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God's of Wrestling: The best of Indy Wrestling(Realworld)

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I like were this is going.... [B]Danielson [/B]over Hero (Because he's the best in the world) [B]Necro & Klein [/B]over Kingston and Joker (Because you have a Toby Klein video posted;-) Actually, I just like those nuts) [B]Trailer Park Boys[/B] over Pitbulls (They were my favorite Wrestling X creation) [B]Evans[/B] over Quack (Just going with gut feeling here) [B]Akuma[/B] over Red (Time to build up younger stars, not that Red's old but his better days are behind him) Claudio vs Albright (Cant pick a winner here, but would pay big $$$$ to see this matchup) [B]Banderas[/B] (He sure is becoming quite popular here in these diaries lately) Shimmer Showdown... Dont really get into women's matches, so hoping for Daizee and Lacey to decide to make out instead)
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[CENTER] [B][SIZE="2"]God's of Wrestling presents...[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="6"]HERO vs DRAGON II[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="1"]Show: God's of Wrestling's "Hero vs Dragon II" Place: Baltimore Arena, Maryland Baltimore Attendance: 5,712 [/SIZE][/B] _______________________________________ [B][SIZE="4"]Pre-liminary Dark Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/Delirious.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/SalvatoreThomaselli.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Delirious vs Salvatore Thomaselli[/SIZE][/B] Delirious manages to beat Sal Thomaselli after nailing his Chemical Imbalance II. [B]Winner: Delirious (7:56) D[/B] [COLOR="blue"]The main show kicks off with Chris Hero walking out and steping inside of the ring. He grabs the microphone away from the ring announcer...[/COLOR] [B]Chris Hero:[/B] Ladies and Gentlemen, your savior of professional wrestling has arrived, Chris Hero!! [COLOR="blue"]The crowd booos. [/COLOR] [B]Chris Hero[/B]: You know, Baltimores wrestling fans and Bryan Danielson have a lot in common. Both are cry babies that can't handle the truth. Last month, I beat American Dragon clean in the middle of the ring, I proved that I am the better wrestler but he couldn't handle it. No. He had to cry to GOW offices and demand a re-match. Well guess what, you're not getting your re-match!! That's right. I don't have to wrestle anybody who I don't want to. So tonight, I'm taking the day off, maybe catch up on my comic book reading. Who knows maybe I'll tan-- [COLOR="Blue"]Suddenly, Bryan Danielson runs out and slides into the ring. Both Danielson and Hero start brawling. GOW officals and ring crew run out and try to seperate them but they get punched out for their efforts. The brawl spills outside of the ring. They brawl around ringside and all the way back to the locker room. Tonights main event is starting to heat up!![/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]SHIMMER Showdown[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/CheerleaderMelissa.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/DaizeeHaze.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/Lacey.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/Rain.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]Cheerleader Melissa & Daizee Haze vs Minnesota Homewrecking Crew[/B][/SIZE] Melissa and Lacey start things off exchanging stiff forearms. These two stumble back into their corners and tag out to Daizee Haze and Rain. Haze impresses everyone with her agility and speed. Eventualy, Rain sends Haze near her teams corner and Lacey knees her in the back. Rain and Lacey show off their tag team skills, isolating Haze away from her partner. Lacey and Rain attempt a double clothesline but Haze ducks and tags Melissa. Cheerleader Melissa cleans house. She nails Rain and Lacey with some stiff Forearms. Melissa attempts to hit Rain with her version of the Vertebreaker but Lacey stops her and knocks her out with a TKO. Lacey covers Melissa for the 3 count. [B]Winners: Minnesota Homewrecking Crew(9:53) D+[/B] [COLOR="blue"]The arena lights dim, Percy Pringle and Ricky Banderas walk out. There's a certain chill in the air. Pringle and Banderas step inside of the ring, Banderas' eyes are rolled to the back of his head. [/COLOR] [B]Percy Pringle[/B]: Ooooooh yeeesssss!! After I was buried alive, in a cold cement grave, I thought that I would finally rest in piece. But a voice called me. He told me to guide the chosen one to greatness just like I did with many others in the past. So tonight my monster, Ricky Banderas, is ready to become the GOD of Wrestling. Ooooohhhh yeeessss!! [COLOR="blue"]"Beat It" by Michael Jackson hits. The Human Tornado walks out and steps inside of the ring. Human Tornado grabs the microphone away from Bearer.[/COLOR] [B]Human Tornado[/B]: Listen up, there's been a lot of people that have been calling Ricky Banderas an unstoppable monster. Hell, I've even heard that he's unbeatable. But to call him a GOD!? That'z just wrong, yo. If your "monster" want's a challenge than he got one, because after I beat him, I'm going to be looked at as unstopable. POOOOUUUUNNN--- [COLOR="blue"]Ricky Banderas grabs Human Tornado by his throat before he can finish mimicking Monty Brown's catchphrase. Percy Pringle steps outside of the ring as the bell sounds for this imprompteu match. [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Open Challenge[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/RickyBanderas.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/PaulBearer.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/HumanTornado.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Ricky Banderas w/Percy Pringle vs The Human Tornado[/SIZE][/B] Banderas chokes away at his opponent. Human Tornado tries to fight his way out of the hold but Banderas no sells all of his strikes. Ricky Banderas hits a Sit-Out Chokebomb on Tornado. 1...2..3. [B]Winner: Ricky Banderas (0:30) D-[/B] [COLOR="blue"] Ricky Banderas picks up Tornado and hits another Chokebomb on him. Human Tornado is motionless. Banderas slides out of the ring and grabs a chair. He places the chair around Tornado's neck and attempts to stomp it when Roderick Strong runs out and saves him. Strong rolls Tornado out of the ring and grabs the microphone.[/COLOR] [B]Roderick Strong[/B]: Instead of tossing someone half your size around the ring, why don't you accept a real challenge?! Why don't you take on someone your own size, like me!!! [COLOR="blue"]Banderas stares Strong down then grabs him by the throat as well. Strong kicks Banderas low, causing him to let go. The referee calls for the opening bell. [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Open Challenge[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/RickyBanderas.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/PaulBearer.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/RoderickStrong.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Ricky Banderas w/ Percy Pringle vs Roderick Strong[/SIZE][/B] Strong clubs away at Banderas but it seems to have no effect on this monster. Strong hits the ropes and nails Banderas with a Running Yakuza Kick, Ricky Banderas doesn't even budge. Strong hits the ropes again for yet another Yakuza kick but Banderas nails him with a Clothesline. Ricky Banderas grabs Strong by his throat and hits a Sit-out Chokebomb. 1...2...3. [B]Winner: Ricky Banderas (3:05) D+[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Percy Pringle slides inside of the ring and celebrates with his monster. Ricky Banderas rolls his eyes to the back of his head as the lights dim. They make their way to the back, happy with their destruction.[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Singles Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/ClaudioCastagnoli.