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MAW...A New Force!

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[CENTER][B]Friday Week 4 April 2007:[/B] [B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]MAW: Changes [/COLOR][/SIZE] Live From Stanley Hall in Baltimore, ME Attendance: 65 [quote]The show opens with Antonio in what looks like the basement of Stanley Hall, he has a bag over his head and the two men who kidnapped him are holding him up by each arm. In front of them there is a man who is sitting in a chair, like a king would sit in that’s facing away from the camera so he can’t be seen. Man: [COLOR="Green"]“You see Antonio, this is what happens when you don’t do something you say you’ll do for the family. I have no chose now but to give you your punishment. Tonight you will get the beating you deserve and then you will beg the family for forgiveness.”[/COLOR] Antonio is dragged away and isn’t moving at all, he may be unconscious.[/quote] [COLOR="Red"]Notes: E- A very cryptic segment that one, but we just got word that tonight we will see a handicap match between Antonio and two men who call themselves the Hitmen, Danny Switchblade, and Mikey “The Fixer”[/COLOR] [quote]We are taken now to the locker room when Nicole Kiss is having a discussion with Kash. Kash: [COLOR="Blue"]“What do you mean the president won’t see me? Did you tell him how urgent it was?”[/COLOR] Nicole: [COLOR="Green"]“I did sweetie I promise, but he said he didn’t have time to deal with people like you?”[/COLOR] Kash: [COLOR="Blue"]“Great then I failed my mission, now what am I suppose to do?”[/COLOR] Nicole: [COLOR="Green"]“Actually you haven’t yet, see I think if he thought you were more important then he would see you.”[/COLOR] Kash: [COLOR="Blue"]“More important, but how do I do that? I mean what’s more important than a man from the future?”[/COLOR] Nicole: [COLOR="Green"]“The MAW Champion.”[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR="Red"]Notes: D And it seems Kash may have a new goal in mind in the months to come.[/COLOR] Max Mayhem Vs. Kash [quote]This was an awkward bout between to of my lower tier workers. Kash again came out and looked fairly lethal, making you wonder how he got so good at wrestling. And Max, well he’s still on my list, actually he’s the only one on my list.[/quote] Kash defeated Max Mayhem in 8:25 by pinfall with a back to the future [COLOR="red"]Notes: E And these two don’t click.[/COLOR] Ricky Douglas Vs. John Force [quote]Ricky came to the ring by himself this week which makes you wonder what is going on over at The Firm. He seemed focus though pouncing on Force before he really had a chance to get his usual rush. Eventually Force did get it though, and the fans ate it up. A quick low blow later, however and Douglas was back in control.[/quote] Ricky Douglas defeated John Force in 7:46 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D Not bad, for two of my less known workers, should help out their stats nicely.[/COLOR] Antonio Vs. The Hitmen [quote]Antonio limped his way to the ring for his so called punishment. While The Hitmen stood over him laughing. We got a look at the two without their masks on however. It would seem Switchblade is the more menacing of the two, he has his eyebrow pierced twice and sports a Mohawk. While The Fixer goes for the completely bald look but gives some looks that really could kill you. The Match was well everything you would expect it to be, a complete embarrassment for Antonio. Every time he would try to gain momentum someone would slug him from behind, and they looked like stinging blows. Eventually The Hitmen decided enough was enough and ended the brutal experience.[/quote] The Hitmen defeated Antonio in 12:44 when Danny Switchblade defeated Antonio by submission with The Knee Breaker. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E Here’s a hint to myself don’t put big men in 13 minute matches, they don’t like it. And here’s something fun, whoever can tell me who these two really are gets a special prize![/COLOR] [quote]After the match is over Danny decided he doesn’t want to break the hold. The ref warns him of a DQ but Mikey soon took him out and the two had nothing to worry abut. The Hitmen were screaming at Antonio to beg the family for forgiveness, but Antonio seemed to be out cold. As the minutes dragged on it looked like they were just going t break the kids leg…then the crowd exploded in cheers, And D.C. Rayne hit the ring with a chair. The Hitmen saw him coming and quickly escaped before any damage could come to them, but they vowed revenge.