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Why is it graphics = great diary here?

Guest Vitamin E

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[B]Why is it people think long posts = Quality or intellect?[/B] [QUOTE=Vitamin E;266959]. Only reason I dont make it known is because I cant really get as detailed with talking about something I like as I can for something I dont like.[/QUOTE] It's pretty obvious by now you're a glass half empty type of guy, I think that's the biggest problem considering the usual positive vibe GDS has. [QUOTE=Vitamin E;266959] Right now I should note the reason I take diaries so 'seriously' is because there are some diaries that have potential, have a good premise, ect, but lack in actual writing and I want that to improve so not only can it remain good to current readers, but so it can also be even better for new readers. [/QUOTE] I don't think most of the people who post diaries really care how many people read them here on GDS, we do them for fun (imagine that huh) . It's not a be all and end all of our lives if people aren't reading. I'd suggest if that is a problem for you (and it seems it is) you should be the one looking to improve, not this board. My main gripe with you dude is you've got an attitude that you're better then most of the posters here? Who are you to tell people what will make their work better? The only two posts I've read of yours have been littered with mispelling and bad grammar, I might just start asking you to do spell checks and invest in a diary soon...... only to help improve your post quality of course, for old and new readers :p
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id just like to clarify that when I was speaking about my diary earlier i was using it as an example (basically so I didnt offend anyone) and that it wasnt me complaining about a lack of feedback (as somebody insinuated a few pages back) and to reiterate on the 'graphics issue' - i find that using graphics just for the sake of it or 'to get attention' annoying.. when they serve a purpose (such as showing whos in a match and to break up the text - ie a bookmark) I have no problem with them - im just not a huge fan..
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[QUOTE=|Anderz|;266971] im just not a huge fan..[/QUOTE] See that right there mate is a good post, I am a fan of graphics so I don't agree but who cares!!! ;) It's your opinion, not a broad ignorant statement intended to do one thing.
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Guest Vitamin E
What post/s that are littered with badspelling/grammar are you speaking of, Carlito? I dont think Im a glass half empty kind of guy, either. Maybe on the subject of diaries, but in reality I can be glass half full. Also, Im not going into diaries and saying "follow what I say, and only then will you improve." Im leaving my opinion about the diaries as a way to try and help the writer improve. Whether the writer finds my feedback useful or follows through is entirely up to them. Forgot to mention your comment at the top of your post, Carlito. I dont make long posts to make myself look intellectual or to make my post look like it has quality nor have I stated that I do that. I write long posts because.. I just do. I can't exactly sum up everything I want to say about posts in this topic with a couple of sentances. And Panix. I changed my location to that because since people (not necesarily here) think I have an elitist attitude, it is a joke on that. I dont really think that way, unless you're someone I REALLY cant stand and just want to be an ******* to said person of course.
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E, what do you think of the diaries we here at the GDS forums consider classics. Like Tristram's WCW, Nevermore's ECW, Keefmoon's WWF, Monkeypox's DaVE, and... there are so many others to count. Scap's SWF. Uh... more. Many more. But I just wanted your opinion on the best we have to offer.
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Guest Vitamin E
Youd have to make a list of some diaries you/others think are classics here. Obviously since I wasnt an active poster when they started or anything Ill probably have a differing opinion. With diaries that have a lot of pages, unless I was a reader from the beginning I find it hard to get into them mainly because I dont have the attention span to read from beginning to end. I'll take a look at the five you listed and have a quick skim through them, though.
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[QUOTE=Vitamin E;266976]What post/s that are littered with badspelling/grammar are you speaking of, Carlito?[/QUOTE] I'm not a big enough ass to point it all out, though your attitude did make me think about it. [QUOTE=Vitamin E;266976]I dont think Im a glass half empty kind of guy, either. Maybe on the subject of diaries, but in reality I can be glass half full. Also, Im not going into diaries and saying "follow what I say, and only then will you improve." Im leaving my opinion about the diaries as a way to try and help the writer improve. Whether the writer finds my feedback useful or follows through is entirely up to them. [/QUOTE] Improve what exactly? The diary for you? Maybe the person writing the diary enjoys cutting the pics or writing the stupid storyline that would never happen in reality. Maybe just maybe they are playing for fun and not to impress people or gain new readers?
