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Southern Championship Class Wrestling: A New Sneer Corporation?

Guest .SVA

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Guest .SVA
[CENTER][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/SCCW2.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"][FONT="Times New Roman"][I]prologue: identification[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/SamStrong.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/ShaneSneer.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] History being made, shocking announcements, major events, storied moments and legendary catchphrases. None of this would ever happen, nor would it ever take place. At least not with whom Shane Sneer was currently associated. Not even the great Sam Strong could spring the fire back in this seemingly failed endeavor. Sneer sat in the emptied locker-room with an exhausted expression as that same Sam Strong entered. Noticing the veteran manager being in deep thoughts, Strong did not excuse himself into a conversation. ”Strong”, was Shane's first word. Sam was somewhat surprised but replied in a neutral matter. ”I leaving soon”, was Shane's next choice of words. Again a surprised expression spread across the face of Strong but this it had a concerned edge to it. Sneer explained that he had had some what of a vision, or more to say a scent, a feeling. Despite Strong's best efforts, United States Pro Wrestling was going to fail. ”Excuse me?”, a remark which came to no surprise as it was indeed a harsh statement. ”It is the truth”, a cold answer was muttered from Sneer's mouth. Strong was by now very offended as he found all of his hard work, spit on by one employed by him. Sneer compared this to his own invention, Southern Championship Class Wrestling. Except that left a mark, a scar, a memory for the fans to remember them by. USPW would not. They would fade into obscurity, fall in the shadows and finally perish into the pools of amnesia. A slapping sound roared through the empty halls of the Huntsville Fairgrounds. Shane Sneer had rolled down on the floor, with the impact of the flat slap that Sam Strong had smacked his colleague with. Strong stood with wide open eyes, a serious face and a red palm. Sneer was on the floor, holding his cheek and glowing red. The awkward story about this situation was that not anger was to be felt about Sneer. He slowly got to his feet and dusted his clothes off before sending a sinister smile to Sam Strong, a smile which sent a cold streak running down Strong's back. Shane took his bag and exitted the locker-room with Sam Strong standing back in awe. So he really is passionate about this, was Sneer's first thought as he left the building. This really was his goal. Now my venture is going to be all that more exciting, Sneer thought again with a devious smile on his face.
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Guest .SVA
[CENTER][B][I][SIZE="5"][FONT="Times New Roman"]chapter one: persuasion[/FONT][/SIZE][/I][/B] [IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/JesseChristian-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/ShaneSneer.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] "You have you're chance again, Jess", said Shane Sneer over the phone. He was talking to Jesse Christian, one of the few he had shared his recent plan with. Jesse, or Jess as Sneer had nicknamed him, had been wandering aimlessly for several years now. This was a result of SCCW demise but possibly he soon had the chance to shine again. With a sighing beginning, Jesse began to speak, "I don't know. I've been away for so long". No surprise from Sneer. This was what he had expected. A feeling of surrender was raging in his friend. He knew him well, and expected this to happen. Jess had been away for over four years now, only roughly keeping in form. But he could establish himself again. With the right partnership. "Jess", Shane began, "You are a prime key the success of what is soon going to unfold". A daring sentence but it to no extent a lie. Along with Jack Griffith, Jesse Christian had been one of the main players to hold the SCCW banner. Sneer awaited a response from Jess. A tear of sweat drooled down from his forehead, taking Shane by surprise. Was he really that nervous? "I'll be there", was the final answer from Christian. The two proceeded to say their farewells before Sneer put the phone back on the handle. Everything was going according to plan. With Jack and Jesse already in line, it would be no sweat to extend his reachings to some of the other talent that had been involved. Over the next few days, he was going to continue with his usual procedure. As of now he was no longer with USPW but instead had been generously offered a job from SWF's Rhode Island Pro Wrestling. Despite him and Nero not being the best of companions, he knew that they could easily work together. Off course, this would only be on loaned time until he had gathered enough to take the plan to a new level. The next step. The second operation. With that, Sneer entered the halls of National Pride TV's headquarters. He had a scheduled meeting there. Shane promised himself that he would show Sam Strong just how much he was capable off.