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Notes: E- Antonio may be seriously hurt, thank god Rayne decided to come to his rescue.[/COLOR] The Canadian Blondes Vs. Call To Action [quote]So here’s a first for me, The Blondes actually came to the ring, singing. Yes, singing. I’m not sure what the hell it was, sounded like a mix between N’Sync and 98 Degrees, but it brought a tear to my eye. Was does everyone on this company think they have a career in the music business. They went on to tell the fans to buy their music at any local Wal-Mart and were obviously booed heavily for this. The match itself was much more exciting, as Mainstream and Eric Strong really looked good out their. The Blondes didn’t look have bad either and both teams looked to be well polished.[/quote] Call To Action defeated The Canadian Blondes in 12:41 when Mainstream Hernandez defeated Oscar Golden by pinfall with an Apparition #14. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D I was hoping for a better grade, but still these four men could be going places.[/COLOR] The Mean Machine Vs. Des Davids [quote]The Mean Machine came to the ring alone just like Douglas did earlier, apparently they’ve adopted the feeling that that cant fight each other if they don’t see each other. This match was very hard fought with both men seeing their share of offense. Des is really in great shape and seemed to outlast The Machine in the later part of the fight. The end came when Davids climbed to the top to try and finish off The Machine. Ricky Douglas came running out, but Davids saw him. As Douglas climbed onto the apron he was met with a series of right hands by Davids. The Machine got to his feet during all of this however and was behind Davids preparing him for a Mood Swing. Douglas swings at Davids one last time this time however with what looks like brass knuckles in his hand. Davids ducks and Ricky nails The Machine.[/quote] Des Davids defeated The Mean Machine in 17:51 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C- And we are back to where we left off with The Firm.[/COLOR] [quote]After the match Ricky was checking on his friend helping him to his feet. As The Machine regained his composure he shoved Ricky. The Machine: [COLOR="red"]“Alright, I’m sick and tired of my “friends” costing me more matches than my enemies. I said stay in the back Rick, why the hell didn’t you stay in the back!”[/COLOR] Douglas: [COLOR="Green"]“I’m sorry Jean, some times, you just have to cut the virus out.”[/COLOR] Machine: [COLOR="Red"]“Cut the virus out, what the hell…”[/COLOR] In that instant Steven Parker hit the ring behind The Machine and nearly took his head of his shoulder with a steel chair. The two men began putting the boots to The Machine who was out cold as the show came to an end.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Notes: E- But the turn is official, isn’t it?[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: D Not as bad as last month, so that’s a huge plus. Now as long as we can make money I’ll be a pretty happy guy.[/COLOR] [/B][/CENTER] [quote] As posted by: [B]theunholyicon:[/B] Doesn't John Force always win? Isn't he like a 9 time funny car champ[/quote] Of course not...John Force doesn't race funny cars... he's a 9 time Nascar Champion :D Thanks for reading [quote] As posted by: [B]Emark:[/B] I like the buildup of Parker -v- Machine.[/quote] Yeah It's been a little hard to handle with monthly shows, I'm afraid of drawing it out to much, but I think you'll like the way it ends. Thanks for reading [B]Pick Em Results:[/B] [B]Emark:[/B] 2/4 [B]theunholyicon:[/B] 1/4 (But bonus points for the funny car comment lol) [B]Pseudonym:[/B] 3/4 [B]MattQ2607:[/B] 2/4 Thanks to everyone for all the votes and feedback it really means alot when you feel like someone is enjoying your write ups. Let me know how you think eveything is going so far, all comments good or bad are welcome.