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/BrentAlbright.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Claudio Castagnoli vs "The Crippler" Brent Albright[/SIZE][/B] These two put on a mat wrestling clinic to start things off. The match quickly breaks down into vicious strikes. Both men nailing each other as hard as they can, trying to take each other off of their feet. Albright attempts to clotheslines Castagnoli's head off but he ducks and knocks the Crippler down with a European Uppercut. Castagnoli grounds Albright with some chokes and stomps. Albright tries to fight back but gets another European Uppercut for his trouble. Castagnoli snapmares Albright so that he's seated, then rights the ropes and nails a running European Uppercut. Claudio grabs onto a Chinlock. Albright fights out of the hold and hits a Belly to Back Suplex. Albright is on fire. He nails a flury of Clotheslines and Back Elbows, knocking Claudio all over the ring. Brent catches Claudio with an Overhead Exploder Suplex then locks on the Cripplers Crossface. Castagnoli tries to fight his way out of the submission but eventualy taps out. [B]Winner: Brent Albright (19:39) C+[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Singles Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/TheAmazingRed.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/GranAkuma.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]The Amazing Red vs Akuma[/SIZE][/B] This match starts off at a fast pace. Red takes to the sky, taking Akuma down with various Headscissors and Hurricanaranas. Red attempts a quick standing Shooting Star Press but Akuma gets his knees up. Red holds onto his ribs in a kneeling position when Akuma kicks his head off. Akuma is on the offensive side, using his vicious kicks to his advantage. Red fights back and nails Akuma with a Tornado Flatlinner. 1...2..kickout!! Red kicks Akuma off of his feet and nails a Standing Shooting Star Press. 1...2...kickout!! Amaizng Red can't believe it. Red kicks Akuma in the mid-section and attempts his Cod Red, Akuma counters it into a Powerbomb. Red pops up to his feet after being Powerbombed then gets hit with a Falcon's Arrow. 1...2...3!! [B]Winner: Akuma (19:42) C[/B] [B] [SIZE="5"] Intermission [/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Fans are treated to a special viewing of "Truffle Shuffle: The Musical" during intermission. When GOW return we will see "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush take on Jack Evans in a Highrisk Showcase, Havana Pitbulls vs Trailer Park Boyz, Necro Butcher & Toby Klein vs The BLK Out in a Tag Team Grudge match plus our main event, Dragon vs Hero II!! [/COLOR] [SIZE="5"] [B]TO BE CONTINUED[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Singles Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/MikeQuackenbush.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/JackEvans.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]"Lightning" Mike Quackenbush vs "Prince of Parkland" Jack Evans[/SIZE][/B] This match starts off at a lightning pace. Quackenbush uses his lucha offense to stay ontop of Evans. The Prince of Parkland quickly takes control of the match after hitting Quack with a Cyclone Dragon Kick. Evans gets some impressive near falls, especialy when he hit the standing Phoenix Splash. Quack manages to toss Evans out of the ring, then hit a Halo Dive onto the outside. Quack tosses Evans back into the ring but gets stomped in his way in. Jack Evans goes to the top and attempts a 450 but Quackenbush rolls out of the way. Mike Quackenbush hits his Quackendriver II. 1..2...3!! [B]Winner: Mike Quackenbush(24:59) C[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Tag Team Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/RockyRomero.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/RickyReyes.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/natewebb.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/JoshAbercrombie.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Havana Pitbulls vs Trailer Park Boyz[/SIZE][/B] Trailer Park Boyz ambush the Pitbulls before the bell sounded. They focus their attack on Rocky Romero. Abercrombie and Webb isolate Romero away from his corner, using quick tags and impressive double team moves. Romero fights back and manages to Double Clothesline both of the Trailer Park Boyz. Romero tags out to Reyes. Ricky Reyes is a house of fire. Reyes nails Abercrombie and Webb with a flurry of clotheslines and elbows. Reyes Overhead Suplexs Abercrombie then hits an Exploder on Webb. 1...2..Kickout. Reyes calls for the end. He sets Webb on the top and calls for his Fisherman Buster. Suddenly, former XPW Champion, "White Trash" Johnny Webb runs out and knocks Reyes out with his Walking Cane. Webb pins him. 1...2...3!! [B]Winners: Trailer Park Boyz(19:41) C[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Afterwards, Josh Abercrombie, Nate Webb and "White Trash" Johnny Webb celebrates. They walk to the back as the top GOW tag team. [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Tag Team Grudge Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/EddieKingston.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/Joker.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/tobyklein.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/NecroButcher.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]The BLK Outs vs "Mr. Insanity" Toby Klein & Necro Butcher[/SIZE][/B] This match is an all-out brawl. Both teams find their way brawling around ringside, using whatever they can get their hands on as a weapon. Butcher tosses Kingston over the guardrail and whips him into a section of chairs. Meanwhile, Klein and Joker are exchanging stiff punches by the enterance ramp. Klein knees Joker in the mid-section then nails a Suplex on the enterance ramp. The fight becomes even more violent when Joker takes out a fork from his boot and stabs Mr. Insanity in the forehead, busting him wide open. Kingston and Necro are hitting each other with dueling Chairshots in the crowd. It seems nether men is getting the upperhand. Kingston kicks Necro across the head before he can hit him with another Chairshot, then rams his head into the arena's wall. Kingston grabs the merchandise table and clears it and sets it up below the balconey. Necro nails Kingston from behind with another Chairshot, then places him ontop of the table. Butcher climbs to the top of the Balconey. The crowd is in awe. Necro Butcher leaps but unfortunately, Kingston rolls off of the table, Butcher crashing through the table, he's lifeless. Kingston covers him. 1...2...3!! [B]Winners: The BLK Outs(14:45) C[/B] [COLOR="blue"]It is time for our main event. Before the ring announce could announce the final matchup, Chris Hero and Bryan Danielson brawl out from the back. They make their way brawling into the ring. The referee calls for the bell.[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Hero vs Dragon II[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/ChrisHero.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/BryanDanielson2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]"The Savior of Professional Wrestling" Chris Hero vs "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson[/SIZE][/B] Danielson and Hero brawl from post to post. They exchange stiff chops and headbutts. Danielson gets the upperhand and nails Hero with an impressive Dropkick. Danielson takes control of the match, schooling Hero. Suddenly, Hero catches Danielson with a Roaring Forearm, knocking him to the ground. Hero gets ontop and nails Danielson with a flurry of punches. Hero stomps away at his opponent, trying to keep him down. Danielson fights back but gets a kneed for his troubles. Hero puts American Dragon in a Cravat. Danielson fades out. The referee checks his hand, it drops. 