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"Just Call Me The Saviour of All Things Wrestling...."

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Guest Vitamin E
[quote]Hart wrestling doesn't seem too big of a problem to me; again, suspension of realism can be a good thing. Nevertheless, I have to question one thing. You said that you did not edit or embellish any wrestlers stats which I think is the right way to go. However, if that is the case, how on earth did Angle/Hart pull an 'A' rating? Hart hasn't wrestled on a stage like that in years, his body is still in bad shape and the "ring rust" factor would be impossible to overestimate. Even Angle is not that good, surely. So, I'm intrigued as to whether you did, in fact, bum up Hart's stats or if you're just using a very generous mod.[/quote] For me, in a real world diary set in present time without any backstory done up to redo history to their own liking, realism is a big thing, unless the unrealistic can be made into smething realistic, such as Hart wrestling again. I wont go "so and so would never beat Triple H in real life THIS SUCKS!" or anything, though.
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Guest Vitamin E
It really isnt that difficult, but I wasnt JUST saying the commentary was too short. I said the commentary/write ups for the longer matches seem like theyre written for a 5 minute match, which is a downfall for move by move "He grabbed his arm, hit an armdrag, he got back up, dropkick! picks him up by the head ect ect" writeups. Here is an example for a write up for a TV show match, which could range from 6-10 minutes or so: [quote]Normal Tag Team Match A.P.A. [vs] Christian and Lance Storm Before the entrances, a 'No Way Out Replay' was shown of the key moments in the Tag Team Turmoil match. This tag match was billed as a challenge by Christian and Storm for being unfairly eliminated last night. APA beat down on Storm and Christian quickly once the bell rang. Storm and Christian kept tagging eachother in when one got knocked down in the ring. The only offense they got was when both got into the ring and started double teaming Bradshaw after shoving Farooq off the apron. This allowed Storm to hit a Super Kick to Bradshaw and Christian went for the cover, only to have it broken out of at 2. Christian threw a tantrum after this and Storm tried to stop him. Farooq slid back in and got behind him and hit an Angry Man Spinebuster once he turned around. Storm started getting back up and Bradshaw nailed the Clothesline From Hell and got the 3 count as Farooq laid into Christian with boots at the 6:36 mark.[/quote] Thats for a televised match which would normally run around that time unless its between bigger names. For a PPV match, this is an example: [quote]Normal Singles Match - WWF Heavyweight/World Heavyweight Championships Chris Jericho© w/ Stephanie McMagon [vs] Triple H [Both men stared at eachother for a few seconds when the bell rang before moving. They circled eachother once and Triple H turned towards Stephanie to blow her kiss and brought his hands around his waist, signaling he would be holding the belts, which gave Jericho the chance to attack him from behind. Jericho punched Triple H into the corner and hit a few kicks into him. He whipped Trips into the opposite corner and ran after, getting hit with a back elbow. Both men exchanged offense for a bit, neither gaining a clear advantage for the first five, six minutes. After that Jericho started to gain more and more offense than Triple H had. Jericho came running off the ropes and got locked into a sleeper hold, breaking it before it could do any damage by elbowing Hunter in the ribs. Jericho ran back to the ropes and ducked a clothesline. He came running back again and took Hunter down with a spinning heel kick. He picked Hunter back up and kicked him in the gut a few times and sent him into the ropes and hit him with a backhand chop as he came running back. Jericho slapped a few more chops in and then kicked Hunter's left leg, taking him down. Jericho didn't work too much on the leg, though, and instead just worked beating the hell out of Hunter. After Triple H started making a short comeback, hitting Jericho with a high knee to the head, Jericho started working more on the leg by hitting another kick to it, this time to the back of it instead of the front. Jericho dragged the leg onto the outside apron and rammed his elbow down into it, making Triple H scream in pain. Jericho got back into the ring and worked the leg some more, stopping to work