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ROF...Set A'blaze (C-Verse)

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O.O.C. Alright Diary attempt number... not as high as The Ego :p Thanks for giving me a chance on this one guys. The name pretty much says it all I think. I'm playing original data Cverse with a small federation known as [B]Ring of Fire[/B] hope everyone enjoys. I am from America and have never been to the UK in my life, so to all my English friends, feel free to chime in and let me know when I'm doing something horribly wrong. [B]ROF History:[/B] Ring of Fire is a promotion from the Midlands, who have slowly been building up a reputation for offering good clean pure wrestling to UK fans. Originally they were owned by Geordie Jimmy Morris, but he left to try and find fame in Japan, and the group was taken over by British Samurai. They suffered a big set-back in late 2006, when 21CW had a massive revival under Jeff Nova's leadership, and with a TV deal as a lure, managed to take a good proportion of ROF's talented roster away. [B]Our Hero:[/B] Clayton Adams is a 23 year old wrestler out of the US. A student of the sport since he was just 8 Clayton signed on with a wrestling school as soon as he turned 16. Sadly for him he has still never seen any real action. Realizing he was never going to make it big in America he cut all ties and decided to test his fate in the UK where he met with a man who went by the name of Robert Brown. Clayton impressed Robert with his knowledge of wrestling and quickly took the position of Head Booker of his company known as Ring of Honor (If it were only that easy right.) Robert agreed to allow Clayton to work shows as well as long as he came up with a better name than Clayton Adams. He also told him he had to allow Robert to review every card, because the last thing Robert wanted was one of those punk bookers who push themselves to the top of a promotion in a month. And so his journey soon begins. Next Up... The Roster
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]RING OF FIRE ROSTER[/SIZE][/B] [B]Main Eventers: [COLOR="Red"]Merle O'Curle (1-2)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]British Samurai (5-2)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]UK Dragon (4-2)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]K'Lee Hawkins (2-1)[/COLOR] Upper Midcarders [COLOR="Red"]Billy Robinson (6-2)[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Walter Morgan (2-4)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Harry Wilson (0-0) Don Henderson (4-2)[/COLOR] Midcarders: [COLOR="Red"]Brilliant White (1-0) [/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Kelly Martin (1-3)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Johnny Highspot (0-2)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Petey Barnes (4-1)[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Eric Future (1-1)[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Jonni Lowlife (1-1)[/COLOR] Lower Midcarders: [COLOR="Red"]Lance Martin (0-1)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Martin Heath (0-2)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Stardust Phil Cox (2-3)[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Jon Michael Sharp (1-0)[/COLOR] Openers: [COLOR="red"]Clayton Adams (1-5)[/COLOR] Announcers: [COLOR="blue"]Justin Blackham[/COLOR] Color Commentator: Referees: [COLOR="blue"]Humphrey Woolsey[/COLOR] Road Agents: [COLOR="Red"]Donny Damage[/COLOR] Teams: [COLOR="Red"]Absolutely Flawless (Kelly Martin and Lance Martin)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Future X (Petey Barnes and Eric Future)[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Sharp & Heath (Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]The Shooters (Billy Robinson and Don Henderson)[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]The Tribe (Rhys Vali and Gob Narfi)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Your New Favourite Team (Johnny Highspot and Jonni Lowlife)[/COLOR] Stables: N/A Champions: Ring of Fire Championship: [COLOR="Red"]Billy Robinson (Won July 2007)[/COLOR] Ring of Fire #1 Contender: (Note: This title will be treated like the real day Money in the Bank holder.) Vacant (July 2007) Ring of Fire Tag Championship: [COLOR="red"]Kelly Martin and Lance Martin (Won November 2006)[/COLOR] [/B][/CENTER] Next Up... Goals... and maybe even a show!