1! He checks again, it drops. 2! He checks one last time, it dro--no Dragon is still alive!! Bryan Danielson gets up and elbows his way out of the Cravat. He nails Hero with some Clotheslines. Dragon lifts Hero onto his shoulders and hits an Airplane Spin. Hero is motionless in the middle of the ring, Danielson climbs to the top and hits a Diving Headbutt. 1...2...Kickout. Danielson attempts a Dragon suplex but Hero counters it and hits his Hero's Welcome. 1...2..Kickout!! Hero can't believe it. Dragon and Hero exchange punches from their knees. They get to their feet and hit each other with stiff Forearms. Hero attempts a Roaring Forearm but Danielson ducks and Hero accidentaly hits the referee. Hero turns and nails Danielson with a Yakuza Kick. The Savior of Pro Wrestling reaches into his tights and pulls out a pair of brass knuckles. He waits untill Dragon gets to his feet and swings, Dragon ducks. Danielson takes the Brass Knuckles away from Hero and Knocks him out with it. Dragon hits a Dragon Suplex right after, 1..2...3!! [B]Winner: Bryan Danielson(29:39) B+[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Final Rating: C+[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER][/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [SIZE="3"][B][COLOR="Blue"]God's of Wrestling presents...[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE="5"]Before Honor...[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Before Glory...[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="5"]Before Pride...[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="5"][B]There is the quest to be a....[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/gowtitle.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]Champion[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]The Quest begins in 2 weeks... [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE]This stuff is great. Bring in the Briscoes and gets some tag belts too! Remember Quack vs. Red![/QUOTE] Thnk for the reply. I want to slowly introduce titles into GOW but you can be sure that there'll be Tag Titles in the future. As for Quack vs Red, you never know...keep on reading...:D
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[CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"]God's of Wrestling Offical Website[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]On the heels of GOW's latest event, a teaser has been released all over the internet hyping a quest for the GOW Championship. Well we'd like to officaly confirm that the next God's of Wrestling event will be a 2-day Tournament to crown the first ever God of Wrestling Champion. The God of Wrestling Championship will be fought under no weight class, therefore anyone from Jack Evans to Ricky Banderas may compete for the title. The title must be defended at least once every 3 months or the champion will be striped. The championship cannot change hands on DQ or Countout, there must be either a submission or pinfall for an offical title change. We here at GOW wish everyone involved in the tournament the best of luck. Just like every other event, we will slowly reveal the matches for this two day event. Today we are going to reveal two hard hitting first round matches....[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/match2-2.jpg[/IMG] [B]First Round Match for the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/B] [COLOR="red"]"Lightning" Mike Quackenbush vs Akuma[/COLOR] It's Teacher vs Student, in what will be an all-out war. These two have had their differences in CHIKARA, Akuma being in the Kings of Wrestling stable while Quackenbush sticking along side his fellow CHIKARA students. Although these two have battled before, there is still a lot of bad blood and unfinished business between the two of them. This is gonna be an all-out war and it's only the first round. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/match1-2.jpg[/IMG] [B]First Round Match for the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/B] [COLOR="Red"]The Joker vs "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson[/COLOR] Danielson found his redemption against Chris Hero at GOW's last event. Although the Brass Knuckles came into play again, Danielson gave Hero a taste of his own medicine. Joker was also succesful in his GOW wrestling debut. Joker along with Eddie Kingston managed to survive in a Tag Team Grudge Match against Necro Butcher and Toby Klein. Both Joker and Danielson are coming off of big wins, who will be able to keep the momentum going and advance from the first round? [B][SIZE="4"]The Quest to become a God begins...[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [B][U]God's of Wrestling Offical Website[/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Two matches were announced for the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament, Bryan Danielson vs Joker & Akuma vs Mike Quackenbush. Today, we're going to announce two more matches for Night 1 of the Tournament. [/COLOR] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/match4-2.jpg[/IMG] [B]First Round Match for the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/B] [COLOR="Red"]"The Prince of Parkland" Jack Evans vs The Amazing Red[/COLOR] Both men are coming off of losses so a win here is a must not just to advance in the tournament but to keep their value high. Evans and Red both enjoy using a high risk style so you can be assured that this match will be non-stop filled with action. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/match3-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]First Round Match for the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/B] [COLOR="red"]Eddie Kingston vs Necro Butcher[/COLOR] These two men just plain out hate each other. Since day 1 in GOW, they have been at each others throats. This won't be a wrestling match, you can count on that, it's going to be an all-out brawl. But will these two kill each other before even reaching into the second round?![/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [B][U][SIZE="4"]God's of Wrestling Offical Website[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Night 1 of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament is looking to be jammed packed with great matches. Already signed for the Tournament: Bryan Danielson vs Joker Mike Quackenbush vs Akuma Amazing Red vs Jack Evans Eddie Kingston vs Necro Butcher Tonight, we're ready to reveal two more First Round Tournament matches and these two matches involve some of GOW's top superstars.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/match6-2.jpg[/IMG] [B]First Round Match for the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/B] [COLOR="Red"]"The Crippler" Brent Albright vs Delirious[/COLOR] Brent Albright is on a quest to find a wrestler who is good enough to beat him at his obsession, wrestling. Delirious has a unique style that nobody can be prepared for. It's a traditional wrestler vs a new unique breed of wrestler, styles will clash but only one man will continue his quest. [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/match5-2.jpg[/IMG] [B]First Round Match for the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/B] [COLOR="red"]"Mr. Insanity" Toby Klein vs Chris Hero[/COLOR] Chris Hero managed to pull out a victory during GOW's first show, defeating Bryan Danielson. Ever since then Hero and Danielson have been at each others throats. Toby Klein was introduced into GOW as Necro Butcher's tag team partner. Unfortunately, Klein was unsuccessful in his debut and lost to the BLK Outs. Another styles clashing match but you can be dead sure that this match will be hard hitting. