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A New Beginning (Real World)

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O.O.C. First off I would just like to thank everyone who helped make T-Zone. It's truely top notch stuff and the data I will be using on this diary. I have made a few changes however for the sake of this diary. For starters TNA has been pushed up to a national level to compete with the WWE, and all superstars, owners, etc have been made free agents so anyone is up for grabs. Because of the hugeness of this data I have decided to only include 20 (mostly random) federations to put into this game. So if at any time you have a question about a company, worker etc please feel free to ask. And now without further ado... My name... well that's not important. What is important is that I'm 23 years old and a bit of a wrestling junky. My whole life my friends and I have wanted to be pro wrestlers. We watched in amazement as The Undertaker tossed Mankind of the top of a Cell. And we were captivated and breathless and Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon defined the Ladder Match. Unfortunalty for us we never really acted on our dreams. We never went to a wrestling school, never even thought about it. We have however successfully stayed close enough as friends to have a backyard wrestling federation that has been open since 2002. 7 years to the day we've been having weekly matches. Have we gotten better? Of course we have. Have we gotten good? Far from it I'm afraid, in fact we would probably embarass ourselves in front of a crowd. So why in the world would we decided to go public with our federation you ask. Yeah me to. See it all started with a 6 pack... [COLOR="Blue"]Steve: "Dude I have a great idea!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Terry: "Shut up and and toss me a beer."[/COLOR] Yep we were wasted. And why not it was nearing New Years 2007 and what were we doing with out lives? Working at Hooters and getting drunk with a bunch of highschool kids. Yep it was offical we were losers. [COLOR="Blue"]Steve: "Listen I know how to make us a fortune man. And then we can buy all the weed and beer we want."[/COLOR] It's amazing how little it took to motivate us all, but we were all ears waiting to hear Steve's master plan. [COLOR="blue"]Steve: "Look we have a wrestling ring, we have basicly a wrestling company. And for whatever reason, we'll call it the Ryland curse, every wrestling contract in the world expired today."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Ken: "Great, so where are you going with this?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Steve: "Let's sell the federation. Let's put Northridge Backyard Wrestling up for sell."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Ken: "Oh yeah that's a great idea, and what are we going to do sell it to the highest bidder? Where in the world would we find that at?" [/COLOR] Steve was already grinning as he pecked away at his keyboard. As he turned the monitor towards us, we all saw what he was talking about. [url]www.ebay.com[/url] Just for the sake of amusement we decided to play Steve's game. He was the only one in the group with an account and in no time NBW was on the market. With no life what so ever we all just sat back drinking as the timer slowly counted down until the auction was over. Then something completly unexpected happened...we got a bid. As the auction came to a close we were in shock, our piece of crap wrestling company just sold on Ebay for 50,000 dollars, but to who?
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[QUOTE] LOL, another RVD /puff (*inhale deeply) /rasply voice "I'm gonna win the rumble dude!" [/QUOTE] Yeah the differance however is RVD has more talent in his toe than any of us have in our entire body. Plus we use it for "medical reasons" only... thanks for reading. This was it the big day. The person who bought Northridge Backyard Wrestling from us was suppose to come to the house and introduce himself. There was a knock on the door. This was it, the moment of truth... VINCENT KENNEDY MCMAHON here! [COLOR="Blue"]"Damn it Steve turn that stupid game off, we are suppose to be acting professional."[/COLOR] Steve was playing Smackdown the moment Terry opened the door and the first impression that our new boss got was we were a bunch of alcoholic pot smoking kids who played video games. OK so maybe that's a pretty accurate description of us, but still. [COLOR="Green"]"Hello, my name is Mike Burns, I was told there was suppose to be a business meeting here."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"Mike who? Dude I thought you said this guy was someone important why haven't I ever heard of him."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"Steve shut up and go get Mr. Burns a soda."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"Mr. Burns? But he looks nothing like the creepy old guy from the Simpsons."[/COLOR] I shut Steve a look and appearantly he took the hint as we made our way past the empty pizza boxes and into the kitchen. [COLOR="Green"]"Allow me to introduce myself a little better. My name is Mike Burns and until just recently I was the head booker for CZW."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"So what happened, did you get fired?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Fired no. Actually i'm unsure what happened one day everything was great and we were booking incredible death matches, but then I woke up and everything was gone. Half the promotions suddenly shut down in a panic and all the workers in the wrestling industry were jobless."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"So what promotions are left?