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[CENTER][IMG]http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/9832/diarybannermn0.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="6"] [B]The FORCE of the WARRIOR[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]…because one Verse could not contain them…[/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"]Eons ago when the millennium had pasted the 10th wonder of imagination The Ultimate Warrior soared through the universe searching for galaxies that had yet to be born but yet to be destroyed. As he passed yet another ball of gas that appeared to be burning from a flame within he was drawn by a power that he had not experienced before… [QUOTE][b]Warrior:[/b] As the truest Warrior ever to walk the Earth, the Ultimate Warrior has been watching for a world where madness can be handled and agony can prevail through the darkness of the moon is this such a place before the Warrior now?[/QUOTE] The Warrior circles closer to this planet…this world known as Cornellverse…he feels the power…he feels the madness…he feels the FFFOOOOOOORRRRCCCCEEEEEE! Suddenly before the Warrior appears a being he has never known before now…a being like him…is it possible…is it another IMMORTAL…is it Jim FOOORRRRCCCEEE??? [QUOTE][b]Warrior:[/b] Feel the power of The Ultimate Warrior!!!!!! [b]Jim Force:[/b] BUUUYYYY MYYYYY MEERRCCCHHHANNNDDDIIISSEEEE!![/QUOTE] The two mega gods…the two beings of perfection created solely for destruction and a high volume of merchandise sales stare into the souls of humanity of creational vortex. Two such as this were never meant to meet because the fabric of the known galaxies can not possibly hold together when such powers come into direct contact! The Irresistible FORCE against the Immovable WARRIOR! [QUOTE][b]Warrior:[/b] Load the spaceship with the rocket fuel! Load it with the warriors! Follow the juice to carry the spaceship as far as it wants to go! I come from a land you can not understand and a way of battle you can not know!!! AAARRGGGGHHHHH! [b]Force:[/b] I am JIM FORCE, and I am the CVERSE WORLD CHAMPION! Available to you is Jim Force clothing! Jim Force DvD’s! Jim Force body spray! Jim Force bedroom sets! All are guaranteed to increase your forcechlorian count, so swears JIM FOOORCE! FEEL THE FOOORCE! AND BUY JIM FORCE MERCHANDIIISE! [b]Warrior:[/b] FORCE!!! The Warrior has a forcehlorian count beyond your understanding and when the power of the Ultimate Warrior flows through the veins of the Warriors past you will be run down like by a herd of rhinos on a final death march to the savanna of life where the moon always runs bright!!!!! AARRRGGGHHHHHH!!!![/QUOTE] The two megastars circle each other, looking for weakness, looking for a moment to attack and drink the life fluids from his victim. It is like two lions circling, like two great whites churning, like madness in its purest form! [QUOTE][b]Force:[/b] WARRIOR!!!! Come to Cornellverse, come buy JIM FORCE MERCHANDISE! Together no one can ever stop our MERCHANDISE sales! We will undertake a journey that was predestined by the gods to be FORCED upon the masses by pure energy from sources that can not be understood! FORCE WARRIOR is the path of the masters! [b]Warrior:[/b] In my final meeting with Gods from the heavens above , as they spoke to me with the power of the Ultimate Warrior and told me...go to Cornellverse…join with JIM FORCE…have large merchandise sales…destroy anyone who stands in the way of the FORCE WARRIORS! For our victims, there is no place to run, all the fuses in the exit signs have been burned out and the darkness will fall upon them! ARRGGHHHH!![/QUOTE] And so as it was written, so it shall occur. These two masters of their domain have joined together to take merchandise sales and wholesale destruction to a plane of existence never though previously possible. You will now be told the tale of the FORCE WARRIORS and what their destiny had waiting for them neither man could have imagined. Their joining may have been predestined but it was something the Universe was unprepared for let alone the people of Cornellverse who were suddenly exposed to a plague of fury like they never had known before! [CENTER][B]LONG LIVE THE FORCE WARRIORS![/B] [IMG]http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/9387/thewarriorwp6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img83.imageshack.us/img83/6283/jimforcemj7.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE][b]Warrior:[/b] By using all the FORCES and all of the rage contained inside of me, the Ultimate Warrior will freeze the Cornellverse in its tracks and take the glory of the riches and the merchandise sales! [b]Force:[/b] Jim FORCE and the Ultimate WARRIOR will join into one unit know as ONE WARRIOR NATION! Buy FORCE WARRIOR merchandise or we will destroy your future![/QUOTE][/SIZE]
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I was awaken from a deep sleep by an [COLOR="Red"]ULTIMATE[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]FORCE[/COLOR] that I had never felt before. It [COLOR="blue"]FORCED[/COLOR] me to jump out of bed and for some reason grab my wallet and credit cards. To buy?.............. [COLOR="blue"]FORCE MERCHANDISE[/COLOR]! All I can say is Oh My GAWD!(in the most famous Oklahomain acccent made famous by Jim Ross.)
