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"Just Call Me The Saviour of All Things Wrestling...."

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[CENTER][url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07212/Graphic1.jpg[/img][/url] [COLOR="red"]iMPACT! Kicks off with a bang here tonight!! The fans are wild as the pyros fly into the arena! We see the shots of our announce team, now with new Colour Commentator, Jerry “The King” Lawler!!! Tenay – “Good Evening, and welcome to Impact!!! We are here from the jam packed Mellon Arena in the Tri State area, and tonight myself and good old DW, are joined by a new guy in the box…. DW – “Buckle up Mike……and Good Evening King!!!” King – “Yeah!! WHOA!!! Im here guys and im buzzed up about tonight, and im buzzed up about Impact in general guys, I cant wait to hear what Kurt Angle has got to say here tonight!!! ****[/COLOR] Backstage we see Shane McMahon standing by with new Backstage Announcer, Michael Cole. [I]Cole – “Shane, as always interviewing you, it’s a pleasure, and as we begin Impact tonight, I wanna talk about your opinion on a few of the big talking points about tonight, if I may?” Shane – “Mikey, as always, ill answer whatever you can throw at me…” Cole – “Ok, thank you, well tonight, the main topic of conversation is the challenge that is expected to be handed to Wrestling Legend Bret Hart by Wrestling Legend Kurt Angle, what are your thoughts on this ever happening, and would you sanction it in TNA?” Shane – “Cole, Bret Hart is a hero of mine, Kurt Angle is a top wrestler of mine, you do the math….Hell if Bret Hart can lace those boots up, ill personally fly him to the arena to see that…would I sanction it?.....Damn right I would Cole….NEXT!” Cole – “Another topic doing the rounds on the internet is the apparent surprise that AJ Styles has for TNA here tonight, do you know anything about this???” Shane – “No I don’t….but im intrigued…..NEXT!” Cole – “How grand it will be to see Bobby Heenan back on TV….is he here for good??” Shane – “Well Mikey, Bobby feels like hes got more gas in that tank…and I promise you, with who he’s managing here tonight, it looks like he wants gold too….NEXT!” Cole – “Oooh, intriguing..” Shane – “NEXT COLE, Common!!” Cole – “Ok sorry Shane, Who is the mystery opponent for Christian Cage here tonight???” Shane – “Pass……I honestly don’t know…..Honest!! NEXT!!” Cole – “Yeah right….ok finally, how psyched are you at seeing the Steiner Brothers reunite tonight?!” Shane – “About as psyched as going through a table can be!!! Ask Team 3d!!!!”[/I] The fans cheer for Shane as he walks off!!! [B]B+ **** Singles Match Robert Roode Vs “The Truth” Ron Killings[/B] [I]2 future TNA Main Eventers here…. Killings looks quick Roode looks Clever… Quick exchanges…. What does the future hold…. Roode his a Lariat….[/I] [B]Robert Roode defeated Ron Killings in 5:51 by pinfall with a Northern Lariat. D ****[/B] [QUOTE][B]The Press Conference – A Challenge to Far…..?[/B] We see footage from earlier today of Kurt Angle in a TNA press area….he is dressed in a suit, ready to speak…..the cameras flash and the fans go silent in the arena…. [I]Angle – “Thank you, ladies and gentleman, for joining your Olympic Hero, here today to listen, quote, write and appreciate this moment….Today I lay down the challenge to a well respected member of the wrestling world, in fact some even say he rivals me, in the ring….i know, I know, we can all laugh now…but some people look serious when they say….”Who would win a Dream Match…Angle or Hart?”…..Some actually say Hart…..AND IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!!! I ve had enough! So here I am, cards on the table, lets nail it once and for all, Bret Hart or Kurt Angle? Hitman or The Olympic Hero…. Hitman, you cant back down….surely you’ve got the guts to step in one more time…..Let me beat you, and show the world, you’re not actually chicken…after all…Hell we don’t even have to do it at Slammiversary….you name the date…im there…Hitman, its over to you…...Thank you ladies and gentlemen…."[/I] Kurt Angle gets up as the cameras and paparazzi try to talk to him as he walks away! [B]B+[/QUOTE] ****[/B] Backstage, Sting is show arriving to the arena! The fans go wild as he collects his bags…. [B]B+ **** Tag Team Match Basham & Damaja w/ Gail Kim vs ‘The Naturals’ Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas w/ Coach Scott D’Amore[/B] [I]TNA is the new home of Basham & Damaja….. Kim is hot!! Scott is Not!! Both scream for there men…. The Naturals are quicker than a korean prostitute…. Damaja is mean…. Basham is direct….PILEDRIVER!![/I] [B]Basham & Damaja defeated The Naturals in 3:33 when Basham defeated Andy Douglas by pinfall with The Piledriver. C ****[/B] The fans cheer as a well known face comes to the ramp!! Bobby Heenan strolls out with a mic to a good pop…. [I]Heenan – “SHUT UP!! I don’t want your support, I want your gratitude…im gonna show you athleticism and power….ive been away a long time, but when you get a chance to add to the Heenan Family with a piece of genius in the ring, you bite his hand off!! I give you…. “The Conman” Rob Conway!!!"