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"Just Call Me The Saviour of All Things Wrestling...."

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[B][U]Sunday, Week 1 July 2007 From TNAWRESTLING.COM [url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07254/impactisjericho.jpg[/img][/url] Pick 'em while they're hot!![/U][/B] [B][U]6 Man Tag Team Match[/U][/B] [B]Team Angle[/B] "Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle, "King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett & Tomko [I]vs[/I] [B]The Hart Foundation[/B] "The Broken Hart" Ted Hart, ??? & ??? [U][B]Tag Team Match[/B][/U] "Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe "The Monster" Abyss [I]vs[/I] TNA World Champion "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage "Man in the Iron Mask" Ricky Banderas w/ James Mitchell [U][B]Fatal 4 Way Match[/B][/U] TNA World X Division Champion "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles w/ Eric Bischoff [I]vs[/I] "The Warrior" Senshi [I]vs[/I] Sting [I]vs[/I] "Ravishing" Robert Roode w/ Trish Stratus [B][U]Special Guest Referee Match[/U] Singles Match[/B] [B][I]Referee - "The Saviour" Chris Jericho[/I][/B] "The Conman" Rob Conway w/ Bobby Heenan [I]vs[/I] "Wildcat" Chris Harris [B][U]TNA World Tag Team Title Match 3 Way Tag Match[/U][/B] [B]TNA World Tag Team Champions - Paparazzi Productions[/B] Alex Shelley Austin Starr [I]vs[/I] [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] "Dog Faced Gremlin" Rick Steiner "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner [I]vs[/I] [B]Team 3D[/B] Brother Ray Brother Devon
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6 Man Tag Team Match Team Angle [B]"Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle, "King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett & Tomko[/B] vs The Hart Foundation "The Broken Hart" Ted Hart, ??? & ??? I think Angle will pull one out this week, especially after losing to Teddy at the last. Tag Team Match "Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe "The Monster" Abyss vs [B]TNA World Champion "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage "Man in the Iron Mask" Ricky Banderas w/ James Mitchell[/B] I always hate going against Captain Charisma .. go champ. Fatal 4 Way Match [B]TNA World X Division Champion "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles w/ Eric Bischoff[/B] vs "The Warrior" Senshi vs Sting vs "Ravishing" Robert Roode w/ Trish Stratus I'm enjoying this AJ push and would love to see it continue. Special Guest Referee Match Singles Match Referee - "The Saviour" Chris Jericho [B]"The Conman" Rob Conway w/ Bobby Heenan[/B] vs "Wildcat" Chris Harris Not sure what'll happen here, but Conway > Harris, for sure. TNA World Tag Team Title Match 3 Way Tag Match [B]TNA World Tag Team Champions - Paparazzi Productions Alex Shelley Austin Starr[/B] vs The Steiner Brothers "Dog Faced Gremlin" Rick Steiner "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner vs Team 3D Brother Ray Brother Devon Love these guys as champs and this'll continue to put them over. sweeet card, should be quite the interesting show. Hart V Angle is amazing by the way, keep up the awesome work.
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Team Angle [B]"Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle, "King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett & Tomko[/B] vs The Hart Foundation "The Broken Hart" Ted Hart, ??? & ??? Tag Team Match "Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe "The Monster" Abyss vs [B]TNA World Champion "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage "Man in the Iron Mask" Ricky Banderas w/ James Mitchell[/B] Fatal 4 Way Match [B]TNA World X Division Champion "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles w/ Eric Bischoff[/B] vs "The Warrior" Senshi vs Sting vs "Ravishing" Robert Roode w/ Trish Stratus Special Guest Referee Match Singles Match Referee - "The Saviour" Chris Jericho [B]"The Conman" Rob Conway w/ Bobby Heenan[/B] vs "Wildcat" Chris Harris TNA World Tag Team Title Match 3 Way Tag Match [B]TNA World Tag Team Champions - Paparazzi Productions Alex Shelley Austin Starr[/B] vs The Steiner Brothers "Dog Faced Gremlin" Rick Steiner "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner vs Team 3D Brother Ray Brother Devon