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]'Ah well there are a few, about 20 in all, well 21 if you count this one. They are:[/COLOR] [B]All Japan Pro Wrestling AAA Chaotic Wrestling CHIKARA Combat Zone Wrestling CMLL Fighting Spirit Federation Jersey All Pro Wrestling LDN Wrestling Leicester Wrestling Michinoku Pro NWA Shockwave OVW NOAH SHIMMER TNA USA Xtreme Wrestling Westside Xtreme Wrestling WWE Wrestling Marvelous Future"[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]"So I don't understand why didn't yu just go back to CZW, or even buy them out?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Well to be honest, it was a nice out. I wasn't the happiest person there, truth be told I wanted something fresh. I wanted people to see I was more than just death matches and organized chaos."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"And that brings you here. Ok so what's your plans for NBW?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Well first you'll be happy to know that I plan on keeping your entire roster. Of course we'll have to bring in a few new workers to help improve your skills. I understand you've never had any kind of formal training?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]"That's right we um... we've been busy."[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]"Alright I'm going to have one of my scouts come through and evaluate your performances and we'll see where we are from there. Oh and I need a head booker, do you have experiance?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]"Well I uh, I've usually been in charge of putting the matches together in the past, but I'd hardly..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]"Good then it's settled I'll email you everything you'll need. Good day."[/COLOR] And with that he was gone...and so it begins. Here's a bit of information for the people following at home: [B]Everyone starts off with 0 popularity across the board. The rest of the stats are the following: Rumble: E- Technical: E- Flying: E- Entertainment: C Performance: D Physical: C+ With the exception of the females who’s stats are: Chrissy Farris: D+ in Entertainment and a B in looks Stephanie Cantrell: C in Entertainment and an A in looks[/B] I'll have the roster and other info posted in awhile...feedback is always welcome.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]THE ROSTER:[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Heels will be represented in red and faces. Their gimmicks are in parenthasis next to their name. For all who wants to help I suck at coming up with names and I realize that just using their regular names sucks. So feel free to drop me ideas on differant names for a wrestler. I'm sure I can think of some type of prize or something for the help. [B][CENTER]Main Event: [COLOR="Blue"]Chip Blakley (Clean Cut) Clayton Adams (Fan’s Own)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Heretic (Lunatic) Ryan Cruz (Rock Star)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Aaron Draven (Narcissist)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Ken Smith (Turn Coat)[/COLOR] Upper Mid Card: [COLOR="Blue"]Greg Renacs (Clubber) Steve Renacs (Dude)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Gavin Quest (Trouble Maker) Mike Larrick (Gambler)[/COLOR] Mid Card: [COLOR="red"]EJ Larrick (Evil Doer) Chris Patrick (MVP)[/COLOR] Lower Mid Card: Openers: Enhancement Talent: Managers: [COLOR="Blue"]Chrissy Farris (Girl Next Door) - Clayton Adams[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Stephanie Cantrell (Slut) - Chris Patrick[/COLOR] Announcer: [COLOR="red"]Terry Heiland (Sports Caster)[/COLOR] Color Commentator: Referee: [COLOR="Blue"]Theo Jones[/COLOR] Road Agent: [COLOR="Red"]Tommy Young[/COLOR] Titles: NBW Championship: Vacant NBW Tag Team Titles: Vacant[/CENTER][/B]
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[CENTER][B]Wednesday Week 1 January:[/B] [/CENTER] With Mike hanging around things here have changed considerably. We've gone from being wasted and not remembering most days to slowly looking like a halfway legit company. The news of the sell of the company traveled quickly throughout our small roster, but I assured everyone they would stay on as long as they could pass random drug tests (per Mike's orders, not mine) Today Mike and I sat down for our first offical meeting, god do I need a drink. [COLOR="Green"]Mike: "Alright looking over the roster... we're horrible."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Me: "Well thanks for sugar coating it."[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]Mike: You guy's have been running shows here for years, do you not have any fans?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Me: "Of course!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]Mike: "Your mom doesn't count as a fan."[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Me: "Oh...then, no probably not."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Mike: "Alright first thing is first. You guys have no ring psycology what so ever. That being said we are going to bring in a road agent. No one huge, but someone who can work with you guys scripting matches, and maybe in your off time so you don't look so damn green."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Me: Seems fair enough. Have anyone in mind?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]Mike: "Not at all. However money is tight. So they can't already have a job, or even have a shot at getting one for that matter. Last thing we need is to sign someone who either thinks they are worth a ton of money, or who can't work our shows because of other obligations."[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Me: "Ok I'll make some phone calls."