[/I] The fans boo as he comes to the ring, looks toned and ripped, ready for a match….. [B]D+ **** Singles Match “The Conman” Rob Conway Vs “Showtime” Eric Young[/B] [I]Conway was dominant before he even grabbed Young, Young needs to speed it up….. Ouch! Conway hits hard…. Easy, Peasy, Lemon Squeezy…..[/I] [B]'The Conman' Rob Conway defeated Eric Young in 3:31 by pinfall with a Swinging Neckbreaker. C- ****[/B] Backstage, we see Alex Shelley, Austin Starr, Jay Lethal & Kevin Nash with a mic…. [I]Nash – “Hey Impact, its time Paparazzi Productions brought you a new piece of information…..That piece of information is my buddy, my best pal….the new CEO of Paparazzi Productions……and he debuts next!!!”[/I] The fans cheer as we cut to a commercial!!!! [B]C ****[/B] The fans erupt as Shelley, Starr & Nash point to the entrance way and Scott Hall strolls out doing his bad guy walk!!! The fans are going crazy!!! [B]6 Man Tag Team Match ‘Paparazzi Productions’ Alex Shelley Austin Starr & Scott Hall Vs ‘Voodoo Kin Mafia’ Kip James BG James & Lance Hoyt[/B] [I]Hall is so over here in the Igloo…. Starr & Shelley tear the house down… Hoyt is mean…and menacing… VKM struggle to get momentum going… Hall with a hot tag in, trades blows with Kip…..[/I] [B]Scott Hall, Alex Shelley and Austin Starr defeated Kip James, BG James and Lance Hoyt in 4:55 when Scott Hall defeated Kip James by pinfall with a Fallaway Slam. C- **** On the ramp….[/B] AJ Styles comes out, he is getting a mixed reaction, the fans go quiet as he lifts the mic to his mouth…. [I]AJ – “That’s right, shut up!!! Ya know, ever since ive been in TNA, ive had to make my own breaks, and take what I get…….but ive noticed lately, I haven’t been getting those breaks….asses like Samoa Joe get my spots…get my matches…..so ive made an investment….a man who can steer my to the top, whether its here, there or anywhere!! So without further adue….i give to you, for the first time in TNA….THE MAN, ERRRRRRRIC BISCHOFF!!!!!!”[/I] The fans erupt…then boo as Eric comes out to the podium, unshaven and grey!!! AJ & Eric share a hug and give the finger to the crowd… [I]Eric – “That’s right AJ, im here on Impact to insure the best talent in Wrestling today is taken where he belongs… to the top, and first off…lets get rid of that lard ass Samoa Joe….i don’t fear the Samoan AJ….” AJ – “I know Bisch, I know….but first I gotta get my X Division strap back off that kiddo, Sabin…..”[/I] [B]C+ **** X Division Title Match Chris Sabin © Vs AJ Styles w/ Eric Bischoff[/B] [I]WOW what a match up….. Sabin – Styles….Bischoff at ringside…anything can happen…. Superb exchanges….. Bischoff looks on….then…he rolls in a knuckle duster…. INJUSTICE!!! Bischoff laughs as the refs hands come crashing down…..[/I] [B]AJ Styles defeated Chris Sabin in 6:38 by pinfall after using a foreign object. AJ Styles wins the TNA X Division title.[/B] Eric Bischoff & AJ Styles laugh in the ring with the belt, standing over a beaten Sabin who is out cold….Eric gets a can of spray paint out of his jacket and sprays on Sabin…. [B]‘JOE NEXT!’[/B] The fans begin to throw litter into the ring! [B]C ****[/B] Abyss attacks James Mitchell & new client Ricky Banderas from behind, and starts beating the **** out of him. After what seems an eternity, Banderas is left bloodied, and beaten in the backstage area as Mitchell looks on concerned and angry! [B]C **** Hardcore Match Raven Vs Rhino[/B] [I]Hardcore Rules…. One on one…. Chair….. Wire…. Chair…. Table…. Raven Effect….[/I] [B]Raven defeated Rhino in 6:10 by pinfall with a Raven Effect. B ****[/B] Eric Bischoff comes out with his client, AJ Styles…… They don’t even speak…they hold up signs simply saying…. ‘[B]JOE NEXT!’[/B]The fans boo wildly at just the sight of them! [B]B- **** Backstage[/B] Samoa Joe is watching backstage he chuckles to himself as the fans cheer…. He then strolls into Stings locker room and wishes him luck….. [B]B+ **** Triple Threat Match Samoa Joe Vs Christopher Daniels Vs Senshi[/B] [I]MOTY Candidate…..? Daniels on the offensive…. Joe the fan man…. Senshi dangerous…. Joe the fan man, and main main…..[/I] [B]Samoa Joe defeated Christopher Daniels and Senshi in 6:51 when Samoa Joe defeated Senshi by submission with a Coquina Clutch. C+ **** 6 Man Tag Team Match ‘Team 3D’ Brother Runt Brother Devon Brother Ray Vs ‘The Steiner Brothers’ Rick Steiner Scott Steiner & Jeff Jarett[/B] [I]The fans are loving the nostalgia!! Rick gets some heavy blows in… Jarrett is booed…. Team 3D carry the fans! Scott is powerful…. Botched Frankensteiner… Rick comes in…..[/I] [B]Brother Devon, Brother Ray and Brother Runt defeated Scott Steiner, Rick Steiner and Jeff Jarrett in 9:05 when Brother Ray defeated Rick Steiner by pinfall with a Deadly Bomb.[/B] [B]C+ **** Tag Team Match Sting Abyss Vs Tomko Ricky Banderas w/ James Mitchell[/B] [I]Banderas looks impressive under that steel mask of his…. Tomko even looks weary…. Sting is a legend….he proves it with some sharp hits…. Abyss…the monster…Hot Tag… Banderas tags out…. Father James pulls him away…. Tomko is left by himself….[/I] [B]Sting and Abyss defeated Ricky Banderas and Tomko in 7:10 when Sting defeated Tomko by submission with a Scorpion Death Lock.