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Bushy Business: A Wrestling Story

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[CENTER]The Prologue With A Mustache Sunday, Week 3, May, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]Here I am sitting in my boxers at around 2:00, Central Time that is. Sitting in my boxers with a freshly toasted strawberry Pop-Tart on a paper plate. Television set to one of my least favorite channels, ESPN classic. Sure, ESPN is good, hell ESPN News is good, even the occasional World Series of Bingo on ESPN 2 is good, but ESPN classic... As I take a bite of my Pop-Tart, Rollie Fingers finishes off the last hitter of the 1974 World Series. Fingers, getting a win and three saves in the series, hoists the World Series MVP trophy high. This is when I think to myself...[/I] [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Damn, that mustache is off the hook! [I]Just if you are wondering, no I don't wear FUBU or listen to Eminem, I just felt like saying that phrase since I watched Malibu's Most Wanted recently. Once again, Rollie Fingers face appears on the tube and I can't do anything but glare at that fantastic upper-lip piece of art.[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/RollieFingers.jpg[/IMG] [I]Yep, that is the man. That is one of the greatest relief pitchers of 1970s baseball. And as how Napoleon Bonaparte's height problems made him a legend, Rollie Finger's mustache made him a legend. This motivated me to do something I haven't done for a long time, look at my old baseball cards. I haven't looked at my cards since I was little, like 9 or 10. Back then I thought legends were Todd Zeile and Bobby Bonilla. I remember always looking up the values on my Frank Thomas rookie card or my Ken Griffey Jr. rookie card and all they were worth was $25.00. So one thing leads to another, I find myself chugging back a cup of purple(not grape, grape doesn't exist) Kool-Aid and about to look through my closet for my card chest. Now I notice that the chest is on the top of the shelf. Well now I can get that down right easy...NOT![/I] [U][B]Loud Noise[/B][/U] Boooooooom! [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Son of a bi... [U][B]My Dad[/B][/U] What was that!? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Some large object fell from the sky! [B][U]My Dad[/U][/B] Okay, well go to bed! [I]Wow, that wasn't close. As I open the chest full of card binders I thought to myself, "This Kool-Aid could use more sugar..." I grab the first binder to my eyes, the one with Joe Montana in an odd green colored jersey and Charles Barkley throwin' down on someone. I open it up and I'd be damned, first card on the top-row, dead-center, Rollie Fingers Oakland A's rookie year.[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/RollieFingersCard.jpg[/IMG] [I]That mustache still gets me. The man is on the level of Tom Selleck with that under-the-nose caterpillar. This has now forcefully made me go to my computer...ah pop-ups! Good thing they don't exist since I've got Firefox now(now that's advertisement). I go to some website that tells you the listings on some baseball cards. I go to Rollie Fingers' name and am attacked by a bunch of lower valued numbers. I then see something that jumps out at me, almost making me spill my purple Kool-Aid. The number has five digits and it starts with a 55 and ends with a 000. Surely this must be a mistake so I check other sources.[/I] [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Hot damn, this guy must have crafted this card himself or something... [I]Little did I know, that exact phrase was true. Rollie Fingers actually printed these cards with his own printing press. I don't know why Rollie Fingers would want his own printing press, but I would later find out that Rollie Fingers is the seventh biggest tax delinquent in the state of Wisconsin. Fingers made this card, along with many counterfeit dollar bills, to make money to get out of the 1.7 million dollar hole he is in. So this is pretty much like finding out that you have OJ Simpson's Bronco. That is something I would sleep on and maybe have a nice dream involving the Grand Canyon, Jerry Garcia, and Wishbone the dog.[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]The Big Sale Sunday, Week 3, May, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]I awake the day with thoughts of dollar signs in my head. Actually what was in my head was why was Wishbone the dog jumping the Grand Canyon on a motorcycle? Unfortunately, Jerry Garcia didn't find his way into my dream. Well I awake to cool sounds of a fishing show on the television, which can only mean my dad is watching it. I don't even bother doing anything before I get on the computer and go to the place where dreams are made....eBay. I put the card on sale and everything and I thought to myself that this card shouldn't garner anything above $100. Much to my surprise that exact number that was shown in the card magazine from 7 years ago was the highest bid. The sale was to a man from Newark, New Jersey who goes by the name of Frondi. He immediately sent me a message via Yahoo Messenger, which I will regret to ever list on eBay.[/I] [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] Hello, I'm Frondi! [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Hi, are you the one buying my card? [I]After I sent that message I couldn't help but see his display image in the corner of the message box. This Frondi looks a lot like someone I have seen before, but I can't quite put my finger on it.[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/Frondi.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] Yes, I'm the one who bought the card from you. I love Rollie Fingers, he was my favorite baseball player growing up. My dad used to take me to Brewers games when I lived in Milwaukee. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Oh that sounds interesting. Frondi, how did you make all this money, if you mind me asking? [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] I won a settlement from a famous celebrity...well not really anymore, Ben Affleck. He yelled at me for telling him problems with his movie Gigli. I sued him for mental distress. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Wow, that's pretty weird, Frondi. So what do you do for a living? [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] I don't do anything for a living. I live at the Home for the Mentally Challenged here in Newark, New Jersey. I can't live with my parents anymore since they died in a bear hunting accident in Northern Wyoming. [I]Now that I realized Frondi was actually mentally challenged, my sarcasm had to drop a lot. I may be a douche bag to most people but being a douche bag to someone who is mentally challenged just isn't right, especially if this guy is giving me $55,000 for a baseball card.[/I] [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Well Frondi, I'm very sorry to hear that. But, I've got to go now Frondi, I've got to go eat some Lucky Charms or something. I'll try to get that card to you as soon as possible. [I]I would then log out of Yahoo Messenger quicker than I ever had before because I'm sure Frondi would give me something else to reply to. It's not as if I don't have time to talk to a mentally challenged person just those Lucky Charms were sounding delicious. So I take a walk downstairs and look in the cabinet while scratching my backside. I look up and all I see is....[/I] [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Freakin' Raisin Bran! [I]All I can do is sit there and let the box pore itself into my gigantic cereal bowl. I know what you guys are thinking, "This kid must be huge!" That isn't true, I'm fairly medium sized kid. Now I sit at my kitchen table enjoying, well not really enjoying, a bowl of Raisin Bran. Now enter the daily protagonist...[/I] [U][B]My Brother [/B][/U] Hey, dickweed... [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Why don't you go listen to Reba McEntire and dance around in your cowboy boots? [I]This is what I like to call an inside joke. I would explain this to you but there is precious dynasty time I've got here. So, yeah that is my brother, the one who is about to get pw3nd...I'm sorry owned. I was never into those stupid internet word things.[/I] [B][U]My Brother[/U][/B] You got my money? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] I don't owe you any money. [U][B]My Brother[/B][/U] Well so what, you need to get a job. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Not anymore,...dickweed! [B][U]My Brother[/U][/B] Why is that, bumass? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Because I just sold a baseball card for $55,000. [U][B]My Brother[/B][/U] Yeah, okay, and Arizona isn't located under California. [I]This is another inside joke that only a few know. By now it seems that my brother is quite the character, which he is. He isn't stupid, but he sure as hell isn't smart. God love him, but the boy just needs to get his head out of his rear, but who am I to talk.[/I] [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Whatever you say, bro. [I]I would continue to eat my Raisin Bran and stare at the back of the cereal box, which had a snazzy little puzzle to figure out. I thought it was rather interesting. Well that is where this post ends, I know not very eventful but it got the job done.[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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Oh thank you, MrOnu. You sound like someone who is addicted to cigarettes, they really don't have a reason but they are addicted. I should have some more backstory up tomorrow since the posts don't take more than a good half an hour.
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[CENTER]Cashing In Tuesday, Week 4, May, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]Well I returned from school and sat on my couch and watched a nice episode of The King of Queens. Boy, Kevin James is one silly man. But on the other hand, Jerry Stiller as Arthur Spooner can't be topped. So I sat there until the mailman drove up to my mailbox. I laughed for a second as my mailman struggled to get it open, what an idiot. I walk outside and go through the mail.[/I] [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Coupons for Pizza Hut...no! [I]Pizza Hut sucks plain and simple. It is the worst pizza there is and isn't even close to as good as Domino's or Papa John's. I don't even understand why I'm rambling on about Pizza Hut. I guess I just hate it that much.[/I] [B][U]Me[/U][/B] Bills...bills... [I]I then came upon a envelope addressed to me. It is from someone in Newark, New Jersey, so you know what that means. I opened it up quickly and there it is, a check for $55,000. I quickly shake the check around just to see if it is real. I would know if it is real or not since I've seen the motion picture Catch Me If You Can starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks. I immediately hop on my Vespa and drive to my bank. And no, I don't get beef for driving a motor scooter.[/I] [U][B]Bank Teller[/B][/U] How can I help you, sir? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] I would like... [I]I then look up at the bank teller and my goodness. The markiest of all marks in the wrestling world is sitting right in front of me. I can't help but to show my fondness.[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/DaveWillis.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Ha ha ha ha ha! [U][B]Bank Teller[/B][/U] What is the problem, sir? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Oh nothing, but aren't you that one crying wrestling fan? [U][B]Bank Teller[/B][/U] I try to keep that behind me, sir. I get criticized all the time because of that. I just feel very strongly for the wrestling business, that is all. Now what can I do for you? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] I'm here to cash a check...for $55,000. [U][B]Bank Teller[/B][/U] Wow sir, that is a lot of money. If I could suggest something to do with that money. [I] He tells me to come closer, which I just look around and then look at him funny. I don't get why this guy would give me suggestions, but I guess it wouldn't hurt.[/I] [U][B]Bank Teller[/B][/U] You should start a wrestling promotion. [I]Right when he is talking to me, the janitor is walking by. He overhears the conversation and can't help to put in his opinion.[/I] [U][B]Bank Janitor[/B][/U] Why would you want to do that? Wrestling is fake, you should start your own landscaping business, sir. [I]Now this is the point I should have saw this coming. The guy says he wants to keep this stuff behind him, but now he goes off and does something like this...[/I] [U][B]Bank Teller[/B][/U] It's still real to me damn it! [I] I then gingerly walk out of the bank while the two men are fighting, the bank teller now pouring out with tears. I hop on my Vespa and get out of there as fast as I can because I don't like to be a part of a scene.[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]I'm Going To Hell Tuesday, Week 4, May, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]I made my way home from the bank where some rather interesting things went down. I came home and reached into my refrigerator and grabbed a Mondo punch drink. Yes, I have switched my preference of fruit punch drink from Kool-Aid to Mondo. I take my Mondo to my room and hop on the internet. I get on Yahoo Messenger and look over and see the face of my mentally challenged business partner, Frondi.[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/Frondi.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] Hello, A/S/L? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] 16/M/...wait! Frondi, it's the kid you bought the Rollie Fingers card from. [B][U]Frondi[/U][/B] Oh, hello. Did you get my check in the mail? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Yes I did, Frondi. Did you get the card? [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] Yes, I got it earlier today after nap time. A couple of bullies tried to take the card from me but I fought them off. I'm trained in Muay-Thai, I'm a black belt. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] That is very cool, Frondi. [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] So have you decided what to spend the money on yet? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] I'm thinking about investing into my own wrestling promotion... [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] I wouldn't be too sure about that, buddy. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Why is that, Frondi? [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] The wrestling business is pretty shaky at these times and I don't believe a kid your age could run a wrestling promotion. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Frondi, I know these things. I know the wrestling world pretty well I think I could pull it off. [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] To be honest, I think the plan has logic problems. It has a lot of holes in it. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Trust me Frondi, this thing will be a success, trust me! [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] I don't think it will, I think it will fail miserably. [U][B]Me[/B][/U] You know what, Frondi? You're a dickhead! [I]I can't believe I just did that. I just called a mentally challenged kid a dickhead. Who can blame me? He was being one, he was shooting down everything I was saying. Anyone else in my situation would do the same thing probably. Now I can see why Ben Affleck got mad at Frondi. Frondi would then soon sign off quicker than a hiccup. But, meanwhile at the Home for the Mentally Challenged in Newark...[/I] [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] That kid I just bought the Rollie Fingers card from called me a dickhead! [I]At this time Frondi wasn't even suppose to be on the computer as it was time for outdoor exercise. Frondi isn't much of an outdoorsy person and that would get him yelled at by his caretaker. [/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/BenStiller.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Frondi's Caretaker[/B][/U] Frondi! You are suppose to outside exercising and playing games like dodgeball and hop-Scotch. If you don't get your rear end outside in 5 seconds, I'm going to stick you with landscaping duty all week! [U][B]Frondi[/B][/U] Okay, sir... Can I get a warm glass of milk first? [U][B]Frondi's Caretaker[/B][/U] Can I get a warm glass of shut the hell up?![/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]The Big Decision Thursday, Week 4, May, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]With school over and all, I can take the whole day to waste and ponder on what I can do with the money I have. There are a few scenarios that I could go into. First, I could become the owner of an ice cream parlor. Secondly, I could buy a yacht that is called Doris II. And lastly, I could become the owner of a wrestling promotion. That is quite the array of choices, but the wrestling thing jumps out at me. I've always wanted to play a role in the wrestling business, whether it be as a wrestler or a promoter or owner. I really need to think about this and maybe get some trusted outside opinion, so I went to my career motivator, Matt Foley.