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [B][SIZE="4"][U]God's of Wrestling Offical Website[/U][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]We're less than a week away from the quest to crown a Champion. The majority of the card for Night 1 has been announced, tonight we're going to announce the final two matches. But before we do, let's re-cap what's already been revealed... Bryan Danielson vs Joker Mike Quackenbush vs Akuma Amazing Red vs Jack Evans Eddie Kingston vs Necro Butcher Brent Albright vs Delirious Toby Klein vs Chris Hero Here are the final two matches for Night 1 of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament...[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/match8-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Fatal 4-Way Wild Card Match[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Davey Richards vs Cheerleader Melissa vs Sterling James Keenan vs Tyler Black[/COLOR] Ever since GOW announced this 2 Night Tournament, wrestlers from around North America have been trying to get into the tournament. So GOW has decided to debut 3 new wrestlers and throw in an unexpected GOW competitor and have a Wild Card match. All 4 wrestlers have something to prove. [B]Davey Richards[/B] [B]Cheerleader Melissa[/B] [B]Sterling James Keenan[/B] [B]Tyler Black[/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/match7-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]First Round Match for the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/B] [COLOR="red"]Claudio Castagnoli vs Ricky Banderas[/COLOR] "The Monster" Ricky Banderas made his in-ring debut during the last GOW show, destroying both Human Tornado and Roderick Strong. Dubbed as a God of Professional Wrestling, could Percy Pringle lead his monster to the finals of the tournament?[/CENTER]
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[QUOTE]What mod and pic packs are you using, I didn't see it on the first page?[/QUOTE] I believe I am using the new T-Zone 2007 mod, I just added GOW as a promotion and signed various indy stars during in-game time. The pics are an assortment which I found on the net spanning from the last TEW. Hope that helps.
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Still loving this diary, great Indy fed, hoping to take wrestling world by storm feel to it... Tourney matches I'm liking Danielson, Akuma, Evans, Kingston, Albright, Hero and Banderas (even though I'm a huge Double C fan) to come out as winners... Richards should take that 4way wildcard match...
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[CENTER] [B][SIZE="5"]God's of Wrestling presents... The Quest.... Part 1[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Show: God's of Wrestling's "The Quest: Part 1" Place: Rochester, New York Attendance: 5, 811 _____________________________________________[/SIZE][/B] [COLOR="blue"]To kick off the tournament, each participant is called inside of the ring. Bryan Danielson, Chris Hero, Necro Butcher, Eddie Kingston, Joker, Ricky Banderas, Claudio Castagnoli, Mike Quackenbush, Jack Evans, Akuma, Toby Klein, Amazing Red, Cheerleader Melissa, Davey Richards, Sterling James Keenan, Tyler Black, Brent Albright, and Delirious all make their way down to ringside. They pose for an offical tournament picture. Each wrestler is forced to shake each others hand. After the opening ceremony is done, they make their way to the back so that the tournament can officaly start. [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]First Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament Fatal 4-Way Wild Card Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/CheerleaderMelissa.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/tylerblackwsk.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/daveyrichards.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/SterlingJamesKeenan.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Cheerleader Melissa vs Tyler Black vs Davey Richards vs Sterling James Keenan[/SIZE][/B] The match starts off as a tag format but quickly dissolves into an all out brawl. Cheerleader Melissa manages to eliminate Tyler Black first with her version of the Vertebreaker. James Keenan attempts to hit a Top Rope Belly-to-Back Suplex on Cheerleader Melissa but she counters it and hits him with a second rope Vertebreaker. 1...2...3. Sterling James Keenan is eliminated. Davey Richards and Cheerleader Melissa are the final two. They exchange stiff Forearm shots. Richards gets the upperhand and nails a flurry of kicks to her head and ends it with a Standing Lariat. 1..2...Kick Out!! Cheerleader Melissa shows her fighting spirit by getting back up and nailing Richards with a Lariat of her own. 1...2..Kickout!! Melissa attempts her Vertebreaker on Richards but he counters it and nails her with a Lung Buster, she pops back onto her feet from impact and gets nailed with another Lariat. 1...2...3!! Davey Richards wins the wild card match. [B]Winner: Davey Richards(14:37) C-[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]First Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/BrentAlbright.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/Delirious.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]"The Crippler" Brent Albright vs Delirious[/SIZE][/B] Delirious runs around ringside, yelling in his own tounge. Albright slides to the outside and catches him with a Yakuza Kick. Brent Albright dominates the match, keeping Delirious grounded. Delirious tries to fight back but the Crippler stops his momentum every time. Albright misses an elbow drop and gets hit with a flurry of clotheslines. Delirious hits his Shadows Over Hell. 1...2..Kick Out!! Delirious signals for a Sliced Bread but Albright pushes into face first into the turnbuckle, the masked wrestler stumbles back into a German Suplex. Albright quickly applies a Crossface Submission. Delirious taps out. [B]Winner: Brent Albright (15:12) C[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]First Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/ClaudioCastagnoli.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/RickyBanderas.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/PaulBearer.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Claudio Castagnoli vs Ricky Banderas w/Percy Pringle[/SIZE][/B] Claudio immediately jumps the Monster the second he steps inside of the ring. Claudio Castagnoli nails him with some European Uppercuts but it seems that they have no effect on Banderas. Ricky Banderas nails Claudio with a Big Boot, nearly knocking him out. The Monster grabs Claudio by his throat and nails a Sit-Out Chokebomb. 1...2..3!! [B]Winner: Ricky Banderas(5:36) C[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]The Havana Pitbulls, Rocky Romero and Ricky Reyes makes their way towards ringside. Rocky Romero grabs the microphone away from the ring announcer. They don't look too happy. [/COLOR] [B]Rocky Romero:[/B] Trailer Park Boyz, you cowards, you had to call a white piece of trash to interfere in our match to beat us. We're the most dominant tag team in GOW and we're ready to prove it. Get your asses out here so we can rip you apart piece by piece!!! [COLOR="blue"]The Iron Saints walk out instead. They step inside of the ring and stand face to face with the Pitbulls.[/COLOR] [B]Vito Thomaselli:[/B] It seems to us that everyone has forgotten about a certain tag team. If you haven't noticed my brother, Salvatore Thomaselli and myself consist of a little tag team called the Iron Saints. If you're going to prove who really is the most dominant tag team in GOW, you gotta include us... [COLOR="blue"]Rocky Romero and Ricky Reyes shove the Iron Saints.[/COLOR] [B]Rockey Romero[/B]: This isn't your fight! So get out of our face before we kick your ass!! [COLOR="blue"]The Iron Saints and Havana Pitbulls start brawling. The two teams exchange fists and forearms. Suddenly, the Trailer Park Boyz run out and nail both Salvatore and Vito Thomaselli over the back with Walking Canes. The Iron Saints fall to the ground. Reyes and Romero chase Nate Webb and Josh Abercrombie out of the ring and to the back. It seems that this war is far from over. [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]First Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/MikeQuackenbush.