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First order of business was Robert's goals: [CENTER][B]1: The promotion must not be in debt at the end of 2 years.[/B] This seemed easy enough to me. After all I did get an A in economics in highschool. [B]2: The promotion must not fall in size before next year.[/B] Again doable. Seeing as how we are only a "small" promotion, there really isn't much further we can fall. [B]3: You can't sign any wrestlers past their prime. That means no one older than 42.[/B] Well I don't think Hulk Hogan exsists in this reality so nothing to fear here. [B]You can not sign, or resign anyone who has been known to use steroids[/B] No problem. Drugs are bad..mmkay[/CENTER] Now on to the next order of business. A show. I've decided to hold all our events on the last Friday of each month. This month's event is titled [B]ROF: New Year Explosion.[/B] So I still have 24 days to plan this whole thing out. I have convinced Robert to post all our shows on YouTube so that should help our exposure a little across the globe. [B]The Stats:[/B] Money: 80,000 Prestige: 10% [B]Popularity:[/B] Midlands: 16.0% The rest of the UK: 10.0% The rest of the world: 0.0%
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Looking at the competition [CENTER][B]Thursday Week 4 January 2007[/B][/CENTER] It's the day before our first big event of the year. To get an idea of how my show should go I've decided to scout the enemy and here's the results. [CENTER][B]21CW:[/B] [B]What: [/B]21CW Disposable Heroes [B]When:[/B] Friday Week 3 January 2007 [B]Where:[/B] Celtic Heritage Hall (Scotland Region) [B]Attendance:[/B] 1,000 (Sold Out) [B]Rating:[/B] D+ Buy Rate: N/A [B]Main Event:[/B] Joss Thompson defeated Adam Matravers to retain the 21st Century World Title. The segment landed a D+ rating and was the highest of the night. [B]MOSC:[/B] [B]What:[/B] MOSC Clash of the Tartans [B]When:[/B] Wednesday Week 2 January 2007 [B]Where:[/B] Caledonian Club (Scotland Region) [B]Attendance:[/B] 300 (Sold Out) [B]Rating:[/B] D [B]Buy Rate:[/B] N/A [B]Main Event:[/B] The Highland Warrior defeated Harley Neill to retain the MOSC UK Championship Title. The Segment landed a D+ rating which was the highest of the night. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]ROF New Year Explosion Live from the Norman Blue Athletic Center in Solihull (Midlands Region) Attendance: 55[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [B]Clayton Adams Vs. Stardust Phil Cox[/B] [quote] After talking it over with Robert it was decided I would primaly be used as a jobber until the locker room and the fans decide I have paid my dues and deserve a character. That being said Stardust really took it to me this match. I'm not sure if he's just natually a stiff wrestler or if he just wanted to prove a point. All I know for sure is it hurts to be writing this right now. [/quote] Stardust Phil Cox defeated Clayton Adams in 12:40 by pinfall with a Star Burst. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] This match wasn't really what the fans were looking for and it looks like it brought their mood down. On the positive said however, despite how much I got my ass kicked I think I may have improved on my Flying thanks to this match. [B]I want you...[/B] After the match Walter Morgan came down to the ring and challenged UK Dragon. [COLOR="blue"]Morgan: "Dragon you've held onto that title long enough. It's time to prove yourself a true champion and hight a worthy opponent."[/COLOR] Before UK Dragon even had time to respond Billy Robinson came out of the back mic in hand. [COLOR="Red"]Robinson: "Not so fast tough guy. You see you seem to be forgetting the I am next in line for a title shot. And if it's ok with you I don't think I'm ready just yet to have that shot. Now if you'll excuse me."[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Morgan: "Not so fast Robinson! See you claim to be the number 1 contender, but what did you do to earn that? How about you be a man and face me here tonight, winner gets that number 1 contender title!