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6 Man Tag Team Match Team Angle "Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle, "King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett & Tomko vs The Hart Foundation "The Broken Hart" Ted Hart, ??? & ??? [B]DQ or Draw[/B] It's too early to get a clean result. Tag Team Match [B]"Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe "The Monster" Abyss[/B] vs TNA World Champion "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage "Man in the Iron Mask" Ricky Banderas w/ James Mitchell Fatal 4 Way Match TNA World X Division Champion "The Phenomenal" [B]AJ Styles[/B] w/ Eric Bischoff vs "The Warrior" Senshi vs Sting vs "Ravishing" Robert Roode w/ Trish Stratus Special Guest Referee Match Singles Match Referee - "The Saviour" Chris Jericho "The Conman" [B]Rob Conway[/B] w/ Bobby Heenan vs "Wildcat" Chris Harris TNA World Tag Team Title Match 3 Way Tag Match [B]TNA World Tag Team Champions - Paparazzi Productions Alex Shelley Austin Starr[/B] vs The Steiner Brothers "Dog Faced Gremlin" Rick Steiner "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner vs Team 3D Brother Ray Brother Devon
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[CENTER][url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07256/tnaxplosion.jpg[/img][/url] [COLOR="red"][B][U]Tag Team Match[/U][/B] 'Voodoo Kin Mafia' BG James & Kip James vs 'The Black Express' Frankie Kazarian & Matt Bentley [B]Voodoo Kin Mafia defeated The Black Express in 2:53 when BG James defeated Frankie Kazarian by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/B] [I]C[/I] [B]****[/B] [B][U]Triple Threat Match[/U][/B] "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs "The Future" Chris Sabin vs "The Guru" Sonjay Dutt [B]Christopher Daniels defeated Chris Sabin and 'The Guru' Sonjay Dutt in 3:11 when Christopher Daniels defeated 'The Guru' Sonjay Dutt by pinfall with an Angel's Wings.[/B] [I]C[/I] [B]****[/B] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] Joey Matthews vs Killings w/ Konnan [B]Joey Matthews defeated Killings in 3:06 by pinfall with a Virginia Necktie.[/B] [I]C[/I] [B]****[/B] [B][U]Main Event[/U][/B] 'B.A.D' Basham & Damaja w/ Gail Kim vs 'Latin American Xchange' Homicide & Hernandez w/ Konnan [B]Basham & Damaja defeated LAX in 1:42 when Basham defeated Hernandez by pinfall with The Piledriver.[/B] [I]C[/I][/COLOR] [B]- TNA iMPACT! To follow Shortly - [/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07256/mellon.jpg[/img][/url] iMPACT! Kicks off with a bang here tonight!! The fans are wild as the pyros fly into the arena! We see signs such as ‘WE WANT BRET!’ ‘CAGE IS CLASSIC!’ and ‘JOE = CHAMP!’ We see the shots of our announce team, Mike Tenay, Jerry Lawler & Don West. The 3 guys are at the announce table and are ready to cruise us into iMPACT! [IMG]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb307/TheEgoImages/MikeTenay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb307/TheEgoImages/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb307/TheEgoImages/DonWest.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="red"][I]Tenay – “Welcome to IMPACT!!! WE are just 6 days away from the biggest PPV of our generation – VICTORY ROAD!” King – “You can say that again Tenay, but we gotta get thru one more Impact yet!!” West – “You hit the nail on the head king, the biggest superstars of our sport are all here tonight….Anything can happen!!!!” ****[/I][/COLOR] [B][U]In the Parking Lot[/U][/B] The fans erupt as a black limo pulls up, out steps the driver who opens the door for, TNA Owner Shane McMahon!! He is suited up and looks ready for the Big Press Conference with Bret Hart & Kurt Angle!!!! [B]B[/B] [B]**** [U]Hardcore Rulez[/U] “New York Brawler” Taz Vs Raven[/B] [I]The fans are loud and in anticipation for tonights curtain raiser!! Taz gets a good pop! Raven comes out and soaks up the boos!! Both men lock up! It doesn’t take them long to head to the outside!!! Raven looks under the ring! Chairshot to the back of Ravens head!! He didn’t see it coming! Taz is in control here! Raven strikes back!! Raven now picks up a bat! He nails Taz in the head!!! Raven now in control!! He sizes up Taz who is clumbering to his feet…. Raven runs towards Taz….. Taz ducks!! TBONE!!!! Raven is down!!!! Taz gets the cover!!! Hebner counts the fall![/I] [B]Taz defeated Raven in 5:48 by pinfall after Taz hit a TBone Suplex B **** [U]Backstage[/U][/B] The fans burst into boos at the sight of AJ Styles, who has the X Division Title draped over his shoulder and Eric Bischoff to his side…… [I]Eric – “Hey shut up!! You cant boo me or AJ, surely even you dumb fans can realise that!?? Hey we aren’t here to show this Arena up, we are here to get through tonight…..get through 3 other men and still be standing….tell em AJ!”