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SWF Circa 1975 - The Eisen way

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Interesting, and some sorta expected, people that you've signed so far. Never thought you would sign Wade, or Mitch Haggans. Were they on one shot deals? Or are they with the company on PPA? Chief and Marcus McKing are great editions in my view, I signed them in my SWF game, and did exactly what you've done with Chief, teamed him with the Call of the Wild. Nice new layout as well, I'm enjoying this a fair lot.
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I'm also a huge fan of the storylines you have going, with the exception of the Badasses coming in to challenge the Blazin' Flames, they're exactly the ones I pictured SWF running in '75. Also loving the tenuous alliance between Patterson and Starr. Bad luck on the show, when we get back on to putting 1.2 out I'll make sure they get the ASPN network instead.
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[QUOTE=Gremlinator;267289]Interesting, and some sorta expected, people that you've signed so far. Never thought you would sign Wade, or Mitch Haggans. Were they on one shot deals? Or are they with the company on PPA? Chief and Marcus McKing are great editions in my view, I signed them in my SWF game, and did exactly what you've done with Chief, teamed him with the Call of the Wild. Nice new layout as well, I'm enjoying this a fair lot.[/QUOTE] Morris and Haggans are on PPA. I was looking at the roster while planning this I thought it was a bit short on tag teams for the division, specially when you decide to keep Team Doom (two main eventers) and Deadly Gamble (two near-main eventers) away from the tag belts. As for Chief and McKing.. well, I [u]had[/u] to take a shot at the competition or it wouldn't have been the real Eisen. [quote=Mr T Job To Me] I'm also a huge fan of the storylines you have going, with the exception of the Badasses coming in to challenge the Blazin' Flames, they're exactly the ones I pictured SWF running in '75. Also loving the tenuous alliance between Patterson and Starr. Bad luck on the show, when we get back on to putting 1.2 out I'll make sure they get the ASPN network instead. [/quote] Hits and misses, that's the story of a booker. Still, I'm glad if I can write something that sounds about right for the time period. Thanks for the feedbacks!
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I was a fan of the format you used with the pics in backstage segments, if only because it made it easier to separate with the quotes around them. Maybe a barrier, like just a row of *****'s or something between the matches and backstage segments, would help recreate this effect without using the pics? I'll be reading either way, though, since I'm liking where you're going with this! :D So far some of my favorite parts of the diary have been the backstage stuff - Marcus McKing, for instance, earned himself a US Title reign in my book right there with his very first interview! Sure, it was rated a C-, but I thought it was a great heel promo. And I, like Gremlinator, also like the way Chief Two Eagles is being booked at the moment. Definitely looking forward to the big tournament! Hagar would have to be my prediction to win, as he's the real talent on the SWF roster. But virtually any of the participants would make a good challenger. Barney LaRusso FTW! :p
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Something to better distinguish between in-ring action and backstage segments.... I'll see what I can come with. I'm glad someone liked the McKing promo. It was not really planned and I rewrote it many times without getting off the little weird fuzz I had reading it.
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News #4 [FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]This week in wrestling - March 75 Week 4[/SIZE][/FONT] * As expected, Bad Boy Derek Barnes reduced his schedule by dropping TWL. Still, between his japanese commitments with GCG, he'll continue to work for CWB and APWF. * The Masked Patriot will be touring with GCG in the next few months. He dropped AAWF from his schedule to get some rest. We don't like our wrestlers getting elsewhere, specially in Japan where it may be difficult for them to attend our shows, so don't expect anything big for the Patriot for some time in SWF. * We made money in March and if I compute things write, my profit is about equal to my house shows revenus. It's tight, but I can live with it. * ... and that's it, this week was pretty quiet.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Show #6 [FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]SWF Slamfest Tour - Sunday April 75 Week 1[/size][/font] Mid-West Territory 5000 spectators [quote][center][img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/mickystarr.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/rjdanzig.jpg[/img][/center] [Our very first show out of television starts with a blast as our SWF World Champion Micky Starr makes his way to the ring, shaking the hands of fans in the first row.] [color="navy"]Micky Starr : In a couple of days, it will be Supreme Challenge, the biggest event of the year. In his twisted mind, Richard Eisen had the brillant idea to put Powerhouse Patterson in one team and myself in another team against him with partners of our choosing. If it sounds like an evil masterplan in the mind of Eisen, he'll be a bit disappointed. I'm not the one to back down from a fight, neither Patterson is. We have respect for each other, sometimes our friendship has its downs, but it's still there now and it'll still be there after Supreme Challenge. I'm not sure who's gonna be Patterson but, mine w...