the rest of his body as well. At around 12:46 Triple H again began coming back. Though he was trying to keep weight off the left leg as much as he could, he smashed Jericho's face into his right knee when Jericho was looking for a back body drop. He started laying Jericho out as best as he could, but with his left leg having been worked on it was harder for him to do so. Stephanie at ringside didn't help matters either as when Triple H had Jericho in the corner she got onto the apron. He walked over to her and started talking. Jericho ran up from the side and slammed Triple H's head to the mat with a bulldog and stomped away at his back. Again Jericho was in control, but this time it only lasted a couple minutes. Triple H ducked a chop attempt and went for a kick to the gut, but Jericho caught it and used his leg to trip Hunter to the mat. Jericho then tried locking the Walls in, but Triple H put a fight up and prevented it, able to overpower Jericho and send him to the mat. Once both back up Triple H took Jericho down with a powerful clothesline, followed by another and then cornering Jericho in the corner and kicking him there. He climbed to the middle ropes and started landing a series of punches, the crowd counting each one he hit. He stopped at nine when Stephanie again got on the apron. Hunter pointed at her and said something, and Jericho grabbed him and powerbomb him off the corner. He kept a hold of the legs and pushed them back for the pin. He put his feet on the middle rope for leverage, but that didn't help as Triple H broke out at the two count. The two started to once again exchange the offense with neither of them able to overpower the other. Stephanie helped Jericho get a small advantage, but it didn't last too long as Triple H would find a way to get back in the fight. The match started getting even more heated up when the 17:00 minute mark rolled around. Triple H started gaining steam and almost delivered a Pedigree, only Jericho wasn't knocked out enough and he grabbed Hunter's legs to go for the Walls once more. Triple H overpowered Jericho for the second time and shoved him to the mat with both feet. Triple H tried getting up but Jericho was too fast and drilled his elbow into his back. Jericho now worked the back a little bit with some elbows to it before bringing him to his feet. He whipped Triple H to the ropes and ducked a clothesline from him. Jericho ran to the opposite ropes of Triple H and jumped to the middle rope, bouncing off and hitting a springboard crossbody to Triple H. Jericho put one foot over Hunter's chest and flexed his muscles with a ****y pin, which only got a two count. HE grabbed Hunter and put his throat on the middle rope and choked him with it. He let go when the ref got to four and got out on the apron. He stepped back and then kicked Hunter right in the side of the head. Jericho turned to face the fans and taunted at them. When he turned back around Hunter hit him in the gut with a shoulder, barely making a strong impact. He delivered another one, stronger than the last one. He stood up and grabbed the top rope, pulled back, then pushed it away, sending Jericho off the apron and face first into the barricade. The two battled it out on the outside, with Jericho trying to nail Hunter in the head with the World Heavyweight title, but missing when he ducked and then getting slammed head first into the apron. Triple H tore the Spanish announce table down, throwing the cover and monitors away. The crowd started cheering, wanting to see Jericho put through it. Jericho started coming back on the outside, but Triple H put a stop to it and decided to bring it back in the ring. Once back inside Triple H was looking strong with the fans behind him. The match pace slowed down a little by now, with Triple H taking his time to hit a knee drop on Jericho. He still sold his left leg hurting him and walked a little to try and shake it off. When he did he sent Jericho to the ropes and Jericho jumped to the middle rope again, bounced off, and took Hunter down with a springboard dropkick. He dragged Hunter over to the corner post and got on the outside to drag him some more. He tried slamming Hunter's leg into the post, but Hunter broke free and kicked him. Triple H got on the outside and Jericho met him with a knee. He brought Triple H over to the Spanish announcers table and was pulled a little when they were directly in front of it. Triple H kicked Jericho and was going for a Pedigree on the outside, but Jericho lifted Triple H up and sent him crashing through