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Good start. It's refreshing to see a dynasty focussing on a character like Shane Sneer who doesn't really crop up in any significant roles in many of the works posted on this forum. The same can be said for Professor Nero, although of course him being tied down to RIPW doesn't help a great deal. Like I said, good start, I'll be reading to see where you go with it.
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Guest .SVA
[CENTER][B][I][SIZE="5"][FONT="Times New Roman"]chapter two: concerns[/FONT][/SIZE][/I][/B] [IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/SamStrong.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This could not be happening. Sam Strong leaned back in his black, leather-clad office chair. So many thoughts were going through his head. For now he regretted his recent actions. Slapping Shane Sneer was an action that was sought be reflex and anger, not be business and brain. Sneer had quit USPW and now this happened. Sneer had sent a letter, literally describing his actions. Like he wanted Strong to take up arms against them. Like he was testing him and his control over USPW. He had conversed with Danny Jillefski over this matter but no positive solution could come of it other then setting up fort and await the worst. Enclosed in letter was the following message; [INDENT][INDENT] [INDENT][I][INDENT]"Dear Sam Strong,[/INDENT] As of now, I have just visited the headquarters for National Pride TV. In my hand currently, resides a written contract which says that I now have a timeslot on Wednesday, for a television show, wrestling or otherwise. Off course, you might already have guessed that this will feature the before mentioned sport. If I recall correctly USPW also has it's television cast on that day at 7:00. The timeslot, for a one hour show, that was free for me to take hold of begins at 7:30. So, Mr. Strong, from the coming February, you better start upping the bets. You remember I briefly mentioned SCCW at our last 'encounter', right? As of now, I am gathering many of the former roster-members and prepare to relaunch the promotion exactly at the first Monday of next month. So you better bring you're best main event to date, Strong. Because that's what I'm planning on. [RIGHT]Sincerely, Shane Sneer"[/RIGHT][/I][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT] Strong let out a deep sigh. So that was his plan, huh? To bring himself into contention with USPW. He had clearly forgotten the trumph card that Strong had up his sleeve. A man of immense power, both physically and wrestling-minded. Bruce The Giant. One of the most popular performers in the world and a close friend of Sam Strong. For one who was so devious, cunning and overall intelligent Sneer sure didn't see the loopholes of his own plan. Suddenly, Sam caught a smile on his face. Maybe he had overreacted at first. Maybe he had fallen trap with the manipulation that Sneer had brought. This might just be one of those days.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest .SVA
[CENTER][B][I][FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="5"]chapter three: revelation[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/B] [IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/ShaneSneer.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Finally it all came to an end. The wait, the nerves, everything. Southern Championship Class Wrestling was going to rival the storms between USPW and DAVE, which had in the first month of 2007 escalated into a promotional battle between the two federations. Phil Vibert blamed USPW for taking opportunity of others failure as seeking new stars Danny Jifleski and Sam Strong had lured Joey Minnesota to a written contract. This turned the way for the ratings that American Wrestling was getting as Minnesota made a classic debut. Since then, DAVE had seen only darkness beyond the horizon. But DAVE was not Shane's concern. That was Vibert problem and Sneer believed that it was only Vibert own fault that he could operate a company on his own. That would not be the case for the new era of SCCW. No, the new era of SCCW would be a prosperous one. A deciding one indeed. Because his plan was already proceeding after schedule. It was almost chilling how well it was following the organized timetable, if you could mention it by that name. If this went perfectly, the debut of SCCW's new television show would be swift and sweet. A smashing debut, should Shane say so himself. His time with Rhode Island Pro Wrestling had effectively ended. But his employment there was not only because he needed to put food on the table but was another scheme in his devious, yet brilliant plan. Without much hardship he had pulled the strings to get Valiant, a prominent performer in RIPW, to bolster the ranks of SCCW. Including several other people he had employed from his own and the promotions past, the roster was shaping to be a solid and competent one. He already had plans to engage in a promotional relationship with The Stomper, seeing as how he had enjoyed the work of many former SCCW stars. So what was to delay left then to kickstart the operation and officially announce SCCW rebirth on