[/I] Styles takes the mic and some of the female fans cheer. [I]AJ – “You heard him – SHUT UP!!!............ Senshi, Roode & Sting…..that should be no more than a formality tonight, Yeah Sting & Robert Roode are lethal opponents, but they are too wound up in their own foreplay that to mess with me……So that leaves Senshi, and boy am I coming for you……..”[/I] They drop the mic and walk off to boos!! [B]C **** [U]Fatal 4 Way Match[/U] TNA World X Division Champion "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles w/ Eric Bischoff vs "The Warrior" Senshi vs Sting vs "Ravishing" Robert Roode w/ Trish Stratus[/B] [I]Senshi is first out here to a decent pop!!! Then the boos erupt again as out X Division champ comes out! Then The Ravishing one, Robert Roode, with Trish hit the ring! Man Roode looks paranoid about something here….Sting perhaps? Roode cant keep his eyes off the crowd……He looks shakey!!! The lights black out!!!! Roode panics!!! Styles and Senshi both look confused! The light hit on, STING is in the ring!!! Roode bails the ring!!!! Roode runs out through the rampway!!! Sting follows suit!!!! Styles then gets clobbered by Senshi, as it appears we now have only 1 on 1!!!! Sting & Roode disappear!!! The Bell rings, and we are underway! Senshi goes to work on Styles!! Styles reverses with a hand from Eric Bischoffs right hand to the back of Senshis head! Awesome action here!! These two must do it all again on Sunday!! Senshi is getting beaten like a tramp here! Styles is looking mad and frustrated here! He cant keep Senshi down!! Styles hits a Hurricarana on Senshi!! Styles goes for the pin!! NO! Kick out!! Styles looks increasingly frustrated! Senshi gets scooped up onto the buckle! Styles going for the Super Styles Clash?! WAIT! Senshi hits a tope rope Suplex outta nowhere!! He rolls it through!! 1 – 2 – 3!!! SENSHI WINS!!! UPSET!!!!! Senshi takes the victory here!!![/I] [B]Senshi defeated AJ Styles, Sting and Robert Roode in 12:43 when Senshi defeated AJ Styles by pinfall with a Styles Clash. (Sting & Robert Roode left the Match) B **** [U]Backstage[/U][/B] We see Chris Jericho in a referees outfit!! The fans go wild!! [I]Jericho – “Yes, your Saviour is here!!!!”[/I] The fans go wild!!! [I]Jericho – “Tonight, not only am I the highlight of the night, but also a special guest referee!!! And look who I gotta referee…..”Wildcat” Chris Harris…..and “THE CONMAN!!!” My old buddy….Rob Conway!!!! In 6 days time, I will beat you Conman, I will destroy you and save TNA from you and that little Heenan guy that follows you around like its 1989!!! YEAHHHHHHH!”[/I] The fans go wild as Jericho walks off!! [B]B **** [U]Down a Corridor.....[/U][/B] We see Robert Roode running down a corridor with Trish in hand!!! He turns the corner out through some doors!!! Then, we hear the fans erupt as Sting is seen right behind him!!!!! We gotta cut to an interview!!! [B]B **** [U]Backstage[/U][/B] We see Michael Cole standing by in the interview area with James Mitchell & Ricky Banderas, along with TNA World Champion Christian Cage! [I]Cole – “Here I am with the two men who will face Samoa Joe & Abyss in tonights Main Event here on Impact, Ricky Banderas & Our World Champ, Christian Cage….also with them is Banderas’ manager, Father James Mitchell…….”[/I] [I]Cage – “Hey that’s enough talking Cole, now scram!!!”[/I] Cole walks off nervously!! [I]Cage – “The fact of the matter is, I, Christian Cage, am the Undisputed World Champion, and im being pursued by a lazy Samoan!”[/I] The fans boo! [I]Cage – “And I think it’s a bout time we get this show on the road, I beat his a$$, not once, but twice…..starting tonight…..” Mitchell – “That’s right Champ, and with Ricky Banderas at your side, you can accomplish whatever you desire…..!! Abyss, the end is nigh for you…….!”[/I] The fans boo the heels as they walk off the screen! [B]D **** [U]We see a “Paparazzi Productions” Video[/U][/B] We see shots of Kevin Nash, Scott Hall & TNA Tag Champions, Alex Shelley & Austin Starr! It hints that next week the Pap Crew will be recruiting live on Impact!!!!!! [B]C **** [IMG]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb307/TheEgoImages/TNATagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [U]TNA World Tag Team Title Match 3 Way Tag Match[/U] Paparazzi Productions © Alex Shelley & Austin Starr vs The Steiner Brothers "Dog Faced Gremlin" Rick Steiner & "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner vs Team 3D Brother Ray & Brother Devon[/B] [I]The 3 Premier Tag Teams in Wrestling in One TNA Ring!! The fans are behind all 3 team here!! The Steiners & PP face off this Sunday, Will we have a title change tonight?! All 3 teams want the gold here!!!! Rick & Alex Shelley start off!!! Shelley is beaten by sheer technique! Brother Ray is tagged in, Head on collision with Rick & Ray, both men are down! Starr gets the tag, as does Devon, Devon dominates!! Starr is set up!!! 3D!!! Already!! This could be a quick title change here!! WAIT A MINUTE!!! HALL & NASH ARE HERE!!! The Outsiders hit the ring!!! The Steiners & Team 3D look at each other!!! The Outsiders stand in front of Shelley & Starr!! MASS BRAWL!!!! 