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[SIZE="5"]As the two FORCE WARRIORS begin their journey into light filled darkness there were many obstacles to overcome. The first involved a meeting with Sam Strong. Sam is a legend in Cornellverse wrestling, current owner of the USPW, and in charge of all wrestling related merchandise sales. Sam was very familiar with Jim Force and became very troubled upon hearing that there was "another one of him" running around. We join the meeting already in progress at USPW... [QUOTE] [IMG]http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/4492/samstrongax6.jpg[/IMG] [b]Sam Strong:[/b] As I previously said I am very excited to hear that you two are starting a new company called One Warrior Nation (OWN) but I have some strong concerns regarding your planned merchandise sales, worker hiring, and a couple of other possible trademark violations. You see Warrior here in Cornellverse there are certain rules that...[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][IMG]http://www.americanchronicle.com/articlePics/article2624.jpg[/IMG] [b]Warrior:[/b] Shut your hole worm! My name is Warrior. I am the man who Created, Performed and OWNS The Ultimate Warrior. I created him; I was the only one who has ever legally and legitimately performed him; and I own the rights of Ultimate Warrior as an Intellectual Property. These Intellectual Property rights include the name "Ultimate Warrior" and "Warrior" as a entertainer/entertainment persona in Sports Entertainment and as a motivational person, as well as several OTHER unique "Class registrations" for distinctive apparel and merchandise licensing. These Intellectual Property Rights also include all indicia related to said persona, including but not limited to the unique face design logo and other tradedress characteristics. Finally only I am able to offer One-of-a-Kind Memorabilia of which only I, as the creator, performer and owner of The Ultimate Warrior possess. Thank you. [b]Force:[/b] BUY MY MERCHANDISE![/QUOTE] Strong seems incredibly confused and unsure how proceed. It was bad enough dealing with Force but now this other individual appears as distrubed and hard to understand as Force ever was. Strong attempts to take the conversation in another direction.. [QUOTE] [b]Strong:[/b] Ok gentlemen we can talk about the merchandising items later, as there are two other areas that are of greated concern. First Warrior you claim to have arrived "in a Spaceship loaded with rocket fuel powered by the Warriors" and I would like to know where you intend to park this vehicle and my people tell me that you have a number of other wrestlers upon this "spaceship" who appear to have been somehow sedated and restrained. What are your intentions for them and I am concerned if that is even legal? [b]Warrior:[/b] Sam Strong you can not understand the power of the Ultimate Warrior! The Warrior's spaceship is indeed fueled with the rocket fuel of warriors past who sacrifice will never be truly formed into the thoughts of your mind! The spaceship needs no parking space as it is constantly moving, always two steps ahead of destruction, one step ahead of chaos, and three steps behind the Ultimate Warrior! [b]Force:[/b] Strong you do not know what will happen when two titans that the gods above have pre-destined to control the known universe merge into one unstoppable merchandising force. You do not comprehend in your mortal mind what the sales numbers will look like! [b]Warrior:[/b] Enough of these words Strong! Your company will be OURS and the FORCE WARRIORS will overrun you with pure enegry unlike anything you can ever know. You ask who are these other warriors on the warrior ship...you will find out soon enough as the warriors overwhelm every piece of fiber in your being and tear your sinews from within! [b]Force:[/b] The time to rip apart of the fabric of time has arrived and the battle upon the mountain is only two seconds from obscurity! Buy FORCE WARRIOR merchandise SAAAMMMMM SSSTTTTRRROOOOONNNNNGGG!!![/QUOTE] [IMG]http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/5278/jimforcekf5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/9387/thewarriorwp6.jpg[/IMG] With that the leaders of One Warrior Nation storm out of Sam Strong's office leaving the C-Verse legend shaking his head in complete dismay. These two clowns threaten to destroy everything Sam has worked his life to create. When Force was out on his own that was mildly entertaining and there was no real danger to it but now that he has this new friend...hmmmm things may be getting out of control. Perhaps it is time for something to be done about Force and this Warrior...but what is the best way to handle it...what weaknesses do these guys have besides a complete lack of intelligence and wrestling skill?[/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=The Warrior;237232] [SIZE="5"]With that the leaders of One Warrior Nation storm out of Sam Strong's office leaving the C-Verse legend shaking his head in complete dismay. These two clowns threaten to destroy everything Sam has worked his life to create. When Force was out on his own that was mildly entertaining and there was no real danger to it but now that he has this new friend...hmmmm things may be getting out of control. [B]Perhaps it is time for something to be done about Force and this Warrior...but what is the best way to handle it...what weaknesses do these guys have besides a complete lack of intelligence and wrestling skill?[/B][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Oh...my...God...LOL! That last line in particular was especially hilarious. I'm curious how this will turn out. This is a good start; can't wait for the first show.
