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Finacial Format

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I would like the option to be able to remove salary caps. They always got on my nerves. Plus make the financials count. Something similar to Baseball Mongul or OOTP. It really irritates me in DDSP where you owe a billion and it plays no role in who you can sign or really anything. Might as well remove the financials in such a case.
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Yeah, but who said they would all sign? You have limits connected to the financial power of your organisation plus you have to keep them all happy. Certain guys could have clauses in their contracts defining minimum playing time or certain roles. You also have loyalty(certain guys simply want to play for a certain organisation). You also have prestige or the organisation. Anyway you have allot of factors. The point is that if the financials run properly you do in fact have a "salary cap". The only difference is that they are different for every team. Let me explain. If in the previous season Bear made 50m profits then the owner could limit your budget to 50m. Maybe you have a cash surplus of 20m so he could give you additional funds. If on the other hand the organisation had a minus, you could be left with a smaller than the budget limit. Also owner characters could play a role in the budget of the team. Either way there is nothing stoping Arlie from adding a salary cap on or off feature. The only thing is that the financials should work as i mentioned above. What i am really proposing is to have the option of running a Football organisation similar to a baseball one.
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[QUOTE=Da Bears;247636]c'mon, there has to be a salary cap. Would it really be any fun to have LT, LJ, TO, Peyton Manning, Reggie Bush, and Steve smith on the same team? THere'd be nobody around to stop you.[/QUOTE] No Salary Cap doesnt necessarily mean that. It means football the way it was played before the NFL put the cap in place. I would agree that the cap makes things more competitive & that I prefer it...but if Arlie allows enough flexibility with the league structure, roster editing, & expansion capabilities...I'd imagine you might have many would-be buyers who would want to begin their game in a time period where the salary cap was not the issue...making enough money to make the owner happy & winning were. Of course...this assumes many things I'm sure Arlie wouldnt guarentee at this point...but I would think an optional salary cap system would be a must should BBPF allow you to "recreate history"...so to speak.
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[QUOTE=SteveMax58;249424]No Salary Cap doesnt necessarily mean that. It means football the way it was played before the NFL put the cap in place. I would agree that the cap makes things more competitive & that I prefer it...but if Arlie allows enough flexibility with the league structure, roster editing, & expansion capabilities...I'd imagine you might have many would-be buyers who would want to begin their game in a time period where the salary cap was not the issue...making enough money to make the owner happy & winning were. Of course...this assumes many things I'm sure Arlie wouldnt guarentee at this point...but I would think an optional salary cap system would be a must should BBPF allow you to "recreate history"...so to speak.[/QUOTE] That is exactly what i meant!!! I know little about the NFL, but i like the game and i especially like sports simulations. Having the NFL running as it used to before they put the cap in place makes the game (to me and allot of others out there) similar to the sports format for all European sports. In Europe we do not have caps in Basketball, Volleyball or Soccer(football to us). I think only Hockey has some type of Cap system in Europe.
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[QUOTE=John Comey;249588]I'm all for toggling on and off financial aspects of the game. But make them options. Flexibility in this area is huge, since we're likely going to be playing football, rather than just NFL football.[/QUOTE] Flexibility i think is the main thing in any simulation and i hope this will be one area of flexibility.
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