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[CENTER][B]Monday Week 1 May 2007[/B][/CENTER] I walked in the door of the office for our monthly meeting to a bit of a surprise...Rip was pissed. Rip: [COLOR="Green"]"1,300 dollars! We lost 1,300 dollars last month! What happening to making money? What happened to this be a selfsustainable company!"[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"Rip look..."[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Green"]"No you look! Here's what's going to happen John. This month is a one hour show, the only advertising is the fliers that you put up yourself! Next month the same thing, and the month after that, and the month after that! When it's time for Where It All Begins again, I will consider bumping everything up."[/COLOR] Rip was turning red he was really beside himself, I was looking around for Jean and Steven as back up but they seem to have "missed" this meeting. Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"But don't..."[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Green"]"That's all John! Now get out of my office!"[/COLOR] I shut the door just in time to block a phone flying at my head. Guess it's time to tone it down a bit. In happier news I got an email from Jean saying his contract was coming up and he had resigned himself to a 9 month 850 dollar per appearance contract.I didn't know he could do that. Not that I'm complaining he's our biggest draw.
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[CENTER][B]Friday Week 4 May 2007: [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]MAW: Evolution[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live From Stanley Hall in Baltimore, ME [/B] [B][SIZE="4"]MAW Championship Match:[/SIZE] [COLOR="red"]Steven Parker[/COLOR] Vs. [COLOR="blue"]Antonio[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Ricky Douglas [/COLOR] Vs. [COLOR="Blue"]The Mean Machine[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]The Hitmen[/COLOR] Vs. [COLOR="red"]The Rock City Stars[/COLOR] [/B][/CENTER] Quick Picks: Steven Parker Vs. Antonio Ricky Douglas Vs. The Mean Machine The Hitmen Vs. The Rock City Stars As Always Predictions, Comments, Suggestions, and all other feedback welcome.
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[CENTER][B]Friday Week 4 May 2007: [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]MAW: Evolution[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live From Stanley Hall in Baltimore, ME Attendance: 75 [quote]The show opens with Marv Ernest backstage with The Mean Machine. Marv: [COLOR="Green"]“Machine, later on tonight you have former Stable member Ricky Douglas, can you tell us what’s going through you’re head?”[/COLOR] Machine: [COLOR="Blue"]“What’s going through my head? I’ll tell you what’s going through my head Marv. I just got jumped by two of my best friends. Two people who swore to watch my back. Hell if I can’t trust them who can I trust? You see it seems Steven has some paranoia about me wanting the MAW belt. Well guess what Steve, last month all you did was piss off the meanest person in the Mid Atlantic Region. And after I take out your boy Ricky here tonight, I’m coming after you, and that precious belt."[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR="Red"]Notes: D- Not the best promo in town, but it gets the job done. Looks like The Mean Machine has some revenge planned.[/COLOR] The Hitmen Vs. The Rock City Stars [quote]The Rock City Stars make their way to the ring first playing their own entrance music, which sounds no better than last time. When they hit the ring they grab the mic. Stan: [COLOR="red"]“Alllll riiighttt Baltimore! Are you ready for the greatest rock show of all time!”[/COLOR] Silence… Ryan: [COLOR="red"]“We can’t hear you Baltimore are you ready for a rock anthem!”[/COLOR] Still nothing… Stan: [COLOR="red"]“If you want you’re to hear the song that’s going to top the billboards make some noise!”[/COLOR] Ryan: [COLOR="red"]“We were told Baltimore was full of rockers, apparently we were lied to!”[/COLOR] The Mafia makes their way to the ring next and many fans shy away from the guard rail as the two brutal looking men walk through. The match starts with Mikey completely man handling Ryan. The Rockers can’t get any type of offense going at all, these two men are just to dominate. And with that I have 2 words for ya…squash match![/quote] The Hitmen defeated The Rock City Stars in 5:15 when Danny Switchblade defeated Rockin' Ryan Turner by submission with The Knee Breaker. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E Horrible match, but The Mafia look to be a serious threat here in MAW. Maybe Rayne made a mistake last month getting in their way.[/COLOR] Ricky Douglas Vs. The Mean Machine [quote]Here’s a match surrounded by hype. When these two men got in the ring there was a long stare down until The Machine made the first move. He rocked Douglas with stiff right after stiff right. Douglas made his come back though nearly breaking the neck of The Mean Machine with a jumping Piledriver. These two men brawled until it looked like they would both end in body bags. Finally a broken and bloody Mean Machine ended it all with The Mood Swing.