[/B] [B]B- ****[/B] We see a video of SABU!!! We see clips of his previous run in TNA!!! The fans love it and start a Sabu chant….Until his music hits!!! [B]B+ ****[/B] [B]World Title Final Qualifier Match Christian Cage Vs Sabu[/B] [I]Winner goes to Slammiversary to fight for the gold… Sabu is back from hell….. Cage is sending him back to hell…. Cage wants the gold….. Sabu tries any type of assault he can….. Cage is clever…..[/I] [B]Christian Cage defeated Sabu in 13:27 by pinfall with an Unprettier.[/B] The fans half boo/cheer Cage as he points to the camera and indicates hes going to win the gold!! [B]B[/B] [I]Jerry Lawler – “WOW!!! That’s all we got time for….WERE OUTTA TIME!!!”[/I] [B][I][COLOR="Red"]Final Show Rating – C, The Show was deemed a success. Eric Bischoff, Sabu, Bobby Heenan, Rob Conway, Jerry Lawler, Scott Hall All Debuted. The Naturals Re-debuted.[/COLOR][/I][/B][/CENTER]
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Wow dude, this diary is nuts. I've read TNA diaries before and it's always the same bs, but this one is sooo good. You just seem to know the right things to do and the right ways to do it. It's easy to follow and your ideas are clear. I honestly can't wait to see what unfolds with Angle/Hart. There are so many ways that it could go. I really like your signings/debuts as well. They all happened pretty quick but it's alright because it's obvious that Shane is trying to shape things up and turn things around. The only negative that I have for ya is the fact that the matches are pretty short. I know that you have to fit in a lot and I know that TNA matches are relatively short, but that's why some of the ratings have been so low. four and five minute matches are hard to get good ratings with. But other than that dude, everything is awesome. I seriously hope you stick with this one, has tons and tons of potential. Keep it up.
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Thanks for the tips on the matches dude, ill take that on board. Basically im a busy boy, so i try and keep everything as fulfilled as possible but as short as i can. Thanks for reading, you made the Ego smile.
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I'd personally hate to see Bret Hart get in a ring... period. Seeing Harry Smith or Teddy Hart, or hell even a Dallas Hart, wrestle with bret in the corner would be cool. Also, dont like seeing Hall in the ring. I mean, he's in worse shape physically and mentally then Nash, and Nash isnt even in the ring yet because he's seen as too "gone". Hall is more suited for sumo wrestling right now. And Heenan back yelling like a maniac? I dont even think he can raise his voice anymore. Like the general direction though. I would've debut Banderas under a hood though. I love that "Mesias" name.
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[QUOTE=MrCanada;238325]I'd personally hate to see Bret Hart get in a ring... period. Seeing Harry Smith or Teddy Hart, or hell even a Dallas Hart, wrestle with bret in the corner would be cool.[/QUOTE] Ditto, whilst the storyline with Angle calling for one of his own personal dream bouts to become reality, I really hope the pay-off isn't Bret Hart stepping into the six-sided ring to face him. It's got the makings of a great angle to bring someone else in to 'replace' Bret as Angle's opponent or even elevate one of the extended Hart siblings for a TNA run. From an eyecandy note, the little website updates are nicely done and add a touch of class to the diary inbetween shows. Anyway, I've enjoyed the first couple of shows, keep it coming.
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Thanks Sebsplex, Thanks for reading, Your comments are appreciated, thats for sure. The Hart-Angle storyline has got a huge suprise for the future, and im sure not one of you readers will be disapointed. Keep reading and voting!!
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[url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07206/LOGOvip.jpg[/img][/url] [B][U]From PWTORCH.COM Tuesday, Week 2 June 2007 Christian Cage Contract Confusion?![/U][/B] [url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07213/46.jpg[/img][/url] Various reports are circulating the internet regarding the contract status of Current TNA Star and former WWE Star Christian Cage. Many newstations are reporting that Cage has signed a written contract extension with TNA, with Shane McMahon, new TNA Owner focusing Cage as one of his TNA cornerstones, he is set to head to Slammiversary to wrestle for the vacant TNA World Title Belt. But other news reports and in particular, other websites, are circulating that Christian Cage has “jumped ship” back to WWE, to feud with Edge for the WWE Title. We are yet to have confirmed reports on either contract agreement, but you gotta keep in mind that this could be a “McMahon Strategy” by Vince to upset Shane, meaning that Vince has put out a false rumour that Cage has jumped back to WWE. Stay tuned on this huge story breaking today….. In a couple of side notes, WWE Legend Dusty Rhodes has been released from his contract. WWE.COM has the report. WWE Raw last night, held from the Five Seasons Center saw the Worlds Greatest Tag Team beat the Hardy Boyz in a Hell in a Cell Match.