3D & Steiners attack The Paparazzi Productions and force them out the ring here!!! The 2 legendary teams are celebrating here!!! [/I] [B]The Match was thrown out by Referee Slick Johnson due to the Mass Brawl. Paparazzi Productions make defence number 3 of their TNA World Tag Team titles. C **** [U]On The Screen[/U][/B] We see exclusive clips of Bret Hart in training for his return to the ring!!! The fans go wild during this segment….. The screen fades to a counter clock reading [B]HART V ANGLE – 6 DAYS & Counting!![/B] [B]B **** [U]In The Parking Lot[/U][/B] We see the Crazed Sting looking for Robert Roode!!! He still cant find him!! Sting is going crazy smashing up cars!!! He then grabs a TNA Backstage worker and ends up punching him down and storming off!!! [B]B **** [U]Backstage[/U][/B] We are made aware of a disturbance, we find Kurt Angle and his team of Tomko & Jeff Jarrett in a stand off with Ted Hart, Eric Young & Petey Williams!!! I guess these are the 6 men for tonight!!!! The two teams are kept separate by a flurry of officials!!! [B]D **** [U]In the Walkway[/U][/B] We see TNAs Saviour….”The Saviour” Chris Jericho walking to the ring, as Special Referee!!! Conway vs Harris is Up Next! [B]B **** [U]Backstage[/U][/B] The camera spots “Cowboy” James Storm glued to a monitor, mumbling to himself!!! He is sitting there holding an old AMW Coat, rocking backwards and forwards!!! [B]F **** [U]Special Guest Referee Match Singles Match[/U] [I]Referee - "The Saviour" Chris Jericho[/I] "The Conman" Rob Conway w/ Bobby Heenan vs "Wildcat" Chris Harris[/B] [I]Jericho debuts in a TNA Ring…..as a ref!!! – For Now!! Harris looks focused here!! Heenan is shouting instructions at his guy, Conway!!! Harris makes the first move!! Conway is taken down, much to Jericho’s amusement!! Heenan is still ranting on the mat! Jericho goes over to him!! He signals to the back…… 3 referees come down and escort Heenan to the back!!! Heenan & Conway are furious!!!!! Jericho & the fans laugh!!! Wait!! Handful of tights!! Harris rolls up Conway!!! Jericho sees it! He ignores it!!! He counts the pin!!! 1,2,3!!! Quick count!! The fans erupt!! Harris wins!! Conway cant believe it!!!! He shoves Jericho!!! Jericho comes back off the ropes – Dropkick!!! Conway falls out of the ring!!! Harris is up and is taunting Conway on the outside!! Wait – Jericho dropkicks Harris too!!!! The fans go wild!! Harris falls onto Conway!! Jericho signals for the mic….. Jericho – “Hey, Sorry Wildcat, I couldn’t be biased now could i?!....But hey Chris, you won the match!!!” Jericho drops the mic after his act of sarcasm and celebrates on the top rope as the fans go wild!!![/I] [B]‘Wildcat’ Chris Harris defeated 'The Conman' Rob Conway in 8:42 by pinfall with a handful of tights. C **** [U]On the Podium[/U][/B] The fans begin to boo as Amy Dumas and her client “The Untouchable” Sean O’Haire come out and play to the crowd! [I]Dumas – “Hey, I had this idea this week, An “Unreachable Sky Match” and if anyone’s brave enough to gamble to face “The Untouchable” One in this match at Victory Road, and actually manage to beat Sean, then they win my services………”[/I] The fans erupt, O’Haire just stands still rolling his fists around together. [I]Dumas – “So who’s brave enough?! You know where to find us…..Victory Road!!!!!”[/I] They leave to a mixed reaction! [B]D **** [U]6 Man Tag Team Match[/U] [I]’Team Angle’[/I] "Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle, "King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett & Tomko vs [I]’The Hart Attack’[/I] "The Broken Hart" Ted Hart, “Showtime” Eric Young & “Canadian Destroyer” Petey Williams[/B] [I]What a way to warm up for Victory Road for Kurt Angle!!! Jarrett has new tights, in the style of Kurt Angles, as does Tomko……. The Hart Attack all look young and keen to impress here, they are fighting for Bret Hart, and Bret Hart only here tonight!!! Angle is keeping his track suit on here!! Angle stays on the outside! Tomko starts and munches Young!! Tomko hits a triple Power Bomb right away on Eric