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WWL: The Long Road Ahead

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[CENTER][B][IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/WWLogo2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"]PRESENTS... [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/wwlinjust.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] Jack: [COLOR="Red"]“Hello everyone and welcome to WWL. I’m Jack and usually along side of me is my partner Gabe Sapolsky, but unfortunately he couldn’t make it here tonight. We have a great line up in store for you today where the main event is going to feature a 10 man royal rumble to crown the first ever WWL champion. Let’s go to ringside now for our first match.”[/COLOR] Ben Lambert Vs. Thomas Metcalf vs. Andy Edwards [quote]The match starts off with all three competitors slugging it out, soon Metcalf steps back though and allows Lambert and Edwards to slug it out. Edwards gets the upper hand and slams Lambert to the mat where he begins to work on his right arm. Metcalf saw this as a good opportunity to get involved and snuck up behind Edwards nailing him with a running dropkick to the back of the head. Metcalf then stood over his opponent and worked the crowd doing his usual TMS taunt. This however gave Lambert time to recover and begin working furiously on Metcalf. He tossed Metcalf into the turnbuckle, but before he had time to capitalize Edwards was back on his feet and working away at Lambert again. Metcalf decided this would be a good time to catch his breath and simply sat back as the other two tried to kill each other. Eventually Lambert and Edwards realized what was going on however and decided to team up against Metcalf. As the two closed in on their prey, Metcalf swung his fists wildly to try and fend them off. He landed two solid rights to Edwards, however Edwards ducked the third and Metcalf connected with the ref knocking his out cold. This momentarily stunned Lambert and Edwards who didn’t know how to react without the referee. Metcalf knew exactly what to do however, he used the time to secure a pair of brass knuckles Noel was holding on to then leveled both Lambert and Edwards with them just as the ref was coming to.[/quote] Thomas Metcalf Salerno defeated Ben Lambert and Andy Edwards in 12:19 when Thomas Metcalf Salerno defeated Andy Edwards by pinfall after using a foreign object. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR] Jack: [COLOR="red"]“T.M.S. does it again folks. He uses every advantage he has to outsmart his opponents and scores another victory, what a smart kid. The Ego is up next ladies and gentlemen and he doesn’t look pleased.”[/COLOR] [quote]The camera cuts backstage to The Ego as he makes his way to the entrance. As he turns the corner he comes about 15 feet away from Noel Harlow who looks like she’s been crying. The Ego begins to run towards Noel who disappears around a corner, and as soon as The Ego turns the corner he is assaulted by Thomas Metcalf who has a baseball bat and looks like he is trying to break The Ego’s ribs. Security finally get there and pull Metcalf off of him but The Ego is in severe pain my not be able to wrestle. As the camera pans around Noel Harlow is nowhere to be seen.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Rating: D[/COLOR] The Ego Vs. Darin Childs [quote]Childs makes his way to the ring first caring his usual chair with him and looking thoroughly deranged. The Ego’s music hits and the fans hold their breath waiting for the ****iest wrestler in WWL to make his entrance. As the music stops The Ego is still nowhere to be seen. After a couple more minutes the ring announcer grabs the mic to call Childs the winner, but The Ego’s music hits again and Ego limps out clutching his ribs. This sends the fans into a frenzy as The Ego makes his way to the ring with fire in his eyes. Once Ego hits the ring however Childs immediately jumps on him and the ass kicking The Ego took earlier begins to become apparent. Childs wastes no times attacking the ribs of The Ego and The Ego looks like he may begin to cry. Darin Childs begins to perform moves he had never performed before in his career, the abdominal stretch, a back breaker, and dozen others. Childs smells blood and now he wants to taste it, but somehow The Ego begins to battle back, he connects with a stiff right hand followed by a kick to the midsection then a thunderous DDT. The Ego cries out in obvious pain as he tries to make his way to his feet. The crowd begin to get behind The Ego chanting his name and he seems to respond to this by picking up Childs and somehow getting the strength to nail a vertical suplex on the superstar. After that it was sheer domination by The Ego and he made quick work of Darin Childs.