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[url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07206/LOGOvip.jpg[/img][/url] [B][U]From PWTORCH.COM Wednesday, Week 2 June 2007 2 Major Contract Extensions & Huge WWE Main Event![/U][/B] [url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07213/rbs.jpg[/img][/url] TNA today has agreed 2 huge contract extensions. James Mitchell’s New Client, Ricky Banderas has signed a new written deal with TNA. Banderas, 32 is a former IWA & WSX World Champion, and is set to be a major player in TNA. Banderas appears alongside James Mitchell in a dark trenchcoat with a steel mask, which he removes in the ring. In his first TNA appearance he mauled Michell’s former client Abyss, by headbutting him with his mask on, causing head trauma to Abyss. Since then the two have threatned to destroy each other and everything around them. Shane McMahon was always big on Banderas, and this shows it. [url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07213/24.jpg[/img][/url] The Current X Division champion, “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles has also signed a written, long term deal with TNA, which is said to have “rubber stamped & put to bed” by TNA Owner Shane McMahon. Shane is super high on Styles and was always keen to take him to the WWE, but he will now stay in TNA for a long time to come. Styles, 29 is a multi decorated champion, not only in TNA, but also across America. Styles, this past week on Impact unveiled Eric Bischoff as his new Manager, in a huge move for the X Division pioneer. Styles & Bischoff have made Samoa Joe number one target, and that’s just fine with Joe. Expect the two to clash at Slammiversary, but Styles having Bischoff is a major boost… You have to think that Styles could be looking up at that vacant TNA World Title, and be telling Bischoff…..”Get me there!” In a side note, WWE Smackdown Spoilers last night had a super main event, which saw Edge retain the WWE Title, over Chris Benoit & Kane in a triple threat match.
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[url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07206/LOGOvip.jpg[/img][/url] [B][U]From PWTORCH.COM Friday, Week 2 June 2007 Taz to TNA, Impact & Hart Update?[/U][/B] The hot news today is that former ECW & WWE Alumni Peter Senerca, aka Taz or Tazz, has signed for TNA. The news broke on TNAWRESTLING.COM last night, and has been widespread ever since. Various sites are reporting that Senerca will use the “Taz” name in TNA, after purchasing the name back in 2004. Taking the story deeper, with TNAs current announcing signings, such as Michael Cole & Tony Schiavone, let alone Jerry Lawler, people are negotiating that Taz is ready to step out of retirement in TNA, and wrestle in that six sided ring….stay tuned on this one and we have heard that Taz will be in attendance at Slamboree next Sunday Night! The rumours are that Impact will not only have the Sting vs ???, World Title Semi Final Bout, but also a mega undercard, apparently consisting of AJ Styles & Ricky Banderas vs Samoa Joe & Abyss!!! No word on who Sting’s mystery opponent will be yet tho. Also expect Kurt Angle to be in action, and will we hear from Bret Hart?? News reporters from not only Canada & the US, but the world have been trying to get the scoop on this Angle-Hart situation, but to no avail.
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[url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07216/tnaimpact1.jpg[/img][/url] [B][U]Pick 'em While They're Hot![/U][/B] Christian Cage vs Petey Williams Rob Conway w/ Bobby Heenan vs Ron Killings Chris Harris vs Rhino vs Tomko World Tag Team Titles - Team 3D (C) vs LAX vs VKM vs Steiner Bros Kurt Angle vs Sabu Abyss & Samoa Joe vs Ricky Banderas & AJ Styles w/ James Mitchell & Eric Bischoff Sting vs ??? - Winner Faces Christian Cage @ Slammiversary for the vacant World Title
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[url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07206/LOGOvip.jpg[/img][/url] [B][U]From PWTORCH.COM Monday, Week 3 June 2007 A Look @ Shane McMahon’s TNA![/U][/B] Since dropping the biggest bombshell in wrestling since he bought out WCW, Shane McMahon has pushed and guided his TNA into new light…all this in only 2 weeks. Its no secret, TNA were struggling under Dixie Carter and her gang, money troubles, poor booking and low attendances…..but Shane has turned it all around. He has invested in new bookers, writers and superstars. Hes cut the dead wood from TNA, and has made matches have meaning once more. Tonight, we see his 3rd inspired edition of Impact, and with TNA making more headlines than ever, PWTorch thought it would be a good idea to detail each TNA Mover & Shaker with a nice little review….just to keep the fans in touch, for those who haven’t been watching (or reading) Shane’s TNA….. [B]TNA World Heavyweight Championship (VACANT)[/B] To be decided @ Slammiversary between Christian Cage who was victorious last week on Impact, and the winner of tonights Main Event on Impact. [B]TNA World X Division Championship © “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles ©[/B] Last week, Styles beat former champ Chris Sabin on Impact Last Week, with help from new mentor/manager Eric Bischoff. [B]TNA World Tag Team Championship © Team 3D – Brothers Ray & Devon ©[/B] Beat LAX Back in April to pick up the Tag Straps. [B]- Owner – Shane McMahon[/B] Purchased TNA from Panda Energy at the start of June, and has been straight down the middle thus far. Hasn’t had