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Adam A Few Important Questions!

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Yo bro! Dont worry No Dvd Merch Q's here. Lets talk about my favorite text game, Wrespi. 1) Will there be any updates to Wrespi? (I think I read somewhere that v.1.6 would be the last patch) 2) If not, what are you wanting to fix/add/change overall to the game. 3) Have you thought about what you would like to add to this game and or future versions of it? 4) Can I marry one of the Stone family women and pull a Triple H in the future :D (I love trips btw) 5) One problem ive noticed is when i have to work for 2 promotions the same night and get prompted which one to choose, 9 times out of 10 i dont get booked for the promotion that's considered reveered, But if i choose the smaller one, ill get booked. Whats up with that lol? 6) Just curious what are the most requested features for the game that you're taking into consideration. Anyway later bro! AND THANKS!
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Well, I'm not Adam, but I think I can answer some of those. 1) I wouldn't count on any more updates. Most updates are just to fix bugs in the game, Adam wouldn't add any features to a game that he is paid for, just put it in the next WreSpi. Since there aren't many/any bugs any more, there isn't much point in putting out another patch. 2) See "1)" 3) There is a discussion on this in the "WreSpi Suggestions Forum". I believe he mentioned that he would like to increase the functionality of user relationships. 4) No. Adam didn't put marriages/dating in the game. 5) I've been wondering that myself. My guess is, you work for the promotion that you've been working for longer? 6) I suppose that's for Adam to answer, but I wouldn't expect much on the WreSpi front for now, he's concentrating on TEW2005. Hope that helps!
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