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[SIZE="4"][b]ForceWarrior speak off[/b][/SIZE] Before this goes any further and boy do I have some good stuff lined up! I want to give 100% credit to Actarus who brought Jim Force to life for me. Warrior Speak has always flowed through my mind but until I saw Actarus's diary I never knew of Jim Force. Once I read that diary I knew that the combination of Force and Warrior had to be explored! Alot of this diary will flow around the Warrior because again his words come easier to me but I will try to give some dialogue to Force and bring his madness to life. Actarus has been invited to post a Force Log from time to time if he wishes (I won't be doing those because I can NOT do them justice) so we may have a surprise guest at some point. Feel free to post feedback and hopefully everyone will enjoy this as much as I will!! [SIZE="4"][b]ForceWarrior speak on[/b][/SIZE] Only by the blood of a thousand moons and the stars above can you possibly understand the outcomes that are just three eons in the making but formed from the rocks of destruction that ended before your dreams began!
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Oh god! How Ive laughed at the inconprehensible gibberish in this diary! Count me on board to read this, you've got me hooked now by the shear hilarity of reading it all....... and youve got Warrior's insane promo's done so well!
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[SIZE="4"]Now that the first major obstacle of meeting with Sam Strong is over, our [B]heroes[/B] move on to the next task at hand which is setting up their promotion’s roster. However, little do they know that [COLOR="Blue"]Sam Strong has already begun to work against them[/COLOR] by planting seeds of doubt amongst the rest of Cornellverse which has resulted in almost everyone refusing to join the [COLOR="Blue"]One Warrior Nation[/COLOR]! However, [B]He Whose Name Should Not Be Spoken[/B] is prepared for any situation and brought with him plenty of workers from his world. Now it is time to meet those who will become part of the [COLOR="Blue"]One Warrior Nation[/COLOR]! [CENTER][IMG]http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/9387/thewarriorwp6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/5278/jimforcekf5.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Ultimate Warrior and Jim Force[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Owners & Head Bookers of One Warrior Nation[/COLOR][/CENTER] As the Ultimate Warrior and Jim Force prepared to meet with each of the promotion’s new workers the following words are exchanged... [QUOTE][b]Warrior:[/b] By the bloods in the high rocks of Neptune you must know that these Warriors have been assembled from legions of undead that have already made the sacrifice! [b]Jim Force:[/b] Their Forcechlorian counts MUST be high with potential for heavy merchandise sales! [b]Warrior:[/b] Coooommmmuuuunnnniiiccccaaatttteeee with me Jim Force!!! Arrrggghh! [b]Jim Force:[/b] By the ancient rings of Zeus I have known the fortunes of the few for centuries beyond understanding!!!!!!! As I flex the tendons in my arm I can feel the FORCE growing inside me! [b]Warrior:[/b] The poison within my veins is about to be exposed as I rip open the scars from battles past and spew forth the seeds of destruction that will lead to eternal madness! [b]Jim Force:[/b] You are strong in the both the FORCE and merchandise sales Warrior! [b]Warrior:[/b] You have already made the sacrifice Jim FORCE…know that you walk a path that the normals will never understand or know! [b]Jim Force:[/b] Feel the FOOOORRRCCCCCCCEEEEEE! [b]Warrior:[/b] Send in the Waaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiooooooorrrrrrrrsssssss!!!!! [b]Jim Force:[/b] Buy my merchandise!!!!!![/QUOTE] With that the new workers begin to enter the room and each is reviewed by our heroes…. [CENTER][u][b]One Warrior Nation[/b][/u] [IMG]http://img248.imageshack.us/img248/2589/andrethegiantrb8.jpg[/IMG] [B]Andre the Giant[/B][/CENTER] At over 7 feet tall and weighing in at a reported 575+ pounds, Andre is one of the largest workers in wrestling history. Andre truly has the ability to take a man’s life in the ring if he wanted but yet is known for being one of the best guys in the business to work with…[b]if[/b] you are on his good side! Look for Andre to be one of the anchors of the promotion and one of the few people with any actual in-ring talent! [QUOTE][b]Warrior:[/b] AAANNNNDDDRRRREEEE!!! The Ultimate Warrior is the only man in known history to have ever body slammed you in the middle of the ring! I lifted you above my head as a final sacrifice to the gods and then delivered you to Hades!!!! [b]Force:[/b] Giant you are LLLAAARRRGGGGEEE!! But never fear, Jim Force clothing comes in sizes that can fit even you! Buy my merchandise!!!!!!!![/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img248.imageshack.us/img248/5652/billgoldbergjr8.