to throw his weight around….yet! [B]- Head Booker & Lead Writer – Michael Hayes[/B] Michael is a tried and tested, let alone trusted member of Shane’s staff. Only been with TNA a short time, but the former lead writer for RAW has got a blank canvas to work with here in TNA [B]- Additional Booking Team - Vince Russo Dutch Mantell Jim Cornette[/B] In addition to Shane & Michael, Russo, Mantell & Cornette have the other booking powers in TNA, but all must go through Shane & Michael Hayes. [B]- Road Agent Team – Terry Taylor Tom Pritchard Michael Hayes[/B] These 3 guys look after the boys on the road, help script matches….all the usual. [B]- Referee Team – Head Ref – Mark Johnson Earl Hebner Nick Patrick Rudy Charles Andrew Thomas Mike Chioda[/B] In Shane’s eyes, the 6 best referees in the business. Now in TNA they don’t take no stick. [B]- Impact/PPV Announce Team - “Iron” Mike Tenay Jerry “The King” Lawler Don West[/B] The staple of TNA announcing, Tenay & West were joined by The King last week, and the team gelled like Pitt & Jolie, The King adds the touch of authenticity to the booth and Shane McMahon knows it. [B]- Backstage Correspondents/Venue Announcer – Michael Cole David Penzer Jeremy Borash[/B] 3 Guys who know how to talk, led up by former Smackdown Announcer, Cole, like the King, adds authenticity to a promo, here in TNA. [B]- Unknown Announcing Post – Tony Schiavone[/B] Signed with TNA 2 weeks ago and has yet to find himself in a role…or at least that we know of….Stay tuned. [B][U]The Talent Roster[/U][/B] [B]- Abyss –[/B] The monster Abyss has been hell bent on destroying James Mitchell, his former mentor…and it just so happens Mitchells new guy, Ricky Banderas is standing in his way. The two meet @ Slammiversary. [B]- “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles – - © TNA World X Division Champion © - - Managed by Eric Bischoff –[/B] Bischoff & Styles are making a devastating pair. Bischoffs interference won Styles the X Division Gold in a tough battle with former champ Sabin, and now they are focused on destroying Samoa Joe…..all because Styles is jealous that Joe is stealing his spot! [B]- Amy Dumas –[/B] This new Diva addition to the TNA Knockouts is a huge one…expect her to debut on Impact tonight, alongside Trish Stratus….What will their “IMPACT” be? [B]- ‘The Naturals’ – - Andy Douglas & Chase Stevens – - Managed by Scott D’Amore –[/B] Returned to TNA after a brief Hiatus, to be managed by Coach Scott D’Amore. Can they re-reach the impressive heights they once achieved? [B]- ‘Paparazzi Productions’ -[/B] [B]- Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Austin Starr & Alex Shelley –[/B] Now just a four piece after disposing of Jay Lethal, the PP look a Stable to be watched in TNA. Nash watches on, Hall does the dirty work, Starr & Shelley light up the crowds. With a Title Shot against Team 3D, where any 2 of the 4 are allowed to compete…the Tag Team Straps aren’t too far out of sight! [B]- ‘B & D’ – - Basham & Damaja – - Managed by Gail Kim –[/B] 2 Power Houses, led by Basham’s fiancée Gail Kim. Sure to find there niche in TNA, in an already impressive Tag Team Division. [B]- ‘Voodoo Kin Mafia’ – - BG James & Kip James –[/B] Rumoured to be changing there tag team name, VKM are a major player in the tag division, at Slammiversary, rumoured to be in an extreme Tag Team Match of some sort. [B]- Team 3D – - Brothers Ray, Devon & Runt - - © TNA World Tag Team Champions © -[/B] Ray & Devon, the Tag Champs are legends in the tag team world. Throw in Brother Runt and they are a strong force, not to be reckoned with. Brother Runt has had any breaks under Shane McMahon yet….but its sure to come. [B]- “Wildcat” Chris Harris –[/B] Former Tag Champion, sure to be a breakout star under McMahon, recently feuding with former partner James Storm, and the feud will come to a head at Slammiversary as its been announced that they will do battle in an undisclosed match type. [B]- “The Future” Chris Sabin –[/B] Since dropping his X Div title to AJ Styles, Sabin has vowed to win his strap back….but it takes a brave man to step in between Samoa Joe & AJ Styles! [B]- “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage –[/B] Heading to Slammiversary in the World Title Match, Cage is on top of TNA and his own game right now, and you gotta think he’s a dead cert for the gold. [B]- “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels –[/B] Daniels is the man right now in TNA, rumours are that he could be the man to battle Sting tonight on Impact, Daniels needs to ignore the lure of the X Division and head up for the belt that has since eluded him, the World Title. [B]- “Showtime” Eric Young –[/B] Has had a break yet under Shane McMahon…Stay Tuned tho…. [B]- ‘The Black Express’ – - Frankie Kazarian & Matt Bentley –[/B] Since dropping the ridiculous Serotonin gimmick, Kazarian & Bentley have stuck together, they have new matching black attires and are expected to head right into the battle to the top of the Tag Division. [B]- ‘Latin American Xchange’ – - Homicide & Hernandez – - Managed by Konnan –[/B] The Former Tag Champions haven’t taken their sights off the Tag Gold, although at Slammiversary they wont be in for the gold, they are rumoured to be the pioneers of this extreme Tag Team Match Rumour that is doing the rounds for Slammiversary. [B]- “Cowboy” James Storm –[/B] Former Tag Champion, perhaps not as inticipated, as Chris Harris, to be a breakout star under McMahon, recently feuding with former partner Chris Harris, and the feud will come to a head