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Robinson: "I'm not as stupid as you look Morgan. You think you deserve this title with 1 lucky win? That doesn't prove anything. But I'll tell you what. Tonight I will allow you the oppurtunity to step into the ring with greatness. However you want this number 1 contender title, then you're going to have to beat me in a best of 7 series."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Morgan: "Agreed! I'll see you tonight Robinson!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][B]Rating:[/B] E-[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] After playing with the settings it looks like the fans still hate anything that isn't wrestling. You may see me make some minor adjustments as the shows continue. [B]Petey Barnes Vs. Gob Narfi[/B] [quote] Alright so first of all what kind of name is Gob? The fans liked this match much more than the liked mine or the storyline segment earlier so that's a plus. Turns out when you let people actually wrestler it's pretty entertaining...who would've thought.[/quote] Petey Barnes defeated Gob Narfi in 12:51 by submission. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] Turns out these two have great chemistry so hopefully I can use them again some time in the near future. [B]Lance Martin Vs. Eric Future[/B] [quote] A couple of my younger wrestlers in this one. After watching this first card I've decided...we aren't very good. Not to worry though this is just going to be one of those assignments that take time. [/quote] Eric Future defeated Lance Martin in 13:08 by pinfall with a Time Slice. [COLOR="red"]Rating: E[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] This bout dragged in the middle which signals to me a lack of ring pscology. Looks like I'm going to have to go through next month and see how bad everyone really is. This match seemed to have brought down the crowds mood as well. But on a happier note it looks like Eric Future is improving in his Technical Skills. [B]UK Dragon Vs. Merle O'Curle[/B] [quote] The current champion is in the ring now and he seems to be the light at the end of the tunnel. Merle also looks specificly dangerous and may see a nice push in the future. For now though you have to give the win to the champ even if it is a non-title match.[/quote] UK Dragon defeated Merle O'Curle in 22:50 by pinfall with a Dragon Drop. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] I was more than pleased with this segment and I think the rating will tell you why. One down side however is there were complaints about a lack of selling in this match, but that will come with more ring time...I hope. [B]*Main Event* Billy Robinson Vs. Walter Morgan[/B] [quote] This is the first match of the 7 match series and both men seem really focused. Morgan is the obvious crowd favorite and Robinson played the heel role to a T. The good news is both these men are very skilled in Technical wrestling. With Morgan being the bettr of the 2. The bad news is the ring psychology...ouch[/quote] Billy Robinson defeated Walter Morgan in 17:34 by submission with a Capital City Crucifix. Billy Robinson leads the series 1-0 [COLOR="red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] Again a huge lack of ring psychology in this one. Then on top of that people complained about the lack of selling. Looks like I may have jumped the gun on this feud a little bit. Again this match brought down the crowds mood and somewhere I'm sure I'm being cursed for not having my champion be the main event match. [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: D-[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] Well it was my first show with a new promotion and a new region so I'm not going to be to hard on myself. I need to go back and try to make the fans except at least a small dosage of angles. And I definatly made a rookie mistake on the ring psychology error. Can't believe I didn't check that. Oh well, time for the stats. [B]Stats:[/B] [B]Money: 74,471[/B] [B]Prestige: 10.1[/B] [B]Popularity:[/B] Midlands: 16.6% Rest of the UK: 10.0% Rest of the World: .2%[/CENTER] Thanks for reading comments and all other forms of feedback always welcome.