[/quote] The Ego defeated Darin Childs in 12:33 by pinfall with The Ego has Landed. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR] After the match the camera cuts back to the locker room of Thomas Metcalf who seems to be beside himself, however a quick glimpse of Noel Harlow and you can swear you see a quick smile creep across her face. Jack: [COLOR="red"]“Well as much as I hate to say it, The Ego looked impressive. He showed absolutely no quit even after having his ass handed to him by Thomas Metcalf and that slut Noel. And now ladies and gentlemen we are going to show you taped footage of an interview we had earlier today with Ted DiBiase, wait until you see this.”[/COLOR] [quote]The cameras cut to a pre-taped promo. Ted DiBiase and “The New Blood” Kenshin Kimura are backstage, standing in front of a large WWL logo. As Kenshin paces silently in the background, DiBiase lets loose one of his trademark evil laughs. [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/TedDiBiase.jpg[/IMG] DiBiase: [COLOR="red"]“One month. One month was all it took for me, “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase, to turn Kenshin Kimura, an unknown in this country, into a top contender for the WWL Championship. Like I’ve always said… everybody’s got a price, and Mr. Gabe Sapolsky has needs just like any other human being.”[/COLOR] DiBiase laughs again, but Kenshin continues to pace silently back and forth behind him. DiBiase: [COLOR="red"]“But before my dear friend Mr. Kimura can lay hands on that title, he’ll once again be forced to step into the ring with… SOME KID! That’s right – just like last month, “The New Blood” will be picking apart the most unlucky member of the WWL locker room. But rest assured… once he wins the title tonight, his level of competition might increase a tiny bit!”[/COLOR] Another laugh is forthcoming, but once again “The New Blood” seems completely oblivious to the fact that his manager is cutting a promo. DiBiase: [COLOR="red"]“But I didn’t come here to tell you something you already knew. What I have to announce tonight is that I’ve scheduled an event that will shake this company to its very foundations – next month, I’ve made plans to hold the first ever Ted DiBiase Invitational Tournament! That’s right people: next month, eight of WWL’s best – and I know saying that might not mean much but bear with me – will take part in a single elimination tournament! The man who emerges victorious in this event will receive 100,000 dollars and the incredible honor of… a contract to join the highly exclusive Million Dollar Club!”[/COLOR] DiBiase laughs one more time, and this time Kimura stops at his side and looks straight at the camera with a grim expression. DiBiase: [COLOR="red"]“The Million Dollar Club is initiating a hostile takeover of WWL… and it begins tonight!”[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR="Blue"]Rating: D[/COLOR] Jack: [COLOR="blue"]“Unbelievable it would appear that after only 3 months in existents our lovable owner Gabe has already sold this company out. I don’t have any clue with he is right now, but if I had to guess I would say he’s out trying to find another soul to sell.”[/COLOR] Alistair “Submission” McGeorge Vs. Kenshin Kimura [quote]A familiar laugh is heard of the PA, followed by the entrance of Kenshin Kimura and his manager Ted DiBiase. Alistair McGeorge then makes his way to the ring, never taking his eyes off the pair. He goes to slip into the ring, but pulls out, avoiding a boot to the head from “The New Blood”. For the first minute or so, every attempt to get into the ring is met with an attempt at a kick to the head from Kimura, so McGeorge has to re-think his approach. Eventually he decides to just go for it, and slips into the ring and charges at Kimura, but is met with a huge clothesline, knocking Alistair off his feet. Kimura begins to lay into McGeorge with several well-aimed shots to the head, until Alistair “Submission” McGeorge slips out, locking in a quick sleeper hold on his opponent. Kimura manages to get to his feet, and charge back into the corner, sending McGeorge back-first into the turnbuckle. Kenshin charges at Alistair, but he slips out of the corner, sending Kimura shoulder-first into the steel post. McGeorge quickly pulls him back, getting a roll-up, but only a 2 count. Kimura then makes a similar mistake he made in their last match, locking up with the Submission expert. Alistair lock in a face lock, before planting his