes Chris Jericho to raise an eyebrow behind the announce table and grin.[/I] [B]E+[/B] [I]The camera cuts to the back, where Christian Cage is standing isolated in a corridor, staring at the screen. “And so here it is, the night that I’ve been looking forward to since Chris talked to me about wrestling here back in May, the night that a WKC Heavyweight Champion is crowned – the night that I go home, get out the polish and add another championship to my trophy case. You see, Andrew Martin, tonight it’s not about how tall you are, tonight it’s not about how strong you are, , it’s not even about how hard you can kick me in the face – it’s about how long you can last out there, with ‘The Instant Classic’. And believe me, Andrew, it doesn’t matter whether you last ten minutes, it doesn’t matter whether you last thirty minutes, heck, it doesn’t matter if you last fifty nine minutes and fifty seconds! It doesn’t matter, because you see, either way, Christian Cage is walking out of The Serbian Hall with the WKC Heavyweight Championship around his waist. And that’s not a prediction – THAT’S A PROMISE![/I] [B]C[/B] [B]Rocky Romero defeated Jimmy Stone[/B] Another one of WKC’s less known guys was put to the test here, as he was put in the ring with ‘The American Nightmare’ Rocky Romero. Romero was on the offence for pretty much the entire match, and forced Stone to tap out on the 5:13 mark with a Lady of the Lake. [B]D-[/B] [I]A video package is played on the screen highlighting the two matches last week won by Christian Cage and Andrew Martin, where they won their places in the WKC Championship match tonight.[/I] [B]C[/B] [i]The newly formed alliance consisting of Robert Roode and A-1 is standing backstage, apparently with something to say. Robert Roode is the first to talk, “Last week, I sat down in my office, and I decided to check out what had been going on in the world of wrestling. I saw an article entitled ‘WKC Canadian Wrestling Results’, and the caption was, and I quote: “Andrew Martin and Christian Cage earn spots in WKC title match, Eric Young defeats Robert Roode…” Eric Young defeats Robert Roode? ERIC YOUNG DEFEATS ROBERT ROODE!?! Eric Young did not defeat me, I did not tap out and I was not pinned, therefore, I officially change the records to read ‘Eric Young and Robert Roode went to a no contest.’ But you want to beat Robert Roode? Is that what you want Eric Young? You want that victory on your resume? I tell you what then, next month at Unstoppable Insanity, me and A-1 will take on you and whoever you find to be your partner. You’ve got thirty days, Eric, the clock is ticking…”[/I] [B]E+[/B] [B]Brent Albright defeated Nicholas Sinn[/B] They did it again, for the second month in the row. Albright and Sinn put everything into the match, and it was Albright who got the win once again after slipping off of the shoulders of Sinn (who was preparing for a Powerbomb) rolling him up at the 10:43 mark, leaving Sinn with an enraged look on his face. [B]C-[/B] [B]Christian Cage defeated Andrew Martin; Christian Cage wins the WKC Heavyweight Championship[/B] After a great match between Brent Albright and Nicholas Sinn, Christian Cage and Andrew Martin went out there and did them one better, putting on an incredibly entertaining match which both men looked good in. Christian Cage became the first ever Wrestling Kings of Canada Heavyweight Champion after 14:56 when he hit the Unprettier on Andrew Martin for the three count. [B]C[/B] [B]Overall Thoughts:[/B] While the first half of the show wasn’t brilliant, the last two matches really showed what WKC is all about, and overall it seems as if the fans went home happy. [B]C-[/B] [QUOTE][B]Out of Character Thoughts:[/B] I was pleasantly surprised at the main event of this show, I was expecting something more around D+ after both of the matches that Christian and Andrew Martin participated in at Canadian Wrestling, so that was good. I think that was probably due to me making the match short enough for Test to handle. I was impressed with the show overall. One thing that I was slightly disappointed with was the massive drop in attendance, but I guess that could be accounted for due to me raising ticket prices by a few dollars (a little too much, clearly) and the decreasing Economy and Wrestling Industry stats. Also, I think I might need to invest in some bigger name guys over the next few months.[/QUOTE]
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Those were both fairly solid shows, but you're right, I think at the moment you're crying out for a bit more star power. There's a lot of potential in the roster so far, but right now it's just that, potential. On another point, Brent Albright seems to be doing the business for you, I've always liked Albright and was disappointed his WWE run was cut short. The Naturals are fairly good additions too, but probably aren't going to set the world alight. I like this so far though, it's got the makings of a good story, especially with a few seeds of discontent being planted between Jericho and Storm so early on.