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bill Goldberg[/B][/CENTER] Using a gimmick strangely similar to that of the Ultimate Warrior minus the facepaint and wild ranting promos, Goldberg is all intensity with little skill to back it up. Goldberg is very unsafe to work with in the ring often injuring others and appears to have limited if any ability to sell in the ring. Basically he is the perfect in-ring fit for One Warrior Nation and just needs to develop his “skills” on the microphone. [QUOTE][b]Warrior:[/b] Goldberg your deeds mean nothing to me! Your winning streak is nothing but a spin around Pluto as The Ultimate Warrior has the longest undefeated streak of all time…ETERNITY!!!!!!!!! [b]Force:[/b] Goldberg you will face me in the ring and your career will be moved in a direction only reached my traveling the mountains above and through the seas below! Buy a Jim Force baseball cap to cover up your bald head so says JIM FORCE!!!![/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img248.imageshack.us/img248/4804/paulwightfg7.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Big Show[/B][/CENTER] The Big Show is just slightly smaller than Andre and towers over almost anyone he could ever face. However, Show lacks Andre’s in-ring skills and has a very nasty attitude outside of the ring. Known for wild screams in the ring and a vicious one handed choke slam, Big Show can really bring the pain when he is on his game. [QUOTE][b]Warrior:[/b] Big Show you talk of being a Warrior, you talk of battles from ages past, but in the end only your screams of agony will be heard on the field of battle as the Warrior ends your time in this world forever! [b]Force:[/b] Jim FORCE is the ONLY show in town and you will be cancelled unless you buy my merchandise! Buy Jim FORCE body spray to cover up your beastly odor so says JIM FORCE![/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/9602/randysavage2bc7.jpg[/IMG] [B]Macho King Randy Savage[/B][/CENTER] Perhaps the best fit of any worker on the roster, Randy Savage speaks exactly the same language as Warrior and Force which should allow him to do well although he does have a history with the Warrior that could come back to haunt him. While having a fair amount of in-ring talent, especially when it comes to high flying moves, Savage’s abilities are often overlooked as his wild rambling promos would make even the Warrior proud! [QUOTE] [b]Warrior:[/b] AAARRRRGGHHHHHH Macho King Randy Savage the Warrior knows you and does not forget that you swung your jeweled scepter striking the Warrior in the skull sending his internals into overload! Your will shall be tested in ways that only a Warrior could know and the animals of time will forever send you into a shock that only mayhem will be able to over come!!!!!!! [b]Force:[/b] OOOOHHHHH YYYYEEEEAAAHHHH your Forcechlorian count is high Macho King!!!! Buy Jim Force sunglasses so says JIM FORCE![/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/589/theundertakerha8.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Undertaker[/B][/CENTER] Taker is yet another big man on the roster who can cause a ton of damage in the ring. Taker has plenty of in-ring skill as well which could hold him back from advancing in this promotion unless he is able to use it make the FORCE WARRIORS look good. Taker is pushing a Dead Man gimmick which should go over well with his bosses that seem to see ghosts all around them! [QUOTE][b]Warrior:[/b] Dead Man!!!! The Warrior knows you are the Ferry Boat captain that takes souls on their final journey! You have tried to take The Warrior on this journey but failed as the Warrior smashed his bones upon your robes of destruction and sent you spinning into a descent only the birds of prey could recover from! [b]Force:[/b] Taker you are large and powerful but only a mortal while JIM FORCE is an IMMORTAL and has merchandise sales beyond your understanding! Feel the ground shake beneath you and tremble in fear as the time has come for the final understanding of knowledge to crush you under the lightening of the mountain kings![/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/913/billeadielv0.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/738/smashgn9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/2131/brianadams3bp4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Demolition: Ax, Smash, Crush[/B] [IMG]http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/4262/thewarlordxa1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/1919/thebarbarianvr7.jpg[/IMG] [B]Powers of Pain: The Warlord & The Barbarian[/B] [/CENTER] Lots of paint, big muscles, lots of screaming, and zero in-ring talent…remind you of anyone? No further description really needed but the question remains…how many people on one roster can ALL have the power & paint gimmick? Clearly there is no limit in the One Warrior Nation! [QUOTE][b]Warrior:[/b] Finally