opponent with a DDT, keeping the submission locked in. It looks like Kimura may quit early on, but DiBiase ensures that he doesn’t, distracting the referee, forcing McGeorge to break the hold. He turns back, ducking a big boot, but getting hit by the strong Lariat that follows. Kimura gets McGeorge in a front face lock, then hoists him into the vertical suplex position, before falling back-first to the mat, driving Alistair’s spine into the canvas. He picks his opponent up again, and then hits a huge German Suplex, getting a near-fall. Alistair gets to his feet, and gets Kimura to the mat with a well-executed headlock takedown. Kimura slips out, and charges at his opponent, but is met with a beautiful arm drag, leading into an arm lock. DiBiase senses that Kimura is fighting a losing battle, as this has turned into more of a wrestling match, fitting McGeorge’s style. He climbs to the apron, distracting the referee and Alistair. Kenshin slips a chair into the ring, and charges, knocking McGeorge into the ref, sending both to the mat. DiBiase grabs the chair, and Kimura gets McGeorge in the Full Nelson. The Million Dollar Man swings the chair at Alistair’s head, but he ducks, causing it crash right into the New Blood’s skull. McGeorge gets DiBiase in a standing face lock, with scissors, before releasing and dropping into a Tornado DDT (the AM Wake Up). With DiBiase out, Alistair shakes the ref, and locks in the Dragon Attack sleeper. Kimura is forced to tap out, giving McGeorge the huge win.[/quote] Alistair "Submission" McGeorge defeated Kenshin Kimura in 12:58 by submission [COLOR="Red"]Rating: D[/COLOR] Jack: [COLOR="red"]“This is outrageous! McGeorge should be disqualified for putting his hands on Mr. DiBiase like that. I’m sure he’s going to have something to say about that soon; but now on to something more exiting, the first ever WWL bikini contest.”[/COLOR] [quote]Jack is in the ring with Jade Chung and Talia Madison. He leads them through a standard bikini contest - taking turns to wow the audience - before letting the crowd decide who wins. Jade Chung is announced as the winner, which Talia looks very unhappy about.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR] [quote][Queen's "Princes of the Universe" blasts through the speakers, causing the crowd to draw their attention to the entrance stage. Victor Xavier Pennington, clad in green leather trunks and boots, emerges from the back, his chiseled physique glistening in the lights. His WWL Tag Team Championship belt is strapped around his waist. He steps to the front of the ramp and strikes a front double biceps pose, holds it for a second or two, then extends his arms out and up, while the pyro behind him fires off, illuminating him in a green flaming 'X'. He strides up the aisle, giving high fives to the crowd on both sides then goes up the steel steps to the ring. He poses on opposite corners, removes his belt from his waist and drapes it over his shoulder, then takes a microphone and cues to cut the music.] VXP: [COLOR="Blue"]Let's get one thing crystal clear right now, folks. If you mess with one of the WWL Tag Team Champions, you mess with both of us! At No Way Out, my partner got railroaded by that freak Rumor![/COLOR] [The video screen shows highlights from the XXX-Rumor match from No Way Out, including Rumor smashing his own face with a lead pipe and putting the pipe in XXX's hands just before the ref, previously bumped, regains consciousness. The highlight package also shows Rumor at the entrance, giving his veiled threat to XXX about exposing his secret as to why XXX left the porn industry.] VXP: [COLOR="blue"]I don't know what you have on my partner, and frankly I don't care. What I DO know is that I went to Gabe and DEMANDED a chance to get you in the ring, and that is just what I received; you and me, tonight, and despite the name of the show, justice will be mine.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]And if you think your mind games are going to work on me, you've got another thing coming. I'm not just any ordinary athlete, I'm an Ivy Leaguer, and between my brain, my physical prowess, and my God-given talent, I will use every weapon at my disposal to dismantle and dismember you. And that, my friend, is no rumor.