[/color] [Our champion can't tend his sentence as RJ Danzig makes his way in the aisle.] [color="darkred"]RJ Danzig : Patterson here, Patterson there... You sound like a girl who has a crush on some random guy Micky Starr ! Who cares about Supreme Challenge ? We're not in Boston yet and you should be worried about tonight. Not about Patterson, but about me ! You should be worried about leaving this place with your belt Starr. When was the last time you beat me Starr ? No, don't answer, your memory can't go that far. This belt is gonna be mine after tonight and the only thing you can do about it is cry on Patterson's shoulder ![/color] [By now, Danzig is right the middle of the ring, inches away from Micky Starr. Both men drop their mics, they're nose-to-nose and let me tell ya, they're not talking about pork chops recipes. Right hand from Danzig ! And the champion answers back ! The crowd erupts as the two are brawling in the middle of the ring ! Before anyone could be hurt, officials and even some wrestlers hit the ring to save our main event.][/quote] [b]Rating = B+[/b] [center][img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/wademorris.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/icon_vs.gif[/img] [img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/mcking.jpg[/img] [size=3][b]Wade Morris vs Marcus McKing[/b][/size][/center] These two had a lot of pressure after a red hot opening segments, but they didn't let us down. The veteran Morris tried to take the young McKing to school, but he was surprised by high quality opposition. One smal error was enough for McKing to hit the Long Live the King for the victory. [b]Winner : Marcus McKing Rating = C[/b] [quote] [Looks like it's over yet as the King Marcus grabs his royal cape and takes out a mic from a hidden pocket.] [color="darkred"]Marcus McKing : Thank you for your applause peasants, I truly feel your love for your benevolent king. {applause? I thought it was boos...} Now my subjects, it's time for a dirty filthy ruffian to learn a valuable lesson. Wade Morris, you just learned that you can't fight the King, but your lesson is much more important. In the Supreme Kingdom, thou shall pay respect to the King Marcus The First. That's what you'll do by kissing my royal hand and bowing to your knees before your king.[/color] [Wade Morris is now slowly getting to his feet as McKing approaches him hand extended. Rather than kissing it, Morris uses McKing hand and posture to get faster on his feet. The King seems pissed off... and slaps Morris ! Knee to the gut ! Morris is bent in half as McKing yells for him to kiss his royal hand. Having enough of this, the other half of the Mustache Crew, Burt Selleck, runs to the ring and shoves McKing away with a Lariat. They quickly dispatch to the outside. As a furious McKing grabs a chair, another man comes down the aisle...] [center][img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/dickpangrazzio.jpg[/img][/center] [That's Coach Pangrazzio, flanked by the American Badasses.] [color="darkred"]Coach Pangrazzio : I'm sorry to interupt you my lord, but I think we can be useful to his highness right now. Morris, Selleck, you mad a terrible mistake on the last Sunday Slamfest broadcast by sticking your nose in our business. No body does that without getting hurt usually, but I might forgive you this time as my men are busy getting gold. Next time though, you shall pay a hefty price.[/color] [Mitch Haggans tells something off mic to the Coach who nods. ] [color="darkred"]Coach Pangrazzio : Mitch has a great idea. You two probably don't understand my warning, so maybe we shall make it clearer...[/color] [The Coach lowers the mic and the American Badasses charge the ring ! So do McKing with his chair ! The Mustache Crew play it with intelligence and roll out of the ring before getting hurt. They escape through the crowd much to the joy of the nearby ladies. I think one passed out when she was able to touch Burt Selleck...][/quote] [b]Rating = D for the McKing part, C- for the Coach part[/b] [center][img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/gabrielpeterson.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/icon_vs.gif[/img] [img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/frankrock.jpg[/img] [size=3][b]Gabriel Peterson vs Frank Rock (w/Coach Pangrazzio)[/b][/size][/center] Another wrestler makes his SWF debut tonight with the Archangel Gabriel Peterson, a former shoot fighter, and what an impression he did. A great bout, not the usual technical clinic Peterson does, but a rough brawl like Rock loves. They exchanged strikes and powermoves much to the delight of the crowd up until the 9th minute mark when Peterson put his opponent in an Bermuda Triangle Choke to make him submit. [b]Winner : Gabriel Peterson[/b] [i]Rating = B-[/i] [i]Not enough selling was shown, but it was expected between an ex-shoot fighter and a former football player. Still, who cares about that when the boys got great chemistry ?[/i] [quote][center][img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/gabrielpeterson.jpg[/img][/center] [As Coach Pangrazzio reanimates his protege, Gabriel Peterson takes the mic to adress the crowd.] [color="navy"]Gabriel Peterson : For those who might not know me, I am the Archangel Gabriel Peterson. I got that nickname while competing in shoot fights all around the world, but I'm done with that. I'm looking for new opportunities and new challenges and what better place than the SWF to do so. I'm not here to preted I'm a king, a viking or an adult movie star, no, I'm just a fighter. This is my way of life, this is how I earn respect from other people : by beating them fair and square in this ring. I can make my opponents submit in ways they could never imagine and that is enough to make an impact on their lives... and yours hopefully.[/color][/quote] [b]Rating = C[/b] [center][img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/joeyflame.