the announcers table! Jericho slowly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count and started picking Triple H up. He slid him into the ring, got in himself, looked down at Triple H, now in the middle of the ring, and went for the Lionsault. Hunter saw it coming and rolled out of the way, but Jericho saw that and landed on his feet. Triple H quickly got up and ran at Jericho, ducking a clothesline and grabbing his neck from behind for a neckbreaker. Jericho spun out of it but got kicked in the gut and set up for the Pedigree. Jericho broke free and grabbed hold of Hunter's legs, tripping him to the mat and finally being able to lock in the Walls of Jericho. Triple H was screaming in pain and kept refusing to give up. Slowly, inch by inch, he started crawling to the ropes. Once he was about to reach for them Jericho broke the hold and dropped an elbow across his neck and dragged him back to the middle of the ring. The match had now reached the 22:00 minute mark about and Triple H was again starting to crawl to the ropes. Stephanie was in front of him, taunting and yelling that he wasn't going to win and to just give up. This drove him more, though, and he got to the ropes. He even grabbed hold of Stephanie's wrists, forcing Jericho to break the hold again and kick Hunter in the head. Jericho tried dragging Triple H back to the middle of the ring to apply the Walls again, but Triple H held onto the ropes and kicked Jericho a couple times. Triple H got back up to his feet and started exchanging a slow set of punches with Jericho. They started going faster until Triple H ducked and delivered a spinebuster to Jericho. Triple H stood and threw his arms out and leaned back and the crowd started going wild. He waited for Jericho to get up, but Stephanie got into the ring and turned Triple H around. She started telling him something and then slapped him across the face. He smiled and grabbed her by the hair. He turned his head and Jericho came charging with a forearm. Triple H moved and Jericho accidently nailed Stephanie! He grabbed his hair and looked shocked. He turned and got kicked in the gut and Triple H set him up for the Pedigree. Jericho lifted him up and over his back to the mat, though, escaping once again. He dragged him to the middle of the ring and went for the Lionsault, this time landing on Triple H's raised knees. Hunter got up, picked Jericho up, and went to kick him, but Jericho caught it and spun him around. Jericho kicked Triple H in the gut and went for a Pedigree himself, but Triple H lifted Jericho up and over this time. Jericho got back to his feet and gouged Hunter's eyes out before he could do anything. Jericho ran to the ropes behind Hunter and went for a bulldog, but Hunter ducked the attempt. Jericho turned around and Triple H kicked him and delivered the Pedigree! He went for the cover...one...two...three at the 27:42 mark! A new WWF Heavyweight and World Heavyweight Champion has been crowned! Triple H grabs his newly won championships and ascends to the middle rope in the corner to raise them high above his head!][/quote] Now, parts of the write up are/seem move by move, but it is really only when citing a specific spot which require detail, like "so and so looked beaten down, but came back after countering Move A. He hit clothesline after clothesline, but it wasnt enough as he was taken down by a vicious looking ddt." Not saying that is the only way to really do them as everyone will do write ups, that arent move by mvoe based, differently. His write ups for what is one of TNA's bigger PPV's were lackluster, especially the first tag match that really did nothing to emphasise the match at all. Move by move based write ups, from experience, are no good for anyone because they become robotic pieces of writing that are uninteresting to read. Again, though, it is a combination of him going for move by move based write ups, his write ups being WAY too short for some of the matches and not giving any detail about the matches in most cases, and being lazy with some write ups by doing nothing to talk about the match other than "so and so dominated... he and he beaten down... so and so win at 8:28!!!", which gives nothing to the reader. some of his matches were written out better than others on the Slammiversary show. In recollection, though, it really isnt as much as move by move results he is using as it is that the write ups are too short and the 'lines' he uses dont give enough information, so calling him out on using move by move results is partly wrong on my part.