[/COLOR] [Meanwhile, Triple X is watching his partner from a video monitor in his dressing room. He is so focused on what VXP is saying that he does not notice Rumor appearing behind him. Rumor takes his lead pipe and lays it gently on Triple X's shoulder. Startled, Triple X turns around and pulls his fist back, only to freeze when he realizes who is behind him, then lets his fist down slowly.] Rumor: [COLOR="Red"]That's a good boy. My health and welfare should be your utmost priority, so long as you want certain things kept private. Your partner, however, doesn't seem to share your priorities. Now, Mr. Sapolsky has already made tonight's match between your partner and I, so I will have to deal with him. From this point forward, however, you will control your clean-cut companion, or YOU will deal with the consequences. Do you understand, little man?[/COLOR] [Triple X's eyes flash with anger at the insult, and he looks as if he is about to respond, but instead Triple X bites his tongue, looks down at the ground and nods compliantly.] Rumor: [COLOR="red"]Excellent. And not to worry, your partner is not who I am after either. I will only do what is necessary to get him out of my way. Even so, it will NOT be a pleasant experience for him.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR="red"]Rating: D[/COLOR] The Rumor Vs. Victor Xavier Pennington [quote]The match starts off with The Rumor and VXP having a stare down before Pennington rocks him with a right hand. The Rumor however fires right back and these two are trading punches back and forth. Pennington eventually gets the advantage however and sends The Rumor into the ropes. The Rumor thinking on his feet however connects with a cross body block on Pennington and the momentum shifts. The Rumor begins his assault and it’s all to obvious he is looking for blood. He connects with a huge tornado DDT then racks his opponents eyes and continues to try and decapitate him. Pennington however would battle back at the first sign of blood and begin an assault of his own against The Rumor. He displays his strength by landing a massive Powerbomb but only gets a 2 count. Eventually this fight would lead outside the ring and unfortunately for Pennington it turned into The Rumor’s playground. Pennington started it off by trying to whip The Rumor into the steel stairs, but a reversal by the Rumor and Pennington was in trouble. From there the Rumor took his opponent over to the guard rail where he sent his face first into the metal and the blood really began to flow. The two continued their battle over to the Spanish announce table and after several warnings from the official The Rumor demonstrated his strength by Powerbombing Pennington through the table. Seemingly satisfied with his domination The Rumor went back into the ring and allowed Pennington to get counted out.[/quote] The Rumor defeated Victor Xavier Pennington in 12:40 by count out [COLOR="red"]Rating: E+[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Note: These two don’t click[/COLOR] Jack: [COLOR="Red"]“Wow it would seem to me that The Rumor wanted to send a message with that match, and by the looks of things he did exactly that. And now is the time we’ve all been waiting for the main event. Someone tonight will be chosen to lead WWL to the promise land. Who is that going to be? Let’s find out.”[/COLOR] 10 MAN ROYAL RUMBLE FOR THE WWL CHAMPIONSHIP [quote]The arena goes silent as the fans wait to see who the first two competitors are going to be, when suddenly The Ego’s music hits and the crowd erupts in cheers. The Ego has removed his bandages from his ribs and looked like he was doing a lot better. His opponent was going to be… Alistair “Submission” McGeorge. The two begin to brawl in the middle of the ring with no one person gaining the clear advantage. McGeorge’s wrestling instincts take over and he puts The Ego in a sharpshooter. The Ego is tapping, but unfortunately for McGeorge that doesn’t count as an elimination. The crowd begins to count down for the next entrant as McGeorge and The Ego slug it out next to the turnbuckle.[/quote] Entrant 3 [quote]Kenshin Kimura makes his way to the ring and starts unloading on the Ego with big chops and stiff forearms. The Ego reels in pain and tries to cut off Kenshin by locking in a side headlock. The Japanese legend shrugs it off though and shoots Ego into the ropes and plants him with a dropkick. He the runs toward the rope and hits an impressive springboard Moonsault on The Ego taking the air from his lungs. He picks up the Ego’s limp body and drags him towards the ropes and begins trying to push him over. McGeorge joins in the effort and it looks like The Ego is going to be the first to go. As this is doing on the 4th man enters[/quote] Entrant 4 [quote]The Tormentor runs down to the ring, ready for business. Kimura instantly abandons Ego and rushes to face The Tormentor. This gives The Ego time to think of an exit plan and he back body drops McGeorge over the ropes. Incredibly however McGeorge lands on his feet on the apron and locks The Ego up looking to suplex him out of the ring. The Ego keeps his head about him however and throws his shoulder into McGeorge causing him to double over and fall from the apron eliminated. Meanwhile, The Tormentor and Kimura exchange punches before Kimura plants the tormentor with a spiral DDT. Sensing a chance to get the jump on the big man Kenshin leapfrogs to the top turnbuckle. He is about to hit a highflying move when the Ego rushes across the ring and eliminates him before crumbling back down to the canvas. Both the wrestlers in the ring are downed as the 5th man appears.