national television? Nothing. Nothing at all. [QUOTE=.SVA]Thank you for reading this far. So this was the last "backstory"-type post as from the next post roster and other news items will flourish. The logo is credited to gbasalmon who did an awesome job at creating such a stunning logo. Also, I'd like to thank sebsplex for inspiring me to do such a diary; I hijacked his writing style totally from that old one "Tommy Cornell Goes For Broke". Thank you sebsplex and gbasalmon. Just a mention on the show reports as they will be written from Shane Sneer's point of view, again much like sebsplex reports. But I promise, no more stealing from that point on. Plagarism is the greatest form of flattery, right? Hopefully not any of you have figured out the real plan yet, if you have you are welcome to send a PM. :p Thanks to any and all readers and from here on the diary will really begin.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=.SVA;237786]Also, I'd like to thank sebsplex for inspiring me to do such a diary; I hijacked his writing style totally from that old one "Tommy Cornell Goes For Broke". Thank you sebsplex and gbasalmon. Just a mention on the show reports as they will be written from Shane Sneer's point of view, again much like sebsplex reports. But I promise, no more stealing from that point on. Plagarism is the greatest form of flattery, right? [/QUOTE] Hold on... if you're plagarising from me, what am I do here looking for ideas. ;) I miss the old 'Tommy Cornell Goes For Broke' diary. I was really on form writing that backstory and I went and carelessly overwrote the data after only three shows (only one of which I wrote up), but I hope when you're talking about the show reports, you don't mean the ones from my HGC diary... they're a bit intense! Anyway, I liked the last backstory post, I think it teased into the first event well. I'm also really liking the calculating way Sneer is being portrayed, making it seem like Strong, Jillefski, etc are all players... but it's Sneer's game. Valiant should be a solid worker to initially build around, though I'm keen to see who else is on the SCCW books. Good stuff.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest .SVA
[CENTER][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/SCCW2.png[/IMG] [I][FONT="Times New Roman"][B][SIZE="5"]the current roster[/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/I][/CENTER] [INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][QUOTE][RIGHT][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/LittleBillLebowski.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bill Lewis[/B][/RIGHT] Little Bill Lebowski is a fireplug-like fighter, who mixes speed with brawling. He is held down by his small stature, which is a shame as he's actually a pretty decent worker. In recent years he has been nurturing a new hardcore-based ring style which seems to fit him well. He first broke into the business with Southern Championship Class Wrestling, where under the name Bill Lewis he teamed with his (fictional) brother Craig "Crash" Lewis to form an enhancement-level tag team. This team has once again been reformed as of SCCW reopening but seems to be directed at a higher level then the enhancement one that it was originally destined to.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][RIGHT][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/BradyPrince.jpg[/IMG] [B]Brady Prince[/B][/RIGHT] Brady Prince is a dependable all-round wrestler. He first broke into the business with Southern Championship Class Wrestling, where he was one half of the two-time tag team champions The Maryland Alliance, alongside Buck Graham. Back then he had long blonde hair and was a 220lb high flier, and the fans took to him enough that he even had a short reign as singles champion. Nowadays he has shaved off the blonde hair, gained 30lbs of muscle, and is a much more well-rounded athlete. Despite his talents, Prince and Graham has been stated to reform their tag team as part of the new SCCW tag team division.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][RIGHT][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/BuckGraham.jpg[/IMG] [B]Buck Graham[/B][/RIGHT] Buck Graham is best known for his five year run with Shane Sneer's Southern Championship Class Wrestling, where he was one half of The Maryland Alliance, teaming with Brady Prince. The two young high fliers were popular with the fans, and managed to win the SCCW tag team titles on two occasions. Buck was always overshadowed by his more talented partner though, and once the promotion closed and the team was ended, Buck's career nose-dived dramatically. But by some strange twist of fate, Graham was one of the last signings to the new SCCW and has reformed The Maryland Alliance with partner Brady Prince although it is unknown whether this team will last.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][RIGHT][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/CraigLewis.jpg[/IMG] [B]Craig Lewis[/B][/RIGHT] Craig "Crash" Lewis is an unremarkable brawler from Maine, who got his nickname because he generally spends most matches being sent crashing to the canvas by better workers. He broke into the business with Shane Sneer's Southern Championship Class Wrestling, where under his real name he was teamed with fictional brother Bill Lewis (Little Bill Lebowski) to create an enhancement-level tag team. Despite being little more than an enhancement-level wrestler, it is said that his teaming with Little Bill Lebowski might reach new heights.