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/GranAkuma.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]"Lightning" Mike Quackenbush vs Akuma[/SIZE][/B] This match starts off with some great Lucha action. Quackenbush uses his speed and agility to wow the crowd and take his opponent off of his game. Akuma nails Quack across the head with a Stiff Kick. Akuma uses his strong style to beat down his opponent with stiff kicks and chops. Akuma slams Quack in the center of the ring and nails a Frog Splash. 1..2...Kickout!! Quackenbush fights back and catches Akuma with a quick Hurricanrana. 1..2...3!! [B]Winner: Mike Quackenbush(18:23) C+[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]First Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/BryanDanielson2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/Joker.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson vs The Joker[/SIZE][/B] Joker stands tall against Danielson and nails him with some stiff forearms. Danielson returns the favor with some forearms of his own. American Dragon gets the upperhand and knocks Joker down. Dragon attempts an airplane spin but Joker rakes his eyes. The Joker pounds away at Danielson, trying to keep him grounded. Joker gets a few near falls but he cant seem to put him away. Joker attempts a Running Yakuza Kick but Danielson ducks and hits a Dragon Suplex. American Dragon quickly applies the Arms Across America submission. Joker immediately taps out. [B]Winner: Bryan Danielson(19:42) C+[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]First Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/TheAmazingRed.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/JackEvans.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]The Amazing Red vs "The Prince of Parkland" Jack Evans[/SIZE][/B] This match is filled with non-stop action. Both men are giving 100% and going full speed. Evans tosses Red to the outside and nails a Double Moonsault to the outside. Evans tosses Red back inside of the ring but only gets a 2 count. Evans dominates, using some impressive offense to keep Red down. Jack Evans charges at Amazing Red but he ducks and the Prince of Parkland gets dumped to the outside. Amazing Red hits a Running No-Hands Halo Dive to the outside. Red tosses Evans back inside but only gets a 2. Evans clotheslines Red and goes to the top for his 630 Splash. Red rolls out of the way and Evans comes crashing down. Amazing Red hits his Code Red. 1...2...3!! [B]Winner: Amazing Red(20:32) B-[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]The GOW Jumbo Tron flares on. The Trailer Park Boyz: Nate Webb, Josh Abercrombie and "White Trash" Johnny Webb are backstage. [/COLOR] [B]Johnny Webb:[/B] Havana Pitbulls, you be dang god crazy. You call out my boys? We are the top tag team up in dis here company. We just about beat all of dem' tag teams and if you want a fight then look no further, ya hear. Tomorrow, Part 2 of this here Quest, we be havin' a good ol' Tri-angle Tag Team match to finally settle who just be the top tag team in dis ol' hootenany. [B][SIZE="4"]First Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/ChrisHero.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/tobyklein.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Chris Hero vs "Mr. Insanity" Toby Klein[/SIZE][/B] Both men exchange stiff chops. Klein nails Hero with a stiff headbutt, getting the upperhand. Toby Klein nails Hero with some impressive strikes inside of the ring. Klein attempts to a DVD but Hero elbows his way out of it. Hero applies a Cravat and nails a Cravat Suplex. Chris Hero mounts Toby Klein and starts pounding away at his head. The Saviour of Professional Wrestling uses some ilegal chokes behind the referee's back. Hero tosses Klein into the corner and hits a Hero's Sidekick. 1...2..Kickout. Hero calls for the Hero's Welcome but Klein counters it into a Reverse Suplex. 1...2...Kickout. Toby Klein is a house of fire. Mr. Insanity nails a stiff clothesline. Klein hits a Back Suplex Driver. 1...2...Kickout!! Toby Klein lifts Chris Hero up on his shoulders for a DVD but the Saviour of Pro Wrestling reaches into his tights and pulls out a pair of Brass Knuckles. Hero nails Klein with the Brass Knuckles. Chris Hero pins him. 1...2...3!! [B]Winner: Chris Hero(24:12) C+[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]First Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/NecroButcher.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/EddieKingston.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Necro Butcher vs Eddie Kingston[/SIZE][/B] Necro Butcher and Eddie Kingston immediately brawl outside of the ring. They fight along ringside, busting each other open early on with chair shots. Butcher tosses Kingston into a row of chairs then starts throwing chairs at the fallen Kingston. Eddie Kingston tries to cover-up. Kingston hits Necro with a big Knee Lift. These two brawl their way up to the top of the balconey. Both men nearly get tossed over the balconey onto the solid ground. They brawl all the way down from the balconey and back inside of the ring. Kingston nails Butcher with a Yakuza Kick. 1...2...Kickout. Kingston hits a Back Suplex Driver. 1...2..Kickout. Eddie Kingston cant believe it. He lifts up a motionless Necro Butcher and hits a Brainbuster. 1...2..Kickout!! Necro Butcher will not die!! Eddie Kingston takes off his elbow pad and signals for a LARIAT!! Eddie Kingston charges towards Necro but he ducks. Butcher kicks Kingston in the mid-section and hits a Tiger Driver ontop of Kingstons head. 1...2...3!! Necro Butcher advances!! [B]Winner: Necro Butcher(28:23) B[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Final Rating: C-[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]Last night, we witnessed the first round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament. Tonight, one man will leave as a champion and a God. [/COLOR] [B]Second Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Chris Hero vs Necro Butcher[/COLOR] [B]Second Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/B] [COLOR="red"]"Lightning" Mike Quackenbush vs The Amazing Red[/COLOR] [B]Second Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/B] [COLOR="red"]Ricky Banderas w/Percy Pringle vs Davey Richards[/COLOR] [B]Second Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/B] [COLOR="red"]"The Crippler" Brent Albright vs "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson[/COLOR] [B]Special Attraction Match: Tag Team Tri-angle Match[/B] [COLOR="red"]Trailer Park Boyz w/"White Trash" Johnny Webb vs The Havana Pitbulls vs The Iron Saints[/COLOR] [B]Also the conclusion of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament...[/B][/CENTER]
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Second Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament [B]Chris Hero[/B] vs Necro Butcher Second Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament "Lightning" [B]Mike Quackenbush[/B] vs The Amazing Red Second Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament [B]Ricky Banderas[/B] w/Percy Pringle vs Davey Richards Second Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament "The Crippler" Brent Albright vs [B]"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson[/B] Special Attraction Match: Tag Team Tri-angle Match Trailer Park Boyz w/"White Trash" Johnny Webb vs [B]The Havana Pitbulls [/B]vs The Iron Saints Hero over Quack, Bryan over Ricky, and then the wold explodes do to there being to many good matches on the card. I really have no idea for te finals. I will go with Hero.