[/quote] Entrant 5 [quote]It’s Panix Storm! Panix runs down to the ring and waits as Ego stands. The two of them stair intently at each other. The tension is palpable. Will these two long-term friends turn on each other? The question is answered as Panix extends his hand and Ego shakes it. As they are doing this the tormentor stumbled to his feet. Without skipping a beat the “manic ego’s” double clotheslined him back to the ground. Ego picked the tormentor back up by his hair and irish whipped him in Panix’s direction. Panix was waiting and flung the tormentor up in the air for a massive back body drop. There was no respite for the big man as Panix picked him up and locked him in a full Nelson. The ego approached and started unleashing wild chops to the chest of Tormentor.[/quote] Entrant 6 [quote]Next out is Horshu, who comes to the aid of the tormentor. As he enters the ring Panix rushes at him and gets sent to the canvas with a big right hand. The Ego try the same tactic, with an identical result. Panix gets back up and tries to lock up with Horshu, but Horshu sends Panix to the canvas with a judo style throw. Horshu picks up the Ego and drags him to the corner and begins working him over.[/quote] Entrant 7 [quote]Lennon Burntwood is next out and heads straight to Horshu’s corner and begins helping him to try and eliminate the ego. Meanwhile Panix gets back to his feet and starts trying to eliminate the Tormentor. [/quote] Entrant 8 [quote]The next entrant is Tony Mamaluke. Mamaluke slides under the bottom rope and attacks Horshu from behind, giving ego a breather. Mamaluke then tries to force Horshu over the top rope. He quickly joined in this endeavor by Ego and Lennon. Tormentor and Panix are still grappling each other in the centre of the ring with neither man really gaining an advantage. [/quote] Entrant 9 [quote]Jim “the outlaw” Hart is the next man out and makes a big impact as he rushes full speed at the group of wrestlers trying to force out Horshu. Apparently the extra momentum is all that was needed as Horshu fell to the ground. The outlaw then set about working on Burntwood as Mamaluke rushed over and saved Panix from an almost certain elimination by clothes lining the tormentor. The ring is getting pretty full now and has pretty much descended into chaos.[/quote] Entrant 10 [quote]The final entrant is Seb Kane, who helps eliminate Lennon Burntwood in a unique fashion. As he enters the ring, he does so over the top rope, the force he exerts on the rope pushes it down which helps take Lennon over the top rope. The Outlaw stands in the ring cheering his victory over Lennon, but this is a huge mistake as Panix rushes over and throws him over the top rope without skipping a beat. The Outlaw is incensed at his elimination and takes the opportunity for revenge. He jumps on to the ring apron and grabs the head of Seb Kane and suplexes him over the top rope to the hard concrete floor below, leaving 3 competitors left![/quote] Final 3 [quote]The final 3 contestants stand in the ring all eyeing each other up. Panix points at Tormentor and hand signals that they should team up against Tony Mamaluke. Tormentor nods in agreement and they go to work on Mamaluke. First trying to force him over the rope, but when that fails, they decide they should give him a solid beating first. They are merciless on Mamaluke, until Panix eventually tosses him over the top rope and turns his full attention to the Tormentor. Unfortunately Panix didn’t catch the fact that Mamaluke had managed to cling on to the rope and fall harmlessly back inside the ring. He was made very aware of it when Mamaluke charged him from behind with a flying clothesline. More back and forth action culminated with the tormentor dishing out stiff right hands to both Mamaluke and Panix who were dazed near the ropes. The tormentor took a couple of paces back and charged at the pair, hitting a perfect double clothesline taking both men over the top rope. Unfortunately his momentum took himself over as well. Just when you thought the match was going to be ruled a non-contest Panix it seems had held on and “skinned the cat” Panix had done it.