true Warriors who have made the sacrifice and seen battles that only the elders could have foretold within the realms of humanity! Soon little Warriors you will join the Warrior King in the final battle that will claim the destiny of all who enter the darkness! [b]Force:[/b] Brothers in battle, join us for the final crusade to crush out our enemies that gather beyond the hills…join us in the epic struggle of life within the red hot coals of thunder that carry your fates sealed in pain! Wear Jim Force Body Paint so says Jim Force![/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/3480/scottsteiner3vm5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner[/B][/CENTER] The Big Bad Booty Daddy is the poster boy for roid rage and certainly someone that will get a huge push in this promotion. Sadly Steiner started out as an actual wrestler but is now a muscle bound freak of nature who frequently wears chain mail to the ring and often screams as incoherently as the Ultimate Warrior and Jim Force! Often refereed to as “The Man with the Largest Arms and Shortest Fuse in Professional Wrestling”. [QUOTE][b]Warrior:[/b] Steiner your powers pale in comparison to those of the Ultimate Warrior! My tendons hold together a muscle structure far beyond the comprehension of even the ancients! Your soul is mine Steiner and your skeleton will be all that remains after the final confrontation!! AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!! [b]Force:[/b] Freakzilla your days in this universe are nearing completion with the final quest still lying in your path. Accept the challenges of the ape creatures and begin to search for the red eyed lizard that holds the key to your future!!!!![/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/4176/hawkal5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/6589/animalow9.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Road Warriors: Hawk & Animal[/B][/CENTER] While these guys are yet another tag team pushing the power & paint gimmick they do have a marginal ability of in-ring talent beyond just big muscles and power slams. However, the Road Warriors often get caught up in the power of the FORCE and being part of the One Warrior Nation probably isn’t going to inspire them to do anything beyond lots of smashing and making wild claims during promos. Expect to hear: “FEEEEEEEELLLLLL TTTTHHHHEEEE RRRUUUSSHHHHHH!” on a somewhat weekly basis if they are on a show. [QUOTE][b]Warrior:[/b] Road Warriors you are battle hardened captains of pain that have undertaken many campaigns aboard the Warrior’s vessel! Now become your own vessel and seek the destruction of all who stand in the way of the One Warrior Nation!!! [b]Force:[/b] ROOOAAADDDD WWWAAAARRRRIIIIOOOORRRRRSSS!!!! Your combined Forcechlorian count is of epic proportions and threatens to overwhelm all those that stand in the way of your fury! Crush those around you and your merchandise sales will be high!!!!!!! [/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/1710/davebautistavi1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bautista[/B][/CENTER] Basically the same worker as Scott Steiner minus the microphone “skills”. Undoubtedly will get a huge push in this promotion. [QUOTE][b]Warrior:[/b] Another little warrior from the ages past who now nears full growth and is ready for the field of battle! Long live your deeds and may your enemies flee before your wake of destruction as you conquer the twin moons of Saturn!!!!! [b]Force:[/b] Bone crushing pain is all that awaits those who have not understood the warnings of the future. Go forward and render the normals useless in their regions as you become the true master of all domains![/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/7946/ravenfd2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Raven[/B][/CENTER] A troubled soul who prefers hardcore ring work to actual in-ring showmanship. Look for plenty of blood inside the ring and very confusing promos outside of it with this guy. Yet another guy who could get a big push simply because no one has any clue what he is talking about. He also tends to attract the lower level workers as his personal lackeys and uses them to further his own unknown causes. [QUOTE][b]Warrior:[/b] Raven your riddles are mere words to the Ultimate Warrior as he does his talking with large fists built for devouring even the largest oak trees! Stand before me now or be crushed into a fine mist of brown as the Warrior runs over all that is known to mankind! [b]Force:[/b] Raven you are in need of hair care so Jim Force says buy JIM FORCE shampoo so says JIM FORCE![/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/2484/edgeux9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/4940/christianlx6.jpg[/IMG] [B]Edge & Christian[/B][/CENTER] These two youngsters are a high energy tag team and long time Ultimate Warrior fan boys. Except these guys to follow the Ultimate Warrior