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Random Profile... This month's random profile is on... [CENTER][B]UK DRAGON[/B] [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/UKDragon.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B]Profile:[/B] Steven "UK Dragon" Ambrose is a vastly experienced all-rounder, who has worked all around the globe professional debut at the age of 16 in 1991. Over time he has developed a reputation for versatility and reliability, and that has made him a highly in-demand worker. While he is probably best known for his run with World Level Wrestling in Japan, he has also had great runs with UCR in Europe (where he was the former champion) and ROF in the UK, amongst others. [B]Outlook:[/B] UK Dragon is the current Ring of Fire champion. He won the title September 2005 after defeating then champion Stevie Stoat in a epic battle. UK Dragon has the much needed skills to take ROF to the top in the UK and is expected to play a major role in turning the company around. However, he has recently signed on to tour with PGHW which may hender his in ring time with the company. [B]Contracts:[/B] PGHW- Touring (Enhancement Talent) ROF- PPA (Main Eventer) WLW- PPA (Midcarder)
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Competition As per last week I have decided to monitor the enemy in hopes of if nothing else regaining some self-esteem. [CENTER]21CW: [B]What:[/B] 21CW Passion For Pain [B]When:[/B] Tuesday Week 2 February 2007 [B]Where:[/B] Parliment Square (Southern UK) [B]Attendance:[/B] 1,000 (Sold Out) [B]Rating:[/B] D [B]Buy Rate:[/B] N/A [B]Main Event:[/B] Stevie Stoat and Leo Price defeated Johnny Stones and DJ Reason in a D Rated match. [B]Match of the night:[/B] This was actually the semi-main event with Pit Bull Brown and Adam Matravers defeating Jonathan Faust and Joss Thompson in a D+ match. [B]MOSC:[/B] [B]What:[/B] MOSC Civil War [B]When:[/B] Saturday Week 2 February 2007 [B]Where:[/B] Caledonian Club (Scotland Region) [B]Attendance:[/B] 300 (Sold Out) [B]Rating:[/B] D [B]Buy Rate:[/B] N/A [B]Main Event:[/B] The Highland Warrior defeated Harley Neill to retain the MOSC UK Championship Title. The Segment landed a D+ rating which was the highest of the night. No that is not a typo they really had the same match twice in a row. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]ROF Fallout[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from the Norman Blue Athletic Center in Solihull (Midlands Region) Attendance: 26 (ouch!) Clayton Adams Vs Kelly Martin[/B] [quote]The first show of the night and let's face it. You can complain all you want about me being on every card, but it's saving us money. Unfortunatly the other workers see it as me being greedy and continue to really pound me. I think I looked better this match, of course I also think I may have a concussion. [/quote] Kelly Martin defeated Clayton Adams in 12:43 by pinfall with a Perfect Driver. [COLOR="red"]Rating: E+[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] The fans still hate every segment I'm in. But on the plus side Kelly seems to be improving in Rumble and performance skills. [B]Don Henderson Vs. Jonni Lowlife[/B] [quote] Don is actually a very impressive worker to bad I didn't realize that last month. This match seemed to be more of wha the crowd liked so we allowed it to run over a little bit. [/quote] Don Henderson defeated Jonni Lowlife in 13:01 by submission with a Scottish Deathlock. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] This is the type of match I hope to have on a more consistant level. Don improved on his Rumble skills, while Jonni's Technical skills seem to be improving nicely. [B]Billy Robinson Vs. Walter Morgan[/B] [quote] Match 2 of the best of 7 series and Robinson dominated from the beginning. Walter just didn't seem like himself today at all and really got next to no offense in this one. It was over before it ever really started.[/quote] Billy Robinson defeated Walter Morgan in 7:52 by submission with a Capital City Crucifix. Billy Robinson leads the series 2-0 [COLOR="red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] A much better rating than last week, even though Morgan didn't really come to play. I think the fans may be buying into this little feud. Of course their lack of selling and ring psychology didn't help, but that was to be expected. [B]*MAIN EVENT* UK Dragon Vs. British Samurai[/B] [quote] A great match here with two of my more over workers. Samurai has really done a great job of winning the fans over and played to the crowd nicely. A solid display of technical wrestling was on hand here early and often as both men found counters for the others signature move. Sadly though there has to be a winner and when the UK Dragon held onto the ropes while British Samurai went for a belly to back it set up a nice "low kick" followed by a crisp DDT then finished off with a Dragon Drop.[/quote] UK Dragon defeated British Samurai in 14:47 by pinfall with a Dragon Drop. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] Perfect match almost. The fans really loved it, and the workers played their parts to perfection. Sadly these two just didn't seem to "click" as we in the sport like to call it, otherwise the sky would've been the limit. [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: D+[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] This was a much better thought out match on my behalf, and it showed in everyone performance I think. Let's just hope we can continue to build on this momentum. [B]Stats:[/B] [B]Money:[/B] 70,739 [B]Prestige:[/B] 10.2 [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]Midlands:[/B] 17.4% [B]Rest of the UK:[/B] 10.2% [B]Rest of the World:[/B] .4%[/CENTER] We cut the shows back this month to 1 hour (from 2) and made it small (instead of Medium.) This was due in case it wasn't obvious to help relieve some of the money we were bleeding...so far it failed. Thanks for reading comments and all other forms of feedback always welcome.