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][RIGHT][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/ElijahHarris.jpg[/IMG] [B]Elijah Harris[/B][/RIGHT] "The Soul Man" Elijah Harris is a veteran wrestler from Atlanta, who has been around the southern wrestling scene for what seems like an eternity. He first came to people's attention as the streetwise heel Elijah Black in the Texas Wrestling League, but it wasn't until his five year stint with Southern Championship Class Wrestling that he became a hit, working as a slick good-time babyface under his real name. "The Soul Man" was over enough to even get a run with the SCCW title. Although he has a SCCW Championship run on his repertoire, Elijah Harris has currently been placed as a solid midcarder to bash some hardiness into the midcard division of the new SCCW.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][RIGHT][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/ErnieTurner.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ernie Turner[/B][/RIGHT] Ernie Turner is a charismatic competitor from Tennessee, who unfortunately is not anywhere near as good in the ring as he is on the microphone. Nowadays he calls himself "The Slick Pimp Daddy" and is a fan favorite, but he was very much a heel when he first broke into the business with Southern Championship Class Wrestling. Back then, from 1998 to 2003, he worked under a mask as The Assassin #2 alongside Coyote "Assassin #1" Dynamite, and won two tag team titles. Turner went back to his heelish ways upon returning to SCCW but has kept his Pimp gimmick in order to lay a straight path on his future career.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][RIGHT][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/JackGriffith.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jack Griffith[/B][/RIGHT] Jack Griffith was, at one time, one of the hottest prospects in wrestling. Debuting for Shane Sneer's Southern Championship Class Wrestling in 2000, he fast became one of their brightest stars, winning their main singles title on two occasions and showcasing great natural ability. However, backstage problems and a growing dependency on alcohol sent him into a downward spiral, and he is only just now starting to return to his old form. And to put some order into his career again Jack Griffith agreed to reutnr to the new SCCW where he has been put into the main event scene from the get-go.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][RIGHT][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/JesseChristian.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jesse Christian[/B][/RIGHT] Jesse "The Power" Christian is best known as the undoubted star of the short-lived Southern Championship Class Wrestling promotion. The former football star joined the company when it first opened, and went on to become a two time SCCW champion, as well as a tag team title holder, and was by far the company's most loved babyface. He grew disillusioned with the business though, and has been on an indefinite hiatus ever since SCCW closed its doors in 2003. But by the forces of Shane Sneer, Jesse has returned to active competition but has returned to a midcard slot. Despite being hugely over in the old SCCW, his hiats has left his popularity somewhat tarnished but he is sure to work his way up the card again.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][RIGHT][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/GarethWayne.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jorge Washington[/B][/RIGHT] Gareth Wayne is a tough brawler, originally from Kentucky. He has had many identities over his career, including The Gambler, John Doe, and most recently, "The True American" Jorge Washington, and that lack of focus is also true of his career, as he has been in many promotions but never for more than a few years at a time before heading for new pastures. In 2006 he joined WEXXV, and started working under his real name; how long he remains there is anybody's guess. It didn't last long although he has returned to one of his older gimmicks in Washington. Appearing as the on and off tag partner of Whistler, Wayne might be stated for a title run down the line.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][RIGHT][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/LazyJoe.jpg[/IMG] [B]Lazy Joe[/B][/RIGHT] Lazy Joe (Joseph Loeb) is a fairly unremarkable heavyweight brawler from Chicago. When he first broke into the business with Southern Championship Class Wrestling, he worked as the cigarette wielding Smokey Joe, an alcohol-fuelled fist fighter who was a solid midcarder for the promotion. Since the demise of SCCW in 2003, he has switched to the ring name Lazy Joe, and runs a gimmick of being a cranky insomniac. One of the few not to return to an older gimmick, Lazy Joe has stayed an insomniac.