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Mike: "Good next. We need a ref, no offense to you, but your half drunk friends running in on a match to make a three count isn't going to fly anymore. We need someone decent, who's been to school, but same rules apply we are on a budget."[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Me: "Dirt cheap got it."[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]Mike: "and last but not least, I want to bring in a few new workers. No one huge and only like 4 guys. But I want people in here who are hungry, but skilled enough to carry you until you have a better understanding of a wrestling match."[/COLOR] I got up to leave to work the phones, we had a lot of work ahead of us. [COLOR="green"]Mike: "Oh and one more thing. Sunday is our first show, let's get some fliers up. I've made arrangments for us to get the Burkhardt Center every Sunday at 7:00pm."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Me: "Every Sunday? Won't we lose a ton of money?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]Mike: "Yeah, but hopefully we'll get a ton of poularity."[/COLOR] As i left the office (ok the kitchen) I couldn't help but think there was no way this could work...could it? [CENTER][B]Friday Week 1 January:[/B] [/CENTER] Two days of hard work and we have lots to show for it. First an update on this crazy world. In a bit of ironic news TNA was bought by… [B]Dixie Carter[/B]. And the head booker of TNA you ask, well that’s no other than… [B]Paul Hymen[/B]! The WWE has a new owner as well it’s [B]Victor Jovica[/B], and their head booker is [B]Barrabas Sr.[/B] The McMahons continued their ties in wrestling as [B]Stephanie McMahon [/B]has bought CMLL, and [B]Vince [/B]is the owner of AAA. Apparently they love Mexico. And everyone should watch out for OVW because the billionaire [B]Ted Turner [/B]is the new owner! More news as we get it. We made a few new signings of our own. Our Road Agent is Tommy Young who has a C+ in psycology hopefully that helps. We also got our ref. Say hello to Theo Jones. Mike informed me today that he has signed 4 new workers who should help carry the shows and help with our development: Aaron Draven agreed to a 9 month PPA contract and is officially the first outside talent brought into NBW. Signed Ryan Cruz to a 9 month PPA. Signed Gavin Quest to a 9 month PPA. Last but not least we signed Heretic to a 9 month PPA. The roster page has been updated with the new workers, their pushes, alignment, and their gimmick. Remember if you have a name for a specific worker please let me know. Also I'll be updating all the major signings as they happen, but if you have someone specific you want to know about feel free to ask.
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[CENTER][B]Sunday Week 1:[/B][/CENTER] This is it, just minutes before the show and to say everyone is nervous would be a huge understatement. It was decided that tonight would be the first round in a tournament to decide the first ever NBW Champion. 8 Names were drawn before the show and here are the wrestlers: [B]Heretic Vs. Gavin Quest Steve Renacs Vs. Clayton Adams Chip Blakley Vs. Aaron Draven Ken Smith Vs. Ryan Cruz[/B] And now on with the show. [CENTER][B]Sunday Week 1: NBW: The Beginnings Live from The Burkhardt Center in Dayton, OH Attendance: 11 Stephanie: [COLOR="Red"]“Look sweetie all I’m saying is it’s obvious my client Chris Patrick deserves to be in this tournament more than that lame surfer Steve Renacs. I’m sure you can use some of that incredible power you have and make things right.”[/COLOR] Mike: [COLOR="Green"]“I don’t know. I mean that isn’t very fair to Steve now is it?”[/COLOR] Stephanie presses her body against Mike and is nearly whispering in his ear. Stephanie: [COLOR="red"]“You know Chris is in the gym right now showing just how dedicated he is to winning this title, why don’t I come in your office for a little bit so I can show you just how dedicated I am as well.”[/COLOR] Mike immediately goes flush and hurriedly slams the door shut blocking the camera. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E+ And it looks like it pays to have a hot manager.[/COLOR] Round 1 match for the NBW Championship belt. Heretic Vs. Gavin Quest [QUOTE]The first match of the night and these two put on a pretty good performance making me feel a bit better about actually hiring them. To top it all off I was also informed that they have great in ring chemistry together.[/QUOTE] Heretic defeated Gavin Quest in 8:06 by pinfall with a Double Foot Stomp. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- and Heretic moves on to the next round.[/COLOR] Round 1 match for the NBW Championship belt. Chris Patrick Vs. Clayton Adams [QUOTE]A couple of the original backyarders in this match, and unfortunately it showed in their performance. With no real schooling these two still lack the ring psychology needed to put on a good match and the crowd dumped all over it.[/QUOTE] Chris Patrick defeated Clayton Adams in 7:56 by pinfall with The Most Valuable Suplex. [COLOR="red"]Notes: F Chris Patrick moves on to the next round.[/COLOR] Round 1 match for the NBW Championship belt. Chip Blakley Vs. Aaron Draven [QUOTE]Chip is another original so hopefully he learns a lot from his match with Draven. [/QUOTE] Aaron Draven defeated Chip Blakley in 8:18 by pinfall with a Draven Deathride. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E well this one was better than the last so Draven most be teaching him something.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]We take a break from the action now (mainly so the crowd can get drunker and not crap on the main event.) as we prepare for a bikini contest. First out is Chrissy Farris who is smoking hot and is wearing the bikini to match. The fans hoot and whistle as her nipple is all that’s covered by the thin fabric. Next out is Stephanie Cantrell who is wearing a very similar outfit but gets less of a reaction from the crowd. Worried she may lose she “accidentally” losses her top and that sends the fans overboard making her the clear winner. Chrissy storms off disgusted.