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[QUOTE=Vitamin E;266976] And Panix. I changed my location to that because since people (not necesarily here) think I have an elitist attitude, it is a joke on that. I dont really think that way, unless you're someone I REALLY cant stand and just want to be an ******* to said person of course.[/QUOTE] Fair dues, although i have no idea why people would have come to the conclusion that you are at all elitest. Anyway, seeing as you changed your location, mine is no longer quite so comical so i am going change it and follow your route, im going to live up to peoples stereotype of me!
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;266995]I love this thread... I go away for a minute or two, come back and there's like five posts to keep me entertained.[/QUOTE] I could go all night.... or at least until Adam shows up with his big rusty key :o Long time posters will know I love flaming smarks :D I nearly bought a Cena shirt the other day just to spite them..... nearly :p
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Guest Vitamin E
Im not claiming myself to be a guru of diary writing. I apologize if people get that attitude from me, but that isn't what Im trying to put across. Im posting my opinion on things I see here from my experience with diary writing. Again, sorry if I come off as some elitist prick as that isnt my intention. Carlito, Im not being an ass with asking what posts your talking about (I know you didnt say I was), I really wanted to know which posts youre talking about that are littered with spelling mistakes and the like because I type so fast that sometimes i dont catch some spelling errors. Either that or I dont know how a word is spelt and come up with my own spelling. If I say something like.... "I dont like such and such getting a push", then that is something that cant be improved on in a way because if it is someone the writer wants to push then it is up to them. If I say something like.... "The matches should have been longer, especially if it went to 30 minutes" or "Couldnt really get into the character for so and so. Maybe try watching some clips from them?" or something, then that is something that could be improved on. Yes, I know that people should primarily write diaries for themselves/for fun, but when people post a diary they are leaving it open to any kind of feedback, and chances are they are posting a diary because they want to see what people think of it. I cant really recall anybody writing a diary with the intention of only for fun and not wanting people to read it or anything. EDIT-and panix, troll? Does that mean you live under a bridge and work at the GAP? Gots to love some GAP troll from MadTV. G-Prime, it isnt as good as making this topic and waking up in the AM and seeing it reach the second page ^_^.... While Im at it, Carlito, the Lord did in fact mandate me as the guru of all that is diary writing ;) EDIT 2- I must have missed this post by... Apupunch...Ill call him Apu because I like Apu... I think he said that I got pissy at the board about the graphics issue because of what one person said about my diary. I want to note that is not true at all. Ive never been fond of graphics being used in diaries vast amounts, no matter what board. It wouldnt matter if it was someone I was cool with at a board and had no problems with. If they used graphics in their diary where they have pictures for everything, Id call them on it. I wont let graphics being used affect my opinion on the writing and everything else, of course. I just wanted to point that out to Apu.