[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/MattFoley.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Matt Foley[/B][/U] Well how you doin' there, sir? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Pretty good, Mr. Foley. I just dropped by to get some advice. [U][B]Matt Foley[/B][/U] Well that is why I'm a career motivator. I'll answer the questions that you have for me, I'm the professional. [B][U]Me[/U][/B] Well I just got $55,000... [U][B]Matt Foley[/B][/U] Well, la-dee-freakin-da! [B][U]Me[/U][/B] But, Mr. Foley, that is why I'm here to see you. [U][B]Matt Foley[/B][/U] Let me tell you something, young sport. Money isn't going to get you nowhere in life if you can't get the job done. You'll end up a guy making $9.50 an hour talking to kids on how to make their life better than your's. Then you would go to your home which is a van down by the river! [U][B]Me[/B][/U] I need some advice on what I should do with the money. [U][B]Matt Foley[/B][/U] These are the types of situations that make me very angry. Why don't you shut your cakehole, youngster, and let the big boys talk! [I]I did nothing to deserve this. Little did you know, little did I know, my career motivator is a complete psychopath who is mad at the world because of how his life turned out. Mr. Foley would then proceed to pick up the desk and throw it at my head. I thought to myself "How in the hell did he lift that thing?!", but I also knew that I will start a wrestling promotion.[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]The Wonders Of The Naming Process Friday, Week 4, May, 2007[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][I]Only my second day away from school and I'm already back to work. It would be nice to take a break from anything for awhile, but I have the mindset that this wrestling promotion thing is going to be a fun time. I sit on my computer researching companies such as Ring Of Honor or Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, seeing how they started. They didn't exactly start at the bottom of the barrel, they didn't start from the backyard scene. I then took a look at some IWA: Mid-South stuff and this is more of what I was talking about. Even though it is ran by a moderately well-known person, IWA: Mid-South had more of the backyard type of all the better-known independent promotions. This got me to thinking of what I should name the promotion. I got out a pen and pad of paper and let things come to me. I wrote down a few suggestions like steak quesadilla, two soft taco supremes, and a large Mountain Dew Baja Blast. Oh yeah, this is an order for Taco Bell, not the promotion name.[/I] [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Dad, Taco Bell! I can't get any, they banned by Vespa from the drive-thru because of the smoke it puts off. [I]I then ripped off that piece of paper and handed it to my dad. I then got to thinking on what type of name should I go for. Should I go for cool?....should I go for comedy?....should I go for traditionalism? I've got a few suggestions for both. Going for cool is Revolution Wrestling Unleashed and Pro Wrestling Demolition. Going for comedy is Pro Wrestling Bonanza and Sexy Funtime Wrestling. Going for traditionalism is Midwest Championship Wrestling and Missouri Wrestling Revolution. For some reason, going traditional just seemed right for the occasion. Does the name really mean anything anyways?[/I] [U][B]Me[/B][/U] That's it, Midwest Championship Wrestling it is! [I]I now have to go back to a place I really don't want to go, the bank. Yes, the first place this silly idea of starting a wrestling promotion started. I need to open an account for the promotion. I hop on my finely tuned Vespa and ride over there, hopefully not running into...[/I] [IMG]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/TEWPurposes/Bushy%20Business/DaveWillis.jpg[/IMG] [I]You got to be kidding me! Why do I always have to jinx myself? I guess him being a teller at the bank really makes it a little more possible that I would run into him, but still.[/I] [U][B]Bank Teller[/B][/U] Welcome back, sir. Have you decided what to do with that money you put in the bank recently? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Actually I have taken your advice and I'm going to start a new wrestling promotion. [U][B]Bank Teller[/B][/U] Really, sir? I was just joking, I highly doubt running a wrestling promotion is going to be a success. [I]Damn it! Even the huge mark doesn't even believe that I will make it in wrestling. Well I still have hope even if this weirdo doesn't and that other weirdo, Frondi, doesn't.[/I] [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Yes I am. I for one think it is going to be successful. That is why I'm here, I would like to take that $55,000 I put in the other day and would like to open an account with that in there. [U][B]Bank Teller[/B][/U] Okay, sir. What would you like to call the account? [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Midwest Championship Wrestling... [I]I kind of got a little bit of satisfaction out of saying that. I'm pretty proud of the name I came up with. It may not be creative, but I sure think it really fits the bill of what I'm going for.[/I] [U][B]Bank Teller[/B][/U] That is what you are calling your promotion? Regionalism in wrestling doesn't get over anymore, you need something more widespread. [I]I thought to myself "Maybe this guy is right.", but I'm very stubborn on these types of matters and I just shook that statement off. I could always switch the name when we actually get out of the Mid-West, if ever.[/I] [U][B]Me[/B][/U] Yep, Midwest Championship Wrestling...[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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