[/quote] The Mean Machine defeated Ricky Douglas in 14:39 by pinfall with a Mood Swing. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D A small victory here for The Machine, but his real enemy is the MAW champion, and he’s up next![/COLOR] MAW Championship Match: Steven Parker Vs. Antonio [quote]Antonio came to the ring to a mixed reaction, apparently nearly getting killed by the Mafia is enough to garner some respect from the fans. Steven Parker came out to some huge heat, it was actually really impressive. The match was a decent one, Antonio looked crisp after the beating he had received and really took it to the champ. Make no mistake about it though, Parker didn’t win this title through any means other than pure skill and he quickly found himself back on the offensive. As he lined up Antonio to prepare for the future shock, The Mean Machine hit the ring. At first the ref was unsure what to do, but not long after The Mafia hit the ring as well as soon there was a full blown brawl erupting, he had no choice but to call the match.[/quote] Steven Parker drew with Antonio in 19:57 following a double disqualification. Steven Parker makes defence number 2 of his Mid Atlantic Championship title. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D What could’ve been a great title match was ruined by interferences.[/COLOR] [quote]The five men in the ring continued to brawl with everyone else in the ring. Soon The Mean Machine and Antonio gained control and cleared the ring. As they slowly backed away from the ropes they collided with one another. Seeing who it was Antonio and The Machine dropped their guard, then The Machine attacked again leveling Antonio with The Mood Swing, and he was the last man standing.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Notes: F+ I hate segments based on overness. [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: D- That’s the thing about these small shows, I never get a good grade. Oh well, the important thing is our popularity continues to rise, as do our workers skills.[/COLOR] [/B][/CENTER] [B]Pick Em Results:[/B] [B]Emark[/B]: 2/3 [B]MattQ2607[/B]: 2/3 Overall Results: [B]Emark: 4/7[/B] [B]MattQ2607: 4/7[/B] Thanks everyone for reading and for the predictions. Feel free to let me know how u feel this card went ad if you like the current storylines and what everelse.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]TROUBLE IN THE MAW LOCKER ROOM[/SIZE][/B] [quote] As Reported by Mid Atlantic Chronicle on Thursday Week 1 May 2007: Reports have been coming in more and more frequently as of late about "cliqs" forming in the backstage area of MAW. Until now those reports have gone unconfirmed, but I have reason to believe that complete chaos is erupting. I have a source on the inside saying that following last week's Evolution one half of the MAW Tag Team Champions, D.C. Rayne got into a discussion about the push of fellow star The Mean MAchine. This became a very heated argument that resulted in the two superstars exchanging blows, at this time it is unclear who took the first swing, but it's the first sign of unrest in the locker room heaed by new comer John Force. To make matters worse for Force star Ryan Turner was on Talk Radio last night and had this to say. Interviewer: [COLOR="Green"]"You're wrestling career as of late seems to have been put on hold with you ad your tag team partner Stan Manna seemingly being put on the back burner, why do you think this is?"[/COLOR] Turner: [COLOR="Blue"]"I think it's obvious right now that I am in the best phsyical shape of my life. I have been to the gym every day working on my techniques and strength to help with my push. Instead Force decides to bring in these two new guys with zero ring talent and push them as some crap Mafia angle. I think it's obvious what's going on. I am the best "wrestler" on the MAW roster, but I'm being over looked because I don't go out drinking every night with Force. If something isn't done soon I'm heading to USPW, they have the real Force there anyway."[/COLOR] You can hear the whole interview at [url]www.ryanturnerocks.com[/url] Currently no one from the MAW management has commented on what is unfolding in the backstage area, but if something doesn't change soon expect Rip to take matters into his own hands.[/quote] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Friday Week 4 June 2007: [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]MAW: Turbulence[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live From Stanley Hall in Baltimore, ME [/B] [B][SIZE="4"]MAW Tag Team Championship Match:[/SIZE] [COLOR="blue"]Natural Storm (D.C. Rayne and Eddie Howard)[/COLOR] Vs. [COLOR="Red"]The Canadian Blondes (Oscar Golden and Flash Savage)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Des Davids [/COLOR] Vs. [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]John Force [/COLOR] Vs. [COLOR="Red"]Curtis Jenkins[/COLOR] [/B][/CENTER] [B]QUICK PICKS:[/B] Natural Storm Vs. The Canadian Blondes Des Davids Vs. Mainstream Hernandez John Force Vs. Curtis Jenkins As Always Predictions, Comments, Suggestions, and all other feedback welcome.
