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Important Info For All Modders RE: OWW!

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Brad Dykens wrote: [QUOTE]IMPORTANT CHANGES FOR OBSESSED WITH WRESTLING.COM Press Release: May 6, 2007 Effective immediately: NEW WEBSITE NAME: The Online World of Wrestling NEW WEBSITE URL: [url]http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com[/url] NEW WEBSITE EMAIL: [email]oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com[/email] Several years ago during OWW's infancy, I allowed someone who claimed to be my "friend" to purchase the Obsessedwithwrestling.com domain name for me because I was TOO CHEAP to do it myself. I accepted his seemingly gracious offer without thinking of future ramifications that might possibly arise. Four years later that misallocation of trust has bitten me right on the arse. This so-called "friend" always assured me that if I ever wanted to take control of the OWW domain name he would hand it over to me no questions asked. He said, and I quote "I didn't purchased to the domain for you to some day hold it hostage." Well as OWW evolved into a world wide internet phenomenon this idiot developed a false sense of self-importance. Several months ago I finally asked him to relinquish control of the domain and wouldn't ya know it the dumb ******* turned heel on me and decided to hold it hostage. Taking control of the domain was required for an important business arrangement that I was working on with a company in California called Black Pants Inc. Not being able to secure ownership of the domain name that he purchased (but I built) was putting the deal in serious jeopardy. Negotiations continued between myself and BPI and thankfully they did not hold this minor speed bump against me. They modified their proposal and we implemented a new strategy for taking "OWW" to the next level. We purchased a new domain name and renamed the site to "Online World of Wrestling." It's unfortunate that one egomaniac tried to stand in the way of OWW's growth and development, but fortunately for everyone else, the world's greatest wrestling website will continue to thrive under a new and improved moniker. Personally, I prefer the new name over the old name, as it sounds a heck of a lot more professional. Plus we get to keep the "OWW" initials! Thank you to everyone for their continued support, and I encourage everyone to help spread the word about these changes on all your respective websites, message boards, and chat rooms. Feel free to post this press release in your public forum of choice or forward it to all your wrestling fan friends. Be sure to update your bookmarks (on your browser), address books (in your email), mailing lists (to which I belong), and web links (on your websites). I have created over 30 new banners which can be used on your websites and whatnot. [url]http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/oww/linkexchange.html[/url] To all the wonderful radio shows that I have worked with over the years, please help by broadcasting this news to all your listeners for the next several weeks – unfortunately your promotional ads will have to be updated. For everybody who regularly contributes content to the website please make sure you send items to the new email address or your valuable input will be lost somewhere in cyberspace. The new address is [email]oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com[/email] - should be easy to remember! It's going to take some time to remove all remnants of the old name from the website, so I call upon you, the reader, to keep your eye open and please email me at [email]oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com[/email] if you see an image or some text that needs to be updated. For example the "Obsessed With Wrestling Hall of Fame" has been renamed to the "Online World of Wrestling Hall of Fame" - and the splash page and top banner has been redesigned. God bless you all for your support and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Together we can make sure the Online World of Wrestling takes over right where Obsessed With Wrestling left off. It will take a few months to re-establish our reputation with Google and all the other search engines. Even before this announcement was made public, the new domain was beginning to show up on randon Google searches. That's a good sign! I am confident that OWW's popularity will make for a very smooth transition. Thank you for your time and I look forward to going into the future with you! Brad Dykens: Editor & Chief - [url]www.OnlineWorldOfWrestling.com[/url][/QUOTE] I know most use the site as a reference site, dude sounds like he got shafted pretty bad.
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