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Chaos Unleashed

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[B][CENTER][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Red"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Chaos Unleashed[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [QUOTE]"Theorizing that one could time travel within his own lifetime, Dr. Sam Beckett stepped into the Quantum Leap accelerator... and vanished. He woke to find himself trapped in the past, facing mirror images that were not his own, and driven by an unknown force to change history for the better. His only guide on this journey is Al, an observer from his own time, who appears in the form of a hologram that only Sam can see and hear. And so Dr. Beckett finds himself leaping from life to life, striving to put right what once went wrong, and hoping each time that his next leap will be the leap home." Leaping through time is always full of surprises! Just yesterday I was in an old mining town in Cokeburg, Pennsylvania on the date of my birth at the exact time I was born. I drank a beer and looked in to a mirror. And what did I see? My own reflection! I soon discovered I had an opportunity to save Al’s marriage to the one woman he truly loved. Having leaped into my own body and put right a major wrong in Al’s life I felt sure I was set to leap back to my own life! Unfortunately it was not to be, this next leap was to be my longest and most bizarre yet. I awoke to find myself standing with what can only be described as a lazersword! Facing a gigantic ape monster, who looked ever-so-slightly less than friendly! Instantly my mind focused on what was going on, I was on a movie set! Of course I was! I have leaped into actors before, this was nothing new! Still the animatronics of the beast in front of me were incredibly life-like. As the creature grew nearer I quickly surveyed my surrounding, then a thought crossed my mind, if this is a movie set were the cameras? I panicked and as the huge creature gained ground and hunched ready to strike, I swept my sword at his arm, severing it from his body. If this was a movie the special effects were top notch! The severed arm slowed the creature’s assault, but didn’t stop it completely. However a few more swings of this sword and the giant ape had been reduced to a bloody carcass. I approached to examine the creature. It defiantly was a biological entity, but how is that possible? This thing is far larger then has ever been seen by mankind; surely a beast this large would have been discovered? And what about the weapon I was wielding, technology such as this exceeds anything created in my lifetime. To be honest I was beginning to get a bit perturbed as to what was going on! [CENTER][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/sci-fi%20diary/sam.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] I decided to try my hand at a sci-fi diary whilst i'm waiting for Keef moon, so i can get my multiplayer diary underway. Should be fun!
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[QUOTE]I stood there for what seemed like an eternity surveying the ancient looking landscape around me, wandering if changing Al’s past had altered his future and prevented him from becoming part of project quantum leap, I was relieved when I heard the familiar sound of Al’s hologram entering the world. I turned around and there he was. I was so glad to see him I would have hugged him if it wasn’t for the fact he’s a hologram! [B]Sam:[/B] Al, am I ever glad to see you! What the hell is going on here? Is this some kind of movie? [B]Al:[/B] Not exactly Sam, to be honest im not sure you are going to believe whats going on here! [B]Sam:[/B] How do you mean?” [B]Al:[/B] You remember the whole theory behind Quantum Leap [B]Sam:[/B] Sure every persons life is like a piece of string, you tie both ends of the string together and you have a loop, now if you ball that strin together you can move from one part of the time line to another if the strings are touching. [B]Al:[/B] That’s right Sam, but Ziggy seems to think that perhaps, there is more than one string entwined with your string? [B]Sam:[/B] Whys that? [B]Al:[/B] Because your not in the same dimension anymore! [B]Sam:[/B] What? [B]Al:[/B] That’s right, you have leaped to an alternate dimension, completely separate from the one were you lived your life! [B]Sam:[/B] well clearly in this dimension there technology is somewhat more advanced then our own [B]Al:[/B] That’s not all, I have run all the information through ziggy and it would appear that this dimension consists largely of mythical creatures! [B]Sam:[/B] what? [B]Al:[/B] Basically, Ziggy believes that there is no such thing as pure imagination, the part of the brain that psychologists used to believe was a creative section, is in fact an inter-dimensional memory section. [B]Sam[/B]: (laughing) Meaning that fairy tails are real? [B]Al:[/B] Not just fairy tails, Sci-fi novels, fantasy novels, films. Everything. [B]Sam:[/B] Your serious aren’t you. [B]Al:[/B] (pointing to the ape-like creature's remains) Take a look at that thing sam, have you ever seen one of them on earth? And that Lazer sword your holding, how do you explain that? [B]Sam:[/B] It can’t be that, there has to be another explanation, perhaps I leaped into the future again due to some genetic loop hole in the quantum leap process, like the time I leaped into the civil war. [B]Al:[/B] That’s not what this is Sam! Ziggy is 97.8% certain that the date is 2007 and this is an alternate universe, a sci-fi universe. [B]Sam[/B]: Oh boy![/QUOTE] ...