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[CENTER][B]Friday Week 4 June 2007: [COLOR="Blue"]MAW: Turbulence[/COLOR] Live From Stanley Hall in Baltimore, ME Attendance: 114 John Force Vs. Curtis Jenkins [quote]We start the night off with a match. I haven’t seen Jenkins in action yet, so what better way than to put him in a match with myself. After a few minutes I realized he still had a lot of work before he would be headlining any matches, so I “powered up” and let the force run through my veins to finish him off.[/quote] John Force defeated Curtis Jenkins in 7:35 by pinfall with a Force of Nature. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: D- Even with the power of the Force the crowd still hated it.[/COLOR] [quote]We are backstage now with Kash and Nicole Kiss. Kash: [COLOR="Blue"]“Greetings. I come from the year 2050 with a message to the president. However it has come to my attention that the only way the president will meet with me is if I become the MAW champion. Therefore I Kash, am going to go through every superstar in this company until I get the title.”[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR="Red"]Notes: E- Well even with Nicole’s help he has a long way to go before he’s any good on the mic.[/COLOR] Des Davids Vs. Mainstream Hernandez [quote]A great bout with two of our biggest names in action. Des started things off showing off some brute force as he hit Mainstream with a huge suplex followed by an overhead press. Mainstream wouldn’t be denied however as he fought back going to the air to get the bigger Davids down. Davids mounted one last comeback hitting Mainstream with all he had left, but Hernandez was just to much for him to handle tonight.[/quote] Mainstream Hernandez defeated Des Davids in 12:48 by pinfall with an Apparition #14. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D+ A great match, and I have a feeling this should’ve been the main event.[/COLOR] MAW Tag Team Championship Match: Natural Storm Vs. The Canadian Blondes [quote]Natural Storm have really impressed me as of late. They’ve done a great job carrying the tag titles and the fans really seem to love them. The Blondes, well the fans hate them but they seem to feed off of it well. These four men started the second everyone was in the ring, and a few right hands later Natural Storm quickly had the ring cleared. They worked on the Blondes for most of the match and looked to end it on more than one occasion, but The Blondes have great ring awareness and seem to click as a team. The end came as D.C. Rayne once again looked to finish off Oscar Golden. However The Mafia came down to ring side and got the attention of Rayne allowing Golden to get his feet on the ropes and score the pinfall.[/quote] The Canadian Blondes defeated Natural Storm in 17:31 when Oscar Golden defeated D.C. Rayne by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. The Canadian Blondes win the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles. [COLOR="red"]Notes: D- I can’t believe it The Canadian Blondes are the Tag Team Champions![/COLOR] [quote]Seeing things about to take a turn for the worse The Blondes quickly grabbed their newly won titles and high tailed it to the locker room as The Mafia and The Naturals brawled until the locker room cleared and finally broke it up.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Notes: F+ And this feud may get interesting.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: D- Let’s hope e made money.[/COLOR] [/B][/CENTER] Thanks to everyone for reading. Let me know how you see things turning out. I'm sure the tag match caught everyone by surprise. [B]Pick Em Results:[/B] [B]Emark:[/B] 1/3 [B]theunholyicon:[/B] 1/3 Overall Results: [B]Emark:[/B] 5/10 [B]theunholyicon:[/B] 2/7
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[CENTER][B]Friday Week 4 July 2007: [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]MAW: Just Cause[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live From Stanley Hall in Baltimore, ME [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR] Vs. [COLOR="Red"]The Mean Machine[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Max Mayhem [/COLOR] Vs. [COLOR="blue"]Antonio[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Kash[/COLOR] Vs. [COLOR="red"]Ricky Douglas[/COLOR] [/B][/CENTER] QUICK PICKS: Mainstream Hernandez Vs. The Mean Machine Max Mayhem Vs. Antonio Kash Vs. Ricky Douglas As Always Predictions, Comments, Suggestions, and all other feedback welcome.
