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CZCW: Coastal Zone Fever

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[SIZE="5"][CENTER][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Coastal Zone Fever[/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE] *BRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNGGGGG* *BRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGG* Ow. F***ing hell. Had a bit of a late night last night. Did a little carousing with the boys after work, and this is the damn price I pay. There is a damn rabbit on my floor, hopping around, generally trying to eat electric wires. I don't own a rabbit. What they hell did I do last night? All I know is, I ate the worm again. *BBRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGG!* Oh right. The phone. [COLOR="Magenta"]"What the hell?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]"Sir, I would like to announce to you, that you have won the prize of a lifetime. A prize that many many would kill for here in Phoenix, Arizona. You are the new head booker, of Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"And why? I didn't ask for the job, want the job, or anything of the sort."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]"Sir, I just do what they tell me. "[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"How did they know my name?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]"Apparently, you entered the "We Have No One Better, SO Let's Have A Fan Be The Booker Contest, at last night's CZCW Spectacular!"[/COLOR] Now, I know I was [B]hammered[/B] last night. [COLOR="Magenta"]"Dude, I'm turning it down. I've got a good job here, and a good life."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]"Not anymore! We told your employers you were drinking on the job, and they bought it!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]"What the hell?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]"Hello, former XDW star Kenny K. You've been hired. Show up in... 30 minutes, and we'll discuss your future."[/COLOR] They got me fired? And how do they know I wrestled back in the day. Well, about three years ago. But that's still back in the day! You young teen punks don't notice the passage of time! Everything has a season goddamnit! Turn, Turn, Turn off the T.V. and notice the days flying by you! Aggh! Yesterday, I was helped across the street by a boy scout. What the hell is that?! I'm Twenty-One years old! Ahem. Sorry. I have the potential to be an angry old man someday. I pick up the damn rabbit. [COLOR="Magenta"]"You are now Bob. Bob The Rabbit. And you are the new colour commentator of CZCW."[/COLOR] Heh. They may give me a great job, one that I could enjoy someday. And I'm too damn prideful to let the company go to hell. But I'm not too prideful to mess with them. Bob The Rabbit, Colour Commentator extrodinare. Oh hell yeah. [COLOR="Orange"]"Get UP!"[/COLOR] Oh god! What the hell was that! [COLOR="Orange"]"Get to work soldier!"[/COLOR] "There is a man outside my window, wearing full army fatigues. Oh damn, what have I gotten myself into. I swear off all alcoholic beverages! Or at least, their consequences. [COLOR="Orange"]"Son, you've been drafted into a war. A war to be the best wrestling promotion in the world. My name is Cliff Anderson, and may I be the first to say, Welcome To The Coastal Zone!"[/COLOR]
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