Young!! Tomko scoops up Young’s lifeless body and tags in Ted Hart!!!!!! Hart jumps in and tries to nail Tomko here!!! Tomko takes the tag to Jarrett who is met with big boos!! Jarrett goes to work on Hart!!! Hart is looking hurt here!!!! Jarrett again tags out to Tomko who comes in and takes Hart’s head off with a big boot!!! Hart is down here!!! Williams reaches in for the tag!!! Tomko races towards Williams!! Williams tries a Running DDT, but Tomko is too strong here!! Williams brought down the canvas with a bang!! Tomko hits the modified Rock Bottom on Petey! NOW ANGLE WANTS THE TAG!!! The hard work has been done!! He slaps Petey About and OLYMPIC SLAM!!! Team Angle take the easy win here!!!! The fans are booing wildly here, and start to throw garbage at Angle and his two men![/I] [B]Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett and Tomko defeated Ted Hart, Petey Williams and Eric Young in 8:32 when Kurt Angle defeated Petey Williams by pinfall with an Olympic Slam. C **** [U]Backstage[/U][/B] We see Sting walking about the Parking Lot again!!! Robert Roode is then seen on a split screen for the viewers at home walking towards the parking lot!!! As he turns into the parking lot! Sting drives off!!!! A Close call for Roode & Trish here tonight!!! [B]B **** [U]The Main Event Tag Team Match[/U][/B] [B]"Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe & "The Monster" Abyss vs TNA World Champion - "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage & "Man in the Iron Mask" Ricky Banderas w/ James Mitchell[/B] [I]WOW! What a Main Event!! These 4 men are just 6 days away from the biggest nights of their lives!! Cage and Abyss start off brawling here…. No Brainer – Abyss takes control of the brawl!! Cage is frantically looking for the tag to Banderas!!! Joe is clapping Abyss on here! Abyss scoops up Cage…. But Cage rolls off the top of Abyss and tries the choplock on Abyss!! Abyss is hobbling!!! Cage runs towards the ropes!! Whats he gonna go for……REVERSED BY ABYSS!!! BLACK HOLE SLAM!!!! Cage got nailed!!!! Banderas is pulled down from the apron by James Mitchell and they both walk back up the ramp here as the fans boo!!!! Mitchell looks worried, but Banderas just stares at the ring!!! Cage has been left on his own here!!!! Abyss will cover Cage surely?! No!! – Abyss looks at Joe!!! Abyss tags Joe in here – Scoop up – MUSCLE BUSTER ON CAGE!! ITS OVER!!! Earl Hebner will count the pinfall!!! 1….2……3!!!! Joe & Abyss win here!! Banderas was pulled away from the match by a concerned Father James Mitchell!!! Abyss was dominant!!! What will happen this Sunday Night?!?![/I] [B]Samoa Joe and Abyss defeated Christian Cage and Ricky Banderas in 9:51 when Samoa Joe defeated Christian Cage by pinfall with a Muscle Buster. B **** [U]The Press Conference[/U][/B] The Moment everyone has been waiting for has finally arrived. We see a Grey Press Room with a long bench, and the TNA logo on the back wall! TNA Owner Shane McMahon walks into the room and all the cameras flash in attendance! On the long bench, the table is divided, Shane McMahon sits in the centre, below the TNA logo, and to his right we see Team Hart, consisting of Ted Hart, Bret Harts son, Blade & Jim Neidhart!!! Team Angles spaces to Shanes left are still empty. Shane starts to speak…. [I]Shane – “Ladies & Gentleman thank you for joining us here today, as we stroll on this historic path to TNAs Pay Per View Spectacular, Victory Road. And of course you are all here to see Bret Hart & Kurt Angle sign the official fight papers….and that’s what you will see, so let me introduce the necessaries…. …..First of all, he is a hero to every wrestling fan across the world, From Calgary, Alberta Canada, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you, Bret “The Hitman” Hart!!!!!”[/I] The cameras go wild as Bret Hart strolls into the conference room in a leather jacket and jeans, looking in great shape! He shakes Shane McMahon’s hand, smiles for the cameras and sits down next to Shane, and alongside Jim Neidhart & Blade Hart. [I]Shane – “And without further a due his opponent, and the Challenger of this contest, From Pittsburgh, Pensilvania, He is an Olympic Gold Medalist, He is Kurt Angle!!! And alongside him, Team Angle, Jeff Jarrett & Tomko……..”