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[CENTER][B]Friday Week 4 July 2007: [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]MAW: Just Cause[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live From Stanley Hall in Baltimore, ME Attendance: 141 [quote]The show opens with Marv Ernest backstage with The Mean Machine. Ernest: [COLOR="Green"]“Machine thanks for taking the time to talk to me. Are you worried about more frequent attacks now after being kicked out of The Firm?”[/COLOR] Machine: [COLOR="Blue"]“First of all Marv, I wasn’t kicked out of The Firm. I created it, as far as I’m concerned those two quit I’m still a huge part of it. And as for your other question, why the hell would I be scared. Let me tell you something Marv, I’m The Mean Machine, the meanest SOB in this company. I made those two who they are today. So no I’m not scared, but The Mean Machine has a score to settle, and you better believe if those two knew what was best for them they would be scared.”[/COLOR] The Machine storms off and we cut to out first match of the evening.[/quote] [COLOR="Red"]Notes: D A solid way to start the night let’s see if we can keep it up.[/COLOR] Kash Vs. Ricky Douglas [quote]Kash made his way to the ring…covered in a polka dot suit? At least Nicole Kiss still looked smoking as she led him down to ring side. The match started with Kash showing some real explosiveness and taking it to Ricky Douglas. A low blow later however and Douglas was back in the match. Nicole Kiss get some great work at ringside cheering on the man from the future. The end came when Ricky Douglas set Kash up for suplex off the top ropes. Suddenly The Mean Machine appeared on the Titontron going into Douglas’ locker room. Machine: [COLOR="Blue"]“Hey Ricky! Look man I know you’ve meant well these last few months so I came to let you know there was no hard feelings.”[/COLOR] The Machine “accidentally” knocks the TV monitor over in Ricky’s locker room then when he turns around to see what happens he knocks the mirror off the wall. Douglas looks on furious that his locker room is being trashed, and while all this is happening Kash recovers and hits Douglas with a Back to the Future.[/quote] Kash defeated Ricky Douglas in 7:49 by pinfall with a back to the future. [COLOR="Red"]Notes: E+ A big upset by the man from the future, and he’s on a role.[/COLOR] Max Mayhem Vs. Antonio [quote]Antonio’s stock has really went up since his face turn and the fans blew the roof off when he made his way to the ring. Antonio is really a great wrestler and he put on a clinic tonight for Mayhem. These two seem to lack a lot of ring psychology however and it made the match really awkward in the middle.[/quote] Antonio defeated Max Mayhem in 13:15 by pinfall with an Italian DDT. [COLOR="red"]Notes: E These two need to work on ring psychology before they face each other in the ring again.[/COLOR] [quote]After the match The Hitmen stormed the ring looking to punish Antonio as they hit the ring however The Naturals were right behind them with chairs and leveled The Mafia exacting a little revenge for what happened last month.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Notes: E The Naturals looked possessed when they hit the ring.[/COLOR] Mainstream Hernandez Vs. The Mean Machine [quote]This is a match that should go down in MAW history books. These two have been on the top of MAW for some time now and are looking to show they world why they are there. A brief stare down in the middle of the ring and this one is underway. The two exchange blows and for a minute no one gets the advantage. Finally Mainstream bounces The Machine off the ropes and lands a huge dropkick that puts The Machine on his back. The Machine would soon bounce back though landing a devastating top rope DDT that looked like it would put Hernandez away for good but only mustered a 2 count. Hernandez continued to use his speed and agility to his advantage, but soon The Mean Machine caught him with his pants down and he struck.[/quote] The Mean Machine defeated Mainstream Hernandez in 17:34 by pinfall with a Mood Swing. [COLOR="red"]Notes: C A great match, and you can expect a rematch real soon.[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Final Notes: D Better than recent months, things are starting to heat up with Where It All Begins Again right around the corner.[/COLOR] [/B][/CENTER] Thanks to everyone for reading. Let me know how you see things turning out. Pick Em Results: Emark: 1/3 theunholyicon: 2/3 Overall Results: Emark: 6/13 theunholyicon: 4/10