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I'd just like to make another observation.. entirely my opinionated view of course but still - ill through it out there and see what others say.. the whole 'Diaries should be written for your own enjoyment and no-one else' arguement.. I find that a bit flawed.. as personally - ill make a diary because I want other people to see what's happening in my game.. and to give me ideas and inspiration to do different things.. I write diaries entirely to gain other peoples opinions and see things from their viewpoint.. if I just wanted to play an enjoyable game - I wouldnt spend hours on end writing a diary.. I already know whats going on in my game, and I already know the stories and ideas behind what happens - I dont need to write it down; and doing so won't give me more 'enjoyment'.. so while the 'do a diary for yourself and no-one else' in essence has some basis - but i think its more of a case of 'do a diary for others in the hope that it helps your game along' again - completely my opinion but I thought it could create some discussion on this issue
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you are correct in a way VE people do want to know what people think, but just as in real life you could do with exhibiting a little more tact in your approach. If you just post the negative stuff it comes across as flamebait and judging by what you have said i sense thats not really your intention. I understand why you are critical of the diarys you read, but you really just have to work on you inter-personal skills a little EG: [QUOTE]The graphics are not neccasary and its just a waste of space and why are you pushing The Rock he has no skills what-so ever, i couldn't see anybody paying for this PPV[/QUOTE] could be phrased: [QUOTE]Im not really fond of the Rock's push at the moment, i think somebody with a little more charisma should take his spot. I like what you are doing with the great Khali though, he is long overdue a title reign. All in all you are doing an OK job, but i think i'd like to see the use of graphics toned down as it detracts a bit from the stories which have potential.[/QUOTE] see you are saying near enough the same stuff without coming across as a nasty piece of work.
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Guest Vitamin E
I used to be behind the "Do diaries for yourself" thing, but it has since become less true. While people should do diaries for their enjoyment, chances are that the reason they are even doing a diary is to get opinions of other people and get readers as opposed to doing a diary just for their enjoyment and not wanting opinions from other people and not wanting readers. I havent come across anyone who has done a diary with not wanting readers/opinions from other people. There MAY be some one out there who does, and if there is I'll be plum surprised. Panix, that is how I usually phrase things. There are instances where Ill be more bitchy and moany than I should, like in your diary, but Ill usually go through a show and if there is something I dont personally like Ill try and say so in as best way as I can. If there is a show that I really think is just bad from show logo to quick results, chances are I wont be as polite and will mainly just talk about what I thought was bad and why. Sometimes Ill leave feedback about a show segment to segment. But for me I can do better going "I didnt like so and so going over. I dont think he really deserved the win and his push should be built slowly. A few losses really wont hurt him" than going "I really like how youre pushing so and so."
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[QUOTE=Vitamin E;266999][B]Im[/B] not claiming myself to be a guru of diary writing. I apologize if people get that attitude from me, but that isn't what [B]Im[/B] trying to put across. Im posting my opinion on things I see here from my experience with diary writing. Again, sorry if I come off as some elitist prick as that [B]isnt[/B] my intention. Carlito, [B]Im[/B] not being an ass with asking what posts [B]your[/B] talking about (I know you [B]didnt[/B] say I was), I really wanted to know which posts [B]youre[/B] talking about that are littered with spelling mistakes and the like because I type so fast that sometimes i [B]dont[/B] catch some spelling errors. Either that or I dont know how a word is spelt and come up with my own spelling.[/QUOTE] Dude, I don't care how you spell or use grammar lol. Ask anyone here I'm the first to help when someone's in need and I don't like negative flaming but that's what it looks like you're trying to do. I feel like an ass just pointing that out there because who cares at the end of the day if you don't punctuate and mispell a word here and there even though I may notice it as strange? Same way as who cares if people litter their diaries with graphics? You don't like something, I don't like something, the only difference is I'm not a big enough prick to point it out ;) [QUOTE=Vitamin E;266999]If I say something like.... "I dont like such and such getting a push", then that is something that cant be improved on in a way because if it is someone the writer wants to push then it is up to them. If I say something like.... "The matches should have been longer, especially if it went to 30 minutes" or "Couldnt really get into the character for so and so. Maybe try watching some clips from them?" or something, then that is something that could be improved on. Yes, I know that people should primarily write diaries for themselves/for fun, but when people post a diary they are leaving it open to any kind of feedback, and chances are they are posting a diary because they want to see what people think of it. I cant really recall anybody writing a diary with the intention of only for fun and not wanting people to read it or anything.[/QUOTE] I know of at least four diaries (I unfortunately don't have enough time to read as many as I'd like) that the writers couln't care who posts or reads. They do it for fun and to make TEW even more enjoyable. If they wanted to make it the best internet diary out there for all to read and critique they'd post it at ewb. Those sites are a dime a dozen, GDS is still mark friendly and I enjoy that aspect of it.