at Slammiversary as its been announced that they will do battle in an undisclosed match type. [B]- Jay Lethal –[/B] Since being dropped from the Paparazzi Productions Crew, hasn’t had much to do….Stay Tuned. [B]- “Double J” Jeff Jarrett –[/B] The former World Champion has been teaming with the newly invigorated Steiner Bros. Not currently scheduled for Slammiversary due to the tragic death of his beautiful wife, but you can never rule him out. [B]- Jerry Lynn –[/B] The technician has been floating around the midcard since Shane took over…but he has to bide his time, cause after all, it was Shane who signed him for the WWE. [B]- Joey Matthews –[/B] Yet to re-debut since signing with TNA, Been finishing his indy dates, and is expected to debut shortly. [B]- Kurt Angle –[/B] Embroiled in a feud with…himself basically. Been challenging legend Bret Hart to a match, but to no avail, Has recently taken his eyes off the TNA World Title Prize….more focused on the Hitman. Will they? Wont they?! Who knows…but stay tuned. [B]- Lance Hoyt –[/B] The young powerhouse has teamed with VKM on occasion, awaiting his big break. [B]- Ms. Brooks –[/B] Dropped as manager of Robert Roode, without explaination, but doesn’t look set to be released. [B]- Petey Williams – - Managed by Christy Hemme –[/B] Newly teamed up with Christy, this Canadian dynamo can go with the best of them. Expect a huge push. [B]- Raven –[/B] Since getting away from Serotonin, Raven wants gold. He has been Hardcoring it up with Rhino. [B]- “War Machine” Rhino -[/B] Like Raven, has been in Hardcore Matches….Another rumoured man to be in tonights Main Event against Sting, has a big future. [B]- ‘The Steiner Brothers’ – - Scott Steiner & Rick Steiner –[/B] What more can be said about the Greatest Tag Team in Wrestling?? Rick & Scott have reunited and are looking powerful. Look for a push into this rumoured Extreme Tag Match and head to next months PPV as No1 Contenders. [B]- Sabu –[/B] The Genocidal mad man has returned to TNA, lost to Christian Cage last week, but Sabu has a chance tonight against Kurt Angle. [B]- Ricky Banderas – - Managed by James Mitchell –[/B] The Man with the iron mask, Banderas is a future World Champion, end of story, led by Mitchell, this guy is unstoppable. He can mix it up any style and Abyss has one mighty challenge on his hands. [B]- Robert Roode – - Rumoured to be managed by Trish –[/B] If the rumours are true expect Robert Roode to receive the start of his huge push in TNA when he is paired up with Trish on Impact tonight. [B]- “The Truth” Ron Killings –[/B] Been floating around the midcard. Needs an opportunity. [B]- “Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe –[/B] Untouchable, unstoppable, Samoa Joe is the main man in TNA right now…..just try telling AJ Styles that! The two meet on Sunday night for the X Div Title. [B]- Senshi –[/B] Has looked threatening from day one. He can win any match at any time. Expect him to set his sights on the X Division champion after Sunday. Could face Chris Sabin @ Slammiversary. [B]- Sonjay Dutt –[/B] Floating around the locker room, but is a TNA Staple. Stay Tuned to Station Sonjay! [B]- Sting –[/B] The man, the myth, the legend, Sting. Fights tonight and you wouldn’t put it past him cleaning up tonight and strolling into Slammiversary and out again with the belt. [B]- Taz –[/B] Yet to debut, but if the rumours are spot on, Taz will step into the 6 sided ring, fully active and fully psyched up. [B]- “The Conman” Rob Conway – - Managed by Bobby Heenan – [/B]Conway, along with Heenan has the potential to Main event in TNA by 2008. Give him the right feuds and this guy can be huge…Its all about the breaks. [B]- Tomko -[/B] This guy, an enforcer is on the verge of big things here in TNA….Is tonight his night??? [I]Thanks for reading the TNA Update![/I]
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[B]Christian Cage[/B] vs Petey Williams [B]Rob Conway w/ Bobby Heenan[/B] vs Ron Killings Chris Harris vs [B]Rhino[/B] vs Tomko World Tag Team Titles - [B]Team 3D (C)[/B] vs LAX vs VKM vs Steiner Bros [B]Kurt Angle[/B] vs Sabu Abyss & Samoa Joe vs [B]Ricky Banderas & AJ Styles w/ James Mitchell & Eric Bischoff[/B] Sting vs [B]???[/B] - Winner Faces Christian Cage @ Slammiversary for the vacant World Title
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[B]Christian Cage[/B] vs Petey Williams [B]Rob Conway w/ Bobby Heenan[/B] vs Ron Killings [B]Chris Harris[/B] vs Rhino vs Tomko World Tag Team Titles - [B]Team 3D (C)[/B] vs LAX vs VKM vs Steiner Bros [B]Kurt Angle[/B] vs Sabu [B]Abyss & Samoa Joe[/B] vs Ricky Banderas & AJ Styles w/ James Mitchell & Eric Bischoff Sting vs [B]???[/B] - Winner Faces Christian Cage @ Slammiversary for the vacant World Title
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[B]Christian Cage[/B] vs Petey Williams Going into the main event at Slammiversary, I cant really see Cage losing. [B]Rob Conway[/B] w/ Bobby Heenan vs Ron Killings I see an interesting push for the Conman, especially with Heenan at his side. Chris Harris vs [B]Rhino[/B] vs Tomko Like him the most World Tag Team Titles - [B]Team 3D [/B](C) vs LAX vs VKM vs Steiner Bros I dont see them losing the titles yet [B]Kurt Angle[/B] vs Sabu Angle! Angle! Angle! Abyss & Samoa Joe vs [B]Ricky Banderas & AJ Styles [/B]w/ James Mitchell & Eric Bischoff I see maybe a no contest but am going with Styles and Banderas. Sting vs [B]???[/B] - Winner Faces Christian Cage @ Slammiversary for the vacant World Title Should be interesting to see who this mystery person is.