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Thanks for the comments on my diary. And we're not in competition...same fed maybe, but we're presenting things a little differently I'm sure we'll take ROF in somewhat different directions down the line too. I think the difficulty we both have is making a fed based on in-ring action with UK workers (that many won't know much about) seem interesting to the majority!! Enjoying the read so far. :)
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[QUOTE=mad5226;261319]Yeah wasn't my first choice but hopefully his in ring ability makes up for all of it. *crosses fingers*[/QUOTE] Good to see another Dynasty. I typically push Don Henderson when I play ROF. There is a mocked up picture somewhere of a "darker more brooding" look of Don Henderson in the mod forum if i recall. Of course what ROF is really missing is the high flying antics of Pirrato! As a side note, I find that anyone who can wrestle does well with ROF crowds. You can even do some "Hype" angles with your most over workers... the problem? None fo your workers is very over.
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This month's random profile is on... [CENTER][B]British Samurai [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/BritishSamurai.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/CENTER] [B]Profile:[/B] British Samurai is the ring name of Robert Brown, one of the most respected men in the UK and Europe. A superbly consistant worker, albeit an unflashy one, he has carved a fine career for himself since his debut in 1994. He is best known for two things; one is taking over and running ROF in 2005, but more famously is his track record for training young wrestlers, with many of the new generation of British fighters having learnt their basics from him. [B]Outlook: [/B]British Samurai is currently honoring a written 18 month contract by ROF and because of that is expected to appear on every event until a new PPA contract is realeased. Look for him to help some of the younger stars propel into the main event scene. And maybe even making a title run of his own in the future. [B]Contracts:[/B] ROF- written (Main Eventer)
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Let's keep things rolling with another peak at how the competition did this month [CENTER][B]21CW:[/B] [B]What:[/B] 21CW Xtreme Overdose [B]When:[/B] Monday Week 1 March 2007 [B]Where:[/B] Aston University Sports Hall (Midlands Region) [B]Attendance:[/B] 1,000 (Sold Out) [B]Rating:[/B] D+ [B]Buy Rate:[/B] N/A [B]Main Event:[/B] Joss Thompson defeated DJ Reason to retain the 21st Century World Title in a D+ match. [B]Other News: [/B] 21CW has released one of their top stars Adam Matravers to allow him to tour with GCG. [B]MOSC:[/B] [B]What:[/B] MOSC Total Eclipse [B]When:[/B] Saturday Week 1 March 2007 [B]Where:[/B] Phoenix Nights (Northern UK) [B]Attendance:[/B] 300 (Sold Out) [B]Rating:[/B] D [B]Buy Rate:[/B] N/A [B]Main Event:[/B] The Highland Warrior defeated Harley Neill to retain the MOSC UK Championship Title. The Segment landed a D+ rating which was the highest of the night. No that is not a typo they really had the same match three times in a row.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]ROF Burning Bright[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from the Norman Blue Athletic Center in Solihull (Midlands Region) Attendance: 22 (Please stop the downward spiral)[/B] [B]Stardust Phil Cox Vs. Rhys Vali[/B] [quote] Not alot to say here. These two are less technical and more high flyiers. The upside is they complimanted each other very well, and brought some diversity to the show. The bad news is, the fans didn't really care and didn't like the match.[/quote] Stardust Phil Cox defeated Rhys Vali in 7:50 by pinfall with a Star Burst. [COLOR="red"]Rating:[/COLOR] E [B]Notes:[/B] This two are both still young, and have a lot of promise. This segment brought the crowd's mood down. [B]Walter Morgan Vs. Billy Robinson[/B] [quote] Match 3 of the series and Walter really needed a win here. The crowd was behind him from the start and he had a certain intensity that let you know he knew what he had to do. Robinson dominated early on, but Morgan countered a northern lights suplex and went on the offensive for good. [/quote] Walter Morgan defeated Billy Robinson in 10:08 by submission with a Northern Crossface. [COLOR="red"]Rating:[/COLOR] D+ [B]Notes:[/B] Morgan picked up