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[QUOTE]Al disappeared with the promise of more information on my mission in this time zone and whilst waiting for him i took a look around. This place seemed very strange indeed all the local wildlife seemed to be giantsized! Then out of no where a loud rumbling noise appeared i looked overhead to see a spinning disc which circled and landed softly on the ground in fornt of me. I had seen this sort of thing in countless movies, but seeing the real thing was awe-inspiring. The wonderment did not end there though as a ramp appeared from the hull of the craft. Smoke bellowed out and a figure made its way through the smoke, to my suprise it was Al! [B]Sam:[/B] Al? What the hell are you doing here? [B]Al:[/B] Don't play dumb with me Sam, i told you as soon as you had captured this creature it would be going in to the main event (he caught a glimpse of the ape corpse) what the hell, you corpsed it? How are we ever supposed build a roster around a dead ape? [B]Sam:[/B] A Roster? [B]Al:[/B] Yeah, well its kinda hard to run a wrestling fed without one, come on Sam keep up. Confused and befuddled i paused, not really sure what to say next. But then things got wierd! The sound i heard earlier, the sound of the portal to the imaging chamber, wafted through my ears. I turned around and there was another Al! How is he in two places at once? I looked up and saw the newly arrived Al walk up to the version who has disbanded from the flying saucer. Clearly the flying saucer version could not see his doppleganger. [B]Al (from the imaging chamber):[/B] Handsome devil isn't he? [B]Sam:[/B] Quit Joking Al, Whats going on? [B]Al (from the ship):[/B] Im serious, we need to get some stars together soon. [B]Al (from the imaging chamber):[/B] Having spoken to Ziggy, in this dimension your a wrestling promotor who's just started out. [B]Sam: [/B]Im a wrestling promotor? [B]Al (from the ship):[/B] you catch on quick [B]Sam:[/B] So what do i have to do? [B]Al (from the ship):[/B] Are you serious? [B]Al (from the imaging chamber): [/B]Its simple kid, you have to take this promotion to the top, that in turn give's the Sam from this dimension enough money to fund project quantum leap and work on a system to send you home. And so it came to pass that I became the head booker of GROFT wrestling. With little cash and no reputation things were going to be tough! But if i survived being a women, an ape and a mentally handicap person, im sure i would succed with this as well.[/QUOTE] ...
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Wooooooooo a Panix diary! hehehe, you havent read mine by any chance yet? Just started one last night [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23241"](cheap plug)[/URL] I'll be sticking around to see how this bad boy develops
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Panix... You don't just stop like that. I need to... I HAVE To know who your going to get in this thing! It's funny, but I really never thought about a Diary from this dataset, but now that you've started one, I can't wait to find out what happens. Any chance of keeping us updated on what's going on around the world?
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[QUOTE]I thought it was bizzarre that the other dimensional version of myself would have bought a wrestling company, in my own dimension project quantum leap was a government funded experiment based in the Nevada desert. Apparantly though the economy is such in this dimension that all scientific breakthroughs are self-funded. I still thought that a wrestling fed is an odd way to make cash, but i dug a little deeper and found out that wrestling in this dimension is a huge business. But usually it is restricted. The other version of me managed to win a license to open a fed through a game of chance, so thats how he came to own a wrestling promotion! Having spoke to Al (my dimensions version) about the ins and outs of running a wrestling federation i decidedthat the best place to start was hiring a referee, workers are scarce in Canada, but fortunatly so is competetion, i picked up the phone and spoke to a few people and offered contracts to the following people: C3PO Lee B. Crane R2D2 Nirand Mahatma Ghandi Dominic Santini Personally i hope i get Ghandi. He is a damn good ref and i can't imagine his wage demands being too high, its not as if he needs to buy food is it?[/QUOTE] ...
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[QUOTE=panix04;233698]yeah, no problem, i can keep you updated on the game world! Perhaps you could do a sci-fi diary too Chris. You would have a guarateed reader in me![/QUOTE] I'm too impatient to upload all the images and stuff to use for it. I've thought of "stealing" other's photobuckets, for my images, but that just wouldn't be right, lol. You got me all excited, when I seen this post. I thought you were going to have something down here. I do want to do a Diary, just have so much other things I "Should" be doing.. Like working on the comicbook stuff (It burned me out after 350 workers). Pluss, I have two diary's I'm especially interested in, your's and Tommy's. Also, you have another DOTT diary that stopped., What's up with that? There is also the "FORCE" Going around, that I've been trying to keep up with..... I'm like an undercover reader. I read, but don't comment mostly because someone else has already said what I was thinking. I want you guys to finish, because it helps give me (as well as other's) idea's for future diary's as well.