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[CENTER][COLOR="red"][url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07210/tna21.jpg[/img][/url] [B]iMPACT! Kicks off with a bang here tonight!! The fans are wild as the pyros fly into the arena! We see the shots of our announce team, now with new Colour Commentator, Jerry “The King” Lawler!!![/B] [I]Tenay – “Good Evening, and welcome to Impact!!! We are here from the jam packed Hartford Civic Center, New England, We are just a few short days away from our 5 year anniversary, Live from music city USA – SLAMMIVERSARY!” King – “Forget that Tenay, I wanna see Bret Hart here, I wanna see Kurt Angle beat that chump!!” West – “King, I cant see it happening……” King – “Forget it DW…………..Puppies!! Look at the screen!!!!..........[/I]...”[/COLOR] [B]**** Backstage[/B] The fans erupt as we see Amy Dumas & Trish Stratus doing their make up in a couple of mirrors! [I]Trish – “Looking hot, Amy.” Amy – “As always Trish….” Trish – “Time to shake this show up………”[/I] Trish then walks off as Amy Dumas just smiles and finishes off her make up! [B]C **** Backstage[/B] We see Michael Cole standing by with TNAs Owner Shane McMahon. The fans erupt. [I]Cole – “Good evening everyone, im here wi………”[/I] Shane grabs the mic… [I]Shane – “I tell ya what Mikey, go take a break on Shane O’Mac, ill take It from here!”[/I] The fans erupt. [I]Shane – “We are right around the corner from the incredible 5 year anniversary of TNA, Live from where it all began, Music City USA!! And right after Impact tonight, im gonna go Live on TNAWrestling.com and unveil the final Slammiversary Card! I will also confirm the debut of 2 superstars here in TNA….dont miss it!!”[/I] [B]B **** [U]Opening Match[/U] “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage Vs “The Canadian Destroyer” Petey Williams[/B] [I]Williams being watched by Christy Hemme on the podium?! Could this match be an Instant Classic…. Cage heads into Slammiversary this Sunday………. Williams needs a break….. Quick back and forth action…. Both can work technical…. Suplex, Armbar, Locking Rolling Headbutt…. Williams in charge….. OUTTANOWHERE! Peep Impact![/I] [B]Christian Cage defeated Petey Williams in 4:34 by pinfall with a Peep Impact. C **** On the rampway[/B] Trish Stratus comes out to a nice pop! She grabs the mic….. [I]Trish – “I thought it was time, business picked up here in TNA….Ive come to TNA, specifically because ive seen a talent I want…a talent I crave to guide up to the peak…..he is someone I call “Ravishing”………He is ROBERT ROODE!!![/I] Roode’s music hits as he comes out to a decent pop! He stands next to Trish who gives him a huge smacker on the lips….. Then Amy Dumas comes out……..the fans pop again as Roode looks confused. [I]Amy – “Good call Trish, but ive got someone who I call “Untouchable”….and ive got an idea….Slammiversary, we put on an exhibition…..Your “Ravishing” Robert Roode, versus my “Untouchable” mystery man…….and ill unveil who it is on TNAWrestling.com…” Trish – “Amy you’re a genius…its…..”[/I] Then before Trish can finish, the music of Christy Hemme hits….The fans boo as Christy looks to speak…… [I]Christy – “Hey, Hey Hold on! I want in, ive got a guy and I want in. I can beat you two “Diva’s”…….easy! and I wanna prove it….” Trish – “Christy, YOUR ON BITCH!” Amy – “Bring him to music city girl…”[/I] Amy & Trish then walk off as Christy looks on! [I][COLOR="red"]King – “Im in Heaven Tenay….”[/COLOR][/I] [B]D **** [U]Singles Match[/U] “The Conman” Rob Conway w/ Bobby “The Brain” Heenan vs Ron “The Truth” Killings[/B] [I]Heenan is not as vocal as before, but if looks could kill…. Conway is ****y, confident…. Killings looks on, he needs eyes In the back of his head here…. A few stiff exchanges….Conway gets backed into a corner…… Heenan climbs onto the apron….. Ref goes over…. Conway reveals a knuckle-duster….. BANG![/I] [B]'The Conman' Rob Conway defeated Ron Killings in 5:54 by pinfall when Bobby Heenan interfered. D **** In the Ring…..[/B] We are joined by Paparazzi Productions! Hall, Nash, Starr & Shelley are all here…….. [I]Hall – “Hey Yo, its us! It’s the MVPs of the PP!” Nash – “We are the four greatest superstars in TNA, 2 of us have done it all….and 2 of us WILL do it all, that’s hellava mix!” Starr – “Hey dudes…don’t forget we are crazy!” Shelley – “Austin, they know man!” Hall – “Hey Team 3D, we are coming for you in Music City, but Chico’s you aint even gonna know which 2 of us are coming for you!” Nash – “Perhaps they should bring Runt too!!” Starr – “Unless he’s put on 300 pounds I wouldn’t bother….” Shelley – “HAHA! You guys kill me!”[/I] The fans enjoy the promo as an MVPs chant starts, The PP leave the ring clapping hands. [B]D **** [U]3 Way Hardcore Match[/U] “The Sympathiser” Tomko Vs “The War Machine” Rhino Vs “Wildcat” Chris Harris[/B] [I]WOW, Hardcore Rules….. Harris takes a speedy adv over Rhino…. Tomko is big and powerful here…. Double super kick from Harris & Tomko on Rhino!!! Tomko literally pushes Harris out the ring…..