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[CENTER] [B][SIZE="6"]God's of Wrestling presents... The Quest.... Part 2[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Show: God's of Wrestling's "The Quest: Part 2" Place: Bradley Center Attendance: 6,658[/SIZE][/B] _____________________________________________ [COLOR="blue"]The Ring Announcer walks out with the God of Wrestling Championship in his hand. [/COLOR] [B]Ring Announcer:[/B] Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the conclusion of GOW's Tournament to crown our first Champion!! Tonight, 8 men will step into this arena to due battle but only one man will leave here as a God!! [B][SIZE="4"]Second Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/RickyBanderas.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/PaulBearer.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/daveyrichards.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Ricky Banderas w/Percy Pringle vs Davey Richards[/SIZE][/B] Davey Richards starts off the match by charging at the monster and nailing him with a Yakuza Kick across his face. It seems to have no effect on Banderas. Richards clinches with Ricky Banderas and hits a flurry of Knees then hits the ropes and attempts a Lariat. Ricky Banderas doesn't even budge. The Monster catches Richards in a Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex. Banderas wraps his hands around Richards neck and hits a Sit-Out Chokebomb. 1...2..3. [B]Winner: Ricky Banderas(8:32) B-[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Second Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/TheAmazingRed.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/MikeQuackenbush.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]The Amazing Red vs "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush[/SIZE][/B] This match is nothing short but a high flying masterpiece. Both men exchange lucha armdrags. They take turns diving onto each other from the inside to the outside of the ring. Quackenbush and Red hit each other with impressive near falls. the crowd is on their feet. Quackenbush nails Red with a Palm Strik then hits his Quackendriver III. 1...2...Kickout!! Lightning Mike Quackenbush lifts his opponent but gets a kick to the mid-section for his efforts. Red hops on his opponents back and hits a Code Red. 1...2...Kickout!! Both men exchange punches. Red ducks a punch and kicks Quackenbush's feet out from underneath him. Amazing Red takes advantage of the opportunity and nails a Red Star Press while Quacks down. 1...2...3!! [B]Winner: The Amazing Red(19:48) C[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Second Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/ChrisHero.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/NecroButcher.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]Chris Hero vs Necro Butcher[/SIZE][/B] This match is a straight out brawl. Both men exchange stiff punches and chops. Butcher slides to the outside of the ring and tosses two chairs into the ring. They set up the chairs facing each other then sit on them. Both Butcher and Hero continue punching each other in the face while sitting on the chairs. Necro Butcher eventualy punches Hero off of his chairs. The crowd shows their delight. Butcher attempts his Tiger Driver but Hero backdrops him. Chris Hero reaches into his tights and grabs his Brassknuckles. Necro Butcher kicks Hero and steals the Brassknucks away, he tries to use the weapon on Chris Hero but the referee stops him and takes it away from him. While the referee is handing the weapon to the time keeper, [B]Eddie Kingston[/B] runs out and tosses Hero a new pair of Brassknuckles. Chris Hero nails Necro Butcher. 1..2..3!! [B]Winner: Chris Hero(14:51) C[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Second Round of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/BryanDanielson2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/BrentAlbright.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson vs "The Crippler" Brent Albright[/SIZE][/B] Albright and Dragon take this match to the mat, countering each others wrestling holds. Nether man can get the upper advantage. Albright decides to get into a Chopping fight against Danielson. Both men exchange chops. Albright gets the upperhand then Suplexs Danielson across the ring. Albright gets a bunch of near falls but Bryan Danielson refuses to give up. Brent Albright applies the Crippler Crossface. Danielson struggles to break free. He's seconds away from tapping out when he grabs the ropes. The referee calls for the break. Albright attempts an Exploder Suplex but Dragon counters it with a Elbow. Bryan Danielson nails a Dragon Suplex then follows up with the Arms Across America. Brent Albright tries to fight the submission. The nearly breaks free on various occasions but he ultimately taps-out. [B]Winner: Bryan Danielson(23:06) B[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Afterwards, Brent Albright stops Bryan Danielson from leaving the ring. Albright asks for the microphone. He stands toe-to-toe with American Dragon. [/COLOR] [B]Brent Albright[/B]: Since day one, I made it clear that I came here to fight the greatest wrestlers in this business. Tonight, I finally found my match. [COLOR="Blue"]Brent Albright doesn't back off. He intensely stares Danielson down. Suddenly, Albright steps back and extends his hand out for a handshake. Bryan Danielson looks at Albright, carefully accepting the handshake. They shake hands to the crowds delight. Brent Albright raises American Dragon's hand in appreciation. [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Semi-Finals of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/TheAmazingRed.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/ChrisHero.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]The Amazing Red vs Chris Hero[/SIZE][/B] Chris Hero immediately attacks Red before he can even enter the ring. Hero brawls with Red along ringside, bashing his head into the turnbuckle post. They finally find their way back inside of the ring. Red fights back with some punches and kicks. Amazing Red attempts a Hurricanrana but Hero counters it with a Powerbomb. Hero dominates most of the match, barely letting Red get anything in. Red eventualy manages to hit his Code Red. 1...2...Kickout!! Hero reaches for his Brassknuckles but Red kicks them out of his hand. Red kicks Hero's feet out from underneath him and attempts his Red Star Press but Hero gets his knees up. Chris Hero nails his Hero's Welcome. 