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Promoter Personality

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This is an idea for WMMA and TEW... Playing through TEW 05, I felt that there was no difference in the owners of a promotion. They just had a name, and everything else was about the same. In TEW 07 this changed a bit with certain new personality additions. I'd like to propose adding even more and here are my suggestions. Not all promoters interact with people the same or have the same morals. So playing the promoter should allow you to to take advantage of that. In WMMA you should have the ability to ask your workers to through a fight. Due to offers you could get from the mafia, yakuza, triad, and etc. Or just because you want to make a certain fighter a star. This of course would come with its drawbacks, from the fighters not feeling good about you or threatening to go public. Which you could take care of in a variety of ways. In TEW the back story with OLLIE seems to be that the old promoters kind of made certain people disappear that didn't agree with them or wanted to take their talent elsewhere. This is drastic, but why not be a feature. Of course the effect of this could cause you going to jail or the company losing all credibility. Other promoters could ask their workers to take roids to give them a better look, this couldn't happen in WMMA because of the testing the fighters would have to go through. Other than that there's also promoters that think and act with their heart. Donating to charity, encouraging their workers to work with charity organizations, and do appearances to help with certain causes. I'm just thinking that this would bring back the old "dirty tricks" from EWR and give them more depth. This would seemingly make every promoter have a distinct personality of their own. Let me know what you guys think.
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I think it's safe to say that WMMA will feature some form of increased definition for owner personalities. Given that Adam has already stated that the business end of the game will be much more interactive than in TEW, it only seems right that different owners will have different preferences. If nothing else, I have a feeling more of the same TEW style personality traits and business skills will be added at the very least. I'm not sure about the whole "organized crime" angle, but I could definitely see attempting to fix the fights making it in. This would likely fall under the business/promotional side of the game, as sometimes it's in the company's best interests for a high ranking fighter to remain undefeated (or at least keep momentum heading into a big title match). For example, Rampage's allegations that PRIDE told him to throw the Sakuraba fight on '01... not that Sakuraba couldn't take him either way. :D
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Not at an overly large level, character to character interaction didn't feel enough to me in a profession where the workers are always interacting. In WMMA I assume the interaction would be less between characters, but there would still be a lot of ways to interact.
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