[/I] [B]Tomko defeated Rhino and Chris Harris in 7:20 when Tomko defeated Rhino by pinfall with a Big Boot. C **** [U]TNA World Tag Team Championship 4 Way Elimination Bout[/U] ‘Team 3D’ © Brother Ray & Brother Devon Vs ‘Latin American Xchange’ Homicide & Hernandez w/ Konnan vs ‘Voodoo Kin Mafia’ BG James & Kip James Vs ‘The Steiner Brothers’ Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner[/B] [I]Can Konnan be the difference maker here?? All 4 teams need a victory here…. Rick & Scott look to have chips on their shoulders….. Kip James looks to knock that chip off!!! BG James obliterated by Homicide & Hernandez with nice exchanges….. Devon gets an advantage….. Hernandex is outta here! LAX are eliminated! Rick Steiner heads up top! Mistake?! Superplex by Kip!! Brother Ray nails Scott Steiner! Kip rolls on Rick! He’s outta here! Steiners are eliminated! BG James runs in! Straight into a 3D! Kip is still down! Pinfall!![/I] [B]Team 3D defeated The Steiner Brothers, LAX and Voodoo Kin Mafia in 7:46; the order of elimination was LAX first, then The Steiner Brothers, and finally Voodoo Kin Mafia. Team 3D make defence number 2 of their TNA World Tag Team titles. C ****[/B] [COLOR="red"]King – “What’s happening guys?!?”[/COLOR] We see the arena go black…. Orange Smoke fills around the screen…. Unfamiliar music hits…. And this appears and the fans erupt!! [url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07210/tnataz.jpg[/img][/url] [B]C **** Backstage[/B] Kurt Angle is backstage with Jeremy Borash [I]Borash – “Kurt, im gonna cut to the chase, have you had any response from Bret Hart?” Angle – “Jeremy, all im gonna say is that Bret Hart cant duck me forever…Hitman, meet me in the ring, Sunday Night in Music City…..you don’t want people to think you’re a girl do you?” Borash – “A Girl?!” Angle – “Jeremy, my ugly friend, Stu Hart always wanted a boy, and Helen Hart always wanted a girl, god bless em…..so it looks like they are both satisfied! WOOOO!”[/I] Angle then storms off…….. [B]B **** [U]Singles Match[/U] Kurt Angle Vs Sabu[/B] [I]The mad man charges for Angle!! Angle takes him down! Angle take control here…. Sabu can’t gain any momentum here….. Angle rips down his suit to reveal another suit, in pink & black with Bret Hart’s logo all over it!!! Angle locks in the SHARPSHOOTER!![/I] [B]Kurt Angle defeated Sabu in 6:45 by submission with a Sharpshooter![/B] At the bell he celebrates like a vintage Bret Hart to huge boos from the New England crowd! [B]B **** On the Podium[/B] The fans boo wildly as TNA World X Division Champion AJ Styles and his manager Eric Bischoff are here….they look set to speak before the upcoming match….. [I]Eric – “Ladies & Gentleman, I give you “The Phenomenal One”….The X Division Champion……..AJ STYLES!!”[/I] The fans boo! [I]AJ – “Hey shut up! You’re supposed to like me! Im the best here in TNA! No one can move like me…!” Eric – “Hey show some respect to a champion here! He’s MR.TNA Goddamit!! He’s no SLOW JOE! You’ll respect his when he has the Man in the Iron Mask next to him, the monster Ricky Banderas! Common AJ, lets get this Sh*t on the road!”[/I] [B]B **** [U]Tag Team Match[/U] “The Monster” Abyss & “Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe Vs “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles & ”Man in the Iron Mask” Ricky Banderas w/ James Mitchell & Eric Bischoff[/B] [I]What a management team behind Styles & Banderas….. But do you think that would faze Joe or Abyss?! Joe with stiff kicks to Ricky Abyss comes in on Ricky, they both nail fury punches! Match slows down….. Styles tag….its speeds up! Styles on Abyss with lightning speed…. Abyss catches Styles…. Joe comes In to the crowds delight! Abyss goes for Banderas! They brawl into the crowd… Joe & Styles are legal! Not even Bischoff can distract Joe! Joe hits it……..[/I] [B]Abyss and Samoa Joe defeated Ricky Banderas and AJ Styles in 16:50 when Samoa Joe defeated AJ Styles by pinfall with a Muscle Buster.[/B] After the match, Bischoff pulls out Styles as Joe looks on smiling as the crowd go wild! Abyss & Banderas disappear into the arena brawling!! [B]B **** A music video is shown to promote Sting.[/B] We see recent highlights from TNA Action, we also see vintage WCW footage. [B]B **** [U]The Main Event[/U] Winner heads to Slammiversary To battle for the Vacant TNA World Title![/B] Sting makes his way down to the ring, the crowd go wild for the Stinger!! He then steps into the ring and poses for the crowd and waits for his opponent! Who will it be?! A familiar riff plays over the PA! [B]Sting Vs Raven[/B] [I]In typical McMahon fashion, we expected a newbie to come through the curtains…. Raven gets the fans on his back straight away….. Is this his big chance?? Can Sting head to the PPV…… Raven tries dirtying the match with brawling…. Sting obliges…… Raven gains good momentum……… Then outta nowhere!!![/I] [B]Sting defeated Raven in 10:51 by pinfall with a Scorpion Death Drop.[/B] [B]A*[/B] [I]Sting wins! He heads to Slammiversary this Sunday! Wait! Christian Cage runs in from the crowd…… One Hit! One hit to the back of Stings head with a foreign object and Cage flees again! Sting collapses, blood pours![/I] [I][COLOR="red"]Tenay – “We’re outta time!” King – “Stings outta here!”[/COLOR][/I] [B]B[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]Final Impact Rating - C+ The Show was a Success - 5,329 Attendance Figure[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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