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[QUOTE=Vitamin E;254029]It really isnt that difficult, but I wasnt JUST saying the commentary was too short. I said the commentary/write ups for the longer matches seem like theyre written for a 5 minute match, which is a downfall for move by move "He grabbed his arm, hit an armdrag, he got back up, dropkick! picks him up by the head ect ect" writeups. Here is an example for a write up for a TV show match, which could range from 6-10 minutes or so: Thats for a televised match which would normally run around that time unless its between bigger names. For a PPV match, this is an example: Now, parts of the write up are/seem move by move, but it is really only when citing a specific spot which require detail, like "so and so looked beaten down, but came back after countering Move A. He hit clothesline after clothesline, but it wasnt enough as he was taken down by a vicious looking ddt." Not saying that is the only way to really do them as everyone will do write ups, that arent move by mvoe based, differently. His write ups for what is one of TNA's bigger PPV's were lackluster, especially the first tag match that really did nothing to emphasise the match at all. Move by move based write ups, from experience, are no good for anyone because they become robotic pieces of writing that are uninteresting to read. Again, though, it is a combination of him going for move by move based write ups, his write ups being WAY too short for some of the matches and not giving any detail about the matches in most cases, and being lazy with some write ups by doing nothing to talk about the match other than "so and so dominated... he and he beaten down... so and so win at 8:28!!!", which gives nothing to the reader. some of his matches were written out better than others on the Slammiversary show. In recollection, though, it really isnt as much as move by move results he is using as it is that the write ups are too short and the 'lines' he uses dont give enough information, so calling him out on using move by move results is partly wrong on my part.[/QUOTE] I can honestly say, writing matches in a diary is damn hard. I know when I try to do move by move I get to a point and say, that just doesn't seem feasible, although two minutes ago it did in my mind so I start over again. I really don't think many people read diaries to see how wrestler A wrestled wrestler B, but how the matches advanced the story, what the outcome was, and what caused those outcomes. Personally I only highlight either the end or important spots, because otherwise you won't get the detail necessary to cause the conflicts that create the stories.
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Christ trust the reflection of perfection to be the talking point on this diary...... Guys i really appreciate the constructive critisism, but im afraid the way i write, i love, and i have no immediate plans to change, I have my collection of readers who appreciate my work, and i appreciate them. This diary is for my own enjoyment, no one elses, Sorry guys, if theres a debate to happen, please do so elsewhere.
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I just don't get why you brush off actual constructive criticism, and then go and blatantly attack someone's diary because they said your commentary was a little short. Either you don't care about constructive criticism, or you do care. You can't have it both ways. If the answer is written on the back of said tissue, I'll take one.
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Dude, please, you are clogging up my diary with junk, these posts should be used for quality webshots, and my show write ups, If you aint got nothing to say thats relevant, then do ya self a favour, and me a favour and kindly go elsewhere.
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Guest Vitamin E
I offered constructive criticism. It just wasnt "OMG I loved it". If youre going to stick with your current writing, then thats your choice. You dont HAVE to change anything if you dont want to. I was jsut giving you actual criticism about the show itself instead of just saying how I liked it. If you cant accept the negative feedback with the positive, then dont bother posting a diary because once you do it becomes open for anyone to say anything they want. Im not trying to start a debate. I just left my opinions on your show. Im sorry I didnt just say "OMG this sucked" or "OMG awesome show", but when I leave feedback about a show I try to go over all the parts of the show, unless theyre really small parts, and leave my thoughts on them, good or bad. I actully try to leave more negative feedback because I think it is better to call people out on their flaws/what I didnt personally like because theres a better chance theyll improve or change. Now, Ive seen some nonquality posts in this diary, so you might be the kind of diary writer that says they accept all criticism, but when negative ones come their way they just shoot it down and ignore it and all that. Ive seen them at other boards, and it sucks because thye can have diaries with a good idea, but dont do it that well and then dont accept any form of help if they see it as someone attacking the diary.
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Guest loves2spooge
hello ego where are you im very much enjoying this diary dont worry about all these nay sayers there are people enjoying this please come back
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Thanks man, Just to put everyone in the picture..... 1, Ive bought a new car...Mitsubishi Shogun Warrior so im busy playing with that at the mo.... 2, im into Football Manager 2007 (Updated) in my spare time..... 3, Pre Season Footy training has started, so im training now 3 times a week.... 4, big developments have happened in my game, so i need to be in the right frame of mind to get my head round writing these up in the best way Thanks for reading.....Ill be back real soon
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