[/quote] [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/PanixStorm.jpg[/IMG] [quote]Mamaluke was out for the count, but Tormentor was all too aware of what had just gone down. He snapped, and searched around beneath the ring. He came back out with a steel chair and slid in the ring. As Panix was on his knees celebrating he barely had time to react as The Tormentor let fly with a thunderous chair shot that put Panix out for the count. This wasn’t going to be enough for The Tormentor though. He slid out the ring and pulled a crow bar from underneath. He took the crow bar and began to prize the protective barrier by ringside up. When he had a large piece of the steel fencing he took it back into the ring and placed it on the canvas. He picked up Panix and slammed him hard onto the fence. He exited the ring yet again and this time took some things out of his long leather coat that remained at ringside. The 1st thing was handcuffs which he proceeded to use on Panix, to keep him restrained. The 2nd was some kind of accelerant. Before you could blink an eye Panix was on fire. Apparently awakened by the burning he was screaming in pain, as The Tormentor lifts the board with Panix on high and slammed it to the canvas. The fence went straight through and the ring caught fire. The tormentor walked back up the aisle laughing as officials rushed to put out the fire.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"] Final Rating: D+[/COLOR] [/B][/CENTER] Sorry this took so long to get up I didnt get back nearly as many match writeups as I had hoped, that's why the match quality on this is subpar. Gabe missed the show, which I thought was amusing since he's the owner, but that killed the commentary as well. Anyway the next show will hopefully be leaps and bounds better. If you're interested in entering the tournament let me know the first 8 to responde will get the slot. However, match writeups are going to be mandatory for this one because of the number of matches it's going to have to have. So please don't join if you can't do it. In the event I dont get a writeup from someone then I'll just post what TEW puts out unless it's needed for storyline. I'm really hoping for more involvment in the next show.
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Seb Cane (with a 'C' ;)) would like to throw his name into the hat for the Ted DiBiase Invitational Tournament. I assume you weren't expecting a write-up from me as I was in the battle royal, but if you were, I apologise. Great show though. Keep up the good work.
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;255351]F**K RIGHT OFF! :p Anyway, congrats, Panix. Shame you got your arse handed to you afterwards, though... Oh, no, wait, it's not :D! Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] hey Nevvy, i wrote that ass-whupping. So you should be thanful that i didn't make you come accross like the big-gay bear that everybody knows you are!
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I may be a rich brat, but 100k is nothing to sneeze at. So unless the booking committee has a title defense for X-Rated in mind, I'll throw my name into the hat for Teddy-boy's little shindig. (Just a warning, though, my match writeups are not my strong suit.)
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Hey, I send you a PM mad, but I just saw that someone had shown interest in getting into the tornament in here, so thought I'd do both. Like I said in the PM, I can do the write-ups, and would like to enter the tourny.
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I'm with Banger on this; unless X-Rated has a tag title defense, let's get the man with the giant hose into the tourney. Maybe if Triple X can win the 100 G's, he can pay off Rumor to keep his mouth shut for good... EDIT: Oh, I almost forgot; congratulations to Panix for becoming the first...ever...WWL...Champion... Though I wonder if he'll lose the title in Foley-esqe fashion eventually...
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wow good to see all the feedback. Alright everyone who has shown intrest can be in the tourny...however to Triple X... I was debating on giving you a title defense this month since you haven't had one yet, but if you guys would rather be in the tourny thats fine it's your call. Oh and the Seb Cane thing completly Panix's fault he wrote the match....blame him =) Of course I missed it during editing but still...
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