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: D This was a great segment that I may have to include on a weekly basis.[/COLOR] Round 1 match for the NBW Championship belt. Ken Smith Vs. Ryan Cruz [QUOTE]The main event of the night and the last match in the first round of the tournament. So far none of the backyard originals have been able to beat any of the new guys, and Ken is looking to change that. Ryan goes a good job leading him through the match and for a minute you almost forget Ken hasn’t had any training.[/QUOTE] Ryan Cruz defeated Ken Smith in 12:43 by pinfall with a Wrist Clutch Powerbomb. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: E+ Not a bad segment at all to end the night with. Come back next week for the semifinals action, as we wait to see who will become the first ever NBW champion. Final Notes: E+ And the popularity increases. I’m sure we lost a ton of money, but at least we are getting over.[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Well in more exciting news we have our first big signings. The WWE has come to agreements with the following: [B]Adam Copeland Christian Cage Christopher Daniels CM Punk[/B] TNA has done pretty well themself signing: [B]Rob Van Dam Shawn Michaels Rhino Matt Hardy[/B] May get another show up later tonight. Feedback is always welcome...and maybe some prayers for these sad sad backyarders.
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[CENTER][B]Sunday Week 2: [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]NBW: The Beginnings[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from The Burkhardt Center in Dayton, OH Attendance: 14 [/B] [B]The show opens up with Steve Renacs barging into the office of Mike Burns. Mike: [COLOR="Green"]“What the hell is the meaning of this?”[/COLOR] Steve: [COLOR="Blue"]“Dude I was totally suppose to be in that tournament last week. You screwed me for some two bit whore man.”[/COLOR] Mike: [COLOR="Green"]“First of all she isn’t a whore, she’s a highly dedicated manager. And further more I pulled you out of that tournament last week so that this week you and you’re brother Greg could compete for the tag team titles!”[/COLOR] Steve: [COLOR="Blue"]“Dude that’s awesome! Thanks Mr. Burns.”[/COLOR] Steve leaves the office a lot happier than when he entered. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: F well at least there’s a tag title match out of it.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Semi-Finals for the NBW Championship Belt: Heretic Vs Chris Patrick Chris is the last original in this tournament and he comes out strong looking score a huge upset. Stephanie was with him at ringside at helped Chris on several occasions flirting with the ref while Chris used illegal moves.[/QUOTE] Heretic defeated Chris Patrick in 13:08 by pinfall with a 6 Deep. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E In the end Heretic was just to good and moves on to the finals.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]NBW Tag Team Championship Match: The Renacs Brothers (Steve and Greg) Vs. The Larricks (Mike and EJ) Vs. Gavin Quest and Clayton Adams This match was complete mayhem and the crowd pretty much hated it. The Larricks continued to use underhanded tactics to get the upper hand. And at one point it looked like it was going to work until Clayton Adams was able to come in for the save. After that Steve was able to hit a huge 450 splash on Mike Larrick and score the upset. After the match however The Larricks and Gavin Quest began the two on three assault on the Renacs Brothers and looked to Clayton to make it 4 on 2. Clayton had other plans however and evened the sides. You can bet these 6 will see each other again.[/QUOTE] The Renacs Brothers defeated The Larricks and Gavin Quest and Clayton Adams in 7:37 The Renacs Brothers win the NBW Tag Team Championship titles. [COLOR="red"]Notes: F+ but again everyone continues to improve.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Backstage now Chrissy Farris storms into the dressing room of Stephanie Cantrell and begins throwing insult after insult at her until the two engaged in a viscous cat fight.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- Got to love the eye candy.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Semi-Finals match for the NBW Championship Belt: Aaron Draven Vs. Ryan Cruz The winner of this match will face heretic in the championship match next week to decide who will represent NBW as the champion. These two gave it their all in this match, but sadly they just didn’t click so it had to get called short.[/QUOTE] Aaron Draven defeated Ryan Cruz in 16:19 by pinfall with a Draven Deathride. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E And there you have it. Next week Aaron Draven Vs. heretic for the NBW Championship![/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: E And again the popularity increases, but what about the finances?[/COLOR] We are now 8,600 dollars poorer than we were to start out the month, but our popularity has risen to 1.2[/B][/CENTER] So it looks like we are a long long way from ever being any good, and I may have to morgage the house in order to keep this above water. But in happier news let's check some more hirings: The announce team for the WWE...you guessed it: [B]Jerry Lawler Jim Rose[/B] And for TNA...a bit of a differant look, for the better: [B]Joey Styles Bobby Heenan[/B] I have to say that if TNA can pull it off, they have the better announce team. Thoughts? Comments?