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/icon_vs.gif[/img] [img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/brutus.jpg[/img] [size=3][b]Joey Flame (w/ Teddy) vs Brutus The Enforcer (w/ Mitch Haggans & Coach Pangrazzio)[/b][/size][/center] It was annouced before the match that Blazing Flames would be defending their tag titles once again against American Badasses at Supreme Challege which add a little extra to this match. They kept the momentum going with a great match that saw Joey Flame won with the Blaze of Glory while Teddy charged Haggans to prevent him from interfering. [b]Winner : Joey Flame Rating = B-[/b] [quote] [The champs didn't have any second to celebrate as Coach Pangrazzio clubs Teddy behind the head with his jointed fists. It gives just enough time to Haggans to ram Teddy in the guardrail. Joey dives over the ropes to help his brother, but Pangrazzio warns Haggans just in time and all that Joey meets is concrete. Haggans rolls both champions in the ring, where The Enforcer is waiting for them. The challengers are stomping a mudhole in to the champions ! The party might be over though as The Mustache Crew is running to the ring ! Morris and Selleck clear the ring with quick right hands and a couple of clothelines. The Badasses back up the ramp as Pangrazzio motions that he'll get the heads of the Crew. I think he's gonna have to take a number with all those ladies around...[/quote] [b]Rating = D+[/b] [center][img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/rickrumble.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/blackjack.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/icon_vs.gif[/img] [img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/acemcqueen.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/burtselleck.jpg[/img] [size=3][b]Rick Rumble (w/ Beautiful Babette) & Black Jack vs Ace McQueen & Burt Selleck[/b][/size][/center] This match was held in effort to promote the upcoming Supreme Tournament. There's a lot of egos in this match, a broken team, but it didn't matter, it was a great showing. Ace and Jack are two competitors and they actually went at it like. Okay, maybe not at 100%, but still, they didn't back down from this match.... until the 10th minute mark. Rumble and Selleck have been in the ring for some time now, they're exausted and after a double clothesline, they needed to make a tag, but Jack and Ace simply walked out. The first man to react was Rick Rumble with the help of Babette and suprised Selleck with Bridged Suplex to get a three count. Only after the bell we understood the real intentions of Deadly Gamble as they quickly jumped back in the ring and double teamed the exausted Rumble and Selleck. Aces High and Jack of Spade were distributed generously, both men sending a clear message before the Supreme Tournament. [b]Winners : Rumble & Black Jack Rating = B- for the match, C+ for the attack[/b] [center][img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/sidstreets.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/icon_vs.gif[/img] [img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/ares.jpg[/img] [size=3][b]Sid Streets (w/ Rocky Streets) vs Ares Aegaleus[/b][/size][/center] What did you expected other than a squash ending with a Spartan Spear ? Not much I hope. [b]Winner = Ares Aegaleus Rating = B+[/b] [i]Why do I get such ratings with squash matchs ? Two reasons : one, I am that good of a booker; two, Ares is now one the most over workers in the world, he could drag even Sam Stragavelli to stardom![/i] [quote][center][img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/ares.jpg[/img][/center] [As you might have expected, The Greek God loves to talk also...] [color="darkred"]Ares Aegaleus : The clock on your career is ticking Moretti. Now would be a good time to show up! {waits a second} Who am I kidding ? The world knows you'll never show up again because you're affraid of me. I can't wait for Supreme Challenge to hear Richard Eisen firing your no-good italian ass.[/color] [/quote] [b]Rating = B+[/b] [center][img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/mickystarr.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/icon_vs.gif[/img] [img]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/rjdanzig.jpg[/img] [size=3][b]SWF World Heavyweight Title : Micky Starr (ch) vs RJ Danzig[/b][/size][/center] After their hot opening argument, people were eager to see this match and oh god did it delievered. Probably the best match so far this year in SWF. Both men battled for every second of this match, Danzig showing that he was more than just words. He worked methodicaly on slowing Starr trying to shut down any possibilities of second wind. Unfortunately for Danzig, it didn't work that way. He missed his Unholy Dive a big enough mistake for Starr to rally a comeback and connect the Starr Treatment to retain his title. [b]Winner and still champion : Micky Starr Rating = A[/b] [i]Not enough selling, no chemistry note, but still we got an A![/i] [FONT="Arial Black"]Show Rating : B[/font] ------ OCC : I'm back after a short hiatus, yeah for me ! I could give ya an explanation, but I'm sure you don't really care. Still working on the show format by the way.
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Shameless bump in case people missed the show, the boards are moving fast ! Oh hell... here's the match listing of Slamfest Tour #2, the last stop before Supreme Challenge. [b]SWF Slamfest Tour #2[/b] Live from the Great Lake Territory Powerhouse Patterson vs Iron Mike Milligan Chief Two Eagles & Baron Von Rambis vs Hagar Erikson & Barney LaRusso Teddy Flame vs Mitch Haggans Call of the Wild vs The Streets Kid and much more !
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