the much needed win to make it a 2-1 series. The fans are really starting to respond to these two workers. [B]Merle O'Curle Vs. K'Lee Hawkins[/B] [quote] The fans really got their money's worth on this one. These two attacked each other the second the opening bell rang and didn't stop for a break until the match was over. O'Curle looked the most impressive moving around the ring with ease and always seeming to have an answer for what Hawkins was attempting. [/quote] Merle O'Curle defeated K'Lee Hawkins in 12:42 by submission with a Celtic Wreath. [COLOR="red"]Rating:[/COLOR] C [B]Notes:[/B] This was an unbeliavable match. Both these workers just really uped their stock here in ROF and should both be looking to see a lot more action in the near future. [B]*Main Event* British Samurai Vs. Don Henderson[/B] [quote] After the performance the Samurai put on last month we had to call him back for another show. This one was hyped more than it should have been, and while it was a great match it wasn't worthy of match of the night honors. [/quote] British Samurai defeated Don Henderson in 17:31 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. [B][COLOR="red"]Rating:[/COLOR][/B] D [B]Notes:[/B] This match lasted a little longer than what Don is used to wrestling and he was visibly tired afterward. I need to remember to keep his match around 15 minutes I think that should be good until his stamina improves. Overall not a bad match, a little disappointed on the rating though. [COLOR="Red"]Final Rating: D[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] Had I flipped the main event and the semi-main event I think this would've been my best show to date. Still not bad over all, and we continue to go up in popularity. [B]Stats:[/B] [B]Money:[/B] 66,878 [B]Prestige:[/B] 10.3 [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]Midlands:[/B] 18.0% [B]Rest of the UK:[/B] 10.4% [B]Rest of the World:[/B] .6% [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]This month's random profile is on... Walter Morgan [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/WalterMorgan.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/CENTER] [B]Profile:[/B] Walter Morgan is a British wrestler, one of the true "shooters" left in the business. Trained in some of the legendarily tough gyms of Wigan, traditional home of the art of shooting, Morgan knows about a million ways to stretch an opponent into agonising submission, and is renowned for his skills. He is, however, also known as one of the nicest men in professional wrestling, and doesn't take advantage of people in the way that many with his unique talents might. [B]Outlook:[/B] Walter Morgan is currently invovled in a hot feud with Billy Robinson for the number one contender title. The future looks bright for this young technical wrestler who at the age of 32 is the best technical wrestler in the company. Baring any injuries he could possibly be the face of ROF in the next year or so. [B]Contracts:[/B] ROF- PPA (Upper Midcarder)
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[CENTER][B]Competition Report 21CW:[/B] [B]What:[/B] 21CW I Wanna Rock [B]When:[/B] Sunday Week 3 April 2007 [B]Where:[/B] Aston University Sports Hall (Midlands Region) [B]Attendance:[/B] 1,000 (Sold Out) [B]Rating:[/B] D [B]Buy Rate:[/B] N/A [B]Main Event:[/B] Jonathan Faust and Leo Price defeated The Elimination Agents in a D rated match. [B]Match of the Night: [/B] The semi main event featuring Joss Thompson defeating Daniel Black Francis to retain his 21st Century World Title in a C- match. [B]MOSC:[/B] [B]What:[/B] MOSC Firecracker [B]When:[/B] Monday Week 2 April 2007 [B]Where:[/B] Phoenix Nights (Northern UK) [B]Attendance:[/B] 300 (Sold Out) [B]Rating:[/B] D- [B]Buy Rate:[/B] N/A [B]Main Event:[/B] The Highland Warrior defeated Danny Patterson to retain the MOSC UK Championship Title. The Segment landed a D rating which was the highest of the night. [B]Other News:[/B] In an effort to stop the bleeding of company finances. Color Commentator Peaches McCream was released from her contract this month. Peaches was due for a renewal and wanted over $1,000 to continue with ROF. No agreement was reached and Peaches left on great terms with the company. Wrestling power house SWF has fallen to a Cult level following. This reported by wrestling site Ryland4President. The site is dedicated to ranking every wrestling company in the C-Verse. Previously SWF was ranked as Global. A