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Wrestling Observer: WKC Monthly Update [IMG]http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/7233/internetam5.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]WKC Monthly Update[/SIZE] 17th August 2007[/B] - It seems as if fans and employees of WKC are very impressed with how Thursday's show went. - WKC's next show, Unstoppable Insanity, will take place on 13th August. WKC.com reports that a WKC Heavyweight Championship rematch between Christian Cage and Andrew Martin is scheduled to take place after last month's great performances of the two men. - WKC has come to terms on the signing of another TNA star, Jay Lethal. It is likely that he will make his debut at Unstoppable Insanity. - Look out for the implemention of Wrestling Kings of Canada Tag Team titles over the next few months. This was hinted at at Slammin' in the Sun by Andy Douglas and Chris Jericho. - After the poor attendance of WKC Slammin' in the Sun, the decision has been made to decrease ticket prices to $12. Tickets can be purchased at [url]www.kingsofcanada.com/tickets[/url].
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WKC Unstoppable Insanity [CENTER][IMG]http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/8467/wkcdg7.png[/IMG] [B]WKC UNSTOPPABLE INSANITY[/B] [I]Thursday 13th September 2007 Held at The McKay Centre in Ontario, in front of 826 people[/I][/CENTER] [B]Pre Show: Nicholas Sinn defeated Greg Pawluk[/B] It seems as if a good match was found here, as Nicholas Sinn and Greg Pawluk have decent chemistry which clearly raised the match quality. Sinn was all over Pawluk for the majority of this short match and got the pinfall at the 4:35 mark with the Hell-Bow. [B]D[/B] [I]After defeating Greg Pawluk in one-on-one action, Nicholas Sinn makes it clear that he wants another opportunity to beat Brent Albright.[/I] [B]E+[/B] [I]The main show kicks off with a video showing what happened between Christian Cage and Andrew Martin at Slammin’ in the Sun, and hyping the rematch which is set to take place tonight.[/I] [B]C-[/B] [B]Jay Lethal defeated Teddy Hart via Disqualification[/B] Jay Lethal had a good showing in his debut match here against Teddy Hart. The ending came when Rocky Romero ran to the ring with a steel chair in hand, and Teddy Hart shoved Jay Lethal into Romero and then slid out of the ring himself to avoid a beating from Romero. Hart was disqualified when Romero hit a devastating steel chair shot to Lethal at the 6:34 mark. [B]D+[/B] [I]After causing him to win his match via disqualification, Rocky Romero continues the beatdown in the center of the ring, using the steel chair and his feet to keep Lethal down. Romero then locks in the Lady of the Lake to the now barely conscious Jay Lethal, making his impact felt to the debuting star.[/I] [B]F+[/B] [B]Black Dragon defeated Adam Cameron[/B] These two guys didn’t really click well, which was shown in the quality of the match. Black Dragon had pretty much all of the offence in this one and defeated Cameron after a mere 3:47 with a Comotizer. [B]D-[/B] [I]Orlando Jordan is shown backstage on the screen above the entrance curtain, with clicking his fingers as if trying to catch somebody’s attention. “Hey Chris, Chris Jericho. Yeah, I’m talking to you. Two months ago at Canadian Wrestling, I was screwed out of a shot at the WKC Heavyweight Championship by you, and by Christian Cage. I was at a distinct advantage that night, I went into there without knowing my opponent, and heck, I damn near beat Christian Cage that night. But no, since I couldn’t defeat my opponent – who had had weeks to prepare for OJ – I’m denied a title shot, and I don’t even get booked at Slammin’ in the SUN? Listen, Jer-“. Suddenly, Orlando Jordan is cut off by Black Dragon who has just made his way to the back after a short match with Paul Cameron. “Quit your whining, Jordan, I was part of those qualifying matches too, and I didn’t prevail either. But you know what I do? Instead of running my mouth about how I deserve to be the WKC Champion, I come back, and I prove that I deserve another shot at that title!” Orlando Jordan cuts in again, “Blah blah blah, shut your damn mouth Dragon, nobody invited you into this conversation!” Just then, both men are silenced as Chris Jericho stands up behind the announcing table at ringside. “Orlando, will you pleeeease… SHUT THE HELL UP! Ya know what, you both seem to want another opportunity at that title so much, so I’ll give you both that opportunity! Tonight, Orlando Jordan will face Black Dragon in one-on-one action, and the winner will get a take on Christian Cage or Andrew Martin in October! Now OJ, if you don’t mind taking the attention off of yourself for a little while, we have a show to get on with!”