everywhere he goes and applaud everything he says although they really have no idea what he is saying! [QUOTE] [b]Warrior:[/b] You have suckled at the fountains of my life fluids for long enough and now the time to make your kill has come. The sacrifice of blood awaits you and your must survive the showers of Jupiter before you are able to complete the final test of the Warrior! [b]Force:[/b] Forcechlorian readings are low…JIM FORCE breathe mints must be purchased to raise your levels with the ladies…BUY MY MERCHANDISE![/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/9678/marksmartpn5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mark Smart[/B] [/CENTER] The only Cornellverse worker to have joined the One Warrior Nation. He has limited ability, is small & weak, and is just generally odd. At this point he needs to purchase large quantities of Jim Force Merchandise and then he will be reevaluated at a later date. [QUOTE][b]Warrior:[/b] You have betrayed your brothers of C-Verse because you knew that the One Warrior Nation would never fall and that doom was about to spread like a plague of locusts on your planet!!! Know you are the jezebel of deceit and only the Warrior can finalize your endless pain! [b]Force:[/b] Buy my merchandise! You are a foul creature of confusion who seeks to betray all around you. Only JIM FORCE merchandise can make you whole so says JIM FORCE![/QUOTE] And that pretty well sums up the [COLOR="Blue"]One Warrior Nation[/COLOR] roster although expect more workers to be added in time along with plenty of other surprises. The next step for our [B]heroes[/B] is to finalize their TV Show and PPV schedules…which should be interesting![/SIZE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y70/AceLannigan/warrior.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE=4] We join a meeting already in progress between some of the most powerful promotion owners in Cornellverse as they discuss Jim Force, The Ultimate Warrior, and the [B]One Warrior Nation[/B]. Seated around a large table in a smoke filled back room somewhere on the East Coast are Phil Vibert from [B]DAVE[/B], Richard Eisen from [B]SWF[/B], Tommy Cornell from [B]TCW[/B], Sam Strong from [B]USPW[/B], Dan Stone from [B]NOTBPW[/B], and Kaneie Korrine from [B]BHOTWG[/B]. [b]Eisen:[/b] So you are honestly trying to tell me that these guys are a threat? I mean it is Jim Force we are talking about right? [b]Strong:[/b] It is not just Force, but his new partner in crime the Ultimate Warrior. By himself Force was an annoyance but he wasn’t really that dangerous…however things look different this time. [b]Vibert:[/b] What do you mean different? What kind of damage can these jokers really do? I mean it isn’t like they have any talent and the people will never support their style of wrestling. [b]Strong:[/b] This Warrior guy seems to have brought workers with him and some of them actually have talent. Combine that with the merchandise sales of Jim Force and we are dealing with a whole new monster. [b]Stone:[/b] You have a man inside over there don’t you Strong? What is he telling you? I am hearing rumors that this Warrior arrived on some sort of vessel or capsule? [b]Strong:[/b] Yes I do have someone inside the One Warrior Nation and he is willing to turn when the time is right. He also told me that these workers do have talent and that the people might buy into them and support their promotion. It seems that [COLOR="Blue"]the Warrior brought the workers with him on his capsule which he claims was given to him by the gods during his journey into darkness[/COLOR] but that can not be confirmed at this time. [b]Korrine:[/b] You people know nothing. The Burning Hammer will smash all and you will be crushed too if you do not feel the hammer! [b]Cornell:[/b] Ok not really sure what that is all about but lets get back to business. How many more workers does Warrior and Force have? Do you think maybe we should just relax about this for awhile and see how it plays out? Heck maybe some of the workers are good and we can just hire them away to our promotions! [b]Strong:[/b] My man on the inside is working to find out how many more people might be on the capsule of the gods but that will take time. If possible perhaps we could turn someone who has not yet been released but the guys working now are 100% loyal to Force and Warrior. It is almost like they have been put under some kind of spell or something. And no we can not just ignore this we must face it head on. The Warrior and Jim Force must be crushed before they ruin what we all have worked so hard to create. [b]Eisen:[/b] Well there isn’t anything we can do right now. Lets just sit back, let Strong’s inside man gather some more information and see how their first couple of shows play out. If the people accept them and merchandise sales are high then we will meet again and go from there. Agreed? [IMG]http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/4492/samstrongax6.jpg[/IMG] With that everyone in the room knobs in agreement although Sam Strong is still very concerned. [COLOR="Blue"]It would seem that only Strong understands the power of the FORCE and he knows the chaos that could be released if the Mega Powers of The Ultimate Warrior and Jim Force EVER appeared in the ring at the same moment![/COLOR] For now the only hope is that Force and Warrior will not be able to figure that they should book each other to face off in the ring and instead will simply book lopsided squash matches that only generate moderate fan interest. Strong knows the other owners are playing a dangerous game of wait and see…hopefully he can convince them to act before it is too late![/size]