fall that will not be taken lightly by owner Rich Eison[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]ROF Breakin' the Bank[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from the Paddington Club (South Region) Attendance: 22[/B] [B]Clayton Adams Vs. Jon Michael Sharp[/B] [quote] Being the resident jobber has really started taking a toll on my body, and I was forced to sit last month out. I really feel like I'm starting to win a few people over in the back though, and even a few fans applauded my efforts this week. Best of all I only ended up with a busted nose this time around. [/quote] Jon Michael Sharp defeated Clayton Adams in 8:21 by pinfall with a Flying Cross Body. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] Well this may have brought down the crowd's mood, but for an opening match I really think it was a step in the right direction. Jon Michael Sharp is improving in Performance skills. [B]Martin Heath Vs. British Samurai[/B] [quote] Nothing like a good old fashioned Squash match. Needless to say Samurai dominated this one, but the intent was for Heath to learn from one of the best in the sport. At the same time Samurai managed to make himself look very dominate which should help later down the line. [/quote] [COLOR="red"]Rating: D[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] Another step in the right direction here. Now if the final 2 matches can carry us home I'll be more than pleased with out success. [B]Billy Robinson Vs. Walter Morgan[/B] [quote] The grudge match continues here with both wrestlers getting a bigger response from the fans than last time. Morgan came out strong firing on all cylinders on this one, but some how Robinson had a counter for everything Morgan tried. These two battled back and fourth for near 13 minutes, a true contest.[/quote] [COLOR="red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] Robinson leads the series 3-1. With one more win Robinson retains his title and UK Dragon will have some serious competition. With each match these two seem to get better, hopefully the heat doesn't die out with it. [B]*MAIN EVENT ROF CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH UK DRAGON VS. JOHNNY HIGHSPOT[/B] [quote]The title is on the line is this one, as these two men show off their impressive aerial arsonal. Highspot strucj first with a top rope hurricaruna that nearly won him the title. Not to be out shown UK Dragon battled back and hit a devistating 450 splash. Both these men laid it all on the line and just when you thought it was over they would take your breath away again. [/quote] UK Dragon defeated Johnny Highspot in 14:49 by pinfall with a Dragon Drop. UK Dragon makes defence number 1 of his Ring Of Fire Championship title. [COLOR="red"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] [B]Notes: [/B]This was a great match and really highlighted each man's strength. Highspot did a great job of selling UK Dragon as a true champion, while managing to make himself look dangerous as well. Johnny Highspot is improving in Performance skills. [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: D+[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] One of our best shows to date. And the move to the South region actually increased our attendance slightly. Overall I'm extremely pleased. Now if we can just stop losing money... [B]Stats:[/B] [B]Money:[/B] 63,991 [B]Prestige:[/B] 10.4 Popularity: [B]UK:[/B] [B]Midlands:[/B] 18.2% [B]North:[/B] 10.6% [B]Scotland:[/B] 10.6% [B]South:[/B] 11.5% [B]Rest of the World:[/B] .8%[/CENTER]
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[B][U]Word of advice, matey[/U][/B] I haven't played with ROF but I have taken MoSC to Cult before and I'm sure the same guidelines are applicable. Do not hold your show in the last week of any month... the crowds get burned out (particularly seeing as 21CW will be running in the same area as you). It's far better to run in the first week when crowds have seen no (or very little) wrestling that week. If you change it, your attendance should go up. Good luck ;). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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This month's random profile is on... [CENTER][B]Lance Martin [IMG]http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa58/mad5226/LanceMartin.jpg[/IMG] [/B][/CENTER] [B]Profile:[/B] Lance "The Body" Martin is a young worker from the UK, most famous for his work in Ring of Fire where he teams with his identical twin Kelly as Absolutely Flawless. Although young and still quite green, such is their potential that they had barely been with the company a year before they managed to upset The Shooters to win the ROF Tag Team Titles in November 2006. Skilled all-rounders with lots of time to improve, the future looks very bright for both Martin brothers. [B]Outlook:[/B] With the money situation as tight as it is we have yet to have a tag team match. That is probably going to stay the case for at least the remainder pf the year. However, at only 22 expect to see Lance get his share of singles matches to help develop him professionally. [B]Contracts:[/B] ROF- PPA (Midcarder)
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]ROF X-Plosion[/COLOR][/SIZE] Live from the Norman Blue Athletic Center in Solihull (Midlands Region) Attendance: 23 [/B] [B]Petey Barnes Vs. Rhys Vali[/B] [quote] Petey and Rhys both went to the air early in this one. The fans seemed semi interested in the opening bout, so that alone is a success in my books. Both these men should see their share of success in ROH, but for now it was Petey's turn to shine.[/quote] Petey Barnes defeated Rhys Vali in 7:54 by pinfall. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] As usual this match brought down the crowd's mood. But anything over an E in an opening segment I'm taking as a win. [B]Kelly Martin Vs. Don Henderson[/B] [quote] This match left me a little disappointed. I expected it to get a decent reaction from the fans, but sadly it didn't do much better than the prevous segment. Don looked pretty dominate throughout most the match, and Kelly did a good job selling it.[/quote] Don Henderson defeated Kelly Martin in 12:34 by submission with a Scottish Deathlock. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D-[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] The fans are starting to get rowdy now. I need a better segment. I thought having Henderson in this one would really help my cause, I was wrong. [B]Billy Robinson Vs. Walter Morgan[/B] [quote] This way do or die for Walter Morgan and he left it all on the line. The match went back and fourth and again these two showed how much they knew about each other by reversing several moves. Robinson tried to end it early, but Morgan wouldn't be denied, not yet at least.[/quote] Walter Morgan defeated Billy Robinson in 14:36 by submission with a Wigan Wrench. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] Robinson leads the series 3-2, but Morgan proved he's far from done. While the fans haven't gotten sick of this series yet, they haven't really accepted it any more than when it began either. [B]*MAIN EVENT*[/B] British Samurai Vs. K'Lee Hawkins [quote] Two of my bigger faces in this company headlined tonights event, and they kept the fans on their toes. Hawkins started things off with a northern lights suplex, followed by a rear naked choke. The experiance of Samurai came into effect though and once on his feet he overpowered the smaller Hawkins. More than once Hawkins tried to end it with a cross face chicken wing, but British Samurai was able to get to the ropes. Samurai battled back late in the match and looked to have the match won when he slapped on a boston crab in the middle of the ring. However, the resilent Hawkins never gave up, and some how manged to get to the ropes. Hawkins then capitalized on the frustration of Samurai to score the huge upset. [/quote] K'Lee Hawkins defeated British Samurai in 13:54 by submission with a Crossface Chickenwing. [COLOR="red"]Rating: D+[/COLOR] [B]Notes:[/B] This was a great match, and to top things off these two had great ring chemistry. Samurai was very professional throughout the match and really helped put Hawkins over. Hawkins is improving in Performance Skills. [COLOR="red"]Final Rating: D+[/COLOR] [B]Final Notes:[/B] Another successful show. We are going to move our shows up to the first Friday of the month to see if that helps with our poor attendance ratings. In the mean time we are going to continue to try and cut some more corners in an attempt to slow down the lose of money. [B]Stats:[/B] [B]Money:[/B] 61,704 [B]Prestige:[/B] 10.5 [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]UK:[/B] [B]Midlands:[/B] 18.8% [B]North:[/B] 10.8% [B]Scotland:[/B] 10.6% [B]South:[/B] 11.7% [B]Rest of the World:[/B] 1.0%[/CENTER]
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