[/I] [B]D+[/B] [I]A-1 and Robert Roode are both awaiting the arrival of Eric Young’s partner – if he has found one. Eric Young also waits at the bottom of the entrance ramp, as suddenly, five words are heard echoing throughout The McKay Centre in a deep, husky voice… “YOU WILL FEEL THE FOOOOOOORRRRRRCCEEEE!!!!!”[/I] [IMG]http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a168/Adinsx667/JimForce.jpg[/IMG] [I]The fans look around in confusion as a mysterious, slow, eerie remix of ‘Can You Feel It’ by The Jackson 5 begins to play. A face-painted character energetically bounds through the entrance curtain, Eric Young’s face lighting up as Robert Roode’s takes a disgusting tone. This mysterious character, announced to the fans as Jim Force, skips down the entrance ramp and quickly sliding into the ring at the same time as Eric Young, and the two begin to lay the SmackDown on Robert Roode and A-1 as the match is kicked off.[/I] [B]E-[/B] [B]Eric Young & Jim Force defeated Robert Roode & A-1[/B] While the fans seemed to appreciate the humor of Jim Force’s character, the match itself was lacking greatly as Young and Force showed absolutely no chemistry as a tag team. Robert Roode also stood out in this match. Jim Force got the three count over Robert Roode at the 7:52 mark, hitting the Full Force. [B]E+[/B] [B]Orlando Jordan defeated Black Dragon; Orlando Jordan earns a shot at the WKC Heavyweight Championship[/B] After having already wrestled a match tonight (albeit a match that lasted less than four minutes) Black Dragon seemed off his game in this one. Orlando Jordan won at the 9:45 mark after rolling up Black Dragon and using the tights to gain leverage. [B]D[/B] [I]After proving victorious earlier in the night, Eric Young is walking around backstage, looking for his partner who seems to have mysteriously disappeared. Suddenly, Young is taken out from behind by A-1, and A-1 and Robert Roode proceed to stomp a mudhole in Eric Young, leaving him down in a lonely corridor backstage.[/I] [B]E[/B] [B]Christian Cage defeated Andrew Martin to retain the WKC Heavyweight Championship[/B] For the second month in the row these men stole the show in the main event, though this one ended with a somewhat controversial finish. With the referee accidentally knocked to the ground after a failed Clothesline attempt from Christian, Andrew Martin retrieved a steel chair from under the ring and prepared to hit Christian Cage over the skull with it and steal a title victory. However, as he swung backwards, Chris Jericho – who had stood up from the announcing chair – made the save as he grabbed the frame of the chair at the peak of Martin’s swing, preventing him from smacking Christian. Andrew Martin looked round in shock, but turned his back to the WKC Champion who quickly took advantage and hit the Unprettier, retaining the WKC Heavyweight Championship at the 14:18 mark. [B]C[/B] [B]Overall Thoughts:[/B] Another solid show from Wrestling Kings of Canada which included some interesting involvement from owner Chris Jericho. The debut of Jay Lethal went well, and Cage and Martin didn’t fail to put on another great match. [B]C-[/B] [QUOTE][B]Out of Character Thoughts:[/B] Canada has FEEEELLTT THEEEEE FOOOORRRCCEE!!! lol, sorry, but it had to happen at one point or another. :p Ticket prices were better this time, but the attendance still wasn’t great since, going by the recommendations, I went down from a Very Small sized venue to a Tiny sized venue. But yeah, I was happy with how the third show went and, other than one minor point (which will be covered tomorrow) everything was fine and dandy.[/QUOTE]
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Interesting stuff so far! I like how you had one person's face light up, and the other look disgusted, lol. Pretty nice though!! The Interesting thing, is the way you layed out the whole background, with the new promotion and all. I take it your a big Jerico fan? I hope so, because I never did like him, but I missed alot of his stuff, so looking forward to seeing someone else's take on him!
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