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I stopped the DOTT diary due to lack of feedback, plus i got swamped with coursework,. The other downside was that i knew very little about the characters i was using and i just didn't want to try and write promo's for guys based on guess work, atleast with this diary i have watched enough sci-fi to know what im talking about!
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[QUOTE][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/sci-fi%20diary/internet.jpg[/IMG] [B]card result[/B] Star Wars scores B- Deep Space 9 scores C- DCUW Superheroes scores C+ AIW Epiphany scores C Heroes scores C+ ST;DS9 Dominion Rising scores C-
[B]Key Events[/B] [I]This only includes major releases, usually just from the bigger feds.[/I] Star Wars original triology release: Grizz Fizz, Yarna D'al Gargan, Wuhur, Herni Odle Pantheon Pro wrestling release: Pan, Dionysus, Oedipus, Atlanta, Hector, Achilles, Perseus, Polyphemus the cyclops, Theseus DCUW release: Iron Munroe, Lana Lang, Fredrick Truckman, Vern MUW Release: Barn Mordo TEWF release: Nick Gloe, Nikk Rund, Adam Phoenix, Vladamire Dracos, Wrestlemaniac, Undertaker, Daniel Fenwick, Satargis Del Mer, Lous Linaris, James Casey
[B]Other News[/B] Peter Petrelli wins most powerful hero title Sylar Fired! Marvel looking for new talent.[/QUOTE]...
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[QUOTE]apparantly i have restriction in pace here as well! I have been told i'm not to sign any workers above the age of 42 and no-one who doesn't understand the basics of combat, that should make it easy to get cheap workers![/QUOTE]...
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[QUOTE][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/sci-fi%20diary/internet.jpg[/IMG] [B]card result[/B] Buffy scores C- Transformers Cybertron scores C- Dr Who tag team wrestling scores D+ Star Trek scores D+ Marvel weekly scores C+ SW original triology Subhuman race scores C+ FAOW Artemis D-
[B]Key Events[/B] [I]This only includes major releases, usually just from the bigger feds.[/I] Marvel sigh Fredrick Truckman, Baal and Female Changeling Marvel release Edwin Jarvis DC sign Vito Cornelius
[B]Other News[/B] Mr Fantastic wins Marvel title Chewbacca and Jawa shaman form team called "hands of death" .[/QUOTE]...
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;234600]Haha, Alright!! "Hands of DEATH!!" Jawa and Chewy have the "Hands of Death!"... I hope Chewy does a chokeslam on everyone!![/QUOTE] It made me chuckle too, i have visions of chewie making his way to the ring wearing a red hoodie!
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[QUOTE][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/sci-fi%20diary/internet.jpg[/IMG] [B]card result[/B] Star Wars New triology scores C- Transformers G1 scores C- Star Trek: Voyager scores C
[B]Key Events[/B] Marvel sign Sylar! Luke Skywalker! And Spike!
[B]Other News[/B] Anakin Skywalker wins Supreme chancellor title Anakin Skywalker rejects GROFT .[/QUOTE]...
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[QUOTE][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/sci-fi%20diary/internet.jpg[/IMG] [B]card result[/B] Marvel Silver scores C+ Star Trek the next generation scores C- Angel scores C Charmed scores D+ LOTR Journey scores C+ Star Trek: Voyager scores C Fly X-rated tour scores D- MST3K Weekly movie scores D-
[B]Key Events[/B]
[B]Other News[/B] Elrond wins LOTR Title Puma man wins MST3K title .[/QUOTE][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE]After putting out my feelers for the last 3 days we finally hear some word back, its from Heroes referee Nirand. He wants $750 a show, but he will referee for us. He's expensive, but we can't be too fussy! He's not asking for a downside, so if we find a cheaper ref we will use them instead. Money is something we have, well we don't have any at the moment, so shoestring is the aim of the game. Now the real fun starts, signing workers![/QUOTE][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][IMG]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g211/panix_uk04/sci-fi%20diary/internet.jpg[/IMG] [B]card result[/B] Star Trek :TNG Stay hungry scores C Destroy all monsters scores C
[B]Key Events[/B] Marvel sign Perry white
[B]Other News[/B] Ghandi rejects Groft King Caeser and Gorosaurus form new team called "team rex" Louis Linaris moves to LOTWG! [/QUOTE][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE]So after 5 days and only 2 weeks till the first show, I have finally aquired a few stars to help fill out the roster. Firstly I have managed to aquire the services of a hideous, undead, pirate by the name of Captain Barbosa, he is ageing but i think he has scope for development. My other two acquisitions are a pair of doctors from the sacred heart hospital, the are young and have bags of charisma, they are green, but they arn't asking for too much money. There names? John Doran and Chris Turk.[/QUOTE][COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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