1...2...3!! [B]Winner: Chris Hero(19:56) C[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]Semi-Finals of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/BryanDanielson2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/RickyBanderas.jpg[/IMG] w/[IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/PaulBearer.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson vs Ricky Banderas w/Percy Pringle[/SIZE][/B] Ricky Banderas and Bryan Danielson have a short staredown. Danielson ducks Banderas' strikes. Danielson tries to chop Banderas' leg out from underneath him. It seems to have little effect on the monster. Banderas throws a wild swing, Danielson ducks and continues to kick away at his leg. Banderas throws another wild swing, Danielson ducks and Dropkicks his leg. The Monster falls to one knee. This is the most damage we've seen Banderas take in GOW. Danielson hits the ropes and attempts a Running Crossbody Block but unfortunately Banderas catches him and hits a Running Powerslam. 1...2...Kickout!! Ricky Banderas wraps his hand around Danielson's neck and hits his Sit-Out Chokebomb. 1...2...Kickout!! Ricky Banderas can't believe it. Percy Pringle tells him to do it again. Ricky Banderas hits another Sit-Out Chokebomb. 1...2...Kickout!! Banderas' is starting to get frusterated. Banderas lifts Danielson and hits yet another Chokebomb. 1...2..Kickout!! Ricky Banderas loses all control and takes it out on the referee. He grabs the referee by the neck and hits him with a Chokebomb. The referee is out. Another offical runs out and calls for the DQ. [B]Winner: Bryan Danielson(15:23) B-[/B] [COLOR="blue"]The Monster is far from finished. He slides outside of the ring and grabs a chair. Banderas nails Danielson over the head with a Chairshot, Danielson is busted wide open. He lays it out in the center of the ring and attempts to hit Danielson with a final Sit-out Chokebomb. Thankfully, [B]Brent Albright[/B] runs out with a Chair and nails Banderas from behind. Percy Pringle holds his Monster back before he can tangle with the Crippler. Ricky Banderas and Percy Pringle, happy with their destruction, walk to the back. American Dragon is knocked out. E.M.T.'s run out to give Bryan Danielson the medical attention he deserves. Brent Albright makes it clear that he wants Ricky Banderas. [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="4"]Special Attraction Triangle Tag Team Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/vitothomaselli.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/SalvatoreThomaselli.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/RockyRomero.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/RickyReyes.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/natewebb.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/JoshAbercrombie.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]The Iron Saints vs Havana Pitbulls vs Trailer Park Boyz[/SIZE][/B] The match is tag team format, only two wrestlers are allowed in the ring at a time. The Trailer Park Boyz stay away from Havana Pitbulls and decide to isolate the Iron Saints. Havana Pitbulls finally get their hands on the Trailer Park Boyz. Both teams start brawling. They fight all the way outside of the ring. Trailer Park Boyz and Havana Pitbulls fight in the crowd, ignoring the referees count. The referee counts both teams out and awards the win to the Iron Saints. [B]Winners: The Iron Saints(19:34) C[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Trailer Park Boyz and Havana Pitbulls continue brawling all the way outside of the arena. Nate Webb manages to get into a car and drive away leaving his partner to be double teamed by the Pitbulls. Ricky Reyes lifts Josh Abercrombie up in a Powerbomb position then dumps him inside of a Trash Dumpster. This isn't the last we'll see of these 4.[/COLOR] [B][SIZE="5"]To Be Continued...[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][COLOR="Blue"]We're moments away from finally crowning the God of Wrestling Champion. Chris Hero and Bryan Danielson have been at each others neck since our first show and it's only appropriate that these two face off against each other in the finals. Both men share a win over each other so this match will be the tie-breaker. [/COLOR] [B]It's time for our Main Event for the evening and the Finals of our God of Wrestling Championship Tournament. The following match is sanctioned by the Athletic Commission and it is scheduled for a 2 hour time limit and it is for the God of Wrestling Championship.[/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/gowtitle.jpg[/IMG] [B]The offical for this match is Senoir Referee, Bryce Remsburg.[/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/bryceremsburg.jpg[/IMG] [B]Introducing first, he hails from Metropolis, this is the Savior of Professional Wrestling.... [SIZE="4"]CHRRRIISSSS HEEERRROOOO!!![/SIZE] [/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/chrisher.jpg[/IMG] [B]And his opponent, he is fighting out of Aberdeen, Washington, this is the American Dragon... [SIZE="4"]BRRRRYYANNNN DANNNIELLLLSOOONNNNN!!!![/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/bryandanielsonad.jpg[/IMG] [B]Ladies and Gentlemen, these are the God's of Wrestling!!!![/B] [B][SIZE="5"]To be Continued...[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Finals of the God of Wrestling Championship Tournament for the God of Wrestling Championship[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/ChrisHero.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/godpics/BryanDanielson2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]"The Savior of Pro Wrestling" Chris Hero vs "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson[/SIZE][/B] These two have faced off against each other twice in GOW, both men share a win and this is their tie-breaker. Bryan Danielson is at a HUGE disadvantage after Ricky Banderas' brutal attack. The bloody Danielson never backs down and stands toe-to-toe with Chris Hero. The bell sounds. These two come out of their corners hitting each other as hard as humanily possibly. Danielson falls over first, probably due to his recent injuries. Chris Hero takes advantage of the situation and stomps Dragon down. Hero mounts his opponent and starts grounding and pounding. Chris Hero taunts the crowd. Big mistake. Bryan Danielson gets to his knees and starts nailing Hero in the mid-section with hard punches. Danielson starts fighting back. He crawls up to one foot but Hero puts him back on the mat with a Roaring Forearm. Hero tosses Danielson in the corner and hits a Hero's Side Kick. American Dragon stumbles out of the corner and right into a Cravat Suplex. 