[/I] Kurt Angle walks in with slacks on with his 2 stooges in tow….He poses for the cameras, He shakes Shane’s hand and points at Bret Hart and shouts something that we cant quite pick up…..He then sits down in his place. As all men are seated, we see a raised platform brought into the room with a Contract on, and the platform is placed in front of the Bench where they are all sitting….. Shane then begins to speak again…. [I]Shane – “Bret, Kurt, please join me for the signing of the Victory Road Contract……”[/I] Shane Stands up as do Bret & Kurt, who go opposite ways to the table with the contract on, Shane stands to the centre of the table as the opponents come either side, facing each other. Shane points to the contract, which Bret Hart signs without a second thought, He then drops the pen and Shane Slides the contract to Kurt Angle who then also signs the contract. [I]Shane – “There you go, its official folks, Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle, The Winner goes to Hard Justice to fight for the TNA World Title!!!!! No More Questions......”[/I] The paparazzi all shout and talk as Shane drops the bombshell!! Bret & Kurt both look at Shane in surprise as Shane adds the stipulation to the match!!!! Bret doesn’t look overly happy here!!! It was supposed to be a one shot deal!! Angle looks pleased!!!!! [B]The Conference ends in Chaos with the Paparazzi shouting questions to Shane, Kurt & Bret as all 3 men are ushered away!!!![/B] [B]A[/B] [COLOR="red"]Tenay - "Bret Hart thought he was signing up for just one match!!!!! Thats all Bret Wanted!!!! Shane has screwed Bret!!!!" [B][COLOR="Red"]Final Show Rating C - Show was a success Attendance Figure of - 6,182[/COLOR][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07206/LOGOvip.jpg[/img][/url] [B][U]Tuesday, Week 2 July 2007 From PWTORCH.COM WWE & TNA News[/U][/B] WWE Raw Last Night had two bumper matches, Firstly The Worlds Greatest Tag Team beat The Hardy Boys and have now earnt a WWE Tag Team Title Shot, and in the Main Event, Ric Flair continued his strong push with a win over Randy Orton. TNA Impact was said to have been a banging show, expect a Review on TNAWRESTLING.COM shortly. On a side note, at the Xplosion tapings before Impact, Hernandez broken 3 fingers on his right hand when LAX lost to VKM. This spells more troubles for LAX. Expect Killings & Homicide to now form a team.
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[url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07206/LOGOvip.jpg[/img][/url] [B][U]Wednesday, Week 2 July 2007 From PWTORCH.COM WWE/ECW Results[/U][/B] WWE Smackdown tapings last night are in. There was a mammoth Main Event, Edge def Chris Benoit to retain his WWE World Title. Also on the show, Kane went over MVP quite convincingly. The ECW Tapings saw Rob Van Dam beat John Cena in otherwise a fairly dull show.
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now that is a show i would love to see, and at wembely, i would love to watch it seeing as how my club will never get there oh well Im gonna make some predicitions Ego man if you dont mind TNA World Heavyweight Title 'The Instant Classic' Christian Cage VS [B]'The Samoan Submission Machiene' Samoe Joe[/B] Gotta go for Joe he deserves to lead the company TNA X Division Title [B]'The Phenomenal' AJ Styles With Eric Bischoff[/B] VS 'The Warrior' Senshi Styles regains, Bischoff plays his part, senshi regreats only being able to win on Impact TNA Tag Team Title [B]'Papparazzi Productions' Alex Shelley & Austin Starr with Kevin Nash & Scott Hall[/B] VS 'The Stenier Brothers' Scott Stenier & Rick Stenier with Brother Ray & Brother Devon PP for Me, i think they are young and fresh and you need them to hold on to the titles THE CHALLENGE MATCH Bret 'The Hitman' Hart VS '[B]The Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle[/B] I think The Hitman will stay in TNA someway or another but i gotta give Angle the shot at JOE One On One 'The Icon' Sting VS [B]'Ravishing' Robert Roode with Trish Startus[/B] i was going to go with Sting with the win but after your comment about the way Sting is going to go i can see a Roode win possibly by DQ after taking to much of a beating from the Stinger The In-Ring Debut [B]'The Saviour' Chris Jericho[/B] VS 'The Conman' Rob Conway with Bobby Hennen Gotta go for Jericho hopefully a big push i can see a fued with the instant classic possibly in the future Boiler Room Brawl [B]'The Monster' Abyss[/B] VS 'The Man In The Iron Mask' Ricky Bandanas Abyss wins and gets his hands on Mitchell after Hardcore Tag Team 'Head On Collision' Taz & Rhino VS Raven & Sabu would be a great match and call me crazy but im going to go for a no one wins finish UnReachable Sky, Winner Gets Amy Dumas 'The Untouchable' Sean O'Haire VS[B] 'King Of The Mountain' Jeff Jarrett[/B] Double J, he needs to rebuild his staff like when he had Gail and AMW, and Amy could be the start of that Tables Match [B] 'Wildcat' Chris Harris[/B] VS Homicide with LAX i can see this being the beggining of the end of LAX and hopefully the start of a singles career for Homicide Open Tag Team Challenge No idea going to go with The Naturals because i would liek to see them pushed keep up the good work Ego my man