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you see it as fact, I see it as arguement.. :p and i wasnt referencing what you said, I was just voicing my [b]opinion[/b] on the general 'arguement' that is used every time there is a disagreement in a diary.. it always seems to crop up that 'its his own diary, hes doing it for himself'.. but if you were doing it solely for yourself - wouldnt it be sat on your desktop and not posted on a forum for 'everyone' to read..?
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[QUOTE=|Anderz|;267014]you see it as fact, I see it as arguement.. :p [/QUOTE] I see it as fact because I know several people who do write them for those reasons, have you been reading this whole thread? [QUOTE=|Anderz|;267014]and i wasnt referencing what you said, I was just voicing my [b]opinion[/b] on the general 'arguement' that is used every time there is a disagreement in a diary.. it always seems to crop up that 'its his own diary, hes doing it for himself'.. but if you were doing it solely for yourself - wouldnt it be sat on your desktop and not posted on a forum for 'everyone' to read..?[/QUOTE] If someone is writing a diary for themselves it doesn't mean occasionaly they won't want to link a friend from another site to come and have a look. Most of the guys I know who have the diaries here have the link in their sigs on other sites. Why in hell would you put it all on your desktop when Adam has made a specific forum with all the tools to do it for you?
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Do you realize that in 27 hours this thread has generated 95 replies and over 1200 views. That's more than most diaries on the forum. I hold to the contention that an author of a diary has a story to tell or the diary will not last long. I mean if it's not fun for them then they won't spend the time or the effort to continue. The story to me is what makes a diary. The ability of the author to tell a story, his story to the viewing public. I know that me personally I use the TEW game to set up the story that I want told. I have the in game mechanics deteremine the way certain aspects of the story unfold. But that's just me. So far it has seemed to work. I've had plenty of feedback both good and bad. I appreciate both. The difference I see with the feedback that I have recieved and the type that I have read in diaries you have left VE, is that while I may recieve negative feedback it's usually in response to certain pushes and such. I have also gotten plenty of feedback through PM's. As opposed to yours in general(as I do not claim to have read everything that you have posted in everyone's diaries) is a bit lacking in tact. It is more of a rip, bad, bad, bad, etc, etc. Most people don't mind hearing a little constructive criticism, but I don't know of anyone that wants to hear that the show they just spent an hour on posting ripped to shreds by someone that they don't even know. After running across a couple of these posts, I hate to admit that I formed a rather unflattering opinion of you. As I have read some of the responses today to the feedback that this post has garned, I will forget my formed opinion and start anew. Fair enough? [COLOR="Red"]What panix a troll? I thought he was Eric Tyler. What wrong thread? [/COLOR]
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theres a wire crossed here... you either interpreted my initial point wrong or (the more likely reason) I worded it poorly.. the whole 'do a diary for yourself' thing isnt 100% accurate.. as the majority of people do diaries to get other peoples opinions and help them improve their game.. (which I think is basically the same as what you were saying anyway Carlito) as for the desktop point - I was going on the basis that if the diary was truely written for yourself and no-one else, you wouldnt need to post it anywhere as other peoples opinions would mean nothing to you.. a completely hypothetical scenario - and really just me using an extreme example to try and convey my point (obviously didnt work)..
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I didn't mean to sound like I was having a go at you Anderz, it's 12 AM here and VE has made me a lil snappy. The main point I wanted to get across is there are enough flamebaiting smark sites out there who cater for posters like VE and the type of diaries he's obviously looking for. GDS is a friendly forum where constructive criticism is welcome but fun is put above all else when it comes to diaries. G'night all, I don't expect to see this open thread when I wake :p
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