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Pick My Future!!!

Pick My Future!!!  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick My Future!!!

    • What If Ted Turner Bought TNA
    • What If ROH Invaded TNA
    • TNA To The Future

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Tell me which new diary YOU would like to see from me. Option #1 - What If Ted Turner Bought TNA: Basically I will go crazy with this one. More money, more prestige and better big name and indy stars will bring TNA to the big time like never before. I see the rebirth of The Rock vs. Samoa Joe in this one. Some of you who read my earlier work remember when I had this rivalry going on and you also remember it was one of the best on-going storylines I ever wrote. Option #2 - What If ROH Invated TNA: I got this idea from an article I read. It basically says that TNA should have EXPANDED their relationship with ROH instead of severing it. TNA should have done a TRUE invation angle never before seen in pro-wrestling where the biggest stars from BOTH companies would go back and forth and have some of the BIGGEST matches of the century. Imagine Kurt Angle vs. Bryan Danielson!!! Option #3 - TNA To The Future: This one would be just continuing on from where TNA is right now and putting my own spin on things. I would continue on to Slamiversary with Christopher Daneils vs. Sting, Team 3D vs. The Steiner Brothers, The King Of The Mountain match and much more. However, like I said, the Stallion spin would be put on this and I would change TNA forever!!! So what do you guys think. Let me know and I will get started this weekend!!!
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Honestly man, you have done so many TNA diaries they all start to blur. You're a fantastic writer, why not challenge yourself and try something completely different rather than more TNA. I'll read no matter bro but you can do something bigger and better I think. Just my two cents.
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[QUOTE=Wildfire1324;239211]Honestly man, you have done so many TNA diaries they all start to blur. You're a fantastic writer, why not challenge yourself and try something completely different rather than more TNA. I'll read no matter bro but you can do something bigger and better I think. Just my two cents.[/QUOTE] I've thought about that too, but I'm not sure where to go for that. The reason I do TNA is becasue TNA is what I know REALLY well right now. I dont watch WWE programing anymore and I have not followed ROH enough to get the vibe down. Plus, I really like the upside to TNA if TNA were done right. It could be the place where future stars are born. Maybe one day (if given a good enough idea anyways).
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I'd let someone else take a shot at TNA, and start a fantasy diary, (What If Ted Turner Bought TNA sounds good) Or, you can ignore the TNA brand name all together, just invent a scenario that gets anyone you want on the roster. Just have fun with it.
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agree with Doc on this one, why start another one, especially on the same company no less. I know its hard to stick with one long term (coming up on one year for my dave one and I have thought of so many ways I would have started differently) here is an idea actually stop playing the game for a while and take the time to come up with new storylines. to actual answer the point you placed in your last diary [QUOTE=The Stallion;239204]Hey guys. I need to revamp the way I write my diarys in order to streamline the process of getting the cards out. This has made me look at my diary and gave me a couple of really good ideas with where I could go. Check out my poll and let me know which diary YOU would like to see.[/QUOTE] why do you need to start a new diary to do this, just make a poll question like I did and use the results for the current diary. If you keep making new diaries on TNA every time you think of something new, you will never be able to actually play the game long-term because you will be restarting every other day. I lost count of how many TNA diaries you have done in the last year, but come on your future bound diary is only a month old. so I guess my answer to the poll would be option 4: continue with a current diary, and don't start a new one
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OK, I see where you guys ould get upset about me starting new one after new one. The problem Ive been having is this. My current job really hammers me and it keeps me away from my diary and then when I do write, I start to lose focus and I dont like where I am going. Ive made the decition to start up a new diary and STICK with it no matter what, but I need to simplify my writing style to fit my life. I figure the best way to do that would be to start a brand new one and just go from there. The last couple of diarys that Ive started have not been up to what I call "My" standard. i did not like the creative direction and the writeups lacked that spark that a lot of my previous efforts held. I hope you guys stick with me and dont get fed up because I really like writing for you. I just need a fresh look at things and thats why I put this pole up. Hope I still have you guys as readers.
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[QUOTE=darthsiddus2;239364]I would like to see option 1. THEN while your doing the diary, incorporate number 2 as a storyline.like play the two feds. but thats probably going to take too much time to do.[/QUOTE] Seconded, the top two options certainly aren't mutually exclusive. Realistically I think if Turner got involved, he'd probably have eyes on bigger names than those in ROH, but I'm sure you can make it work someway... maybe run the invasion style angle first for a couple of months or so, then just bring in Turner afterwards.
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[QUOTE=The Ego;239343]Id like to see you try something else dude, maybe WWE???[/QUOTE] AhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHhhhhhhhHHHH!!!!! The WWE is the bane of wrestling. JK guys. i just dont follow the WWE enough to know all the new guys. I'm thinking of doing a mixture of both one and two, but as darthsiddus2 said, it may be a little too much to tackle.
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OK guys, Ive decided to do the What If ROH Invaded TNA diary, but I have another question. Should I run both TNA and ROH to get ultimate control over the diary, or should I just do it threw the eyes of TNA. I personally like the "run both" option, but I want your opinion.
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OK, now Im not so sure. It seems like it may be a big chore trying to so this invasion angle for ROH and TNA. I want to have some of the bigger names in TNA also go over to ROH, but that would mean that I have to put them on PPA contracts instead of the written contracts that they are one. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I just got a HUGE idea. i'm going to mix both 1&2 per a couple of your suggestions, but add one major improvment. Wait untill you guys get a load of this!!!.
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