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][RIGHT][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/NewYorkRed.jpg[/IMG] [B]New York Red[/B][/RIGHT] New York Red is a character played by Kevin Taylor that is primarily associated with Southern Championship Class Wrestling. Debuting for the company at the start of 1999 (along with his brother Jonathan, who worked as a referee for the company), New York Red was an annoyingly smug heel, designed entirely to be despised by the southern fans. Red would spend three years with the company, although he never broke out of the midcard area. He has done very little since, unfortunately. Another SCCW true-born who returned to the promotion along with his brother Johnathan. Still playing his old gimmick despite being a tad old for it to work effectively.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][RIGHT][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/RickSanders.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rick Sanders[/B][/RIGHT] Rick Sanders is a mediocre technical worker. In the early 1990's, while still a rookie, he teamed up with Johnny Martin on the independent scene as "The Ace Express" and they were tipped to be the next big tag team in North America. However, they never fulfilled their potential, the team eventually slipped into inactivity, and Martin ended up becoming a major singles star in DAVE. Recently, Sanders got his first break for a while, when he was hired by New York City Wrestling. Also being a former SCCW competitor and an able performer he was a clear favorite for a position on the new SCCW roster.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][RIGHT][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/RoderickRemus.jpg[/IMG] [B]Roderick Remus[/B][/RIGHT] Roderick Remus is a fairly good cruiserweight out of South Carolina. He first broke into the business at the age of 16, lying about his age to get work for independent promotions. At that time he teamed with his twin brother Remmington as The Remus Twins; the two were considered one of the most promising young tandems around. Disaster struck in mid 2006, when Remmington destroyed his knee in a biking accident, and was forced into retirement. Roderick is now trying to make it as a singles star. In 2007, he was signed as a newcomer to SCCW along with his brother Remmington who appeared as an announcer.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][RIGHT][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/TheIdahoPunisher.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Punisher[/B][/RIGHT] Mark "The Idaho Punisher" Williams is an average brawler who is known to be a genuinely tough customer, but who has never really achieved much in the sport. The only time he has really gotten any sort of success was with Southern Championship Class Wrestling, where he was known simply as The Punisher, and had a good title-winning tag team going with Rick Sanders as The Dallas Wrecking Crew. Again another tag team reformed as Punisher and Sanders make up the bulk of the tag team division in the new SCCW.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][RIGHT][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/Valiant.jpg[/IMG] [B]Valiant[/B][/RIGHT] Valiant is a young worker who seems to have unlimited potential. With his muscular physique, long hair, and all-American smile, he is perfect for the role of babyface hero, which is how most promoters use him. After breaking through with CZCW in 2006, he caught the eye of SWF management, who saw him as a future star and quickly signed him up to a development contract, sending him to RIPW. But in 2007 Valiant shocked both SWF and RIPW when he suddenly left the developmental ground with Shane Sneer and was later grouped on the new SCCW roster.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][RIGHT][IMG]http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z185/gerbatyx/SCCW/Whistler.jpg[/IMG] [B]Whister[/B][/RIGHT] Whistler is a charismatic veteran brawler. He first came to fame in the early 1990s with Philly Power Pro Wrestling, and was with them throughout the East Coast Wars. He then headed for Southern Championship Class Wrestling, where he was a four time champion and the company's main draw. Nowadays he is best known for his work with NYCW, where he is a former two time Empire champion, and also a two time tag team champion too. Whistler has since returned to join SCCW in their reopening as a favor to Shane Sneer. He was instantly planted on the top while the promotion finds its place.[/QUOTE][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]
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Interesting roster. Nice work on making all the bios relevant, but sticking to the original content. Obviously you can pretty much tell what Valient and Griffiths will bring to the table, but I've always found Sanders is somewhat underrated as a worker. I can't recall Lazy Joe popping up too many times in dynasties, I wonder what the future holds for him... other than sleep. I do get the feeling Whistler is a main draw to be phased out over time, but you've got a reasonable starting base to work from.
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