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Okay, I have a bit of a dilemma. I want to do a C-Verse Diary. A small company if possible, working itself up. A few issues. The three best canidates, NYCW, CZCW, and MAW all have current dynasties. Two are long running, and the other looks like it could be. I'd start my own promotion, but I don't have any name recognition, and it'd be difficult for me to draw readers. I'd like to use the USA market, as it is the one I am most familiar with, and have the most ideas for. I like my Coastal Zone, but infinitywpi's done it so long I don't think I can make a mark of my own, and I'd like to do that. Any suggestions on what I should do?
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Hey Truth. I didnt have ANY name recognition when I started doing diaries (as did Nevermore, and Stallion, and the greats) I can tell you right now for most of my diaries that I started (which is alot) I average anywhere from 10-15 views per post. Just start low man. go for 5 views per post. then work up from there. And do something you WANT to do, not something WE MIGHT want you to do Also, I strive to one day beat Nevermore's ECW diary in views (He will be dead before that happens)
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[QUOTE=The Truth;235435]Okay, I have a bit of a dilemma. I want to do a C-Verse Diary. A small company if possible, working itself up. A few issues. The three best canidates, NYCW, CZCW, and MAW all have current dynasties. Two are long running, and the other looks like it could be. I'd start my own promotion, [B]but I don't have any name recognition, and it'd be difficult for me to draw readers. [/B] I'd like to use the USA market, as it is the one I am most familiar with, and have the most ideas for. I like my Coastal Zone, but infinitywpi's done it so long I don't think I can make a mark of my own, and I'd like to do that. Any suggestions on what I should do?[/QUOTE] I think you're overlooking something; no one starts out with any name recognition, and draws readers in that manner when starting out. For example, long time diary readers know Scapino is a terrific writer now, but that wasn't always the case. Like all of us, he had to start somewhere, and build a fanbase through quality writing and investment. So with that said, I would not worry about over-saturation of any single promotion. Rather, pick your favorite promotion; the one you'll have the most fun booking and love writing about. It'll come through in your writing, and if the quality is there, people will come. In other words, "make your mark" through your writing; if CZCW is your favorite, go for that. Finally, if you MUST be unique, here's one unique idea that I never executed: Merge NYCW w/ CZCW; it'll be up to you to create a back-story that would allow this scenario to shine. Or take the same idea and merge MAW w/ NYCW. Or brainstorm some unique ideas of your own. Use the ARCV (Alternate C-Verse) Draft mod...the possibilities are endless (well, not really, but you get the idea). Good luck, and I look forward to reading.
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There's an old axiom that you need to write/perform..etc to please yourself first. You're the most important audience and the rest will follow. When I first started out with my MAW diary for TEW '05 I had no idea if anyone would read it or like my old school approach to booking. I didn't even know if I was formatting the shows "correctly". That's the trick though...there's no correct way to do anything. If you are enjoying it and having fun that shows through more than any "name recognition" anyone has. That shows through the work. Once you start trying to configure what you're doing to fit the marketplace, so to speak...you're already behind. Act, don't react. If you want to do CZCW then do it. There are definitely more than just my MAW diary on the boards and I'm sure I wasn't the first one to do one. If you really want to try something brand new, I'd love to see a CGC or 21CW diary...I think the latter especially could be something fresh and cool. Just enjoy what you're doing and have fun with it. Read the other diaries and look at how stories are told and characters are built...but really just do something you enjoy.
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[QUOTE=shipshirt;235532]There's an old axiom that you need to write/perform..etc to please yourself first. You're the most important audience and the rest will follow.[/QUOTE] This is gospel. I know the false starts I've had on diaries (in 05) were as a result of me chasing smoke, which is futile. As much as I love infinitywpi's entries for their simplicity and concise nature, for whatever reason, I can't get myself to do a simple format like that. So I spend an hour putting together each show because I want the pritty pikchurs and all the formatting and such. Plus, your personality as a booker comes across with the things you do. The same workers infinitywpi uses one way, you might want to use another way, which will differentiate your diary from his. Do whatever promotion you want and let your style separate you from the pack.
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Just to build on what's been said before, what you write has to be compelling to you before it can be compelling to anyone else. If you're doing something just because no one else is doing it, but you don't feel a connection to the fed, the characters, etc., it won't be satisfying to you, and that will come across. It also doesn't have to be the promotion that is your 'trademark' so to speak. It can be a character, a scenario, a "what if?" question. In my case, while I genuinely like playing NOTBPW, I really don't know if I could write a diary on it if it wasn't for my user character and wanting to build that character in such a way that she feels like she belongs in the C-Verse. In some ways, I'm not even really doing an NOTBPW diary, I'm writing a cheap C-Verse romance novel with NOTBPW as the backdrop. :) That's my hook, and if that's not everyone's cup of tea, that's fine; I'm enjoying it, and I'm grateful for the handful of vocal supporters like outlaw321 and Remi and Payne and Actarus that have given me encouragement. In a lot of ways, Truth, I'm not that much further along than you, and I have found that there is definitely a portion of the community that will support and encourage you no matter what you choose to do -- there's enough support for the C-verse in general that anyone who is exploring it will find that there are folks following your lead.
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[QUOTE=Actarus;235527]I think you're overlooking something; no one starts out with any name recognition, and draws readers in that manner when starting out.[/QUOTE] Yeah, in fact, I don't think this happens full stop. For instance, when I've started up other diaries other than ECW Worldwide, there will be a few people who chech it out because its me writing it, such as Trell and Stallion (who, by the way, are both legends for putting up with me for so long :p). However, that's 'cos they either like or have gotten used to my style of writing (plus, maybe I write good stories but I can't really be the judge of that). The fact is, I don't think there has ever been an instance of someone thinking "Hey, look, Nevermore's got a new diary and he's a legend for getting 20,000 views on ECW Worldwide. I have to read that!" I'm a diary writer the same as you, Truth. I've just been going longer; it doesn't really count for much. For example, Monkeypox had 10,000 less views for his DAVE diary than mine but still got inducted into Keefy's Hall Of Fame. In short, it oesn't matter how long-running the diary is or what it's based on. Make it good and people will read regardless ;). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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Alright guys. Thanks for all the feedback. OK. Even though I'm totally unfamiliar with the territory, the roster, everything about them, I'll pick 21CW. We can all learn together, I suppose. So stay tuned for that! And I'll do my best to make it good. I don't know if I can, but we all have our flashes of brilliance, our "oh, that's damn good" moment. We'll see how many I have.
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