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TNA World Heavyweight Title [B]'The Instant Classic' Christian Cage[/B] VS 'The Samoan Submission Machine' Samoa Joe TNA X Division Title [B]'The Phenomenal' AJ Styles With Eric Bischoff[/B] VS 'The Warrior' Senshi TNA Tag Team Title [B]'Papparazzi Productions' Alex Shelley & Austin Starr with Kevin Nash & Scott Hall[/B] VS 'The Stenier Brothers' Scott Stenier & Rick Stenier with Brother Ray & Brother Devon THE CHALLENGE MATCH Bret 'The Hitman' Hart VS [B]'The Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle[/B] One On One 'The Icon' Sting VS [B]'Ravishing' Robert Roode with Trish Startus[/B] The In-Ring Debut [B]'The Saviour' Chris Jericho[/B] VS 'The Conman' Rob Conway with Bobby Hennen Boiler Room Brawl 'The Monster' Abyss VS [B]'The Man In The Iron Mask' Ricky Banderas[/B] Hardcore Tag Team [B]'Head On Collision' Taz & Rhino[/B] VS Raven & Sabu UnReachable Sky, Winner Gets Amy Dumas 'The Untouchable' Sean O'Haire VS [B]'King Of The Mountain' Jeff Jarrett[/B] Tables Match 'Wildcat' Chris Harris VS [B]Homicide with LAX[/B]
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TNA World Heavyweight Title [b]'The Instant Classic' Christian Cage[/b] VS 'The Samoan Submission Machine' Samoa Joe Joe vs. Angle and Joe vs. Hart are bigger "dream matches" than any combination with Christian, but I don't think he's ready to lose the title yet. I'd expect a Joe/Angle rematch in the next couple of months and then [i]maybe[/i] the Hart match further down the road. TNA X Division Title [b]'The Phenomenal' AJ Styles [/b]With Eric Bischoff VS 'The Warrior' Senshi Senshi would be a lame duck champion at this point. The Styles/Bischoff tandem still has enough appeal to carry the X Division for the next few months. TNA Tag Team Title 'Paparazzi Productions' Alex Shelley & Austin Starr with Kevin Nash & Scott Hall VS 'The Steiner Brothers' Scott Steiner & Rick Steiner with Brother Ray & Brother Devon The match goes down without a convincing finish one way or the other, setting up a four-way tag title match for next month. THE CHALLENGE MATCH [b]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart [/b]VS 'The Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle Unless there's a major swerve coming up, I don't see why a plot element like the title shot would have been introduced unless it'll be used to keep Hart in TNA for a while longer. He wins this match, but I'm not sure he'll get his title shot. One On One 'The Icon' Sting VS [b]'Ravishing' Robert Roode[/b] with Trish Stratus Roode and Stratus have an awful lot more to gain from a win here than Sting. It seems like Sting is being used as a glorified jobber at the moment to give the rub to Ego's favorites, so this is about the only sound booking choice. Unless Sting gets a win to set up a rematch at a later date. The In-Ring Debut [b]'The Saviour' Chris Jericho [/b]VS 'The Conman' Rob Conway with Bobby Heenan Why in Whedon's name would you introduce a guy like Chris Jericho and not have him win his debut match? Conway is being set up for a big push, but it's not going to come at the expense of Jericho's heat. Boiler Room Brawl 'The Monster' Abyss VS [b]'The Man In The Iron Mask' Ricky Banderas[/b] Seems like Banderas is destined for bigger things, and I'm not sure a loss for him would be good for Mitchells' character. Hardcore Tag Team [b]'Head On Collision' Taz & Rhino [/b]VS Raven & Sabu One of these tag teams has its own name. The other consists of a guy who hasn't won a match since his re-debut and a guy who's been used as a jobber to the stars since the start of the diary. Unreachable Sky, Winner Gets Amy Dumas 'The Untouchable' Sean O'Haire VS [b]'King Of The Mountain' Jeff Jarrett[/b] O'Haire hasn't exactly been setting the world alight (much to my regret), and Jarrett really, really needs a win here. Tables Match 'Wildcat' Chris Harris VS [b]Homicide[/b] with LAX I expect shenanigans from Storm to lead to a victory for Homicide, unless AMW reforms as a "wacky tag team wherein the two members hate each other." Open Tag Team Challenge [b]The Naturals[/b] could really use a win here unless Shane is actually trying to piss off D'Amore by sabotaging his latest project. I don't expect them to win, but I'd still like to see it happen.