1...2...Kickout!! Chris Hero slams Danielson in the middle of the ring and climbs to the top rope. He lands a STIFF Top Rope Senton. 1...2...Kickout!! Bryan Danielson fires up. He shows tons of fighting spirit. He gets to his feet and lands a flurry of STIFF Forearms. Danielson lifts Hero on his shoulders and hits an Airplane spin. Both men fall over. Bryan Danielson crawls ontop of Hero. 1..2..Kickout!! American Dragon is fired up. He climbs to the top rope and hits a Diving Headbut. He immediately lifts Hero and hits a Dragon Suplex which he turns into his Arms Across America submission. Chris Hero struggles to break free of the submission. Hero crawls near the ropes and finally grabs them before he taps out. Danielson lifts Hero to his feet but the Savior nails his opponent with a European Uppercut. Hero quickly follows up with the Hero's Welcome then applies his Hangman's Clutch(Cravat STF). Bryan Danielson is trying to survive this submission hold. He tries to fight out of the hold but he is unsuccesful. Finally, before American Dragon could tap-out, he grabs the ropes. Both men are laid out, tried and exhausted. Slowly, both men crawl towards each other. They get on their knees throwing forearms. The crowd is going nuts. They exchange forearms while they're on the knees. These two warriors slowly get back up on their feet. They continue to rock each other with strikes. Bryan Danielson gets the upperhand, nailing a flurry of strikes. He yells, showing fighting spirit, and hits the ropes attempting to nail a running Forearm. Chris Hero quickly ducks and Danielson hits the referee. Chris Hero grabs his Brass Knuckles. Danielson attends to the referee and when he turns around he gets nailed by the Brass Knuckles. Another referee runs out. 1...... 2...... KICK OUT!!! Chris Hero can't believe it. Hero calls for another Hero's Welcome but Danielson counters it with a Dragon Suplex. Bryan Danielson quickly applies his Arms Across America Submission. Hero tries to fight his way out of the hold but he is unable to. Hero crawls near the ropes. He's closer... Closer.... Chris Hero is inches away from the ropes. The pain is just too much and Hero taps-out!! [B]Winner: Bryan Danielson(29:54) B+[/B] [IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/adbd.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]A bloody and bruised Bryan Danielson is awarded the God of Wrestling Championship. He looks down at the title and gets emotional. The crowd starts a "Thank you Dragon!" chant. Multi-colored confetti falls from the arena's skies. Bryan Danielson manages to get to his feet and holds the championship up high for the crowd. The show ends with Danielson celebrating with the crowd. [/COLOR] [B][SIZE="5"]Final Rating: C+[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u14/MACW07/gow/iwdc.jpg[/IMG] [B]Indy Wrestling(dot)com opens:[/B] -It's unfortunate for us to announce that Indy Wrestling Magazine will cease publication. But fortunately for us, our editorials will live on throughout our brand new website, [url]www.indywrestling.com[/url]. So for all of your indy wrestling news and information please visit Indy Wrestling Magazine's brand new website. [B]Ring of Honor delievers on their 2nd PPV:[/B] -ROH ran their second PPV show and it delievered huge. Davey Richards managed to defeat ROH Champion Takeshi Morishima for the title while Austin Aries and Bryan Danielson defeated The Briscoe Brothers for the ROH Tag Team Titles. Here are the full results: Kevin Steen defeated Brent Albright Sara Del Ray and Gran Akuma defeated Daizee Haze and Jigsaw Mike Quackenbush defeated Ricky Reyes Roderick Strong defeated Jimmy Rave, Doug Williams & Chris Sabin Rocky Romero defeated Matt Cross Homicide defeated Claudio Castagnoli Delirious defeated BJ Whitmer Nigel McGuinness defeated Jack Evans Austin Aries & Bryan Danielson defeated The Briscoe Brothers for the Tag Titles Chris Hero defeated Alex Shelley and Matt Sydal Davey Richards defeated Takeshi Morishima for the ROH Championship [B][B][B]CHIKARA Pro new Tag Team Champions:[/B][/B][/B] -CHIKARA held "Crushing the Weight of Mainstream Ignorance" and fans went home happy as a new Campeones de Parejas(tag team champions) were crowned. Here are the full results: Chuck Taylor, Tom Carter & Cheech defeated Max Boyer, Cloudy & Soldier Ant Ruckus, Larry Sweeny & Eddie Kingston defeated Ricochet, Jigsaw & The Joker Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli defeated Delirious & Hallowicked Mike Quackenbush & Sicodelico defeated Gran Akuma & Icarus for the Campeones de Parejas [B]God's of Wrestling's 3 mind blowing events:[/B] -GOW held 3 massive shows this month. The first show was headlined by a re-match between Bryan Danielson and Chris Hero, the second and third show was a 2 night tournament to crown the God of Wrestling Champion. Here are the results for all 3 shows: [B]Hero vs Dragon II[/B] Delirious defeated Salvatore Thomaselli Minnesota Homewrecking Crew defeated Cheerleader Melissa & Daizee Haze Ricky Banderas defeated Human Tornado Ricky Banderas defeated Roderick Strong Brent Albright defeated Claudio Castagnoli Akuma defeated Amazing Red Mike Quackenbush defeated Jack Evans Trailer Park Boyz defeated Havana Pitbulls Blk Outs defeated Necro Butcher and Toby Klein Bryan Danielson defeated Chris Hero [B]The Quest....Part 1[/B] Davey Richards defeated Cheerleader Melissa, Tyler Black & Sterling James Keenan Brent Albright defeated Delirious Ricky Banderas defeated Claudio Castagnoli Mike Quackenbush defeated Akuma Bryan Danielson defeated Joker Amazing Red defeated Jack Evans Chris Hero defeated Toby Klein Necro Butcher defeated Eddie Kingston [B]The Quest...Part 2[/B] Ricky Banderas defeated Davey Richards Amazing Red defeated Mike Quackenbush Chris Hero defeated Necro Butcher Bryan Danielson defeated Brent Albright Chris Hero defeated Amazing Red Bryan Danielson defeated Ricky Banderas by DQ Iron Saints defeated Havana Pitbulls and Trailer Park Boyz by Count Out Bryan Danielson defeated Chris Hero for the God of Wrestling Championship Keep checking godsofwrestling.com for more information on this brand new company. Rumor has it that the company will be bringing in a huge name for their next event. [/CENTER]
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