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Mark Smart...a spy?! Well, he does do a journalist gimmick (if memory serves me correctly), so it could make sense. Also, let's not forget that Savage & Warrior at one times teamed up (albeit incredibly briefly) to form...THE ULTIMATE MANIACS! I actually have the Saturday Nights Main Event on vhs tape somewhere where they face Money Inc. I even remember that weird promo they did, when Savage put his glasses on Warrior...something about "seeing his future, oh yeah"...ah, the good old days of sheer insanity...:p On another note, I'm surprised Sid Justice / Vicious didn't make the cut. He seems like a great fit for OWN!
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[QUOTE=Actarus;238157] On another note, I'm surprised Sid Justice / Vicious didn't make the cut. He seems like a great fit for OWN![/QUOTE] There are still plenty of guys on the "[COLOR="Blue"]capsule of the gods[/COLOR]" so don't worry about that and thanks for the reminder about the Warrior/Savage team up. I think that will be a promo everyone is going to love!
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[SIZE="4"]We join a meeting between The Ultimate Warrior and Jim Force as they pitch their new TV shows to several network executives. This is a big meeting as [COLOR="Blue"]One Warrior Nation[/COLOR] really needs to land a couple of TV slots if they plan on having any chance at success in Cornellverse. Lets listen in...[/SIZE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/9734/warviseh7.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE][b]Network Executive:[/b] Ok lets just take a moment to get to know each other a bit. Mr. Warrior why don't you tell us a little something about yourself. [b]Warrior:[/b] I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain! AARRRGGHHHHH! [b]NE:[/b] Ah...um...what did you say? I am not following you... [b]Warrior:[/b] From now on you will not speak with such insolence to your new ruler! Put these people back to work there will be time to worship me later![/QUOTE] As the confusion passes over the network executives one of them attempts to change the subject... [QUOTE][b]NE:[/b] Lets just forget about that for a moment and move on to the TV show. Mr. Warrior can you explain what your show is about? What time slot are you looking for? Is it strictly wrestling or will there be other content? [b]Warrior:[/b] To attempt an understanding of The Warrior without understanding his mortal enemies, the legions of the unknown, is to attempt seeing Truth without knowing Falsehood. It is the attempt to see the Light without knowing Darkness. It cannot be done!!!! AARRRGGGHHHHH! [b]NE:[/b] I...ah...um...hmmm...you know that isn't exactly what I was looking for and your answers are a bit puzzling to me. Perhaps you could... [b]Warrior:[/b] Never tell The Warrior what could be done! The deeds of the night have been told over the ages before even the thunder rolled in the heavens. Do you wrestle with dreams? Do you contend with shadows? Do you move in a kind of sleep? You are a victim of your folly. Give me my show or perpare for a battle that the ages have foretold centuries ago in the scrolls of rage!![/QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/5460/forcevmj1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"]The network executives decide to shift the focus to Jim Force and his TV show hoping for a clearer understanding of what each man is looking to do. Sadly a clear understanding is unlikely in this encounter...[/SIZE] [QUOTE][b]Network Executive:[/b] So Mr. Force tell us about your show. What are you looking to do with it? [b]Force:[/b] Is your madness real when it costs you nothing and carries no risk? Is your agony real when you fatten upon it? Is your pain real when you commit atrocities in its name? Whence comes your downward degeneration from the original revelation?!?!?! AAARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! [b]NE:[/b] Ah...um....I am not following what you are saying. What about your potential sales from this show...do you think you will be able to sell alot of merchandise and be profitable for sponsors? [CENTER][IMG]http://flyingmoose.org/heman/plastic.