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Hey dude, sorry I've been absent for the past few days, I went on a three day tour outside the country so I havent been around a pc. I read the last show however and it was a pretty good build-up to the PPV, here are my predictions. TNA World Heavyweight Title [B]'The Instant Classic' Christian Cage[/B] VS 'The Samoan Submission Machine' Samoa Joe Love Christian and love him as champ, I say he keeps it and moves onto even bigger feuds. TNA X Division Title [B]'The Phenomenal' AJ Styles[/B] With Eric Bischoff VS 'The Warrior' Senshi I've said it before and I'll say it again; AJ & Bischoff are awesome together and I love the direction, AJ goes over. TNA Tag Team Title [B]'Papparazzi Productions' Alex Shelley & Austin Starr [/B]with Kevin Nash & Scott Hall VS 'The Stenier Brothers' Scott Stenier & Rick Stenier with Brother Ray & Brother Devon I like this 4v4 thing you have going, but the titles stay where they should be. THE CHALLENGE MATCH Bret 'The Hitman' Hart VS [B]'The Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle[/B] This was so tough, I honestly changed my mind like three times, but considering that Bret isnt in the shape to keep competing, I have to go with Angle. One On One [B]'The Icon' Sting[/B] VS 'Ravishing' Robert Roode with Trish Startus I know it makes sense for Roode to win, but I have to go with Sting for some weird reason. The In-Ring Debut [B]'The Saviour' Chris Jericho[/B] VS 'The Conman' Rob Conway with Bobby Hennen Jericho will be main eventing soon, so he goes over. Boiler Room Brawl 'The Monster' Abyss VS [B]'The Man In The Iron Mask' Ricky Banderas[/B] Again, hard to decide but I think it'd be better if Banderas won for future considerations. Hardcore Tag Team 'Head On Collision' [B]Taz & Rhino[/B] VS Raven & Sabu Should be an awesome match, but I like the team of Taz & Rhino more. UnReachable Sky, Winner Gets Amy Dumas [B]'The Untouchable' Sean O'Haire[/B] VS 'King Of The Mountain' Jeff Jarrett I dont find there was enough build up for Jarrett to win. Tables Match [B]'Wildcat' Chris Harris[/B] VS Homicide with LAX Seeing that Harris went over Conway at last show, I say he wins again. Nice card, honestly cant wait for the show. Keep it up!
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TNA World Heavyweight Title 'The Instant Classic' Christian Cage VS [B]'The Samoan Submission Machine' Samoa Joe[/B] TNA X Division Title [B]'The Phenomenal' AJ Styles With Eric Bischoff[/B] VS 'The Warrior' Senshi TNA Tag Team Title [B]'Papparazzi Productions' Alex Shelley & Austin Starr with Kevin Nash & Scott Hall [/B]VS 'The Stenier Brothers' Scott Stenier & Rick Stenier with Brother Ray & Brother Devon THE CHALLENGE MATCH [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart [/B]VS 'The Olympic Hero' Kurt Angle One On One [B]'The Icon' Sting[/B] VS 'Ravishing' Robert Roode with Trish Startus The In-Ring Debut [B]'The Saviour' Chris Jericho[/B] VS 'The Conman' Rob Conway with Bobby Hennen Boiler Room Brawl 'The Monster' Abyss VS [B]'The Man In The Iron Mask' Ricky Banderas[/B] Hardcore Tag Team 'Head On Collision' Taz & Rhino VS [B]Raven & Sabu[/B] UnReachable Sky, Winner Gets Amy Dumas [B]'The Untouchable' Sean O'Haire [/B]VS 'King Of The Mountain' Jeff Jarrett Tables Match [B]'Wildcat' Chris Harris [/B]VS Homicide with LAX
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