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[CENTER][B]Sunday Week 3[/B][/CENTER] Another week, another....ah never mind. We are bleeding money and not getting better fast enough. I'm sure you're wondering way we are running weekly shows instead of monthly, or even bi-monthly (I know I am.) But Mr. Burns (that still brings a smile to my face.) has stated that if we were to run such minimual shows the workers who have been here since we started (IE me and my friends) would be pushing 50 before we were even half way decent. A valid point I'll admit, but at least we'd still have a company. At this rate, things are looking gloomy. Oh well let the beer flow it's time for the show. [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]NBW: The Beginnings[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from The Burkhardt Center in Dayton, OH Attendance: 12 Clayton Adams Vs. Gavin Quest [QUOTE]We start the night off with a match and just hope the fans are already trashed so they don’t boo us out of the arena. This is an interesting match because of what transpired last week. Clayton is looking for a little revenge. He looked like he was going to get it to as he set Gavin up for the Prettyplex, however Mike Larrick ran down to ringside getting Clayton’s attention and allowing Gavin to get the school boy rollup.[/QUOTE] Gavin Quest defeated Clayton Adams in 7:35 by pinfall with The Vision Quest. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E Hey it’s better than the usual F[/COLOR] Chris Patrick Vs. Ryan Cruz [quote]Chris looks to be the better of the backyarders, or at least he gets the most help from his “manager” This was actually a pretty decent match up these two went back and forth most the match, and Ryan did a really nice job of putting Chris over. The ending came when Ryan was about to finish Chris but Stephanie climbed up on the apron and flashed Ryan (and everyone else in attendance) her ‘goods”. Ryan was in a state of shock and it gave Chris enough time to recover.[/quote] Chris Patrick defeated Ryan Cruz in 12:55 by pinfall when Stephanie Cantrell interfered. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E+ they tell me Chris was actually off him game tonight, wonder what the grade would’ve been?[/COLOR] [quote]After the match Chrissy Farris hit ringside furious about the way Stephanie has been conducting herself. The two engaged in a heated discussion then being to fight for the second week in a row.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- They always seem to get the best grades.[/COLOR] NBW Championship Match: Aaron Draven Vs. Heretic [quote]The match everyone was waiting for (alright probably not, but hey it is the title match.) These two put on a good showing and flowed pretty well inside the ring. Heretic went for the win early but a low blow later and Draven was right back in it. The ending came when Draven whipped Heretic off the ropes and got him in a school boy roll up, of course he had a handful of tights and his feet on the ropes, but a win’s a win.[/quote] Aaron Draven defeated Heretic in 18:03 by pinfall with a handful of tights. Aaron Draven wins the NBW Championship title. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E+ And we have our first ever NBW Champion![/COLOR] [quote]After the match Mike Burns comes our and presents Draven with the title. Burns: [COLOR="Green"]“Congratulation to Aaron Draven who is the new and first ever…”[/COLOR] Draven grabs the mic. Draven: [COLOR="Red"]“First of all Mike! You will now refer to me as Mr. Champion! I mean look at me was there ever any doubt I was going to lose? Of course not. As long as you keep a locker room full of scrubs I will be the only NBW Champion in this companies pathetic existents.”[/COLOR] Draven laughs to himself then throws the mic at Mike Burns as he exit’s the ring.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Notes: E[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: E+ Another decent show in my opinion and we should continue moving up in popularity.[/COLOR] [/B][/CENTER] So perhaps I should start watching from the crowd, then I won't feel as bad about getting loaded during each show. The plus side is the crowd really did seem to enjoy this. The downside is, this is about as good as it gets for a really really long time. And now let's look at the stats brought to you by...or right we don't have a sponsor... [B]Well another week and we are a total of 12,600 dollars in the hole. But hey as long as 12 people show up every night eventually we’re be in the green…right? On a happier note we are at 1.8 popularity here in the Great Lakes and thanks to the internet we are .2 across the world. See world domination has already begun[/B]. As always feedback comments etc. always welcome. I may even start posting some preshow cards now that everyone has an idea of where this is going.
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