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[CENTER][B]Friday Week 1 August 2007[/B][/CENTER] One of our biggest shows of the year was fast approaching and I was running out of ideas. Looking back on the air the only eventful things going on in MAW was the feud between Parker and The Machine which was quickly running its course. And Antonio severing his underworld ties. We needed something fresh, but I was out of ideas. Lucky for me Rip was much better under pressure than I was. Rip: [COLOR="Green"]"Alright John here's the deal. The fans are getting tired of seeing the same guys night after night."[/COLOR] Me:[COLOR="Blue"] "I agree sir, but we have a limited roster."[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Blue"]"You know what the advantage is to be a smaller fed John?"[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"Um... no jetlag?"[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="Green"]"Cute, but no. It's being able to make deals with other companies. I've talked to Sam over at USPW he gave us permission to use Tribal Warrior and some of his other talent. I suggest you take advantage of this system more in the future."[/COLOR] I nodded, the truth was I didn't want to trade our stars. Talent wise I feel we are a head and shoulders over USPW, but they have more pull because of their popularity. Rip: [COLOR="green"]"I'm leaving for a while. While I'm gone Steven, Jean, and you are going to be running things, don't let me come back to a diaster."[/COLOR] Me: [COLOR="Blue"]"Leaving? Where are you going? When will you be back?"[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="green"]"Relax kid, I'm not abanding you. I have appointments in Canada, Mexico, Japan, all over the world."[/COLOR] Me:[COLOR="blue"] "Appointments? For what?"[/COLOR] Rip: [COLOR="green"]"People have been calling for months wanting to be a part of the Rip Chord Invitational, it's time to kick it up a notch."[/COLOR] I firm smack on my shoulder and Rip was out the door.
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[CENTER][B]Friday Week 4 August 2007: [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]MAW: Stay Alive[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live From Stanley Hall in Baltimore, ME [COLOR="Red"]Oscar Golden [/COLOR] Vs. [COLOR="blue"]Des Davids[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]John Force[/COLOR] Vs [COLOR="red"]Stan “The Man” Manna[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]The Hitmen (Danny "Switchblade" and Mikey "The Fixer")[/COLOR] Vs. [COLOR="red"]Huey Cannonball and Curtis Jenkins[/COLOR] [/B][/CENTER] Yes I know it's a lame card. It seems my ingenius to make talent trades stopped there. Come to find out that USPW also runs their shows on Fridays so not only do I not get their talent, I don't get alot of my guys either...oops. QUICKPICK: Oscar Golden Vs. Des Davids John Force Vs Stan “The Man” Manna The Hitmen Vs. Huey Cannonball and Curtis Jenkins As Always Predictions, Comments, Suggestions, and all other feedback welcome.
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[QUOTE=xfactor9600;243187]Please pick up Pirrato and bring him to MAW![/QUOTE] LOL I would love to. Pirrato is one of my favorite C-Verse wrestlers and is actually doing extremely well in Mexico right now. He's been the lightweight champion down there for about 5 months and is already up to a D in overness. Unfortunatly for MAW he only accepts booking in Mexico, and I don't have anyone with the overness to trade for him. Who knows maybe something will change in the future, in the mean time keep readin :D
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