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [b]Force:[/b] Who, in the end, is taking advantage of whom? Is Jim Force a hero, or is he just another corporate salesman? Is One Warrior Nation's work a triumph of art and character, or is it just an hour long commercial? Are people being entertained by madness, or are they being manipulated for commercial ends? Buy my merchandise! Sales are HIGH and Jim FORCE merchandise can not be stopped! Buy Jim FORCE merchandise so says Jim Force! [b]NE:[/b] So you would consider your show a financial vehicle or is it a...ummm...I am not really sure what is going on here... [b]Force:[/b] Don't expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong as the FORCE will overwhelm your mind as you build up a resistance to the black water of the sea. Wild, dark times are rumbling toward us, and the prophet who wishes to write a new apocalypse will have to invent entirely new beasts, and beasts so terrible that the ancient animal symbols of the elders will seem like cooing doves! Know your Forcechlorian count!!!![/QUOTE] [SIZE="4"]With that the Warrior and Force burst into a wild rage as they attack the network executives and destroy the entire meeting room! After the dust settles you can only see the bodies of the beaten executives and the [COLOR="Blue"]FORCE WARRIORS[/COLOR] standing above them flexing their muscles and screaming wildly for reasons beyond the understanding of the normals...[/SIZE]
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[CENTER][SIZE=5] [B]The Ultimate Betrayal![/B][/size] [IMG]http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/4492/samstrongax6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/9678/marksmartpn5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE=4] [b]Mark Smart:[/b] I don’t know Sam, this whole under cover thing is making me really nervous, I think Warrior and Force are on to me!!! [b]Strong:[/b] Why do you say that? Those meat heads wouldn’t know what was going on even if I walked into the room and told them to their faces! [b]Mark Smart:[/b] Man boss I don’t know. Warrior told me that I was the “[COLOR="Blue"]jezebel of deceit[/COLOR] and only the Warrior can finalize my endless pain” and then Force said I was “a foul creature of confusion who seeks to betray all around”! I think they suspect something! [b]Strong:[/b] Well it doesn’t matter because our plans are coming together and if what you told me over the phone is true, you won’t have to stay under cover much longer. I just need you to get through a couple of shows and then we will strike! Now is [COLOR="Blue"]HE[/COLOR] with you?!?!? [b]Mark Smart:[/b] Yes he is outside waiting to come in. I found him on the “[COLOR="Blue"]capsule of the gods[/COLOR]” still sedated by the Warrior’s fumes of madness. Once I revived him he was VERY pissed off and looking for revenge. I explained what was going on and that you wanted to talk to him. Needless to say he was very interested in working with you and getting revenge on the Warrior and his new ally Jim Force! [b]Strong:[/b] That is excellent news! I promised you that if things work out then I will give you a mid-card push when this is all over and I will keep my word. But now I need to talk to [COLOR="Blue"]HIM[/COLOR]…bring in the man who will DESTROY the [COLOR="Blue"]One Warrior Nation[/COLOR]! As Mark Smart exits the room to bring in [COLOR="Blue"]The Man Who Will Destroy The One Warrior Nation[/COLOR], Strong smiles behind his desk. His plans are going perfectly and he may be able to destroy the [COLOR="Blue"]One Warrior Nation[/COLOR] before they put on their first show! And after it is all over he might even end up with some decent workers to add to his promotion and make a run at controlling all of Cornellverse which is his ultimate goal! Eliminate the Warrior…eliminate Jim Force…control Cornellverse…it will all be his! muhahaha[/size] [size=5]Who is going to betray the [COLOR="Blue"]One Warrior Nation[/COLOR]? What worker from the Warrior’s world so hates him that he would turn on him in Cornellverse so far from home? Will Jim Force’s merchandise sales be enough to stop Sam Strong’s plan or will even the FORCE be unable to stop the greed of Sam Strong?!?!? Next up…the first show of One Warrior Nation…[COLOR="Blue"]WARRIOR VISION[/COLOR]!!!!![/size]
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Truly astounding roster... I'm so going to mark out for the first fave-star-roid splash Steiner hits on someone. As for the promo's, their sheer brilliance defies belief... you are truly one with those that flow through the veins of The Warrior!
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]Just in case there is anyone out there who still does not understand the power of the Ultimate Warrior or the FORCE of Jim Force please view the following video. It will be the best 5 minutes of your life...[/SIZE][/CENTER]
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